I can check out any time I like...

Wow, it's been a little over five months since I last posted on this sweet blog o' mine. In a shocking turn of events, my self-imposed banishment is officially over. Why did I leave in the first place? Shut up, that's why.

Have no fear though, once I get into a good groove and I get a regular following again, I'll be sure to disappear again. My shrink had the nerve to say I had issues with following through on things, but you would have been super-proud when I told her...oh, nevermind.

Ummm...has anything been going on with Mel Gibson since I've been gone? I sent him an invitation to come to my Rosh Hashanah shindig but sadly he didn't R.S.V.P. Instead, he scribbled a note that was kind of hard to read. It was something about responsibility for wars (?) and he addressed me as something that looked like "bike", but with Mel's handwriting, I just couldn't make it out. I hope he's not mad at me or something!

Related tune: Cats In The Cradle by Cat Stevens (Real Audio via Terrific Music)

posted by drew on 8/10/2006

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Obviously, I'm not trying to re-invent the movie blog wheel here. I'm just never lacking in opinions about movies, pop culture, news, and other assorted hoohah. And my mailman has put a restraining order on me, so here's my place to vent.

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