Voila! Finally, the How The West Was Won
script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the John Ford movie
starring Lee J. Cobb, Karl Malden, Henry Fonda, Gregory Peck, etc. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of How The West Was Won. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally
tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line. You won't
hurt my feelings. Honest.
This land has a name todayand is marked on maps. But the names and the marks and the landall had to be won. Won from nature and from primitive man. Five generations ago,a mere years back... ... this land was known only as the West... ... known only to a handful of white men... ... lonely trappers wandering its vastnessin search of beaver. They were known as "mountain men",a new breed. Men like Jim Bridger, Linus Rawlings... ... more Indian than the Indiansin all but blood. They held to no law but their own... ... drifted free as the clouds,settled nowhere, kept forever on the move. Their mocassined feet and unshod horsesleft no trace on the land. Like the Indians,with whom they were at peace... ... they wanted nothingbeyond what they found and little of that. The mountains, the forests,the harsh country... ... were as unchanging to themas the stars... ... and just as unyielding. Far behind the mountains,beyond the rolling plains... ... they had left the people of the East... ... people who were restless in another way. The kind who would look at the mountainand see a watershed... ... look at the forestand see lumber for houses... ... look at a stony field and see a farm. Their faces and their instinctshad been turned to the West... ... ever since Plymouth Rockand James Town. The trapper"s road was the tradeof the wolf or the bend of the canyon. But for whole families following the sun,there had to be broader ways. There were no roads into the woodlands,only rivers... ... and they flowed in the wrong direction,north or south. Or else they stopped at the Alleghanys. Until one day... ... a new river took source in the mindof a man named DeWitt Clinton. He conceived of a river that would go west. And in the way Americans haveof acting out their dreams, it came to be. The Erie Canal left the Hudsonabove Albany... ... and carried clear acrossto the Great Lakes. People who yearned for virgin landand the new life... ... now had a highway to take them. And they moved along.
Pride of Utica now loading.
All aboard for the Pride of Utica.
The Ramsey family, Peter Smith...
...the Skoga family...
...all eight of 'em.
All aboard for the Pride of Utica.
Is the laddie's health
the reason you're heading west?
Only partly.
Mostly our trouble East was rocks.
I had me a farm where some years
I'd raise bushels of rocks a year.
Zebulon, you hadn't oughta lie
to the man like that.
Wife, I'm a God-fearing soul,
and I tell the truth as I see it.
I never used a plow.
I'd blast out the furrows with gunpowder.
Then one mornin'...
...I hauled the bucket up
out of the well and...
...so help me, the bucket was full of rocks.
I just stood there right still
trying not to blaspheme...
...and said to myself:
"You've got a son that's ailin'.
"You've got a -year-old daughter
who won't take a husband. "
There she sits, moonin' as usual.
"You've got another daughter,
just don't seem quite right in the head. "
Yes, Pa?
I remind you, sir.
I'm still standing there
holding a bucket full of rocks...
...and staring into a bleak old age.
So I made me a vow
right then and there. I said:
"If I can find a man with $
who likes rocks...
"... then there's gonna be another fool
ownin' this farm. "
Well, sir, the Lord provided such a man...
...and here I am.
He ain't told you one word of truth,
Mr. Harvey.
We had the best farm in the township.
Yeah, Rockville Township it was.
Stone County.
Oh, it was not.
It was his itchin' foot that brought us here.
Heaven knows where we'll end up.
Oh, these are my laddies.
Angus, Brutus and Colin.
- How do you do?
- Hello.
I think they're already acquainted
with your daughters.
Be they single?
Aye, single so far.
Well, this Illinois country's beginning
to sound better to me.
Lilith, strike up a little tune
for these handsome lads.
I ain't in no mood, Pa.
Lilith, there's a time for coaxin'.
This ain't the time.
All right.
"A captain bold in Halifax
"Who lived in country quarters
"Betrayed a maid who hanged herself
- "One morning in her daughter's... "
- Lilith!
Now, you know better
than to sing a song like that.
- What ones do you know?
- We know "Yankee Doodle".
- "Yankee Doodle"?
- Their mother's dead.
They haven't had much learnin'
in the social graces since we left Scotland.
All right, give 'em
"A Home in the Meadow".
"Away, away, come away with me
Eve, you, too.
- "Where the grass grows wild
- That's it.
- "And the winds blow free
- Come on, join in.
- "Away, away, come away with me
- That's it, that's it.
"And I'll make you a home in the meadow
"Come, come, there's a wondrous land
"For the hopeful heart
"For the willing hand
"Come, come, there's a wondrous land
"Where I'll build you a home
In the meadow"
Loading for the Flying Arrow.
All aboard for the Flying Arrow.
The Prescott family.
Here we be. Come on.
Alex Harvey and three sons.
Jeffrey Rose and family.
"I've got an old mule and her name is Belle
"Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal
"She's a mighty slow worker
But a good ole pal
"Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal
"We've pulled some barges in our day
"Filled with people callin' 'hey'
"Fifteen miles
"On the Erie Canal!"
But the canal was only the first steptoward the promised land. The next steps were longer and harder. Those who could raise the farewent by steamboat to the end of the line. Others found a cheaper wayto head for Ohio, Illinois... ... and the open spaces beyond.
Lilith... listen to this:
"Theirs was a poignant parting
in the forest.
"The handsome young backwoodsman
carved two hearts on a tree trunk...
"... then from ten paces, hurled a knife
at the junction of the two hearts. "
Junction, what's that?
Well, that's where the two hearts meet.
Now, listen:
"His marksmanship was uncanny.
"Three times he hurled the knife on target.
"'That was for luck', he said the first time.
"'That was for love, deep, divine love',
he said the second.
"And the third time, 'That was a prayer...
"'... a plea for love undying. "'
Isn't that beautiful?
I reckon. If anybody ever talks like that.
Well, it's the sentiments, not the talk.
There ain't no sense to you, Eve.
You want to be a farm wife
but you don't want to marry a farmer.
Neither do you.
Of course not.
I don't want to have nothin'
to do with farms.
I want silk dresses and fine carriages...
...and a man to smell good.
What I want's back East, not West...
...and I'll get there yet. You watch.
You don't know what you want yet.
It's the man that counts,
not where he lives.
- Ready, man?
- Ready.
Daddy, somethin' comin' up river.
Hostile Indians, I expect.
- Could it be river pirates, Zebulon?
- Don't know.
They say no honest man
travels this river at night.
I can only see one man, Pa.
I hear that's a favorite pirate trick.
They hide in the bottom of the boat...
...till they're ready to jump you.
- Get my gun, Colin.
- All right, Pa.
Just come in slow and easy, stranger.
And keep your hands
where we can see 'em.
Name's Linus Rawlings.
I'm hungrier than sin and real peaceful like.
- What've you got in the craft?
- Beaver pelts.
I said beaver pelts.
I never had a chance to see a beaver pelt,
Mr. Rawlings.
Well, in that case, ma'am,
I'll show you one.
There you are.
Oh, that's real soft.
It's a fine pelt, ma'am.
Now, my apologies, sir.
We was afraid you might be a pirate.
I ain't no pirate.
Come on, let's have supper
and get acquainted.
No, no. That's yours. You keep that.
Well, you sure set your cap in a hurry.
Is he the backwoodsman
you've been waiting for?
More than likely he's got
a wife and six kids waiting for him.
"When I was single
"Went dressed up so fine
"Now I am married
"Go ragged all the time. "
Thank you, ma'am, that was right tasty.
You've only ate four plates.
I was beginning to think you didn't like it.
Well, it don't pay to eat too much
on an empty stomach, ma'am.
How come you to be travelin'
so late at night?
Well, I'm kinda anxious
to get to Pittsburgh.
I ain't seen a city for a long time.
I aim to whoop it up a little.
We've never seen a mountain man before.
Tell me, them Rocky Mountains
as high as they say?
Well, now, I just don't rightly know.
I never climbed one.
I've, well... that just ain't exactly true.
Jim Bridger and me,
we started up one of them little biddy...
...Rocky Mountain foothills, you know.
And then, one day, we see this fella...
...and he has a great big pair
of white wings...
...and a harp in his hand.
And I said to Jim...
...I said, "Jim, I don't like the way
that fella's lookin' at us. "
And Jim said he didn't care too much
for it either...
...so we both skidaddled down
out of there...
...and to this day I ain't never had
a good look at the Rocky Mountains.
- I remember one time...
- Zebulon.
One liar at a time is enough.
Well, then, I reckon it's about bedtime.
Gotta get an early start in the mornin'.
We'll be expectin' you for breakfast.
Well, that's mighty hospitable,
Mr. Prescott...
...but sometimes I wake up
and get the urge to move.
I might be long gone by sunup,
but I want to thank you.
I want to thank all of you. Good night.
Good night.
Strange fellas, these mountain men.
Yeah, kind of like a wisp of smoke.
By golly, that looks like my blanket.
It is.
Well, then, I'm a might confused, ma'am.
Whose bed would it be?
I ain't never saw a bed like that
since last time I come East.
Why'd you do it?
It ain't polite to ask a girl
why she done something for a man.
No. Well, I reckon my manners
ain't much at that.
Anyway, I sure thank you.
Good night, ma'am.
Are them Indian girls pretty?
Well, now, I reckon that all depends
on just how long a man's gone...
...without seein' one.
How long's it been
since you seen a white girl?
I ain't quite sure why you asked that.
How pretty do I look to you?
Ain't you just bein' a little bit forward?
You're headed upriver
and I'm headed down.
There's no time
to get these questions answered.
You dead sure you want 'em answered?
Oh, glory be!
Ma'am, it seems like
you've been kissed before.
I've never been kissed permanent before.
By golly, you sure use surprising words.
I never heard permanent mixed up
with a thing like a kiss before.
I can still feel that kiss.
Can you?
You said somethin' before
we hadn't oughta forget:
I'm headin' upstream
and you're headed downstream.
Lovers have parted before
and come together again.
Eve, I, I'm a sinful man.
I'm deep, dark, sinful.
I'm on my way to Pittsburgh
to be sinful again.
Likely I'll stay drunk for a month.
I won't even remember
the fancy gals I dally with...
...or the men I carve up
just out of pure cussedness...
...any more than I'll remember you.
Linus, I'm askin' you.
Can you still feel that kiss?
Eve, you make me feel like a man
standing on a narrow ledge...
...comin' face to face with a grizzly bear.
There just ain't no ignorin' the situation.
Eve! Where is she?
Anyways, you're here.
I thought you'd gone with him.
- Gone?
- Yes, gone.
I knowed you were settin' with him...
...but I kept tellin' myself
at least she's lookin' at a man.
Even a wisp of smoke like that
is better than...
Are you cryin'? Cryin' for him?
Now, what does that mean?
Now, tell me what that means.
Nothin', Pa.
What time did you come to bed?
It was early, Pa.
It wasn't. It was late.
Daughter, I'm only gonna ask you once.
Is there anything for your ma and pa
to worry about?
No, Pa, there ain't.
He'll be back.
I'll see him again.
But you expected to see him this morning.
You know you did.
I don't care. I'll see him again.
You got a growed man to do that?
I did, just like in the book.
Did you get him to say them crazy words?
I told you before, it ain't the words,
it's the sentiment.
You mean he didn't even giggle or nothin'
at such foolishness?
He said it was a real solemn occasion...
...like shootin' the rapids without a paddle.
No matter what he said, he did it just
to get rid of you so as he could clear out.
You know that's so.
And you're lucky he did. Do you want
to live like a squaw all your life?
Go on, say anything you like...
...but I'll see him again. I know I will.
And he ain't got a wife and six kids.
He ain't got a wife at all yet.
Pierre, someone's comin' upriver.
Trapper, seems like.
See how that cover bellies up?
Could be furs.
Thirsty, mister?
Drier than a grasshopper on a hot griddle.
Well, welcome to our little inn, sir.
My name is Jeb Hawkins,
late colonel of the Alabama militia.
- Where you bound for?
- Pittsburgh.
Looks like he's got
a whole canoe of furs, Pop.
- A sure enough mountain man.
- Indeed.
One of our brave explorers gonna extend
our domain to the far shores of the Pacific.
Nothin' but the finest for you, sir.
No pepper or rattlesnake heads in this.
Nothin' but the pure grain
and the sweet kiss of the malt.
Never mind the cup, I'll just take the jug.
A real mountain man, eh?
I trust you'll toast our noble banner, sir.
I sure will.
Golly, you're right.
That's real sippin' liquor.
Pa, him being a trapper...
...do you suppose he might know
what that varmint is we got?
Well, say, now, he might.
Yes, sir, he just might.
Sir, we catched us a cave-dwellin' critter...
...that no man in these parts
has ever seen before.
And, you know, it'd be right satisfyin'
havin' you tell us what it is.
Well, I don't know too much
about cave-dwellin' varmints.
Just yonder, take your jug.
I don't know...
It's right over here.
You know any sweet-talkin' girls
in Pittsburgh?
No, nary a one, yet.
Pop and I are hopin' we'll vacation there.
I'll be at the Duquesne House
if it ain't burned down.
Hey there, now...
You pretty girl,
you sure you got a varmint in here?
Do you hear him?
He breathes loud and fierce.
- We keep him in this hole just yonder.
- You keep him in there?
You gotta look a little closer.
Well, he seed the varmint, Pa.
Well done, daughter.
I ain't so sure.
He was hard-muscled. I could feel
the blade just kinda skitter along his ribs.
You just need more practice, that's all.
It's a pity you ain't got the knack
your ma had...
...Lord rest her soul.
All right, men...
Lay into it, men.
Come on, we've got a lot of fish to fry.
Down to the island.
Tell Pa them settlers' rafts are comin'.
Can't I have this toilet water, Pa?
- Genuine Parisian Accent, it says.
- How much is it?
It's only cents.
Fifteen cents! Put it back.
You're right, sir. Absolutely right.
You save the pennies and dollars will grow.
Likely you've growed many a dollar,
ain't you?
Mr. Peddler, all my life I've been strivin'
to avoid becomin' a millionaire...
...and I think I've succeeded right well.
I've got a little put away in the sock
and it'll stay right there.
Well, now, them's my sentiments exactly.
Now, you, sir...
You look like a man of property.
Now, if I was to bet,
I'd say you was worth a $ .
Pretty close to the mark?
Well, close, maybe.
Colin, how much powder we got left?
Don't be afeerd, now, don't be afeerd.
Now, there's women and children here.
You gents wouldn't want us to have
to start shootin', now, would you?
Be of good cheer, folks.
Why, it's in our noble tradition
to conquer the wilderness...
...with nothin' but our bare hands
and stout hearts.
You can build new rafts and sally forth
in the spirit of your forefathers.
Why, you pious old scoundrel.
I'll see you burn.
Americans can't be whipped.
It's him.
I knew he'd come back. It's him.
Now, let us pray.
Oh, Lord...
...we thank Thee for our salvation.
We commit the souls of our dead
to Thy gentle keepin'.
We pray for a speedy recovery
of our wounded.
And, now, another matter.
Oh, Lord...
...without consulting with Thee...
...we have sent Thy way some souls
whose evil ways passeth all understanding.
We ask Thee humbly to receive them...
...whether You want 'em or not.
It'll be a job.
But I guess I can patch her up
good enough to get to Pittsburgh.
- Linus.
- Now, Eve...
...let's just not talk any more about it.
Linus, I'm tellin' you,
you don't know your own mind.
Maybe so, maybe not.
I know I ain't sayin'
that you haven't been on my mind some.
I ain't sayin' that.
But I still went to see the varmint
with that pirate girl.
I'll always be goin' to see the varmint, Eve.
I, I just ain't cut out
to be a farmer or a husband.
Linus, I ain't never bringing up
the subject again...
...whether ever I see you or not.
Now, it's for the best.
I wish you Godspeed, Eve.
And I ain't said that to anybody
for a long time.
I can see rapids ahead, Pa. White water.
Look. Look.
Oh, we must've taken the wrong fork.
Let's beach her on this side.
Rapids ahead! Beach her!
Beach her!
Hold her steady.
Pa, we're in the current.
Get inside, Zeke.
No, I don't wanna.
Straighten her, Pa.
Hold it steady!
I can't!
Go on. Go on and help Pa.
I'll get it.
Lilith! Lilith!
Lie down!
Lie down!
What happened?
They took the wrong fork of the river
and they went over the falls.
Did you happen to hear
the name of the family?
Prescott, I think. Something like that.
As soon as they're buried decent...
...I'm heading back East
on the first boat that comes along.
And if you were in your right mind,
you would, too.
Oh, Linus.
"Rock of ages, cleft for me
"Let me hide myself in thee
"Let the water and the blood
"From thy side, a healing flood
"Be of sin the double cure
"Cleanse me from its guilt and power. "
Would you walk with me a piece, Eve?
Eve, I...
Eve, all the time I was paddlin' down here
I was thinkin'...
...if I found you alive, I'd...
Would you come to Pittsburgh
with me, Eve?
I'm stayin' right here.
I ain't movin' a foot one way or the other.
Now would you explain that a little?
Ma and Pa,
they wanted a farm in the West...
...and this is as far as they got.
Seems to me this is where the Lord
wanted the farm to be.
But your brother, Sam, he's bad hurt,
and winter's comin'...
There's no sense talkin' about it.
I'm gonna do it.
Eve, you just ain't makin' much sense.
Half the people that come West
don't make much sense, I reckon.
All right.
All right.
By golly, you're a strong-minded woman.
I reckon I seen that varmint
for the last time.
The westward course was no smootherthan that of true love. Not only the hard hand of naturewas against it, but the impediment of war. Trouble over land smolderedalong the Mexican border. Not all Americans were for war, includingCongressman Abe Lincoln of Illinois. But a war did break out... ... and in the end vast new territoriescame into the Union... ... along with their rich Spanish names:Rio Grande, Santa Fe, Albuquerque,El Paso... ... and most glittering of all, California... ... named after a mythical island of pearlsand gold in a th century novel. Here, in ... ... at Sutter"s Mill, a man found somethinghe wasn"t even looking for... ... at the bottom of a ditch. And the cry of his discovery was heardclear across the continent... ... in Boston, New York, Savannah,and across the oceans... ... in London, Paris, Berlin. But nowhere was the clamor of gold... ... heard more eagerly than in St. Louis... ... the busiest fur trading centerin the world... ... and the noisiest, bawdiest,most uppity town west of New York.
"Boys, hold your hosses
"We're still the bosses
"Please hold your hosses
"Till we get...
"... to the dance!"
I say there's no more than three.
Six? It's all that lace that fooled you.
I still say three.
Watch him.
I hear Cleve's an expert on petticoats.
Anyway, you can never prove it.
Gentlemen, we're going to be late
for that poker game.
I've just stuck you for
the most expensive dinner in St. Louis...
...and I don't mind sticking you
a little bit deeper.
I'll lay you $ if it's no less than six.
- How will you prove it?
- Go backstage and find out.
If I go back and check with you.
Fair enough.
Second girl.
- Miss Prescott?
- Later.
It's rather important.
It's always important.
The older they are,
the more important it gets.
Miss Prescott, please. I'm Hylan Seabury...
...attorney in the matter
of Jonathan Brooks.
He means nothing to you?
That old goat?
You must've meant something to him,
Miss Prescott.
- Why?
- You're included in his will.
Of course, you'll have to make the trip
to California to claim the bequest.
Well, now, I wouldn't go to California...
...if John Jacob Astor left me
San Francisco.
I don't think Mr. Astor had holdings there.
However, the yield from
Mr. Brooks' property is not to be scorned.
Yield of what?
Gold, Miss Prescott. Gold.
- Gold?
- Precisely.
You own a gold mine, Miss Prescott.
It yielded $ the very first week.
Gold mine?
That sweet old goat!
This is an unexpected pleasure.
Where's the money?
Oh, yes. You're referring, of course,
to our little agreement.
One hundred to start you off...
...and my share of the winnings.
Well, I'm somewhat embarrassed to report
that the $ no longer exists.
That $ I assure you...
...will turn out to be the best investment
you have ever made.
I have plans, gentlemen...
...beyond your wildest dreams.
I'm gonna earn you a piece of a gold mine.
Gold mine!
You ain't gonna earn nothin'!
You ain't gonna be nothin',
you ain't gonna do nothin'...
...unless we get that $ back
by the morning.
Grimes, you don't mean that.
You're gonna kill off the golden goose.
Call it what you want, mister.
We'll be waitin'.
Independence, Missouri, was the jump-offpoint for emigrants from everywhere. Solid, God-fearing families boundfor the farmlands of Oregon... ... and get-rich-quick adventurersraced for the gold of California.
Try it.
You got a wagon, I suppose?
I can get one.
And a team to pull it?
I can get everything I need.
You got a husband?
I'm single, Mr. Morgan.
No travelin' companion?
No, I'm travelin' alone.
Not on my wagon train.
Alone and single brings out
the deviltry in a man.
Gets 'em all worked up
and they're wild enough already.
I intend to keep to myself, Mr. Morgan.
A woman of your sort?
One day you'd find yourself in trouble and
there'd be hell to pay just figurin' out who.
What did you say, Mr. Morgan?
Well, now, ain't you the feisty one!
I like spirit in a woman.
You got a pretty face
under that powder, too.
And a fine, sturdy body
under them clothes, I wager.
There's a woman named Clegg,
Aggie Clegg.
Why don't you go see her?
I told you, no.
I was hoping to make this trip
with a husband.
Nearly got one last week.
Look, I hear there's men
to every woman in California.
Miss Clegg, I'd be willing to pay you.
I don't need money, I need a man.
Any man.
Mornin', ladies.
Beautiful mornin'.
Would you, by any chance,
happen to be Miss Lily Prescott?
Not unless you got a big imagination.
Then, you must be the lady in question.
Cleve van Valen, Miss Prescott,
at your service.
At your every command
from here to California.
Well, thank you,
but whatever you're offering, I don't need.
Perhaps you don't understand.
Yes, I do. I know a tinhorn when I see one.
Miss Prescott!
I'm offerin' you an honest days' work
for an honest days' pay.
Goodbye, Mr. van Valen. Goodbye.
Well, it's been a pleasure to meet you,
Miss Clegg.
May I say I have never seen a woman
with more beautiful hair.
What a prize catch it will make...
...hanging from the waist of an Indian.
Beauty, alone in the wilderness...
...and who's to protect you?
No one.
Not one person
won't be looking after himself.
Good day, ladies.
Good day.
Nobody ever said that to me before.
That I had such... such beautiful hair.
You know something?
I got a hunch you're gonna draw men
like fish to the bait.
Maybe I can catch one of them
while they swim by.
You got yourself a partner.
Thank you.
How's it, Ben?
It's all clear up through here. Look for a
little mudhole up through the next pocket.
- How far?
- Maybe half or a quarter.
- Well, thanks.
- Looks a little higher up on that ridge.
There's a water hole up there
about half a mile. Let's head for it.
Water hole about a half a mile ahead.
Hey, you're drivin'.
I was raised on a farm.
Water hole about a half a mile ahead.
Hey, Aggie...
Can you use these?
Yeah, sure. Thanks.
At your service.
I thought we'd gotten rid of you.
Well, I just couldn't bear to think of
you two makin' this trip without my help.
If I was to hear later on
that somethin' happened to you...
...I'd never forgive myself.
You came miles alone?
Well, I had no way of countin' the miles,
Mr. Morgan, but I'll take your word for it.
You've got another mister.
Goin' back.
I told ya, when a wagon breaks down,
I want men who can fix it...
...not bet how long it'll take.
You don't mean you'll turn me out?
Pass me adrift at the mercy
of savage Indians?
If you don't get movin', I'll cast you adrift...
I appeal to your sportin' instinct, sir.
I'm prepared to wager you
that I stay with this train.
Well, you got a wager.
Wait a minute.
The fact is, I hired this man.
We'll put up his stake.
Is that right, Miss Prescott?
If Miss Clegg says so.
...I'll be forever grateful.
Now, I'll unpack my gear.
Agatha, have you gone crazy?
He says he's a man
wantin' to do an honest days work.
And he'll do it. I can promise you that.
Hey, you men on that last wagon,
keep up that slack.
Keep it up.
Get that team movin'.
Keep 'em movin' there.
Don't let those lines sag.
Keep 'em up. Keep 'em up.
Keep those teams movin'.
Keep 'em movin'.
Don't let those lines sag.
You on that middle team, keep 'em movin'.
Get in there.
Get in there, mule.
I'm just overwhelmed by all this attention,
Miss Prescott.
I want to confess...
...I have lied about why
I wanted to work for you.
I know.
The real reason is, of course,
that I'm in love with you.
Now, it's the truth.
From the first moment I saw you...
...I've known that I couldn't live
without you.
I'd hate to be the cause
of your death, Mr. van Valen.
I don't speak lightly, Miss Prescott.
I'm prepared to assume
the responsibilities of a faithful husband.
Oh, and are you ready to assume
the responsibilities...
...of my property, too, Mr. van Valen?
Really? What, what kind of property?
Gold, Mr. van Valen.
Gold by the ton from what I understand.
Bright, yellow, shiny gold.
I had no idea.
I'm sure you hadn't.
Miss Prescott, I really mean...
Here comes Agatha.
If you must propose to somebody...
...I suggest you get on your knees to her.
Besides, she has beautiful hair.
Look at 'em.
You'd think they was gettin' ready
to bury somebody.
Ain't we worn down enough as it is?
Well, let's wake 'em up.
Listen, everybody.
"Come on along, everybody come along
"While that moon am shinin' bright
"Come on along
And raise your voice in song
"We're gonna raise a ruckus tonight
"It ain't no time to sit 'n brood
Raise a ruckus tonight
"It's time to strike a lively mood
Raise a ruckus tonight
"Go and get that old banjo
Raise a ruckus tonight
"Just pat your foot and tap your toe
Raise a ruckus tonight
"Do ya hear me?
Come on along, little children, come along
"While that moon am shinin' bright
"Come along now and tune up that string
And let that banjo ring
"We're gonna raise a ruckus tonight!"
Sing it out, now!
That's the spirit. That's the way to feel.
Oh, hiya, Mr. Morgan!
Aggie, for lunch.
Thanks. Nice not to fish.
What is it, Mr. Morgan?
Miss Prescott, I've been thinking.
Wet or dry, you're the handsomest woman
I ever did see.
Spirit and a fine sturdy body.
It's a noble combination, Miss Prescott.
Why, for you, child-bearin'
would come as easy as rolling off a log.
Well, I think I'd rather roll off a log,
Mr. Morgan.
Ma'am, I'm tellin' you,
you got the build for it.
I want you for my wife.
I've got a cattle ranch
just below the Merced.
I'll be settlin' down there, fit and proper.
I'm sure you're very fit and proper,
Mr. Morgan.
Well, then...
...you just couldn't do no better
than marryin' me.
Why, we'd have ourselves a fine family
in no time at all.
I believe that.
I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan, but...
...I can't accept your proposal.
Why not?
A woman likes to hear something
a little more inviting.
Well, ain't that what I've been doin'?
Invitin' you?
Invitin' you to share my life, Miss Prescott.
I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan.
It's somethin' else, ain't it?
Must be somethin' else naggin' at you.
I don't aim to let it stop me, Miss Prescott.
You can count on that.
What did he want?
Well, I'll be...
Why didn't he come shopping
at the right store?
I'll take a look.
Gentlemen, are we pikers?
I'm gonna see
and I'm gonna raise this fine pistol.
London-made and loaded for bear.
I'll take part of that bet.
I told you I wouldn't stand
for you fleecin' any...
There's too many.
We'll have to make a run for it.
You can't outrun them with the wagons.
The minute you get movin'
cut your lead teams loose.
Have you gone crazy?
Chances are they want our stock
more than us.
You're a gambler, ain't you?
All right, let's get movin'.
Keep 'em closed up there.
I don't know how to unhook them.
Cleve, watch out!
Joe, pick me up.
We'll be movin' at daybreak.
I'll take a few men
and see if we can find him.
Give him a decent, Christian burial.
Someone's comin'! Someone's comin'!
I can let you have this rig for $ a day
and I'll give you a good team.
- Pick it up in the morning.
- Fine.
Could you tell me the way
to the Brook's claim?
Well, the claims are down by the river.
Which road should I take?
Only one road, along the river.
- Thank you.
- Sure welcome.
We're looking for a Mr. Huggins.
You found him.
This is Miss Lilith Prescott.
I figured.
They told me you was a real looker.
It's all here for you.
Just the way Mr. Brooks staked it out.
Must have had men workin' on it.
Where are they now?
Who's digging the gold?
Gold? I ain't never seen a better grade
since I come here with Millie.
But just a pocket, though.
The whole shebang, nothin' but a pocket.
Oh, we cleared $ before it played out.
Now, about that $ ...
Mr. Brooks,
he spent three before his heart give out.
I put up $ for a brass-handled casket.
I figure the rest you owe me
for sittin' on your claim.
Oh, miss, I mean, that's only fair, ain't it?
I mean, wouldn't you...?
Funny pair, all right.
How about you boys over here?
Come and see the brand new attraction.
It's exciting and sensational.
Step right in, gentlemen.
"Are you wanted for life
'Cause you left your poor wife
"When she caught you sniffin' a cork,
My friend
"Hey, what was your name in New York
"Oh, what was your name in the East
"And how recently was you released
"Are you ridin' the rails
'Cause you held up the mails
"Or was it the females you held, you beast
"Oh, what was your name in the East
"Oh, what was your name in the states
"Though you suffered the cruelest of fates
"Way out here in the West
"Everybody's a guest
"So line up and fill up your plates,
My friend
"Whoever you was in the states!"
Miss Prescott.
Hello, Mr. Morgan.
I'd invite you in, but it's a little cramped.
This is no life for a fine woman like you.
I heard your mine was played out.
But, where's your fancy friend?
The last I heard, he was in Hangtown.
You mean that no-good went off
and left you?
He went off and left me...
...but I don't agree that he's no good.
Cleve is Cleve, that's all.
You're a perplexin' woman, Miss Prescott.
When a skunk needs killin'...
...it ain't enough just to say
a skunk's a skunk.
All my life I wanted
to marry a rich husband.
Can I blame Cleve for wantin'
to marry a rich wife?
Both of us may have been born
for the poor house...
...but we're not the kind to like it.
You believe all this you've been sayin',
or is it just words? Now, tell me the truth.
The truth is...
...Cleve and I couldn't live alone
just on love...
...not for five minutes.
Then you've answered the question I've
been asking for better than miles.
I've got the biggest ranch you ever did see.
You can't ride across it in a day.
That land's gonna mean money
sooner than you think.
You want a rich husband...
...you're lookin' at him.
There ain't a blessed thing you have to do
except mind the kids.
I'm sorry.
Not now.
Not ever.
What a waste.
Someone put together, like you.
Those who struck it rich wantedall the pleasures that money could buy... ... and there were plenty to sell to them. Even the Sacramento riverboatstook on luxury goods.
I'll see it.
It's up to you.
What's the matter with you?
- I'm checkin' out.
- Checkin' out?
What's the matter with him?
"Come, come
"There's a wondrous land
"Where I'll build you a home
"In the meadow
"The stars, the stars
"Oh, how bright they'll shine
"On a world the Lord
"Must have helped design
"The stars, the stars
"Oh, how bright they'll shine
"On that home we will build
"In the meadow
"Come, come
"There's a wondrous land
"For the hopeful heart
"For the willing hand
"Come, come
"There's a wondrous land
"Where I'll build you a home
"In the meadow!"
Lily, I got to talk to you.
I found myself throwing in a winning hand.
I just never thought I'd do that for any girl.
How would you like to hook up
with a no-good gambler?
Oh, Hon, we are on our way.
I got $ right here.
- What'll we do, open a gambling house?
- No.
A married man should spend
his evenings at home.
Well, then we'll open a music hall
in San Francisco.
- I can still sing and dance.
- No.
A married woman should spend
her evenings at home.
But we can't sit at home on $ forever.
Have you seen San Francisco?
It's ugly, and it's small, and it's full of fleas.
It burns down about every five minutes...
...but each time they keep on rebuilding it
a little bigger and better than before.
It's alive and kicking
and nothin' can stop it.
And it makes you want
to build somethin', too.
A railroad.
A steamship line.
Somethin' to help the baby grow.
Cleve, on $ ?
But we could start out
with a wagon or a rowboat.
With the help of the devil,
I bet we'll make it.
Young America was not only a unionof East and West. There were North and South, too. And between themthe bonds were weakening. Mr. Lincoln, now retired from Congressand practicing law... ... realized that the South would fight... ... to mold the new anduncommitted territories to its own image. Still, two years from the presidency... ... he pleaded that the free Westbe allowed to remain free... ... and warned of the hazardsof a house divided against itself. But the South... ... seeing it"s power and influence wane... ... struggled against the inevitablein dozens of Western towns. And slowly, the bitter seeds of civil wartook root.
Howdy, Mrs. Rawlings.
Whoa, Rosebud.
Hey, Mr. Peterson.
What's that suit you got on?
Uniform, Mrs. Rawlings.
A uniform.
Our militia company was sworn in.
I'm Corporal Peterson now,
Ohio Volunteers.
You won't be seein' me for a spell.
Hey, I got a letter for you,
from way out in California.
It must be from my sister, Lilith.
"Dear Eve... "
Mr. Peterson, could you wait a minute?
I wanna answer this right away.
Zeb, come on down here.
We was hopin' Zeb might be goin' with us.
Pa went when the first bugle blew.
Ain't one enough?
Hi, Corporal.
Jeremiah, give Mr. Peterson
some buttermilk.
It's from your Aunt Lilith.
Says there ain't no war out in California
and they don't expect there'll be one.
"Business is brisk.
"Many opportunities
for an energetic young man. "
There's talk of building a railroad east.
"Cleve has hopes of gettin' in
on the ground floor.
"We would welcome Zeb
if he wants to come. "
Ma, did you write her about me?
Not exactly...
Now, did you?
I told her you didn't like farmin'
any better than your pa did.
Ma, you got the wrong idea about this war.
It ain't gonna be so bad, is it, Corporal?
You know, Pa's havin' the time of his life.
Now, Mrs. Rawlings,
I got it from the captain himself...
...that we ain't gonna be gone
no time at all.
Pa left it up to you whether I go or not.
But you know what he really felt.
Mrs. Rawlings, there ain't much glory
in trompin' behind a plow.
I reckon there's no hurry
in answerin' this letter.
Thank you for waitin'.
You mean I can go?
Well, there'll be things to do.
I've gotta get your underwear washed
and your socks darned.
Do they give you one of them suits?
One of them uniforms?
I reckon.
They might not give you no shirts though.
Take that one off. I'll wash it for you.
I got the others washed
but they aren't ironed yet.
Mother, I...
Why'd you call me that?
It's always been Ma before.
I don't know.
All of a sudden...
...Ma didn't seem enough somehow.
Yahoo. Hey, cowpoke!
Go on back, dog.
Go on!
What could I do, Pa?
He's Linus' boy.
Always was more Linus' blood.
I guess that's why I love him so much.
But you've got to help me pray, Pa.
Help me pray.
Battery "B", Ohio.
- Let's go!
- On the double. Come on.
Anybody here from the Twelfth Michigan?
Thirty-sixth Indiana.
Evening of April Sixth, .The guns that had roared all dayfell silent... ... around a little churchcalled the Shiloh Meeting House. Many a man had met his Godthat Sunday... ... but not in church.
You wasted your time, men. He's dead.
But, Doc, this here is Captain Rawlings!
Captain Linus Rawlings.
- Take him out.
- Keep movin', men.
Why can't you look where you're goin'?
I'm sorry, soldier.
Watch it.
Saw. Brandy.
Get it all down.
Come on, all of it!
Come on. We're just in the way here.
It had been the bloodiest dayof the war on the Western front. In the morning, it had looked likea Confederate victory... ... but by nightfall... ... no man cared to usethe words "win" or "lose".
After Shiloh...
...the South never smiled.
You tasted that water yet?
- No.
- Well, try it.
- Tastes funny, huh?
- Yeah.
I seen it before sundown. It was pink.
Pinker than sassafras tea.
You mean...?
It don't seem fittin' a man should have
to drink water like that.
Don't seem fittin' a man should have
to do any of the things we've done today.
Did you kill anybody?
I don't think so.
I got knocked dizzy right off.
Then when I come to and found my rifle,
it was busted.
Then some more soldiers come along
and tried to stick me in the arm.
All the rest is, is mixed up after that.
I ain't killed nobody, neither.
And I don't want to.
- Hey, where you from?
- Ohio.
This fool war started in the East.
What's us Westerners doin' in it?
I don't rightly know any more!
It ain't quite what I expected.
There ain't much glory in lookin' at a man
with his guts hangin' out.
- Where you from?
- Texas.
You ain't a Reb, are you?
Well, I was this mornin'.
Tonight, I ain't so sure.
It seems like, I oughta be shootin' you.
Well, you got anything to shoot with?
All I got's this bayonet.
I got a pistol.
I took it off a dead officer.
Hey, why don't we skedaddle out of here?
- You mean desert?
- I mean, why don't...
Just leave this here war
to the folks who want it.
They say there ain't no war
out in California.
Stragglers, join your regiment.
Stragglers! Hey, you!
I'm planning to move Rousseau's brigade
into this area.
Hidden battery, placed well before dawn.
Do you approve?
I'll approve any dispositions
you want to make.
If you hadn't held the flank today,
we'd have been whipped for fair.
Sherman, let's sit down a minute.
There's somethin' I wanna say to you.
You may find yourself in command here.
I've seen some of the dispatches
the newspaper correspondents...
...have filed today.
They're sayin' I was taken by surprise
this morning.
You weren't taken by surprise.
I was.
No matter.
They're sayin'...
...I was drunk again last night.
Were you?
But you can't fight front and rear.
Win or lose, tomorrow...
...I intend to resign.
Because of the newspapers?
Because of the general
lack of confidence in me.
Don't you think I've ever felt like that?
A month ago they were sayin'
I was crazy. Insane.
And now they're callin' me a hero.
Hero or crazy, I'm the same man.
It doesn't matter what the people think.
It's what you think, Grant.
You mean that's Grant?
I reckon.
General Grant.
You know this war is gonna be won
in the West and how to win it.
Everything you've done proves it.
And I say that a man has the right
to resign only if he's wrong.
Not if he's right.
I guess I never thought of it that way.
I'll think it over.
What is there to think about?
The Army's better off with you
than without you. That's the test.
All right.
There's a lot to do
before morning, Sherman?
What are you doin'?
Why'd you make me do that?
"When Johnny comes marching home again
Hurrah, hurrah
"We'll give him a hearty welcome and
Hurrah, hurrah
"The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
"And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home
"Get ready to join the jubilee
Hurrah, hurrah
"We'll drink up a toast, or two, or three
Hurrah, hurrah
"The band will play and we'll sing for joy
And all the ladies will kiss the boys
"And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home
"The men will cheer, the boys will shout"
Hey, Zeb.
Didn't you get my letter?
I wrote more than four months ago.
She never was...
...quite the same
after she got the news about Pa.
I don't think she minded goin', Zeb,
...she wanted to see you again.
'Course Pa ain't really there.
I put up a stone anyway.
I'd better be on my way.
Way? Where?
I need you, Zeb.
Only one thing brought me back...
...and she's...
Well, this farm is half yours.
I'm thinkin' we'd finally clear away
that patch of woods down by the river...
You're twice the farmer I am.
You don't need me.
That farm's all yours. That's only fair.
I sure don't feel right about this.
What are you gonna do?
I haven't mustered out yet.
I can still transfer to the regulars.
The cavalry, maybe. And go West.
And have to fight Indians?
You sure are hard to make out, Zeb.
Now, what do you wanna do that for?
Do you like fightin'?
Do you remember the story Pa used
to tell us about fightin' that grizzly bear?
And I asked him. I said:
"Now, why'd you get in such a fix?
"Do you like fightin' grizzlies?"
He said:
"Well, not 'specially.
"I just wanted to go somewhere
and the bear was there first. "
I guess I just wanna go somewhere, too.
- So long.
- So long, Zeb.
Even while North and South were beingtorn apart... ... East and West had beendrawn together by the Pony Express... ... the most daring mail route in history. Eighty riders were in the saddleat all times, night and day, in all weather. Half of them riding east, half riding west... ... between Missouri and Sacramento... ... carrying mail cross-countryin days instead of months. Unarmed, they rode to save weight. Five dollars a letter, the mail cost,and on thin paper, too. It was courage, skill and speed... ... against hostile Indians, bandits,hell and occasional high water. Even as they rode,men were already building a faster... ... message carrier across the country,the Overland Telegraph. And the Indians found a new amusement... ... listening to the level tuneof the singing wires. But far less amusing to the Indians... ... was the coming of the steel roadwayof the Iron Horse. The surveyors" route lay through immensenatural barriers, the Rocky Mountains... ... and the equally discouragingHigh Sierras. But range upon range could never stopthe titanic contest... ... between two corporate giantsracing to put down... ... the greatest mileage of trackbefore they met:The Central Pacific eastwardfrom Sacramento through the Sierras. And the Union Pacific,forging westward across the plains... ... with the Rockies still to come. The prize in the race was free land,vast parcels for every mile of track laid. Land that would one day be worth millions.
Hold it!
Set it down!
Where'd you find 'em?
'Bout a mile back yonder.
That's Johnny Hormatz. And Jack Perkins.
What the hell is this? A picnic?
The Indians got a couple of our men...
Mister, you were the foreman here.
Now you're a tracklayer.
Now get back to work, all of you!
Move it!
- You.
- Yes, sir?
You're the new foreman, till I find
somebody better. Now get 'em at it!
- Wait a minute.
- Move it!
Is your name Jethro Stuart?
Mr. Jethro Stuart, you're hired
to hunt buffalo to feed these men...
...not to stop their work.
Why'd you bring these bodies here?
They're railroaders. I thought somebody
on the railroad might be interested.
I'm the railroad, and I'm not interested.
You should've buried 'em,
then tracked down the Indians who did it.
Mr. King, like you said, I was hired to hunt,
not to dig graves or fight Indians.
Those fellas are mostly old soldiers.
Two dead men shouldn't bother 'em much.
I don't want anything in their thick skulls
but their work. Do you understand?
Now get rid of those bodies
and start trackin' those Indians.
You keep forgettin', Mr. King,
my job's buffalo.
It was buffalo.
Go to the paymaster and draw your time.
That foreman fella, you didn't fire him.
You just took him down a peg
'cause you needed him.
Who's gonna shoot buffalo? You?
- What the devil is that?
- Milk.
The Army must've changed
since I was in it.
- I just rode in. I'm hungry.
- You are, huh?
But you'd rather watch them than eat.
- Is that it?
- That's it.
I wish you were as eager
to protect this railroad.
Did you get any word about the two men
who where killed today?
I tracked the Arapahoes
and talked to the chief.
They were a mile off the right-of-way
where they had no business...
...drunk and chasin' squaws.
It was as much their fault
as it was the Indians'.
Well, soldier boy, your job is
to fight Indians, not to agree with 'em.
Mr. King, there were Arapahoes
and I had men.
Now, to me...
...agreein' seemed wiser than fightin'.
To you, huh?
You know, I might just send off
a wire to the colonel.
He may not agree.
I already reported it. He does agree.
Acknowledged and understood. Sergeant.
Trouble, sir?
I don't know.
Hey, Lieutenant.
I just got a message
the Indians are up to something.
Do you know anything about it?
The chief says the railroad's
busted the agreement.
They've changed the route and are comin'
through the Arapahoe huntin' grounds.
- You sure the chief's right?
- Plenty sure.
They're getting the warpaint ready.
Can you stand there and tell me...
...that one little change is gonna cost
the Arapahoes one buffalo.
- Or even one jackrabbit?
- Mr. King!
They can be made to see it differently.
Who's hurting 'em?
What's a railroad anyway?
Two tracks and a whistle.
It's not the tracks they're afraid of.
It's what the tracks bring.
The buffalo hunters slaughtering off
their herds.
And then the settlers coming in.
And when will that be?
Twenty, years, maybe?
By then, we'll all be dead.
Right now we're just crossing the land.
That's all. Land that's safe
to the Arapahoes for our lifetime.
Now, you go talk to 'em.
Smoke a peacepipe with 'em.
Just get 'em to make a new agreement.
That's your job, isn't it?
Keeping the peace?
I'll keep the peace, Mr. King...
...if you keep your promise.
Hear your name's Rawlings
and you're from Ohio.
Your pa's name couldn't be
Linus Rawlings, could it?
- Could be.
- Knew him.
Jethro Stuart.
- He used to speak of you.
- Used to?
Pa was killed at Shiloh.
Sit down, Mr. Stuart.
Well, better than dyin' behind a plow.
I tried it. Settled down for a year once.
It took ten years off my life.
Your ma...
She must've been somethin' real special
gettin' old Linus to stay put.
She was, Mr. Stuart. Very special.
Old Linus.
Two years runnin' once, your pa and me
trapped together. Up along the Wannakee.
We got ourselves so many beaver...
...we had to tie 'em tail-to-tail
just to drag 'em down the mountain.
Over a mile long it was,
that line of beaver pelts.
Mr. Stuart, my father could take the truth
and stretch it about six ways.
You sound just like him.
I'll take it you meant that kindly.
Well, I'd think twice
before I called you a liar.
Tell me somethin', talkin' about liars:
Why would a son of old Linus
get mixed up with a man like Mike King?
I know what you mean.
But Mike King isn't the railroad.
I don't think he knows that.
He's changin' the route back, is he?
I know.
But he'd do anything
to gain a day on the Central Pacific.
But he's not a fool. He doesn't want a war.
And neither do the Arapahoes.
I think I could get them to agree
to this change in route if...
...I could just sit down and talk with them
for a while.
- How're you gonna get 'em to do it?
- That's just it.
I need somebody that knows the language
and that they trust.
You wouldn't happen to know someone
like that, would you, Mr. Stuart?
Your pa could set a trap
like no man I ever come across.
Just coax 'em on, and wham!
You'd better do somethin',
so he'll know you're pledgin' your word.
That blame whistle's like the crack of doom
from all that's natural.
My ma felt a man oughta
make his scratch on the land...
...and leave it a little different
than when he come.
Anyway, thanks for fixin' things
with the chief.
Me? I fixed nothin'.
You put the words in my mouth
but that won't make 'em come true.
I said what I had to, to keep the peace.
I know there's a risk.
Risks? Maybe you don't understand.
You pledged your word back there.
Not mine, not the Army's...
...not the railroad's.
It was your word that told 'em
they'd keep their huntin' grounds.
I think they will.
I think you've got your neck stuck out
like a prairie chicken...
...waitin' for one side or the other
to chop it off.
Your pa and me got kicked out
of one territory after another...
...with people pourin' in, killin' off game,
puttin' up towns...
It ain't gonna stop.
Your treaty's gonna get broken and
I don't wanna be around to see it happen.
Look me up when you get your bellyful.
- Where you goin'?
- Back to the mountains.
To the high lonesome
where there ain't no people at all yet.
So long.
By now the Central Pacific had brokenthrough the wall of the High Sierras... ... and was straining eastwardacross the flatlands of Nevada. While the Union Pacific,thanks to its long peace with the Indians... ... was able to keep up pressurejust as avidly in the opposite direction. The competition was exciting,but also costly... ... and both companies were itchingto earn money from tracks already laid.
- Did the horses ride all right, Jake?
- No better than I did.
We'll have to rest 'em a day before we can
start huntin' rabbits, much less buffalo.
Let's get 'em to water right away.
You say no buffalo hunter come.
White man, liar.
We scout for you no more!
Not in our lifetime, you said.
And there they are.
The buffalo slaughterers and the settlers.
All right, it's sooner than I figured.
But the railroad's broke.
They need money to keep movin' on.
No people, no money.
No money, no railroad.
- It's as simple as that, Lieutenant.
- What about the Arapahoes?
Take a look at those people.
Half of 'em straight from Europe.
They'll have a rough time
but they'll make it.
And do you wanna know
why they'll make it?
Because they're willing
to change their ways.
The Arapahoes will have to change, too.
If they don't, they're finished.
I know they have to change
and some day the land'll be taken over...
...by these farmers
with their towns and their cattle.
But, not like this.
They don't have to be double-crossed,
and I don't have to be a part of it!
You don't, Lieutenant?
Aren't you forgetting that uniform?
That's right, Mr. King, I'm forgetting it!
If the Army hasn't got any authority
out here, I'm resigning. And, now!
I don't see how that's gonna help
the Arapahoes.
Nothing'll help 'em.
But nothing's gonna stop 'em.
Indian attack!
Take a good look!
You wanted a war, and you got one.
I hope you're the first man killed in it.
Turn those wagons over!
Shoot for the lead horses.
Sergeant, take over.
Rawlings, try that.
The Indians are stampeding the buffalo.
Dirty skunks! Come on!
I told you there'd be no war.
Look at 'em.
They've quit.
They'll be back.
They just sent a bunch of animals
to kill an animal they call the "Iron Horse".
Well, it's still standin', isn't it?
And nothin's gonna stop it.
You think you can live with that?
I can live with it, or I can die with it.
Just listen!
You can live with that?
That ain't cryin'.
That's just new life goin' on.
Pick up this woman
and put the rest of the engine in the shed.
The rest of you, back to work.
We've got a railroad to build.
It looks like you finally got your bellyful.
Hello, Jethro.
Appears you're doin' well.
Can't complain.
Creek's loaded with beavers,
fightin' their way into the trap.
Ain't no white men lookin'
over my shoulder...
...and the Indians are plumb cordial.
Toss your stuff in there.
Plenty of room for two.
You'll be bunkin' yonder.
Better take your bearin's now,
so you can find it when you need it.
If you don't like my snorin'
you can build your own cabin tomorrow.
I'll furnish the axe.
Thanks. I'm just passin' through.
Through to where?
Anywhere you go is like
where you've been.
Ain't you lost enough tail feathers
back there?
I've been plucked some.
But that's what I like about this country.
There's always greener grass
over the next hill.
Not no more.
Not since that damn railroad come.
All the grass is bein' staked out now,
with a lock on it.
Maybe I'll just have to climb
a little higher hill to find it.
How about comin' along?
Are you crazy?
Like the Indians say, "These rocks
and trees around here feel no call to move.
"Why should I?"
Guess I'm not an Indian, Jethro.
And I'm sure not a rock nor a tree.
A man belongs with his own kind,
like him or not.
The coming of railroads brought changesin the land through which they passed. Now, immense herds of cattle were drivenhundreds of miles to meet the lines... ... bound for markets in the East. Fences went up, cattle trails were barred... ... and a long and bloody wrangle beganbetween cattlemen and homesteaders. The law was in the hands of whoevercould shoot fast and straight... ... except where there was somebodydetermined to stand for law. Others might look on sheep and a shepherdas a pastoral scene. But not the cattleman. To him, sheep destroyed grass,and grass came dear. And if a man"s life were held cheaperthan grass... ... it was considered a casualty of war,not a crime. And, in all this... ... the man with the star wasonly one against many. But time was running outfor the reckless ones... ... the desperadoes,the gallop-and-gunshot boys... ... as more and more citizens demandedrespect for the law... ... and showed themselves ready to fightto uphold it. And the raw new towns that sprung upin the West began to dream... ... of becoming as refined as that one-timehooligan city by the Golden Gate. San Francisco was now respectable. So sophisticated, in fact,it even had mansions up for auction.
$ .
$ .
Is that your last bid?
Ladies and gentlemen,
this trophy is solid gold and fully inscribed.
"Mr. Cleve van Valen, President of
the San Francisco... Kansas City Railroad. "
It's a treasure he held dear to his heart.
Do I hear $
for this priceless possession?
Priceless, my foot.
We used it for a doorstop.
$ .
Sold. $ .
It's a sad day, Lilith.
We made and spent
three fortunes together.
What's so sad about that?
If he'd lived a little longer
we would've made and spent another.
- I beg your pardon, Mrs. van Valen.
- What?
The chair, it's been sold. I'm sorry.
Well then, take it.
Quit apologizin' and take it.
Thank you, madam.
If there had been some other way
to pay off the debts...
It doesn't matter.
I've got two things
no one can ever take from me:
This, and my land in Arizona.
Lilith, I don't want to dash any hopes...
...but that ranch is nearly worthless.
Well, it's there, isn't it?
Yes, but most of the cattle
have been sold off or stolen.
I'll get cattle.
You'll need someone to work it
and manage it for you.
- I'll get that, too.
- Who?
My nephew.
He's a marshal out there somewhere.
Lilith, at your age it might be
kind of rough.
My ma and pa were killed
goin' down the river just lookin' for land.
I guess I got a little of that Prescott blood
in me after all.
Is Aunt Lilith's house on Nob Hill
as high as that?
I don't know, son.
On our way home you ask your Aunt Lilith.
She'll tell you.
Honey? Do you think you'll know her?
Your Aunt Lilith.
Do you think you'll recognize her?
Zeb? What's the matter?
Come on.
Ma'am, are you our Great Aunt Lilith?
If you're Zeb's children, I am.
Zeb Rawlings.
Oh, goodness.
I swore up and down I wasn't gonna cry.
You're just as pretty as Ma said you was.
I'd like you to meet my wife, Julie.
Pleased to meet you.
And I'm pleased to meet you, too.
I just can't tell you how pleased.
This here's Eve, underneath all the jam.
- Come on and meet Sam now.
- Sam?
Sam's our horse.
He could pull two wagons if he wanted.
Well, if you'll excuse me,
I have my orders to meet Sam.
Come on.
Just a minute now, boys.
But he's on the other side. Come on.
I think this means a whole lot to her.
You have no idea how much
it means to me...
...to be able to settle down
to a life of peace and quiet.
I'll get the luggage.
Zeb, let's go.
Don't tell me you come
all the way to Gold City just to meet me?
I hardly expected it.
And the beautiful Mrs. Rawlings?
What a pleasure.
I envy you, Marshal, a well-favored,
bright-eyed wife...
...just as dazzlin' as that sun up there.
It makes you almost thankful, don't it?
It makes a person wanna live.
That's Charlie Gant.
I thought you said he was in Montana?
I'm just gonna get the luggage, that's all.
See to the rooms, will you, Julie?
- Prescott, take care of the horses.
- Yes, sir.
- Linus, help your mother.
- Yes, sir.
Anything wrong, Julie?
No. No, nothing.
Come on, Eve.
Got a minute?
Of course, I got a minute.
- Cigar?
- No, thanks.
Well, what can I do for you?
Go ahead, name it.
I saw Gant get off the train this morning.
There were three men waiting for him.
That's why you're here, huh?
That's it.
Look, there ain't a thing we can do...
...to keep Charlie Gant from goin'
where he wants to in this territory.
I know. I know what he was...
...but that's over now.
It was over the day his brother got...
You should've killed 'em both that day,
Well, you didn't and there ain't a thing
I can do about it now.
What's he doin' here, Lou?
Ain't you even curious?
What do you want me to do?
Run him out of town at the point of a gun?
Do you think it will put the law inside
a holster here?
Look over there, Zeb. There's the law.
With all its writs and decrees and...
We abide by that circuit judge, now.
How many get killed meantime?
Nobody's got killed. Nobody's goin' to.
Doc Halliday, the Clantons, the Youngers...
They're all gone now.
Charlie Gant ain't gone.
You get me a warrant. I'll get you Gant.
Lou, they want three guards in the wagon
with the gold shipment tomorrow.
This is a big one. Over $ worth.
I'll take Clayton and Sims with me.
All right?
Well what?
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
- It means we put on a three-man guard.
- To the train.
What happens then?
You know there's gold goin' out of here
every month or so.
There hasn't been a train robbery
since Jesse James was killed.
I don't want any trouble here, now.
We've been friends a long time.
As a friend...
...I'd like you to leave town.
Boys, get back from there!
Look down there, son.
Do you know how deep that shaft is?
That's foot deep.
Do you know how deep foot is?
If you had brothers,
all standin' on your shoulders...
...you wouldn't be able to see over the top.
I'd be squished.
Come on.
I'll show you boys the donkey engine.
You boys go ahead.
I'll be along in a minute.
I hear you've been talkin'
to the local marshal about me.
Would you call that friendly?
I never considered us exactly friendly.
I don't like you, Marshal.
I don't like what you and your kind
are doin' to this country.
I don't want any trouble.
You wanna put things on the old basis,
just you and me?
That's fine.
I'm not gonna get in a fight with you, Gant.
It's peace you want, Marshal?
There's only one kind I know of.
That's the kind my brother's got.
What happened to your brother
didn't teach you very much, did it?
Easy, Marshal.
Floyd never made mistakes...
...except the one time he trusted you.
And you're the one that got away.
One of these days I'm likely
to pay you Rawlings' a little visit.
Lou Ramsey's here.
- I warned you, Zeb.
- What is it?
Gant came to see me last night.
He said you tried to start
some trouble with him.
You believe him?
I'm tellin' you, Zeb, you take your trouble
to your own territory.
I don't want any more of it here.
There won't be any more trouble, Lou.
Gant's gone.
He rode out of here early this mornin'.
With who?
His gang.
They should be somewhere
between here and Kingman...
...waitin' on that train.
You don't fool me for a minute, Zeb.
You're not lookin' for a robbery,
you're lookin' for Gant.
You still carry lead where he shot you.
That was Texas.
And Oklahoma, where you killed Floyd.
And now this.
I'm sorry, Julie...
...but I don't want my office
to be any part of this.
The boys have got the team hitched.
I know.
It's almost time to go.
No one's askin' you to face Gant.
No one's makin' you.
We could ride out of here right now.
We could forget it.
Maybe there's somethin'
you haven't told me.
Is there, Zeb?
I'm askin' you not to go.
Don't go.
Sorry, Julie.
I guess there's nothin' more pigheaded
in a man than his sense of honor.
They're all the same, every one of 'em.
You take my Cleve now.
Never could turn down a poker game.
He felt duty bound to go.
Three nights runnin' sometimes, but he
wouldn't quit, not if his life depended on it.
I guess it isn't very funny.
Where's Pa?
- Out. That's where he is.
- What's the matter with Mom?
Nothin's the matter.
Come on, now, in the other room.
Come on, darlin', we're gonna play.
That's a good girl. That's better.
- What's the matter with Mama?
- Nothin's the matter.
You know any games?
- We know tag.
- Musical chairs.
I know hide and seek.
- Do you know how to play poker?
- Poker?
You're in luck. Get down right there.
Now come on, sit down. That's it.
But we don't know how to play poker.
Well, it's time you learned.
First, we'll start off
with a little five-card stud.
I'll take that rifle, Zeb.
Your pistol, too.
Sorry, Lou.
I just can't oblige.
I thought the law wouldn't let you
use that any more.
I'll use it if I have to.
I'm goin' out of here, Lou,
and I'm takin' this with me.
To kill Gant.
That's what you think, isn't it?
It's somethin' personal
between him and me.
Well, Lou, it could be...
...if I settle down with my family
and wait for him to come.
And he'll come,
if I don't stop him here and now.
I'm gonna catch Gant red-handed,
breakin' the law...
...and then I'm gonna use the law
to put him away once and for all.
The law, Lou.
I'm gonna use the law...
...but I haven't got much chance
without your help.
How many men in the caboose?
Just one brakeman.
Is he armed?
No, never has been.
I'll be in the express car.
There's some riders up ahead.
I'll take a look.
Engineer, there's a barricade ahead!
Open her up, wide open.
Come on. Come on.
Everybody make it?
Frenchy's horse fell.
I don't think he made it.
Well, let's move.
It's a long way from here to that gold.
There's no danger. Just keep goin'.
It's Rawlings!
Back this train up!
And fast!
How come we're leavin' so early, Pa?
We got a long way to go, son.
Auntie, when are we going to your house?
Your daddy will decide
when we get to your home.
Honest? Can we take Sam with us?
I think Sam is taking us.
Pa, how much further is it
to Aunt Lilith's ranch?
Well, son, it's around the next bend,
and the next bend...
...and the valley beyond.
Aunt Lilith, do you know that song?
That's our song!
Your song?
I sang that song
long before your pa was ever born.
"Away, away, come away with me
"Where the grass grows wild
"Where the winds blow free
"Away, away... " Zeb!
"Come away with me
"Where I'll build you a home
In the meadow
"Come, come, there"s a wondrous land"For the hopeful heart"For the willing hand"Come, come, there"s a wondrous land"And I"ll build you a home in the meadow. "The West that was won by its pioneers,settlers, adventurers is long gone now. Yet, it is theirs forever. For they left tracks in historythat will never be eroded by wind or rain... ... never plowed under by tractors,never buried in the compost of events. Out of the hard simplicity of their lives,out of their vitality... ... their hopes and their sorrows... ... grew legends of courage and pride... ... to inspire their childrenand their children"s children. From soil enriched by their blood... ... out of their fever to explore and build... ... came lakes where oncewere burning deserts... ... came the goods of the earth,mines and wheat fields... ... orchards and great lumber mills... ... all the sinews of a growing country. Out of their rude settlements,their trading posts, came cities... ... to rank among the great onesof the world. All the heritage of a people free to dream... ... free to act... ... free to mold their own destiny. "The promised land, promised land"Promised landThe land of plenty, rich with gold"Here came dreamersWith Bible, fist and gun"Bound for landAcross the plains their wagons rode"Hell bent for leather"That"s how the West was won"Side by sideThey tamed the savage prairie land"Nothing stopped themNor wind, nor rain, nor sun"Side by sideEach pioneer from every land"All pulled together"That"s how the West was won"And they sang of the dayWhen they would rest their boots"In a land where the still waters flowed"There were dreams of man and wifeWho"d put down roots"And their love and the seeds of loveWould grow"And grow, and grow!"