Godsend Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Godsend script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Robert De Niro, Greg Kinnear, Cameron Bright, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, yadda yadda.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Godsend. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Godsend Script






(sirens blaring)



(horn honking)



- (noisemakers hooting)

- (children chattering)



Guys, settle down.

Settle down, you guys.



Who just threw that?



I'll throw something

back at you.



No, no more soda,

you guys are crazy.



Taxi, taxi!



No, no, I got that.

I got that.



- Sorry, pal.

- Woman: It's okay...



(horns honking)



You're stupid!

That's just stupid!



Hey, motherfucker!



Where's the wallet?



Woman: Give me that cake.

Where's Paul?



- Maurice?

- Oh shit, Mr. Duncan.



You know this dude?



I had Maurice

in my ninth grade bio class



about five years ago.



I guess those extra help sessions

didn't quite do it for you.



Let's go, man.



This guy's cool.

He's the best teacher I ever had.



Let's go.



Sorry about this,

Mr. Duncan.



Honest mistake.




Got things under control?



Paul, what took you

so long?



I ran into an old student,

I got held up.



- Mm-hmm, did you get the present?

- Yeah, yeah, voilą.






All right,

let's do this.



Clara, get the lights.



- Finally.

- I know.




Everybody, everybody!



How you doin', Jeff?



Paul: Where is he?

Where's my boy?



- Hey!

- Dad.




# happy birthday to you #



How, you doin'?



# Happy birthday to you #



# Happy birthday,

dear Adam #



# Happy birthday to you! #



- Hey, kid!

- You made me laugh.



(kids screaming)



(screams and applause)



So Dorset Prep,

where is that exactly?



- Mars.

- Oh, that's hilarious.



It's in the suburbs,

a half hour away.



It's a great offer,

but Paul hasn't made up his mind yet.



I bet that's a change from the school

you teach at now.



Oh yeah, less crack,

better cafeteria selection.



Don't mind Paul. He's still grappling

with his conscience.



Mom, Dad, this is

the coolest present ever!




it looks good too, right?



Do you think

he needs more sugar?



Yeah I know,

I'm breaking every rule.



- Hello, is Steggie in here?

- Beware.



Hey, cake for Steggie.



- He can't eat that, it...

- Why not?



He's an herbivore.



Oh, oh,

he's an herbivore.



Okay, then

I'll just take it back.



- Wait, maybe leave it, just in case.

- Take it back.



- That's what I thought.

- Good night.



- Bye, Dad.

- Good birthday?



- Yeah.

- All right.



- Good night, Dad.

- Good night.



What was your

favorite present?



- My jacket...

- Yay!



...You got me.

- You look so good in red.



What's on your agenda




Uh, I have to stop

by the gallery.



I have to pick up

a lens I ordered.



I have to get a new pair

of sneakers for Adam.



Ooh, I have to do you.



I could take care

of that right now.



Have you thought

about that job offer?



You do realize

it'd mean moving, right?



(both sighing)



So, we'd move.



You know we used to think

we were pretty hip living down here.



I also used to think four Merit Lights

and a Diet Coke constituted a meal.



Honey, I love this place as much as you

do, but we've got a kid to think about.



And I just don't think any city is

a great place to raise a kid these days.



Plus, you'd be making twice

what you're making now.



I'm just not sure the timing's right and

your photography is starting to take.



This is not about

my photography.



Okay, I just can't shake this feeling

that somehow...



I'd be selling out.



Right. Listen...



you know how much

I respect your ethics.



But this is about Adam.



Sometimes, ethics

have to take a back seat.




Okay, your turn.



- Okay, I'm going to a picnic...

- Yeah?



And I'm going

to bring an ant,



a bagel,

a croissant,



- a ding dong...

- Like you?



- Mom!

- (chuckles)



- A ding dong...

- Yeah?



- Uh...

- Shoe store,  :  !



- Yes!

- Take my hand.



(air pumping)



I think if you pump them any more,

they might explode.






- (pumping)

- Kaboom!



- Do you want 'em or not?

- Yeah.



- Do you want this?

- Yeah.



I'm just gonna go

test these outside, okay?



Okay, but don't go

too far, okay?



And how would you like

to pay for this?



A credit card, please.



- (reverse signal beeping)

- (jackhammer rattling)




I need your signature.



Sorry, so sorry.

All right, sorry.



- (beeping continues)

- (jackhammer continues)



- Thanks.

- Great.



- (tires screeching)

- (horns blaring)






Paul: Hello!



You guys!




my greeting committee?






I'm sorry, I got stuck

at a teacher's conference.






Machine voice:

You have four new messages.



(Jessie, sobbing)

Paul, l...






(dial tone)




God damn it!



(crow cawing)



We'll handle all

the funeral arrangements.



- God be with you.

- Thank you for everything, father.






Excuse me, Jessie?

Jessie Duncan?






It's Richard,

Richard Wells.






Your wife was an undergraduate

student of mine. It's been years.



Actually, Richard, it's...

it's kind of a bad time.



I know, I read about it in the paper.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.



- Thank you.

- Actually, do you have a minute?



I'm sorry,

I know this is a terrible time.



I don't think so.

Not right now.



But believe me,

if there was any other way...



The truth is, I went

to some trouble to find you.



I'd like to help you.



Help us?



I'm a doctor.

I specialize in fertility.



If we could just talk,

it won't take long, I promise you.



We can go to a restaurant

right over there.



Richard: I finished the residency in

ob-gyn, but my real passion is research.



- What is it you do, Paul?

- I teach biology.



- You do?

- Can you tell us what this is about?






The truth is,

there is...



there's no easy way

to present this to you,



so I'm just gonna

come out and say it.



My clinic has perfected a procedure

by which a single cell



could be used to create

a genetically-identical fetus...



a fetus which could be carried to term

and, in effect, be reborn.



- Do you mean cloned?

- Yes.



Yes. Yes.



This would be

the identical boy



down to the last chromosome

on the last hair of his head.



This is how

you wanna help us?



I used to be affiliated

with a hospital here



and I had a chance

to review Jessie's records.



You did what?



I'm aware of the complications

surrounding Adam's delivery,



that it's impossible

for you to conceive again.



You looked at her records?



I had to be certain

that Jessie's condition



didn't preclude carrying a child and

it doesn't, so yes, I can help you.



You can have him back, your son Adam,

to birth again, to raise.



- Adam's dead, God damn it!

- Paul. Paul.



- My son is dead!

- Paul, please.



You come at me with this?



God knows what hell

you've been through.



The last thing I want to do

is make this time any harder.



But the truth is I can do this,

and I want you to know.



What you're talking about is illegal,

not to mention potentially immoral.



Illegal, yes.

Immoral, no.



We're talking about using life

to create life, that's all.



And you've done this before? You've

successfully cloned a human being?



No, I haven't but only

because I've been looking



for an ideal candidate.

I read about what happened.



And I hope that if you two

aren't interested



- in what I'm proposing here...

- What are you proposing here?



- He's not even sure that he can...

- That's not true... I am sure.



Still, it does

come down to trust.



- You'd be...

- Excuse me, your menus.



You'd be gambling on me

as much as I'd be gambling on you.



My clinic is some

    miles from here.



If you were to do this,

it would mean moving there



and I'll be honest with you,

changing your lives entirely.



Paul's right,

this is extremely against the law.



You'd have to sever

all ties with family,



with friends, with anyone

who ever knew Adam.



Of course I would help

with the relocation,



and I can get you a job

at the local high school.



- You know what, I've heard enough.

- Paul, please.



- I know how upsetting this is.

- No, no, no, you don't know!



You could never know.



- Let's go!

- You're right.



I'm sorry

to have upset you.



- Jessie...

- Jessie!



I can be reached

at this number.



- DNA can be saved indefinitely...

- Jessie!



But Adam's cells will only be viable

another    hours.



So if you do change

your mind...



Practically a stranger.

I can't believe you're considering this!



I can't believe you're

not considering this.



Any idea how much

could go wrong?



Honey, l... listen,

I love you, I love you.



I love you

beyond words, okay?



But only the tiniest thing has to go

wrong and so much has to go right.



But what if it did?



It still wouldn't be Adam.

It would be an identical twin.



It'd be like another kid.



But he'd have the same face

and the same laugh.



- In time, we can try again, I swear.

- No, we can't.



- You know we can't.

- We'll find a way. We can have...



I don't want another child!

I want Adam!



I want him back.






You know what I kept thinking

while I was waiting for paramedics...



and he was in my arms...



and I was watching him die?



"This is the last time

I'll ever get to hold him."



My little boy.



(telephone ringing)



- Hello.

- Man: Paul.



l... I just heard.

I'm so sorry.



Oh, yeah.

Thank you, Sam.



Um... so...



how's Jessie

taking all this?



Actually, she's...

she's not so well.



Right, of course.



Look, would you please just

pass on my condolences to her?



Yeah, I will.



Hey, Sam, can l...

can I ask you something?



Have you ever heard

of a doctor named Richard Wells?



Richard Wells.

Sure I've heard of him. Why do you ask?



He was an old teacher

of Jessie's.



Really? He's

the stuff of legend.



He was doing really advanced

work on gene mapping.



We're talking

way ahead of his time.




last thing I heard,



he sold his findings to a huge firm,

made a ridiculous amount of money,



and then just sort of dropped out

of the game entirely.



Every once in a while I come across

an article of his in a journal,



consistently brilliant.

Like I said, he's...



A genius.

Yeah, I know.



- Paul, I'm so very sorry.

- Okay, thanks.



- Adam: Or you go like that.

- (Jessie singing)



(Jessie and Adam laughing)



Adam: One...



- (Jessie laughing)

- Paul: Oh, ooh!



Can't you see this?



Paul: Three, two, one.

The game is live!



- Paul: Then all of a sudden...

- I'm right side up!



Wait a second,

you're confusing me.



Do you think

that's a good idea?



No, I think

we should call it Adam.



- Adam: Guess who?

- Paul: I don't know.



- It's me, Adam.

- I don't think I know an Adam.



- I'm your son.

- (Paul laughing)



- Paul: Ow! Ow!

- Jessie: The family jewels.




Are we all in?



- Paul: Damn, what a handsome group.

- Adam: Yep.



- Paul: Hi, Mom!

- Jessie: Adam!



- Adam: Hello...

- Paul: This hat.



I've never seen you

wear this before.



Bad hair day,

I guess.



I've never seen you

wear any hat.



Richard: All cells are

in essence clones...



identical copies

of one original cell.



The key to artificially

stimulating replication



is in shocking a specialized cell

back to its pre-specialized state...



its stem cell precursor...



The cell as it was before it became

a liver cell or a brain cell,



or a relatively simpler

cheek cell.



Once in this state, the cell's nucleus

is immediately transferred



to a mother's

enucleated egg.



The transfer completed,

the egg cell will then



ideally accept the donor

nucleus as its own.



At which point,

we let nature take its course.



She did great.



We just need to keep her here until

tomorrow to make sure the implant takes.



But she did wonderfully.



She has to lie down

for at least an hour,



so why don't we go look at the house

and I'll show you around?



She's in good hands.



So, all these people

and no one else knows?



The procedure doesn't differ

much from a standard implant.



So, as far as

my staff's concerned,



Jessie's being treated as a high-risk

in vitro, nothing more.



- Dr. Wells?

- Thanks, George.



There you go.



Riverton's a great town, I think

you're really gonna like it here.



It's a bit secluded maybe,

but a wonderful community.



Nice people,

lots of families...



perfect place

to raise a child.



So why don't you follow me?

I'll show you around.




Beautiful country, isn't it?



This whole area

has a lot of history.



And the house itself

is     years old at least.



Sorry, there's no furniture.

So I took the liberty of ordering some.



It should be here

sometime tomorrow.



What if this didn't work,




What if the implant doesn't take,

the procedure's a bust... what then?



- It'll work, Paul.

- You can't say that with any certainty.



Look, no one can say anything

with any certainty.



I mean, even a routine

pregnancy is fallible.



But if I can speak plainly,

what more do you have to lose?



Her. Jessie.



She's pinned every hope

in the world on this.



And I won't let her down, or you.



You have my word on that.



Is this for real?



For now.




I can't believe this place.






- Look at this.

- What is that?



Oh my God, Paul.



You know what

we could put down here?






- How are you feeling?

- I'm okay.






Hon? I'm back.



I'm home to our...



big home!









You said we'd never

have a party in here.



- (screaming)

- Come on.



- Come on, come on, push it.

- I can't!



- Yes.

- No, it hurts.



- Yes.

- Richard: You're doing fine, Jessie.



You're fully dilated, the head's already

crowning, you just need to now push.



- Something's wrong.

- No, nothing is wrong.



Something's wrong,

I'm telling you.



It's coming out. It's fine.

You can see the head.



- Nurse: Keep pushing. Push, push, push.

- (Jessie groaning)



- Richard: Keep pushing, push.

- Nurse: Good girl.



- Richard: Come on, push, push, push.

- Come on, come on.



Oh, there we go, okay.



All right, all right,

we're out, we're out.



- That's it.

- (Jessie panting)



It's okay.



Let me just hear you...

let me just hear you scream.



- Paul: You did great.

- Come on, come on.






That's great, honey.

He's all right.



It's great.



I just need

some breath from him.



He's all right.




Okay, how long?




   seconds,      ...






-      ...

- We're gonna have to bag him.



-      ...

- Paul: What's wrong?



-    seconds,   ...

-   ...



-      ...

- Come on, come on.



- Both:   ...

- (baby crying)






Oh, baby.

Oh, baby, thank God.



This is the same

as last time, remember?



It's him. You wanted

to give us a scare, didn't you?



Oh, thank you, God.



Thank you.



Thank you.



Here you go, kiddo.



Good night, Adam.



My little boy.



I still think

it's a little strange.




It's his name.



It's always been

his name... Adam.



#... Birthday to you #



# Happy birthday to you #



# Happy birthday,

dear Adam #



# Happy birthday to you! #



(all screaming)



There you go, buddy.



Uncle Richard!



Happy birthday, Adam.



Jessie: Cake, cake, cake!

Cake time! Cake!




So, how's work going?



Paul: It's good. It's good...

nice kids, bright too.



I don't know, sometimes

I feel like I'm teaching fish to swim...



at a Club Med.



You don't still miss

your old school?



No, it's more like

I miss missing it.



Uncle Richard,

want to help me fly it?




Let's get it up there.



Keep it away

from the trees.



So what was

this word you said?




It's a science word, Uncle Richard.



We've been learning about

natural resources in school.



Oh, you mean

a "reservoir."



Well, that's a lot like a lake,

only it's a man-made lake.



But I thought God

made everything.



Well, in a way He did,

if you believe He created



those people who figured out

how to make a reservoir, right?



- Jessie: Bye, guys, thank you.

- Boy # : See you later, Adam!



- Man: Thanks, Paul, see you later.

- Hey, kiddo!



Boy # : Bye, Adam!



Why don't you come on inside,

say goodbye to your friends?



Boy # :

Thank you, Adam.



Boy # :

Bye, Adam!



- Bye.

- Bye, Paul.



Girl: Adam!









Birthday Boy!



How many times

I gotta tell you,



you can't leave

your toys around?




gonna trip and...






For those of us who don't wear

helmets in the house...



What you doing?



Where did you get this?



It was a birthday present

from Joey Smoyer.



Do you like it?






Why don't you

get some sleep?



Dad, I've been thinking...



About what?



I don't think I like you

so much anymore.



- No...

- Gotcha!



Ohh, somebody is in

some very serious trouble.



Where do you think you're going?

Where do you think you're going?



- I'm gonna smother you now.

- Stop it, Dad!



(water running)



It's just in...

some ways,



he's so much the same,

you know?



But he's still

his own person entirely.



And then...

Iook at him.



I honestly forget

sometimes, you know?



And then something

like that...



that toy dinosaur thing

will happen.



Jessie: It's okay,

it happens to me too.



- I just worry, you know?

- What?



- If he ever found out.

- He won't find out.



What if he did?



About what it would

mean to him.



I just love him so much.



Both of you.












(children chanting)



(both moaning)



(floor creaks)






No! Help!



- (laughter)

- Paul: Adam!



- (knocking)

- Adam!



It's okay,

I'm right here.




Who are you?






- Adam!

- No.









Oh my God!











- Jesus, take it easy!

- Go away!



- It's okay, okay!

- No!



- It's okay, take it easy.

- Stay away! Get away!



- Jessie! It's okay.

- Get away from me!



- It's okay! Okay, okay!

- Get off!



- All right! It's okay.

- Get off me.



- Jessie!

- Honey?!



- Adam: Ow!

- Oh, God!



- Adam? Adam?

- What happened?



I don't know,

he just collapsed.



- Call    !

- I'm calling Richard.



(heart monitor beeping)



Paul: Richard, thank God.

I want him in a hospital.



Paul, my staff and I

can handle this.



Your staff don't even

know about this.



They don't need to.

It's the same as always...



we're close friends.

You know our arrangement.



Maybe we need to reconsider

our arrangement.



It's five hours,

he's still unconscious.



His respiration and color are good and

he's responding to low-level stimuli.



He's basically

just sleeping.



Except for some reason,

he's not waking up.



- He seems to have night terrors.

- Night terrors?



It's a sleep disorder.

A child screams in his sleep.



He may sit up, walk, even talk, but

all attempts to wake him are futile.



No, no, you weren't there.

This is something entirely different.



All right...



hold on a minute.



I know it's scary,

but we talked about this...



the possibility

that things could change



once Adam crossed the age

at which he died.



Well, it's been eight years.

As of now, he's crossed it.



You said things could change...

you never said anything like this.



Because I couldn't

have known.



Look, he is

the only one, period.



We are and always have been

at the mercy of that fact.



Up to this point, we've had a map...

Adam's first eight years.



But now we're entering

uncharted territory.



We have no way of knowing

who the Adam of age nine, age   




is going to be,



what problems he may

or may not have.



I promise you, there's nothing more

a hospital would be doing for him.



What's happening

here, Richard?



That's what I'd like to find out.

My feeling is it's probably nothing.



Let's just give it

a little time, okay?






The last eight years...



no matter how happy

I've been,



I've always had this feeling that

somehow we wouldn't get away with this.



Not that someone

would find out,







we'd lose him again.



We're not gonna lose him.



We're not gonna lose him.



It's okay, it's okay.



(heart monitor beeping)



- (children laughing)

- (screams)






- Oh, Adam!

- Oh my gosh!



- Hey.

- But no, no, no... is he all right?



- He's fine.

- You okay?



I'm feeling hungry!



- (laughing)

- Mommy!



- Come on, kiddo.

- Everything's okay.



This is fantastic, fantastic.

Come on, come on.



(both grunting)



- You feel good?

- Adam: Ahh!



My God,

you slept enough.



- Richard, thank you.

- I'll see you all tomorrow.



(birds chirping)




Adam, dinner's on.




he's not up here.



Paul: Adam!



Hey, come on.












Adam? Adam!






There you are.



What are you doing here?



Didn't you hear me

calling you?






are you all right?



I'm talking to you.






Hey, I'm talking to you.






Answer me.



Yes, Daddy?



Did you hear me calling you?



Your dinner is ready.

Go in the house.



(chains rattling)



Jessie: No, Paul just said it was

kind of a strange moment.



No, he seems fine.



Yeah, that's what I'm hoping...

it's probably nothing.



I don't think it's anything

to worry about, okay?



All right, take care

and I'll see you soon.



All right, well, thanks,

Richard. Take care.



I think we should

take him to a specialist.



Richard doesn't think

it's anything to worry about.



And his word's gospel?



How long are we supposed

to live like this?



When does

all this gratitude end?



(children chattering)



- You sure you're okay?

- Yeah.



- You sure?

- Yeah.



Bye, Mom.



- (door slams)

- (chatter)



(chatter intensifies)



- (screeching)

- Anybody know what this is?



It's a big ugly visual aide.

Let's do it like this.



If you think of DNA

as a fuse box,



aach of the genes are either

switched on or off,



depending on which cell

we're talking about.



So that the genes responsible

for say the length of Kevin's...






...nose hair wouldn't be

much use in his pinky toe.



So what, the gene

isn't present?



No, no, it's present,

it's just inactive. It's turned off.



It's dead.



You know what?



Why don't you just

take a look at chapter   



for the rest of the period

and then, you know, go?



(door closes)



Boy # : I'm going to put on

a little show for you guys



and you're going

to pay me your lunch money.



So pay me and if you don't,



I'll beat the crap out of you

for the rest of your life.



Boy # :

How about this? No.



Boy # :

How about... yes! Ha-ha!



What are you going to do about it, huh?

You're a tiny little boy.



What if his having outlived

the life of that first original cell



has somehow allowed some dormant

problem to be switched on?



Listen, maybe it's significant,

maybe it isn't,



But the fact remains that any changes

in health or behavior



Could have occurred

naturally the last time as well.



- These night terrors...

- If that's what they are.



Paul, it's a common

sleep disorder.



If there's anything

he isn't, it's common.



What do you want me

to say, Paul?



That there's something

seriously wrong with him?



- You don't think I'm just as concerned?

- No. No, I don't.



You have every right to worry.



But for eight years,

we've known what to expect.



Most parents never have

the benefit of hindsight.



From now on,

neither do we.



- "We"?

- You know what I meant.



Can I get back

to my patients, please?



Ever want to have any children

of your own, Richard?



Jessie's always saying

how great you are with Adam.



- It seems like such a shame.

- Paul, he's your son.



Believe me, I know

what he means to you.



But maybe you can keep in mind

what he does mean to me.



- Mother: Here they come.

- Jessie: Oh, hey there! There you are.




Why so glum, chum?



Adam: There's this new kid,

Roy Hazen,



he's always showing off,



like how high he goes

on the swings and stuff.



- He's a total ass wipe.

- Hey!



Where did you learn

that language?



I don't know.



I don't like it.

Get in the car.



- Whoa!

- (tires screeching)



- Oh, God!

- Adam.



- Are you all right? Are you all right?

- I'm fine.



- Adam!

- I didn't see you.



I'm sorry.

Oh, God, I didn't see you.



I came so close to hitting you.

Do you know that?



Do you know you could have

been killed just now? Do you?



- How many times do I got to tell you...

- Daddy, you're hurting me!



- to keep your bicycle off the street?

- Paul!



What's the matter with you?



- You okay, honey?

- Yes.



You sure?



(cell phone ringing)






Yeah, I would, actually.

Let me get a pen.



Dr. Lieber?



Okay. In Beauford?




Sam, I appreciate this.



Talk to you soon. Bye.



Who's that?



Wrong number.



(door squeaks open)



(floor creaking)



Paul: Adam!









Adam, open the door.



Open the door, son.



Open the door!






Open the door.



God damn it!

Open the door, son.



- (shrieks)

- (screams)







why is the door locked?



- What?

- How... the curtain.



- What?

- The curtain. He was under there.



No, no, no, no, look.



What are you talking about?



- Look, it's fine.

- No, no.



Don't let him hurt me.



Shh, there's nobody

going to hurt you.



Look, look, look, it's okay.



Shh, calm down.



It's all right. I think you just

had a bad dream.



- No.

- Huh?



- I saw it.

- What?



What did you see?



Adam, talk to me.






Please, you got to talk to me. I can't

help you if I don't know what this is.



I just... I know something.



Okay, what?



What is it?



Something bad

is going to happen.



No, it's not.



I'll never let anything bad

ever happen to you.



Not to me.



Listen to me, you're my son,

you understand that?






- Say it.

- I'm your son.



That's right.

We're gonna be okay.



We're going to be okay.



Doctor: So, how many eggs

did you retrieve?



I only retrieved three.

I thought that would be enough...



- Richard, hi.

- Hi.



I'm sorry

if this is a bad time.



No, it's fine.



- Excuse us.

- Sure.



What's the matter?

You look...



I need to speak with you

about something...



I have to stop off

at home for some papers.



Why don't I fix us

some lunch?



(children chattering)



Hey, hey,

how would you like that?



I just got an idea.



How about we have

a swinging contest?



- All: Yeah!

- You guys will be the judges.



- We'll make it very fair.

- Yeah.



Ladies first.



Ha ha.



Don't go too high,

you'll start crying.



Don't break a nail,

oh, no!



- Come on, you chicken.

- (spitting)



- Oh, what's that for?

- Nasty monkey.



Adam Duncan, you stop that at once!

No spitting.



Come on, come down

from there.



Come down.

Come down right now.



No... hey!



- (kids laughing)

- Hey...






So what you're saying,

these nightmares



might have started

at this age anyway?



Or possibly triggered

by any number of things...



school, stress,

tension at home.



Yeah, well...



Paul is convinced that

somehow Adam's cells have...



Retained memories

of his first life?



There's an often cited




a rat was trained

to run a maze,



killed, then ground up

and fed to a second rat.



The second rat, when presented

with the same maze,



completed it

in record time,



proving that memory lived on

in those ingested cells.



It's fascinating, really,



also a bunch of nonsense...



an urban legend.



So, it's not possible

he's remembering?



No, no.



Thank God.



Frankly, I'm more

concerned about Paul's



working up

these strange theories.



Paul is just having

a tough time right now.



It's good.



He's never felt as comfortable here

as you, has he?






You don't think he'd

ever try to leave, do you?



Jessie, that can't happen.



Out here

in the middle of nowhere,



it's easy to forget the consequences

of what we've done.



But if anyone

ever found out,



you might

never see Adam again.



I know.



I can trust you

to rein Paul in?






Woman: Okay, well, I'll go ahead

and see if the auditorium's available.






Sorry, I just got

the message.



They called me

at the high school.




they couldn't reach you?



- I was out. How's Adam?

- He's fine, Mrs. Duncan.



I have him waiting

in my office right now.



I don't know exactly

how to say this, but...



his behavior has distanced

some of the other children.



And the thing is, he could have

seriously injured himself.



Let's go in

and see him, okay?



Is that wine

on your breath?



- I was having lunch.

- With who?




Why are you so upset?



It was just lunch.



I just wanted to talk to him

about Adam.



God, Paul.



Wait, where are we going?



To get a second opinion.



Are you kidding me?



Am I smiling?




About these night terrors...



you're confident

that's what this is?



I see it in a number

of kids Adam's age.



Scares the bejesus out of the parents,

but the kids outgrow it.



As for Adam's recent changes

in behavior, well, he's poorly rested...



No, you don't know him.

This is something else.



He won't leave me alone.



- Lieber: Who?

- Adam: Zachary.






Mr. Duncan, who is Zachary?

Is he a boy in his class?



I don't know.

Honey, who is Zachary?



He's the boy

who lives in my dreams.



Paul: Talk to me, pal. This boy

told you his name was Zachary?



Not really,

I kind of just know.



And you've never

seen his face?



He doesn't like

to show it,



but I know

because of his jacket.



What kind of jacket?



Just let him answer.



It's red with white sleeves.



Adam: Where are we going?

Where are we going?



Where's who going, Adam?



- Adam?

- Zachary.






- And where are you?

- Where we live.



I don't want to do this.

This is crazy.



According to who?




Listen, there's something

he's not telling us, Jessie, I know it.



The way he is handling this,

the way he stays so close to us.



- He cares about us.

- I don't...



Zachary, Zachary,

where are you?



- Tell me about Zachary.

- He's never even known a Zachary.



What are you trying

to tell us, Adam? Say it.



- (mumbling)

- Say it!



- That's enough, stop it.

- Tell us what you're trying to say.



If you don't understand it,

how do you expect to beat it?



- I don't want to understand it.

- You're dead!



- (truck horn blaring)

- Paul, watch out!



(tires screeching)






Are you okay?

Honey, you okay?



- Is he all right?

- He's okay.



You're all right,

you're okay.






I'm sorry.



Okay, kiddo,

there you go.



You're home now,

all right?



You just go to sleep,

all right?






did I die?



Of course not.



You've been

right here with us.



Go to sleep.



Oh my God,

that's what this is.



He's remembering

his first life in his dreams.



- Kids say things like that.

- A boy? In the city?



Jesus, it's possible.



If certain genes from the cell

used in the procedure



managed to retain

certain memories...



- He's not remembering.

- How can you say that?



Because he can't.



(door squeaks)



Honey, wake up.

We're at school.



Female teacher: Okay now, I want

to see everyone in your family



outside your houses

in the pictures, okay?



Take your time.



Lots of colors.



And don't forget

to write your name on it.



Nice and big. I want to put these up

around the classroom.






You can put pets

in your pictures...



dogs and cats.

Have some fun.



- Hi, Pat.

- Hi, Jessie.



I just thought I'd stop by

to see how the stuff's doing.



Come in.



Very well. Richard Wells

was in yesterday.



He bought this big one and

these three small ones on the spot.



- That's great.

- (cell phone rings)



Excuse me a second.




- Hi.

- Richard, hi.



I just thought I'd see

how Adam's doing.



Not so well, actually.



He had another

night terror last night.



Paul even managed

to get him talking this time.



I'm wondering

if we can use his ability



to vocalize in that

state to our advantage.



I don't know.

What would that entail?



Well, for starters, I'd like you

to bring him in again.



I'm not sure Paul would be

comfortable with that.



But I thought we agreed

you're gonna try to rein him in.



- I know we did. I'll talk to him, okay?

- Please do.



I need to go, Richard.

Good bye.



(children yelling)



Come on, you guys,

let's go!



Come on, you chickens!

Wussies! Let's go!



I'm doing it!

You can too!



Are you afraid of something?

Let's go!



Come on, let's go!

Jeez, buddy!



Let's go!

Come on, come on!



Come on, I'm doing it!

You can!



What are you, babies?

You want your ba-ba? Let's go!



(steel balls clanging)



(clanging continues)



Who's there?



Oh, no.



(children laughing)



Please be okay.



Please don't touch this.



(Adam, Paul and Jessie







You down there?



- Did you hear me?

- Huh?



- You okay?

- Are you hungry?



Hi, Mom.

Hi, Dad.




You hungry?



- (telephone ringing)

- Jessie: Hello?



No, I'm sorry, Tanya,

he isn't.



Tanya, slow down.



Hold on, I'll ask him

right now. Hold on.



Adam, roy's mother says

he hasn't come home from school yet.



- Do you know where he might be?

- No.



Wait, wait, wait.



What were you doing down

at the river this afternoon?



Just playing.



With who?



I'm not supposed to say.



Adam, can you answer me?



Go to your room.






I'm sorry, Tanya,

he doesn't know.



Yeah, good luck.



You said Richard mentioned

using his ability



to vocalize

to find out more.



Call him.

We'll bring Adam in tomorrow.



Adam, what's the name

of the school?



Can you tell me

the name of the school?












Could it be

Saint Pius?



Are you sure this

can't hurt him?



It's a mild tranquilizer.

We're just poking around



to see what we dig up.

Right Paul?









is Zachary in there?



In school?



They all are.



(children laughing)



They all are.



Are you sure

you wanna do this?













We know this name?

Zachary Clark?




Who is Zachary Clark?



(match ignites)



(girls screaming)



They think I'm him.



Are you him?



Are you Zachary?



Who are you?



They think I'm him.



- (laughing)

- They think I'm him!






They think I'm him!



- They think I'm him!

- (girl screaming)



- Adam: No!

- Paul: Adam!



- Adam?

- Jessie: Richard, release him.



- It's hurting him.

- Adam? Wake up.



- Adam: Hot! Hot!

- Paul: Wake up, honey. Adam?



Goddamn it,

do something! Adam?






- Adam: Hot! Hot!

- Adam, wake up. Adam?



- Zachary?

- (breathing slows)






- Daddy?

- Yeah.




You're okay. You're okay.




Hey, why'd you call him Zachary?



Answer me, Richard.



Because he wasn't responding

to his own name.



That's bullshit!

I want the truth.



- You set me up!

- It's okay, it's okay.



You needed my okay to push him,

but you wanted him pushed. Why?



- Paul, you've gone completely...

- Stop telling me what's wrong with me,



and tell me what's wrong

with my goddamn son!






I wish I could help you.



Adam's changing.



He's getting worse.



Sometimes it's like

there's two of him.



He's destructive.



He's tried to harm himself.



The other kids at school

are scared of him, Richard.






There's something

you're not telling us.



There have been times

I've seen you talking to him



and he's in that same blank state,

but he listens to you, doesn't he, huh?



Don't push me, Richard.



Adam's all I care about

in the whole world.



I'll go public if I don't get some

answers soon, you understand that?



You understand I'll go public?



I'm not kidding.



I swear to God, I'll tell the whole

goddamn world what you've done.



What we've done, Paul.



What we've done.



Maybe you're right.

Maybe he is remembering.



Or maybe it's

something else.



Why that name,

Zachary Clark, or the school?



Look, I have tomorrow off,



It's a few hours drive

into the city.



- I'm gonna look into it.

- No, Paul, absolutely not.



- If Richard found out...

- He won't. I'll leave in the morning.



- I won't be back until afternoon.

- Paul, no.



Hold on.



(police radio chatter)




No! No!



(woman sobbing)




Let me go! Let me go!




Nooo! No!



My baby!




Let me go! Let me go!



No! My baby!



My baby!



My baby!



My baby!



No! No! My baby!




Jessie, can I see you? Now?



I told you.




What? It doesn't mean...



You're the one who said he never

got along with that boy.



The twins said they saw Roy

playing down by the water,



that he'd been showing off.



They're all but sure

he fell in. You're not?



I'm not sure of

anything right now.



No matter what he does,

he's still our son.



Do you find that

comforting right now?






What are you saying?



You wish we'd

never done this?




Good night, baby.



Mommy loves you.



You scared me.



It's okay, Mommy.






Sorry, there's nothing here.



Are you sure this is

the only Saint Pius?



Well, it's the only one

in this city.



Like I said, they've been

closed for some time now.



What about past student records,

like a search by name?



I'm looking for

a Zachary Clark.



Well, by name could

take a while.



I can wait.



A few weeks?



(glass breaks)



(glass crunching)



(children's voices)



(children screaming)



(children's voices continue)



(doorbell rings)



- Hi.

- Yes?



Sorry to bother you.

My name's Paul Duncan.



I know this sounds crazy,

but I'm here about Zachary Clark.



Does that name mean

anything to you?



- He's a young child, a boy.

- No, I'm sorry.



What about the previous owners?

Did they have any children?






I'm sorry.



No, there were

no previous owners.



My husband and I bought this place

about six years ago



when it was just

a burnt-down shell.



And he's an architect,

so we restored it.



- So, it was just vacant?

- Well, for a few years, yeah.



But I don't know anything

about its previous owners.



- Right.

- I'm sorry.



- I'm sorry, I just...

- I'm sorry to bother you.



Sorry, the nanny...



we interviewed quite a few

nannies, mostly by phone,



but I remember speaking to one who

I could have sworn said she used



to work for the family

who used to live at this address.



I think that I saved

her contact information, if...



Great, thank you.



Cora Williams?



You don't know me,

but I need to talk to you.



It's about Zachary Clark.



Come in.



(answering machine beeps)



Machine voice:

You have no messages.



Damn it!




I had hoped I'd never

hear that name again.



What did he do?



There had been

incidents at school.



He never had any friends, used

to come home with all sorts of scrapes.



Once they locked him

in an empty classroom.



A teacher finally found him,

terrified and shaken.



But that was before

he started acting up.



Pretty soon,

those kids got wise



and just left him alone.



Then there was the fire.



The fire at Saint Pius?




They never found out how

the fire got started, but I knew.



And when Zachary came home,

I asked him about it.



He just gave me this smile.






I swear, when I looked

into those eyes of his,



I didn't see anything

but evil behind them.




I kept my distance.



I was scared of what else

he might be capable of...



all these terrible thoughts

running through my mind.






It was just the two of us

at home that day.



He was taking his bath



when it suddenly became

clear to me what I had to do.



He never even

heard me come in.



(Zachary screams)



I tried

to go through with it.



I swear I tried, but...



I just... I couldn't.



I just couldn't.



When his mother came home,



Zachary didn't say

a word about what I'd done.



(floor creaks)



Are you here?



I was at home the next day,



when I was struck

by the most awful premonition.



I hurried right over.



Two blocks away, I could

already hear the sirens.



Then I saw all that smoke.



I rushed into the house,



blinded by all those flames,



praying I wasn't too late.



But you were.



It turned out his mother

was already dead by then.




I remember it was

freezing cold that day.



It was always cold

in that big house.







So she went down

the stairs to the basement,



to check on

the water heater.



Are you down there?




And that's where he was...



just waiting for her.



So you're saying

Zachary killed his mother.



He used a hammer

he took down from the wall.






And when he was done,



he set a fire.



Then he went upstairs



and finished playing.



That's where they

found his body.



Where was his father?



Oh, he was at the hospital

like always.



The hospital,

he was a doctor?



A baby doctor, yeah.



Only, he seemed

more like a scientist to me.



(telephone ringing)



- Paul: Come on, come on.

- (ringing continues)



Come on.



- (telephone rings)

- (machine beeps)



Goddamn it!




Are you home? Jessie?



Pick it up

if you're there, please.



Listen, I gotta talk to you

right away, it's important.



Call me as soon

as you get this.



- I love you.

- (machine beeps)






Honey, you shouldn't

have opened that.



You shouldn't have

touched that box.






Is this me?



Honey, let me explain.









- What?!

- (screams)



I need to speak

with Richard Wells.




I'm sorry, but Dr. Wells

is at the Hazen funeral today.



A funeral where?




Honey, don't be scared. It's okay.



I'm right here.

Just be careful, okay?



- (metal object clangs)

- (Jessie gasps)




What was that?



- (Jessie gasps)

- (quickly moving footsteps)









Adam, where are you?



- (metallic crash)

- (Jessie screams)






Adam can't come out

to play right now, Mrs. Duncan.









Let me explain.






You couldn't use him,

could you?






You couldn't use him.



Maybe it never even

occurred to you to try.



No, it occurred to me.



But the fire

destroyed him, right?



You didn't even have

a viable cell.



His genetics I could salvage,

but it was no more than pieces of a map.



I saved what I could,

but after that...



I was this close

to perfecting the procedure,



you can't possibly fathom

that kind of torture.



To have this knowledge,

this power,



and know there's nothing more

you can do about it.



But you did do things

about it, Richard.



Once you had Adam's cell,

you could preserve



his physical characteristics

and manipulate certain genes...



intangibles, like cognition,

personality, his memory.



- I'm right, aren't I?

- Except for one thing.



There was no way

to predict the results.



I could only wait and hope

for a glimpse of him,



the mere indication that

something had lived on.



Lived on?



Do you have any idea what you've done

to my son?! To my family?



I'd think you of all people

would understand,



seeing as we were both after

the same thing. I just wanted him back.



You experimented

with a human life!



So did you.

So did your wife.



No, I would say

there's a huge difference...



Is there, Paul? Do you think

you can just open Pandora's Box



and then just close it again?



We trusted you, goddamn it!



We had no way of knowing.

What you did goes way beyond...



Beyond what?

Societal standards?



You name me a single

medical advancement that didn't.



Tell me something.



If I'm not supposed to do this, Paul,

then how is it that I can?



Because you're a scientist.



Only this isn't about science



or evolution...

it's about moral trespass,



about your ignoring

what's right and wrong.



And what about you, Paul?

Have you trespassed?



I don't know.



Yeah, maybe this is

my punishment for wanting



something that I never

should have had.



And if that's the case,

then so be it.



But believe me when I tell you,

I'm gonna do everything



in my power

to save my child



and see that you pay

for what you've done.



- Paul...

- No, this is over, you understand?



We're gonna go to the police,



and then we're gonna find someplace,

anyplace that can help him.



- You're not going anywhere...

- Like hell I'm not!




That was an experiment.

That experiment failed.



We can always terminate

and try again.






That's my son

you're talking about.



Our son! He's yours

because I gave him to you.



You stay away from him!

You hear me?



You stay away!



You were lucky to have him

as long as you did.



You had nothing

when I found you.



I gave you a child,

a house, a job.



Anything in your life

that you value, I provided.



You remember that,




you ungrateful

piece of shit!



(owl hooting)



Why, why, why

didn't he listen?










Are you in here?



Adam, where are you?



- (metal rattles)

- (gasps)



(chains clink)



(Jessie screams)



Let go.

Let go of the axe.









Yes, Daddy?



Who are you?



Who are you right now?



I'm your son.



(steel balls clinking)




Come on, Max, throw it.

Throw it, come on.




Goes upstairs.




All right, if you guys

can paint that out



by Thursday, that'd be great.



- Mr. Duncan, that's gonna look great.

- Great.



- Paul: How are you doing?

- All right.



These are going downstairs.




Go, go, go!



(children laughing)




Hey, how do you like

your new room?



It's not finished yet.



Hey, kiddo, look...



It's a big change, we know.



But those doctors

you've been working with,



they all say this change

could be really good for you, right?



Sweetie, you've

been doing so great.



And I bet...



in a new town, with new friends,



you're gonna do even better.



I know.




Mrs. Duncan?









I got three boxes downstairs



And they're all labeled...






How about you give me

a hand unpacking 'em?







Where would you like these?



Oh, careful with that,

it's going downstairs.



(floor creaking)






Hey, kiddo,

I thought you were...






Ahh! God!



I thought you were

coming down.



Are you all right?



You'd tell me

if there was anything...



Nothing's wrong, Daddy.



I'm fine.



All right.



Trust me.



This is gonna be great for us.






It's a place

we can start all over.



(instrumental music playing)

Special help by SergeiK