I'm "not exactly useless", ma!

My guidance counselor was right after all. Also, in case you didn't know, I'm "not a must read". And alas, I'm also a cinematic tease. It's in the newspaper (The Toronto Star to be precise, check it out), so it must be true. Hmmm...I do believe my last evaluation at work also included the phrase "not exactly useless." At least this piece in The Star didn't include other similar phrases from my work evaluation, like "chronic stapler thief" and "should put as much time and energy working as he does making his rubber band ball."

All petty whining aside, I must admit, they did say some nice things too. I certainly was included in some fine company and it still is pretty darn cool to be mentioned; I can handle the abuse. Hell, I'd rather read some semi-snarky comments about my blog than, say, sit through a movie like The Human Stain again. I am only human, you know.

And as somebody famous once said, there's no such thing as bad publicity. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the famous person wasn't Pee Wee Herman.

posted by drew on 3/16/2004

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