Event Horizon Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Event Horizon script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Event Horizon. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Event Horizon Script






I miss you.



Dr Weir, report to the

Lewis & Clark in Docking Bay four.



- lon drive set.

- Thank you.



Heading: vector one-nine degrees.



We are prepped for lockdown.



I can't believe this.

It's ridiculous.



I haven't got more than my hand

in weeks, and now this shit.



Why can't we go to Mars, Captain?



I mean, Mars has... has got women.



Smith's right. Neptune...

there's nothing out there.



Yeah, we'll be on our own.



That's the rules.

They drop the ball, we get the call.



Have you got our course plotted?



Locked and cocked.



Mr Justin?



Everything's green

on my screen, Skipper.



- Start countdown.

- lon drive in    minutes.



Thank you, Lieutenant. Let's go.



- Smith, follow me.

- Yes, ma'am.



Justin, prep those tanks.



Yes, sir.



Mr Cooper. lon drive in    minutes.



Ooh, time to play "spam-in-the-can".



- Skipper!

- Peters.



Captain Miller,

I just wanted to say that...



The clock is ticking, Doctor.



Waiting for a personal invitation,

Mr Smith?



- No, sir!

- Captain, I don't...



Follow the crew to the grav tanks.

We're almost under way.



Square away that bunk, Mr Cooper,



or you're walking to Neptune.



What's the hold-up, Peters?



Loading the CO  scrubbers, sir.



You stand right here.



Thanks, DJ.



Hats off.



- First time in a grav couch?

- Yeah.



I think your captain has a problem

with me.



Oh, well, don't worry about him.



He just loves having complete

strangers on his ship. DJ!






Nah. Is this necessary?



When the ion drive fires

you'll be taking about    Gs.



Without a tank, the force

would liquefy your skeleton.



I've seen the effect on mice.












I'm so alone.






Is anyone there?






I'm so cold.






I'm waiting.



You're all right. Breathe. DJ!



OK, Dr Weir.

Let's get you up. Come on.



I'm fine!



OK. There you go.



Move nice and slow. You've been

in stasis for    days.



You're a little disorientated.




I'm all right. Thank you.



OK. Take that. Don't rush it.



All yours.



You OK, Doc?



Want some coffee?






Would you like some coffee?



No. Thank you.



All right. Suit yourself.



What about you, Starck?

Want something hot and black?



- Is that an offer?

- No.



Then how about some coffee?



- Starck?

- Yes, sir.



Why aren't you on the bridge?



- Mind if I get dressed?

- Yes. Let's go, people!



OK, Denny, here we go.

Happy birthday.



Play horsey, Mommy! Play horsey!



Oh! Oh!



Hey! No balls indoors.



- Yo, apologise.

- Sorry, Mama Bear.



- Peters?

- Yes, sir.



I did try to find

a replacement for you,



but it was impossible. I am sorry.



I talked to my ex. He's going

to take Denny for Christmas.



I'll get him for the summer,

so everything's all right.






Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.



In approximately

  hours and    minutes,



we'll be arriving at Neptune.



I thank you.






Everything's five by five.



- USAC notified of our position?

- Yes, sir.



All right, people, listen up.



We have an addition to our crew.

Dr Weir, care to join us?



Introductions all around.



This is my XO... Lieutenant Starck.



Mr Justin, Engineering.



The funky spaceman is Mr Cooper.



What do you do here, Coop?



Doc. I'm your best friend.



Life-saver and heartbreaker.



He's a rescue technician.



This is Peters, medical technician.



And my pilot... Mr Smith.



The gloomy Gus in the corner

over there, that's, uh...



DJ Trauma.



All right. All right.

Now, then, I got a question.



What the fuck are we doing here?



Perhaps the good doctor

will tell us.



Thank you. Uh, I want to say



how much I appreciate

this opportunity...



Yes. You appreciate

being here, Doctor,



but understand - we don't.



We were taken off leave

and sent into Neptune space.



We are three billion clicks

from the nearest outpost.



The last time USAC attempted

a rescue this far out...



we lost both ships.

So if you please...



Right. Well, everything

I'm about to tell you



is considered code black

by the NSA.



USAC intercepted

a radio transmission



from a decaying orbit

around Neptune.



The source of this transmission



has been identified

as the Event Horizon.



Yeah. Well, that's bullshit,

for starters.



I lost leave for this?

Thank you so much!



Smitty, sit down.



Cooper, as you were.



Just let the man speak.



What was made public

about the Event Horizon...



that she was a research vessel,



that her reactor went critical,

and she blew up...



none of that is true.



The Event Horizon was

a secret government project



to create a spacecraft capable

of faster-than-light flight.



Uh, excuse me.

You can't actually do that.



The law of relativity prohibits it.



Relativity, yes. We can't break

the law of relativity,



but we can go around it.



The ship doesn't really

go faster than light.



It creates a gateway

to jump instantaneously



from one point to another

light years away.






Well, that's difficult to...

it's all math.



Try us, Doctor.



Right. Well, uh,

using layman's terms...



we use a retaining magnetic field



to focus a narrow beam of gravitons.



These, in turn, fold space-time



until the space-time curvature

becomes infinitely large



and you produce a singularity.

Now, the singularity...



Layman's terms.



Well, fuck layman's terms.

Do you speak English?



Imagine for a minute

that this piece of paper...



Uh, excuse me.

That's Vanessa, and that's mine.



This piece of paper

represents space-time,



and you want to get from "A" here...



to "B" there.



Now, what's the shortest

distance between two points?



A straight line.



Wrong. The shortest distance

between two points is zero,



and that's what the gateway does...



it folds... space



so that point "A" and point "B"



coexist in the same

space and time.



When the spacecraft

passes through the gateway,



space returns to normal.



It's called a gravity drive.



How do you know all this?



I built it.



Well, I see why they sent you.



So if the ship didn't blow up,

then what happened?




the mission was going perfectly,



they reached safe distance

using conventional thrusters,



they had the go-ahead

to use the gravity drive



to open the gateway

to Proxima Centauri,



and then, they just disappeared,



vanished without a trace. Until now.



Where has she been, Doctor?



That's what we're here to find out.



We've been unable

to verify life contact.



The TDRS did receive

this single transmission.



- What the fucking hell is that?

- Listen to this.



Houston passed the recording

through several filters



and managed to isolate what

appears to be a human voice.



- I'm not sure it is language.

- Latin.



- What?

- I mean, I think...



Well, it sounds like Latin.



- Can you translate it?

- Play it again.



Right there. You hear that?



Sounds like "liberate me"

something or other.



I can't make out the rest.



"Liberate me"?



"Save me. "



All right. Stations, people.



Crossing the horizon. Optimum

approach angle is    degrees.



Come around to  - - .



 - - .



Make your approach

vector negative    degrees.



 -  degrees.



Locked on Event Horizon's

navigation beacon.



She's in the upper ionosphere,



and it looks like

we're in for some heavy chop!



- Bring us in tight.

- Yes, sir.



- Mr Justin, how's my ship?

- Smooth sailing, sir.



Matching speed on my mark.



Three, two, one, mark!



- Range?

-       metres, sir.



Check radio.

See if anybody's listening.



This is the USAC Lewis & Clark

hailing Event Horizon.



Event Horizon, do you read?



Dr Weir!

I think you'll want to see this.



- Where is she?

- Dead ahead,      metres!



- Starck?

- Event Horizon, do you read?



     metres and closing!



- Can't see anything!

-      metres, sir. Too close.



- Where is it?

- Right in front!



-      metres.

- Proximity warning!



   !    !






- We're gonna hit!

- Starck!






Reverse thrusters! Full!



There she is.






Very impressive ship, Doctor.



Thank you.



Mr Smith, are you up for a flyby?



Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'd love to.



That's the main airlock,

we can dock in there.



All right. Smith, use the arm



and lock us onto

that antenna cluster.



Go carefully here. That's not

a load-bearing structure.



It is now, Doctor.



Everything five by five?



Locked into the Event Horizon.



Light 'em if you got 'em.



Thank you very much, sir.



Starck, give me a read.



The reactor's still hot.



We've got several

small radiation sources,



but they're leaks, nothing serious.






The hull's intact,

but there's no gravity,



and thermal units are off-line.



The crew couldn't survive

unless they were in stasis.



- Find them, Starck.

- Already on it, Captain.



Bio-scan on-line.



There's something wrong

with the scan.



- Radiation interference?

- Not enough.



I'm picking up life forms

but I can't get a lock.



These readings don't make sense.



OK. We do it the hard way...

room by room.



Starck, deploy the umbilicus.



- Smitty, fire up the War Room.

- Sir.



Mr Justin, you're up for a walk?



Yes, sir.



Doctor, I'll need you here.



Captain... I need to be on that ship.



Once it's secured,

we'll bring you on board...



That's unacceptable. I need to be...



Once we've secured the ship.



I need you to guide us.

Help us do our job.



Oh, oh, honey, honey, honey.



You forgot your briefcase.



Stand clear!



Anything gets funky, Cooper...



I'll be on it!



Yo, Baby Bear...



keep your nose clean.



DJ, showtime.



Video feed is clear.



Are you with us, Dr Weir?



Yes, I'm with you.



We are crossing the umbilicus,



making our approach

to the Event Horizon.



You're at the outer airlock door.



Magnetic boots on.



We've got pressure.



Place is a deep-freeze.



We got ice crystals everywhere.



That's the central corridor

that you're in.



It connects the front of the

ship to Engineering at the rear.



Mr Justin, take Engineering.



Yes, sir.



Peters and I

will take the forward decks.



Doctor, what are these?



Yeah. I've got another one over here.



In an emergency, they destroy

the central corridor



and split the ship in half,



and then the crew can use

the foredecks as a lifeboat.



I'm in Medical.



No casualties.



Place looks like

it's never been used.



You haven't seen any crew?



If we saw any crew,

Doctor, you'd know it.



Scanning for life readings.



This place is a tomb.



Oh, fuck me!



Miller. Miller, are you OK?



Skipper's got a case of the willies.



Cooper, back to your post.



Miller, your heart rate

just rocketed.



I'm fine.



I think I've reached the door



to the first containment, Dr Weir.



The engineering decks

are on the other side.



OK. Let's take a look.



What the hell is this place, Dr Weir?



It's to enter the second containment



without compromising

the magnetic fields.



Looks like a meat grinder to me.



I'm on the bridge.



Got some blood here.



There must have been a coolant leak.



Man, this shit is everywhere.



Coolant levels on reserve



but well within the safety line.



Ms Peters, could you

turn back and left?



- What is it?

- Ship's log.



It's stuck.



It's pretty jammed in there.



What the hell happened to his eyes?



Explosive decompression.



Decompression doesn't do that.



Looks like it was caused by...



I don't know, an animal.



Look at the soft tissue,

the massive abrasions.






I'm scanning for life forms.



Man, I'm getting some really

strange readings in here.



Let me see if I can get

some power up.



That's the core, the gravity drive...



The heart of the ship.



Justin? Justin, you're breaking up!



Justin, come in!



- What's up?

- The life scan lit up.



Something's wrong. Pull him out.



Oh, shit!



He's in trouble!



- Go, Coop!

- I'm gone!



Boarding party, sound off.



This is Miller. Can anybody hear me?



What the fuck was that?



Pressure emergency!

We've lost the starboard baffle!



The hull's been breached!



I'll contain it

as long as I can! Get out!



We're losing atmosphere!



There are pressure suits

in the airlock. Go!



Here I come!



Hold on, Baby Bear!



I'm almost there, almost there!



I got you! I got you!



Oh! Watch out! Watch!



I got you. What the fuck is this?



Hold on!



Captain Miller! Do you copy? Over!



Smitty, where you been?



We have a situation, sir!

We've lost the starboard baffle,



and the hull's been breached!



The safety circuits have failed!



Time for a weld?



No, sir! We've got     litres of gas,



and then we've got nothing!



The oxygen tanks failed.

Sir, we are fucking dead!



What about the Event Horizon?






She's got air and power!



It's our only chance!



There's no way

I'm getting on that bastard!



It beats dying, Mr Smith.



I want all personnel on board

the Event Horizon pronto.



- Meet at the air tanks.

- I'm ahead of you, sir.



Bringing thermal units on-line.



Hold tight. Prep for Gs.



Gravity in five seconds.



Wake up!



Open your eyes, all right?



Dr Weir.



Well, I brought

most primary systems on-line...



for now.



Thank you. Starck, what's our status?



The antenna array is completely




We've got no radio,

no laser, no high gain.



No one's coming to help.



- This air tastes bad.

- Yeah. Carbon dioxide.



And the CO  filters here are shot.



Take the Clark's.

That gives us... what?



Enough breathable air for    hours,



but after that, we'd better be going.



I'm on the port side,



approaching the dorsal heat sink.



Holy shit.



Captain Miller, do you copy?



Smith. How's my ship?



Sir, we've got

a seven-metre fracture.



We can repair her,

but it'll take a long time.



Negative.    hours, we suffocate.



Understood, sir.



What happened here, Doctor?



OK. How is he?



His vital signs seem stable,



but he's unresponsive to stimuli.



I don't know.



He might wake up in    minutes.



He might not wake up ever.



Skipper, this sounds weird,



but, I mean,

there was, like, nothing,



and then Justin appeared,



and, um, there was liquid,



and the whole core just turned solid.



It's just not physically possible.



Doctor, please, don't start

in with that physics shit.



I'm telling you, I saw it.



It would mean the gateway was open.



Then the gateway was open.



It couldn't be because the

gravity drive wasn't activated.



I'm telling you what I saw...



It can't start by itself!



Mr Cooper, you are out of line!



Doctor, Mr Justin may die.



Now, whatever happened to him

could happen to all of us.



Mr Cooper says he saw something.



I believe he saw something.



I need an explanation.



Well, in my view, Mr Cooper's




but maybe he saw an optical effect



caused by gravitational distortion.



An optical effect!

That's fucking poetic.



I'm sorry. I'm all right. OK.



Gravitational distortion...



what could create that, Doctor?



If, somehow, a burst of gravity

waves escaped from the core,



it could distort space-time.



It could make Justin

seem to disappear.



It could also have damaged

the Lewis & Clark.



However, I think this

is entirely unlikely.



What's in the core, Doctor?



It's complicated.



Well, how much time do you need?

We have...



   hours and    minutes.



What's in the core?



This is the gateway.



Now, these three magnetic rings,

when they align,



it creates an artificial black hole,



which allows the ship

to travel to any point in space.



A black hole,



the most destructive force

in the universe...



and you've created one?



Absolutely. Yes.



Because we can use that immense

power to bend space-time.



Look, it would take the Lewis & Clark



a thousand years

to reach our nearest star,



but the Event Horizon

could be there in a day.



- If it worked.

- Come down. It's quite safe.



So if Justin was sucked through,



he's been wherever

the Event Horizon's been.



Theoretically, yes, but I told you,



the gateway can't just open.



I see. I want this room sealed off.



Second containment is off limits.



Yes, sir.



Captain, there's no danger.



The gateway's contained.

It's perfectly safe.






Doctor, my ship is in pieces,



and one of my crewmen almost died.



No one else goes near this.



Come on.



There's got to be something

on this log.



You can do this.



DJ, where are you?



I'm up on Deck  .






What is it? You all right?



What's up? You was out there so long.



I'd rather spend    hours outside



than another five seconds in here.



It's the final entry

in the ship's log.



I'm very proud of my crew.



I'd like to name my station heads:



Chris Chambers, Janice Reuben,



Ben Fender, Dick Smith.



We've reached safe distance...



That's John Kilpack, ship's captain.



.. we're preparing

to engage the gravity drive



and open the gateway

to Proxima Centauri.



"Ave atque vale. "



Hail and farewell.



What is that?



I'll see if I can clean it up.



It's a power drain.



It's the core.



Stay here. I don't want

anybody else near that thing.



Wait for me, Doctor!



What's causing the drain?



Magnetic fields are holding.



There may be a short

in the fail-safe circuit.



Can you give us a hand?



Justin! Justin, can you hear me?



- He's coming!

- Who's coming?



The dark.



Yeah. That's the one.



Captain Miller,

I've got some problems here!



Be with me...






Carbon dioxide

can produce hallucinations,



impair judgement.



Goddamit, it was not a hallucination.



Doctor, you were in the duct.



You must have heard something.



You must have seen something.



I did.



About an hour ago, I saw my son

lying on the examination table.






in his legs were crawling...



Ms Peters, it sounds a little like




You're traumatised...



No. No. Excuse me! No!



I've seen bodies before.

This was different.



She's right.



This... this was real.



I felt... I felt heat.



This is not something

that's in our heads.



Smitty, have you seen



anything unusual at all?



No, I haven't seen anything,



and I don't need to see

anything, sir,



but this ship is fucked.



Well, thank you, Mr Smith.



Yeah, you don't...



OK, OK! All right, Doc.



Breaking the laws of physics costs!



You killed the last crew, now us!



It's just a fucking ship.



It's just a ship, a hunk of metal.



There's nothing odd going on.






OK. Let's see this.



You all right?



Yeah. I'm just... I'm sorry.



There's no fucking chance...



That's enough! I want you cool! Now!



All right.



You're going outside

on the Clark with Cooper



and you're going to repair

the ship. No mistakes.



Mistakes, nobody goes home.




Yes, sir. All right.



Get moving.






What, Starck?



I ran the bio-scan.



The results were bioreadings...



Of an indeterminate origin. Yes.



Tell me something useful, Lieutenant.



- I've got a theory.

- Let's hear it.



There's a connection



between the readings

and the hallucinations,



like part of a defensive

reaction, an immune system.



I don't have time...



- Listen.

- To what?



This ship is reacting,



and the reactions

are getting stronger.



As if the ship brought back

something with it.



What are you telling me?

That this ship is alive?



You wanted an answer.



I want to survive the next    hours.



Did you hear that?!



You heard it. What is it?



Listen to me.



It's DJ, all right?



Neither of us heard anything.



Just calm down. Get your breath back.



- Now, tell me.

- I was...



Make it stop!



Open the door.






Weir, stop!



Stop him!



What are you doing?!



In our current environment,

self-control is an asset.



What is it?



Um... the forward airlock.



Miller, Smith, Cooper,

anyone in the airlock?



That's a negative, Starck.



Justin, no! Justin, open the door!



Miller, come in.



Miller, come in.

We have an emergency.



What's going on, Starck?



Justin's in the airlock.



Say again.



Justin's in the airlock

without a suit.



- I'm on it.

- No, sailor.



- Skipper, you need me.

- Stay there.



- He's engaged the override.

- Shut it down.



- I'll try.

- Coming to him, Starck.



Justin! Open this door now!



Starck, give me status.



He's engaged the override.

We can't open the door.



- I'll get the kit.

- Justin, open the door!



Justin, open the door.



Did you hear it?



- Keep him talking.

- Yes, I heard it. What is it?



It shows you things...

horrible things.



What does?



The dark inside me...

from the other place.



- I won't go back there.

- Baby Bear, open the door!



- What's happening?

- He won't listen.



If he opens the airlock

he'll turn inside out.



- Stay with me!

- Almost got it...



Stay with me, Justin! Open that door!



If you could see what I've seen,

you wouldn't stop me.



That's not you talking!



That's not you talking.



That's it, there. Open the door.

Go for that button.



He's activated the door.

It's on a   -second delay.



Stand by for decompression

in    seconds.



Where am I? Hey...



- Open it!

- Open the door...



I can't.



It won't open when

the outside door's triggered.



- Oh, God.

- Mama Bear... open the door.



Come on. Please...



- Captain!

- Patch me through.



- Tell them to open it.

- I can't, Justin.



- I don't want to die.

- You're not gonna die.



Listen, I'll get you out.



Oh, my God.



It's starting. My eyes!



Don't think about them.

Shut them as tight as you can.



Five seconds.



Tuck yourself into a ball.



I can't breathe!



Oh! Oh, God!



Oh, God, it hurts!



I want you to huff and puff

and empty your lungs.



Do you hear me, Justin?!



Do it! Now!



OK, Baby Bear.



Got him. I got him.



Stand by, people.



Stand by!



We've got pressure.



We're coming, Justin!



We're coming!



We're going to need five units here.



Hold his head still.



Give me some more glycerine now!



- One thing at a time.

- Christ, he's bleeding!



I stopped the bleeding.

Stabilised him best I can.



He won't be pretty, but he

should live... if we get back.



We'll make it.



Starck, what's our time like?



CO  levels will become

toxic in four hours.



All right. Peters,

we've got to find out



what happened to the other crew

before it happens to us.



I can work on the bridge,

but I won't go back to Medical.



- Fine.

- Yes, sir.



Justin said something about...



"the dark inside me. "



What's that mean?






I- I don't think it means anything.



Don't you walk away from me, mister.



I'd like some answers, Doctor.



Why did one of my

men try to commit suicide?



I'd like to know

what caused that noise.



Look, thermal changes in the hull



could have caused it

to expand and contract,



causing reverberations.

It's possible.



Bullshit! You built this ship.



You've given me nothing

but bullshit.



What do you to hear?



You said the ship's drive

creates a gateway.






To what?



I don't know.



Where did you send it?



I don't know.



Where has it been for seven years?



- I don't know.

- That's not good enough.



You're the expert.

I need answers. That's your job.



Now, the other place, where is that?



I don't know! I don't know!



Look, there's a lot of things

happening around here



that I don't fully understand.



I need time.



I see.



Well, that's exactly

what we don't have, Doctor.






Don't leave me!



Don't leave me!






For God's sakes, help me!



It's in your head.



It's just in your head.



God help us.



I'm telling you,

it was his voice I heard.



He was calling to me... a young

bosun named Eddie Corrick.



We served on the Goliath together.



When the O  tanks ruptured,



four of us made it to the lifeboat,



but Corrick was still on board

when the fire broke out.



You ever seen fire in zero gravity?



It's beautiful.



It's like liquid.



It slides all over everything.



Comes up in waves.



And they just kept hitting him,



wave after wave.



He was screaming for me to save him.



What did you do?



I did the only thing I could.



I closed the lifeboat hatch,

and I left him behind.



I swore I'd never lose another man.



I've known you a long time.



You never told me that.



That's just it, DJ.

I never told anybody.



But this ship knew about it.



It knows my fears.

It knows my secrets.



Gets inside your head,

and it shows you.



I wasn't going to tell you this.



I've been listening

to the distress signal,



and I, um...



think I made a mistake

in the translation.



Liberate tutemet...



Go on.



I thought it said "liberate me"...



"Save me. "



But it's not "me. "



It's "liberate tutemet"...



"Save yourself. "



And it gets worse.



Liberate tutemet ex inferis.






I think...



That says "ex inferis. "



"Save yourself...



"from hell. "



Look, if what Dr Weir

tells us is true,



this ship has been beyond



the boundaries of our universe,



of known scientific reality.



Who knows where it's been,



what it's seen...



and what it's brought back with it?



From hell.



You don't believe

in that stuff, do you?



Whoever sent that message,

he sure believes in hell.



Captain Miller!



It better be good, Coop.



Ready to repressurise

the Clark and get out of here.



On my way.



Come on, baby. Don't let me down.



Hello, baby.



Papa's home.



She's holding.



Oh, shit.



Skipper, we're still venting

trace gasses.



Give me    minutes to plug it.



Cooper, you are the life-saver.



   minutes and we're under way.






Got any coffee?



Yeah, but it's cold.






Liberate tutemet ex inferis.



We're leaving.



No, we can't leave.



Our orders are specific.



Rescue the crew, salvage the ship.



They're dead, Doctor.

Your ship killed them.



- We came to do a job.

- We're aborting!



Starck, download the files



from the Event Horizon's computers.



DJ, get Justin prepped

and ready to move to the Clark.



There's stuff I want from Medical.



- Move him to the tank.

- No problem. Do it.



- Peters.

- Yes, sir.



Get the CO  scrubbers.

Take Smitty with you.



Don't do this.



It's done.



You can't leave my ship!



I have no intention of leaving her.



I will take the Lewis & Clark



and launch TAC missiles

at the Event Horizon.






Captain, bio-scans

just went off the scale.



The core's draining power

from the rest of the ship.



Get the files.

Vacate. I want off this ship.



You can't leave. She won't let you.



Just get your gear

or you're walking home.



I am home.



Let's go!









Come on. Come on.









Shot. OK.



Can we go? This place freaks me out.



- You wanna breathe going home?

- No! Let's go!



Shit!   ! Come on!



We need   ! Peters!



Come out! Got it!



Oh, no, Peters.



Oh, God.



It's me. I'm home.



I'm home.



I know I wasn't there

when you needed me, and...



I'm sorry I...



I let my work come between us.



God, Claire, no.



I'm begging you.



Please, please don't.



Not again, please.



I've been so...



I've been so...






It's all right.



I've been so alone.



You'll never be alone again.



You're with me now.



You're with me,



and I have such wonderful,

wonderful things...



to show you.



Damn, I'm good!



Coop, how long are you going to take?



You can kiss my ass, Smith. I'm done.



Just let me collect my tools,

and we can go.



- Two minutes, tops.

- Roger that.



Dr Weir, get your ass

back on board now! Weir!






Captain Miller, do you copy? Over.



Go ahead, Smitty.



I've just seen Weir messing

around on the Clark, sir.



Stand by, Smitty.

I wanna check something out.



- Smith, get out.

- Come again, sir?



Explosives are missing.

Weir's put it on Clark.



No, sir. No way.

I've just put it back together.



Get off there, Smith!



Where the fuck are you?



Got you.



Hang on, Smitty! I'm coming!












Where the fuck am I going?



Why does this shit happen

to me? Fuck.



All right, think, Coop. Think. Think!



Get back to the ship.



Blow my air tank.

I'll blow my air tank.



All right. Fuck.



Oh, this better work.



This shit better work.



Here I go. One, two, three.



Come on. Come on!



Come on! Yes!



Yes! Yes!



Here I come, motherfuckers!



What was that?



Clark's gone.

Smitty and Cooper are dead.



What the...?



You spot Weir, take him out.






Be careful, DJ.



Don't worry about Weir.



I'll take care of him.



DJ! DJ, answer me!



OK, Dr Weir.



You don't wanna leave your ship?



You never will.



It's OK.



I'll get you out of here.






Oh, my God.



What happened to your eyes?



Where we're going,

we won't need eyes to see.



What are you talking about?



I created the Event Horizon

to reach the stars,



but she's gone much,

much further than that.



She tore a hole in our universe...



a gateway to another dimension...



a dimension of pure chaos...



pure evil.



When she crossed over,

she was just a ship,



but when she came back...



she was alive.



Look at her, Miller.



Isn't she beautiful?



Your beautiful ship

killed its crew, Doctor.






now she has another crew.



Now she has us.



What do you think

you're doing, Doctor?



You wanted to know

where the ship has been...



so now you'll find out.



If you miss me,

you blow out the hull.



What makes you think I'll miss?



That's right! I'm back!



I'm... oh, shit! I can't stop! Hey!



Hey! Fuck.



What?! Who the fuck?!



Who the...? Oh, shit!






Give me your hand!



- Come on!

- I can't!



I'm not leaving you!



Forward airlock.



It can't be Weir.



I'm not taking any chances.



You watch your back.



Yo! Don't hit me!



Take it off! Take it off!



I can't breathe. I can't breathe.



You're OK. You're OK. It's over.



No, it's not.



Weir's activated the gravity

drive. We got to shut it down.



- How? The bridge is gone.

- What about Engineering?



Dr Weir was the expert.



I don't want to go

where the other crew went.



We'll blow it.



- Blow it?

- Like Weir said.



Blow the corridor,



separate us from the ship,

use the foredecks as a lifeboat.



TDRS should pick up

our emergency beacon.



We put ourselves in stasis,

and stand by for rescue.



I'll manually arm these explosives.



Skipper, will this work?



Go activate the emergency beacon

and you get back here.



- Yes, sir.

- I'm coming.



You stay here.



Close this door behind me,




Gateway opening

in T-minus five minutes.



Emergency beacon activated.









Oh, fuck me.



Fuck me.






Gateway opening

in T-minus three minutes.



Detonator release is authorised.



The main corridor is now armed.



We're armed. She's ready to blow.



I repeat. She's ready to blow.



Miller. Miller, can you hear me?



We have to get out of here now.



You let me burn!



Gateway opening

in T-minus two minutes.



You left me behind.



No, you're not Edward Corrick.

I watched him die.






The ship brought me back.



I told you she won't let me leave.



She won't let anyone leave.



Did you really think

you could destroy this ship?



She's defied space and time.



She's been to a place

you couldn't possibly imagine.



And now...



it is time to go back.



I know. To hell.



You know nothing.

Hell is only a word.



The reality is much, much worse.



Now let me show you.



Help me!






No. No. No.



You see?



No, they're not dead.

They're not dead.



Not yet.



You - won't -



take - my - crew!



They're not your crew any more.



They belong to the ship.



Gateway opening.



Take me.



You take me! You leave them alone!






There is no escape.



The gateway is open,



and you are all coming with me.



Do you see?



Do you see?



Do you see?!






I see.






This is Rescue One. We have contact.



Approaching the wreckage

of the Event Horizon.



Prepare to board.



I'm entering the grav couch bay.



It doesn't appear to have been

damaged in the explosion.



There appear to be three survivors:



Cooper, Justin, Lieutenant Starck.



Justin seems to have suffered

massive injuries,



but he's still alive.



The grav couches still have power.



I'm opening the first tank now.



It's all right. It's OK.



You're safe now.



Justin. Cooper.



They're fine. They're fine.

They're with us.



You're with us.






Stay calm. It's all right.



Starck, calm down. It's me.



Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply.



I need a sedative here now!



I got you, Starck..



It's OK.



Sedative now!



Starck, we're safe.



OK, OK! I need it now!



We're safe.



...guess what...




Special help by SergeiK