"You wanna be big time? You gonna die, big time!"

Of shock, that is. Turns out The Guardian, which happens to be my British newspaper of choice, picked yours truly as their top blog of the day for June 4, 2004. And even more surprising is that unlike every other major accomplishment in my life (graduating, snagging a merit badge for rope climbing, scoring opening day tickets to Spidey 2), I didn't even have to sexually humiliate myself all Joe Buck style in order to receive the honor! What a relief.

So, you know, if you editor-types are reading, this is your big opportunity to acquire my services while I'd still work for a pat on the head and a fist full of peanuts. Why not climb up my figurative fire escape a la Richard Gere and rescue me from my Office Space existence so I can truly express myself? I'm much easier than Julia Roberts and I promise not to wear ridiculous wigs or mangle Tom Jones in the tub.

On a side note, I had the brilliant idea to tell some co-workers about my British accolade. They had the same exact thing to say. I mean, besides "Do I know you?" or "Security!" Each and every single one of them replied:

"What's a blog?"


Related tune: Mr. Big Stuff by Jean Knight (mp3 via malaco.com)

posted by drew on 6/04/2004

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