O James Franco, Who Art Thou?
 Click the pic, damn you.
Related tune: Who Are You by The Who (mp3 via tarpbg.com)
posted by drew on 8/23/2006
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O' Edward Norton, Where Art Thou?
Click the pic to embiggen, yadda yadda.

Postscript: After Primal Fear, Rounders, American History X, and Fight Club, I was the biggest Edward Norton cheerleader on the planet. Heck, the guy should have won two Oscars by my count. But he'd better start making some decent flicks pronto before he gets dangerously close to Julianne Moore territory.
Related tune: Heartbreaker by Dionne Warwick (mp3 via pokemonsux.com)
posted by drew on 8/19/2006
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And the award for most cringeworthy Aint It Cool headline goes to:

I shudder to think how they're gonna title the review for this movie...
Related tune: Try A Little Tenderness by Otis Redding (mp3 via the intergalactic jester)
posted by drew on 8/10/2006
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I can check out any time I like...
Wow, it's been a little over five months since I last posted on this sweet blog o' mine. In a shocking turn of events, my self-imposed banishment is officially over. Why did I leave in the first place? Shut up, that's why.
Have no fear though, once I get into a good groove and I get a regular following again, I'll be sure to disappear again. My shrink had the nerve to say I had issues with following through on things, but you would have been super-proud when I told her...oh, nevermind.
Ummm...has anything been going on with Mel Gibson since I've been gone? I sent him an invitation to come to my Rosh Hashanah shindig but sadly he didn't R.S.V.P. Instead, he scribbled a note that was kind of hard to read. It was something about responsibility for wars (?) and he addressed me as something that looked like "bike", but with Mel's handwriting, I just couldn't make it out. I hope he's not mad at me or something!
Related tune: Cats In The Cradle by Cat Stevens (Real Audio via Terrific Music)
posted by drew on 8/10/2006
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