Smile, you son of a bitch!
I've considered myself pretty good in this lifetime at telling if people are giving me a smile that is less than genuine. Usually it when they've asked me to sign on the line that is dotted, informed me I didn't the job, reacted to a painful joke of mine, or sighed "Don't worry Drew, it happens to lots of guys."
So I found it pretty interesting that the BBC devised a little test to see how well people could discern between the real deal and the human resources manager type of smile. I scored a whopping 14 out of 20, but when you take the test, you'll see...it's freakin' hard. So I'll takes what I gots. Although, come to think of it....that means that 30% of the thousands of people in my life who I thought were giving me legitimate smiles were actually faking me out. Phony bastards.
posted by drew on 2/06/2004
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