More twists than an Oliver casting call.

I think that's the worst title for a post I've ever done and I apologize in retrospect. Then again, I don't feel so bad that I would actually go and change it. Apathy, thy name is Drew.

Here's a nifty new little Guardian movie quiz creatively titled "Twist Endings Quiz." You have to be a freakin' genius to do well on this quiz. I should know, for I scored 10 out of 10 on it. Plus, I learned what a sledge is! Could life be any finer?

Okay, to be honest, the quiz is pretty damn easy. But hey, can you think of a better way to both kill a minute or two and boost your ego at the same time?

Besides arm-wrestling small children or using the power of urination to extinguish a campfire, I mean.

Related tune: Peppermint Twist by Joey Dee and The Starlighters(windows media via cdzlimited)

posted by drew on 8/19/2004

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