Flawless Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Flawless script is here for all you fans of the Michael Caine and Demi Moore movie. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and all that jazz, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. At least you'll have some Flawless quotes (or even a monologue or two) to annoy your coworkers with in the meantime, right?

And swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards -- because reading is good for your noodle. Better than Farmville, anyway.

Flawless Script


What's that?
Oh, my god.


Thank you.

Woman: Hold on one second.

Well, yes.

Hold on one second.
One second.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Cassie Jane, I'm the features
editor at the paper.

We spoke on the phone earlier.
It's, um...

Laura Quinn.

Robin, go ahead.

I got front page?

Perfect. Thanks.

Thanks, bye.

Whoo! We should be careful
what we wish for. Hmm.

Having it all at 25 cannot
be biologically correct.

So, thank you
for contacting us.

As you know, we're
running a series

of features
called "Women Who Led."

All about the everyday women

who back in the late fifties,
the early sixties,

started breaking
the boundaries,

really inventing
the modern woman.

A lot of people who
turned up in our research

turned out to be dead,
but you're...

alive, so that's great.

I, um, I need
to paint a picture.

You're hired by the London
Diamond Corporation.

It's number one in the world.
It is the fifties.

It's a fiercely
male-dominated environment.

You take on the men.

You battle your way up
and become... a manager.

Well, that's not going to
impress anyone these days,

but you were the only female
manager that had ever existed

in that company and I want
to know your story.

You know, I haven't
set foot in this city

as a free woman
in over 40 years.


It's changed.

It's an exceptional
piece, isn't it?

168 carats, 58 facets,

very rare.

I stole it...

from London Diamond.

Good deal took place
at London Diamond.

It may not be
in your notes.

You've been in prison.
That's where you've been.

Good morning,

Miss Quinn, good morning.

Good morning,
Miss Quinn.

Good morning,
Miss Quinn.

Good morning, Mr. Hobbs.

Aiming to beat
the sunrise, Miss Quinn?

Literate, Henry.

No more blood for diamonds!

I see our fan club
is assembled.



Good morning, Mr. Milton.

Good morning,
Mr. Milton.

Morning, gents.
Good morning.

I'm sure by now
you're all aware...

tensions reached a head
yesterday in Kimstad.

What are
the final figures?

What do you mean?
Dead? How many dead?

A hundred, give or take,

most of them on our pay roll.

It is a cock-up.

Everyone is pointing
their fingers at us.

Christ Almighty!

The whole pissing South
African regime is our fault.

What are the Soviets saying?

I'm afraid the Russians
are leading the charge.

They're pressing
for U.N. sanctions.

They're going to war with us

the week that we are
renewing their contracts.

We don't need
the Russians.

With respect, sir,

if the soviets broke away,
it would be disastrous.

They could align
with Botswana,

Sierra Leone,
or even Angola.

Combined production
would exceed our own.

We would no longer
control global supply.

The cartel collapses
and prices would free fall.

The Russians are paid
well above market.

They won't
break ranks.

In any case, officials from the
Soviet diamond trading organization

are en route
as we speak.

To end our relationship.

Very well.

Now we have two days.

Two days to find
a solution.

Wait, wait, uh, um...

one final item.

I'd like you to join me
in congratulating

our newest
Managing Director,

who, god willing, will keep
us afloat in Cape Town,

Mr. Peter Boland.

Well done.

I'm speechless.

Boland over you?

The old man
is losing his mind.

No, he's
thinking straight.

In addition to being
several years my senior,

Boland's experience is far
better suited to the position.

Besides, they're doing
me a favor.

Didn't you know cape town's
a furnace in the summer?

Well, I hope that they've got
something better lined up for you.

"Lon Di subsidiaries worldwide, 1,223.

"Female Managing Directors,


"Don't give up.

"Work harder.

"You will win."

You forgot again.


It's a holiday,
middle of the day,

people meet, unwind,
buy make-up, plot against men.

Oh, it's all the rage.

I'm so sorry.

Look, it's one crisis
after another.

Can we reschedule?

Tuesday it is,
but not with me,

with Kenneth Pearson,

a friend of mine that
would like to meet you.

Judy, it's so kind,

but I really don't like
the name Kenneth.

Don't leave it
too long, Laura.

There won't be
any plots left.

Oh, working late again,
Miss Quinn?

Always the first to arrive
and the last to leave.

Your colleagues must value
your dedication.

What's that bit from
the, uh, from the Bible?

You know, "he who
is last shall be first

"and he who is first
shall be last."

Is that how it goes?


What a load of rubbish.

We all know you
take what you desire.

Fortune favors the bold.

Take those South Africans,
for example.

Do you think we should
hand them their freedom

or let them seize it
for themselves?

Well, that's an interesting
debate, but a dangerous one maybe.

But for my money,

I'd say things are never as
simple as they would seem.

I'm sure
you're right, Miss Quinn.

You're the one with the suit.

Good night.

Good luck.

Living dangerously,
Miss Quinn?

Recklessly, Henry.

Man: Something troubling you,
Miss Quinn?

The existing
Russian contract.

I propose
we simply extend it.

I'm sorry.
You've lost me.

Was it not you that
suggested the Russians

were on their way
here to sever all ties?

If we allow the soviets to publicly
disassociate with London Diamond,

let them pound
the table at the U.N.,

denounce racist capitalism
and so on and so on,

but secretly
we extend our contract

and keep it a strictly
private matter,

at least until the storm
has passed over.

While they continue
to wholesale

diamonds at
a magnificent price.

That's not bad.
That's not bad at all.

Who else have
you told about this?

Man: It's much better now
than it ever was.

Second man:
In such a short time.

Laura, is that you?

Harold Reynolds, good god.

Gentlemen, this lady
is the cleverest person

I've ever met,
and she's American.

Ran circles around
the lot of us at Oxford.

Of course I don't
talk to her anymore.

She turned me down
for dinner three times.

I was just
testing his resolve.

If he had tried one more
time, I would have said yes.

I'm with allied banking
heading up syndications.

We've just been sweating
over your accounts.

A lot of ice down there.

No doubt impressive, but
it's making people nervous.

But now I know you're here,

I can sleep a little easier.

Um, unless of course you're
considering a career change,

with allied banking,

world domination
can also be arranged.

Henry: Earliest and brightest
as usual, Miss Quinn.

Oh, I do my best, Henry.

Thank you.

No, you won't.

Miss Quinn.
Miss Quinn.

Why don't we sit
in there?

Mr. Hobbs?


Mr. Hobbs, I'm flattered,

but I'm... I'm... I'm
really not looking.

Oh, please... please
don't panic, Miss Quinn.

I'm... I'm a happily
married man.

And I wouldn't be
so courageous.

I... I have a proposal
to put to you.

It's... it's a trifle.

Just give me
five minutes. Please.

Come and sit.

It's something
I do to get sympathy.

War wound. The Blitz.

My wife and I, we went
for some music at Wilton's.

Very explosive performance.

Anyway, we both
survived that one,

only to find out that my wife
was living on borrowed time.

I thought you were
happily married?

Oh, I am, Miss Quinn.

And I always will be.

Are you always in the habit of
reading private correspondence?

Would you hold these
for me, please?


This is more like
a diary of frustration.

"Number of Lon Di
subsidiaries worldwide 1,223."

"Number of female
Managing Directors, 0."

That first number
is not correct.

It's 1,224 now,

but the other number,
that is quite accurate.

You've succeeded
in arousing my curiosity.

Now, I'm wondering
what it is you want.

Well, I... I think the
question is, Miss Quinn, is,

what is it
that you want?

Hey, this is ridiculous.

They're... they're going
to knock over a bank

in the middle of London
in broad daylight.

I could have
your job for this.

Yeah, and they might
just give it to you.

I know that you've been
passed over six times

in the last three years

for someone less
qualified than you.

You know this has
been illuminating,

but I am really
am very, very busy.

Miss Quinn, please.
Please sit down.

Please sit down. Please.

I... I haven't got
to my point yet.

They're going
to fire you.

Excuse me?

Yes, your ingenious
Russian proposal.

How do you know
about that?

How do you know
all of my business?


I'm only trying to help.

You know,
it's extraordinary

the conversations people will
have in front of their cleaners.

It's like...
like we don't exist.

What conversations?

Well, I'm not a businessman,

but I certainly
got the gist of it.

What conversations?

Well, the Russians
won't accept your plan

unless it's kept secret
among senior staff...

and only
the senior staff.

They don't seem to think
that you qualify.

Well, I don't believe you.

Well, uh, you...
you're probably right.

The ramblings
of an old man, eh?

Who would notice?

Hey, this is a good bit.

Look there.

Would you like a peanut?

Oh, is MKA in?

He's just left.
That's odd.

Someone from the Prime
Minister's Office is in the lobby.

Says he has
an appointment.


Oh, no, that's
not right at all.


Well, I seem
to be the end

of the whole restaurant.

You look wonderful.

Well, I heard reinvention
was the latest craze.

Thought I'd try
it on for size.

Thank you for seeing me.

Well, don't thank me
too quickly.

Um, ahem.

It's bad news, I'm afraid.

We can't offer you a position.

Really, why not?

There's a conflict
of interests.

Lon Di is our largest client,
back to the Boer War.

We funded Ernest Ashtoncroft's
first diamond mines 70 years ago.

Well, it's done
all the time.

You simply ask their
permission to speak with me.

Say I know nothing
about it, unsolicited.

That sort of thing.
I did.

Look, and I tell you this
in confidence as an old friend.

But they're saying you're
grossly incompetent.

Claim you botched their
relations with the Russians.

That is absolutely

I am sorry.

Word came down quietly you
are not to be touched by us

or in all likelihood by anyone
doing business with Lon Di.

Well, that's every
last company on earth.

You said you, um,
had something else to discuss.

Well, I... I feel
stupid now.

I was going to finally
accept your offer of dinner.

Well, that, um, would have
to be unadventurous.

Married now five years,

three rather boisterous
girls to prove it.

You should come
over one Sunday.

Mmm, good soup.

Early lunch, Miss Quinn?

Very early
and very long.

I'm taking
the afternoon off.

Placed a bet,
Miss Quinn?

Oh, I never gamble.

Not on dogs, cards,
or strangers.

You were right.

Was I?

Why do you want to steal
from the company?

Who said I did?


War and plunder,

the two most reliable
sources of income.

I didn't realize
we were at war.

In six months' time

I shall retire
to a hearty pat on the back

and a not to hearty pension,

a situation
in dire need of attention.

So money, plain
and simple?

Suppose I wanted to do
something for my wife.

Your wife
who died 15 years ago?

The one you're
happily married to?

Lovely. You did
your homework.

I guess you would.

What else
did you uncover?

That you're far
from stupid,

and you were forced to
apprentice under your father,

the one
with the drinking problem.

Oh, yes, married at 21 and years
later when your wife became ill,

you took the night job
at London Diamonds

so you could spend
your days by her side.

You never did use
those qualifications.

Clever, Miss Quinn.


How do you know
I won't turn you in?

Are we still speaking

I mean, what makes you think
you can pull off such a thing?

Well, simply because
I have a plan.

What I propose involves
the least possible risk

because we don't have to
change our normal routines.

Each night at 9:00...

they lock the front doors,

which means,
that for 10 hours,

no one can go in
or out of the building.

They increase the security
on the main floor

but on the lower floor they
just keep these two guards,

here and here
by the lift,

which is the sole
point of access.

You intend to go
for the vault?

That's where
the diamonds are.

You can't be serious.

Generally, each evening I
start on the fourth floor

and work
me way down, see?

Nice day today.

Once through
the outer floors

I'm escorted
to the sub basement.

The next few hours are
spent on rubbish collection,

mopping, waxing, minor
repair and maintenance.

During that time,
I'll work mostly unattended.

Once an hour or so,
someone checks up on me.

Otherwise, I'm
left entirely to myself.

I mean, in theory,

I could take off all my
clothes and walk around naked.

A frightening thought,
Miss Quinn.

Don't dwell on it.

I'll try not to.

I've saved the vault
hallway for last.

The long corridor that leads
to a circular door,

behind which

lies one of the largest singular
deposits of riches on earth.

For 16 years
I've been working

within a hare's
breath of that door,

and for 16 years I've never
opened it, not once.

You couldn't if you wanted
to, not without the codes.

The codes are changed weekly
and entrusted to only two people.

Mr. Eaton, lifelong company
servant, portrait of reliability.

Rumor has it that the swiss use
his pulse to set their clocks by.

And, of course, Sir Milton
Kendrick Ashtoncroft,

aging ruler of everything
that daylight touches.

And you plan to obtain
the codes how?

That's where you come in,
Miss Quinn.

Until recently, this was
supposed to be a solo operation.

A year ago, quite by accident,

I discovered that Sir Milton kept
the codes concealed in his desk.

Then some months back,
they were gone.

Night after night,

I searched the office,
but they never turned up.

Why'd you wait?

Why not do it while
you had the chance?

Oh, I've asked myself that
question a thousand times.

I told you, I'm...
I'm not courageous.

But my hesitating
will be your gain.

Will it?

And what will
that require?

Here, proof of conviction.

You are on the, uh,
guest list, are you?

It's business.
I'm expected.

We're entertaining
the Russians.

You suspect he keeps
the codes at home?

On Saturday, go to his study

and look under the center
drawer in his desk.

This is ridiculous.

Say I did find the codes

and you were able to slip in
and out of the vault undetected.

How would you get the
diamonds out of the building?

How much will it hold?

How much would
you like it to hold?

What's the price of revenge?

Difficult, eh?

Would a million pound do?

I should think so.

They wouldn't even
notice that much.

Well, by then...

I'll be retired and
you'll have been let go.

Why should I trust you?

The same reason
I have to trust you.

We have the same objective.

Oh, you make it all
sound so easy.

Is that a yes?

No, it isn't.

Be sure to wear
something nice.

Good evening, sir.

Come on in.

The Russians here?

To pressurized carbon.

Here here!

Now that's
a sight worth seeing.

Sir Clifton Sinclair, our
very own insurance man,

making a rare trip down from
his ivory tower at King's Row.

No doubt losing sleep over our
somewhat top heavy inventory.

Oh, I don't think Sinclair's
the type to lose sleep.

It's rather unnerving
to consider a man

with that history as London
diamond's greatest guarantor.

Ooh, you didn't know.

He was mixed up in all
those insurance scandals

before the national
health service.

Of course, he's
completely innocent,

or he was never prosecuted.

Otherwise, we wouldn't
do business together.

Allow me to present
Vladimir Dmitriev,

head of the Soviet
Diamond Authority.

Mr. Chanson,
my second in command.

How do you do?

And miss
Laura Quinn,

one of our
brightest gems.

Ballet, vodka, diamonds,

the three things closest
to the Russian soul.

And which do you prefer?

Diamonds, of course.

I'll drink to that.

My lord!

And what would you have
done had I said ballet?

I would ask you to dance.

Of course, I have
ulterior motives.

And, um, what makes
you think I don't?

I shall miss her.

How's the old man
bearing up?

Oh, I expect
he'll outlive us all.

Well, I only ask because
I should think hoarding

basically a worthless commodity
would be very bad for his heart.

What am I doing?

I ask myself that

I didn't see you.

Purely by design.

You've stumbled into my lair,
my sanctuary of sorts.

Yes, I think I know
what you mean.

At least the evening
is a success.

Your father's spared
no expense.

Never does,
always first class,

so long as it's discreet
and doesn't attract attention.

Yes, he's famous
for his discretion.

Is it true he paid pounds to the families

of the miners
who died in protest?


Pulled the bullets
from the caskets.

Should be a discount
for that.

What sort of man
does such a thing?

A man of conscience.

Miss Quinn: Mr. Hobbs.

I'm having trouble with
the heat in my office.

Uh, Miss Quinn,
do you want...

more or less heat
in your office?

If we do this, I want
to know every last detail.



Man: Now, if you just
lock it off under there.

We have to call it off.

They've installed
security cameras.

Closed Circuit Television
monitoring everything.

I've been with them all
morning showing interest.

Cameras in the building?

Yes, inside, outside,
halls, lobby.

In the vault?

No, but
the vault corridor.

They don't want
security guards staring

at mounds
of diamonds all day.

Can you blame them?

Oh, security cameras,
goodness gracious.

What'll they
think up next?

Is there any way
around them?

No, absolutely not.


There are eight
separate cameras

covering the entire
sub basement,

including one dedicated
to the vault corridor.

The cameras link
to the guard station,

and Eaton has a man on watch hours a day, seven days a week.

Basement's here.

We've got reception,
boardroom, the corridor.

So you'll just have to
reconsider that pension of yours.

All right.
So, fool proof, eh?

And you came all the way
over to the wrong side

of town to tell me...

when you could've
told me tonight.

You've seen a way,
haven't you?

I have not, Mr. Hobbs.

Your tenacity reminds
me of my wife.

Why are you being
so persistent?

Because I hate
English winters.

Now, tell me how
it can be done.

All right. There's
one possibility,

but I'm telling you,
it won't work.

Although there are eight
cameras in the sub basement,

only four images are on
screen at any one time.

Four on, four off,

and since the images cycle
in 15-second intervals,

they reappear
in the order they leave.

So each image
is off-screen for...

60 seconds, yeah?

Yeah, 60 seconds,
but that's not enough time.

Enough time?

I'll be in that vault
in 10 seconds flat.

You can't be standing
outside the vault

when the image goes
off screen

and be nowhere in sight
when it reappears.

You have to start
at the end of the corridor,

and that's 40 yards long.

Well, I don't have
a problem with that.

With all due respect,
Mr. Hobbs,

you can hardly walk,
let alone run.

I'm telling you,
I can do it.

This has gone too far.

I'm sorry.

You're involved now,
whether you like it or not.

I beg your pardon.

You gave me the code, Miss
Quinn, so you're involved.

Make no mistake.

I'm going through
with this.

And don't you pretend
to me that you don't want it,

because you want
it more than I do.

You want a life that means
something that adds up.

And you know that this is the
only way you're going to get it.

Miss Quinn,
you said it yourself.

They're never going
to notice it.

This is how it'll work.

Tomorrow we'll
synchronize our watches,

but it has
to be tomorrow

before they realize
the flaw in the system.

At the exact moment you're
at the vault corridor,

I'll call
the guard station.

That should buy you at
least 30 more seconds.

When this is over, I think
best we not speak again.

Evening, Miss Quinn.

Evening, Henry.

Evening, Henry.

Evening, Miss Quinn.
May I?

What's the word,

Ask me again on Friday.

Good night, sir.

Good night.



Damn it.



Man: Halt!

I'm afraid
there's a problem.

If you won't mind,
come along with me.


Mr. Lewis, I'm afraid.

God knows what
that man ingests.

Would you mind?

I'll, uh,
leave you to it.

Mr. Hobbs.

Morning, Miss Quinn.

How are things
this morning, Henry?

In a word, dull.

Isn't there
a sight next week?

Fifth Monday.

That's very odd.
The sorties have gone home.

Man: Is he here yet?

MKA, is he here yet?

No, sir.

Mr. Jameson, what happened?
What is so important?

Man: Miss Quinn?

Miss Quinn, you in there?

I need not remind you

we're all bound to the
strictest confidentiality.

Under no circumstances
are we to discuss the incident.

Any acts to the contrary

will result in the
severest consequences.

Is that clear?
Yes, of course.

The elevator's
the single point of entry,

no underground tunnels,

three narrow
ventilation ducts,

all of which
lead nowhere.

The entire sub basement
is encased in concrete,

marble and the outer casing
is solid steel.

This has to be the most secure
facility in all of Europe.

That's certainly
what we believed.

Besides, there was nearly
two tons of diamonds.

You would need an army
of men and several vehicles.

Now, you all know
Sir Clifton Sinclair,

from King's Row,
our underwriters.

Well, we've talked it
through and we have agreed

that our utmost priority must be
the appearance of business as usual.

I mean... any police

and subsequent publicity
would be a disaster.

Just like that,
all confidence gone.

So we handle
the matter privately.


As you all know, King's
Row has been behind

London Diamond
for the last 70 years.

And today
is no exception.

With that in mind,

I'd like to introduce
you to Sir Gavin Finch,

our Chief
Insurance Investigator.

Mr. Finch.

Good morning, everyone.

Please, there
is no need to panic.

We will find
your diamonds.

No need to panic?
The royal supply of diamonds

has vanished
into thin air

and there's no need
to panic?

I will see inside
the vault now

and if the night staff could
be called back, thank you.

What have you done?

It's all in hand,
Miss Quinn.

In hand?
In hand?

The contents of
a thermos, you said.

When you're finished,
meet me at the café

at the corner
of Hatton Ground.

Mr. Hobbs.


This way, please.

Not one of your
better ideas, Miss Quinn.

I suggest
we cut this short.

What have you done
with the diamonds?

I want answers,
and I want them now.

You're gonna get them
all in good time.

Oh, I can't breathe!

I insist
that you remain calm.

What did
you say to Finch?

I told him I went
on shift as normal.

I waxed the floors
for a while.

I emptied the rubbish,
a normal night.

I... I lied.

I want you
to go back to work,

do exactly
what we discussed,

keep to your routine,
and we'll talk again.


This is where
I'll be tomorrow.

Miss Quinn?

Sir Milton's office is
asking for you urgently.

Should you elect
to purchase the goods

you must notify me
by week's end.

It's my understanding
that specifics

as to the inventory
and to the purchase terms

are explicitly set forth
in this letter.

And importantly,
I'm not to be made privy

to any arrangement between
my client and yourself.

You are simply to alert me
to your intentions,

at which point I will
provide instructions

regarding method of payment.

My client will then convey where
you may take possession of the goods.

Mr. Boyle,
are we to understand

the identity of your client
is unknown to you?

That's correct.

As is the nature
of this inventory?

Also correct.

Excuse me,
but there's a call

for Mr. Boyle
from his office.

What in the name
of God is all this?

"Now available a selection
of uncut diamonds,

"market price, 100 million
pounds sterling."

Is that it?
Is that all it says?

"Payable within 48 hours."

We've been hijacked
by madmen!

Shouldn't this man
be detained?

I'm afraid Mr. Boyle has
told us all he knows.

Pardon the interruption.

Is there anything further?

I will await your call.

Good day.

The South African Star.

Get Sinclair back. Now!

Ah, Miss Quinn, may I?

I'm working my way
through personnel.

Yes, please.

Thank you.

Take a seat.

Would you care
for a cigarette?

No, thank you.

Thank you.

Now... Miss Quinn...

you're American, but you
were educated at Oxford.

You have been working
here for 15 years,

and you are now
a Senior Negotiator.

That's right.

Would you say you have
done well for yourself?


Not married?

And you are 38?

That's right,
Mr. Finch.

I certainly hope
that's not a crime.

Do you have any leads?


Now in your professional
capacity, Miss Quinn,

who would you say were
London Diamond's enemies?

It's potentially
a long list.

We are a major
global business.

Why do you think there could
be more to this than money?

The diamond that
Mr. Boyle has left, the...

Kimberly 4.

530 karats, the fourth largest
cut diamond in the world.

If it were
motivated by money,

it's unlikely it would
still be in our possession.

Are you saying
it's symbolic?

It's also known
as the South African Star.

Thank you, Miss Quinn.

That'll be all for now.

Oh, uh...

that Mr. Hobbs,

you're on good
terms with him?

I suppose so.

He's one of
the night janitors.

Always seems quite jovial.

You were speaking to him
today in the corridor.

Yes, I've been having
problems with my radiator.

I asked him if he could
come and look at it.

It's erratic.


And did he manage
to solve the problem?

I believe he was going to try
and find some time this week.

Good. Thank you
again, Miss Quinn.

Thank you, gentlemen,
for the instruction.

I'll get back
to you in 24 hours.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Miss Quinn, good morning.

You seem bright and
breezy this morning.

I'd like to be given
authority to liaise

with Mr. Finch
on the investigation.


With the time pressure
we're under we all need

to be communicating as
efficiently as we're able. And...


Finch was hired
by Sinclair.

Well, I don't
see why not.

There's a whole explosion
of nothing downstairs.

I see the King's Row
lawyers are back.

Surely they're not prepared to
pay the ransom on our behalf?

Not if Sinclair has
anything to do with it.

He's already lobbied the other
members of the syndicate

against settling the claims.

Saying the, uh, the deadlines
are unreasonable.

But then of course he would,
wouldn't he?

He's the majority

His life would return
to zero, where he started.

They're not bound
by contract?

Miss Quinn, as I'm
sure you're aware

where large personal
fortunes are concerned,

contracts have a habit
of developing loopholes.

And if that happened,
then we're insolvent.

No diamonds. No sight.
The world knows.

All hell breaks loose.

You'll speak
to Mr. Finch?

Tell him that
I'll be assisting.

It's our official
company position.

Well, you seem
terribly keen.

Well, my job
is at stake.

All of ours are.

All right.

I'll speak
to him right now.

This has just come
through, Mr. Finch.

Miss Quinn.

Mr. Jameson may have
spoken to you, uh,

I'm to assist you in any way
I can with the investigation.

Yes, he told me.

I'm going down
to the vault now.

Oh, these monitors.

The new security system.

Well, actually,
not very secure.

Every 60 seconds
each corridor

is left totally unobserved
for one full minute.

Well, one minute, that's
not very much time.

Time enough
to pass undetected.

The lift is
the single point of entry.

But the diamonds were not
removed by way of the lift.

Each activation
is recorded,

prompting an electronic
time stamp.

As usual, there were
three trips that night.

In each instance the lift
returned at once to the main level.

So the lift was never
stationary long enough

in the sub basement to load
the contents of the vault.

That's right.

You may need these.

Excuse me.

Steel, three inches thick,

floor, ceiling, walls.

But to get the diamonds out

they must have penetrated
it somewhere.

No forced entry.

They knew
the combination.

So, all things
considered, Mr. Finch,

what conclusions
have you arrived at?

Isn't it obvious what conclusions
I've arrived at, Miss Quinn?

A woman of your intelligence
must surely have guessed.

2:00, I believe
we're expected upstairs.

A stop gap to restore diamond
inventories to an acceptable level.

Five million pounds.

That is what you've
come up with, eh?

Financing the stones
is impossible.

You control all the major
trading centers across the planet.

When the first
diamond turns up,

within hours
you'll get the rest.

Sinclair, we are the sole supplier
of diamonds to six continents.

Any hint we can no longer
supply would be catastrophic.

Money is no substitute
for diamonds.

Miss Quinn is here
with Mr. Finch, sir.

Well, paying the ransom
won't guarantee

your diamonds back and will
make it more difficult

to apprehend
those responsible.

That is your problem,
not mine.

Now, Mr. Finch.

I believe Mr. Finch
has got something

to tell us which may
alter all our perspectives.

I am now in no doubt that
the crime was perpetrated

by either one or a number
of London Diamond employees.

I believe also that
the perpetrator obtained

the codes to the vault
from Sir Milton's residence,

most likely on the evening of
last Saturday during a party.

A team has been sent over to
the house to dust for prints.

Mr. Finch, you said
that you deemed

the motive for the
robbery to be political.

Were it a crime for profit,

a single handful
of diamonds would do.

Now, Mr. Finch,
in your opinion,

who are the most likely
political factions?

The Soviets and the South
African rebels would top the list.

And are there any
members of personnel

in London Diamond
who might be associated

with, uh, these
political factions?

Well, there was one name
that came to the surface.


Oliver Ashtoncroft, age
20, arrested at Oxford

whilst attending a
Marxist Leninist rally.

But this is ridiculous.

That was nearly
two decades ago.

Just because I don't
advocate everything

that goes on
at this company

does not make me
a communist or a thief.

That is enough!

You really have sunk
to the dregs this time, eh?

Well, I'm sorry,
but unless we can remove

even the slightest
hint of fraud,

King's Row will not even
consider full settlement.

Sinclair, as the syndicate's
largest underwriter,

you stand to lose a great deal
of your ill gotten fortune.

Or do I overstate?

Ill gotten? Well,
now that is rich,

coming from a de facto dictator
of an entire slave nation.

For 30 years
we have paid you

inordinate sums of money
for your security.

We have done so
in the hope that one day

we may receive
something in return.

Well, that day has come,
Sinclair, and what, eh?


I will crush you, Sinclair.

I will take
everything you have.

And then I will piss
on your fucking grave.

How'd you do it, Mr. Hobbs?
How'd you get them out?

Do you know what the hardest
substance in the world is?

And who's really
behind this?

The diamond.

You rub it with a cloth,
it lets off a charge.

You put it in water,
it comes up dry.

Its only enemy
is another diamond.

You do know you've rendered
the stones worthless?

All of them.
They can't be sold.

London Diamond's
the only buyer on earth.


And to that end
we have demanded a ransom.

We? No,
there is no "we."

They won't pay.

They couldn't
if they wanted.

There's no money.

And that investigator finch,
he saw us talking.

He will find out.

I have absolutely
no doubt.

Have you ever thought
about your plans, like?

No, I mean,
when you get your share,

what you gonna
do with your life.

I mean, are you gonna
be a giver or a taker?

Why, you stupid,
old man!

Wake up!
Don't you understand?

That the only life for us
is one behind bars.

Ok, look.

I can negotiate
our way out of this.

I'll go to Ashtoncroft.

Offer him the diamonds
in exchange

for our freedom
and our silence.

He'll... he'll
accept the deal.

His terror of publicity
will see to it.

All you have to do is tell
me where the diamonds are.

I'm... I'm sorry,
Miss Quinn.

I... I'd like to help, but
I do not intend to negotiate.

Well, then I have no option
but to turn myself in.

Oh, really?

Is that what you're
gonna do, eh?

After all these years
clawing your way up,

laughing at men's jokes,

subservient, neglecting
your opportunities,

giving up on love,

no time for the simple,
the decent.

Doing all the dirty work,

you're really going to throw
all that away just to spite me?

I require the money in full.

And yes, they can pay it.

It is precisely what
they are insured for.

As you wish.

Then I shall find
the diamonds myself.

Oh, is that a fact?
Oh, it certainly is.

I shall find the diamonds.

Make no mistake
about it.

Is this a bad time?

No, no, not at all.

It's just a formality,
you understand?

And we have requested
the same from all employees

who were present
a Sir Milton's party.

A set of fingerprints?

Of course.

May I?

There's really
nothing to worry about.

It's simply to rule you out
conclusively from our investigations.

Sorry, it's quite
warm in here.

Isn't it?

Now, if you'll
allow me.

Are you really considering
Ollie to be your prime suspect?

What? Mmm.

Wouldn't you say he had the greatest
facility to obtain the codes?

But does
he have the courage?

The requisite spine
of ambition?

It's hard to imagine anyone
capable of so audacious a crime.

or just ambitious?

Ambition is something you
understand, Miss Quinn.

No longer married,
Mr. Finch?

No, I'm not.

She tire of all
your investigating?

Yes, she did.

I'm sorry.


Thank you.

Oh, and just one
last thing, Miss Quinn.

I need your assistance

Could you? It's just
a matter of a few minutes.


Now, I want you to tell me
in your opinion, Miss Quinn,

if this man is lying.

Mr. Hobbs, I believe
you know Miss Quinn.

Uh, third floor, second
office from the lift, yes.

She's been kind enough to
act as my second set of ears.

Uh, are we still discussing
Tuesday night, sir?

I would like to revisit
the period

in the sub basement
from 3-6:00 a.m.

Three hours.

The bulk of which
is unaccounted for.

The nature of my job,
sir, is somewhat solitary.

Now, you stated earlier

these hours were spent
waxing and polishing floors.

Yeah, mostly. Yeah.

That's a great deal of time

devoted to polishing floors.

Oh, marble is very
particular, sir.

It requires a certain type of
polish and a lot of time to set.

At what time did you tend
to the vault corridor?

At the very end.

Between 5 and
6:00 A.M.?


Why then?

Why wait until the end?

Oh, it's... it's
a cherished task.

It's akin to tending the
palace throne, I imagine.

I always save
the best till last.


Any hobbies, Mr. Hobbs,

leisure time activities?

Yes, I... I read a good
book now and then.

Anything in particular?

Graham Greene,
uh, H.G. Wells,

Emily Dickinson.

Nothing more radical?

No Soviet literature in your
collection, Mr. Hobbs?

Oh, I... I tried
War and Peace,

but I couldn't
finish it.

You frequent
Greyhound races.

You like to watch dogs run
around in circles?

And I also wash
my smalls on Thursdays,

if you're interested.

Now, I see your wife died
some years back of cancer.

Her name was...


That's right.

It must have been
excruciating for you.

Sitting by, watching her
wither away.

Taken in
the very prime of life.

Mr. Finch, you sound like
a man who's lost something.

Perhaps if you were
to tell me what it was,

I could help
you locate it.

Mr. Finch?

We have something
that may be of interest.

Excuse me.

Mr. Finch: Come on.

That'll be all
for now, Mr. Hobbs.

I will see you later,
Miss Quinn.

In Ashtoncroft's study
I used a handkerchief,

but in the heat
of the moment

I may have left
a fingerprint.

I know why you did this.

I know it's not
about the money.

Nothing important ever is.

I understand you have
political convictions,

but you have to know King's Row
is trying every tactic not to pay.

And I have a feeling
they're going to succeed.

Our only way out of this
is to negotiate.

They'll never find
the diamonds then.

You'll get nothing.

Absolutely nothing, just
a lifetime in jail.

Is this cause
of yours worth it?

I mean, would the cause
do the same for you?

This time tomorrow morning
this will all be over.

What's that old phrase about
two wrongs a right do not make?

That's nonsense.

Sometimes to make
something right

you have to do
something just as wrong.

Oh, get... oh, yes, my cause.

It's worth a 100 lifetimes
in jail for me, Miss Quinn.

Some day you will understand.

Maybe it will inspire you to
look beyond these marble walls.

There's a remarkable
world out there.

Oh, and if it's
any consolation,

I never really
intended to involve you.

Get the forensic
department to verify it.

Yes, sir.

How about the dog track?

Yes, um...

this one here.

I'm pretty certain that's him,
sir, the janitor.

Christ, Hobbs!

How did you do it?

I'm telling you.
We have no more time.

Taking on Ashtoncroft
when his back is to the wall

will lead to a blood bath.

Someone's going
to be ruined.

And what about finch?

He says he has
some leads.

I don't think
we can rely on him.

We don't
have any choice.

Make sure that he comes up
with something, and quickly.

What the hell do you think
I have been doing?

the syndicate members.

All of them.

Convene a meeting

And tell them

Tell them...

tell them...

Tell them if
they do not come here

with their wallets open
to pay me everything

they owe me, I will dedicate
my remaining years

on this earth to ruining
every last one of them.

Tell them that.

Word for word.

Woman: London Evening News.

Put me through
to the news desk, please.

I was looking for you.

I need some air.

Will you have
a drink with me?

You know you're quite
someone, Miss Quinn.

A true maverick.

Why was it again
no one married you?

My mother said, "beating the boys
won't make you popular or happy."

It turns out
she was right.

We're the same, you and I,
outsiders, loners.

We could almost be brilliant.

But what would we achieve
with all the hours we put in?

Absolutely nothing.

Man: Anything else, sir?

Come in.

Sir, the press
are outside.

The press?

What do they want?

I'm not sure, sir.

I'll speak to them.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mr. Milton Ashtoncroft is
not available at the moment.

So, Miss Quinn...

are you going
to tell me how you did it?

Remove 100 million pounds
of diamonds past cameras,

walls of steel and security
guards and sealed doorways?

For the life of me
I can't unravel it.

I wish I could help you, but
I'm really not that clever.

Maybe you struck a deal
with the Russians.

Who knows?

You could look
after their new cartel

once Lon Di
hits the scrap heap.

Do I appear
so diabolical?

We've seen a photo of you at
the racetrack with Mr. Hobbs.

You must be mistaken.
I never gamble.

We also found some fingerprints
at the Ashtoncroft Mansion.

By midnight we shall
have conclusive results.

Oh, and, um...

did you know my fee is five
percent of recovered goods?

I understand what you're
doing, Mr. Finch.

You're testing me,

measuring my reactions,
my stimulus responses.

But the truth is you
haven't arrested me

because you
have no evidence.

Because I've
committed no crime.

Perhaps I haven't arrested you
because I'm waiting for you

to reveal who's
really behind all this.

Sir, there's been
an incident.

News of the robbery
has leaked to the press.

Mr. Ashtoncroft
has had a heart attack.

Is... is he all right?

I'm afraid not, madame.

The board are reconvening
back at the office.

I hope you have no intentions
of leaving town, Miss Quinn.



Aren't you a picture?

Clever girl, eh?

Filthy, but clever.

Ashtoncroft's dead,

or was that all a part
of your plan, Mr. Hobbs?

I'm going back and
telling them everything.

I'm afraid I can't
let you go, Miss Quinn.

You see, the deadline for
the ransom's in about an hour

and I'm guarding
the entrance to Aladdin's Cave

in case someone's smart
enough to figure it out.

Look at you.

You're quite an asset
to the company.

Aren't you, Miss Quinn?

They're not going to pay and
you're insane to think they would!

Oh, they will.
I'm sure of that.

Ever think what you're going
to do when all of this is over?

Ugh! Ugh!

You know, you remind me
so much of my wife.

Once she got her teeth
into something.

Did I ever tell
you how she died?


But first, they said that not
only was her cancer operable,

but it had been caught early
and she had an excellent chance.

But you see, we paid
what little money

we had into a private
hospital policy.

But then the insurance
company told her

that she had to wait her
turn for a stay in hospital.

So we pleaded
our case all the way

up to the Chairman
of the company.

But he said
it wasn't an emergency.

So, you know...

but by the time she was
admitted to the hospital,

well, it... it was... she
was too far gone then.

It's Sinclair.


At that time Clifton Sinclair
was the biggest seller

of private hospital policies
to the British underprivileged.

And he used that money
to establish himself...

as London Diamond's largest
insurance underwriter.

Individual participants
in King's Row syndicates

are liable to the full extent
of their private wealth.

What is the meaning of this?

What the hell
are you doing here?

We've been discussing
the situation.

What situation?

The impossible situation
that you got us all into.

What are you talking about?

In case you didn't know,

we own 75 percent
of the London Evening News.

I believe you spoke
with them earlier.

Going to the press means

you don't have to come
up with a quick settlement.

The scandalous news, your time is
bought, that was the plan, wasn't it?

Mr. Ashtoncroft has, however,
agreed to dismiss all charges

pending an immediate
settlement of the claim

which I have
just authorized.

You have what?

King's Row
signifies one thing.

Now just...

our business
was built on it.

Our reputation
demands it.

You will never ever
get the money back!

It's for a ransom,
for Christ's sake!

Are you telling me you waited years for the absolute right moment?

All this
to punish one man?

Patience, they say,
is a virtue.

He took from me...

the one thing in this world
that I truly loved.

Mr. Hobbs,
you have so much valor.


Didn't we?

How did you solve it?

My clumsiness and
your background.

Come on, come on.

Here it is, sir.

Thank you.

This is the telex from the bank
confirming that the deposit

has been made corresponding
to the exact amount

as requested
by your client.

Everything looks
to be in order.


Look at the
inventory list

what does it say?

Would you call
security, please?

I don't understand.


What the hell is
that supposed to mean?

I believe it means the
diamonds are not being returned.

Good day.

The South African Star,
so it wasn't a message?

Shh, shh.
More complicated.

Would you mind?

I'll, uh,
leave you to it.

Man: My client will then convey where
you may take possession of the goods.

Excuse me, but there's a call
for Mr. Boyle from his office.


Has there
been a delivery?

May I give you
some advice, Miss Quinn?

Well, you are the one
holding the gun.

Life is for living.

It's there for the taking.

Grant yourself no regrets.

Go on, put it down.

You don't have
it in you.

It was never loaded.

It doesn't matter now.

All done.

Man: How many more?

Second man: Steady.

Steady with that.

Mr. Hopkins.

Miss Quinn.

Mr. Finch.


The idea came
when you were dropping

your earring in the sink,
is it right?

Sorry I lost you
your finder's fee.

We didn't find prints
on Sir Milton's safe.

We found them on the opera
glasses in his office.

They weren't conclusive.

Mr. Finch.

Whatever it is you have
to say, Miss Quinn,

now is not
the right time to say it.

Maybe there will never
be a right time.

As strange as it may sound...

I can't bare the thought
of you spending

the rest of your life
behind bars.

Naturally you'll have to agree
to assist the investigation...

with your all-round
experience, you are...

perfectly situated to do so.

Good-bye, Miss Quinn.

It has been widely reported

that a large scale theft has
taken place on these premises.

As you can see,
that is not the case.

Quinn: Ollie took
over the company

and became everything
his father had ever hoped.

I was more fortunate.

We look forward
to a long...

and prosperous...



Quinn: After an extensive

it was determined that Mr.
Hobbs had somehow acted alone.

They never found him.

A month later I was
passed over again

and tendered my resignation
the following day.

Cassie Jane: Well, forgive me
for being sensational,

but I really need to know.

What happened
with the money?

Mr. Hobbs?

Well, Mr. Hobbs, though
we never spoke again,

but I did receive
a letter from a bank

in Switzerland
informing me a deposit

had been made to a numbered
account on my behalf.

The sum of
100 million pounds.


And that's where
my real story begins.

Your article it's called
"Women Who Led."

That's right, isn't it?

I hope you're inspired.

I hope you can
inspire others.

You can contact me.

My details are
on the back.

Quinn: "I never intended
this to happen,

"but the burden of Hobbs' money
sent me in a different direction.

"I discovered the world

"and through it,
I discovered myself.

"You'd be surprised how long it
takes to give away 100 million pounds.

"It's taken me 40 years.

"And just today...

"today I gave away
the last penny.

"I'm free at last.


"except for that jewel
that you held in your hand,

"that I've been saving
for a rainy day.

"Or perhaps...

"or perhaps it's
the last little piece

"of vanity that
I have left."

Special thanks to SergeiK.

jasmy price prediction