Who's a bad widdle kittie? Who is? You! Yes, you are!
Did I ever tell you that I'm 100% positive that my personal hell will contain somebody speaking to me in that fashion eternally? "Who's a bad boooooy? Who's gonna buuuurn? You are! You cwispy w'il fwame-bwoiled cutie!"
Ah, felt good to get that off my chest. There was a point to that catharsis; have you seen the new Catwoman poster yet? I know, I know...making fun of Catwoman is getting to be about as cliche' as bitching about Carrot Top or Dennis Miller's turn to the dark (and worse, unfunny) side. But sheesh, Catwoman just consistently comes up with new and astonishing ways to keep me comin' back to the well.
Look closely (larger pic) at Halle Berry and her body language, with her kitty tush just barely cut off so you can't quite see what's what. I've seen many cats in that exact same squatting position, same bizarre look in their eyes.
When they're taking a crap.
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like she's going to be obsessively digging up some Jonny Cat in a second to guiltily cover up the evidence. Lovely image to put in my head, fellas. I'm sure you've now cornered the market opening weekend for feline scatological freaks.
Related tune: Year Of The Cat by Al Stewart (mp3 via page 27)
posted by drew on 5/29/2004
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