Time For Weekend Haiku by Drew
You know the scoop by now; here are my thoughts on the new movies coming out this weekend expressed in haiku form. Remember, I use lower case for everything, because I bust my haiku all ee cummings-style, yo.
That sound you hear is e.e. cummings turning over in his grave. Vehemently.
curious george dumbass george makes mess older white dude runs the show does this ring a bell?
final destination 3 bad things come in threes some death should not be cheated time to pull the plug
firewall ford used to smile some now he's grumpy McAnal hang it up, indy
the pink panther this remake features steve martin and beyonce my eighth ring of hell
Related tune: Poetry Man by Phoebe Snow (mp3 via barabbi.org)
posted by drew on 2/10/2006
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