Hidalgo Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Hidalgo script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Viggo Mortensen and the horse.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Hidalgo. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Hidalgo Script






Come on, little brother.



Checkout time.






Everyone's well

behind us, Senator.



When we cross

the finishing line,



we'd best look like champions.






Nice morning,

don't you think?



You went over it.

You went off the wagon trail.



Cross-country race, ain't it?



Well, I didn't ride      

miles to finish second place.



Why did you, then?



This race is mine, cowboy.






Ready when you are, brother.



Let 'er buck.






Based on the Life of Frank T Hopkins







That's right.



I don't like

your style, Hopkins.




You made it.






Mustangs don't belong

in races with thoroughbreds.



If you ask me,

they belong in fertilizer.






You can say anything

you want about me.



I'm gonna have to ask you not

to talk about my horse that way.



Call it.






Mr. Hopkins...



Private Abernathy.



With the   th.



Major Whitside,  nd Battalion,

  th Cavalry Encampment,



at Wounded Knee Creek, sir.



Carry on.



Mr. Hopkins...



Right now, huh?



Wounded Knee Creek




[Man chanting,

rhythmic drumming]



Dispatch rider!



"Major Whitside,   th cavalry,



commanding battalion

in the field.



General Miles

directs me to say



that a solution to the Sioux

uprising must be found at once.



Disarm the Indians.



Take every precaution

to prevent their escape.



If they choose to fight,

subdue them."



Dispatch, sir.



[Chanting continues]



[War cries]



They've been doing it all night.



There's gonna be an uprising.



No, soldier.

It's a ghost dance.



That's all.



Praying to their ancestors

for help.






Where are they taking us?



They called you Blue Child.



I knew your mother.



Get back behind the tent line.



Come on, now.



You don't need that.

Come on.



You know what army this is,

Big Foot?



This is the   th.

Yellow Hair's men.



Do you remember Pahaska?



Yeah, you probably

ate his liver.



Hey, you.

Come here.



Give me the gun.



Black Coyote is deaf.

He cannot hear your orders. Please...



Let go of it!



What are you doing, Bronco?



Go on, there!



What are you looking at?



[Gunshots in distance]




   Congressional medals



were awarded at a place

called Wounded Knee.



This was the proud   th

who fought at the Little Bighorn

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

Eight Months Later



and saw their great general

killed in battle.



The Battle of Wounded Knee

would not be that way.



On that day,

outnumbered by warriors,



but undaunted in spirit,



the brave   th held their ground.







Get up.

Hidalgo's up next.



Hey, Phoebe Anne.

Get your own gun.



Making sure you don't

have live shot in there.



Damn gun's loaded,

and so are you.



- I'm getting out of Cleveland.

- Good. 'Cause we're in Boston.



Come here. Remember?

You're the good guy.



Who has come out to parlay

with Buffalo Bill?



Could it be a real and living

war chief of the red race?



Chief Eagle Horn.



Mothers, hold your

children close.



This is not an act.



You are beholding

the last of the wild hostiles,



the red pirates of the prairies.



- [Crowd booing]

- He who scalped many a pioneer



on the bloody warpath



that led to the winning

of the West.



Now, this is the man

whose power



took the life

of the great General Custer



on the day that

Colonel Cody was too late.



[Whistle blowing]



And that, gentlemen, is

why they call me Texas Jack.



Far Rider, I must speak to Long Hair.

Please speak United States for me.



Chief says his people

are vanishing



faster than he can

earn silver with you.



- Can't this wait?

- Curb your tongue, Nate!



Let the chief speak.



[Speaking Sioux]



Chief Eagle Horn says

that our... his nation's hoop



is broken and scattered.



The buffalo herds

have been destroyed.



Elk and deer are gone.



And now the government is

rounding up our wild horses,



and they plan

to shoot them, too,



before the first snows.



They put a price

on the native horses



too great

for a poor Indian to meet.



Chief says that perhaps his

people have lost their lands,



but not their spirit.



And he asks you for your help.



Tell my dear friend Eagle Horn



that the mustang breed

has known its day



and served its purpose.



If my chief

wishes a fine horse,



I will give to him



a thoroughbred steed

of his chosen color.



Yes. He'll do whatever he can.







Behold the famed

Cheyenne-to-Deadwood stage line.



- [War cries]

- What? What?



Heavens, folks!

It's an ambush.



What think you

of the show, Aziz?



Bravely, the pioneer

meets the savages...



Jack, what are you doing?

Hold on to it.



- Get your foot up there, Frank.

- This is the real West...



and not for the faint of heart.



And now, folks,

you remember them,



rough-riding Frank Hopkins

and his horse, Hidalgo!



Galveston, Texas,

to Rutland, Vermont,



is over      miles.



But Frank Hopkins

and his painted wonder



made the ride in    days.



Can cross the country

in    days,



but he can't find

his horse backstage.



The wounded-soldier trick!



Ladies and gentlemen,



let's hear it

for the wounded-soldier trick.



You're lucky

this gun's got blanks.






Let go of me,

you rabbit-eared...




And the horse



- drags the wounded soldier home.

- Let go of me!



Sheikh Al Riyadh is keeper

of the Muniqi stallion.



His excellency's

royal stables



preserve the purest equine

bloodline in the world.



And he wishes to invest

in the Cody enterprise?



The Sheikh of Sheikhs,

His Greatness,



is beyond investment.



His pride is

in his family horses.



You see, Mr. Cody, the sheikh's

own stallion, Al-Hattal,



is the greatest living

endurance-race champion



of all time.



The sheikh saw your show

in Paris.



His honor was deeply

insulted by your claim



to exhibit the world's greatest

endurance horse and rider.



Hidalgo is a legend, my friends.



He has never lost

a long-distance race.



In America, perhaps.



On deserts that women from

my country could cross on foot.



Frank, you just missed some

compliments about your horse.



Five minutes, Billy.



Gentlemen, I present

rough-riding Frank Hopkins.



- Mr. Hopkins, a pleasure.

- Mr. Cody, His Excellency...



- Sit down before you fall down.

...you remove the title



that you have bestowed

on this American horse.



What's going on here, Bill?



Perhaps you have never heard



of the great horse race

of the Bedouin.



It has been held annually

for more than      years.



A     -mile race.



Across the Arabian Desert.



Along the Persian Gulf and Iraq.



And across the sands

of Syria to Damascus.



It is known

as the "Ocean of Fire."



Our office will accept

your entry at $     



in Spanish silver.



The winner's purse makes

the victor very honored.




How do we say?



Very rich, Mr. Cody.



These boys are serious, Frank.



His greatness invites

you and your horse



to enter in the challenge



if you will not

remove the title



that you have bestowed

on this impure animal.






He is pure mustang, friend.



What shall I tell

His Excellency?



You can go tell him

to pound sand for all I care.



[Speaks native language]






To be more exact,

my Arabian friend.



Gentlemen, the third act

is starting.



I suggest you take your seats.



A very wise choice

you have made, Mr. Hopkins.



I don't think that was

a compliment, Frank.



[Circus music plays]



[Gunshot, woman screams]



[Crowd cheering]






[Chief Eagle Horn

speaking Sioux]



Long Hair has promised me

rock candy in Pittsburgh.



Our good red and blue days are over.



Perhaps all of us will die

in this show of the great Cody.



You have a chance

to go save yourself, Far Rider.



Hidalgo is not the horse

he used to be, Chief.



There's nothing wrong with that horse.



Is it better to perish here

in this Wild West, as Cody tells it?



I saw what happened

at Wounded Knee Creek.



I carried the orders.



I call you Far Rider, not because of

your great races and your fine pony,



but because you are one who rides far

from himself, and wishes not to look home.



Until you do,

you are neither white man nor Indian.



You are lost.



You think we got one more in us?



Nah, me neither.



Hell, I don't even know



who Frank Hopkins

is no more, brother.






A hundred of us

put in our    coin.



Chief Eagle Horn put in   .



Don't waste our money, Hopkins.



[Whistle blows]




There goes Hopkins.



The house of Sheikh Riyadh

will be greatly honored.



Bertolt, accommodate Mr. Hopkins

and his horse.






[Laughter, indistinct talking]









Are you all right, sir?



Ice is a precious commodity

at sea, my friend.



My gin might go warm

for the sake of your misfortune.



Much obliged.



But I'd take a warm gin

over ice anytime, mister.



Major, actually.



Major Davenport.




Oh. I believe you already

know my wife, Lady Anne.



She tells me you put on

quite a Wild West display



down there in steerage.



You handled yourself

with aplomb.



Well done.



Now, tell me, Mr. Hopkins...



Is it true that you're

en route to Aden



to enter your horse

in the famous race?



Well, I can't think

of any other reason



to cross the big water, ma'am.







He's the real item, isn't he?



Have you ever killed

any red Indians?



Just one.



A long time ago.



Do you know who you'll be

racing against, Mr. Hopkins?



Yeah. Pretty near a hundred

Arabians is the word.



It's not just     Arabians.



It's     of the finest

and purest horses



ever bred on the sands

of the Nedj.



There's Al-Hattal,

the sheikh's champion.



Al Amir of Syria is entering

Kusma, the blue mare.



And then there's Camria.



The red racer who descends

from the great Al-Jebla.



The best.



Who owns that one?

Queen of Sheba?



No, Mr. Hopkins.

I do.



Lady Davenport has lived

among the Bedouin.



She's fluent

in Arabic, Kurdistani.



And what's that African dialect?



- Tuareg.

- Yes, right.



Tell me, Mr. Hopkins,

what breed is your stud?



Hidalgo's a mustang, ma'am.



Oh! Mustang?



From the Spanish mesteņo,

meaning untamed.



That's right.



Horse of the red Indian.

Small, hearty.



Mixed blood.

Of Spanish origin.






Well, I think I'll turn in.



Thanks for the gin.



And the ice.



Nice meeting you, sir.






Good night, Mr. Hopkins.



I find him rather

ingenuous and charming.



Don't you, Annie?



Sorry, darling?



[Man singing

in native language]




Godspeed to you all.



Win one for the crown, Annie!



The major prefers

to stay at port



and guard the ice chamber.



Have you never seen

a slave market, Mr. Frank?









Equine perfection.



He sure looks like a handful.



The Prince is a fine young man of

pedigree, educated in the mission school.



I have chosen him to ride Al-Hattal.

Why can you not accept...?






I pray only for your happiness.



Be careful, then, Father.



Because I am happiest on a horse,

riding where females are forbidden.



There is a tempest in my tent.



But it has come

in the form of my cherished daughter



to upset my failing pancreas.



The Aden caravan has arrived.



The good Lady Davenport...?



Yes. And an American

on a horse of most unusual colour.



The cowboy.



Let in the light.



Well, what do you make of it

so far?



Too late to turn back now.



Very wise to tie

your horse, Mr. Hopkins.



If he were

to cover an Arab mare,



it would be viewed

as a most inviolable blemish.



The foal would need

to be destroyed



before touching the ground.



As would the offending sire.



You hear that?

Keep your pride tucked.



The Rub Al-Khali.



The Empty Quarter.



It is but the first march

of the great race.



Alas, most of the riders

do not even get halfway.



Last year,    men perished,



roasted alive

before reaching Iraq.



The fortunate few

cross Allah's Frying Pot,



then must pray

they do not bear witness



to the jinni of the West.



Thank you, sir.

That's mighty interesting.






Where the old ones

speak of the sand devil



who guards the secrets

of the passage to the sea.



Those who reach the gulf waters

travel west across Syria



where the sands shift.



East becomes west.

West becomes south.



What looks like sand to you

soon becomes the poison pits.



[Speaks native language]



Men and horses

fall through the air



and are boiled thus.



Get out of here, mister.

Leave me be.



This is not possible!



You see, I was

Sheikh bin Riyadh's goat herder.



I was charged

with the crime of stealing milk.



As punishment,

I have been assigned



to the American and his horse.



You're working for me?



It was this or be

removed of my left hand.



The future will tell

if I have chosen poorly.



To cross Syria to Damascus,



one must face

hundreds of miles of salt



where no food can be found.



Men go mad!



I can see that.



I pray to Allah,

the All-Compassionate,



that he will give you

the merciful wisdom to go home.



You know horses?






That'll help.



In the name of Allah,



I welcome you

into my tent as my guest.



If his excellence

were to touch an infidel,



he would lose his ability

to foretell the future.



Oh. Sorry.



[Both speaking

in native language]



Most foreigners find

our coffee to be too potent.






Back home we toss

a horseshoe in the pot.



Stands up straight,

coffee's ready.



Shall we play at cards?



No, I ain't too much

of a gambler, sir.



To the contrary.



You are gambling with your

very life in this great race.



I had five sons once.



Three were killed in the raids.



One perished

in this very race six years ago.



The other was swallowed

by the quicksand of the Hammad.



I'm now a man with no sons.






...one lowly daughter.






Ignore her presence.



I am greatly pleased that you

have accepted my challenge.



But I must warn you.



Never before has a foreigner

partaken in the great race.



Some here are angry.



I'm not here

to insult anybody, sir.



I'm just here to race.



You may smoke if you wish.



Oh, well, don't mind if I do.



The winner's purse

in the Ocean of Fire



exceeds $        in American

currency, Mr. Hopkins.



But that matters

very little to me.



What matters to my house

is honor.



Our culture revolves around

our sacred horses, Mr. Hopkins.



It is written in the Koran.



"For they were born

of the south winds,



and sculpted from

essence by Allah."









On cold nights, my wives

sleep in the stable tents



so that Al-Hattal

is comfortable and appeased.






Show Mr. Hopkins to his tent.

He needs his rest.



All right.



Thank you.



Oh, Mr. Hopkins.






I will amend the winner's

purse with another $      



if you will put

that Colt pistol in the pot.



That is an authentic Colt,

is it not?



As they say, God didn't

make all men equal.



Mr. Colt did.



Colt did not make

all men equal, Mr. Hopkins.



You will find this out.



Will you wager

the magnificent weapon?



For $      ?



I'll gamble on that.



Very good, sir.



Sleep well.



You too.



And blessed be thee.



You must never eat more

than one day's ration.



Do you hear me?






I will eat it myself.



[Harmonica plays]



Hey! Quit messing

with my things.



Is this the symbol

of your nation?



Good as any.



[Men shouting indistinctly]



Put that away.






Fetch water.



For the horse.






Go on.






Get back here!




Come sit down.



That's a very noble deed,

Mr. Rough-Riding Hopkins.



Frank will do, ma'am.



Mary, could we have some more

tea for Mr. Hopkins, please?



You're right at home here,

ain't you?



Well, I spent time amongst

the Bedoui with my father



since I was    years of age.



Looking for good horses?



Looking for the breed apart.



My father spent    years



trying to ambassador his way

into the Muniqi blood.



Just like his father.



The Viceroy of Egypt,

Napoleon III.



All of them pandered...



when all they needed to do

was up the ante.



Bad poker players,

the lot of them.



If my mare, Camria,

wins this race,



I'll procure breeding rights

to Al-Hattal.



If I lose...



...I pay   % of the purse

to the sheikh.



And you, cowboy?



What are you in it for?



Just the purse, ma'am.



"Anne" will do.



Yes, ma'am.






Thanks for the tea.






How good are you

and your little express pony?






I reckon we'll

both find out, ma'am.



     miles from Sunday.




Hey, cowboy!



Every rider's camp



must bear the flag

of his house or nation.



Yusef has made our flag.



Behold it.



We are pitiful.



Would you get over here, Yusef?

I need some more water.



[Speaking native language]



What did he say?



He said he has

no place else to go.



You and me both, partner.



Tell him to get some more water.



[Speaking native language]






You too.



Why do you buy this boy, anyway?



Somebody's gotta

do your work, goat herder.






Last chance, cowboy.



My name is Sakr.



Desert law compels me

to speak truthfully.



I find the entry

of a Western infidel sacrilege.



But I trust in Allah



that he'll roast    of us

like sheep on a spit



before the sun sets today.



You shall be among the first.



Well, good luck to you, too.



[Sakr speaking

native language]






The prince says maybe

we should give you a head start.



[Speaking native language]



Nawali say,

"Ride each day to sunset.



Start again each dawn.



Those who survive



to reach the halfway camp

in the Rub Al-Khali



shall be rewarded

with a full day's rest.



A tent camp will reach

halfway point before you,



traveling by camel road."



Nawali say,

"Strength to your horses,



and may God have

mercy on your souls."



[Speaking native language]



Goodbye, cowboy.



Fly high, my friend.



[Horses neighing]



[Breathing heavily]






[Gunshot, Crowd cheering]



Ease up.

Let them go.



Never beat them

in the quarter-mile.



Whoa, son.



Ease up, brother.



What are you doing here?



Go back to work now.



What did I tell you,

little brother?



It's all for show.






[Speaking native language]




Do not take him!



It is against

the laws of the race.



Best hotel in town, I reckon.



[Bells jingling]



[Harmonica plays in distance]



Hey, cowboy!



Nearly     miles in one day.



Most impressive!



This is your last chance

to turn back.



Hear me?



You do not belong out here!



Turn back at dawn.



Or prepare for a death

beyond your greatest fear!






Tomorrow I shall not

even look over my shoulder!



[Harmonica plays]



[Coins jingle]



A water hole never

looked so good.



What water hole

would that be, sir?



The cistern's dry.



You must discontinue here.



I suggest you take

the east road back to Aden.



That's not even a transit tax.



Six soldiers in the middle

of the Arabian desert



guarding a dry well.



That's unusual.



I said, "The well is dry."



Okay, brother.



We ain't gonna make another

   miles without water.



On the whistle.



[Whistles softly]



Are you bloody stupid?!






Go, brother! Go!



Easy, boys.



Long way to Damascus.






What in hellfire?



Let's go, brother.






[Wind slows]



Better up your price at

the next water hole, Prince.



[Indistinct shouting]



You are carried by the West Wind

itself, Bin Al Reeh.



How many have fallen?



The report claims

   have fallen out,



and    were lost

in the sandstorm.



Wash him with cold water.



I don't believe it.



You survived the sandstorm.



Allah must have a more

severe judgment awaiting you.



Thanks, partner.



Daidai, we have

one full day's rest



before the long march to Iraq.



Al-Hattal will break away

from the pack.



The mustang is still in,

so we must maintain the pace.



Do you hear me?



Look at me!









Your Excellency.



- Peace be with you.

- And also be with you.



Bless you, Sheikh of Sheikhs.



Sit, Katib. Revive thy spirit.



Allah willing,

I never miss the great race, Uncle.



If I owned more flocks,

I would bet them all.



I have come to beseech you

one last time.



Forgive me, and allow me to share in

the ownership of our forefathers' horses.



You have not the discipline to be keeper of

such royalty as your grandfather's horses.



Least of all Al-Hattal -

he is my son.



Go rob pilgrims.

That is your calling.



Even the blessed Prophet

was a raider in his time.



This is blasphemy.



How is the coffee?



Most excellent. I am revived.



If one tossed a horseshoe

into the pot,



do you think

it would stand erect?



At your age, Uncle, perhaps

it is the only thing that might.



Boldly spoken for a man

with no wives.



How is your health, Uncle?



I have the blood

of a warrior grandfather.



Please, Mr. Frank.

Listen to me.



There will be no grazing

for many days.



That's all right.

I packed some barley.



Take these.



What's that?






Trust me.



Take with you this skin.



It is filled with the butter

of camel.



Mix it with the water

for both you and your horse.



It will keep you alive

across the Hammad.



And fear not the locusts.

They are a gift from above.



Not a plague,

as you might believe.



Why are you trying to help me?



If Prince Bin Al Reeh wins

the race on Al-Hattal,



I become his fifth wife.



The youngest of his harem.



No more than a slave

in his house.



I do not know if you are as good

as it is said.



But I have faith

in the painted stallion.



It is said that you captured him

in the wild.






Long time ago.



How did you tame him?



I didn't.



Why do you wear that?



Verily, you do not know

our world.



This is a cowboy's spur.






My father reads many books

from the outside world.



But his true enjoyment

of literature,



it is of Wild Bill

and Calamity Jane.



You're boshing me.



In this Wild West,

there are nomads, also.



The red people.



Like the Bedou,

they are a horse culture.



Have you seen

their vanishing kind?



I am their kind.



My father was a cavalry scout.



He fell in love

with a chief's daughter.



Married her.



They called me Frank T.



My grandmother named me




It means "blue child."



I would know you

only as a white man.



Maybe I got good

at hiding my face, too.






You don't know our world.



[Sword unsheathing]



Look out!



Foolish is a foreigner.



Allah has decided

that I should not sleep well these nights.



You have disgraced this house.



I am sickened.



- It is not how it appears.

- He forced you into his quarters.



No, I went by my own volition.



I wished only to speak with him.



He did not touch your daughter,

but tried to protect her from danger.



I am responsible.



Have you ever considered

just poisoning me, Jazira?



Why torture me with slow precision?



Why force me to marry a man

who has never looked at me?



If he looks at you,

I have to cut off his head.



You are not yet his property.



The women of the western tribes

no longer wear the veil.



Pray you were of a western tribe.

I would not be in this position.



And in the middle of the great race.

Shame upon you.



Shame upon you, Father.



For allowing me

to ride horses when no one sees.



For taking me on gazelle hunts

when the men make pilgrimage.



You are all I have.

You are my treasure.



But when the eyes of the people

are on the great sheikh, I am lowly.



Let him go.



How dare you give orders

to a man in my tent.



Remove a certain woman

to the tent of office.



No. It is not right.



Wait a minute.







It is written, Mr. Hopkins.



If any of our chaste women

commit lewdness



with evidence against them,



so shall they be taken out

and stoned.



And it is then by law



that the father must drown

his own daughter.



- It wasn't her fault.

- Silence, I said.



- Ahmed.

- All right.



However, we are still far

from the next cistern.



And water is precious.



So my decision is swift.



For her trespass,

my daughter will be flogged.



Seven stripes at a time hence.



And you.



An impure unbeliever

in the tent of a man



who can trace his very blood

back to Adam.



You will be removed

of your infidel self.



Removed of my what?



Like a stallion

not worthy of breeding.



Come here, skinner.



We didn't do nothing, sir!



I feel compassion for you.



But I cannot let your fear

move me.



Speak honestly as a man.



Did you violate

my daughter's honor?



No, sir.



I did not!



Can one believe a nonbeliever?



Only fools or gamblers walk

behind a strange mare, Sheikh!



You can believe that!



Is that a passage

from the Bible?



No, it's something Wild Bill

said to me one night.



Wild Bill?



Out in Deadwood!



You refer to the man

known as Hickok?



The master

of the double six-gun?



Only one Wild Bill, sir.



Hickok was a true prince

of pistoleers, was he not?



He's pretty good

with a twist draw.



What did my daughter say

about your horse?



Well, she's a lady with an eye

for horseflesh, sir.



If she was my son,

she would be in this race.



Alas, she is not.



She's a woman who has entered

the sleeping quarters



of an infidel.



Come, skinner.



You heard of the OK Corral?




You were not there.



Tell me about this Wyatt Earp.



And the Doctor Holliday.



[Gunshots, woman screaming]






Free him.



Come on.

Hurry up!







Get back here!



Tribal war games are

their national sport, Mary.



It's none of our affair.



Hey, partner!

How about a hand?



Thank you kindly.



Go, Prince.



Al-Hattal. He is gone.









I will free you.



You will run, like the prince.



Damn coward.



No wonder you don't want to be

his fifth wife.









Hey, deputy!







[Gun clicks]






[Speaking native language]



They've taken her.



They've taken her!



If I turn over Al-Hattal,

Katib will return my child.



And if you don't?



He's a bastard son of a jackal



who would have his Gypsies

commit crimes upon her.



I cannot surrender what is

most sacred to my family.



You could never understand that,

so do not even try.



The Al Khamsa manuscripts.



My family's breeding book

is gone.



It is gone!



The Al Khamsa book

contains the breeding secrets



of the Muniqi strain

going back to Saba.



Let's bring your deputy in here.



I'll ask you once more,

Aziz, and only once.



Where did they take my daughter?



I know nothing.



I only took the book

to protect it from the raiders.



It is they who stole it from me.



Stole it?



Or paid you, my trusted brother?



It matters only to He.



Please, end my humiliation.






What are you doing?



That's the easy way out.



He ain't getting it.






Western justice, partner.



[Aziz groans]






That's called

a Mexican tattoo, Deputy.



And that lasts a lot longer

than a sword.



[Horse neighs]



For a man of such high rank,

you're kind of short, Aziz.



We can fix that.






I know where they have taken her

until they receive the stallion.



I know you're not

a gambling man.



But bring my daughter back by

nightfall and you're forgiven.



Attempt to deceive me and run,



and you will not get beyond the

port of Jordan with your head.






Faster, traitor.



His Excellency is most reckless.



Sending a slave

to do a man's job.



Know this, Aziz.



If any harm has befallen

the child,



I shall remove your head myself.



You know that my father

will never surrender Al-Hattal.



I will tell you something

about your father.



He is a failure at being a ruler.

He allows emotions to govern him.



I do not.



And he has become Sheikh of Sheikhs.



Whilst you, no more than a brigand.



I am the greatest horseman of the tribe.



I could defeat any rider in the great race,

if I was allowed to sit the back of Al-Hattal.



Why am I not?



Because the sacred is not for sale,

as are you.



If Al-Hattal is not turned out

onto the sands of the Hamad by midnight,



I send your head to my uncle,

wrapped in Baghdad silk.



I am warned.



You are promised.



Know that if we all die,



your soul will go straight

to the devil.



And your impure horse, too.



[Shouting in native language]



[Shouting continues]



That's far enough, Aziz.



[Speaking native language]



Kill her!



Jazira, run!















[Cats growling, man screaming]









Jazira! Jazira!



- [Gunshot]

- Jaffa!



[Gun cocks]






- Give him his head!

- I know what to do!



Let's keep moving, miss.



He pledged his life for me

when I was born worthless.



I'm sorry.



We got to make that tent camp

by sundown.






I wish you to look at me.



Why do I feel that you truly

see me when others do not?



Well, my horse likes you.



Even a blind man could see

that you're beautiful.






We must ride.



We will stay off

the camel roads.



[Frank speaking Sioux]



What does this mean?



Shunka Wakan.



Big dog.



There's no word in Sioux

for horse.



When the Indians saw the first

one the Spanish brought over,



they didn't know

what the hell it was.



When they saw how it could run,



carry a man through battle,



become his friend for life,



well, they figured it had to be

a sacred animal.






Did your mother teach you

this wisdom?



I am sorry.



[Crowd cheering]



[Speaking native language]



When this race is over,

I will pray five times a day.



Being an infidel, as you are,



you cannot be expected

to comprehend.



There are those who are chosen

to be winners



and those chosen to be losers.



Allah chooses thus,

and it is written.



[Speaking native language]



You are summoned to the tent

of the lady.



Right now.



You know, Yusef,

I once had a three-legged colt.



Born that way.



Turned out to be one of the best

roping horses I ever had.



Your mare's running

a good race, ma'am.



She is rather lovely, isn't she?



Good legs on her.



Can you envision her offspring

from an Al-Hattal cross?



Aziz was not

a very admirable man.



But he was very adept

in researching bloodlines.



You have blood

from the red Indian race.



You hid it effectively

all your life.



I'm not sure

what you're getting at, ma'am.



There's no way for me to win

rights to the Muniqi bloodline



other than to win this race.



You, on the other hand,

you have another way to win.



Only one way to win.



Your little mustang

has proven hardy.



But the chances of him

crossing Iraq and Syria



before Al-Hattal and my mare

are slim at best.



Your horse is weakening,

Mr. Hopkins, and you know it.



You've taken him so very far

from anything he's ever known.



All for the sake of money.



Are you willing to kill him

for money?



The winner's purse is $       .



Pull out now, and I'll

compensate you   % in silver



for turning in a serious effort.



I've never taken money

for quitting a race.



[Opera music plays]



Well, then, Frank.



Just where are we, then?









In the last corner of Arabia.






When you're in a desert,

the sight of green grass



and fresh water can be

mighty tempting.



Sometimes you're

just seeing things.



Indeed, Mr. Hopkins.



Good night, ma'am.






What of my offer?



I'll sleep on it.



And all alone.






He does not like the milk

of the camel.



But it will keep his liver

from failure.



Appreciate it.



You have visited the tent

of the Christian lady.



I don't like the look

of them front hooves.



That quarter crack

is getting worse.



Another     miles

can put him lame.



You must not give up.



It might be just time to live

with what we got.



You will prove them right.



That blood is more important

than will.



You will continue your life

hiding who God made you.



Like me.






You done me proud, partner.



Frank Hopkins.



I am compelled

to express gratitude.












Good luck, Mr. Hopkins.



Thank you, ma'am.



If I don't see you in Damascus,



I hope you find the stock

you've been looking for.



Oh, I will.



You should have wagered on it.



The cowboy forgot his drink.



[Man shouting

in native language]



[Shouts in native language]



[Shouts in native language]



Do not react.

Remain calm.



And only I speak.

Atimi, no!






Call yourself a great Bedou

raider for killing a camel boy.



For not being able to hold on

to a little harem girl.



You will still pay me my riyals.



But I will exact it from you.



And perhaps much more,

Lady English.



You will receive nothing



unless my horse reaches

that finishing stone first.



They're six days

across the Hammad.



You can intercept them

by using the camel road.



Force the American

into the Amal Samheem.



Capture Al-Hattal

and keep him secure.



But my horse wins this race.



He made you look quite the fool,

didn't he?



The cowboy.



He will beg me to cut

his throat when...



Do not harm him, Katib.



Kill his horse

and let him walk the desert.



There's much for him

to think over.


















[Hidalgo neighs]



Whatever feed was out ahead,

it ain't there no more.



"A gift from above.



Not a plague."



Once you get past the legs,

it ain't too bad.






Here you go.



It goes down pretty smooth,

don't it?



Come on. Eat up.

We're back in business.



[Hidalgo squeals]



Let's see who's behind.



[Gunshot echoes,

horse neighs in distance]



We are.



[Bell jingling]






Jinni, no. Go away.






[Water bubbling]



[Horse neighs]



Do not assist me.



Just kill me, please.



Use your weapon.






It is Allah's will.












Tell you what.



You can do whatever you want

after I get you out of there.






[Sakr shivering]












How you doin', partner?



Why you turn back for me?



Ain't no prize money worth

a man's life, the way I see it.



It is written that God

leads astray whom he wishes



and guides whom he wishes.



It was God's will

that I die in this race.



Just as it is his will

who shall win.



What about your will?



What about your horse's will?



Seems to me that's what will

get you across a finish line.



Only then is it written.



[Horse neighs]



Jinni has returned

to carry me home.






My sword.



[Shouting in native language]



[Speaks native language]






[Gunshot, Hidalgo neighs]






- Hidalgo!

- [Neighing]



Get Al-Hattal.



Faster. He is escaping.



[Gun cocks]






You heard the Christian woman.



We are not to kill him.



[Hidalgo squealing, groaning]



The rope!












Look. The trap.






Stop. Release the hunters.









Come on.

Get up.









Look out!






Jinni! Jinni!





















You and your horse have made

enough trouble for me.



[Frank whistles]



Nobody hurts my horse.






[Bell jingling]



- Whoa.

- [Grunts]






Settle down.



Trust me now.






[Hidalgo gasping]



[Grunts, snorts]






Easy, son.



Don't do it, partner.



Don't you die on me now.



We're almost home.



We're almost home.



We had 'em, brother.



[Hidalgo whimpers]



We had those boys.



You're all right.






My old man.



[Hidalgo whimpers]



Remember that    -mile

in Missouri?



We had three days in the lead.



Sitting on that ranch

looking at nothing but green.



That's it, partner.



If there's a heaven on Earth,

actually, we found it.



Well, I reckon if there's

a heaven on Earth,



there's gonna be a hell, too.



[Gun cocks]



We just couldn't cross her.



[Indistinct voices

in distance]



[Voices continue]



Help me.



[Repeats in Sioux]



[Chanting in Sioux]



Blue child.



[Speaking Sioux]






Can you see it, cowboy?



It is the ocean.



It is only Al-Hattal now,




You were defeated

before this race began.



[Hidalgo stirring]



You will not defeat me.



I am born of a great tribe.



People of the horse.



So am I.



[Horse neighs]






[Shouting in native language]



[Crowd murmuring]



[Bell ringing]




Al-Hattal! Al-Hattal!



[Crowd cheering]



Camria, praise your stamina.



[Bell ringing]



Cowboy! Cowboy!



Push her.



Let 'er buck!



[Muffled cheering]



[Crowd cheering]







Cowboy! Cowboy!









Good race, partner.



It is a magnificent horse.



Likewise, Prince.



It looks better on you.



For many miles,

I did not understand



why Allah would wish this on me.



Now I understand his will.



Be a guest in my house

for as long as you desire.






I've been too far from home

for too long, sir.



I lost the race, Frank Hopkins.



But you won a friend.



It's a gift.



What about your ability

to tell the future?



If I had the ability

to foretell the future,



perhaps I would have bet

on a painted horse.



Blessings be upon thee.



You too, partner.



Is it true, then,

as in the Western stories?



The cowboy rides away

into the setting of the sun?



But not the same cowboy.



We won't forget you.






Blue child.



Assemble on the rim.



   paces to a stand.



Make every shot count.



What's this bloke doing?

Bringing them in one at a time?



Lieutenant McNulty?



Who are you?






Frank Hopkins.




You bring a dispatch?



Yes, sir.



Paid in full?



MAN: Hold on!

Pull back to the left!



- How, Kola.

- How, Kola.



Is it true that the chief named Eagle Horn

has returned to the reservation?



He has taken the journey.



But he knew you won, Far Rider,

in the faraway sand.






Will you help me with something?















Easy, brother.






Let 'er buck.




Special help by SergeiK