Excessive childhood thumb sucking causes brain damage!

Not for 99.9% of the population, of course, but after reading this article, Juliette Lewis seems to have suffered a bit of lack of oxygen to the brain.

You see, Juliette is still bummed that her l'il chihuahua, Chowie, was an appetizer to a bunch of ravenous coyotes seven years ago. And hey, it's a sad thing when your Chowie is chowed down upon; don't get me wrong. There's no shame in an extended grief period. Although, really, if somebody named my ass Chowie, I might consider getting put out of my misery a blessing in disguise.

But she's considering seeing a pet psychic to see what's up with Chowie. In the interview with EW, she said "I want to go to her (the pet psychic) and say, ‘Where is my Chowie? Is he reincarnated? And how can I find him?'"


Regardless of one's opinions about the validity of psychics when it comes to people, aren't we all in agreement that going to psychics in the pet arena is, for lack of a better term, TOTALLY FREAKIN' INSANE? Juliette, I'm pretty darn confident that no matter what some Oda Mae for canines tells you, Chowie has not been reincarnated as a butterfly, a baby seal, or Apple Paltrow-Martin. Trust me, there's no putting Chowie "back in bowl"; there are no doggy Shirley MacLaines.

And before you ask, this also applies to cactuses, Adele.

Related tune: Reunited by Peaches and Herb (mp3 via darwinistmemoirs.com)

posted by drew on 6/07/2004

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