Cinderella Story Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Cinderella Story script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Hilary Duff.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Cinderella Story. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Cinderella Story Script

once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom,
lived a beautiful little girl...

...and her widowed father.

it's beautiful.

okay. it wasn't that long ago.
And it wasn't really a faraway kingdom.

it was the San Fernando Valley.
it looked faraway...

...because you barely see it
through the smog.

But to me, growing up,
the Valley was my kingdom.

i was my dad's best friend.
And he was mine.

Being raised by a man put me behind in
the makeup and fashion departments.

But i never felt like i missed out
on anything.

i was the luckiest girl in the world.

My dad owned the coolest diner.
i loved hanging out there.

Diet was a four-letter word here...

...and grease came
at no additional charge.

At Hal's, everyone felt like family.

Oh, yeah, i have drinks.

Happy birthday!

Make a wish, princess.

What did i need a wish for?
i had amazing friends and the coolest dad.

But i guess my dad thought i needed
one more thing: Fiona.

i am so sorry.

You iook beautifui, Fiona.

Hey, Hai!

Along with my new stepmother came
her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella.

My out-of-step-sisters.

But as long as my dad was happy, so was i.
We were going to be one big, happy family.


One's enough.

Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale.

''He took her hand, and he kissed it.

Then he swooped her up onto
his horse.

And the beautifui princess and the
handsome prince rode off to his castie...

...where they iived happiiy ever after.''

Do fairy taies come true, Dad?

Weii, no. But dreams come true.

-Do you have a dream?

My dream is that you'ii grow up
and go to coiiege...

...and then maybe someday you'ii buiid
your own castie.

Where do princesses go to coiiege?

They go...

...where the princes go.

They go to Princeton.

But, Sam, you know, fairy taies aren't
Just about finding handsome princes.

They're about fuifiiiing your dreams...

...and about standing up for what
you beiieve in.

As i aiways say, never iet the
fear of striking out--

-Keep you from piaying the game.

Just remember, if you iook carefuiiy,
this book contains important things...

...that you may need to know
iater in iife.

-My kingdom crumbled...

...during the Northridge earthquake.

Heip! Heip!

-Don't go.
-i'ii be right back.

i lost my best friend that day.

From then on, the only fairy tales
in my life...

...were the ones i read about in books.

Since my father didn't leave a will,
my stepmother got everything.

The house, the diner,
and to her dismay, me.




it's breakfast time.

So bring me my breakfast.


Carefui, iadies. Look for the eyes.
One, two, three, bicycie.

And feint. Magpie, magpie, magpie.
Fiap and fiap and fiap. Mary Lou Retton!

Paim tree and paim tree.
Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty.

Around the harbor. Around the harbor.
Circie Line tour.

And hurricane.

Can you beiieve how extraordinariiy
gifted my giris are?

Absoiuteiy unbeiievabie. Reaiiy.

-Find each other. Look in the eyes.

-i'm coming.
-One, two, three and four...

...and right, ieft, up and down.

is this the Norwegian saimon i asked for?
i need my omega- s.

Oniy the best.

i can teii.

You know, it costs a fortune to fiy
that stuff in from Norwegia.

And push it, iadies. Push it, iadies.
Push it, iadies.

Ready? Okay.

-Gross. Mom!
-i have a spastic coion.

Weii, you have a spastic brain.

-Stop. Stop hitting her. Stop.
-You bit me.

What are you doing Just standing there?
Get to work.

i can't go to work now.
i've got a big test i have to study for.

Listen, Sam. Peopie go to schooi
to get smarter...

 that they can get a Job.

You aiready have a Job.
So it's iike skipping a step.

Come on, get going.

And Fiying Karamazov.

No, honey. Leave those on.

The iawn iooks a iittie brown.

Fiona, we're supposed to be conserving
water. We're in the middie of a drought.

Droughts are for poor peopie.

Do you think J.Lo has a brown iawn?

Peopie who use extra water
have extra ciass.

You caii that grade-A beef? Weii, that cow
must have cheated on his test.


Bobby, enough with the saimon.

You aiready made a saimon omeiet, saimon
soup and saimon pudding. Come on.

-Heip me. Fiona wants to eat me.
-That's nasty.

-Bite me, Rhonda. Bite me.
-That's nasty.

-Eieanor, your order's up.
-Coming. i got it.


i'm okay.

-Chuck, how you doing?

That's good. So cheese omeiet,
extra bacon, crisp...

-...biueberry muffin and a Coke.
-Make it a Diet Coke.

i'm trying to watch my weight.

it ain't going nowhere.

Pick up these saimon waffies.

-Sam, why are you stiii here?
-i'm aimost done.

-You'ii be iate for schooi.
-i'ii get there.

-Fiona goes baiiistic if i don't finish.
-i don't care.

What i care about is your education.

She's got you getting up
at the crack of dawn.

-Your dad wouid want you at schooi.

No more ''buts.'' You Just ieave Fiona
and her big butt to me.

-Thanks, Rhonda.

Hey, iooking good, Mr. Farreii.

A man's best friend is his Mercedes,

i'ii remember that.

Any-- Anything is possibie
if you Just beiieve.

-Anything is possibie if you Just--
-Audition today, son?

-Yeah,  :   aii right? Teii Mom.
-Knock them dead.

Dad. Now, do you see what i have to go
to schooi in? No offense, Sam.

Honestiy, don't you feei sorry
for me?

No, i feei sorry about the three cars
we got you that you totaied.

Okay. Aii right.

-Carter, what are you wearing?

This is my Snoop Dizzie iook.

i cannot drive you to schooi iike that.

Sam, i am a Method actor, okay?
This is part of my training.

i know, i know, i know. But iook at this.

Aii right. Take two.

Buenos dias, Fighting Frogs.

Here's your daiiy drought reminder
to conserve agua.

Cut your showers short.

Brownie points go out to Mr. Rothman,
who hasn't had one in weeks.

Remember, today's your last chance
to get tickets...

 the big Halloween homecoming

You too can dress up iike someone
you're not, for a change.

-i mean, i--
-i piedge aiiegiance to the fiag...

...of the United States of America,
and to the repubiic...

...for which it stands, one nation--

Primo parking spot dead ahead.

-Okay, there's a spot. There's a spot.
-Sam, watch out. Watch out.

Okay. You snooze, you iose!

Weii, if it isn't Sheiby Cummings
and her iadies in waiting.

-Sheiby wants me so bad.
-You've never even taiked to her before.

Oh, i've taiked to her. Okay?

in my mind. And iet me teii you,
in my mind, she wants me so bad.

Carter, you couid do so much better than
Sheiby Cummings. Even in your mind.

-There's another spot.
-Got it.

Come on.


Peopie iike Sheiby and Austin...

...are geneticaiiy programmed
to find each other.

How can so much ego be
in one reiationship?

-imagine what they say about you.
-They don't even know i exist.

Staikerazzi at   o'ciock.

The white zone is for cooi peopie oniy.
No geeks.

Hey, diner giri, can i get a
breakfast burrito to go? Thank you.

And you thought they didn't
know you exist.

-That car's as oid as that hat.

Move. Move. Move.

-Move. Move.

Sheiby. Hey, sister-friend.

Remind me why we toierate them.

They gave you a Prada bag
for your birthday.

Try ''Frada'' bag. Totaiiy fake.

Greetings. Samantha, you iook absoiuteiy
stunning today, as per usuai.

Thank you, Terry.

if you'ii excuse me, i must get back
to my gaiaxy now.

Zion, Lieutenant Terry here. Heiio?

Can you hear me? Captain?
You're going in and out.

-Poor guy.
-At ieast he's happy.

-Happy? Guy iives in another worid.
-i copy.

Sometimes fantasy is better
than reaiity, Carter.

-Speaking of fantasy.
-i'ii see you iater.

Yes, the secret admirer beckons.

Where have you been?
We haven't talked in ages.

We taiked this morning.

i can't stop thinking about you.

What's on your mind right now?

You first.

Well, i'm thinking that Professor Rothman's
dissected one too many frogs.

Ribet, ribet.

Laugh out ioud.

i wanna hear your laugh.
When can we finally meet?


How's your day so far?

Raging stepmom, work and cool kids
who can't get over themselves.

-Ever feel like you don't belong?

i can be surrounded by a sea
of people and still feel all alone.

Then i think of you.

Hey, Nomad, do you think
we've ever met?

i don't know. our school
has over      kids.

Well, that narrows it down.

Well, at least i can eliminate the guys.

You're not a guy, right? Because if you are,
i'll kick your butt.

i am not a guy.

Have you told your dad
about Princeton yet?

if only i could. i haven't even told him
i wanna be a writer.

My father always encouraged me
to pursue my dreams.

Not mine. He has another plan
for my life.

it's   a.m. We've been at this
for five hours.

Well, i think we broke our record.

-We should turn in. Sweet dreams.

i can't sleep without knowing
there's hope.

Half the night i waste in sighs.

in a wakeful doze i sorrow.

For the hand, the lips...

...the eyes.

For the meeting of tomorrow.

Quoting Tennyson. impressive.

Please meet me at the
homecoming dance.

i'll be waiting for you at    :  
in the middle of the dance floor.

Sweet dreams.

That was ciose.

-You're finaiiy gonna be abie to meet him.
-i don't know. He's too good to be true.

Come on. it's been, iike, a month since you
met him in that Princeton chat room, okay?

-You taik to him aii the time. You know him.
-i know, but he doesn't know me.

What if i meet him
and i'm not what he expects?

Maybe this whoie reiationship's
Just better for cyberspace.

Listen, okay? You have to go
to that dance, okay?

This Nomad guy isn't gonna be in one piace
for iong, aii right?

-if it heips, i'ii be your escort.

-You rock, Carter.


Some iittie brat got into my saimon
and ate it aii.

i need more salmon.
And pick up my dry cleaning.

And wash the Jag.

Fiona. One more pitch.

-Why do you act iike her siave?
-Simpie. No Fiona, no money for Princeton.

-That sucks.
-Teii me about it.

Hey, it's out of here.

Damn, a giri hit that.
See, now that's impressive.

So, what are you and Sheiby going
to the dance as?

i don't know if i'm going with Sheiby.

You're not gonna go with Sheiby?
Who eise you gonna go with?

i don't know. it's a mystery to me.

-Thank you.
-You're weicome.

Okay, guys. Come on.
A iittie bit further. Right there.

Thirty percent off for USC aiumni.

Looks good, my friend.
Make sure you get these rims.

-What's up?

What's with aii those coiiege brochures
in your bedroom?

What are you doing in my room?

-i'm trying to keep my options open.
-You don't need options.

it is aii taken care of.

Look, son, we've been working on this
program since you were   years oid.

You're gonna piay USC footbaii,

...and then you'ii manage this business
with me. Your future's set.

So don't mess with the pian. Aii right?

Wouidn't think of it.

There's another customer.
Go make them happy.

Yes, sir, here's your car.

Weii, you need a wax.

-Excuse me?
-i meant the car.

Oh, fine.


-We need our cars washed.
-Yeah, iook.


One second, iadies. Aii right.

Take this inside when you're done.
Thank you very much.

Oh, my God, he is an angei.

-He's so cute.
-i know.

So who'd you guys pay to make
your cars so dirty?

Excuse me? Like, what are you,
the dirt poiice?

Yeah. The dirt poiice.

Like, excuse me, miss, do you know
how fast your dirt was going?

You shouid have stopped
with the dirt poiice.

You shouid get going,
because our mom's iooking for you.

-Weii, where is she?
-She's at home, baking.

-You wanted to see me?

Oh, my-- Did you finish your errands?

Because i need you to head to the diner
and take the night shift.

Tonight's my night off and it's
the Haiioween dance at schooi, so--

i know, but you need to stop being so
seif-centered and start thinking of others.

Others need you to go to the diner
and mop the fioors tonight.

But i reaiiy need to go to this dance,
Fiona. i have to.

You need to earn your tuition money
for coiiege.

You gotta bus a iot of tabies.

i'm a straight-A student. i work seven days
a week and i'm taking extra AP ciasses.

i never asked you for anything.
Piease iet me go to this dance.

Sweetheart, now that you're
oid enough...

...there's something i've aiways wanted to
teii you, and i think you're ready to hear it.

You're not very pretty,
and you're not very bright.

i'm so giad we had that taik.

-Man, you--
-Scoot over, bro.

-See if we can get a bigger tabie.
-Move over.

You're in my way.

it must be Haiioween. Look what Just
fiew in. The wicked witch of the Vaiiey.

i'm gonna be picking up Gabrieiia
and Brianna at the Haiioween dance.

-i'ii be back by     sharp.

Stiii got room in there, huh?

Weii, if it isn't iittie Betty Crocker
from the 'hood.

Don't you have something to do,
iike cieaning toiiets?

You know, i wouid, but i'm too busy
running this piace. But be my guest.

i'm sorry, i can't, because i Just got
a $      manicure. Siiver paim trees.

Keep it up, Fiona, and i'm gonna find
a piace to put my $  pedicure.

Where are your skates?
That's part of the uniform.

Fiona, if i wanted to iook iike a ciown,
i'd Join the circus.

if you were part of my circus, i'd have you
ciean eiephant butts with a Wet One.

-i don't think you reaiize that i couid--
-Fire me? Oh, piease, go right ahead.

And iet's see how many customers
you have ieft when you do.

i am a very appeaiing person.

Yeah, in your head.

-''i'm a very appeaiing person.''
-''i'm a very appeaiing person.''

That woman can make a nun swear.

i'm graduating a year eariy so i can
be      miies away in Princeton.

You couid go to the University of Mars
and it stiii wouidn't be far enough.

Honey, i'm desperate.

-Can you cover that back booth?
-We're waiting.

-i don't think i can eat anything here.

i have the feeiing i won't be abie
to get a Zone meai here.

-i aiready ate.
-Laxatives don't Quaiify as a food group.

-Surprised you didn't know that.
-Stop it.

Weii, if it isn't diner giri.

-What can i get you guys?
-What can i get here that has no sugar...

 carbs and is fat-free?

-Water? Feisty.
-Was that supposed to be a Joke?

it was funny.

-i'ii have a Voss.
-Excuse me?

-it's water. From Norway.
-She's the worst.

-Sorry, we oniy have water from the Vaiiey.
-Oh, weii, then i'ii have an iced tea.

Make that two.
And i'm stiii waiting...

-...on that breakfast burrito, diner giri.
-See you.

-Thank you.
-She is so not getting a tip.

Sheiby, we reaiiy need to taik.

Anything you say to me,
you can say in front of my peeps.


i wanna break up.


That was harsh.

-Are you in iove with somebody eise?
-i think so.

-No way.
-What? Who, bro?

i don't know.

-But we can stiii be--
-Don't say the word ''friends.''

Fortunateiy for you, i'm gonna overiook
this mentai breakdown of yours.

Look, Just chiii out. We're gonna go get
ready for the dance, and i'ii see you there.


-That went weii, bro.
-No, she took it weii.

Good iooking out.

-Later, diner giri.
-Too iate.

Don't worry about it.

You know, those kids remind me
of why i used to fight in schooi.

Have no fear.

Zorro is here.

And he's got the keys
to his dad's Mercedes.

You're going dressed as a bus giri?

-Carter, i'm not going.
-What do you mean, you're not going?

-Okay, sorry. Sorry. What about cyberdude?

That the boy that's been sending
you iove notes?

They're not iove notes. They're e-maiis.

if a man is taking his time to write down
his feeiings for you, it's a iove note.

You've got a secret admirer.

And he wants to meet her tonight
at the dance.

-What are you stiii doing here?
-i'm obeying orders.

-Sam, this is your true iove.
-Weii, true iove is gonna have to wait.

Oh, giri, piease, save aii that drama for the
soap operas. You are going to that dance.

Go ahead, girifriend.

i can't go. Fiona wouid kiii me and then
bring me back to ciean up the mess.

She's gonna have to
go through me to hurt you.

-Go, girifriend. Do your thing.
-Caii me ''girifriend'' one more time.

Okay, sorry.

Sam, your dad did not ieave this earth
wanting you to be unhappy.

it's time for you to find your own biiss,
starting with this dance.

Sam, you need to iisten to Rhonda.

You're aiways studying, aiways working.
Take some time for yourseif.

Yeah, why don't you go out
and bust a move.

-Put your freak on.
-Whatever it is you kids do these days.

You know what? You guys are right.
i never do anything for myseif.

-No, you don't.

And i deserve to have some fun.

-That's right.

-i am gonna go to that dance.
-Okay, great.

And i am gonna meet my true iove
and i'm gonna dance aii night.

-i can't go.

i don't have a costume.

-But you wiii. Are you coming, Zorro?
-Yes, ma'am.

Vernon. Sam needs a costume.

No. No, Rhonda. i am ciosed.

Come on, i'ii give you free breakfast
for a week.

Make it a month.

There's gotta be something here.

There is this one.


No way.

Hey, you're kiiiing me here.


No, no. i got something.

Biess you.

Rhonda, this is hopeiess.

Vernon, iet me see that mask.

i don't have an outfit
that goes with that.

Yeah, but i do.

Rhonda, you sure do have a knack for taking
something simpie and making it beautifui.

Weii, you ain't seen nothing yet.

i was saving this dress for my
next attempt down the aisie.

Long story.

it's beautifui.

-Rhonda, i can't wear that.
-Yes, you can. And you wiii.

That dress has been in that box so iong,
it deserves a night out.

Let's go.

This is gonna iook so good on you.

Weicome, North Vaiiey High Schooi seniors
to the Haiioween homecoming dance.

Tonight, our panei of esteemed teachers
wiii use their years of higher education...

 choose our homecoming
prince and princess.

in true L.A. fashion,
it's not about who you are.

it's about what you wear.
Are you ready to crank it up? Yeah.

i cannot beiieve i put you in charge
of costumes.

i toid you Siamese cats,
not Siamese twins.

Are we having a catfight?

-Weicome, guys.
-What up?

-Sorry about your costume getting iost.
-it's aii good.

No, it's not. We don't get to be
the Three Musketeers.

You get to be Prince Charming
and we're the two wimps in wigs.

Take the cape off aiready.
You iook amazing.

-i'm sorry, i'm Just freaking out here.
-Listen, it's gonna be okay.

-Hurry up, it's aimost     .
-Carter, wait.

Remember, i have to be back
in the diner by     okay?

Okay, give me your ceii phone.
Come on, ceii phone.

Okay. Aii right, i'm going to set the aiarm
for a Quarter to     okay?

-Aii right, there. Now, give me the cape.

Come on, it's time

Sam, what are they aii staring at?

Love her dress. Hate her.

Sam, don't worry, okay?

Any guy wouid have to be compieteiy
insane not to iike you, aii right?

i'm Just gonna be standing
right over here. Okay.

Do you know you're standing preciseiy
in the middie of the dance fioor?

Fate has brought us together right here
at this anointed hour...

...under the shimmering disco baii.


-Are you Nomad?

indeed. i have traveied through time
and space to find you.

Now Join me in the
mating dance of Zion.

Terry, that's nice.

Hey, i know that giri from somewhere.

-i'm thirsty. i gotta get some punch--
-Some iibations for the fair maiden?

Your wish is my command.

i knew this was too good to be true.

Princeton Giri?

Austin Ames?

-You're Nomad?
-Yeah, i guess my costume doesn't do...

-...a very good Job at hiding who i am.
-No, i know exactiy who you are.

i'm sorry. This was a reaiiy big mistake.
i've gotta go.

Wait. Wait.

Wait. it's not a mistake.

-Don't you know who i am?
-Of course i do. You're Princeton Giri.

You're the giri i've been waiting to meet.
i know who you are.

What's your name?

Your sweet iibations, my iady.

Mr. Anderson.

Austin Ames with my iady.
A devastating biow.

A worthy opponent.

-What about your girifriend?
-it's over.

i guess you were expecting some guy
who hangs out at Starbucks...

-...and writes poetry.
-Something iike that.

Come on, you're Austin Ames.

You're footbaii captain
and student body president.

And cioset poet?
You can't be both guys.

-i'm not.
-Then who are you?

On September  th, i wrote you:

''i iive in a worid fuii of peopie pretending
to be something they're not.

-But when i taik to you--''
-''i'm the guy i wanna be.''

Give me a chance to be that guy.

Do you want to Join me
for a stroii outside?

if you wanna be voted homecoming prince,
you'd better stay inside.

i reaiiy don't care about becoming
homecoming prince.

So, Princeton Giri, wouid you teii me
who you are if i guessed it right?


-Weii, how about we piay    Questions.
-How about    .

i'ii take what i can get.

Okay, first Question.

You do actuaiiy go to
North Vaiiey High Schooi, right?

-Of course.
-Look, i'm Just checking.

i mean, you never know
with the internet.

Okay, next Question.

Were you disappointed when you
found out that i was Nomad?

-Be honest.
-Surprisingiy, no.

Did you vote for me for
student body president?

-Surprisingiy, yes.

Okay, i got it. Given the choice...

...wouid you rather have a rice cake
or a Big Mac?

-A Big Mac. But what does that matter?
-Weii, i iike a giri with a hearty appetite.

And besides, you Just eiiminated about
   percent of the giris in our ciass.

You'd think i'd remember those eyes.

You're so beautifui.

Next Question.

What's up, giri?

-What are you supposed to be?
-A Three Musketeer.

-You don't iook iike a candy bar.

Look, now that you
and Austin are toast...

...okay, why don't we
have our own iittie party.

-Back off, David.
-Come on, Sheiby. i know you iike me.

-No. Stop it. No.
-i know-- i know it.

-No, stop it. Stop.
-Come on.

The iady said, ''Stop.''

-Oh, yeah?

-Give me that!
-Oh, God.

i Just saw your iife fiash
before your eyes.

Oh, yeah? Weii, did you see the part
where i run away?

-That was awesome.
-Oh, you're dead, taco boy!


-You're mine!
-Move over, piease.

-it's over, dude.
-Oh, yeah?

-Weii, i hate to teii you this, dude...

...but i starred in Pirates of Penzance
three times.

-Oh, yeah?
-Say heiio to act two, scene one.

if i ask you to dance,
does that count as a Question?

There's no music.


Aii out of Questions?

Do you beiieve in iove at first sight?

i'ii iet you know.

-But i've seen you before?

Man. How couid i have
seen you before...

...and not know who you are now?

Maybe you were iooking,
but you weren't reaiiy seeing.

-You've got one more Question ieft.

Do you, Princeton Giri...

...feei iike you made the right choice
meeting me here tonight?

i do.

And do you, Austin Ames,
ever wanna see me again after tonight?

i'd have to think about that.


Not now.

-i've gotta go.

-You have a curfew or something?
-Something iike that.

i'm sorry, but thank you.
This has been the most amazing night.

-Where are you going?
-i'm iate.

-For what?

i was right in the middie
of a power Jam.

-You totaiiy harshed my meiiow.
-You'ii get over it and iive.

Heiio! it is aimost midnight.

And that means it's time to announce
who we have selected....

-What's up?
-Have you seen the giri i was with?

No, i haven't seen her,
but you missed it.

i beat some kid's butt. it was crazy.

Now, the moment you've
all been waiting for.

-Carter? Carter. Carter, come on.
-Your new North Valley High...

...homecoming prince and princess...

-i'm gonna be iate.
-...are Prince Charming and Cindereiia!

it's you, bro. it's you.

My dear, i must bid you adieu.
i'm sorry.

-A what?
-i gotta go. i'm sorry.

Hurry up!

Bravo! There he is, bravo! Looks iike
Cindereiia is piaying hard to get.

-i aimost kissed Austin Ames!
-i totaiiy, totaiiy kissed Sheiby Cummings!

Wait, so, what--? What did he say
when he found out that you were you?

He didn't say, because he didn't find out.

You didn't teii him? Why not?

Carter, i iive in an attic, okay?

i drive a beat-up oid car,
and he's expecting Maiibu Barbie.

i'ii be doing him a favor
if i Just disappear.

-Oh, no, i'm shotgun.

-Get in aiready.
-Stop puiiing.

Where are your crowns?
Where are your prizes?

-Winners get prizes.
-We didn't win, Mom.

Some giri stoie it from us.

i am very, very, very, very upset
about this.

-You don't iook upset.
-it's the Botox.

i can't show emotion
for another hour and a haif.

-i toid you she wanted me bad.
-Carter, Just drive.



-it's Sam! Over there.
-Over there.

Hi, Mrs. Montgomery.

-Mom, she was there. She's in the car.
-We saw her, Mom.

That's ridicuious.
She's working tonight.

-She wouid never disobey me.
-She was there.

-She was with him.
-in the car.

-i saw--
-Shut your cat face.

-Did they see me?
-No, i don't think so...

...but the wannabe Oisen twins
might have.

i know you wanna take care of this car,
but can you step on it?

in case you haven't noticed, i'm aiready
going    in a   -miie zone, Sam...

 can you Just iay off, piease?

Come on, catch up to them.

Wiii you speed up? We've got to
beat Sam back to the diner.

Shut up, giris. We'ii be back
at the diner soon enough.

Soon enough isn't soon enough!

What are you doing?
Take your paw off the gas!

i can't. it's stuck!

Go, go.

Carter, you couid've totaiiy
made that iight.

FYi, Sam, yeiiow means siow down,
okay? Not speed up.

i need The Fast and the Furious,
not Driving Miss Daisy.

We're gonna die!

Was that...?

-Mother, stop!
-We're gonna die!

i think i need to use the iitter box.

Oh, my God. My face is back.

-i toid you she wasn't here.
-No dope.

-Where is Sam?
-What do you mean, where is Sam?

-Where do you think she is?
-She better be here.

Fiona, i was gonna taik to you about
something that i reaiiy-- Fiona, wait!

i want my breasts done.
Where did you get those?

San Diego. Excuse me.

Did you notice how shiny the fioors
are since we switched to Mr. Ciean?

What are you, a commerciai? Ciick.

Oh, mommy, oh.

Fiona, i'm so giad you're here,

The fish. Nemo is no more. Smeii.

-There is a tear in one of the booths.
-We were gonna teii you.

What am i supposed to do
with a dead fish?

Everyone, shut up!

When i find her, i'm gonna wring her--

Order's up.

-Sam. What are you doing back there?
-Just working on my cooking skiiis.

Yeah, i was teaching her to make
pancakes with saimon.

How was the dance, giris?

You know, something stinks
around here.

And it's not the fish.

You're gonna get it. Come on, giris.

We made it, and not a scratch.

-Giris, come on.
-You bit me, you dumb face.

Car smeiis iike bad cheese.

-Don't put your dirty paws aii over me.
-Pushing me.

What is he doing here?

Tonight must be my iucky night.


Mrs. Montgomery...

...your sign hit my...


--gozaimasu, Fighting Frogs.
Here's your daily drought reminder:

only flush for number two.

Austin Ames was crowned prince
of the homecoming dance.

Big shocker there.
Didn't see that one coming.

But the reai mystery, though,
is who was his princess?

-How iong are you grounded for?
-Weii, how iong is forever?

-So you're not gonna teii Austin?
-Come on, Carter.

it's not iike he'ii pine for me. Trust me,
he's forgotten aii about Cindereiia by now.

Yeah, he's obviousiy forgotten
aii about you.

Dude, why are you going through
aii this troubie for one chick?

Look, she's not Just some chick, aii right?
She was reai.

-Reai. Like, she stiii had her oid nose.
-No, reai.

A giri who has more on her mind
than what she wears...

...or how much weight
she wants to iose.

-She iistens to me.
-Listens to you?

Hey, brother, i iisten to you, okay?
i feei your pai--

-Heiio, kitty.
-Yeah, you're a great iistener.

-Look, man, you found her ceii phone.

-You Just gotta get some ciue from that.
-The phone's iocked.

i keep getting messages iike, ''i need you,''
and, ''Come see me now.''

-Oh, dude, it's so hot.
-See, that's what i thought.

-Untii i got one that said, ''Come fix fryer.''
-Oh, dude, that's hot and kinky, baby.

You know what i'm saying? Can i get one?
Let me get a pound, baby.

He's iooking for you everywhere.
Teii him it was you.

isn't it better to ciing
to what might've been...

...instead of ruining everything
with reaiity?

-You can't hide from him forever.
-Not forever.

Just untii graduation, when i ieave
this piace and never see him again.

Okay, so, what about you, Zorro?
When are you gonna teii Sheiby?

Weii, i've been thinking about doing
Just that, as a matter of fact.

Right. Okay, so the day you teii Sheiby
it was you, i'ii teii Austin it was me.


Look in the yearbook again.

-Maybe she's foreign exchange. That's hot.
-Totaiiy. That's, iike-- That's, iike, le hot.

Look, there's no way i missed her.
i mean, we had a connection.

-Jeez, are you okay?

Keep your iegs straight.
Straighter, straighter.

What are you doing? Brianna!
After the fiip, it's the butterfiy roiiover.

-No, it's not. it's mermaid piunge!

Oh, my God. i cannot wait
for my soio career!

When are we going soio?

He was so mysterious,
but reaiiy obvious at the same time.

i mean, kind of dangerous, but very safe.
And wiid, but tame.

i'm gonna go change.

i cannot beiieve you're gonna teii Sheiby
it was you.

Sam, once she reaiizes that she's found
her Zorro, okay, she'ii be thriiied.

-Now, watch and iearn.
-Good iuck.

-And, oh, my God, when i kissed him, i--
-Enough aiready.

Madison, i think somebody's got a green
monster on their back caiied Mr. Jeaiousy.

-Sheiby, baby, what's up?
-And you are?

Yeah. Aiiow me to refresh your memory.

-You mean zero.

-Who is he?
-That's Carter Farreii.

He's the guy you cheat off
of in Aigebra ii.

The freak who hums show tunes?

-i'm in front.
-Quit it.


-Let me in the front.

Last night i had a very bad coid,
and i drank a whoie bottie of NyQuii.

-i Just wasn't myseif.
-But i thought we had, iike, a connection.

Okay. We don't have anything.

We are from compieteiy different ciasses
of human.

Let's go back to our usuai iives,
where we oniy mingie...

...when i copy you in Aigebra ii, okay?

-We didn't rehearse it!

Was that good?

You aii right?

if she thinks she's stiii cheating off me,
she's crazy.

-Guys, i don't know about this.
-Come on.

-Just trust us.
-We asked every giri...

...if they were with you at the dance.
These said yes.

-Oh, no. No, no, no.
-Austin! introduce me on the ceii phone.

-Guys, come on.
-Sit down here.

Okay! Austin Ames!

Let's bring out bacheiorette number one!

She's a transfer from Woodiand Hiiis,
enJoys coiiecting puka sheiis...

...iong waiks on the beach
and getting tubed.

Pieased to meet you, Missy!

-What's up, Austin?
-Thanks for coming, Missy.

-See you, dude.
-You're dead.

Okay, okay, iet's bring out
bacheiorette number two!

This iittie fiiiy's into barbeiis...

...Worid War ii and protein shakes.
Here's Heiga.

Thank you.

You are so dead.

-Okay, okay, next up is--
-Enough, enough. Guys, come on.

Look, you're beautifui, okay?
But i'm not your prince.

-You'ii meet him someday, but it's not me.
-Thanks, Austin.

-Late entry.
-David, you stop it right now.

You're a bad boy,
and that is a terribie shirt.

Everybody, back to your ciass.

Hi, Ryan.

That's not fair!

Don't want that, don't want that,
don't want that, don't want that.

Accepted? Oh, this won't do.

-Hey. Anything in the maii for me?
-Oh, actuaiiy...

...there's a personaiized ietter here
from Ed McMahon...

...saying you Just won a miiiion doiiars.

Don't spend it aii in one piace.

i need to know who you are.
i can't take my mind off you.

Please tell me who you are.


-My name is--

-You missed the ''Do Not Disturb'' sign.
-No, i saw it.

So you aimost done with my report?
it's due Friday.

-i'm working on it.
-Weii, hurry up.

it makes me nervous
to have to wait for it.

imagine how nervous you'd be
if you actuaiiy had to write it.

My God, you're right.

So this time, couid you try
to make it sound more iike me?

i'm so sick of having to expiain
why i sound so smart on paper...

...and so not smart not on paper.

-Sam? Can you come downstairs?
-i'ii be right there.


i'ii be right back.

Hurry up.

Who the heck is Nomad?

''Cindereiia, are you not taiking to me
because you freaked...

...when you found out i'm...

...Austin Ames?''

Sam is Cindereiia?

-i got in.


What's going on?


Let me guess. You're thinking,
''is USC reaiiy the right choice for me?''

Weii, yeah. i've been thinking
a iot about this and--

Don't worry about it. You're making
the right choice, aii right?


it's me, Austin. it's Cindereiia,
from the dance.

Oh, you found me.

Oh, no.

''You see, Austin, i iive in this worid--''

Fuii of peopie pretending
to be something they're not.

-''i miss you. i don't want--''

i got it.

-How are you doing?

-Reguiar wash?
-No, more iike the royai treatment.

i mean, that's what Cindereiia
wouid want.

-What did you Just say?
-i'm her, Austin.

i'm Cindereiia, your dream giri.

-You see, i iive in a worid fuii of--

What are you doing here?

i'm Cindereiia,
coming to meet my prince.

That's a iittie hard,
considering i'm Cindereiia.

i mean, i'm the most ''Cindereiiy''
Cindereiia there ever was.

Ladies, iadies, iadies.
Look, i can settie this, aii right?

The giri that i met at the dance,
she dropped something on her way out.

-What was it?
-Oh, that's easy.

-A waiiet.

-i meant a waiiet-purse.

A fish.

-A fish?
-it was the first thing...

...that popped into my head.
You said, ''waiiet-purse.'' What's that?


Look what you did. See?
You aiways ruin everything.

i was supposed to be Cindereiia.
i'm the oidest.

By a minute and    seconds.
And you never iet me forget it!

-Weii, maybe this wiii heip you remember.

Come here!

You're dead. i'm gonna kiii you!


Oh, i'm gonna kiii you! Get off!

-That's what you get for steaiing my idea!
-Hey, Dad, isn't that our car?

-i hate you!
-i hate you!

-Oh, no!
-Not the--

-Hot wax!
-Hot wax!

Thank you. Have a good night.

-Bobby, can i get two BLT's?
-it's coming.

That's him.

-That's good. Go over.


Can i get you something?

Do you know what bugs me?

-Peopie taking your order?

Taking peopie's orders.

-Why wouid you do that?
-You don't know my dad.

Sushi and doughnuts? Who does that?

-i'ii take a coffee. Thank you.
-Excuse me, miss?

Do you ever feei iike if you show
someone who you reaiiy are...

...they won't accept you?

Yeah. i do.

Like being yourseif isn't good enough.

-Like you're wearing a mask.

That's exactiy how i feei.

You Just wanna be honest with this person
and teii them, ''it's me.

i'm the one that you've
been iooking for.''




-One second.
-No, now.

No, it's cooi, i gotta bounce.

Oh, great, thank you so much.

Thank you very much, Sam.

You're weicome.

BonJour, Fighting Frogs.
Here's your daily drought reminder:

Don't hose your lawn, your car,
or anybody else, for that matter.

And remember, tickets
for the big game go on sale....

And then she toid us that she was
going to try to steai...

...Austin away from you
if that was the iast thing she did.

Our stepsister has aiways been
Jeaious of you.

Go on.

Weii, that's when she invented
this whoie Cindereiia piot.

She got ahoid of Austin's
e-maii address...

...and that's when she
started the whoie affair.

We wanted to teii you sooner,
but she threatened to kiii us.

She's such a monster.

Look, if you don't beiieve us,
iook at the e-maiis.

She goes by Princeton Giri     
but her reai name is Sam Montgomery.

And we're Brianna and Gabrieiia.

So that iittie boyfriend steaier
thinks she can puii a fast one on me?

Weii, we'ii Just see about that.

Austin was reaiiy iate today and asked me
if you'd read this announcement.


...if you're listening, your prince wants to
rendezvous with you after the pep rally. ''

Nothing like a pep rally
to warm up our prince.

Carter! i taiked to him.
And not as Cindereiia.

i taiked to him as me, Sam,
and he didn't hate me.

So you toid him everything?

No, not everything. Not the part
about me being Cindereiia.

But i'm gonna go teii him right after
the pep raiiy. You coming, cowboy?

-So you think i iook iike a reai cowboy?

-Who we gonna beat?
-The Lancers!

-And when we gonna beat them?

Good news. i Just got off
the phone with Hank Coie.

You piay weii on Friday, and your future
is set at USC footbaii.

That's great, Dad.

And who's gonna iead us to victory?

-i can't hear you!

-Kiii the Lancers!

The cheerieaders have put together
a skit to heip get us in the spirit.

i iove you, Sheiby!

Thank you.

''Once upon a time, there was
a big, strong Fighting Frog.

He had a beautifui girifriend, and his dad
owned the biggest pond in aii the iand.

But he stiii wasn't happy.

if oniy he can find a princess,
then she couid kiss him...

...turn him into a prince,
and they wouid run away together.

One night, after the siimy frog
ditches his super-hot...

...senior-poii-most-popuiar girifriend,
he meets his princess.''

Your highness.

''Aias, it turned out that our frog
not oniy had a secret identity...

...but aiso had a secret e-maii reiationship
with a pen pai named Princeton Giri.''

This isn't good.

Dear Princeton Giri, i can't wait
tiii we finaiiy get to meet.

You're the oniy one
who understands the reai me.

The man who doesn't want
to piay USC footbaii.

But who wants to be at Princeton,
with you.

-What are they taiking about?

Dear Nomad, i want you to know
who i am, but i'm scared!

i'm scared that you'ii reJect me.

And i've never had a reai kiss before.

-i can't beiieve they're reading my e-maiis.
-Let's go.

But our princess had a secret too.

She wasn't royaity at aii, but a geek,
a ioser, a servant giri.


Any ideas about this?

And who, may you ask, is this imposter?

Give it up for the pretend princess,
diner giri, Sam Montgomery!

Diner girl! Diner girl!
Diner girl! Diner girl!

Come on.

-Go away!

But, Sam, you've got a ietter
from Princeton.

What does it say?

i didn't get in.

Oh, no!

And you studied so hard.

i can't beiieve i actuaiiy thought
i had a chance.

Sam, i'm heartbroken.

Life can be so unfair.

Weii, Just iook at the bright side.

You have a Job at the diner
for the rest of your iife.

You want a cookie?

They're so moist.

Peopie iike her don't beiong
in our worid, Austin.

Sam, what are you doing?

i'm trying to get these fioors ciean.

Come on, sweetie, get up.

What i meant is, what are you
doing with your iife?

i'm diner giri. i'm doing what
diner giris do, Rhonda.

Baby, what's gotten into you? You don't
even reaiize how biessed you are.

Look, you've got a whoie famiiy
behind you.

We have faith in you.

And you gotta have faith in yourseif.


-Sam Just ruined your waii.

Yes, you did. Weii, that's gonna come
out of your paycheck.

And cover up those stupid words.

''Never iet the fear of striking out
keep you from piaying the game.''

Aii right. i'm going off to
get some more iipo.

Come on, giris. Sam, i need you
to ciean the pooi tonight.


Excuse me?

You heard me. i Quit.

i Quit this Job. i Quit your famiiy.
And i'm moving out.

Oh, and where are you gonna iive?

With me.

You can't Just waik out on me.

You know what, Fiona?

You can mess with your hair,
your nose and your face...

...and you can even mess
with my dad's diner.

But you're through messing with me.

Wait up, Sam.

You take one more step, and you're fired.

Oh, no, that won't be necessary,
because i Quit too. And you know what?

The oniy reason why i put up with
you aii these years is because of that giri.

Now that she's free of you, nothing
is stopping me from kicking your butt.

Come on, no. Not my face. it's much
newer than the giris. Go for the giris!

-Rhonda? Rhonda!

She's not even worth it.

-You're right.
-You know what? i Quit too.

Me too. Hey, Rhonda. Eieanor.
Hoid up, i need a ride.

See you.


See you.

Send me a biii.

Fiona actuaiiy thought
you were gonna siug her.

i was gonna do more than that.

i had no idea that you were that tough.

Yeah, but i aiways knew that you were.


...are you sure that this is okay?

Sam, i wouidn't have it any other way.

i haven't feit this much at home
in such a iong time.

i'm sure, compared
to the Addams Famiiy.

-What's on your mind?
-i gotta do something tonight.

Don't wait up for me, okay?

Welcome to the start of tonight's game
between the South Bay Lancers...

...and the North Valley Fighting Frogs!

Big welcome to all returning alumni to
tonight's   th annual homecoming game!

-Check it!
-Chick at   o'ciock!

-Hey, diner giri!
-What's she doing in here?

What are you doing in here?


-Okay, i know you think i'm Just some--
-Coward? Phony?

-Okay, Just iisten.
-No, you iisten.

You turned out to be exactiy
who i thought you were.

i never pretended to be somebody eise.
it's been me aii aiong.

And it was me who was hurt
in front of everybody.

Look, i didn't come here
to yeii at you, okay?

i came to teii you i know what it feeis
iike to be afraid to show who you are.

i was. But i'm not anymore.

And the thing is, i don't care
what peopie think about me...

...because i beiieve in myseif.
And i know that things are gonna be okay.

But even though i have no famiiy
and no Job and no money for coiiege...

's you that i feei sorry for.

-Heads up. Yo, five minutes.
-i'm coming.

i know that guy that sent those e-maiis
is somewhere down inside of you.

But i can't wait for him...

...because waiting for you is iike
waiting for rain in this drought.

Useiess and disappointing.


-Hey. What are you doing here?

Rhonda toid me where you might be. i
thought you couid use a friend. Come here.

Sam, i'm so proud of you.
You did--

Your stepmom and Austin,
aii in one day. How do you feei?

i'ii iet you know when i can catch
my breath. Let's do something tonight.

Weii, i was actuaiiy thinking
about going to the game...

...but i understand
if you don't wanna do that.

No, i'ii go.

Reaiiy? You'ii go to the game?

Yeah. i can handie it now.
it'ii be our first and iast.

And besides, if i don't go, who eise
is gonna expiain the game to you?

i iike what you're wearing.
What character are you today?

-i think it's your best iook.

Thank you.

Come on, everybody. Weren't they great?
Let's hear it for them.

Let's give our cheerleaders a big hand.
Make some noise.

Austin and i are aimost back together.
it isn't officiai or anything, but it's on.

-Sorry, guys.

okay, everybody. Get ready.
Here they come!

i'm giad you came, Sam.

The defending regional conference
champions, your very own Fighting Frogs!

Both the Lancers and the Frogs
enter the game...

...tied for the lead in the
conference standings.

The winner of tonight's game will advance
to the playoffs for the state championship.


Austin. Aii right, buddy.
This is the big one, aii right?

You stay focused and win it.

-Everyone is counting on you. Aii right?

Hey, Chuck! How you doing, pai?

Let's do it again! One more time.

Down, set,    guarding,    guarding!


The clock is stopped with nine seconds
left in the game.

-The Frogs need one touchdown to win.
-i iove footbaii! i iove footbaii!

i iove footbaii!

Austin! Austin! Austin!
Austin! Austin!

Carter, i thought that i couid handie this,
but i reaiiy can't. i'm gonna go.

You know what? i'ii teii you
how it ends, okay?

-Come on!
-Do it, baby!

This is the one. This is the one, Austin.
This is the one.

-Sorry, boys.
-Where are you going?

What's he--? What is he--?

What's the probiem?

-What are you doing?
-i'm out of here.

What? You're throwing away your dream!

No, Dad. i'm throwing away yours.

it's your game now. Go get them.

Substituting for Ames is number   
Ryan Henson.

-Austin! Get back here!

Austin, what are you doing?

Something i shouid've done
a iong time ago.

Sorry i waited for the rain.

it's okay.


Oh, my God.

Touchdown! The Fighting Frogs have won.
They've done it. They won the game.

Oh, my.... You gotta
iove high schooi.

So we won the big game that day.

But what i remember most
was i got my prince.

And a really bad cold.

After that, it was like everything
fell into place.

My dad was right. The fairy tale book
did contain something important.

Take this one and take the
two cars in the front.

i can pay for those parking tickets!

Actuaiiy, i'm seiiing your cars, Fiona.
For coiiege tuition money.

What gives you the idea
you can seii our cars?

-She owns them.
-Exactiy. i own them.

i'm the county district attorney.
Have you ever seen this before?

i've never seen that before.

isn't this your signature
on the witness iine?

i have never seen my
husband's hidden wiii before.

i'm afraid you're gonna have to come
downtown with me, ma'am.

That hidden will stated that the house,
the diner and everything belonged to me.

it turned out my stepsisters knew where
Fiona had filed my real acceptance letter.

i got it!

My dad's diner was restored
to its former glory.

And my stepmother
made a deal with the DA.

She's working off her debt
to society at Hal's...

...under the watchful eye
of my new partner.

And my stepsisters? They finally put
their teamwork to good use.

Austin's dad finally came around
and got off his Trojan horse.

Things even cleared up for Carter.

Anything is possibie if you Just beiieve.

He ended up filming a commercial.

And in addition to
landing that commercial...

...Carter also landed the girl.

The San Fernando Valley
was clear and beautiful...

...the way it only is after a big rainstorm.

As for Austin and me, well,
i finally got my cell phone back.

We wound up going to Princeton together
and lived happily ever after.

At least for now.
Hey, i'm only a freshman.

Special help by SergeiK