The Dead Zone Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the The Dead Zone script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the David Cronenberg movie with Christopher Walken  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of The Dead Zone. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

The Dead Zone Script


            [School Bell Rings]

            "...and the raven, never flitting,

            still is sitting, still is sitting

            on the pallid bust of Pallas

            just above my chamber door.

            And his eyes have all the seeming

            of the demons that he's dreaming.

            The lamp light streaming

            throws his shadow on the floor.

            And my soul, from out that shadow, that lies floating on the floor

            shall be lifted... nevermore."

            Pretty good, huh? Okay.

            Read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

            You'll like it.

            A teacher gets chased by a headless demon.


            Can teachers be expelled for kissing?

            - They get fired. - Thank God it's Friday.

            You sound like my students.

            Why don't you carry my books?

            I hope you haven't made plans.

            - Where are we going? - It's a surprise.

            - Aaahhh! - Aaahhh!

            You okay?

            - What's wrong? - I don't know.

            It didn't used to bother me.

            Enjoy the ride, folks?

            Take it away.

              Do you want to come in?

              I'd better not.

              Are you all right?

              I'm okay.

              I had a wonderful time.

              Are you sure you don't want to come in?

              You could spend the night here.

              I'd better not.

              Some things are worth waiting for.

              My books.

              Johnny, wait!

              I'm so crazy about you.

              I'm going to marry you.

              You better.

              - Drive carefully. - I will.

              Where's Intensive Care?


              Johnny, don't leave me, please.

              Johnny, you're going to get better. I know you are.

              Can you hear me?

              We're going to get married.

              Don't leave me.

              Hello, John.

              My name's Weizak.

              I'm Dr. Sam Weizak.

              I'm the director of this clinic.

              You've been our guest for a while.


              That's a funny way of putting it.

              How do you feel?

              My throat hurts.

              Try a little water.


              Hey, slow down.

              Not so fast. Slow down.

              You've been involved in a terrible traffic accident.

              Do you remember?

              Am I okay?


              you've been smashed up pretty badly.

              What is it?

              No bandages.

              How come?

              Your parents are here.

              They're right next door.

              I'll bring them in now. Is that okay?


              Do come in.

              Hi, Mom, Dad.



              Johnny, Johnny.

              It's a miracle, John.

              I know.

              I was lucky. Look.

              Not a scratch.

              The Lord has delivered you from your trance.

              Remember what we discussed, Mrs. Smith.

              What is she talking about?


              You've been in a coma, Johnny. Not a trance.


              For how long?

              We're just glad to have you back.

              Dad, how long?

              Five years.

              Five long years, John.

              Lost for five years.

              And now reborn unto me.

              Five... years?

              What about Sarah?

              Cast her from your thoughts.

              She's turned her back on you.

              She cleaves now unto another man,

              a husband.




              - Amy. - Aaahhh!



              - Amy. - Amy is my daughter's name.

              Your daughter's screaming. The house is burning.

              Your daughter's in the house.

              It's not too late.




              Your daughter is screaming.

              Amy's screaming. It's not too late.

              Hurry up!

              First, we will get your body back into shape.

              Although you've been exercised regularly,

              the ligaments have shortened a little.

              Must I live in a wheelchair?

              Not permanently.

              And not for very long. Not if I can help it.

              I, uh-- I won't deceive you, John.

              Your therapy will be long and painful.

              But you will walk.

              Thank you.

              The wolf is loose.

              John, are you all right?

              No match for them.

              Horses, fire.


              [Speaking Polish]


              The boy is safe.

              The boy is safe.

              John! John!

              Are you all right? Hmm?

              Tell me... what about the boy?

              You keep saying, "The boy is safe."

              - What boy? - You. You're the boy.

              l am the boy?

              - She saved you. She's alive, Sam. - Who?

              Your mother.

              - No, that's not possible. - She survived.

              John, my mother is dead.

              She's alive. I know her name and where she lives.

              But that is not possible, John.

              How could you know that? How--

              I'm scared, Sam.

              What's happening to me?

              - Hello? - Hello. May I speak to...


              - Is Johanna there, please? - One moment.

              [Speaking Polish]

              Hello? Who is this, please?



              you are either in possession

              of a very new human ability...

              or a very old one.

              - [Knock On Door] - Yes?

              Oh. Over here will be fine.

              Thank you.

              We're trying to get you back on your feet.

              This should help you regain your strength.

              What's on your mind?

              You were right, John...

              about my mother.

              I got the number from information.

              It was in the phone book.

              Did you talk to her?

              No, I didn't.

              I, um--

              She came to the phone,

              but I just couldn't talk to her.

              I hung up.



              Because it wasn't meant to be.

              It wasn't meant to be.

              Chug, chug, chug. Come on. Keep it moving.

              Weight down, knees up.

              Keep it moving.

              - That's it. - That's it?

              - That's what I get,   lousy steps? - I counted   .

              I'd like you to do some serious chugging.

              I'm going to run around the building.

              - Keep chugging? - Okay.

              See you.


              They told me you were outside.

              I am.

              I didn't know if I should come or not.

              It's all right.

              You got your hair cut.

              Yeah, a long time ago.

              You lost weight.

              They call it coma diet--

              lose weight while you sleep.

              You know I got married.

              I heard that.

              You'd like him.

              You still teach?

              Uh-uh. Mothering's a full time job.

              Kids, too? I didn't know that.

              I'm sorry.

              I thought your father would have told you.

              He's a wonderful little boy. His name's Denny.

              - How old is he? - Ten months.

              I'm glad for you.

              Don't look at me like that.

              What am I going to do?

              For you, five years have passed.

              For me, it's the next day.

              My feelings haven't changed yet.

              Oh, Johnny.

              Why did it have to happen?

              Bad luck.

              I never should have let you go that night.

              It was my idea, remember?

              What a jerk.

              Everybody's talking about you.

              You're the talk of the town.

              'Cause I got my head bashed in

              and I'm alive?

              Because you have the power of second sight.

              Is it true, Johnny?

              The papers won't let up about it.

              I keep thinking about a line

              from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,

              the last thing I gave my class before the accident.

              Ichabod Crane disappears.

              The line goes, "As he was a bachelor

              and in nobody's debt,

              nobody troubled their head about him anymore."

              Is that what you're afraid of?

              That's what I want. That's what I want.

              I don't approve.

              The press has been hounding me.

              I want it over with.

              Once you've set something like this in motion,

              it seems you never know where it will lead.

              It's already in motion.

              I want to stop it.

              They put it out,

              and that's all there is.

              Clement Dardis, WJGE-TV.

              What happened to the girl?

              I understand she's fine.

              Well, uh...

              would you call this a psychic experience?

              - No, I would not. - Ever had one before?


              How about a demonstration, John?

              - A what? - You know, a demonstration.

              You got any predictions?

              You think Greg Stillson

              is going to unseat Senator Proctor?

              - Who? - Greg Stillson.

              Uh... thank you, sir.

              - No more. - Wait, wait a minute!

              How about the election?

              I don't even know who you're talking about.

              Well, you didn't know anything about this nurse.

              That was different.

              Well, I--

              I touched her hand.

              Oh. All right. All right!

              Now, touch my hand.

              Tell me, is my house on fire, John?

              - Shall I stop this? - No.

              You want to know if you're going to die?

              We'll all die. You want to know if you'll die tomorrow.

              Is that right?

              You want to know why your sister killed herself.

              All right. Go on.

              - It's not all right. - It's okay.

              It's not okay.

              Okay. I won't talk about that!

              - Let go, you fucking freak! - Please stop it!

              Leave him alone!

              Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

              You're hurting him!


              Dr. Danvers, call     .

              Dr. Danvers, call     .

              Oh, yes, Nurse.

              She knows you're coming.

              Doctor, thanks for bringing the boy.


              It's Johnny, Mom.


              Leave your boots outside the door.

              Don't go tracking snow all over the house.

              I won't.

              You're a good boy.

              [Death Rattle]

              You're wasting your time here, Sheriff.

              You know that, don't you?

              Well, you never know, Frank.

              It's worth a try.

              - Mr. Smith? - Yeah, I'm Herb Smith.

              Sheriff Bannerman, Castle Rock. May I come in?

              Yeah, sure. Come in.

              It's a little nippy out there.

              - That's a nice tree. - Thanks.

              May I do something for you, Sheriff?

              Actually, I came to see your son.

              Are you John?

              Sheriff Bannerman.

              Castle Rock.

              I've come to you

              with what you could call a proposal.

              It concerns the Castle Rock Killer.

              - Have you heard of him? - Sure.

              I don't know whether it's true or not, John...

              about these psychic powers of yours.

              If it's true, I could use your help.

              Maybe you should give him--

              Think about it,

              but bear in mind some decent young women

              from homes just like this

              have met with terrible, terrible deaths.

              Now, I'm at my wits' end.

              I've exhausted about every approach to this situation.

              I've come up with nothing.

              I feel you can help me.

              You made a mistake.

              I was sorry to hear about your mother's death.

              I understand she was a good woman,

              Christian woman.

              I'm not a religious man, I'm sorry to say,

              but if God has seen fit to bless you with this gift,

              you should use it.

              Bless me?

              You know what God did for me?

              He threw a truck at me,

              bounced me into nowhere for five years!

              My girl was gone, my job was gone,

              my legs are useless.

              Bless me?

              God's been a real sport to me.

              All right, John.

              If you change your mind, you know where I am.

              Merry Christmas to you.


              Well what?

              See? What did I tell you?

              Them murders, god-awful things.

              Went on during the time you were in that coma.

              Don't have the knack for tinsel.

              It was your mother who kept the tree looking good.

              I wish to God she was here now

              so she could talk to you about this thing.

              I'm not much help to you.

              Sure you are.

              You, uh, want to talk about it?

              Not that much to say.

              It don't bring you much happiness.

              When it happens...

              when the spells come,

              it feels like-- I don't know.

              It feels like I'm dying... inside.

              No snow.

              It should snow for Christmas.


              I brought you a visitor.

              I didn't know you were coming.

              I wasn't sure myself.

              If I'd known you were coming,

              I'd have cleaned up.

              You look wonderful.

              You lost the crutches, I see.

              Yeah. I still got the limp.

              Is your father home?

              He won't be back till later.

              Is that who I think it is?

              His Majesty.

              - Danny? - Denny.

              Say hi.


              It's cold. Come on in.

              He's asleep.

              Last time we were alone together,

              you said some things were worth waiting for.


              haven't we waited long enough?

              Charlene MacKenzie's got Dad building things.

              If you ask me, it's the company she wants more than the bookcases.

              I heard that.

              That's a boy.

              There you are, young fella.

              I made that when John was born.

              It's an excellent chair.

              What have you two been up to all day?

              Making bookcases.

              Sit down. Dinner's ready.

              That smells good. I'm starved.

              - I hope you like it. - He's fed up with my cuisine.

              For our bounty,

              may the Lord make us grateful. Amen.

              It feels good to have a family

              eating around this table again.

              Will I see you again?

              Not like today.

              Go inside, you're freezing.

              - It doesn't have to-- - Don't say it.

              Don't say it, Johnny.

              I'll just say good night.

              Guess I'll hit the hay.

              I'm going to watch TV.

              Good night, son.

              Despite efforts of police forces,

              the killer is at large, and is likely to remain so.

              We spoke to Sheriff Bannerman

              outside the courthouse.

              We have no new leads at this time.

              However, there is the hope

              that some citizen might have some information

              that would be very helpful.

              My line is open.

              l'd welcome any help we can get.

              That's all I have to say.

              Nine murders have been attributed

              to the Castle Rock Killer, dating back almost    /  years.

              The most recent victim

              was    year old Debbie Linderman,

              a sophomore at Castle Rock High School.

              Her partially clad body was found one month ago today.

              Asin the other Castle Rock killings,

              cause of death was multiple stab wounds.

              Next on News Eight,

              sports and weather with Ron,

              after this message.

              I'm going to help.


              The sheriff that came here...


              I'm going to help him.

              We think the killer

              hid down at the end of the tunnel there.

              When the girl came through,

              the bastard was waiting for her.

              Kids shouldn't come through here,

              but they use this as a short cut to school.

              He stood right here.

              Found a lot of cigarette butts, same brand.

              Eight or nine butts here.

              This help you any?

              I don't know. Have you got something

              he might have touched or worn?

              Frank, give me that package.

              It's our only real evidence.

              Found it in the bushes back there.

              Same brand as the butts.



              I thought I'd feel something, but--

              Can't say we didn't try.

              Dispatch to Sheriff Bannerman.

              Yeah, this is Bannerman.

              We got another body.


              damn it!

              What's the word?

              - Is it the Castle Rock Killer? - Hey, Sheriff!

              What's the word about the robbery?

              That's the psychic, isn't it?

              Give us a break.

              We're trying to do a story here.

              You'll just have to wait.

              Looks pretty grim to me.

              Anyone know who she is?


              I know her. Alma Frechette.

              She works at the Coffee Pot Cafe.

              Was this psychic your idea, George?

              Get these people out of here.

              Move them back. Move the people back.

              Knock it off with those cameras. No more.

              - Dodd! - Yeah?

              - Nobody comes up here. - You got it, Sheriff.

              You want to try?

              Hey, Alma! Hi.

              What are you doing?

              Waiting for a smile from you.

              She knows him.


              She knows him.

              Why waste a smile on you?

              You want to see the damndest thing?

              - What? - Come up to the gazebo.

              She knows him.

              Not scared. She knows him.

              All right.

              What did you want to show me?

              Gazebo. You like that word, Alma?

              Come here.

              Look at this.

              Jesus! Let go!

              - Is this your idea of a joke? - No joke.

              No, no! Wait!

              You all right? Dodd, give me a hand.

              I saw him. I was there.

              - I saw his face. - Who?

              I stood there and watched him kill that girl. Dodd!

              - What are you saying? - I did nothing.

              I stood there and watched him kill that girl.

              - What are you saying? - Dodd!

              I stood there. I did nothing.


              Dodd, get up here!

              He took off in your car.

              I saw his face. I saw his face.

              You stay there.


              I told you to stay by the car.

              Who's there?

              I want to talk to your son, Mrs. Dodd.

              He ain't here.

              His patrol car is out here.

              His car's here. He ain't.

              I saw him in the window.

              - He ain't home! - I'm coming in.


              Leave my boy alone!

              You knew.

              Didn't you?

              You knew.


              You're a--

              You're a devil...

              sent from hell!




              - No! - Aaah!


                Hello, John.

                May I come in?

                How did you find me?

                My father?

                Stopped off to see him.

                He said you moved to a new town.

                He's worried about you.

                And so am I.

                Don't worry. I'm taking care of myself.

                It's about time.

                I'm still your doctor.

                You're still under my care.

                We have to... well, stay in touch.


                How's the, uh-- All healed up now?

                The bullet...

                went right through me.

                - It's nothing. - Good.

                Nice place you have here.

                It's home.

                Those headaches are getting worse, aren't they?

                Three, four times a day sometimes.

                I brought you some new medication.

                No! No more pills.

                It takes time to recover. The healing process is slow.

                I'm not getting better. I'm getting worse.

                Isn't that right?

                All right.

                Now listen. I've done some research

                into the area of psychic phenomena.

                Several cases, such as yours, have been documented.

                I was surprised to discover.

                And the pattern is always the same.

                As the spells, the visions,

                grow stronger and more powerful,

                the body weakens.

                I don't need any research or documentation

                to see this thing is sucking the life out of you.

                One look tells me that.

                You mean I'm going to die?

                How long?

                I think we can arrest the process,

                reverse it even.

                - How? - Come back with me.

                - Where? - To the clinic.

                No. Absolutely no.

                John, please. You must!

                So you can study me?

                No. So I can protect you.

                You need to be in a controlled environment, John.

                I want to show you something.

                Come with me.

                Cards and letters keep pouring in.

                What is all this?

                It's people with lost dogs, lost children, lost lives.

                You haven't even opened them.

                I don't have to.

                They all want reassurance, help, love...

                things I can't give them.

                Father sends it. I let it pile up.

                Why do you keep it?

                This is why I can't go out...

                live my life,

                why I stay locked up here.

                I'm already living in a controlled environment, Sam.

                Nothing can touch me here.

                I'm alone.

                I'm safe.

                "But instead of dying,

                she shall only fall into...

                a profound sleep

                which shall last a hundred years."

                - [Horn Honks] - That's my mom.


                - Bye. - Bye.

                John Smith?

                Hi. I'm Roger Stuart.

                I'd like to talk to you.

                Sit down.

                What can I do for you?

                Um... it's, uh--

                It's my boy, my son, Chris.

                He needs help.

                I've inquired around.

                You come highly recommended.

                What's the matter with him?

                I wish I knew.

                He's bright, I know he is,

                but he won't take part in school.

                He won't join in. He won't learn.

                God! He's so shy.

                You think you could help him?

                I wouldn't know unless I met him.

                He wouldn't come with me today.

                You'd have to come out to the house.

                No. That's out of the question.

                It's just not the way I do it.

                It won't work otherwise.


                He'll get to know you,

                then you can bring him here for the lessons.



                Great. Tomorrow morning's Saturday.

                I'll send a car to pick you up.

                Thank you.

                That reminds me of when I ran for the senate.

                My opponent went to the ghetto

                and handed out dollar bills trying to buy votes.

                I said, "You folks keep that money

                'cause times is rough.

                But I want you to vote for whoever you please."

                - We won by... what? -   .

                   percentage points. Those people spent that money

                with a clear conscience.

                John, good morning. Nice to see you.

                Gentlemen, meet my son's tutor, John Smith.

                - This is Greg Stillson. - Hello.

                - This gentleman is-- - Sonny Elliman.

                Well, Greg, you got some good ideas.

                Let me think about them.

                Roger, I want you to be part of this.

                I need your support, your expertise, your input.

                And most importantly, I need your money.

                - God bless, Roger. - Thanks for dropping by.

                See you. Bye-bye.

                My God! What a glorious day!


                Sorry about that.

                Well, let's go see Chris.

                Chris. This is Johnny.

                Remember I said he was coming?

                I'll leave you alone to get acquainted.

                Your father wants me

                to bring you out of your shell.

                I don't know what to do.

                You don't have to do anything.

                My dad lives in a shell, not me.

                Chris has really taken to you, John.

                - You made progress. - We just talked.

                Well, with Chris, that's an achievement.

                You want a drink?

                - No. - Want a beer?

                - Okay. - Get him a beer.

                Let's listen to this.



                l'm Greg Stillson,

                just stopping by on my way to the U. S. Senate.

                Greg Stillson.

                Remember you met him this morning?

       got to be in good shape

                to go the full distance with those boys in Washington.

                What the hell is happening to this country?

                Can anybody tell me?

                I read in a localpaper--

                Do you believe this guy?

                He's just getting warmed up.

                You voting for him?

                I'm not even registered.

                - Not registered? - No.

                Get registered, pal, and vote against this turkey.

                He's dangerous.

                ...I see so many unemployed.

                Why are you people here in the middle of the day?

                Look at each other!

                How do you feel?

                Would you send your friend to the U. S. Senate?

                A real man of the people.

                Jesus, what an act.

                Can't they see through this guy?

                You acted like friends this morning.

                With guys like Stillson,

                you walk a thin line.

                If they lose, they'll drag you down.

                But if he wins, and this turkey just might,

                you make sure you're thought of as a good friend.

                Know what I mean?

                ...l've got a job for everyone

                and a challenge for all of you!

                l'm challenging you to join me,

                to join a growing army

                of volunteer workers on my campaign.

                Let's send Greg Stillson to the U. S. Senate

                and mediocrity to hell!

                What can I do for you boys?

                You work late. That's admirable.

                I'm Greg Stillson.

                I know who you are, Mr. Stillson.

                Take your paid gorilla and get out.

                We've got a little problem here.

                Get to the point, Mr. Stillson.

                I'm damned near even in the polls.

                The people need me.

                I'm going to win big.

                I've had a vision

                that I'm going to be President of the United States someday.

                I've accepted that responsibility,

                and nobody,

                will stop me.

                Imagine how I felt

                when I read your editorial

                that's hitting the streets tomorrow.

                You don't seem to like me, Brenner.

                But that's okay.

                I don't like you either.

                How did you get that?

                I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources.

                It doesn't make any difference.

                That editorial is hitting the streets tomorrow morning.

                Not if we make a deal.

                What's that mean?

                You staying out of the campaign business,

                and me staying out of the publishing business.

                Show him what we've got to publish.

                That's your best shot.

                I got many loyal people on my side--

                Like that lady in the photograph with you.

                I never met Mrs. Brenner,

                but I'm sure that ain't her.

                What do you think, Sonny?

                Is this Mrs. Brenner?

                - Doesn't look like her. - You son of a bitch!

                Who you calling a son of a bitch?

                Let's give Mr. Brenner a chance

                to think about his wife, kids,

                his position in the community.

                What if I don't make a deal?

                You'll make a deal.

                Otherwise Sonny will take your head off.

                Good idea.

                I told you he was a reasonable man.

                He's a nice man.

                I like your wife too.

                "Prophets, said I, thing of evil.

                Prophets still of bird or devil,

                by that heaven that bends above us,

                by that God we both adore,

                tell this soul with sorrow laden,

                if within the distant Aden,

                it shall clasp a sainted maiden

                whom the angels named Lenore."

                Skip to the part where he talks about,

                "Will I ever see her again?"

                "Eagerly I wish the morrow.

                Vainly I had sought to borrow

                from my books, surcease of sorrow,

                sorrow for the lost Lenore.

                For the rare and radiant maiden

                whom the angels named Lenore,

                nameless here forevermore."

                [Doorbell Buzzes]

                Stop. I'll be right back.

                Good afternoon, sir.

                We're out talking about Greg Stillson.

                You're familiar with our candidate?

                What do you think?

                Yeah, right.

                Are you aware of what Greg Stillson stands for?

                Greg Stillson's mounting a successful third party movement.

                Stillson represents both the poor and the well-off.

                Could you come back? I have a student.

                Sure. You're busy. Can I leave some literature?

                Honey, bring some brochures!

                Hello, Johnny.


                You live here?

                Yeah. I'm back to teaching.

                This is my husband Walt.

                Nice to meet you finally, John.

                Sarah's talked about you often.

                Come on back, Johnny.

                It's no fun reading alone.

                Chris, Walt and Sarah.


                We'll let you get back to work.

                Nice to meet you.

                Don't forget who to vote for.


                Who was that?


                You okay?

                Why are you crying, Johnny?


                What's the matter?

                - Nothing. - [Horn Honks]

                - My ride's here. - I'm going with you.

                - I got to talk to you. - Hi, Johnny.

                - What are you doing? - Pretty good stuff, huh?

                I organized a hockey team.

                We're practicing this afternoon. I'm the coach.

                Call it off.

                There's going to be an accident.

                Call it off? Chris is looking forward to this.

                - He's really coming out, John. - Wait.

                I got to talk to you.

                Eat something, then we'll go.

                There's going to be an accident. Call it off.

                We skate on that pond until March.

                You'll kill your own son!

                I'm scared, Dad.

                For Christ sake, John!

                Don't be scared. Go eat.

                Don't you know who I am?

                You think I'd hire you without checking you out?

                I hired you as a teacher, not a fortuneteller.

                The ice is going to break!

                I want you out.

                I don't want you in my boy's life !

                You do exactly what I'm telling you!

                No, Dad. You don't know.

                It's not safe.

                All right. To hell with it!

                Forget everything, but I want you out.

                Whatever you say. I'm sorry about that.

                I'll send your final check.

                I'm not crazy, you know.

                Don't let the boy think I am.

                I'm right about this.

                But we'll never know, will we?

                Give me your hand.

                Nothing to worry about now.

                My driver will take you home.

                You were right.

                I'll see you.


                Hey, what's going on?

                You're not even dressed.

                You called it off.

                I thought you called it off.

                Just to get rid of him.

                We going or not?

                Are you going to pout like a baby

                or come and play hockey with your friends?


                [Telephone Rings]






                Who is it?


                 [ "Old Mother Leary" ]


                [ "Camptown Races"]

                - Sarah, see you down there. - Okay.

                [ "Yankee Doodle Dandy"]

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Good to see you.

                Hi. How are you?

                Good to see you.

                Hi. How are you?

                How you doing? Good to see you.

                Do it, General.

                You're insane. I won't.

                Do it! You'll go down in history with me!

                As what? The world's greatest mass murderers?

                You cowardly bastard!

                You're not the voice of the people!

                The people speak through me!

                It came to me while I slept-- my destiny.

                I must get up now and fulfill my destiny!

                Put your hand on that, or I'll hack it off!

                Do it!

                May God forgive me.

                Congratulations, General.

                Complete the sequence, Mr. President.

                My destiny.

                Thank you, Sonny.

                Let them come up.

                Mr. President, we have a diplomatic solution.

                Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary,

                the missiles are flying.

                Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

                You okay, Greg?

                Get out!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                Stillson! Stillson!

                If you could go back in time to Germany,

                before Hitler came to power,

                knowing what you know now,

                would you kill him?

                Is that why you sent for me,

                to ask me this, uh... this question?

                I have to talk to you, Sam,

                because I've had another episode.

                Oh, yes?

                Go on.

                I've been tutoring this boy named Stuart.

                In the vision, I saw him drown.

                But that's not the point.

                In the vision, something was missing.

                How-- How do you mean?

                It was like... a blank spot, a dead zone.

                First of all, tell me,

                did the boy in fact drown?

                His father wanted him to play hockey.

                I talked him out of it. The boy's alive.

                Ah. Yes.

                Don't you see how clear it is?

                Not only can you see the future, you can--

                - I can change it. - You can change it, exactly.


                Yes, John. That is your-- your dead zone.

                The possibility of...

                of altering the outcome of your premonitions...

                it's fascinating. Let me make a note.

                What about my question?


                Oh, you mean the one about Hitler?

                - What would you do? - I don't like this.

                What are you getting at?

                What would you do? Would you kill him?

                All right.

                All right. I'll give you an answer.

                I'm a man of medicine.

                I'm expected to save lives and ease suffering.

                I love people.

                Therefore, I would have no choice

                but to kill the son of a bitch.

                You'd never get away alive.

                It doesn't matter. I would kill him.

                Nasdro via. Skol.

                "Dear Sarah,

                lt is a hard letter to write,

                so I'll make it short.

                I can't go on hiding anymore.

                That's what l've been doing--

                running and hiding.

                I had this figured out all wrong.

                I always thought my power was a curse,

                but now I can see it 's a gift.

                By the time you get this letter,

                it'll be all over.

                You never will understand why.

                Nobody ever will, but I know what I'm doing.

                And I know I'm right.

                Just remember there's never been anyone for me except you.

                Just wasn't in the cards for us, I guess.

                I'll always love you, Sarah.


                [Door Opens]

                [People Chattering]

                How you doing?

                Thanks very much. What's your name?

                Greg, my husband Walt.

                Hi, Walt. This your baby?

                Bring him up on stage.

                I want to thank you for the support

                you've given this campaign.

                You made this campaign the most exciting,

                the most important campaign in this state's history.

                I've come here personally to thank you for that.



                Give me him!



                Sonny! The man's trying to kill me!

                You son of a bitch!

                Who sent you? Huh?


                It's over.

                You're finished.

                Where's that kid with the camera?

                I don't see him.

                You asshole!

                It's okay. It's all right.

                Oh, Johnny, why?



                I love you.



Special help by SergeiK