A rumor is not a rumor that doesn't die.
You know what's something I could go my whole life without ever hearing again? Besides the Video Professor begging me to try his product, I mean. I don't ever want to see another story about Quentin Tarantino making a Vega Brothers movie, unless it's the first day of shooting....and I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Seems every single time John Travolta, Michael Madsen, or Quentin Tarantino get interviewed, this movie concept is mentioned and everybody from a diddle-eyed Joe to damned if I know always report it as if it were news. This ain't news, people.
You want to know just how old this fanboy wet dream is? Check out this post from alt.fan.tarantino back in March 2, 1995. I quote:
"I'm not sh*ttin y'all but I read this morning that QT is writing a movie based on the Vega Brothers, Vince And Vic." My favorite response to the post, same day, March 2, 1995?
"This rumour has been flying around far too long without any concrete proof that I've seen anywheres."
So this was already old ten years ago! Back when Thora Birch and Christina Ricci were children, and Mel Gibson was making a movie about a misunderstood fella who got tortured and killed, for chrissakes!
I love QT. So yeah, don't get me wrong, I'd see this movie opening night if it ever came to fruition. But until that day let's all make a pact to never, ever mention this project again as long as we live. Enough is enough. Because, in the immortal words of Mr. Orange:
"I'm f*ckin' dyin' here! I'm f*ckin dyin'!"
Related tune: Don't Believe The Hype by Public Enemy (Real Audio via deadbeatclub.com)
posted by drew on 9/06/2004
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