Bolt Script - Dialogue Transcript
Voila! Finally, the Bolt script is here for all you fans of the Miley Cyrus Disney featuring John Travolta. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and all that jazz, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line . At least you'll have some Bolt quotes (or even a monologue or two) to annoy your coworkers with in the meantime, right?
And swing on back to Drew's
Script-O-Rama afterwards -- because reading is good for your noodle. Better than Farmville, anyway.
Bolt Script
That one.
Here, boy.
You're heavy.
And slobbery.
You're a good boy.
You're my good boy.
I don't have much time.
Are you okay?
Something's come up at work, honey.
Daddy's not gonna
be home for a while.
I don't understand.
You can't go back
to the house, Penny. Okay?
What's happening?
It's all right.
You won't be alone. You have Bolt.
I've altered him.
He can protect you now.
The doctor has been taken care of,
which, of course, is wonderful news.
Everything is positioning nicely.
There he is. Dr. Calico.
Any luck getting our guest
to spill his guts?
Oh! His guts will spill,
one way or another.
Never! I'll never talk.
You're beginning to irk me, professor.
I am irked, and that will not do.
Has the package arrived?
I think it might make our dear friend
a bit more communicative.
I'm sending an agent to pick it up.
Gorgeous! Have him bring it to me
on the first flight.
Bolt, let's go.
We only need the girl.
- Where's Calico?
- I'm not talking to you.
Bolivia! Bolivia!
Calico's in Bolivia!
Near Lake Rogaguado!
Lake Rogaguado! I should've known.
- Come on, Bolt. Let's go!
- No!
There's a flight leaving in 10 minutes.
Bolt! Zoom, zoom.
Bolt, fetch.
Good boy.
Bolt, speak.
Okay, okay. Good job, buddy.
Mission accomplished.
That's a keeper.
It's all right, tough guy.
You got them all.
Don't worry, Bolt.
You saved the day again.
All right. Good job.
Let's strike the set.
We're gonna need a cable guard on set
for that move tomorrow.
Yeah. All right.
Good boy.
Bolt, speak.
- Boom mike.
- We got a boom mike.
It's a boom mike.
That's sloppy.
The dog could've seen that.
He could've seen that.
Uh... Who cares
if the dog sees a boom mike?
What? Who's that?
Forgive me for answering a question
with a question,
but who are you?
- Mindy Parker, from the network.
- Of course.
Let me ask you,
Mindy from the network,
what do you see here?
- The dog.
- "The dog," she says.
Oh, Mindy. Poor, poor, Mindy.
Am I missing something?
You're missing everything, Mindy.
You see a dog.
I see an animal who believes with
every fiber of his being, every fiber,
that the girl he loves is
in mortal danger.
I see a depth of emotion
on the face of that canine
the likes of which has never
been captured on screen before!
Never, Mindy from the network!
We jump through hoops to make sure
that Bolt believes everything is real.
It's why we don't miss marks.
It's why we don't reshoot,
and it's why we most certainly
do not let the dog see boom mikes!
Because, Mindy from the network,
if the dog believes it,
the audience believes it.
Wow. Okay.
You want reality? Here you go, chief.
The show's too predictable.
The girl's in danger, the dog saves her
from the creepy English guy, we get it.
There's always a happy ending.
And our focus groups tell us
18-to-35-year-olds are unhappy.
They're not happy with happy.
So maybe you should, I don't know,
spend a little less time
worrying about the dog's Method acting
and more time figuring out
how to stop 20-year-olds in Topeka
from changing the channel.
Because if you lose
so much as half a rating point,
so help me, I will fire everyone
in this room, starting with you.
How's that for real?
There. Perfect.
You saved me again, Bolt.
It's okay. It's nothing.
No more bad guys.
Do you want some food, Bolty?
Are you hungry?
You got them, Bolt.
No one's gonna hurt me.
Bolt, look at me. I'm fine, see?
Come here, buddy. Come here.
Go get it, Bolt. Go get it.
Yeah, that one's no fun either.
Well, what do we have here?
Your old buddy, Mr. Carrot.
Bolt. You know I have to go.
Yeah, you're my good boy.
There she is. My little superstar.
Let's get to that Teen Vogue
cover shoot.
Mom, I wanna take Bolt home
this weekend.
Well, I...
- That would be...
- That'd be nice. That'd be great.
That would. A little girl and her dog.
Nothing better than that.
So I can bring Bolt home?
As your friend I say, "Yes, absolutely,"
but as your agent, I have to remind you
this is Bolt's world.
He has to stay right here.
Okay, let's go.
But he never gets to be a real dog,
and it would only be for the weekend,
and I just want...
Well, you know what?
It's a fair question.
Let's do this, let's put a pin in it.
Boop! Pin in.
There you go.
Now, let's let that hang there a bit,
and then we'll address that
when we've thought things through.
Okay? Good enough for everybody?
Smiles all around?
Let's get out of here. Come on.
I don't need to think it through.
I wanna take Bolt home.
Look at this face.
I have a little girl at home,
love of my life.
I would do anything for her,
and I would trade her for you
in a heartbeat.
True story.
That reminds me,
we need to be getting over to wardrobe.
- Clip-clip, let's go.
- But...
I need her in hair.
- I just...
Can I get her for five minutes
in makeup?
I wanna go for something more natural.
So the dog thinks
this is all real?
Oh, yeah, you're new.
Guy never leaves the set.
It's unbelievable.
Whenever I get the chance,
this is the perfect way to unwind.
I like to start with an evil laugh.
Hello, hairballs.
You may have won today, Bolt,
but in the end,
we will get your little Penny.
Not likely, cat, for you've chosen
to follow the path of evil.
Ultimately, it will destroy you,
along with your fiendish puppet master!
- Wow!
- I know, right? Okay, watch this.
She's a goner, dog.
The Green-Eyed Man has a plan,
and soon, he will execute it.
- Yeah, and then he will execute her.
- Nice.
I would superbark you both
back into the hole you crawled out of,
but I need you alive
because I've got a little message
for you to take back
to your Green-Eyed Man.
You tell him
his old friend Bolt said he better...
Is it long?
- Is what long?
- The message.
Is it a long message?
Because I have a horrible memory.
Yeah, I'll make it brief, all right?
You tell him I said I'm gonna...
You know what? Why don't we do this?
You remember
the first half of the message,
and then I'll remember the second,
and then we can pass it on
to the Green-Eyed Man together.
Now, I don't care how
the message is translated, all right?
Just do it, okay.
Tell the Green-Eyed Man
that I will not sleep,
I will not rest until my Penny
is safe from his evil clutches.
You tell the Green-Eyed Man
that reckoning...
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Way too many words.
I was, like, "What?"
And then I was, like, "Huh?"
And then, well, I got a little bored and...
Something about clutches?
Anyway, I'll do my best. Ciao.
By the way, huge fan. Love it, love you.
Gotta go. Thank you.
Get back here,
you sick, revolting, loathsome little...
I'll never let them get you, Penny.
Are you ready, Bolt?
Let's widen out camera three.
Ready four. Go four!
And driver.
Thanks, Larry.
All right, Scooter.
Find the grate.
Ready on the rubber bars.
And track with them.
The Calico supercomputer.
If we can access it, we'll finally learn
where they're keeping my father.
The weapon's hot.
Heat vision time.
Bolt, stare.
Nice move.
Come on. Come on.
Such devotion.
It brings tears to my eyes.
Your father's discoveries could be
of great use to our organization.
I'm sure he'll be more accommodating
now that I've got his lucky Penny!
World domination is within my grasp!
How did your focus groups
feel about cliffhangers?
You ask for
unhappy 18-to-35-year-olds,
I give you unhappy 18-to-35-year-olds.
Bolt! It's okay, Bolt.
I'm fine.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Guards, stop her!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on.
- Bolt!
Listen to him.
He needs to know I'm okay.
Nope, you're not okay.
You've been kidnapped
by the fiendish Dr. Calico,
at least
that's what the dog needs to think,
but just imagine,
close your eyes and imagine
how excited he'll be
when he saves you tomorrow. Okay?
But he's gonna be
freaking out all night.
- Please, just let me...
- What...
Wait a second,
what's that behind your ear?
Is that a...
Yes, it is.
It's a pin. Let's do this.
Let's take the pin
and put it in this conversation. Boop!
And we will not take it down,
no, ma'am,
until this matter is resolved.
- But I just...
- Do you know what that reminds me of?
The DVD release junket.
Let's get going. It's a big push.
I want to go with a modern look,
something that says,
"I'm 13, and I'm fine with that."
All right, okay. Let's give her some air.
Let's not crowd the talent.
I've been working on my evil laugh.
'Cause everybody has an evil laugh.
Like that.
Okay, here's the thing.
You're not ready for the evil laugh.
You could do a chuckle,
like a mildly upset chuckle,
after my evil laugh.
Listen to mine.
Hey, Bolt.
Big fan!
Bolt! Come back!
I'm too late.
Bolt! Help!
- I'm coming, Penny!
Bolt! Help!
Hold on, Penny! Hold on!
Bolt! Help! Bolt! Help!
Bolt! Here, Bolt!
Okay! Hey! Hey!
Okay, Bolty. Okay. Stay cool.
You're cool, Bolty.
The Green-Eyed Man.
Penny! Penny!
Target acquired.
It ends here.
Penny? They moved her.
There's no time
for formalities, brothers.
My person's in danger, and I...
- Whoa! What are you doing?
- Oh! I'm sorry.
You wanna sniff mine first?
Not from around here,
are you?
Hey, stop it! This is serious!
Hey there. Are you lost, sweetie?
Hey! Wait!
Why can't I bend these stupid bars?
Oh, buddy.
You got your head stuck pretty good,
huh, guy?
Hey, guys, come here.
Check this out.
He's got his melon stuck.
Yup, that is one stuck melon.
Hey, hey, buddy. Take it easy.
Slow down.
I will not take it easy, pheasant.
I'm missing my person.
Hey, buddy, relax. Like this.
Turn and pull. Turn and pull.
Forget about it. You'll be out, no time.
What are these things?
They've weakened me.
- Those are Styrofoam packing peanuts.
- Styrofoam?
This has the Green-Eyed Man
written all over it.
Have you seen the man
with the green eye?
You know,
I gotta say something,
if I could say something here.
You look familiar.
Joey, look at this guy's mug.
Yeah. You know, I could've sworn
I've seen this guy before.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I gotta tell you, I never forget a face.
- He never does.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Never.
Yeah, he's real good
with the faces and such.
Listen, listen!
The man with the green eye,
tell me what you know, birds.
- I know this dog.
- Yeah, yeah, me, too.
I gotta remember. It's gonna kill me.
Hold on.
No, I don't know. I thought I knew.
Hey, you ever hang out down on
14th Street with a stray named Kelvin?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Kelvin, the Labradoodle.
- What?
You gotta give me something here,
'cause this is ridonculous.
Absolutely ridonculous.
Capisce, ridonculous.
You know what that means?
You pigeons are useless.
I need someone on the inside,
someone close to the Green-Eyed Man.
A cat.
Ooh. A cat?
Yeah, a cat.
And when I find him,
when I find him,
I'm gonna make that cat
wish he were never born.
I think we know just the cat.
Right on time, Saul. Come on in.
Okay, Saul, nice work.
Let's find some mustard next time.
Okay, babe?
Yes, Mittens. Thank you, Mittens.
Is that an everything bagel, Ted?
Good day, Mittens.
What is this?
It was a slow week.
That's half of what I got.
You hear this, Louie? I'm starving here.
And when the old stomach
starts talking,
it ain't talking to me.
It's talking to the claws.
Not the claws! Please.
I'm holding these bad boys back,
best I can,
but, thing is, it's not up to me.
The stomach's got a direct line
to these babies
and I'm picking up a lot of chatter.
So, I'll talk to the claws,
but in exchange,
next week all your food comes to me.
But that's not our deal.
I bring you half, you give me protection.
That's our deal.
Yeah, well, the deal just expired.
Now get lost.
Mark my words, Mittens.
One day
someone's gonna stand up to you.
Someone's gonna teach you a lesson.
Yeah. I'm really scared now.
You should be!
Okay! Yeah!
Where is she?
- Who?
- You know why I'm here.
- Where is she?
- Okay, okay.
Look, buddy, I don't know
what you're getting at, but...
Come on, Mittens.
Just tell the guy where she is.
Tell the dog, make him happy.
Yeah, yeah, come on, Mittens.
Tell him!
Joey, Vinnie, Bobby, my boys!
Would you tell the crazy canine
that he's got the wrong cat?
- You got her, pal.
- That's her.
- She's the one.
- That is definitely the right cat.
Looks like we're gonna do this
the hard way.
Hey, you're crazy, man!
Hey, Joey. Did we go too far in this?
You kidding?
This is the best day of my life.
You work for the men in black,
who work for the man
with the green eye.
- They've taken Penny. Where is she?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
This is becoming tiresome, cat.
In fact, I feel a yawn coming on.
Okay! Okay! Okay!
Okay, I'll talk! I'll talk!
I know where Penny is. Yeah.
They have her. Yes!
The men in black and the guy,
the guy with the blue eyes!
Blue eyes?
Um... Oh!
Green! Yes, green! The one green eye!
You just can't stop lying, can you, cat?
It's in the genes. It's just gross.
I know. It's disgusting.
I disgust myself.
But if you put me down,
I'll show you where she is.
You know, I hope you
appreciate the risk I'm taking here.
Every bone
in my evil cat body is telling me
not to betray the trust
of the Green-Eyed Man.
Okay. This is a top, top secret map
of the entire Earth.
Now we're over here,
by the green lady with the big torch,
and my boss has Penny locked up...
Right... Right over... Here, here!
By the waffle with the sunglasses.
Now all you need to do
is get from here to there.
Well, I told you where to find her so
if you'll just untie me, I'll be on my way.
I'll release you, cat,
when we find Penny.
Excuse me? That wasn't the deal.
We had a deal!
Your deal just expired.
She said that to me
not 10 minutes ago.
The irony.
Listen, Cujo, I got some pretty wicked
claws under these mitts.
Do not, I beg of you, do not make me
bring out these bad boys.
It gets ugly.
- What are you doing?
- Stay back!
If I stare at the lock really hard,
it'll burst into flames and melt.
Now I'm concerned
on a number of levels.
Easy, watch.
- I'm good.
Watch it, though. Ow!
- You got it?
- Intruders!
- Slow down!
You're scraping the fur off my...
Oh, boy. This thing is heavy.
Hey, hey. Put it down.
I forgot the keys.
I'll be right back.
Hey, lucky penny!
Thanks! Now move your butt.
Okay. Up on your end.
- All right, just a little bit.
Like that? A little bit more.
Yeah. I got... No, I got mine.
You got it?
It's on the tip of my tongue.
I know that dog. I'm telling you, Joey.
Bobby, you guys are looking at me like,
"He don't know."
Telling you, I know this dog.
I seen him somewheres.
Hey, you'll remember it tonight
when you're preening.
Right, that's what'll happen.
I have got some good news.
- Really?
- Yes, I do.
I just booked you
on The Tonight Show, lead guest.
That's right.
Which means just absolutely nothing
if Bolt is still missing.
It's not even good news,
like, "Whatever," "So what?"
The Tonight Show, who cares?
I don't care.
It's okay, baby.
- He must be so scared.
- Scared?
Well, this is Bolt we're talking about.
He's not scared of anything.
I bet Bolt would want you
to do The Tonight Show.
Or maybe not.
Bolt loves you very much, sweetie,
and you're here.
He couldn't have gone far.
So, if you got superpowers,
I guess that would make you,
what, like, some kind of superdog?
That information's classified.
Come on.
Like, what's your best power?
Your go-to move. How about flying?
Can you fly?
- Don't be silly. I can't fly.
- Okay, okay, fine.
If you don't have any powers,
you don't have any powers.
What's it to me?
I have a superbark.
A superbark? Wow! You're kidding me.
What exactly
does one do with a superbark?
I really can't talk about it.
It's classified.
So I suggest you pipe down
and take me to Penny.
You're awfully attached
to this Penny character, huh, Wags?
- She's my person.
- Oh, please. She's a person.
And if you ask me,
the only good person is a...
Styrofoam! Tuck and roll!
Tuck and what?
What is this red liquid
coming from my paw?
It's called blood, hero.
- Do I need it?
- Yes!
So if you wanna keep it
inside your body, where it belongs,
you should stop jumping off trucks
doing 80 on the interstate!
Yeah, well, normally,
I'm a tad more indestructible.
Must've been the...
That stuff, it weakens me.
What are you doing? Put that down!
All right, that's it. I've had it with you.
Untie me, pooch.
Or I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
I'm gonna seriously wound you!
I'm gonna seriously wound you
with this Styrofoam.
Are you mad?
You don't know the power of Styrofoam.
Oh, you bet I'm mad, baby,
and I'm about to unleash it.
The power of the Styrofoam.
All right, cat! Okay. You win.
I'll untie you.
That's a weird place to put a piano.
Are we gonna have
any more problems, cat?
No! No, no. No more problems.
I'll take you to Penny.
- What is that?
- What?
That! Okay.
You have two seconds to tell me
what you've implanted in me, cat!
Poison? A parasite? Poison?
Oh, no, I just said that, didn't I?
See, I'm all discombobulated.
I can't think straight.
I don't believe this. You're hungry.
- Where is the antidote?
- Okay, okay! All right.
There's your antidote.
All right, who wants burgers?
I'll take one.
- Me, too!
What's this?
Go on, use the dog face.
This is gonna be beautiful.
You know, beg.
Do the dog face.
What... The dog face?
What does that mean?
Figures I'm tied to the one dog on Earth
who doesn't know how to beg.
Okay, if you want the... The antidote,
you're gonna have to do
exactly what I say.
No. Not likely.
You're a degenerate creature
of darkness.
Yeah, yeah. Granted. But, that said,
all I'm asking you to do
is just tilt your head a little.
You can do that, can't you? Come on.
More. More.
- This is stupid.
- No, no, no, come on.
Work with me on this, please.
You're almost there.
Oh, boy.
Okay. Try it the other way.
There you go. Tilt up. Down.
Now a little smile. Lose the smile.
Drop your left ear. Your other left.
Okay, the other way was better.
Now drop them both.
Hold it. Right there.
And ever so slightly, look up.
Soup is on, baby!
Here you go!
Look at the little guy.
Beat it, stupid cat!
Why do you care?
I want to know
what really happened...
And why does that
matter to you?
Because I'm involved!
With Ridge?
- With James!
If you and James were
romantic, I wanna know about it.
What, so you can...
Come on down!
why don't you stop that.
Come on, no Whammies!
No Whammies! No Whammies! Stop!
For weather
on the ones, here's Lester.
It really does help,
and it really releases
the serotonin, and...
Hey, man,
this time we'll do it my way.
Well, hello, puppy.
Did you come for some of Grandma's
butter bean dumplings?
You wait right there.
One of these days,
I'm gonna pound y'all to the ground.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Look at you.
You are quite the little actor, huh?
I haven't eaten
like this in ages.
Hey, look, my stomach's distended!
How great is that?
Yeah, well, don't get used to it.
We gotta keep moving.
But this place is a gold mine.
What's wrong with you?
Every week new RVs bring us
new suckers who bring us new food.
Look around! It's perfect.
Do my eyes deceive me?
Is this some apparition
I see before me?
Or could it be my hero?
Oh, my gosh,
oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!
You're Bolt, the Superdog!
You're fully awesome!
- Wait a minute. You know this dog?
- I do. He is fully awesome.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We've established that. Who are you?
- I'm Rhino.
- Rhino the hamster.
Well, you know,
my ancestry isn't all hamster.
I'm one-sixteenth wolf with, you know,
a little wolverine in there somewhere,
but that's besides the point.
We have before us a legend,
Bolt, the Superdog.
He can outrun speeding missiles
and burn through solid metal
with his heat vision.
Oh! And best of all, he can obliterate
large structures with his superbark!
Wait a minute.
You've seen the superbark?
Have you been observing me?
- Oh, yeah! I watch you all the time.
- That's incredible.
Oh, it's nothing, really.
But I'm always so vigilant.
No one can evade my detection.
You're a phantom.
If you say so. Hey, check it out.
Take a gander at this Bolt action.
Scary, huh? It's like we're twins.
Yeah. Scary.
So, where's Penny?
She was kidnapped
by the Green-Eyed Man.
Kidnapped? This is terrible!
She could be in grave...
Grave danger. I know.
But I've captured this cat.
An agent of the Green-Eyed Man,
I presume?
You presume correctly.
She's taking me to Penny.
You, you are vile vermin.
How do you sleep at night?
Penny's the most wonderful person
ever, and she loves Bolt.
And he's awesome,
and you're a monster!
How dare you disrupt their relationship
with your evil!
- Die! Die!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
I can take her, Bolty.
Let me at them. Die!
- Die!
- Easy, easy, Rhino. Easy.
You're right. We need her alive.
- "We"?
- Yes!
Bolt, I can be a valuable addition
to your team.
- I'm listening.
- I'm lightning-quick.
I have razor-sharp reflexes,
and I'm a master of stealth.
Plus, I'll keep the cat in check.
The road'll be rough.
I have a ball.
There's no turning back.
Guess I'll have to roll with the punches.
Easy won't be part of the equation.
I gotta warn you.
Going into the belly of the beast,
danger at every turn.
I eat danger for breakfast.
You hungry?
Welcome aboard!
Hey. Can we talk for a second?
I don't know what's going on here,
but I'm just a little bit concerned about
the number of lunatics on this trip.
My limit is one.
He's coming with us.
But I... Huh?
Move it, prisoner.
We're losing daylight.
I agree. Now,
we need to find a fast set of wheels.
I've got a better idea.
Follow me.
Okay. So what we do here is
we give the target a quick flyover,
we adjust the trajectory
and then land dead center.
Am I missing anything, Rhino?
Just the knowledge that every minute
spent in your company
becomes the new greatest minute
of my life.
No! Forget it!
How do you say
"No way I'm doing this" in crazy?
Calm down, cat. You're with me.
That's the problem!
Would you relax?
Every time he did this on the magic box
it was awesome.
Magic what?
You know,
the magic box people stare at.
Wait a minute. Does this magic box
have moving pictures on it?
Yeah, and Bolt's pictures are the best.
Bolt's pictures. Of course!
He's from a... Oh, no!
Oh, no. No, wait, wait.
Bolt, dog, hear me out.
Let it begin. Let it begin. Let it begin!
Wait! You are not a superhero...
What are you doing?
Mittens, take my paw! I need you alive!
You're crazy! Stay away from me!
Take my paw. I'll save you.
No, you won't! You're not really a...
Ouch! You moron, stop it.
I'm trying to help him.
Help him? Yeah, right.
Don't worry, Bolt. I'll stop her!
I can't hold it.
Let go, you monster!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
The real world hurts,
doesn't it?
But you wouldn't know about that,
would you?
Get down here, cat.
We don't have time for this.
I'll get a ladder.
Look, genius, you're part of a TV show.
You know what that is? Television?
It's entertainment for people. It's fake.
Nothing you think is real is real!
That's preposterous.
Think about it, Bolt.
Since you got lost, none of your powers
are working, are they?
For the first time, you're hungry,
you're bleeding.
I mean, do you really think that
you were born with a birthmark
in the exact shape of a lightning bolt?
It's my mark of power, cat.
It's the mark of a makeup artist, dog.
You're ridiculous. Now get down here.
Mittens, so help me,
I will superbark you out of that tree.
Yeah. Go nuts.
Let's see how that works out for you.
You leave me no choice.
Oh, the superbark. Scary, scary.
Yeah, that's really, really super.
It's not true. It's just not true.
Wow. That one felt really super.
Wait. No, it didn't.
Okay, okay. Mmm-hmm. I get the idea.
You could stop now.
That's enough. Seriously, dog, stop.
I'm not kidding. Would you stop? It's...
Okay, fine! You're a superdog.
Bolt, be quiet, please!
Bolt, we gotta run!
Come here!
Look who we found, young lady.
It's Bolt! They found him.
Yeah, that's right.
The little puppy dog.
That is not Bolt.
Well, that depends on
how you look at it.
You know, when I was little,
I wanted a bicycle for my birthday,
but my parents got me
a baseball glove.
So, you know what I did?
I pretended that baseball glove
was a bicycle,
and I rode it to school every day.
True story.
It's not him.
I think it's him. I do.
Thank you. Look, kid.
It's time we were honest with you.
If we don't get back into production,
people are going to lose their jobs.
Good people, with families.
But Bolt's still out there, and...
Now, we feel for you,
and the last thing we wanna do
is ask a little girl
to make a grown-up decision,
but it's come to that.
We need you to move on.
We need you to let Bolt go.
Must be made of Styrofoam.
No, no! No, no, no, please, please,
it can't end like this!
Stop worrying, cat!
I'll get us out of here.
You can't, Bolt! You got nothing!
No super strength, no superbark...
And no heat vision.
Listen to me, okay?
We are being taken to a place where
humans go animal shopping, all right?
And this is what humans do.
They always pick the cute ones.
The ones that look like you, Bolt.
But the rest of us never come back out.
I said I'll get us
out of here, all right?
My hero.
Ring, ring. Who is it? Destiny?
I've been expecting your call.
Would you
give it up already?
You're liquefying
whatever brains you have left.
I cannot be contained in any container.
You quitter. Watch this.
I did it! I'm back!
That Styrofoam is wicked stuff.
Fully awesome!
There's no truck that I know
that can keep in Bolt and Rhino!
Rhino? What are you doing here?
Oh, nothing.
I was enjoying an evening stroll
and thought I'd just pop the hatch
on that containment unit.
You opened the door?
Yes, I did!
That's great, Rhino.
Yeah, that's really good.
All right.
Let's go get the prisoner back.
I can't do it.
What did you say?
I can't.
Who are you?
Rhino, you just don't under...
- You are Bolt.
- But I'm not a...
Who singlehandedly destroyed
the Green-Eyed Man's undersea labs?
Me, but...
And who foiled his plan to infiltrate
the Olympics with gymnastic cyborgs?
- Who, Bolt, who? Who?
- Me, but none of it was...
You! You can, Bolt,
because all over this planet,
there are animals
who feel like they can't.
Like a little hamster who once spent
his days in an RV park,
dreaming of the day when he, too,
would save a little girl from danger
and be told, "You did it.
You did it, Rhino. You saved the day."
They need a hero, Bolt.
Someone who, no matter
what the odds, will do what's right.
They need a hero to tell them
that sometimes the impossible
can become possible
if you're awesome!
you're right about one thing, Rhino.
Mittens does need a hero,
and I guess I'll have to do.
Such modesty!
Now, who's going to save that cat?
- Me.
- Who? Tell me who!
I'll get my ball.
Over there.
There it is.
This'll be just like the time you
infiltrated Calico's Arctic hover-base!
But it's not gonna be
exactly like that, Rhino.
We're gonna have to do things
a little differently.
Stealth mode.
Good night, Ester.
Good night, Lloyd.
Lloyd Spoon,
you jump out and scare me,
and I'm gonna pepper-spray you again!
I swear, it's like I work with toddlers.
Threat nullified.
I feel alive.
There's a guard.
I'll snap his neck.
We need to get him away
from that door.
- Ball?
- Ball?
- Ball?
- Ball?
- Ball? Ball? Ball?
- Ball! Ball! Ball!
I'm just... I'm read... I'm just...
Just pipe down!
Bolt? What are you doing here?
I'm busting you out.
You... You came all the way back here
for me?
But how'd you... I mean,
you don't have any superpowers.
- I know.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Wow. Crazy day for you, huh?
It's been a lot. Yes, it has.
Are you ready for this?
- No.
- Me neither.
Hey, hey, hey!
What is twisting your giblets?
Hey, wait.
Where'd you get that hamster?
Give it. Give it.
Hey, wait!
Initiating escape.
What the... Hey!
Lloyd! Block the door!
Block the door, block the door,
block the door!
Superbark. Superbark!
Sweet Sister Frances!
What did you do to my new truck?
You hold on right there!
Golly, Ester!
Both you boys need serious help!
Spicy eyes!
We need a ride.
Ooh! I've got a big one. You're welcome.
I can't believe it.
My whole life I've wanted to see
a real live superbark.
You are legendary.
Mittens? lf...
If I don't chase bad guys,
then what am I?
I mean, what...
Ah, don't worry about it.
Being a regular dog is, like,
the greatest gig in the world. Okay?
Look. I'm gonna let you in
on a little secret, okay?
A little-known cat secret.
You know why we hate dogs?
'Cause we wanna be dogs.
We have dog complexes.
But what do dogs do?
Slobber, sleep,
chase tails, chew shoes.
You don't exactly need
a master's degree.
You know,
most dogs live in a place like this,
and, well, I don't know.
They do things like...
Out of this? But... But...
And this is your dog bowl.
- What is?
- This. The entire floor.
"It hits the ground,
it goes to the hound."
How cool is that?
And on cold nights,
this and a ball of yarn...
It doesn't get better than that.
You... You seem to know a lot
about these places.
Yeah, I did my time in one of these,
but I'm more of an alley cat at heart,
you know?
Sprung out first chance I got.
Never looked back.
Rhino is awesome!
He's so awesome!
He's... He's beyond awesome!
He... He's be-awesome!
I... I am be-awesome.
I think it's about time I introduced you
to the regular dog piece de résistance.
Go ahead. Stick your head out.
- Why?
- Just do it.
This... This is awesome!
And stick your tongue out.
This is totally awesome!
Why don't you try it?
No, thanks. It's really a dog thing.
I have got so much to give
I swear I do
I may not have nine lives
But this one feels brand-new
Yes, I've lived a good one
I have tried to be true
There are some things
I never realized
Till I met you
How the wind feels on my cheeks
When I'm barking at the moon
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Here I come
Back to you
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Well, I was in trouble bad
I was so confused
I may not see in color, babe
But I sure can feel blue
I have been a lot of things
They may not all be true
My experience was so mysterious
Till I met you
Now the sun will rise in the east
But I'm barking at the moon
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Here I come
Back to you
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
There is no home
like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Hey. Hey, Bolt. Wake up.
Come on. I've got a surprise for you.
Okay, okay. No peeking.
All right, now, open them.
- Bask in the glow, baby.
- I...
Just let me give you the grand tour.
This one, this one's mine,
and this one is all yours.
Mittens, I...
I found this really soft pillow thing
for you.
And get this. I found some Styrofoam,
and I stuffed it inside,
which I thought was both
kind of creative and ironic.
You know what I mean?
- Mittens, I don't think that...
- Ooh! Ooh!
Check it out. Total privacy,
and completely soundproof.
Yeah, well, I don't think that I...
Okay, I lied. It's not soundproof.
- But you know...
- Mittens, I can't stay here.
We're one waffle away from Penny.
You're still going back to her?
Mittens, she's my person.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Ear, ear.
Look at me, Bolt. I'm real.
Now, how about this? Is that real?
Does this look real to you? Or that?
Is that real? Or that?
How about that, Bolt? She's an actress.
She's just pretending.
Not Penny.
There is no Penny. She's fake.
No, you're wrong. She loves me.
No, no, Bolt.
That's what they do, okay?
They act like they love you.
They act like they'll be there forever,
and then one day they'll pack up
all their stuff and move away
and take their love with them,
and leave their declawed cat behind
to fend for herself!
They leave her wondering
what she did wrong.
I'm sorry, Mittens,
but Penny is different.
Then go.
- Mittens, I...
- Get out of here, Bolt.
I never should've taken pity on you.
- Mittens...
- Just get out of here, Bolt!
You take care, Mittens.
That meat lover's pizza
is not loving me back at all.
Hey there, Rhino.
Morning, cat.
Where's Bolt?
He's gone.
Bolt left?
Yeah, but he instructed me to tell you
that he had to face
the Green-Eyed Man alone.
- Where are you going?
- To Bolt.
But he doesn't need us anymore.
Trust me,
I've seen it a million times before.
In the cold, dark
night before the battle,
when the steely fangs of evil
are sharpened and poised to strike,
the hero must go
and face his greatest challenge alone.
But if Bolt's taught me anything,
it's that you never abandon a friend
in a time of need.
When your teammate's in trouble,
you go.
Whether they ask or not, you go,
not knowing if you're coming back
dead or alive...
He went the other way.
You go!
Knowing how deep the shrapnel's
going to pierce your hide, you go.
No way. Wow. Bolt.
I'm a really big fan of yours, brother.
I'm Blake.
This is my writing partner, Tom.
- Tom, say what's up.
- What's up?
- Wow!
- Oh, no.
Oh. And this is our
personal assistant, Billy,
who was supposed
to wait up on the wire.
Bolt, I've admired you
for such a long time,
and there's something
I've always wanted to tell you
if I ever got a chance to meet you,
and now it's...
Okay, Billy, that was horrifying,
what you just did.
Why don't you make yourself useful.
Go get me some breadcrumbs,
whole grain. Go.
Whole wheat is not the same thing
as whole grain, Billy!
- Not the same, Billy.
- Do not come at me with whole wheat!
Or pumpernickel, Billy!
Okay, guys, but I really gotta get going.
I know. I know you're a busy dog,
but if you've got a second,
we'd love to pitch you an idea
for your show.
Tom's better at pitching.
I'll let him take it from here.
Tommy's got the spotlight.
Wait for it.
- Aliens.
- Oh, snap!
- Aliens?
- Audiences love aliens.
- Holler back!
- It'll be huge, man. Huge.
You can't touch us.
I love it. But I'll tell you what.
If you guys can help me find Penny,
that girl from the television show,
well, I'd love to hear more about
this aliens idea, but on the way.
We got a nibble.
Don't freak out.
This is how you blew it with Nemo.
We open, exterior, outer space,
late morning...
...a fiery comet to reveal Penny...
...faced by a man-eating squid!
And as the tractor beam is pulling
Penny towards the alien mother ship,
we fade to black.
And we have a great pop song
for the end credits.
Talk to your people.
We're ready to move on this.
He's so on board!
There it is!
The most terrifying place on Earth.
How are you doing today?
Hi. I'm here to see Joe Mateo.
At long last, we've arrived
at the belly of the beast.
The lair of the Green-Eyed Man!
Rhino! Hold up!
Hold up!
Why? What's the problem?
I'm pumped!
Listen, this may be
really hard for you to understand,
but, you see, sometimes things
aren't what they seem to be.
I mean, sometimes, sometimes
you think something's really real
and it's not. And sometimes...
All of my training has prepared me
for this moment.
This is complicated.
Die! Die!
Prepare yourself,
foul man-beast,
for I will beat your pancreas
with your spleen,
and then I will rip your liver
out of your...
You're so cute with your little whiskers.
I had a hamster just like you
when I was a kid.
His name was Mr. Sparkles.
Bolt! You're okay!
You came back.
Bolt, I thought I lost you.
You're my good boy.
Good boy.
Okay, people. Let's move it
to stage seven and do it for real.
I miss him.
I know, honey. I do, too.
First positions, please.
Okay, hold still for me, sweetie.
Fifteen, take one. Mark.
And action.
Professor, I'd like to thank you
for granting us access
to that labyrinthian mind of yours.
You know I'd never do such a thing.
Unless it was the only way
to save your little girl's life!
Daddy! Bolt! Here, Bolt!
Your dog is nowhere near...
Get that dog!
Go. Go. Go. It's okay, boy. Come here.
Fire. Fire, fire! There's fire!
Hey, Wags.
Mittens? What are you doing here?
Long story short,
I was tied to a delusional dog
and dragged across the country.
But that is not important now.
The real question is,
what are you doing here?
And why aren't you in there?
You were right about her, Mittens.
She... Well, it wasn't real.
No, Bolt. It is real.
I was in there just now.
I saw her face after you left.
She's brokenhearted.
She doesn't want just any dog.
She loves you.
She's your person, Bolt,
and you are her dog.
Bolt, you're just gonna have
to trust me on this.
Mittens, be quiet.
No. You need to hear this.
No, no seriously. Be quiet.
What is it?
Help! Please, help! Help!
Hold on!
Please! Help!
Oh, my gosh, the stage!
Yeah. You better run.
I'm on your six.
What do we do?
Just make sure
I get inside that building.
Is anyone still in there?
I don't know.
Coming through.
It's a good day to die!
Not on my watch, rodent.
I knew you'd come back.
Bolt. Zoom, zoom.
Bolt, just go on out.
It'll be okay.
You're my good boy.
I love you.
Have you seen my daughter?
Has anyone seen my baby?
Hey, did you hear that?
- What is that?
Quiet. Everyone be quiet.
It's the superbark!
- It's coming from over there!
- Go, go, go!
Come on, let's go!
Over here! We found them.
They're here. We found them!
All right, we got an RT coming
through, people. Make a hole!
For your own safety,
keep moving away
from the building.
- Bolt.
- I gotta get through. Sweetie!
You're okay. You gotta be okay.
You're gonna be just fine.
She's stable, but we're gonna
take her to the hospital just to be safe.
I'm so sorry this happened.
I can't imagine
what you must be feeling.
No mother should ever have to go
through something like this,
but I promise you
we're going to make this work for us.
I'm talking cover stories, production
deals, executive producer credit.
This is so great!
We quit.
No, no! Wait!
Let's not make any rash decisions.
Let's put a pin in it.
I'm afraid your injuries
were more severe
than we had previously thought,
my dear.
We had to completely reconstruct
your face.
Have a look.
Well, at least Calico
won't be able to recognize me.
That is totally unrealistic.
Absolutely ridonculous.
You could say that again. Oh, yeah.
Right there, right there.
Over. Yeah, that's the spot.
Hey, silly doggy.
That's a keeper.
You wanna go play outside?
You wanna go play outside? Let's go!
Does that dog look familiar?
I never seen him before in my life.
Come on.
Bolt! Come on, buddy!
There is no home
Like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Nobody listens to me
Don't hear a single
thing I've said
Say anything to soothe me
Anything to get you from my head
Don't know how I really feel
The faith it takes
to make like I don't care
Don't know how much it hurts
To turn around
like you were never there
Like somehow you could be replaced
And I could walk away
from the promises we made
And swore we'd never break
- I thought I lost you
- I thought I lost you
When you ran away
to try to find me
I thought I'd never see
your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone
And on and on the days went
But I kept the moments
that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart
you'd come back to me, my friend
And now I got you
But I thought I lost you
I felt so empty out there
And there were days
I had my doubts
But I knew I'd find you somewhere
'Cause I knew I
couldn't live without
You in my life for one more day
And I swore I'd never break those
- Promises we made
- Promises we made
I thought I lost you
When you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see
your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone
And on and on the days went
But I kept the moments
that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart
you'd come back to me, my friend
And now I got you
But I thought I lost you
I told myself I wouldn't sleep
Till I'd searched the world
from sea to sea
I made a wish upon a star
I turned around and there you were
- Now here we are
- Now here we are
Here we are
I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you, too
I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you
When you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see
your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone
And on and on the days went
But I kept the moments
that we were in
And I knew in my heart
you'd come back to me, my friend
And now I got you
But I thought I lost you
But I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you, too
So glad I got you, got you
So glad I got you
Yeah, yeah
- I thought I lost you
- I thought I lost you, too
Special thanks to SergeiK .