Commando Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Commando script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starringA rnold Schwarzenegger.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Commando. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Commando Script



What's that?



Sounds like

the garbage man.



Oh. On Tuesday?



Maybe they changed

the schedule.



Oh, shit!






Wait a minute!



Wait a minute!

Hold it up, you guys.



I was afraid you'd miss me.



Don't worry.

We won't.



Now that

is American workmanship.



You think the Japanese

invented that? Bullshit.



We did. For a while,

we lost it, but we got it back.



I like Cadillacs.



Well, come around here, brother,

and get in this Cadillac.



You'll love it.

This is style and beauty.



Comfy, right? Oh,

I know what you're going to say.



That's vinyl,

but you don't want leather.



Leather's hot,

it's uncomfortable, it cracks.



Nothing but trouble.

Look at the head room.



Go ahead, start it up.

Listen to that.



That's power.

That's performance.



You know what

I like best?



What's that?



The price.



Hey! Wait a minute!



You can't drive

that car in here!






- Hey, guys, how's it going?

- What do you say?



Working, working.

You know.



Daddy, put me down!

Put me down!



I surrender!



Not me!



I love you, too.



Here come the sandwiches.



Why don't they just call him

"Girl George"?



It would cut down the confusión.



Oh, Dad, that's so old.



When I was a boy and rock'n'roll

came to East Germany,



the communists said

it was subversive.



Maybe they were right.



- What's in this?

- You don't want to know.



Dad, what's wrong?



What's that army helicopter

doing here?



You said you wouldn't

go away again, you were through.



I'm not going anywhere.






I promise.



Jackson! Harris!

Secure the area!






John, are you in there?



John, come on out.

It's Kirby.



I know.



Silent and smooth,

just like always.



- I better be. You taught me.

- I'm getting rusty.



What's going on?



- Jenny, how are you?

- Hi.



Jenny, I need

to talk to your dad, OK?



Yeah? Got a warrant?



Very funny.



- Jenny.

- OK.



John, we've got a problem.

Someone's killing your men.



You gave them

new identities.




must have been a leak.



Lawson, Forrestal, Bennett...

they've all been hit.



Who's doing it?



You've made enemies

all over the worid.



It could have been the Syrians,

the South Americans,



the Russians,

or a terrorist group.



They'll find you.



We were going to make

a normal life here.



You will, I promise.



I'm going to coordinate

with the federal people.



We'll nail those bastards

before they get close to you.



In the meantime, Jackson

and Harris will stay here.



Are they any good?



Real good, but not as good

as you were.



Is it bad?



I'm not leaving you,

if that's what you mean.



Then it can't be bad.



- How bad are you hit?

- I can make it.



I've got to get my rifle

from the shed.



Keep an eye out.

They'll be coming.



Get downwind. The air current

may tip them off.



Downwind? You think

I could smell them coming?



I did.



Jenny, you go to your bedroom

and stay out of sight.



I'll be right back.



- Where is she?

- Mellow out, man.



We can't talk business with you

waving guns in people's faces.



Your daughter's safe, Colonel.



Whether she stays that way

is up to you.



My people got business with you.



If you want your kid back,

then you better cooperate.









He's coming at us

with no brakes.



He's still coming,

the crazy bastard!



He'll hit us!






Don't move, motherfucker.



Bennett, I thought you were...



Dead? You thought wrong.



Ever since you had me

thrown out of your unit,



I've waited to

pay you back.



You know what today is, Matrix?









I wanted to use the real thing!



Where is Jenny?



Do you remember me, Colonel?



I remember you, scumbag,



especially the people

you've tortured and killed.



Colonel Matrix,

you do not understand...



a country like Val Verde.



It is a country

that needs a president...



who has an understanding

of discipline.



Why tell me?



Because you're going

to return to Val Verde,



and you are going

to kill the president...



that you helped

to overthrow me.



Have Bennett do it.



Sounds like something

he'd get off on.



Because President Velasquez

trusts you, Colonel.



After all, he made you

the hero of the revolution.



Captain Bennett left,

shall we say, under a cloud.



Yeah. Because he enjoyed

killing too much.



Your training, Matrix.



You can get close

to President Velasquez.



You will kill him.



We went to a lot

of trouble to find you.



We had to pretend

Captain Bennett's death...



so General Kirby

would become agitated...



and lead us to you.



Now that I have you, you will do

exactly as I tell you.



Fuck you.









Oh, you bastards!



If you kill President Velasquez,

I will send her back to you.



If you try anything else,



I will mail her to you

in pieces.



Any sign of Matrix?



No, sir. Just those bodies.

You think there's more, sir?



If he's still alive,

I'd expect a lot more.



Sully will make sure

you get on the plane.



Henriques will stay with you,

make sure you get off.



I don't hear from

either one of them, she's dead.



How much they

paying you, Bennett?



They offered me a hundred grand.



You want to know something?



When I found it was you,

I said I'd do it for nothing.



- Hey, hold it!

- I'll be back, Bennett.






I'll be ready, John.



We're running late, buddy.



So you and Bennett

met in the service?



Me and Henriques

is in the service, too.



Nothing like old war buddies.



Well, have a nice trip, now.



Take care.

Oh, here.



Have some beers in Val Verde.



It'll give everyone more time

with your daughter.



You're a funny guy, Sully.

I like you.



That's why I'll kill you last.






Hasta luego, fellas.



First class,  a.



And you're  b, sir.



Any carry-on luggage?



Just him.



Open your mouth again,

I'll nail it shut.



Fasten your seat belt, sir.



Thank you.



Could I have

a blanket and a pillow?






- There you go.

- Thank you.



We're now preparing

for departure.



Please make sure

your luggage...



is safely stored

in the overhead compartments.



Fasten your seat belts

and extinguish all cigarettes.



Once we reach

our cruising altitude,



we'll be serving

complimentary beverages...



and then our dinner.



After that, we'll be showing

our feature film.



Your flight attendants are

Susan and Lance, and I'm Debbie.



We're here to make

your trip comfortable.



Have a safe

and enjoyable flight.



Excuse me.

How long is the flight?



We land in Val Verde

in    hours.



Thank you.

And do me a favor...



Don't disturb my friend.

He's dead tired.



Upright, please.

Thank you.



Sir, during takeoff,

you must remain seated.



I'm airsick.



Yeah, the bird has flown.

The cargo's aboard.



Now go to the drop-off point.



Yes. Gracias, Sully.



We are right on schedule.



With any good fortune,



today will be my last day

as a civilian.



Your father seems

to be cooperating.



You will be together

with him soon.



Won't that be nice?



Not nearly as nice as

watching him smash your face in.



Take her below.






Well, my  :   flight

to Vancouver was canceled.



So, how about dinner?






I could go to bed early, too.



- Maybe another time.

- Sounds like he's mad at you.



OK. Well, I like you, too.



All right.

Talk to you soon. Bye.



Love and careers. It's tough.

Sounds like you need a date.



Well, I don't.



Giris like you meet

a lot of nice boys at airports.



Listen, you're really

bugging me.






Hey, slow down.



- I got something to give you.

- I'm not interested.



You don't know

what you're missing.



It looks like a nightmare.

Please leave me alone!



You fucking whore.



Don't move.

I'm not going to hurt you.



- Step aside.

- You said, "Don't move."



Do it. Get in the car.









Do exactly what I tell you.



- I've got a  :   karate class.

- You're not going to make it.



Follow him.



I knew you would say that.



Don't get offended, but are you

going to kill me or something?






You wouldn't tell me

if you were.



- Sure, I would.

- Really?



Trust me.



Stay close to him. Faster!



That's good.



Can you tell me

what this is about?



A guy I trusted for years

wants me dead.



I've only known you   minutes,

and I want you dead, too.



Out. Come on.

Hurry up.



- Lf you're in a hurry, I can...

- I'm almost through with you.



Listen to me.

My daughter has been kidnapped.



He's the only chance I've got

of finding her.



If he sees me or I lose him,

they'll kill her.



I need you to follow him,

tell him you're crazy about him.



Bring him over here.

I will do the rest.



You go back to your normal life.

Got it?



- No.

- Please, help me.



You're the only

chance I've got.



She has less

than    hours left.



They're going to kill her.



OK. All right. I'll help you.



There's this huge guy outside

in a green t-shirt.



He's a paranoid maniac,

and he's kidnapped me.



I need your help.



- I'll check it out.

- Thank you.



I hear you're great

with transmissions.



That's right.



Oh, yeah.

This will work just fine.



Biggs, are you there?



There's a guy over here

that may be wacko.



- I doubt I can handle him alone.

- I'll be there.



Want to see me kick ass?



- Wait here, miss.

- Thank you.



Attention all units.

Emergency on the theater level.



Suspect,  '  ", brown hair.



He's one gigantic




This used to be a great place

for hunting slash.



It's got crowded now.



I think I found

something, though.



See you.



- What are you doing here?

- I'm waiting for my...



Hey, you looking for me?



Come with us.












I need a quarter.

Give me a quarter!



Move it!



Son of a bitch!



- Out of the way.

- Freeze!






Get him!



Come on.



- Stop or I'll shoot!

- No!



Hey, lady! Stop!



Wait for me!

Don't you go anywhere!



Who the hell are you, huh?



You steal my car,

rip the seat out, kidnap me,



you ask me to help find your

daughter, which I kindly do,



then you get me in a shoot-out

where people are dying.



You rip a phone booth

out of the wall,



swing from

the ceiling like Tarzan,



then a cop's going to shoot you,

and I save you,



and he starts chasing me!



Are you going to tell me

what's going on or what?!






No? No?



Oh, my god! Watch out!



What are you doing?



Oh, look out! Aah!



This is not my day!









My car!






- Are you all right?

- I'm dead.



You're all right.

Wait for me.



Where is she?



- Kiss my ass.

- I can't hear you!



I'll say it louder:

Get fucked.



Your loyalty is very touching,



but it's not the most important

thing in your life right now.



But what is important

is gravity.



I have to remind you, Sully,

this is my weak arm.



You can't kill me.



You need me

to find your daughter.



Cook knows.

I'll take you where I meet him.



- No, you won't.

- Why not?



Because I already know.



Remember I promised

to kill you last?



That's right, Matrix.

You did!



I lied.






Now you don't have a car.



Now I do.



- What did you do with Sully?

- I let him go.






I'm sorry

I got you involved.



Tell me

what this is about.



- It's about her.

- Is this your daughter?



People are using her

to force me to do a job.



If I don't get to her soon,

they'll kill her.



- Did you do the job?

- No.



They would kill her

even if I did it.



Our only chance

is to get to her...



before they find out

what I'm doing.



All that matters

to me now is Jenny.



Let's go. Out!



Stay put.



- What are you doing?

- Helping you get her back.



- Check the drawers.

- All right.



It's Cook.

Mess up the bed.



Act like you had

a good time with Sully.



Look at this.



All right.






- Where's Sully?

- In the shower.



- Who are you?

- Room service.



Open the door.



Move over there.



Hey, Sully!









You scared, motherfucker?

Well, you should be.



This Green Beret's

going to kick your big ass.



I eat Green Berets

for breakfast,



and right now

I'm very hungry.



I can't believe

this macho bullshit.



Fuck you, asshole.



Fuck you, asshole.



These guys eat

too much red meat!






Where is she?






Let's go.



This must be Cook's car.



Let's search it.



I think

I found something.



Look at this.



What is this?



Coastal is a fuel depot

that supplies planes.



To whom, the airlines?



Usually smaller,

private aircraft.



Are you sure?



This is where my

flight instructor gets his fuel.



There are a lot of warehouses

on Pecondo Street.



Harris must be keeping

a plane there.



Let's go.

We'll take Cook's car.



He won't be needing it.



This is it.

Patria Enterprises.



This is where I was

this afternoon.



Go this way

and wait for my signal.



Cindy? Come on.



I've seen all the equipment,

but there's no airplane.



What about your daughter?



Harris and Bennett

aren't here.



She's wherever they are.



OK. Look at this.



These coordinates are

somewhere near Santa Barbara.






There's something going on

at this island north of here.



This must be where

they've taken Jenny.



Look, here's a photo

of an amphibian airplane.



- Maybe they use it to fly there.

- Let's look at that invoice.



Type   fuel is amphibian.



    gallons would fly this plane

to the island and back.



But it isn't here.

I've seen everything.



It was refueled at pump station

   Pacific Pier.



That's San Pedro.



- How long to fly to the island?

- About two hours.



- Are we going to the plane?

- Not yet.



- Where are we going?

- Shopping.






Come on. Come on!






- What's that?

- Rocket launcher.






Freeze! Don't even think

about it!



- Stick him in the truck.

- Come on. Come on.



If you call

General Franklin Kirby,



he will explain everything.



Kirby, huh? I think

we ran him in last week.









Not bad.



- What's she doing?

- She's got something for us.



I bet she does.






What the hell was that?!



Jesus Christ!



- Where did you learn to do that?

- I read the instructions.



What time do you expect Matrix

to arrive in Val Verde?



Just over two hours.



Do you think he's

going to give us any problems?



He'll do exactly as

he's told...



as long as he thinks

he'll get his daughter back.



- It's all clear.

- Good. OK, go.






Did anybody ever tell you

you have a lot of hostility?



Come on. Let's move.



I hope I can fly

this plane.



Oh, shit!






- Oh, no!

- What's wrong?



This isn't a plane.

This is a canoe with wings.



- Then get in and start paddling.

- Oh!



Start the engine! Hurry!




- This plane's older than I am!

- Come on!



There's no L.E.D. Read-out!



I've only trained on a Cessna.



- Hurry up!

- I'm trying!







Come on, piece of shit!



Fly or die!



Works every time.



All right.

Here we go.



- Watch out for the boat!

- We're not going to make it! Ah!



- Yes, we are.

- Aah!






We did it. We did it.






Well done.



Thank you.



- Matrix?

- Call the federal building.



Have them monitor every police,

aviation, and marine channel.



- What are you expecting?

- Worid War III.



Repeat: This is Whiskey X-ray

    for General Kirby.



Urgent you respond.




unidentified aircraft.



This is the Coast Guard

cutter Marauder.



You're flying over

the San Magill gunnery range.



This is a highly

restricted area.



Change course or you will be

forced to land. Acknowledge.



Urgent. Repeat, urgent.



You must contact

General Franklin Kirby.



First change course or you risk

being shot down. Acknowledge.



They shoot the shit

out of this area all the time.



Flights out of LAX

avoid it like the plague.



- Can you go below radar?

- Not marine radar.



If I get us close to the water,

the waves can camouflage us.



- Go down.

- Oh... OK.



- Do it!

- Hang on.



We lost them, sir.



Slitting a little girl's throat

is like cutting warm butter.



Put the knife away,

and shut your mouth.



I love listening to

your little piss-ant soldiers...



trying to talk tough.



They make me laugh.



If Matrix was here,

he'd laugh, too.



Mr. Bennett,

my soldiers are patriots.



Your soldiers are nothing.



Matrix and I could kill

every one of them...



in a blink of an eye.

Remember that.



Are you trying to frighten me?



I don't have to try.



When Matrix finishes the job,

he'll be back for his daughter.



Now, whether she's alive

or dead doesn't matter.



Then he'll be after you.



Now, the only thing

between Matrix and you...



is me.



It is you that is afraid,

Mr. Bennett.



You are afraid of Matrix.



Of course. I'm smart.



But I have an edge.

I have his daughter.



- Is that it?

- That's the one.



Land here. It's the most

isolated spot we'll find.



OK. Here we go.



You remember the message?



Commando. Kirby.



Code red. Coordinates.

Got it.



Don't break radio silence

until they see me.



How will I know?



Because all fucking hell

is going to break loose.



Be careful, Matrix.

Good luck.









Si. El presidente aquí.



He was not on the plane.



Kill her.



Como esta?









Welcome back, John.

So glad you could make it.



Little bitch!



I'll kill her!







I say again, Commando!



This is Whiskey X-ray    .



I have an emergency message

for a General Franklin Kirby.



I repeat,

General Franklin Kirby.



General Kirby, we have

your message on the teletype.






Paren disparando!



Vayan y miren.









Venganse conmigo!







































No, not daddy.



Come on!









John? How's your arm, John?



Come find out.



No, thanks.

Think I'll take a pass.



John, stick your head out.



One shot

right between the eyes.



I'll make it quick

for old times' sake.



Stop screwing around

and let the girl go.



It's me you want.



I have one arm.

You can beat me.



Come on, Bennett, throw away

that chicken-shit gun.



You don't just want

to pull a trigger.



Put the knife in me

and look me in the eye...



and see what's going on

in there when you turn it.



That's what you

want to do, right?



- I could kill you, John.

- Let the girl go.



It's between you and me.



Don't deprive yourself

of some pleasure.



Come on, Bennett.

Let's party.



I can beat you.

I don't need the girl.



I don't need the girl!



Ha! I don't need

the gun, John.



I can beat you.



I don't need no gun!



I'm going to kill you now!









You're getting old, John.



You're getting old.












John, I feel good.



Just like old times.



What's it feel like to be

a dying man, John?



You're a dead man, John.






John, I'm not going to shoot you

between the eyes.



I'm going to shoot you

between the balls!






Let off some steam,







Move out!



- Leave anything for us?

- Just bodies.



I'd like you to start up

your unit again, John.



All it would take

is your coming back.



This was the last time.



Until the next time.



No chance.

Special help by SergeiK