The Crying Game Script FADE IN: EXT. CARNIVAL - DAY A loudspeaker playing Percy Sledge's "When a Man Loves a Woman," as we see a carnival in the distance - with a Ferris Wheel turning round and round. A black man is by a stall. On his arm is an Irish girl with blond hair. The black man is drunk, and is tossing rings around a bowling pin. JODY And that's cricket, hon. An attendant hands him the teddy bear. It looks ridiculous in his huge hands. He gives it to the girl. JODY You want it? GIRL Sure. JODY Doesn't matter if you don't. He puts his arm around her and drags her on. JODY Jody won't be offended. Jody's never offended. What'd you say your name was? GIRL Jude. JODY Jude. Suits you, Jude. JUDE The teddy bear? JODY No, fuck the bear. The name. Jude. And it's June. Jude in June. He comes to a small canvas tent with a sign on it - TOILET. 2. JODY Gotta piss, Jude. He holds her hand. JODY Don't run off, Jude. JUDE You don't know me, do you? Jody walks inside the canvas flap and vanishes from sight. We can still see his hand, holding Jude's. She leans against the canvas, looking bored. JODY (inside) What if I did? JUDE You'd know I wouldn't run off. She stands there, listening to the sound of him urinate. Her eyes flick around the carnival. They settle on a tall dark- haired man in a dark jacket. He nods. JODY Never pissed holding a girl's hand, Jude. JUDE You didn't? JODY And you know what? JUDE Tell me, Jody He staggers out, buttoning up. JODY It's nice. He goes to kiss her. She turns her head away. JUDE Not here. JODY Who gives a fuck. JUDE You never know. 3. She pulls him over toward the water. JODY I never know nothing. JUDE People. They could be looking. Jody follows her, as she walks backward, drawing him on. He moves his hips to a song as Jude leads him over the beach, under a train trestle. JUDE Come and get me, soldier -- JODY Whatever you say, Jude... He sinks down on his knees toward her. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. Jody writhes on top of her, fumbling with his belt. Jude cocks one eye upward. A shadow falls across them. CLOSE ON JODY, kissing her. A gun is put to his head. He turns around, drunkenly. JODY What the fuck -- The gun whacks him across the cheek and he falls sideways. Jude scrambles to her feet and darts like an animal through a field. Jody feels his cheek. He can see her blond head vanishing among the fields. He looks up and sees a group of men around him. The tallest of them, Fergus, cocks the gun. INT. CAR - DAY A mini, driving down a country road. Two men in the front, three in the back. On the floor of the car Jody lies, with three pairs of feet on top of him, a black bag over his head and the barrel of a gun dangling close to his face. Fergus holds the gun. He is smoking a cigarette. His movements are slow and somewhat innocent. FERGUS So what's your name, soldier? 4. JODY Fuck you. FERGUS Yeah. EXT. SMALL FARMHOUSE - EVENING. INT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Jody pulled through and tied to a chair. Maguire, a small lean man, talks to him through the hood. MAGUIRE The situation is simple. You're being held hostage by the Irish Republican Army. They've got one of our senior members under interrogation in Castleraigh. We've informed them that if they don't release him within three days, you'll be shot. You'll be treated as our guest until further developments. Have you anything to say? Jody is motionless under the black hood. FERGUS Give him a cup of tea. MAGUIRE Do you want a cup of tea? He still says nothing. DISSOLVE. All the men are drinking tea. The blond woman comes in with a plate and some food on it. FERGUS See does he want some. JUDE Do you want some food? Jody sits as still as a grave, saying nothing. DISSOLVE. Late at night -- it is dark. The men are sleeping. Fergus is sitting by a chair, gun in his hand, watching the prisoner. Jude comes in, with a flashlight. 5. FERGUS Hey -- what's he like? JUDE Horny bastard. FERGUS Did you give him it? JUDE There are certain things I wouldn't do for my country. FERGUS Have a look at him. JUDE Can't. FERGUS Poke him or something. See if he's still alive. JUDE He's all right. FERGUS Hasn't moved for twelve hours. Go on. Have a heart. She moves over to him. She prods him in the legs with her foot. He doesn't move. Then she lifts the hood ever so slightly, to peer inside. Suddenly the man moves like lightning, jerking his head down so the hood comes off, throwing his body, tied to the chair, over Jude. JODY You fucking bitch -- you fucking whore -- He pins her to the ground, his body bent with the chair. He writhes on top of her in a grotesque parody of love. She is screaming and the room is alive, each man awake, grabbing guns, screaming. MAGUIRE Turn the fucking thing off -- EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus follows Jude out a back door, holding her by the arm. FERGUS You all right? 6. JUDE Fucking animal. She takes in huge gobs of air. FERGUS You don't know that. JUDE Fucking do. I had him all over me. He touches her face. FERGUS Tough work, that. JUDE Someone's got to do it. She rubs her hand on his chest. JUDE Nah, it was a breeze. Just thought of you. She sidles closer, coming on to him. JUDE And you know what, Fergus? One of you made me want it... She puts her lips to his neck. FERGUS Which one? She doesn't answer. They embrace. EXT. FARMHOUSE - MORNING. A hot summer's day. There are tall hedges all around the house. Fergus leads Jody, still bound and hooded, over toward a greenhouse. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Dusty tomato plants and vines everywhere. Broken glass. The sun pouring through. Fergus leads Jody over to a wrought iron chair and sits him in it. He sits opposite, gun on his lap. Fergus takes some sandwiches out of a brown paper bag. He holds one out toward him. 7. FERGUS Eat something, would you? JODY Can't. FERGUS What do you mean you can't? JODY Can't eat through a canvas bag. Fergus walks over to him, lifts the hood up so his mouth is revealed, and pushes the sandwich toward his lips. Jody eats, slowly. JODY This is a farce, man. FERGUS How is it a farce? JODY I seen your fucking face. FERGUS So, what do I look like? JODY You're the one about five ten with the killer smile and the baby face. FERGUS Am I? JODY Yeah. And the brown eyes. Fergus pushes the last crumbs of the sandwich toward Jody's mouth. JODY You're the handsome one. Jody eats the last bits. JODY Thank you, handsome. FERGUS My pleasure. 8. EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Jude makes her way from the door toward the greenhouse. She is carrying a pot of tea and two cups. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY It is sweltering now in the greenhouse. CLOSE ON JODY'S COWLED HEAD. The hood is drenched with sweat. JODY I can't fucking breathe, man. Be a Christian, will you? Jude comes into view. JODY Tell him to take the hood off, honey... Jude says nothing. Lays the tea on the ground. FERGUS How did you know it was her? JODY I can smell her perfume. Jude pours out the tea. JUDE See, if we took the hood off, we'd have to shoot you. As it is, you've got a fifty-fifty chance. JODY Thought you liked me, bitch. JUDE It was fun while it lasted. JODY Nice lady. His breathing becomes labored. JODY Please, man, I'm suffocating in here. FERGUS Can't we take it off? JUDE Have to check with himself. 9. Fergus gives her the gun. FERGUS You look after him. Jody's head follows Fergus while he leaves. JODY Don't leave me with her, man. She's dangerous... Jude smiles, holding the gun on her lap. INT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Fergus enters. Maguire and the others. Maguire has a newspaper, which has a headline regarding the kidnapping. MAGUIRE Made the front page. They'll move now, the fuckers. FERGUS Request permission to take the hood off, Tommy. MAGUIRE Why would you do that? FERGUS The poor whore's suffocating in the heat. MAGUIRE So? FERGUS And anyway, he's seen our faces. MAGUIRE You sure? FERGUS He described me down to a T. Knows what Jude looks like. Maguire reads the paper. FERGUS Tommy -- 10. MAGUIRE You're his keeper. If you don't mind him seeing you, I don't mind. But you're the only one he looks at. FERGUS Thanks. MAGUIRE It's your decision. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Jude, drinking tea, looking at Jody sweating. Fergus enters. He puts his arm casually around her. FERGUS Leave us, Judie. JUDE My pleasure. She goes. Fergus walks to Jody and slowly takes the hood off. Jody looks up at him, his face bathed in sweat. He breathes in mighty gulps of air. He smiles. JODY Thank you, soldier. Fergus smiles. JODY Never thought fresh air would taste this good. Fergus pours out a cup of tea and brings it to his lips. JODY Now, if you took the ropes off, I'd be able to feed myself. FERGUS No fucking way. JODY Only joking. Fergus drinks. JODY You know, I was wrong about one thing. 11. FERGUS What's that? JODY Five ten. Brown eyes. But you're no pinup. FERGUS No? JODY Nope. Not handsome at all. FERGUS You trying to hurt my feelings? JODY No. It's the truth. FERGUS Well, I could say the same about you. JODY Could you? FERGUS But I won't. We're more polite around these parts. JODY So I've noticed. Fergus looks at him. Jody isn't smiling anymore. Fergus goes back to his seat and drinks his tea. He fingers the gun on his lap. JODY Hey -- FERGUS What is it now? JODY You're going to have to do it, aren't you? FERGUS Do what? JODY Kill me. 12. FERGUS What makes you think that? JODY They're going to let that guy die. And you're going to kill me. FERGUS They won't let him die. JODY You want to bet? FERGUS I'm not a gambling man. JODY And even if he doesn't die -- you can't just let me loose. FERGUS Why can't we? JODY Not in your nature. FERGUS What do you know about my nature? JODY I'm talking about your people, not you. FERGUS What the fuck do you know about my people? JODY Only that you're all tough undeluded motherfuckers. And that it's not in your nature to let me go. FERGUS Shut the fuck up, would you? JODY And you know the funny thing? FERGUS No, what's the funny thing? JODY I didn't even fancy her. 13. FERGUS Didn't look like that to me... JODY She's not my type. He looks at Fergus. JODY C'mere. FERGUS No. JODY Ah, c'mere. I want to show you something. FERGUS What? JODY My inside pocket. Fergus holds the gun to his face. He fishes inside Jody's inside pocket. JODY Take out the wallet. Fergus's hand emerges with a wallet. JODY Open it. CLOSE ON THE WALLET. Credit cards, army identification photograph. JODY Inside. There's a picture. Fergus takes out a picture. It is of Jody, in cricket whites, smiling, holding a bat. Fergus smiles. JODY No, not that one. There's another. Fergus takes out another picture of Jody and of a beautiful black woman, smiling. JODY Now she's my type. 14. FERGUS She'd be anyone's type. JODY Don't you think of it, fucker. FERGUS Why not? JODY She's mine. Anyway, she wouldn't suit you. FERGUS No? JODY Absolutely not. FERGUS She your wife? JODY Suppose you could say that. Jody chuckles. FERGUS You make a nice couple. JODY Don't I know it. FERGUS So what were you fucking around for, then? JODY You fuckers set me up. That bitch -- FERGUS She's a friend of mine JODY Okay. That nice lady. Meets me in a bar. I'm saying what the fuck am I doing here anyway. She buys me a drink. She holds my hand. I'm looking at her saying I don't like you, bitch. But what the fuck. Maybe I'll get to understand. FERGUS What? 15. JODY What the fuck am I doing here. FERGUS What the fuck were you doing here? JODY I got sent. FERGUS You could have said no. JODY Can't. Once I signed up. FERGUS Why did you sign up? JODY It was a job. So I get sent to the only place in the world they call you nigger to your face. FERGUS Shouldn't take it personally. JODY (He imitates a Belfast accent) "Go back to your banana tree, nigger." No use telling them I came from Tottenham. FERGUS And you play cricket?. JODY Best game in the world. FERGUS Ever see hurling? JODY That game where a bunch of paddies whack sticks at each other? FERGUS Best game in the world. JODY Never. FERGUS The fastest. 16. JODY Well, in Antigua cricket's the black man's game. The kids play it from the age of two. My daddy had me throwing googlies from the age of five. Then we moved to Tottenham and it was something different. FERGUS How different? JODY Toffs' game there. But not at home. . Fergus looks at him. JODY So when you come to shoot me, Paddy, remember, you're getting rid of a shit- hot bowler. FERGUS I'll bear that in mind. He keeps looking at him. FERGUS And by the way, it's not Paddy. It's Fergus. Jody smiles. JODY Nice to meet you, Fergus. FERGUS My pleasure, Jody EXT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus leads Jody outside, holding the gun against him. FERGUS Take it easy, now. Just go slow. Down by that tree. JODY Tree. He walks toward it, breathing heavily. JODY You've got to loosen my hands. 17. FERGUS Can't. JODY Well then, you're going to have to take my dick out for me, aren t you? Fergus, in the dark, stands motionless, looking at him. JODY Come on, man, I'm going to wet my pants! Fergus turns him around and unzips his fly. JODY Take the fucker out, man, I'm dying -- Fergus takes Jody's penis out. Jody takes two steps toward the wall. JODY I gotta lean forward or I'll dribble all over myself. Will you hold my hands for me. Fergus holds his hands from behind, so Jody can lean forward. Jody now pisses with immense relief JODY Now, that was worth waiting for. FERGUS Hurry up, would you? JODY These things take time, Fergus. He shakes his body. JODY It's amazing how these small details take on such importance... He steps back. JODY Now put it back in. FERGUS Give us a break. 18. JODY I can't do it! It's only a piece of meat. For fuck's sake, it's got no major diseases. Fergus puts Jody's penis back in his pants and zips him up. JODY Thank you. I had a case of the clap two years ago. Crabs in Ulster. But all in all it's served me well. FERGUS Shut up, would you? JODY I'm sorry. Didn't mean to offend you, Fergus. Fergus leads him hack toward the greenhouse. INT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus leads Jody back to his chair. JODY Fergus? FERGUS Yeah? JODY Thanks. I know that wasn't easy for you. He begins to laugh. FERGUS The pleasure was all mine. Fergus begins to laugh, without knowing why. EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Maguire, walking out of the house, woken by the sound of laughter. INT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Jody, still laughing. Suddenly the hood is slammed back over his head. Maguire, standing there in the dark, looking at Fergus. 19. MAGUIRE What the fuck is this? FERGUS It's nothing. He's just got a sense of humor, that's all. MAGUIRE You're on duty. Keep your fucking mouth shut. Go in and get some sleep. Fergus gets up slowly, walks toward the door. JODY Yeah. Get some sleep. EXT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus, walking toward the house. He looks back and sees the figures of Maguire and Jody in the dark, in absolute silence. INT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus sleeping. INT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Jody sleeping. Maguire sitting with an Armalite in his hands, watching him. EXT. FARMHOUSE AND FIELDS - DAY The sun coming up over the low hills around the farmhouse. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Fergus enters, with a tray and some breakfast. Maguire is sitting where he sat before, stock-still. FERGUS Did he talk? Maguire shakes his head. FERGUS Didn't make you laugh? Maguire shakes his head. FERGUS Here. Have some breakfast. He hands Maguire a plate. Jody stirs. 20. JODY Good morning, Fergus? Maguire looks hard at him. MAGUIRE So he knows your name? FERGUS I told him. MAGUIRE Are you all there? He rises, and drags Fergus out the door. FERGUS Back in a minute, Jody EXT. GREENHOUSE - DAY MAGUIRE You'll have minimal contact with the prisoner, do you hear me? FERGUS Yes. MAGUIRE And do you know why? FERGUS Why? MAGUIRE Because tomorrow we might have to shoot him, that's why. Maguire goes back to the house. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Jody sitting with the hood on again. Fergus enters. JODY They giving you trouble, Fergus? Fergus says nothing. He takes a plate and brings it toward Jody 21. JODY It happens. Y'see, there's two kinds of people. Those who give and those who take. Fergus lifts up Jody's hood to expose his mouth and begins to feed him. JODY Ah, take the thing off, man. Fergus says nothing and keeps feeding him. JODY It's okay. I understand. Don't mind if I prattle on, do you? Fergus shakes his head and says nothing. JODY I will take it by your silence that you don't. He eats. Fergus feeds himself, then feeds more to Jody. JODY Two types, Fergus. The scorpion and the frog. Ever heard of them? Fergus says nothing. JODY Scorpion wants to cross a river, but he can't swim. Goes to the frog, who can, and asks for a ride. Frog says, "If I give you a ride on my back, you'll go and sting me." Scorpion replies, "It would not be in my interest to sting you since as I'll be on your back we both would drown." Frog thinks about this logic for a while and accepts the deal. Takes the scorpion on his back. Braves the waters. Halfway over feels a burning spear in his side and realizes the scorpion has stung him after all. And as they both sink beneath the waves the frog cries out, "Why did you sting me, Mr. Scorpion, for now we both will drown?" Scorpion replies, "I can't help it, it's in my nature." Jody chuckles under his hood. 22. FERGUS So what's that supposed to mean? JODY Means what it says. The scorpion does what is in his nature. Take off the hood, man. FERGUS Why? JODY 'Cause you're kind. It's in your nature. Fergus walks toward him and pulls off the hood. Jody smiles up at him. JODY See? I was right about you. FERGUS Don't be so sure. JODY Jody's always right. INT. GREENHOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON. Both men dozing in the heat. JODY Where would you most like to be now, man? FERGUS Doesn't matter where. JODY Come on, man. If this shit was all over. FERGUS Having a pint in the Rock. JODY You lack imagination, Fergus. Think of something more alluring. FERGUS Like what? JODY Like having a pint in the Metro -- Fergus laughs. 23. FERGUS Having two pints in the Rock. JODY Having a pint in the Metro, and Dil's having a margarita. FERGUS Who's Dil? JODY My special friend. FERGUS Oh, yeah. JODY We got simple tastes, you and me. FERGUS The best. JODY But you fellas never get a break, do you? FERGUS Do you? JODY Oh, yes. We do a tour of duty and we're finished. But you guys are never finished, are you? FERGUS We don't look on it like that. JODY I've often wondered how you do it. FERGUS Depends on what you believe in. JODY What do you believe in? FERGUS That you guys shouldn't be here. JODY It's as simple as that? FERGUS Yes. 24. Jude enters. JUDE Put that thing back on him, Fergus. FERGUS He's hot. JUDE Doesn't matter if he's hot. Just cover the fucker up. JODY Have you no feelings, woman? JUDE You shut your face -- She pulls the hood down over him. JUDE You're heading for trouble, Fergus -- JODY He's a good soldier, Jude. She whacks him with a pistol. JUDE I said shut the fuck up -- JODY He believes in the future -- INT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Jody, sitting in the hood. Fergus lifts it a bit; Jody's mouth, with blood now in his lips. FERGUS Is it bad? JODY No. Not bad. Women are trouble, you know that, Fergus? FERGUS I didn't. JODY Some kinds of women are... 25. FERGUS She can't help it. JODY Dil wasn't trouble. No trouble at all. FERGUS You liked her? JODY Present tense, please. Love her. Whatever she is. I'm thinking of her now, Fergus. Will you think of her too? FERGUS Don't know her. JODY Want you to do something, Fergus. FERGUS What? JODY If they kill me -- FERGUS Don't think that way. JODY But they will. As sure as night follows day. They have to. I want you to find her out. Tell her I was thinking of her. Fergus is moved. He can't reply. JODY See if she's all right. FERGUS I don't know her. JODY Take her picture. C'mere. Fergus walks toward him. JODY Take it. In the inside pocket. Their faces, close to each other as Fergus searches out her picture. 26. JODY Take the whole lot. I won't need it. FERGUS I told you not to talk that way -- JODY Go to Millie's Hair Salon in Spitalfields. Take her to the Metro for a margarita. Don't have to tell her who you are. Just tell her Jody was thinking -- FERGUS Stop it -- The door opens. Maguire is there, with another. MAGUIRE Volunteer? Fergus turns toward him. MAGUIRE We need you inside. Fergus walks toward Maguire and the other man walks forward, takes his seat. Fergus, unseen by Maguire, puts the wallet in his pocket. INT. FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. Maguire, Jude, Fergus, and the others. MAGUIRE We've had word. They've used every trick in the book on him. He's starting to talk. You're going to have to do it in the morning. Maguire lights a cigarette. Fergus looks at him and nods. MAGUIRE You OK about that? FERGUS I'm a volunteer, am n't I? MAGUIRE Good. I was beginning to have my doubts about you for the last few days. JUDE Not the only one -- 27. MAGUIRE Shut up, Jude. You best get some sleep tonight, Fergus. FERGUS Peter. MAGUIRE What? FERGUS Request permission to guard the prisoner tonight -- JUDE You're crazy. Don't let him, Peter. MAGUIRE Shut the fuck up, Jude. He turns back to Fergus. He puts his arm on Fergus's shoulder. MAGUIRE Why do you want to do that for? FERGUS Would make me feel better about it. MAGUIRE You sure about that? FERGUS I'm sure. MAGUIRE Okay. You're a good man, Fergus. Fergus leaves. INT. GREENHOUSE - NIGHT. Fergus takes his place in the chair beside Jody. Jody begins to laugh under the hood. It turns into the sound of crying. FERGUS Don't. JODY I'm sorry. 28. The crying stops. JODY Help me. FERGUS How can I? JODY I don't know. Just help me. Give me a cigarette. Fergus takes out a cigarette, lights it, and lifts up Jody's hood so he can smoke. JODY Don't even smoke, you know that? It just seemed the right thing to do. Fergus watches him puff the cigarette, the hood just above his lips. Jody coughs, but keeps the cigarette in his lips. Fergus gently takes the cigarette from his mouth. FERGUS Go to sleep now. JODY I don't want to sleep. Tell me something. FERGUS What? JODY A story. FERGUS Like the one about the frog? JODY And the scorpion. No. Tell me anything. FERGUS When I was a child... JODY Yeah? FERGUS I thought as a child. But when I became a man I put away childish things... JODY What does that mean? 29. FERGUS Nothing. JODY Tell me something, anything. Fergus is silent; his eyes wet. JODY Not a lot of use, are you, Fergus? FERGUS Me? No, I'm not good for much... EXT. FIELDS - MORNING. The farmhouse covered in mist. The sun coming through it. EXT. GREENHOUSE - MORNING. Maguire opens the door to the greenhouse and clicks the chamber of his gun. Fergus has a gun in his hand. He checks the chamber. Fergus takes Jody, whose hands are still tied behind his back, by the elbow. FERGUS Stand up, now -- Jody rises. Fergus leads him through the door, past Maguire. MAGUIRE I wish to say on behalf of the Irish Republican Army -- Fergus turns with sudden fierceness. FERGUS Leave him be -- He pulls Jody through the fields. EXT. TREES - MORNING. Fergus pushing Jody through a copse of trees, the gun at his back. JODY Take the hood off, Fergus -- FERGUS No. 30. JODY I want to see a bit. Please, please. Don't make me die like an animal. Fergus pulls the hood off. Jody looks around him. He has a cut lip where Jude struck him. Fergus prods him on with the gun. Jody stumbles forward. Fergus is all cold and businesslike. JODY I'm glad you're doing it, do you know that, Fergus? FERGUS Why? JODY Cause you're my friend. And I want you to go to the Metro -- FERGUS Stop that talk now -- JODY Hurling's a fast game, isn't it, Fergus? FERGUS The fastest. JODY Faster than cricket? FERGUS Cricket's in the halfpenny place. JODY So if I ran now, there's no way I'd beat you, is there? FERGUS You won't run. JODY But if I did... you wouldn't shoot a brother in the back -- Jody suddenly sprints, and, loosening the ties on his hands, then freeing them, he is off like a hare. Fergus screams in fury after him. FERGUS JODY!!! 31. Fergus aims, then changes his mind and runs. FERGUS You stupid bastard -- JODY What you say, faster? FERGUS I said you bastard -- stop -- JODY Got to catch me first -- Fergus gains on him -- stretches his arm out -- but Jody sprints ahead again -- as if he has been playing with him. He laughs in exhilaration. Fergus pants behind him, wheezing, almost laughing. JODY Used to run the mile, you know -- four times round the cricket pitch -- what was that game called? FERGUS Hurling -- JODY What? FERGUS Hurling -- Jody runs, whipping through the trees -- always ahead of him. JODY Come on, Fergie -- you can do it -- a bit more wind -- Fergus grabs his shoulder and Jody shrugs it off, gaining on him again. JODY Bit of fun, Fergus, eh? And suddenly the trees give way. Jody turns, laughing, to Fergus. JODY Told you I was fast -- Fergus is panting, pointing the gun at Jody 32. JODY Don't do it. And suddenly a Saracen tank whips around the corner, hits Jody with the full of its fender. His body flies in the air and bounces forward as another tank tries to grind to a halt and the huge wheels grind over him. Fergus, screaming, "No-!" He almost moves forward, then sees soldiers spilling from the tank around the body. Fergus turns and runs. EXT. TREES - DAY Fergus whipping through the trees, his body crouched low as he runs. INT. GREENHOUSE - DAY Tinker sitting in the greenhouse. A helicopter screams into view through the panes and automatic fire comes from it, shattering every pane in seconds and tearing Tinker to bits. INT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Bullets whipping through every window, taking chunks from the masonry, tearing the walls apart. Maguire, Jude, and the others on the floor, scrambling for weapons. EXT. TREES - DAY Fergus, hearing the gunfire, runs through overhanging branches till eventually he is hidden from sight. EXT. CARNIVAL ON THE MONAGHAN BORDER - DAWN. A forlorn-looking building over nondescript fields. An old man wheels a bicycle slowly toward it; a rusty car appears; and Fergus gets out of it. TOMMY Fergus! FERGUS You're back in the pink, Tommy? How're you keeping? INT. CARAVAN - DAY The old man pouring whiskey into a teacup. 33. TOMMY You'll notice I've asked you nothing. FERGUS That's wise, Tommy. TOMMY All right, then. I like to be wise. He pours Fergus more whiskey. TOMMY So what do you need, Fergus? FERGUS Need to go across the water. TOMMY Do you now. FERGUS Need to lose myself awhile. TOMMY Aha. He looks at Fergus and lights a cigarette. He puffs. TOMMY There's a man I know ships cattle to London. EXT. DUBLIN BAY - EVENING. The ferry, churning into the sunset. FADE TO BLACK. INT. BUILDING SITE - DAY FADE UP into an elegant, empty Georgian room, covered in clouds of dust. A figure among the clouds of dust, hacking at a wall with a sledgehammer. It is Fergus, dressed in laborer's overalls, covered in dust. He is knocking the bricks from an outer wall. He works furiously and relentlessly, like a machine. We see the wall, with the hammer striking it. One brick falls away, then another. Daylight pours through the clouds of dust and the growing hole. 34. Fergus's face, as he works. The hole. More bricks falling away. Through the clouds of dust and the streams of daylight we now see a patch of green. Fergus's face, working. His rhythm slows. The hole. More bricks fall away. Then the hammer stops. The dust begins to clear. His face. The jagged hole. The dust drifts across it, revealing a cricket pitch, with tiny sticklike figures running on the green. EXT. HOSTEL - DAY Fergus, returning from work, crosses the street, and enters through a white door. INT. HOSTEL - DAY Fergus dressing. He puts on a cheap suit, like any country boy in a big city. He takes Jody's wallet from the trousers of his overalls. He flips it open, sees the picture of the soldier and Dil. He puts it in the pocket of his suit. EXT. STREET - DAY Fergus walking down a street looking for an address. Some distance down the street is a sign -- MILLIE'S UNISEX HAIR SALON. EXT. STREET - DAY Fergus, standing as the crowds go by him, looking in the window. He has the picture in his hand. We see Dil from his point of view, then Fergus walks inside. INT. HAIR SALON - DAY Fergus enters. The door gives a loud ping. A GIRL We're closing. I'll see you tomorrow, Dil She leaves the salon. DIL You want something in particular? 35. FERGUS Just a bit of a trim... Dil checks her watch and stubs out a cigarette. DIL Come on... She gestures toward a chair. Fergus sits down. She comes toward him and fiddles with his hair. She pushes his head back into a basin behind him. She begins to knead his hair in hot water and shampoo. DIL Someone recommend you? FERGUS In a way. DIL Who? FERGUS Guy I work with. DIL What's his name? Fergus can't think of an answer. The hands with the purple nails run over his scalp. FERGUS Doesn't the water get to your nails? DIL What's it to you? FERGUS Nothing. Fergus, sitting up. She begins to cut. DIL You American? FERGUS No. DIL Not English. 36. FERGUS No. DIL Scottish? FERGUS How'd you guess? DIL The accent, I suppose. FERGUS And what's it like? DIL Like treacle. She imitates his accent saying it. Fergus laughs. DIL Nice laugh. Dil raises Fergus's head up, with his new-cut hair and holds a mirror up behind his head so he can see the back. He looks like a young London stockbroker. The hair salon around them is empty. DIL That should make her happy. FERGUS Who's she? DIL Don't know. Who is she? EXT. HAIR SALON - EVENING. Fergus emerges from the shop. He takes one last look through the window where Dil is taking off her smock, touching up her hair, etc. It is as if she has forgotten all about him. He walks off through the crowds and then ducks into a doorway. The doorway of the shop. Dil comes out, dressed in a pair of high heels, a very short skirt, different, more raunchy clothes on her than we saw inside. She locks the glass door and walks down the street, across the road, and into a pub called the Metro. Fergus follows. 37. INT. METRO - EVENING. Half full, with an after-work crowd. Dil makes her way through it. BARMAN Hi, Dil DIL Hiya, hon. She sits down at the bar. Fergus comes toward the bar and takes a seat. BARMAN What'll it be? FERGUS A bottle of Guinness. Dil, looking at Fergus. DIL See that, Col? COL See what, Dil? DIL He gave me a look. COL Did he? Fergus blushes. He buries himself in his drink. DIL Just cut his hair, you know. COL Yeah? DIL What you think? COL Nice. Fergus throws his eyes toward her again. She has her face turned away, but sees him in the mirror. DIL There, he did it again. 38. COL Saw that one. DIL What would you call it? COL Now, that was a look. She eyes Fergus in the mirror. DIL Ask him to ask me what I'm drinking. The barman, with infinite weariness, approaches Fergus. COL She wants to know do you want to know what she's drinking. Fergus is about to talk when she pipes up. DIL A margarita. The barman mixes it. She stares at the mirror, staring at Fergus, who is trying to avoid her eyes. The barman hands her the drink. DIL Now he can look.... Ask him does he like his hair, Col. COL She wants to know, sir, do you like your hair. FERGUS Tell her I'm very happy with it. DIL He's Scottish, Col. COL Scottish? FERGUS Yeah. DIL What'd he say, Col? 39. COL He agreed that he was. DIL What do you think his name is? COL I've no thoughts on the subject. FERGUS Jimmy. DIL Jimmy? COL That's what he said. Jimmy. DIL Hi, Jimmy. FERGUS Hiya, Dil A burly man sits down beside her. He puts his hand on her knee. MAN Sing the song, Dil -- She slaps the hand away. DIL Fuck off, Dave. DAVE C'mon, babe! You know what I like... Easy! She turns back to Fergus and finds his seat empty. EXT. METRO - NIGHT. Fergus, standing across the road from the pub. He is sweating. Dil comes out of the pub. She looks this way and that, as if searching for Fergus. Fergus stands back into a shadow. Dave, the burly man, comes out. He grabs her by the elbow. She shrugs him off. She walks off. Dave follows, grabs her by the elbow again. The sense of an old argument. Dave suddenly strikes her across the face with his open palm. 40. She leans her head against a wall. Dave then puts his arms around her, consoles her. EXT. STREET - NIGHT. Dave walking, holding Dil by the arm. The street is dilapidated, full of squats. They stop outside a door. Dil opens the door with a key from her purse and they both walk inside. Fergus stands there, observing. A light comes on in an upstairs room. Dil enters; we see her shadow in silhouette behind the curtain and the shadow of Dave coming in behind her. He begins to remove her blouse. She stands absolutely still as he does so. Fergus backs away, then walks off. INT. HOSTEL - NIGHT. Fergus, in bed. Fade to black as we see Jody as a bowler, running in slow motion, toward the camera. He releases the ball; we see Fergus in bed, breathing heavily. INT. SITE - NEXT DAY Fergus takes a break and watches the batsman hit a ball. He imitates the batsman's motion with his sledgehammer. Then a voice interrupts him. DEVEROUX So Pat's a cricket fan, eh? Fergus turns. We see Tristram Deveroux, a young Sloane type in a three-piece suit, whose house it is. Beside him is Franknum, the cockney foreman. FERGUS It's not Pat. It's Jim. DEVEROUX Jim, Pat, Mick, what the fuck. Long as you remember you're not at Lords. Fergus resumes work. INT. METRO - NIGHT. It is now crowded with people, black, white, punky and street chic, a lot of leather All the women are heavily made-up. Someone is singing from the tiny stage and rows of cheap colored bulbs are flashing around it. 41. From the way Fergus walks through, it is obvious he has never been here at night. He seems most out of place in his cheap suit, making his way through the crowd to the bar. AT THE BAR. Fergus looks through the odd crowd, but can't find Dil. Col, the barman, sees him and smiles. COL So can we consider you a regular, sir? FERGUS Is that good or bad? COL Well, you get to say, The usual, Col. Things like that. Col pushes a colored cocktail with one of those Japanese umbrellas toward him. COL So let's call this the usual. FERGUS Thanks. Fergus reaches for his wallet to pay, but Col interrupts. COL No, no. It's on me. Fergus tries to pretend he's familiar with the drink, and by implication, whatever are the norms of the place. He lifts the glass to his mouth, but the umbrella keeps getting in the way. COL Take it out, if you want. Fergus takes out the umbrella. He holds it in one hand and drinks with the other. COL You came to see her, didn't you? Fergus shrugs. He takes out a cigarette. A guy in leather to his left smiles at him. COL Something I should tell you. She's -- 42. FERGUS She's what? The barman looks up toward the stage. COL She's on. THE JUKEBOX. A hand presses a button. The needle selects a disk. A song by Dave Berry, "The Crying Game." AT THE BAR. Fergus looks up. Close-up of Dil's hand, as music begins, making movements to the music. We see Dil, standing on a stage, swaying slightly. She seems a little drunk. She mimes to the song. She mouths the words so perfectly and the voice on the song is so feminine that there is no way of knowing who is doing the singing. She does all sorts of strange movements, as if she is drawing moonbeams with her hands. The crowd seems to know this act. They cheer, whether out of approval or derision we can't be sure. Fergus watching. Dil singing, noticing him. She comes to the end of the song. The crowd cheers. Fergus, watching her make her way through the crowded bar, toward him. DIL He's still looking, Col. COL Persistent. DIL Good thing in a man. COL An excellent quality. DIL Maybe he wants something. COL I would expect he does. 43. DIL Ask him. COL Ask him yourself. She looks at Fergus directly, sits down next to him. DIL So tell me. Fergus says nothing. He shrugs. DIL Everybody wants something. FERGUS Not me. DIL Not you. How quaint. How old-fashioned and quaint. Isn't it, Col? Col shrugs. DIL You old-fashioned? FERGUS Must be. The burly man comes up to her. MAN Got the money, Dil? DIL Fuck off, Dave. DAVE You fucking promised. DIL Did I? DAVE You fucking did. He suddenly jerks her roughly off the stool, spilling her drink. DAVE Didn't you? Well, come on! 44. He drags her through the crowd. In the mirror, Fergus watches them go. The barman eyes him. COL It takes all types. FERGUS So who's he? COL He's what she should run a mile from. FERGUS Then why doesn't she? COL Who knows the secrets of the human heart. Fergus suddenly stands and makes his way to the door. EXT. PUB - NIGHT. Fergus comes out. A black bouncer is there, but there is no sign of Dil. He walks a few yards and hears voices down an alley. He looks up it. P0V - ALLEY. We see Dil pushing Dave away. He grabs her, turns her roughly. DAVE Don't be like that -- DIL You heard me -- She beats his arms away. Money falls on the ground. She staggers away from him. He picks up the money, then runs after her. DAVE Got very fucking grand, haven't we -- He tries to pull her back. DAVE Talk to me, you stupid bitch -- They both bump into Fergus, who just stands there and doesn't move an inch. She smiles. 45. DIL Hi. FERGUS Hi. You forgot your bag. He holds it up to show her. DIL Thank you. DAVE Who the fuck is he? DIL Jimmy. DAVE It's him, isn't it? DIL Maybe. Dave eyes Fergus. Fergus grabs his wrists and upends him on the ground. DIL See, they get the wrong idea. DAVE (from the ground) Cunt. Fergus puts his foot on Dave's neck. FERGUS What was that? DIL They all get the wrong idea. DAVE Cunt. Scrag-eyed dyke cunt. DIL Charming. Dave grabs for her ankle. She kicks his hand away. Fergus presses down his foot. He looks to Dil. FERGUS What'll I do? 46. DIL Break his neck. Fergus presses his foot. DIL No, don't. She bends low to Dave. DIL He's going to take his foot off slowly, David. Then you're to go home, like a good boy. You hear me? DAVE Cunt. But his voice is softer. Fergus removes his foot. Dil grabs his arm. DIL Come on, honey. She draws him away. EXT. METRO - NIGHT. They walk out of the alley. FERGUS You all right? DIL Yes, thank you. FERGUS What was that all about? DIL He wants me to perform for him. FERGUS Perform? DIL You know. FERGUS You on the game? DIL God no. I'm a hairdresser. 47. Fergus looks back. Dave is rising. FERGUS He's getting up. DIL You can't leave me then, can you? EXT. STAIRCASE OUTSIDE DIL'S FLAT Fergus and Dil climb slowly upstairs. DIL You want me to ask you in, right? FERGUS No, I didn't -- DIL But I'm not cheap, you know that? Loud, but never cheap. There is a movement lower down the staircase. We see Dave, holding his neck. DAVE Fucking dumb dyke carrot cunt. Dil leans close to Fergus. DIL If you kissed me, it would really get his goat. She tilts up her face. Fergus kisses her, tenderly. DIL Now, if you asked me to meet you tomorrow, it would really drive him insane. FERGUS Where? DIL Half-five. At Millie's. She goes in and closes the door. Fergus stands and looks down at Dave, who turns to leave. EXT. HAIR SALON - DAY Dil walks out of the salon, smiling, and walks toward Fergus. 48. DIL Give me that look again. FERGUS What look? DIL The one you gave me in the Metro. Fergus takes a bunch of flowers from behind his back. She holds them, with theatrical feeling. DIL Darling, you shouldn't have. She laughs and leans toward him and kisses him in a classically old-fashioned way. The girls inside the salon pull back a curtain, and they all clap. FERGUS What's that about? DIL They're jealous. FERGUS Why? DIL I wonder. She takes his arm and walks off with him. INT. INDIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT. Fergus and Dil looking at their menus. A waiter places drinks on their table, then leaves. DIL Now's the time you're meant to do something, isn't it? FERGUS Like what? DIL Make a pass or something. Isn't that the way it goes? FERGUS Must be. 49. EXT. STREET - NIGHT. They are walking in an alleyway toward her house. DIL You got a special friend, Jimmy? FERGUS How special? DIL You want one? And suddenly a car drives very fast toward them, headlights on. Fergus pulls her into a doorway to avoid it. FERGUS Jesus Christ! DIL Jesus. The car continues down the road, stops, and then screeches off. FERGUS That Dave? DIL The things a girl has to put up with. She looks down toward where the car has pulled away. DIL I'm frightened, Jimmy. That's not like him. EXT. DIL'S FLAT. A car pulls up behind Dil and Fergus. DIL Piss off, Dave! FERGUS Tough guy, huh? Are you going to be all right on your own? DIL I'm not on my own, am I? She touches his cheek. 50. DIL Come on up, would you? INT. DIL'S FLAT - NIGHT. Dil comes in in the darkness. Fergus stands like a shadow in the doorway. The light comes on; she takes off her raincoat. DIL Won't hurt you to come in. Fergus enters slowly. He looks around the room; there is an exaggerated femininity about everything in it. DIL Would you like a drink? FERGUS Yes, please. DIL What'll it be? FERGUS Whiskey. She goes into a small kitchen. Fergus looks at the mantelpiece and sees a picture of Jody. The camera tracks into the soldier's smiling face. Then into Fergus's face. His reverie is broken by the sound of a voice outside -- Dave's. She comes through with two drinks. FERGUS Someone out there. DIL Jesus fucking Christ. She opens the window door, and we see Dave on the street, in a neck brace. DIL Hey, Stirling fucking Moss -- DAVE It's Dave. She goes back into the room and begins taking things up. DAVE Talk to me, Dil -- 51. DIL Sure, Dave -- DAVE Please, Dil -- She flings things down: men's clothes, leather trousers, a suitcase, a teddy bear. DIL Take your clothes. DAVE Don't throw my clothes out the window! DIL Fuck off back to Essex! DAVE Fucking mad! Fergus looks to the man down in the street, a parody of rejection with his things in his arms. DAVE Don't chuck my clothes out! DIL Take your fucking goldfish, too! Dil grabs a large goldfish bowl and flings it down. The bowl breaks to bits on the pavement. Goldfish thrash around in the street. DAVE You fucking bitch! He tries to pick up the flapping fish in his hands. DAVE Murderer! Upstairs, Dil closes the window shut. DIL Sorry. How'd he drive with his neck in a brace? FERGUS Must be in love to manage that. DIL Doesn't know the meaning of the word. 52. Fergus stands as Dil hands him a glass. FERGUS He lived here with you? DIL Tried to. Sit down, will you? Fergus walks past the photograph and sits down. He looks from her to the picture. FERGUS What about him? He nods toward the picture. She looks down into her drink. DIL He was different. FERGUS How different? DIL As different as it's possible to be. FERGUS Tell me about him. DIL No. FERGUS Shouldn't I go? DIL Yes. And they fall into one another's arms. She stretches up with her whole body over him. They grow suddenly and violently passionate. They fall into the cushions of the couch onto the floor. The photograph above them seems to smile. He draws up her dress with his hands. She suddenly pulls away. DIL No -- FERGUS Did you do that to him? She comes up toward him once more. She puts her mouth close to his ear. 53. DIL You want to know how I kissed him? FERGUS Yes... DIL Are you jealous of him? FERGUS Maybe. DIL That's good... She opens the buttons on his shirt and her mouth travels down his chest. Fergus tries to draw her up toward him, but her hand reaches up to his mouth and presses his head back while her other hand undoes his pants. She kisses his stomach; her mouth moves down his body. Fergus stares at the picture of Jody. Jody's eyes seem to burn through him. Dil raises her head and kisses his mouth. There are tears in his eyes. FERGUS What would he think? DIL Can't think. He's dead. In Ireland. He was a soldier. Went there like a fool. She sits in front of the mirror. FERGUS Do you miss him? DIL What do you think? FERGUS I think you do. DIL (dreamily) You say that like a gentleman. FERGUS Do I? DIL Like you're concerned. Fergus gets up and stands behind her, gently pushes the hair from her face. 54. DIL But you can t stay, you know that? FERGUS Didn't think I could. DIL A real gentleman... She embraces him. FERGUS Shouldn't you be in mourning? DIL I am. She sits back down in front of the mirror. Fergus leaves. She reapplies her lipstick. INT. METRO - NIGHT. Singer in a blue dress. Dil and Fergus by the bar. Both drinking drinks with umbrellas. Dave comes up behind them with his neck brace. DAVE Look, I'm sorry. DIL Fuck off, Dave. DAVE No, I won't fucking fuck off. Said I'm sorry, didn't I? DIL Yeah. I heard. You hear, Jimmy? Fergus nods. He stands. Dave steps two feet back. FERGUS I was only going to ask her for a dance. Fergus takes Dil's arm. FERGUS Shall we? The woman is singing. As they circle, people begin to look at them admiringly. Dil holds her cheek close to his. 55. FERGUS Did he come here too? DIL Is this an obsession of yours? FERGUS Maybe. DIL He did sometimes. FERGUS Did he dance with you? Dil doesn't answer. Looks at him out of the corner of her eye. DIL So what do you want with me, Jimmy? FERGUS Want to look after you. DIL What does that mean? FERGUS Something I heard someone say once. She draws back and looks at him. DIL You mean that? FERGUS Yeah. She dances closer. DIL Why? FERGUS If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. In the bar, people singing along with the music. Col sings. Dave sitting at the bar, sulking. DIL You're not having me on, are you? 'Cause Dil can't stand that. 56. FERGUS No. She puts her cheek against his. Dave, at the bar, slams his drink down. DIL And she does get very upset... Dave stands up to leave. On the stage the act finishes. Dil draws Fergus back to the bar. AT THE BAR. Col, the barman, pours her drink. DIL One for him, too. Col pours and smiles. DIL Drink. FERGUS What is this? DIL I'm superstitious. Drink. He drinks. He grimaces. She throws it back in one. DIL Can't leave me now. FERGUS Aha. DIL The thing is, can you go the distance? FERGUS Depends what it is. DIL No, depends on nothing. She takes the bottle herself and fills their glasses. She slams it back. He sips. DIL In one. 57. She tilts his glass back. He swallows it in one. INT. DIL'S FLAT - NIGHT. She enters; Fergus walks in slowly. He looks from the cricket whites that are hanging up behind a curtain to the photographs. DIL What you thinking of, hon? FERGUS I'm thinking of your man. DIL Why? FERGUS I'm wondering why you keep his things. DIL Told you, I'm superstitious. She turns toward him and undoes her hair. It falls around her shoulders. FERGUS Did he ever tell you you were beautiful? DIL All the time. Fergus runs his hand down her throat. DIL Even now. FERGUS No... DIL He looks after me. He's a gentleman too. She draws him behind a curtain toward the bed, pulls him down. They kiss passionately. DIL Give me one minute. She walks into the bathroom. Fergus lies there, looking at the picture, listening to the sound of running water. She comes out then, dressed in a silk kimono. She looks extraordinarily beautiful. 58. He reaches out his hand and grasps hers. He draws her toward him. He begins to kiss her face and neck. FERGUS Would he have minded? She murmurs no. His hands slip the wrap down from her shoulders. CLOSE ON HIS HANDS, traveling down her neck, in the darkness. Then the hands stop. The kimono falls to the floor gently, with a whisper. The camera travels with it, and we see, in a close-up, that she is a man. Fergus sits there, frozen, staring at her. DIL You did know, didn't you? Fergus says nothing. DIL Oh my God. She gives a strange little laugh, then reaches out to touch him. Fergus smacks the hand away. FERGUS Jesus. I feel sick -- He gets up and runs to the bathroom. She grabs his feet. DIL Don't go, Jimmy -- He kicks her away. He runs into the bathroom and vomits into the tub. She crouches on the floor. DIL I'm sorry. I thought you knew. He retches again. DIL What were you doing in the bar if you didn't know -- I'm bleeding... She lights a cigarette. Fergus runs the taps. He washes his face, rinses his mouth. 59. DIL It's all right, Jimmy. I can take it. Just not on the face. Fergus slams the door shut. She is sitting on the couch, the kimono round her once more, looking very much like a woman. A trace of blood on her mouth. DIL Y'see, I'm not a young thing any longer.... Funny the way things go. Don't you find that, Jimmy? Never the way you expected. Fergus comes out of the bathroom. FERGUS I'm sorry. She looks up. Some hope in her face. DIL You mean that? And he makes to go. She grabs him to stop him. DIL Don't go like that. Say something... He pulls away from her. She falls to the floor. DIL Jesus. He drags himself away and runs down the stairs. INT. FERGUS'S FLAT Fergus in bed. Flash to shot of blackness, Jody grinning in cricket whites, throwing the ball up and down in his hand. INT. METRO - NIGHT. The place is hopping. Fergus enters. He now sees it as he should have seen it the first night -- as a transvestite bar. He makes his way through the crowds. All the women too- heavily made-up. Some beautifully sleek young things he looks at he realizes are young men. He makes his way to the bar where Dil is sitting, nursing a drink with an umbrella in it. Her face is bruised. She is wearing dark glasses. As he walks toward her she sees him in the mirror. She talks to Col the barman. 60. DIL He's back, Col COL Hi. DIL Don't want any of those looks, Col. They don't mean much. COL Stop it, Dil -- DIL No. Tell him to go fuck himself. Fergus sits. Col turns to him. COL She wants me to tell you go fuck yourself. FERGUS I'm sorry. There is a tear running down her cheek, under the dark glasses. DIL Tell him to stop messing Dil around -- FERGUS Dil -- DIL Tell him it hurt -- FERGUS I have to talk to her, Col -- COL Says he's got to talk to you -- Fergus touches her arm. FERGUS Come on, Dil -- DIL Where? She whips her arm away. 61. DIL Tell him again, Col. Go fuck himself -- She walks into the crowd, toward the door. Fergus leaves. EXT. STREET - NIGHT. Fergus, walking outside Dil's place. The blinds in her room are down and the light is on inside. We see her outline, pacing up and down behind the blinds, smoking a cigarette. We hear the song "The Crying Game." Fergus stands beneath her doorway, scribbles a note, and sticks it in the letter box. EXT. CRICKET PITCH - DAY A man removes a large number six from a huge scoreboard with a pole and replaces it with a number nine. Below the scoreboard we can see Dil walking across a lawn toward the building where Fergus is working. INT. SITE - DAY Fergus, fitting a new window into the finished wall. On the pitch we see the cricketers, distorted through the moving glass of the window. Across the pitch Dil walks, with a lunch basket in her hand, dressed in a very short skirt with high heels. As she approaches the site a chorus of whistles breaks out. Fergus, hearing the whistling, stares out. He sees Dil moving toward the site. He drops the window and the glass shatters. As the whistles continue, we see Dil in the site's lift, which rises up. We see Deveroux and Franknum climbing up a ladder toward Fergus . DEVEROUX How much did that frame cost, Mr. Franknum? FRANKNUM Two hundred quid, Mr. Deveroux. DEVEROUX Your Pat just cost me two hundred quid. FERGUS Sorry. 62. DEVEROUX Sorry won't bring the bloody thing back, will it, Mr. Franknum? FRANKNUM Not in my experience. DEVEROUX Off his wages. FERGUS Do you mean that? DEVEROUX He wants to know do I mean that. FRANKNUM I'm sure you do, Mr. Deveroux. DEVEROUX Bloody right I do... Through this conversation Fergus can hear the chorus of wolf whistles increasing. He looks out the gap where the window should be and sees Dil in the lift. The laborers whistle at her, looking up her skirt, etc. She passes by a gap in the wall and blows a kiss at him. DEVEROUX Is that his tart? Does Pat have a tart? FERGUS She's not a tart. DEVEROUX No, of course not, she's a lady. FERGUS She's not that either. Fergus walks out of the room. Fergus walks round the scaffolding. Dil sees him and waves, sits on some bricks and opens the hamper. DIL Darling -- She is acting bright and businesslike, like any wife. She is wearing dark glasses to cover the bruise on her face. She pecks him on the cheek. 63. DIL Never let the sun go down on an argument, Jody used to say. FERGUS What you doing here? DIL Got your note. So let's kiss and make up, hon. FERGUS Don't call me that. DIL Sorry, darling. FERGUS Give it over, Dil -- DIL Apologies, my sweet. Fergus smiles in spite of himself. DIL That's more like it, dear. Have a cuppa. She takes out a thermos and pours him some tea. FERGUS You're something else, Dil, you know that? DIL Never said a truer word. She hands him a neatly cut sandwich. DIL See, I was always best looking after someone. Must be something in the genes. FERGUS Must be. DIL And the fact that you didn't know is basically the fault of yours truly. And even when you were throwing up, I could tell you cared. 64. FERGUS You could? DIL Do you care, Jimmy? FERGUS Sure I do. DIL You mean that? FERGUS Yeah. I care, Dil. She lowers her head. FERGUS You crying, Dil? He removes her glasses and looks at her moist eyes. DIL I'm tired and emotional. Then he hears a voice behind him. DEVEROUX Do it on your own time, Paddy. FERGUS What? DEVEROUX Whatever it is she does for you. Fergus looks from Dil to Deveroux. FERGUS If I was her I'd consider that an insult. DEVEROUX Consider it how you like. Just get that bloody tart out of here. Fergus stands up suddenly. He speaks quietly. FERGUS Did you ever pick your teeth up with broken fingers? Deveroux stares, suddenly chilled. 65. DEVEROUX What's that supposed to mean? FERGUS It's a simple question. Deveroux says nothing. Fergus looks down to Dil. FERGUS Come on, dear. He holds out his arm. Dil gathers up her things and takes it. Her face is wreathed in a smile. DIL He didn't answer, honey -- Fergus walks her down the scaffolding ramp. FRANKNUM Sorry about that, Mr. Deveroux. Dil and Fergus descend from the site in the lift. DIL My, oh my, Jimmy, how gallant. FERGUS Shut up. DIL Made me feel all funny inside. FERGUS I said stop it. DIL Ask me to meet you again, Jimmy. FERGUS You think that's wise? DIL Nothing's wise. The lift stops with a thud. FERGUS I didn't mean to hit you. DIL I know that. 66. FERGUS Kind of liked you as a girl. DIL That's a start. FERGUS So I'm sorry. DIL Make it up to me, then. FERGUS How? DIL Ask to meet me again. FERGUS Will you meet me again? DIL When? FERGUS Whenever. Tonight. She leans forward and kisses him. Fergus hears a wail of catcalls behind him. He watches Dil go as the lift takes him back up to the site. EXT. HAIR SALON - EVENING. Fergus, outside the hair salon. Dil, inside, is throwing off her smock and walking toward him. All the girls are smiling. Fergus looks from Dil to the girls as they approach. FERGUS Do they know? DIL Know what, honey? FERGUS Know what I didn't know. And don't call me that. DIL Can't help it, Jimmy. A girl has her feelings. FERGUS Thing is, Dil, you're not a girl. 67. DIL Details, baby, details. FERGUS So they do know. DIL All right, they do. She takes his arm as they walk off. FERGUS Don't. DIL Sorry. FERGUS I should have known, shouldn't I? DIL Probably. FERGUS Kind of wish I didn't. DIL You can always pretend. FERGUS That's true.... Your soldier knew, didn't he? DIL Absolutely. FERGUS Won't be quite the same though, will it? DIL Are you pretending yet? FERGUS I'm working on it. Fergus hears a car following them, and turns around to look. FERGUS There's Dave. He knew too. DIL Stop it, Jimmy. 68. FERGUS Am I becoming repetitious? DIL A little. FERGUS Sorry. They reach her door. The car stops. FERGUS Don't ask me in. DIL Please, Jimmy. FERGUS No. Can't pretend that much. DIL I miss you, Jimmy. FERGUS Should have stayed a girl. DIL Don't be cruel. FERGUS Okay. Be a good girl and go inside. DIL Only if you kiss me. Fergus kisses her. He looks at her open lips as if in disbelief at himself. FERGUS Happy now? DIL Delirious. She goes inside. INT. HOSTEL - NIGHT. Fergus walks into the room and turns on a small desk-light. Then he hears a voice. JUDE Hello, stranger. 69. He sees Jude sitting in the corner. Her hair is now dark brown. JUDE You vanished. He stares at her, says nothing. JUDE What was it, Fergus? Did you blow the gaff on us or did you just fuck up? FERGUS Leave me alone, Jude. JUDE No. That's the last thing I'll do. You never asked what happened. FERGUS I heard. JUDE Eddie and Tinker died. FERGUS I know. JUDE Maguire and me got out by the skin of our teeth. No thanks to you.... What you think of the hair? FERGUS Suits you. She walks round the room. JUDE Aye, I was sick of being blond. Needed a tougher look, if you know what I mean. She lies down on the bed beside him, takes off a black leather glove, and puts her hand on his crotch. JUDE Fuck me, Fergus. He takes her hand away. JUDE Am I to take it that's a no? 70. He says nothing. JUDE We had a court-martial in your absence. They wanted to put a bullet in your head. I pleaded for clemency. Said we should find out what happened first. So what did happen? FERGUS He ran. I couldn't shoot him in the back. I tried to catch him. He made it to the road and got hit by a Saracen. JUDE So you did fuck up. FERGUS Yes. JUDE But you know what the thing is, Fergus? FERGUS No, what is the thing? JUDE You vanished quite effectively. Became Mister Nobody. And you've no idea how useful that could be. FERGUS What do you mean? JUDE We've got some plans here. And we'll need a Mister Nobody to execute them. FERGUS No way, Jude. I'm out. JUDE You're never out, Fergus. She looks at him hard. He looks away. JUDE Maybe you don't care whether you die or not. But consider the girl, Fergus. The wee black chick. He leaps up from the bed. 71. FERGUS Leave her out of this. JUDE Jesus, Fergus, you're a walking cliche. You know we won't leave her out of this. But I'm glad to see you care. She brings her lips close to his so they touch. JUDE And I must admit I'm curious. He grabs her hair and pulls her head back. FERGUS What the fuck do you know, Jude? She pulls a gun and sticks it between his teeth. JUDE You fucking tell me, boy -- Fergus stares at her. Then says quietly: FERGUS She's nobody. She likes me. JUDE So I suppose a fuck is out of the question. Keep your head down, Fergus. No sudden moves. And not a whisper to her. You'll be hearing from us. She kisses him briefly, with the gun at his temple. JUDE Keep the faith. She goes. Fergus stands in the darkness. EXT. HAIR SALON - EVENING. Fergus, walking toward the hair salon, flowers in his hand. He stands outside watching, the flowers behind his back. Then the chair turns and we see it is Jude. Fergus freezes. He sees Jude looking at him, smiling brightly, then talking back to Dil 72. INT. HAIR SALON - EVENING. JUDE He your boyfriend? Jude, turning in the chair. JUDE Lucky you. INT. INDIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT. DIL Carnations. FERGUS What? DIL He'd bring me carnations. FERGUS So I got it wrong, then. DIL Not at all, honey. FERGUS Don't. DIL Okay. She smiles brightly at something behind Fergus. He turns and sees Jude is there. Fergus stands, suddenly. He throws some money on the table, grabs her arm, and frog- marches her out. FERGUS Come on. DIL Why, honey -- FERGUS Come on. DIL You gonna tell me why? FERGUS No. 73. As they pass Jude, she smiles. EXT. INDIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT. Outside the restaurant. Fergus marches Dil away. DIL What's wrong, Jimmy? Tell me what's wrong -- FERGUS Not here. They pass out of shot. In the background we see Jude rising. INT. METRO - NIGHT. Dil and Fergus making their way to their seats at the bar. DIL You gonna tell me what it is? A figure sitting down at the bar. It is Jude. JUDE What was it? DIL You know her, Jimmy? JUDE Jimmy, is it? Do you know me, Jimmy? FERGUS Dil, this is Jude. DIL You following me? JUDE Yeah. Just checking. He being nice to you, Dil? DIL Ever so nice. Aren't you, Jimmy? JUDE That's good. I'm glad. Young love, as they say. DIL Absolutely. The younger the better. Doesn't come your way much, I suppose. 74. JUDE Don't go looking for it, Dil. DIL Well, maybe you'll get lucky. Someday. JUDE A bit heavy on the powder, isn't she, Jimmy? DIL A girl has to have a bit of glamour. JUDE Absolutely. Long as she can keep it. Isn't that right, James... She leaves. Dil watches her go. DIL It's her, isn't it? FERGUS What's her? DIL She's the thing you had to tell me. FERGUS Kind of. DIL I'm sorry, you know that? I'm really sorry. She looks at Col DIL You see that, Col? COL Saw it, Dil. DIL Fuck it, is what I say. COL Yeah. Fuck it, Dil. DIL Fucking men, Col -- 75. COL Fuck 'em. There are tears in her eyes. She stands. DIL And fuck you, Jimmy -- She staggers out of the pub. Fergus sits there. There is an expression in Col's eyes that makes Fergus feel very, very small. COL You could always make it up to her. FERGUS How? COL When a girl runs out like that, she generally wants to be followed. FERGUS She's not a girl, Col -- COL Whatever you say. But Fergus rises and walks out. EXT. METRO - NIGHT. A figure standing down the alleyway, smoking. Fergus looks toward it, but Jude is standing there, waiting. JUDE She went that way -- Jude grabs his arm. JUDE But you come with me. She draws him down an alley where the same car is waiting. They get inside. ANOTHER CAR - BY THE PUB. Dil, sitting inside a taxi watching Fergus and Jude getting in the car. 76. INT. CAR - NIGHT. In the moving car. Jude is driving, Maguire next to her. Fergus sits in the back. FERGUS So it was you all the time. MAGUIRE Who'd you think it was? FERGUS I thought it was Dave. MAGUIRE And who's Dave when he's at home? FERGUS He's at home. MAGUIRE Should blow you away, you know that? FERGUS I know that. Maguire stubs his cigarette out on Fergus's hand, then whacks him on the teeth with his closed fist. MAGUIRE I'm getting emotional. And I don't want to get fucking emotional -- you understand, Hennessy? FERGUS I understand. MAGUIRE Fuck you, too -- Jude drives. Fergus looks through the back window at the street outside. JUDE Leave him alone, Peter. He's in love. MAGUIRE That true, Fergus? You in love? FERGUS Absolutely. 77. MAGUIRE And what's she like between the sheets? FERGUS Definitely unusual. MAGUIRE And who is she? FERGUS Just a girl. MAGUIRE And you know what'll happen if you fuck up again, don't you? FERGUS Aye, I do, Peter. MAGUIRE Good. EXT. REGENCY SQUARE - NIGHT. The car draws to a halt in a sedate square. Several doors down is the entrance to what looks like a sedate conservative club. In the car, Maguire turns off the engine. He nods toward the building. MAGUIRE So what do you think that is, Hennessy? FERGUS A hotel? MAGUIRE It's a knocking-shop. Tres discreet, huh? He visits his ladies on Tuesday and Thursday nights and Saturday mornings. His security's in the car beyond. He nods toward a car, a Daimler, parked some distance away. Fergus looks from the window to the car. FERGUS Who is he? MAGUIRE Doesn't matter who he is. He is what we would call a legitimate target. 78. FERGUS Thank God for that. MAGUIRE You being cynical, Hennessy? FERGUS Hope not. MAGUIRE Good. So what do you think? FERGUS Whoever hits him'll be hit, if those men are any good. And I presume you can't get in. MAGUIRE Right. FERGUS So it's on the street. MAGUIRE Right. FERGUS Kind of suicide, isn't it? Jude turns around to look at him. FERGUS But, then, I don't have a choice. JUDE Och, you do, Fergie. FERGUS Of course. I forgot. JUDE Come on, Fergie. A rehearsal. Jude and Fergus get out of the car. They walk down the street, down from the brothel-cum-club, where there is a cafe- bar with some tables outside. EXT. REGENCY SQUARE - NIGHT. Fergus and Jude, crossing the street. JUDE You keep your mind on the job, boy -- 79. FERGUS And then you'll leave her out of it? JUDE Aye. Then we'll leave her be. They take their seats by the tables. We can see the brothel down the way. JUDE He's arthritic. Takes him two minutes to get to the door. She checks her watch. Fergus is sweating. FERGUS And what if I say no? JUDE You know what. Go. Down by the brothel, the door swings open. Fergus walks like any pedestrian down toward the brothel. There is an old, portly gent in a City suit emerging from it. The car by the pavement kicks into action and the door opens. Fergus quickens his pace. Jude, by the cafe, watches. Fergus, walking. The gent makes his way, with gout-ridden slowness, across the pavement, through the passersby, toward the car. A burly security man emerging from the car, walking toward the old gent. Fergus reaches the car just before he does, and passes between him and the open door. The old gent's stomach brushes Fergus's elbow. GENT Pardon me, young man -- Fergus walks on. Jude, from the cafe, watches -- Fergus walking on, the old man being eased with painstaking care inside the Daimler. Then the door closing and the Daimler pulling off. When the Daimler has passed Fergus, he turns around and walks back. 80. Jude smiles and leaps up as he approaches. JUDE You were made for this. FERGUS Was I? JUDE Perfect. FERGUS And what happens then? JUDE We'll be on the other side. We'll move when you do. FERGUS And what if you don't? JUDE Fergus, I think you don't trust me. FERGUS You may be right. JUDE Stay late at your work tomorrow night and I'll bring you the gear. Jude begins to walk away. FERGUS Jude? JUDE Yes? FERGUS Who's the old geezer? JUDE Some judge... She walks off, crosses the road to Maguire, in the car. Fergus turns around to see Dil in front of the cafe. She goes inside; he follows. FERGUS Why'd you follow me, Dil? 81. DIL Was jealous, Jimmy. She downs a drink and motions for another. She seems high. FERGUS Shouldn't be, Dil DIL Why shouldn't I be jealous? There are tears streaming down her face. He takes his hand and begins to wipe her face. DIL Don't. My makeup. She sits down; he joins her. DIL She own you, Jimmy? FERGUS Yes. DIL She from Scotland too? FERGUS You could say that. DIL And you're not going to tell me more? FERGUS I can't. He wipes the tears from her face with a tissue then dabs the tissue in her drink and wipes some more. DIL What you doing, Jimmy? FERGUS I'm not sure. DIL Do you like me even a little bit? FERGUS More than that. Dil's face, staring at him. 82. FERGUS Come on, let's go for a walk. She allows herself to be led out. EXT. HAIR SALON - NIGHT. Dil and Fergus walking. Fergus stops her by the window. FERGUS You do something for me, Dil? DIL Anything. FERGUS You'd do anything for me? DIL Afraid so. FERGUS You got the keys to the shop? They walk inside. INT. HAIR SALON - NIGHT. Dil and Fergus standing in the darkness. DIL You want another haircut, baby? FERGUS No. Sit down. He sits her down in one of the chairs. FERGUS You'd do anything for me? Dil nods. DIL Anything. Fergus takes up a scissors to snip at her hair. Her head leaps back. DIL No way -- 83. FERGUS You said anything, Dil DIL A girl has to draw the line somewhere -- FERGUS Want to change you to a man, Dil... She stares at him. DIL Why? FERGUS It's a secret. DIL You'd like me better that way, Jimmy? FERGUS Yes. DIL And you wouldn't leave me? FERGUS No. DIL You promise? FERGUS I promise. She takes a breath. DIL Go on, then. Fergus begins to cut. CLOSE-UP ON DlL'S FACE as her hair is shorn. Tears stream down her cheeks. DIL You're no good at this, Jimmy. FERGUS I'm sorry. But he keeps cutting. He gives Dil a short, cropped military cut like Jody's. 84. DIL You want to make me look like him... FERGUS No. Want to make you into something new. That nobody recognizes... She looks in the mirror at it in the dark. DIL Don't recognize myself, Jimmy. INT. DIL'S FLAT - NIGHT. Dil enters, with her new haircut. She goes to turn on the light. He stops her hand. FERGUS No. She looks at her hand on his. FERGUS Better in the dark. Her fingers close around his. DIL So it's true, then? FERGUS What? DIL You like me better like this. FERGUS Yes. She brings her lips to his neck. He lets them stay there. His hands travel up to her blouse. He begins to undo the buttons. DIL Oh, Jimmy -- Slowly the blouse slips down, exposing her male torso. She falls down to her knees and tugs at his belt. FERGUS No. No. Dil... get up... He raises her to her feet and leads her toward the bed. She stretches languorously down on it. 85. He unzips her skirt slowly, and draws it off. She turns on the bed sexily, her face to the mattress. She is wearing suspender-belts underneath her skirt. DIL Baby... But Fergus stands and walks quietly over to the wardrobe where the soldier's things are. Dil on the bed, slowly turns. DIL What are you doing, honey... We see Fergus from her point of view, coming toward her with Jody's white cricket shirt, glowing eerily in the dark. FERGUS Don't call me that -- DIL Sorry. What you doing? Fergus draws her slowly up to a standing position. FERGUS Try this on, Dil He wraps the shirt around her. DIL Why? FERGUS For me. DIL For you... She kisses him. EXT. SMALL HOTEL - NIGHT. Fergus leading Dil, dressed in Jody's cricket clothes, down the street and inside. DIL Why are we going here, Jimmy? FERGUS Look on it like a honeymoon. 86. INT. SMALL HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT. From above, we see the figures of Fergus and Dil, sleeping on a double bed, both fully clothed. Fergus smokes, then puts out the cigarette. Time lapse. The light gradually fills the room. Fergus wakes. Looks at the bedside clock, and very gingerly rises, puts on his coat, and walks out. EXT. SITE - EVENING. A car pulls up at the site. Jude gets out. She has a satchel in her hand. INT. SITE - EVENING. Fergus looking down a ladder-staircase at Jude. JUDE You a handyman, Fergie? FERGUS I take pride in my work. JUDE I sincerely hope so. Fergus climbs down a ladder to Jude; she hands him something from the bag. JUDE Tools of the trade. She kisses him. Fergus looks at her expressionlessly. JUDE And forget about the girl. Fergus opens what Jude has given him -- looking inside. There is a gun wrapped in an oilcloth. INT. SMALL HOTEL - NIGHT. Fergus enters. The room is empty. He calls. FERGUS Dil? No reply. He runs outside. 87. EXT. DIL'S FLAT - NIGHT. Fergus looks up at her building, but the lights are off in her flat. The sound of feet behind him. He turns and sees Dil walking toward him, a bottle in her hand. He runs toward her. FERGUS Dil! Dil! What the fuck are you doing here? DIL I'm going home! FERGUS Told you to stay in the hotel! DIL Thought you was fooling me. Thought you was leaving me. They are tussling in the darkness of the park. She is very drunk. FERGUS I had to go to work! DIL Stayed all day in that room thinking every noise was you. There's something you're not telling me, Jimmy. He takes her arm. FERGUS Come on... DIL No! I'm going home... Fergus and Dil, on the stairs up to Dil's flat. DIL So tell me. FERGUS I was trying to get out of something. DIL No! Tell me everything, Jimmy. Fergus looks at her. 88. FERGUS You got to forget you ever saw me, Dil. DIL You mean that? FERGUS Yes. And she suddenly faints into his arms. As if on cue. FERGUS Stop it, would you? There is no response. He shakes her. FERGUS Give it over, Dil, for fuck's sake -- Still no response. He grows alarmed. He slaps her cheek. She opens her eyes slowly. DIL Sorry. I get nervous. I got this blood condition. Just help me inside, Jimmy, then I'll be all right. INT. DIL'S FLAT - NIGHT. He walks in holding her. Leans her against the wall, then goes to the window to check the street outside. She takes a large slug from a bottle of whiskey. FERGUS You heard what I said, Dil? DIL My pills... She points weakly to a cabinet through the open door of the bathroom. FERGUS What pills? DIL Prescription. For my condition. FERGUS What condition? 89. DIL My condition. Ennui. He goes and gets the pills. She takes a handful of pills. She drinks from the whiskey bottle. FERGUS Are you supposed to take that many? DIL Only in times of extreme stress. She walks around the room, drinking, then sits down. DIL See, they all say good-bye sometime. 'Cept for him. She looks at the picture of Jody. Then she looks at Fergus. FERGUS Are you all right, Dil? DIL I will be. She stares straight ahead, the bottle clutched in her hands between her knees. DIL Go on, then. Fergus walks slowly toward the door. FERGUS Good-bye, Dil DIL Jimmy? FERGUS What? DIL Don't go like that. She looks at him, standing up. Something incredibly attractive about her. DIL Can't help what I am. 90. He walks slowly toward her. He kisses her, on the lips. We see the photograph with the soldier's smiling face. Fergus looks from it to her. She seems to be in a sweet narcotic haze. She reaches out her hand and strokes his. DIL Knew you had a heart... Fergus sits down on the bed. Dil is lying back on it. FERGUS Dil Can I tell you something? I knew your man. DIL You knew which man? FERGUS Your soldier. DIL You knew my Jody? She still strokes his hand. Her voice is dreamily slurred, her eyes far away. FERGUS Lifted him from a carnival in Belfast. Held him hostage for three days. DIL You knew my Jody? FERGUS Are you listening? Dil smiles woozily. DIL Yes. FERGUS I got the order to shoot him. Before I could do it he ran. Ran into a tank and died. DIL Died... FERGUS Did you hear me? 91. DIL You killed my Jody? FERGUS In a manner of speaking. DIL It was you... She is not rational. She is smiling, far away somewhere. FERGUS You should scream. You should beat my head off. She woozily tries to hit him round the face. DIL You killed my Jody FERGUS No. DIL You didn't. FERGUS I suppose I tried. DIL You tried. FERGUS Don't you want to kill me? Dil raises an unsteady hand and points it at him. DIL Bang... He strokes her cheek. She says very slowly and sleepily DIL Don't leave me tonight. Might kill me, too. FERGUS Okay. Her eyes close. She falls into a deep sleep. Fergus looks down at her, almost fondly. 92. INT. DIL'S FLAT - MORNING. They are lying on the bed together, fully clothed. Dil wakes. She rises very quietly and goes to his coat, thrown across a chair. She searches through the pockets and takes out the gun. INT. HOTEL ROOM - MORNING. Jude in bed. An alarm sounds; she reaches to turn it off. INT. DIL'S FLAT. Dil takes several silk stockings out of a drawer and ties them very securely to each corner of the brass bed. She ties them round both of Fergus's feet, very gently, so as not to wake him. INT. HOTEL ROOM - MORNING. Jude, in front of a mirror, getting ready. INT. DIL'S FLAT. She draws one of Fergus's hands up, very gingerly, and ties that securely to the upright. She ties the other and is drawing it upward when he wakes. She jerks the silk stocking so it is secure. FERGUS What the fuck -- Dil speaks unnaturally quietly. DIL So tell me what you're doing, Jimmy. INT. HOTEL ROOM - MORNING. Jude, fully dressed. She takes a gun from under the bed and slips it in her handbag. INT. DIL'S FLAT - MORNING. Dil crouching beside Fergus, his gun in her hand. DIL Didn't really listen last night. I heard but I didn't listen. Fergus, staring at her. He tries to pull on the bindings. 93. DIL That won't do you no good. Dil knows how to tie a body. She stands up, still pointing the gun at Fergus. DIL Wondered why you came on to me like that when you gave me the look. FERGUS He asked me to see were you all right. EXT. STREET - DAY Jude on the street. Maguire's car pulls up rapidly and she gets inside. INT. DIL'S FLAT. DIL See, I fix on anyone that's nice to me. Just the littlest bit nice and I'm yours. FERGUS Stop it, Dil -- DIL Just don't kick Dil and she'll be touched. Be nice to her and she'll be yours forever. She looks at him, tears in her eyes. DIL See, I should blow you away, Jimmy. But I can't do that. Yet. FERGUS Let me go, Dil He drags at his bindings. DIL Why? FERGUS Got to be somewhere. DIL Try and go, then. 94. EXT. STREET BY BROTHEL - DAY The figure of the judge in the window. Outline of a woman. Jude and Maguire are in the car, parked across the street. They look toward a paper seller. MAGUIRE Where the fuck is he? Christ -- INT. DIL'S FLAT. Fergus pulls furiously at his bindings. FERGUS Let me go for fuck's sake, Dil -- or they'll be here DIL Let them come then. IN THE CAR. OUTSIDE BROTHEL. JUDE Can't stay here, Peter -- drive around once more -- He drives off. INT. DIL'S FLAT. Fergus collapsed back on the bed, exhausted. DIL Just want your company for a little while longer... EXT. STREET BY BROTHEL - DAY Maguire's car driving round once more. No sign of Fergus. MAGUIRE That fucker's dead -- JUDE No, we are. INT. DIL'S FLAT. Fergus strains and roars from the bed. FERGUS You don't know what you're doing, Dil -- 95. DIL Never did... MAGUIRE'S POINT OF VIEW -- the brothel door opening. The elderly judge comes out. The car with his security men guns up. MAGUIRE Give me the shooter, Jude -- JUDE You're crazy -- MAGUIRE Give me the fucking shooter! He grabs it from her pocket. Throws open the door and runs across the street. Jude dives into the driver's seat. INT. DIL'S FLAT. Fergus, pulling at his bindings. EXT. OUTSIDE THE BROTHEL. The judge walking toward the open door of the car, held open by his goon. Maguire, running toward him, gun in hand. The goon sees him. Maguire shoots as he runs. Once, twice, three times, four. The judge falls. The goon, hit in the arm, pulls an Uzi and returns fire. Maguire hit, still shooting. Other goons tear from the car. Mayhem, screaming. Jude hits the pedal on her car and screeches off. Maguire, dead. INT. DIL'S FLAT - DAY Dil dressed in the soldier's cricket clothes. She looks like a sweet little boy. She places a cassette in the tape deck -- "The Crying Game" song. She comes to the bed, and points the gun at Fergus's head. DIL You like me now, Jimmy? FERGUS I like you, Dil -- DIL Give me a bit more, baby, a bit more. FERGUS More what? 96. DIL More endearments. FERGUS I like you, DIl DIL Love me. FERGUS Yes. DIL Tell me you love me. FERGUS Whatever you say, Dil. DIL Then say it. FERGUS Love you, Dil. DIL You do? FERGUS Yeah. DIL What would you do for me? FERGUS Anything. She begins to cry and lays the gun gently on his chest. DIL Say it again. FERGUS I'd do anything for you, Dil. She pulls on his bindings to release him. EXT. STREET. Two police cars, sirens wailing. 97. INT. DIL'S FLAT. Dil's face, close to Fergus's, as the stockings that bound his hands are nearly undone. DIL And you'll never leave me? FERGUS Never. DIL I know you're lying, Jimmy, but it's nice to hear it. His arm is free. He strokes her hair. FERGUS I'm sorry, Dil. She shudders with weeping. The music of the song plays in the background. Jude walking through the open door, arms extended, holding a gun. JUDE You stupid shit -- Once was bad enough. But twice. Dil rises from the bed and points her gun at Jude. DIL You didn't knock, honey -- Dil fires, hits Jude. Jude falls and is writhing on the floor. FERGUS Dil! JUDE Get that thing off me, Fergus -- Dil walks closer, holding the gun and pointing it at Jude. DIL What was that she called you, Jimmy? FERGUS Fergus. 98. DIL What's Fergus? FERGUS It's my name, Dil -- DIL What happened to Jimmy? JUDE I said get it off me, Fergus -- Jude, on the floor, reaches for her gun. Manages to grab it. DIL What's she going to do, Jimmy? She going to blow you away? Dil shoots again, like a child, playing with a toy. She hits Jude in her gun shoulder. Jude spins one way, the gun the other. DIL Was she there too? When you got my Jody? Fergus screams FERGUS Dil!!! DIL I asked you a question, honey -- were you there too -- JUDE You sick bitch -- As she raises the gun, Dil shoots her repeatedly, saying: DIL You was there, wasn't you? You used those tits and that ass to get him, didn't you? Fergus screams from the bed. He rips free his other arm. Dil shoots Jude in the throat, and she falls dead, covered in blood. Dil turns the gun on Fergus. DIL She was there, wasn't she? 99. FERGUS She was -- DIL And she used her tits and that cute little ass to get him, didn't she? FERGUS Yes. DIL Tell me what she wore. FERGUS Can't remember... Dil points the gun at him, squeezing on the trigger. Then she stops. DIL Can't do it, Jimmy. He won't let me. She looks at the picture; walks over and sits down in front of it. DIL You won't let me, Jody -- She raises the gun and places it in her mouth. Fergus takes it gently from her mouth and places it on the table. He lifts her up by the shoulders. FERGUS You've got to go now, Dil -- DIL Do I? FERGUS Yes. Now. DIL Am I in trouble, Jimmy? FERGUS Not if you go. DIL Will I see you again? FERGUS You will, Dil 100. DIL Promise? FERGUS I promise. DIL Where am I to go, Jimmy? FERGUS The Metro. DIL Meet Col -- FERGUS Yes. Say hello to Col -- He leads her out the door. Fergus goes back into the room, past Jude's body. Looks out the window to where he can see Dil staggering down the street, through the crowds that have gathered. The wail of police sirens coming closer. He watches Dil run off, with her funny walk. Then looks down and sees the cop cars pushing through the knot of people around the house. He picks up the gun, wipes it with a rag to remove Dil's fingerprints. He turns to the picture of the soldier; talks to it. FERGUS You should have stayed at home. He sits in the chair by the window, waiting. FADE TO BLACK. INT. PRISON VISITING ROOM - DAY FADE UP to reveal a large interior, with light streaming in the windows. Large barred doors open and a group of women come through, with parcels, children in tow, etc. Among them is Dil, looking resplendent. She walks past the rows of convicts with their families, up to a glass cage, where Fergus sits, waiting. DIL Got you the multivitamins and the iron tablets, hon -- FERGUS Don't call me that -- 101. DIL Sorry, love. Now, the white ones are magnesium supplement -- FERGUS Stop it, Dil -- DIL I've got to keep you healthy, Jimmy. I'm counting the days. Two thousand three hundred and thirty-four left. FERGUS Thirty-five. DIL I'm sorry, darling. I keep forgetting the leap year. What am I supposed to call you then, Jimmy? FERGUS Fergus. DIL Fergus. Fergus my love, light of my life - - FERGUS Please, Dil -- DIL Can't help it. You're doing time for me. No greater love, as the man says. Wish you'd tell me why. FERGUS As the man said, it's in my nature. DIL What's that supposed to mean? She shakes her head. FERGUS Well, there was this scorpion, you see. And he wants to go across the river. But he can't swim. So he goes to this frog, who can swim, and he says to him, "Excuse me, Mr. Froggy..." 102. CAMERA PULLS BACK, and as Fergus tells the story of the scorpion and the frog, the music comes up -- "Stand By Your Man." FADE OUT.