Break time was over 15 minutes ago, Mitch.

By way of Adrants, I recently learned that Eatmail compiled a list of the top 10 viral advertising clips of 2003. This piqued my interest, since for years I've had my e-mail box chock full o' lame clips featuring such weak and uninspired "gems" as "Lou Rawls in a blender." Perhaps this list would be of a "higher category of art", as the art teacher in Ghost World might say.


Pretty much run of the mill stuff, from Mastercard spoofs to sex jokes to the Star Wars kid. Yawn. But still, the #2 clip was Terry Tate, Office Linebaker (check it out)which was my favorite Super Bowl commercial of last year, so that cushioned my viewing disappointment.

Why do I love this commercial so? What's not to adore? The concept of a huge linebacker tackling, crushing, and taunting fellow co-workers is pure gold. Add in the fella yelling about cover sheets on TPS reports, all Office Space-style, and you've got a classic for the ages.

Sometimes at work, I'll put on my best Terry Tate voice and say things like "Don't hover at my desk while I'm on the phone, Linda!" or "Forcing me to listen to Celine Dion is not the way to get on my good side, Bill!"

All I get is blank stares, or looks of pity and/or disgust. They don't even marvel that I have actual TPS cover sheets on my desk. My pop culture references are utterly unappreciated. I'm like the office version of Mr. Roper, making jokes for the invisible audience that doesn't really exist. But just like Mr. Roper, at least it makes me chuckle to myself, and that's good enough for me.

posted by drew on 1/07/2004

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