Denzel's cop out

I like Denzel Washington. He's a fine actor, and has given many a performance that's award worthy. So, don't take this the wrong way. But I saw a commercial for his new movie Out Of Time, and it came to my attention that Denzel's playing a police officer in this film. A cop. And it got me to thinking, "Boy, Denzel sure has played a cop/detective/investigator-type more than a handful of times." So I checked out his filmography on the IMDB.

Holy cats! I count at least 10. See for yourself. I think he's really done everything he could possibly do in that department, don't you think? It's a waste for a guy who's given such great diverse performances from Soldier's Story to Malcolm X to He Got Game to be pissing away his career in roles he could do in his sleep. I only bitch because I love...

posted by drew on 9/21/2003

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