Knockaround Guys Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Knockaround Guys script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Vin Diesel and Seth Green movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Knockaround Guys. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Knockaround Guys Script



Nervous, huh, kid?



Matty, when your father

went away...



I weIcomed him asking me

to look after you.



I considered it an honor.



And not because

he was Benny Chains...



or because your mother was

my sister, but because of you.



Ever since you were

a LlttIe kid, you been nalls--



tough as fucking nalls.



When you go down there,

be decisive...



because that is

the motherfucker...



who is responsibIe

for your pop being sent away.



Matty, tonight is the night

that you become a man.



This is aLL wrong.

TotaLLy aLL wrong.



Teddy, you know.

You got to know.



Guys, this is Bobby BouIevard.



That's the Llfe, Matty.



It's aIways the guy

you don't want it to be.



Hey, Matty.



How you doin', kiddo?



Hey, Bobby.



Oh, no, Matty. Matty, come on.



Why wouId I wanna rat

on anyone? No.



Come on. Hey, hey, Matty...



who taught you

the hook serve, huh?



Got you   points off your dad

first time you ever set foot...



on a handbaLL court

with him, huh? Who?



You did, Bobby.



You remember the time I got you

that bundIe of ''HustIers,'' huh?



You made a fuckin' fortune...



seLLing 'em to those kids

at Aquinas Prep.



Wasn't me, I swear.

I'm no informant.



Shut the fuck up!



I feeI better aIready.



Come on, Matty. Now's the time

for stomach, son. OK?



You gotta decide,

does this guy Llve or die?



Come on.



Just give the trigger

a gentIe squeeze.



I'm sorry, UncIe Teddy.



It's aLL right. It's fine.

Don't worry about it.



Look, you're not cut out

for this. We know that now.



Go on outside.



What are you gonna do to him?



Nothin' much.

Bang him around a LlttIe bit.



Move him outta town.



It's your fuckin'

Iucky day, Bob.



Go on. Here.

Make yourseIf a phone caLL.



Sure. OK, JllI.



Right. I'Il see you

at the stadium. Bye.



So, Mr. Demaret.




-Matty. Fine.



So, personneI teLLs me you were

up for an assistant's job...



but you got Joanne over there

to convince me to meet with you.




-Excuse me.



So I wanna be an agent,

you know, a sports agent.



And why am I gonna

make you that?



WeLL, honestIy, Mr. McCreedIe...



I think I been preparing

for it my whoIe Llfe.



When I was a kid,

I started going to baLL games...



and I remember spending

a Iot of time aIone...



but I couId aIways count on

baLL season to keep me company.



I had this uncIe in the ushers

and ticket taker union...



LocaI      so I got to know

aLL the ushers...



at Yankee Stadium and Shea, too.



Before I knew it,

I was wired at the Garden...



and I never missed a Rangers

or a Knick game.



As far back as I can remember,

working with baLL pIayers...



was reaLLy aLL

I ever wanted to do.



WeLL. Good patter. Yeah,

Iet's see what's on the page.



''BacheIor in sports marketing.''



-Work...''Ubonne PIumbing''?

-That's right.



Now defunct.

You were the president.



''White's Taxi and Livery.''

AIso president.



''Gianda's Catering HoIe.''



That's Benny Chains' pIace,




Yeah, that's correct.

He owns it.



So are you, Llke,

reIated to him?



Yes, I am. He's my father.



WeLL, that's a pretty

cIose reIation.



WeLL, you've got enthusiasm...



but there's nothing in your

job experience for me to--



-Listen, I know--

-No, I'm gIad that you came in.



I know what you're thinking,

because I've heard it before.



It's aIways

the same story for me.



I get coId-cocked the minute

my father's name is mentioned.



You gotta just--

you can do this, aLL right?



Look past the name

and just hire yourseIf a guy...



who's gonna bust his hump

every day for you. Gimme a--



Let me stop you right there.

You put on a good show...



but I think I know what

you're reaLLy trying to do here.



You come on aLL nice

and respectabIe...



then I hire you, and then

you Iay the strong arm on me.



WouId you just hear me out?



When my father started

this pIace...



you know how many guys

Llke you and your father...



tried to break off a piece?



I'LL teLL you what he toId them:

Go whistIe.



ALL respect,

but you've got me wrong.



Do I?



I'm here for a job, aLL right?

Just a fucking job.



In what prosecutors

are caLLing...



a death kneLL

for organized crime...



indictments have been

handed down across the board.



The government's case

is onIy the Iatest bIow...



to the weakening

power structure of--



That's game!



I set you up for that.

Nice fuckin' yonkas, Benny.



Too good.

The man is too fucking good.



That's why he is the boss.






You know why

your dad's so hard to beat?



Most guys Iet it bounce,

but Benny Chains anticipates.



He charges, no hesitation.



What's that, Manganaros?



Yeah. I was in the city

on an interview.



Got you guys

some of the good stuff.



-Another sport agency?

-Yeah. Last one, too.



Fuck 'em. You know, Teddy,

in the Iast year...



I been to over fourteen




Various companies,

same resuIt--door sIammin'.



Listen, to those cocksuckers,

you are what we are.



Yeah, weLL, they're right.



It's time I did

something about it.



-Hey, aLL right.

-Hey, the champ!



What about another one?



Jesus, that was quick.

Mercy ruIe?



WeLL, you know, cIosed 'em out!



The man was outcIassed.

What can I teLL ya?



I got somethin' for ya.



OK, just in time. Here.

CoupIe of scoots, huh?



That from Cristian?



Yeah. The man's a sport,

a gentIe, LlkeabIe guy.



I never paid a check

in his joint in the oId days.



I feeI haIf-bad

about coLLectin' this.



So why did you?



We got to.

We're coLLectin' everywhere.



Guys supposed

to be comin' across...



with a set amount every week

aren't hittin' their figures.



How are we gonna

kick it up above...



if it doesn't fIow

into us first?



You figure they're hoIdin' out,

or just not earnin'?



Not earnin'?

There is no not earnin'.



You think peopIe

stopped fuckin'...



and stopped bettin' and stopped

borrowin' this month?



What the fuck's the matter

with you? You don't get it?



Someone's steaLlng from us.



Look, Pop,

is there anything I can do?



Nah. Nothin' for you to sweat.

We're workin' it out.



Come on. Teddy,

wouId you heIp me out here?



You said it yourseIf.



Outside of BrookIyn,

no one's gonna give me a shot.



What are you compIainin' about?

You drive a CadllIac.



Look, Pop, I got a handIe

on the Iow-IeveI stuff...



keepin' the taxis running,

overseeing the crap games...



the odd union meeting,

but it's time.



I'm ready to step up.



If you're jammed up here...



there's gotta be somethin'

I can do, right?



You brought us the sandwiches!

What eIse can you do?



Listen, I'LL see you Iater.



Hey, Tony.



These Iadies--their check

is on us today, OK?



Of course.



For dessert,

you can go powder your noses.



Just Ieave your numbers

with Tony.



Listen, Chris,

not for nothin'...



but your oId man's

not gonna Llke this.



He says no more checks

on the arm for random broads.



You're hurtin' him too much

ever since that bacheIor Llst...



came out in the[/I] ''Post.''



What do you want me to teLL ya?

The Iadies Iove me.



What's up?



Why is it every junkie

thinks newspaper cIeans gIass?



CouIdn't teLL ya.



Here ya go. Thanks, chief.



No, don't do that.



That's extortion,

for christ's sake.



The window's even dirtier

than it was before.



Come on,

what's the matter with you?



Guy's got the worst job

in the worId.



Nah, worst job has gotta be

mop boy at Show WorId.



I'LL teLL you what,

I'm not moppin' up spooge...



but it's not that fun

for me anymore.



I never thought

I'd have a fuckin' job.



My father wants me to have

  days a week--Iunch and dinner.



Man, when I was growin' up...



I didn't see him running

no diner room Iunch and dinner.



You got that right.



Man had crews running whlle

he sat there at the Bergen...



sippin' his espresso

and countin' money.



Yeah, but he had to get out.

You know that.



Another conviction,

he'd be gone for Llfe, right?



But he's stllI named Scarpa,

and where does that Ieave me?



With a smaLL piece

of a restaurant...



and aLL the hassIes

of his oId Llfe.



Bad press. Fed survellIance.

Liquor board shakedowns.



Not to mention peopIe whispering

when we waIk into a room.



Face it, Chris.

To reguIar peopIe...



we're stone fucking goombahs,

you know?



But to knockaround guys,

to our fathers...



we're nothin'

but a coupIe of errand boys.



Shit. Sometimes I think

I ought to change my name.



No, I need the name.

Gets me Iaid once a week...



at Ieast.



-Hey, Johnny MarbIes.





-What's up?



AImost bent my pIane

on this jet up there.



Just dodged a goddamn Aer Lingus

air bus. Irish bastards!



Why don't you stop fIyin'

this bottom feeder...



upgrade your pllot's rating

to jets?



Sign me up.

FIy aLL over the worId...



work in a stewardess-rich




What I reaLLy need

is a shot with your father.



I'm serious. WouId you

taIk to him for me?



TeLL him it's been a year since

anything's been up my nose.



OK, ten months, but I'm ready.

I'm Iocked down.



-You ready to go, or what?

-Yeah. Where's TayIor?



I got nothing for you,

my friend.



I checked the meter

on my machines.



Now, they've had pIenty of pIay.



I gave you that key

so you couId borrow a LlttIe...



fIoat yourseIf for a few days.



But haIf that money is mine,

and I want it.



What can I teLL you, TayIor?

I run a business here.



I have expenses.



If I'm not paying fast enough

for you, turn 'em off.



Take them out of the store.



What the fuck are you doing?

Are you crazy?



They're your own

fucking machines!



Don't do this to me, por favor.



The mllk guy's getting paid...



the potato chip guy's

getting paid...



the beer guy's getting paid...




getting paid...



and you Iook through me?!

You fuck!



I got it, I got it.

It's right here.



Hey, Teddy. Good to see you.



Hey, Deserve, we were

just taIking about you.



Look at him. Teddy Deserve.



Guy gets kissed more

than a mezuzah.



I'LL see you Iater.



One day, TayIor, you're gonna be

waIking in here with Teddy.



Nah. He'LL use me

when it suits him...



and he knows I'LL do the work.



But I don't get

carried away with it.



My mother's a Jew, and you know

what that means to them.



I saw your bit

on the handbaLL court...



you know,

taIking about being ready.



-You meant that shit, right?




'Cause we've been down

this road before, Matty.



I was tweIve years oId, Teddy.



How Iong are you going to keep

hoIding that against me, huh?



Time to move past it.

You think so?




-So do I.



And I told your father that.



You did?



Remember the probIem

we were taIking about?







Georgie Yarkus out in Spokane...



is fIoating your father

some wood for a short term.



Got to go get it,

but we got nobody we can trust.



We're stllI hashing out

the detalls...



-but you couId be invoIved.




I done what I couId, Matty.

It's on you to convince him.



I'LL see you Iater at the haLL.



Hey, Iook aLlve.



-Evening, Matty.

-How you doing, man?



Sounding good, Jimmy.

How you doing?



Hey, what's up, Matty?



-Hey, how you doing, Joe?

-Hey, paying customers, Matty.




-Hey, Matty.



-How you doing?




Pump it out, gentIemen.

Get your rent.



There it is!

Come on, sweetheart!



-Hey, Matty!

-FeLLas. Hey.



Did you have a visit

from Tuxedo-Max?



That's right.

HeIp yourseIf to a cummerbund.



Twenty up! Twenty up!



Come on. BllIy's babes

need the bread.



You need this money picked up

from Yarkus in Spokane?



I'm your guy.



The answer's no.



You get detected crossing state

Llnes with aLL that Iumber...



feds trace you back to me,

I'm fucked here.



Listen, I can get

this done for you...



'cause MarbIes has got a pIane.

He can fly out and pick it up.



Better that way. Besides,

it's a simpIe fuckin' run.



Hold on. MarbIes?



He's haIf an idiot

and that is the good haIf.



Come on. He's in, he's out.



Pop, Llsten to me. I swear

to god, he's turned it around.



And I'LL oversee

the whole thing.



WouId you give me this much?

I can get this job done.



Matty, I hate to knife you here,

but it's my experience:



A guy gets something done

because he needs to.



Now, maybe it's my doing.



The way I raised ya,

privllege and such...



but I'm having a hard time

figuring out...



what it is you need.



Not for nothin',

but most guys go in for it...



'cause they don't got

no other way to survive.



Oh, yeah.



WeLL, neither do I.



Listen, I got us

an opportunity, MarbIes.



You need to fIy to Spokane.

Felts FieId.



There'LL be a guy there

named Georgie Yarkus.



He'LL hand you a bag.

Don't Iook in the bag...



don't open the bag,

don't Iet go of the bag.



OnIy stop for fueI,

then get back in the pIane...



and fIy straight home to me.

And don't fuck this up.



Benny Chains said to teLL you,

''Don't fuck this up.''



I know, onIy stop for gas.

Don't worry.



I keep her on the barber poIe

the whoIe way back.



Come on, stay aIert.



WeLL, just one.



-Have a good fLlght.

-Thank you very much.



-Hi, Louise.




-How are you doing, Louise?

-Good, Donnie.




-Say it again, Tease.



If I had mad moochie,

do you know what I'd buy?



I beLleve I do, Decker.



Doctor Go-Fast design

pro-modeI street Iuge.



-Carbon-fiber front fender.

-With the vibe-absorb seat.



-Yeah. Z-roLLer trucks.

-Fuckin' boss speed, man.



Even hyper super-mondo wheeIs.



DefiniteIy super-mondo

wheeIs, man.



That don't Iook

store-bought to me, Stan.



Nope, it's marijuana, Donnie.



-Want to deaI with it now?

-Best I deaI with it Iater.



Hey. Fifty-four gaLLons.

Just top her off.



I swear to Christ, Matty.

I swear to fuckin' Christ.



What did you do?



I swear to Christ. I didn't

turn my back for a second.



What are you saying to me, huh?



I stopped to get fueI. I don't

Ieave the bag in the pIane...



I'LL teLL you that much.

But these cops--



Cops? What cops?!



They Iooked right through me.



It was Llke they knew every

thing I'd ever been gullty of.



I couIdn't doubIe back

to the pIane.



It wouId've seemed too obvious.

I had to make a decision:



WaIk right into 'em,

expose your father...



or stash the bag.



A few of the boys

were going down the way to--



What? I'm not invited?



No, I'LL taIk to you about that,

but I just wanted...



to extend to you, you know,

an invitation, 'cause I--



Fifty-four gaLLons

of      octane Iow-Iead, pIease.



That'LL be      .    sir.



-Credit or--

-Cash. I'LL pay cash.



You just keep the difference.



Don't be ridicuIous, sir.

Let me open my strongbox here.



-One moment.

-No, it's gonna take too Iong.



Why are you in such a rush?



I got a scheduIe.



Hey, this one ain't tagged.



-I have your change.

-No, reaLLy, it's OK.



Take your change, son!



We don't see too many hundred

doLLar bllIs around here.



That's one-seventeen...



eighteen, nineteen, twenty.



Forty, sixty...



Long as they keep

moving through.



-Where's that fLlght headed?

-Last fLlght of the day.



The onIy pIace they fIy

is BllLlngs.



Listen to me! Who the fuck

has the money, MarbIes?!



Matty, I have no idea.



That road is totaI bacon, dude!



That was sick!



Fuck. ALL right,

where the heLL are you?



Wibaux, Montana.






No, W-i-b-a-u-x.




-Yeah, X.



What do you want me to do now?



Don't do anything, OK?

We're coming out.



What are you doing?



What are you,

a fucking baLLerina now?



No, it's t'ai chi. First off...



I'm refining my center,

and it stretches you out.



I'm aLL crimped up from sIeeping

in the fucking pIane.



PIus, it's a deadIy art.



You're a fucking hard-on.



That hurt.

I absorbed the impact, though.



Shut up, aLL right?



I go on the Llne for you.

I give you a shot. For what?



Jeez, Matty, I toId you,

there were cops.



It feIt Llke a set up.

What can I teLL you?



Look, I know I fucked the dog

on this one--



No, you didn't just

fuck the dog. You fucked me.



Matty, l swear, alI right?

If I have to work...



the rest of my Llfe,

I'LL pay you back.



Where was the Iast pIace

you saw it?



Right here.



You toId me not to take

my eyes off it. I didn't.



I thought it went to BllLlngs.

I was wrong.



But I scoped every passenger.

Crew, too.



I watched every piece

of baggage come off.



It's got to be here somewhere.



I'm coming with, right?



Do what the fuck you want.



HeLLo. My friend here

Iost a bag yesterday...



and I was wondering

if you'd be so kind--



Hey, you find that bag yet?



Like I said Iast evening,

I am the Iost and found...



and no bags have been turned in.



Louise, l know this is gonna

sound irreguIar...



but what was in that bag

was extremeIy important.



What I need from you is a Llst

of arriving passengers...



airport staff, home addresses...



phone numbers,

this sort of thing.



Sir, that is quite impossibIe.



WeLL, I'm wllLlng to pay.



What I can do

is caLL the sheriff...



and ask him to heIp you

with your search.



No, that's aLL right.



CouId you teLL me

who I can rent a car from?



You're taIkin' to her.



Look at this pIace.



Guys Llke us couId be

running it in a week.



First thing you do

in an open town...



is the controI the cart-out.



I'd put my name on every garbage

truck running through here.



Listen, someone's

got that money.



My uncIe, he says we got

to announce ourseIves to them...



make them want to find us.



Make them beg us

to take that money back...



they're so scared, so Iong as

we Ieave them the fuck aIone.



OK, how do we do that?



I don't know.



Like this:



we find the toughest guy here...



I mean, the worst guy they got.



The guy aLL the other guys

cross the street to avoid...



and we gIaze this tough guy...



give him the beating

of his Llfe...



way past the worst

he's ever given.



Looks Llke they're

muItipIying, Donnie.



Best we keep on our toes.



Let me take care of this.



-How are you doing?




Listen, I need some information.

I want you to take this.



I can't break that.

Your tab onIy came to    .  .



Look, dear, what's your name?






Bernadette. You just teLL me

where I can find...



a LlttIe troubIe in this town.



Used to be you wouId

have aIready found it.



But since I'm taken...



you couId aIways try

the Shamrock tonight.



It's Llke a fucking

homecoming over there.



Are you kidding me?



They got action here, Matty.

LegaI fucking action.



Grab a tabIe. I got the beers.



Hi there. Do you boys

need anything?



No, we're good...very good.



Listen, I'm Iooking for the guy

who runs this pIace.



Owner Llves up at Mlle City.



No, no, I mean, you know,

the guy who runs the pIace.



I'm the night manager.

You seLLin' somethin'?



Never mind. Just give me

three beers, wouId you?






Here. Keep it.



Hey, Gordy.



Howdy, sidewinder.

Take your best shot.






Howdy, sidewinder.

Take your best--



Got me.



Howdy, sidewinder. Take--



Got me.



You see anybody in here

with an unusuaLLy thick roLL?



Nah. I've been watching.



Who the fuck

are Brooks and Dunn?



They're reaI good, aren't they?

They're Teri's favorite.



Hey, Teri, come here.



How are you, dear?

PeopIe reaLLy dance to this?




-Show me.



-Show you?

-Yeah, come on.



ALL right.

It's easier than easy.



Jesus Christ.



You dance good.

Where are you from?






Oh, great.



These are nice guys here, Gordy.

We were just dancin'.



Why don't you keep to yourseIf?



WeLL, you were askin' about me.



You got my attention now,

don't ya?



You run this place? You the man?

You the guy I come to...



if I wanted to sort

some things out?



No, I'm Brucker. I'm the guy

askin' what the fuck you want.



I am aIso the guy decides

if you and your friends...



waIk the fuck outta here or not!



Yeah, he'LL do.



Five hundred.



Five hundred what, douche bag?



Five hundred fights.



That's the number l figured

when I was a kid.



Five hundred street fights...



and you can consider yourseIf

a Iegitimate tough guy.



You need 'em for experience,

to deveIop Ieather skin.



So I got started.

Of course, aIong the way...



you stop thinkin'

about being tough and aLL that.



It stops bein' the point.



Get past the sllLlness

of it aLL.



But then...






you reaLlze that's what you are.



Look, I got no probIem

with you, aLL right?



I'LL teLL you,

you Iearn a Iotta things...



on the way to five hundred,

none more important than this...



Son of a bitch.



Listen to me.



Before we waIked in here

this was your town, right?



WeLL, this is how

you get it back.



Something of ours went missing.



Whoever took it has gotta be

making it obvious...



so I want you to find out who.



When you do, you come

meet me at the moteI.



Do you reaIly think

whoever's got the money...



wouId be stupid enough

to just geek around with it?







-Oh, yeah.



That it?






Where do you keep

your Cocoa Puffs?



Get that, wllI ya, Teddy?




-Hey, Teddy. It's me.



It's you? It's Matty.

Where the fuck have you been?



I'm with MarbIes. I'm trying

to take care of this thing.



But I figure it's pretty

much under controI now.



Don't piss down my back

and teLL me it's raining.



You teLL me what's

reaLLy going on here.



Hey, Pop, Llsten. I've had

a few compLlcations, that's aLL.



-Yeah, Llke what?

-Where are you exactIy?



-Look, l'LL be home tomorrow.

-You'LL be home?



I toId you not

to fuckin' go anywhere.



You got the bag with you

at Ieast, right?



Yeah. I'm going

to get it right now.



You don't have the fuckin' bag?!



-Pop, Llsten--

-He begged me!



It's under controI,

I swear to you.



He begged me for this shot,

and you, you convinced me...



to give it to him.



Pop, wouId you Llsten to me?



I shouId have known

fuckin' better.






Matty, that bag

is not fuLL of nickeIs.



It's got about

a haIf mllLlon doLLars in it...



and now your father

owes the guys above...



and Georgie fuckin' Yarkus.

If we don't get that bag back...



in the next forty-eight hours,

it's the three Rs for us:



the roof, the river,

or the revoIver.



Get that fucking money.



Yeah, I know. Teddy, Llsten...



I've been trying

to deaI with this--



Fuck. Fuck!



CIueIess, do me a favor.

CaLL Santos over at the    .



-Air transport union.




We need a fLlght pIan

and a tall number.



Looks Llke more than the usuaI

Thursday night Macarena...



-huh, HesIop?




Hey, CIute,

anybody been in here...



spending an unusuaI

amount of cash?



Yeah, these two LlttIe

skateboard punks.



They wrecked

the beef jerky dispIay...



stuff aLL over the fIoor.



Hey, Gordy.



That's a pretty fancy

new setup you got there.



Afraid I got some bad news

for you boys.



Kinda Llke that scarrage

on your face--



I ain't in the mood,

Tease, aLL right?



Look at these fuckers.

Covered in camoufIage...



sitting out in the woods

aLL day, stakin' out a turkey.



What do they need

to do that for?



Go to fuckin' Graztiti's,

get a ButterbaLL.



You know, we were gonna go once.



November          .



-Come on.




Just me and my pop,

goin' upstate for deer.



I remember, I was gonna get

woken up at  :    in the morning.



The knock came, aLL right.



WhoIe fucking door

came off its hinges.



OC task force, feds, NYPD.



No. Didn't take any chances

with Benny Chains that night.



You know, I aIways wondered

what it wouId have been Llke...



if we had Ieft

the night before, you know?



At Ieast have those coupIe days

together before he went in.



Man, yes!



So this couId've been you, huh?






Yeah, the hat,

the face-net, the whoIe deaI.



A different way for me.

What can I teLL you?



I found out what you toId me to.



Hey, dude. You think

if we give 'em back the money...



you think they'LL Iet us go?



I've been thinking, dude.



You beLleve this?



A coupIe of kids.



Back home you find

a bag of dog shit...



you go Iooking for

who it beIongs to, right?




-Morning, Stan.



-Back to the saIt mines?

-Gotta make one stop first.



ALL right, no, I see...



it's a vaLld point

about spLltting, dude.



CouId we not take

the Iuges with?



No, man, they're too buIky.

We gotta sacrifice 'em.



-But my stuff--




we'LL get you new stuff.



Oh, yeah.



Go time.



-Oh, shit.

-Oh, shit.



What the fuck is that?



I knew you weren't sick,

you Iying sack of shit.



Fuck. Hey, Dad.



Watch your mouth.



-What's in the bag, son?

-I don't know, Iook.



More of that reefer

I saw you smoking?



Give me that!



No. Fuck.



Where'd you get this?



Get in the house.

We're gonna taIk about this.



Get in the house.



We were rich once.






Son of a bitch.



So, what do you think, Stan?

Wanna bring in the hypos...



or caLL straight to the federaI

bureau about the money?



What I think is, we work

pretty darn hard, Don.



Pretty darn hard.



That we do.



And we work pretty cheap,

too, don't we?






So, fifty-fifty cIean.



    for you,    .  for me.

That's sheriff tax.



You know what, Stan?

Why don't you keep it aLL?



I'm more than a LlttIe

uncomfortabIe here.



Your comfort

concerns me not a hitch.



You're keeping your haIf

'cause you're in it with me.



And we're partners, Donnie.



Partners, OK?






It's one thing running around

here trying to track the bag...



...but cops? That makes it

a different story for me.



I'm not fuckin' around

with any cops.



They start asking where

the cash came from....



-how we gonna answer that?

-He's right.



WeLL, I gotta do something.

'Cause in heIping you...



I might have kllIed my oId man.



How the fuck do you figure that?

ALL right, I Iost the bag...



but I ain't getting

arrested behind it.



What good is that gonna do us?




Can you beLleve this guy?



That'd be the good news.



That bag was Llke Llfe support

for my father.



He needed it yesterday.



What can I do you for, boys?



WeLL, I'd say about

a haIf a mllLlon, Sheriff.



Is that so?



See, my friends and I, we're

Iooking to get out of your town.



But before we do, there's

something we can't Ieave behind.



This ain't the Iost and found.



PeopIe around here are reaI

carefuI with their property.



You wouIdn't wanna mispIace

your cow or nothin'.



You got some set of oysters

on you there, boy...



waIkin' in here Llke you beIong.



But be that as it may...



you say you Iost some money,

a high doLLar amount.



As a pubLlc servant, I'd Llke

to heIp you get it back.



Why don't you teLL me

what happened?



Listen, why don't you and I just

have a LlttIe word in private?



Come on, son.



You see, where

I come from, Sheriff...



there's what you caLL

the spirit of sharing.



PeopIe heIp each other.



But since I've been out here...



I've picked up on

a reaI streak of independence.



How's that?



The way I see it, is you've

been watching my money for me...



protecting it.

And I appreciate that. I do.



You and your partner have

an opportunity to profit here.



You're driving mighty cIose

to the Llne now, Skip.



Why don't you just cut

the buLLshit?



Do you know who I am?



WeLL, I couId caLL Mary

down at the hoteI...



and have her read me

the registration.



-Why don't you teLL me?

-My name's Matty Demaret.



Look, I don't normaLLy

voIunteer this much...



but I'm gonna teLL you

because it's important.



I'm Benny Chains' son.



WeLL, I don't know

no Benny the Chains...



but Iet's just say

there is this money--



Look, I saw you take it

off the kids, aLL right?



I know you fucking have it.

So what you and I have to do...



is come to some sort

of understanding.



ALL right.



You understand this.



Stand down! Stand down!



Get back behind the counter.

Turn around.



Turn around!



Keep it trained on him, Don.






You had it coming,

you son of a bitch.



Guy you ass-whupped in that bar

is a cousin of mine.



By marriage. Get him up!



Forget this shit, MarbIes.

Straight to the airport.



Abso-fucking-Iutely, man.

We oughta chock this one up...



in the Ioss coIumn

and just move on.



Move on? Look at him!



What are you gonna do?



You're gonna kllI

a coupIe of cops?



PuLL over.



MarbIes, puLL over!



Matty, what if

they caLL the feds?



Look, if that sheriff

was gonna caLL the FBI...



or anybody eIse,

he wouId've aIready.



TayIor's P.O.

wouId've been puLLed.



That whoIe fucking moteI

wouId've been swarming with Iaw.



They wouId've

taken us into custody...



the minute we waIked

into that station.



They don't want us

in the system...



because they don't want anybody

eIse knowin' about the money.



-What are you taIking about?

-They're keeping the money.



Look, you two can Ieave

if you want to.



But I ain't goin' anywhere.



Scarpa. Goddamn,

I've heard that name.



Yeah, weLL, BllI Kurtis

was taIking about him...



on the history

of organized crime on A&E.



-You get A&E with sateLLite?




You think that's his kid?



Oh, yeah, I sureIy do.



You know something eIse, Don?



That Demaret kid

wasn't just jaw-wagging.



His daddy Benny Demaret...



seems Llke he's just under

the top guys.



HoIy shit, Stan. An underboss?



Look, we're not

rousting juvies here.



They're not just gonna

Iet this go, that kind of money.



They're gonna caLL their uncIes

and their fathers...



and they're gonna come here

Iooking for the money.



The pIace is gonna

be crawLlng with 'em.



You're watching too darn much

of that sateLLite, Donnie.



Nobody's comin'

to this marine's town...



and doing a damn thing.



Just think about it.

They can't just caIl...



and say they Iost the money.

They'd have done it aIready.



They do that, they end up

in a barreI of acid...



or whatever eIse they do

with their bodies these days.



I see what you're saying.



I just don't figure on them

Ieaving empty-handed.



See, that's the thing.

We can't Iet 'em Ieave.



I'LL teLL you one thing,

next time I see those fucks...



I'm gonna be packin'.



I keep a piece in my pIane.



I'm sorry, Johnny.



That is a big HeartIand Lodge

buck right there.



Feature this.



State senate thinks they can

teIl me how to run my shop.



So, yeah, there is

a three-day waiting period...




But that's mostIy enforceabIe...



for your garden variety

Latino stick-up men...



which you boys

don't appear to be.



No, sir. DefiniteIy not.



Listen, I appreciate

you moving this aIong for us.



Here's a bllI

for aLL your trouble.



They troubIe? I thought

they wouId be troubIe.



No. No. No troubIe.

Question 'em, mostIy.



Just question 'em.



Just wanna

yoggIe-doggIe with 'em.



You give me a caLL

if you see 'em.



You sure nobody from out of town

has been here?



No. Oh, out of town.



Yeah, John Heater

come up from Beach.



Had a party goin' huntin'

up Big Timber.



-No strangers?

-No stranger than you.



-I gotta say this one time.

-What's that?



You and Scarpa

take the car and drive.



Leave me here with MarbIes.

It's his fauIt anyway.



Are you serious?

No, there's no way.



It's not even a choice.



Matty, I'm not just taIking

about this LlttIe fieId trip.



I'm taIking about aLL of it.



You had it right

in the first pIace.



Looking for a reguIar job,

being a citizen.



I tried it, man.

It's the onIy thing Ieft now.



You don't want a piece of this.



Matty, for ninety-nine guys

out of a hundred...



this is Iose-Iose.



It's not Llke the way

it was thirty years ago.



It's not Llke the stories

your uncIe was teLLing us...



when we were growing up.



Now it's either a buLLet

in the back of your head...



or jall for Llfe.



Just snap it back in there.



So you know aLL this...



but I don't see you

trying to get out.



I said you. Come on,

we're taIking about you, here.



Sorry I got you

into this, TayIor.



It's just more

of the same for me.



Just more of the same.



You feLLas are on a reaI

busman's hoLlday, aren't ya?



Hey, Iook at you.



You roLL into town with

more guys than Sinatra, right?






Teddy, I just want you to know

how truIy sorry I am.



I know I fucked this up

right from the get...



but I'm gonna do everything

I can to make it right.



MarbIes, that voice

is cutting right through me.



You are unLlkabIe.

If it wasn't for Matty...



I'd Iove to kllI you right now.



As it is, I'd Llke to kick you

through the uprights...



Llke a fuckin' fieId goaI.



So, where are we at?



We've had a wrinkIe.



-Cops are invoIved.

-Dirty fuckin' cops.



Yeah, he said cops.

They give you that makeover?



They do nice work.



-You want to taIk inside?

-No. We're not gonna taIk here.



We'LL go over the state Llne

into North Dakota.



If anybody's Iookin', we don't

want 'em to find us yet.



Sheriff Decker's a Llfer.



Came from the mllitary,

highIy decorated.



Been in office eighteen years.

The man controIs the town.



Good. A man

used to running things...



gonna think he can run us, too.



MarbIes, pay the check.



Matty, you ride with me.



I gotta ask you something.



None of my guys

wouId even be here...



if they weren't trying

to heIp me out.



They shouIdn't suffer

for that, you know?



If we get that money back...



nothin' happens to MarbIes,

aLL right?



Used to be there was a way

to do things...



and things got done.



No room for whining,

no room for mistakes.



Now, everybody's feeLlngs

are invoIved.



A guy steps wrong now, he ends

up on the witness stand...



or on the fuckin'

Barbara WaIters.



But I'LL teLL you what, Matty.

Since you're askin'...



I'LL give you a one-time-onIy.



Nothing wllI happen

to your friend. OK?






You know, this whoIe thing's

my fauIt, anyway.



I figured

I wasn't a kid anymore.



-I figured I was ready for this.

-Age got nothin' to do with it.



You take TayIor,

you put him in that basement...



it don't matter if he's

a toddIer or     years oId.



He's gonna puLL that trigger,

and you're not...



'cause you're not made that way.



And that's good, OK?

Don't get down on yourseIf...



and the sheriff

wlll surface soon.



We'LL sort the thing out.



You might want to notch

it back there a notch.



We got work tonight.



I don't know, man.

I'm not feeLln' ready.



We ran a check. We know

who you are, Mr. Demaret.



We're wllLlng to deaI.



Don't want

guys Llke you unhappy.



Good. So Iet's

get this done, then.



I'LL come down.



No, I don't want you waIking

into my station again.



We meet tonight.

I'm off duty at tweIve.



Brickman's Meats.

It's past the tracks.



-So why not now?

-I'lI say when.



Bring your friends

if you're worried.



I'LL teLL you what.

I don't Llke the sound of this.



If you want to see

your money again...



that's where it's gonna be.



You're not taIkin'

about Ieavin' are ya?



I am.



I think you shouId

come with me, cuz.



Matty needs us.



Matty's got aLL

the backup he needs.



Bus roLLs by the interstate

and goes to BllLlngs at     :   .



I booked us a room

at the Sheraton...



back in New York

by tomorrow morning.



My father works things

out with Benny Chains...



six months from now,

nobody's gonna remember a thing.



No. No chance. No fuckin' way.



You're my first cousin...



and I have

a responsibllity to you.



This whoIe thing is my fauIt.

It's my doing and I'm sticking.



If you gotta go, you go.



ALL right, Iet's go in and see

how we set this thing up.



That makes it twenty.



-How about a check?

-I go to cash it...



you canceI it the minute

I waIk out of town? Nah.



-Borrow it from your friend.




Mr. New york mlle-a-minute,

why don't you shut your mouth?



You're makin' my ears hurt.



That'LL be enough

of that, feLLas.



-Go on and have a drink.

-Ain't none of your business.



You don't want me

to make it my business, huh?



Believe me.



Come on.



Can you imagine these

hllIbllIy bastards...



tryin' to be tough guys?



Fuckin' great. Great to see

you guys throwin' in Llke that.



I mean, l didn't expect

to see you so earIy.



I thought we were

gonna meet Iater...



but stllI, you guys were

Llke the goddamn cavaIry.



Where's Scarpa?



He stepped out.

Why? What's goin' on?



Where's your fucking cousin?



Wait. Matty said

nothing wouId happen to me.



-Check with Teddy.

-Who do you think sent us?



Come on. Where's Scarpa?



I don't know.



This is no time

for bean shootin'.



-Maybe he's at the hoteI?

-We were[/I] at the hoteI, MarbIes.



WeLL, then, I don't know

where the fuck he is.



WeLL, I guess

it's just you, then.



BeLleve this?



It's aImost time.



I'm teLLing you, MarbIes

and Scarpa are ballin' on us.



That's about the onIy thing

you can count on in this Llfe.



There's nobody wouIdn't hurt you

if it heIped them.



Yeah, weLL, I know that now.



You ready? Let's go.



ShouIdn't be Iong now, Donnie.



We just waIk right into it.



Keep this guy taIkin',

aLL right?



Turn off the part of your brain

that thinks. Just react.



It's gonna be a Iot Iouder

than you can fuckin' beLleve...



and you might not hit a thing.



Come on. Over there.



So where are

the other two cIowns?



Where the fuck is my money?



No, we want to see

the other two.



Come to think of it,

we can find them Iater.



SIow down, farmer Brown.



Jim, don't point

a fucking gun at me.



-Fuck! I knew it!

-Shut up.



I know you thought this was

a manageabIe situation...



but some situations

are unmanageable.



Now, is a dumb shit Llke you...



at least smart enough

to bring the money?



Hey, asshole!



Put 'em down.



Put the guns down!



What the fuck is he doin' here?



WeLL, it's Llke this, Don.



There's a Iot of money

in the bag.



HoIy shit!




-HoIy shit.



-I thought you'd Ieft us.

-No, I had to come back.



Where's MarbIes?



What? I thought

he Ieft with you.



No. He said he wouIdn't Ieave.



Let's see what we got here.



It was you.



-You came out here to do this.

-I know what I toId you, kid...



but nobody fucks up

Llke your friends did here...



and comes out of it cIean. No.



BuLLshit. You came out here

to take that money.



There were never any shortages.

You're the one who's been...



robbing from my father,

you son of a bitch.



Matty, it's not Llke that.



Stop fuckin' teLLin'

me how it is, Teddy.



My whoIe Llfe,

you been teLLin' me how it is.



You've been Iying to me.



You put me in that basement

with Bobby BouIevard...



'cause you knew

it wouId break me.



You came here tonight

to kllI me.



TeLL me I'm wrong.



Go ahead. TeIl me I'm wrong

about any of it.



What the fuck

do you want to know?



I did what I did.



WaIkin' off

that handbaLL court...



dumping game after game

to your fucking old man.



Can I teLL you,

I couId beat his ass...



carrying a Iawn chair

in my Ieft hand...



so, yeah, now I'm takin' mine.



-No, you're not.

-I'm not?



What are you gonna do, Matty?

You gonna shoot me?



You're not gonna shoot me.



I got shoes

oIder than you, kid...



and tougher, too.






There it is.






This'LL finaLLy get me out of

the shit that Teddy put me into.



Yeah, that's good.



Look, I know

I was wrong about you.



Matty, you can come in

with me now.



You know, there was a time

I reaLLy wanted to hear that.



Ever since I was a kid,

I've been tryin' to Llve up...



to what I thought

you wanted me to be.



I fucked up my whoIe Llfe

for it...for you.



Matty, I thought

it was what you wanted.



I never wanted you

in this thing.



That's what you said, but you

know the truth, same as I do.



You never once Iooked at me

Llke I was a man.



You never wouId have, either,

if I hadn't have done this.



I'm out.



I'm out.



I'LL see ya, Pop.



You toId him?



Yeah, I did.



Good, you're finaLLy

done with it.



Done with this, too.



-What now?




Now we get the heLL outta here.




Special help by SergeiK