The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

Hot damn, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy teaser trailer (.avi) is here! And boy, does it appeal to my inner dork. By the way, I show my inner dork on the outside, in case that "inner" word caused you raise an eyebrow. I suspect the main event in the teaser would warrant at least a yellow on the the national threat level thingamahoo, but given how quickly things transpire in the book, it's hardly what I'd consider to be a spoiler.

But in an altogether different matter, I'm astonished that they gave away the answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. If you're on the lookout for it, that is. People have waited countless lifetimes for this kind of answer to the philosophical quandries that have plagued mankind! It's like if they would have showed Dirk Diggler's diggler in the teaser trailer for Boogie Nights, instead of waiting 'til the end of the movie. Not that I particularly wanted to see that monstrosity; I still have nightmares about it chasing me down a hallway. Jen's not fond of that dream for some reason.

Trailer and poster via CHUD.

Related tune: Hitchin' a Ride by Vanity Fare(mp3 via vanity fare)

posted by drew on 7/27/2004

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