Now that's a bus to lose your virginity in!

Not to get all Napoleon Dynamite on you, but that bus is sweet. Tragically, the transit authorities in San Fran and L.A. rejected the Six Feet Under bus wrap featuring Claire's whip with the punk-assed excuse that it might "hurt ridership." Hurt ridership!?! I'd bet even Ludacris in Crash would admit that the normal humiliation factor due to oversized windows would be negated by such a pimped bus.
After all, Claire's green hearse is the second most supercool deathmobile in the history of all mankind.
You do know the first, don't you?
Harold's ride, naturally.
And there you were, thinking this post had nothing to do with movies whatsoever...
(found via adrants)
Related tune: If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out by Cat Stevens (mp3 via a joy to know)
posted by drew on 8/02/2005
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