Elizabeth 2: A Little Less Off The Sides This Time.
Hail to the queen, baby! It's a given that dreck like MIB and The Santa Clause get the sequel treatment, but I'll betcha nobody was expecting the news that Shekhar "Don't Call Me Tupac" Kapur is planning an Elizabeth sequel with Cate Blanchett. I can't wait.
Since the full title of the flick was Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen, how 'bout they make the long title of this one Elizabeth: Roundin' Second? That'll rope in the American Pie crowd, guaranteed. Or perhaps not.
After Cate got so royally hosed for Best Actress to Gwyneth Paltrow back in '98, here's to hoping this'll be her chance to finally snag the big kahuna. Cate Blanchett belongs to that elite gang of thesps including Emily Watson, Julianne Moore, Tilda Swinton, Samantha Morton, and Naomi Watts that Oscar teases with nominations but that doesn't seem to have the cojones to give 'em the damn thing. If I hear anything about Gwynnie signing on to Tennessee Williams In Love to be released the same year, I'll throw myself in front of a streetcar, I assure you.
One small request before you starting casting, if I may, Mr. Kapur. You know that lesser Fiennes guy you cast the first time around? Have you noticed how Joseph hasn't been in anything lately, unless you're counting such quality projects like Killing Me Softly? You may feel an urge to cast him again out of some sort of obligation or maybe pity after watching another straight-to-video Fiennes classic, Forever Mine. Please don't. I beg of thee. Because to paraphrase Dostoyevsky, a society can be judged by the amount of screen time it gives to Joseph Fiennes.
News via Dark Horizons.
Related tune: Like A Virgin by Madonna (windows media via people475.com)
posted by drew on 6/02/2004
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