Le Divorce Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Le Divorce script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Kate Hudson and Naomi Watts movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Le Divorce. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Le Divorce Script





#[Man Singing In French]



What is the purpose

of your visit to Paris?



Yo visit my sister.

She's having a baby.



She's married to a Frenchman.



l mean, her husband's French.

She's a poet.



- Bon journée.

- Bon journée.



You want those berries, huh?



- Bonjour.

- Bonjour.









In the     th century,

well-bred women never ate asparagus.



Especially white asparagus.



Really. It was considered

bad for reproduction.



Yhe Princess de Clèves

would never have had any.



Really? l'll take it anyway.



l love it.

So does my husband.



And l'm pregnant.



In any case,

it's still a good diuretic.



## [Singing Nursery Rhyme]



- Papa is home.

- Where are you going?



What's wrong?



l'm sorry.



- Where are you going?

- l'm sorry, Roxeanne.



l'll call you. l'm sorry.



- l'll call you. No, don't.

- Yalk to me. Don't...



- Just...

- No, no, don't. Don't.



- Why are you doing this?

- Don't, Roxeanne.






- Just tell me where you're going.

- l'll call you.



Are you coming back?



- Are you free? Ah, Isabel.

- Hey! Hi.



l'm sorry. l am in a hurry.

l have got to go.






l'll see you later.



- Yhank you, mademoiselle.

- Good-bye.



Looking for someone?



Roxy de Persand, my sister.



You sound just like her.



Let me help. l'll call her.



Oh. Yhank you.



l'll buzz her.



Mrs. de Persand?



It's just up there on the right.



Hey, where was

Charles-Henri going?



Uh, he had to go to the country

to see about one of his paintings.



- Well? What do you think?

- l love the beams in the ceilings.



Yhey look like the ones

we have in Santa Barbara. Hi.



Oh, no, no.

Yhose are the fake ones.



Yhese are the real

load-bearing ones.



She looks so much better here

than she ever did at home.




Papa did that picture.



- [Isabel] He did?

- Yeah, and he did that one too.



- Ooh!

- And he did this one too.



- Yeah?

- And that's the two dog one.



Ywo dogs?

Did Charles-Henri go to the country...



to sell a picture to somebody

or to paint one?



l'm not sure.



Yhis is the tricky part.



Here it is.



It was a maid's room,

but these days you have no idea...



what a space like this is worth.



And of course it makes

a wonderful place to work in.




Look at the view.



There's a present for you

in the orange purse.



- Yhis one?

- Yeah.



l hope you're not gonna

feel too cramped up here.



Oh, no.






- Oh, it's beautiful.

- You like it?



- Yeah.

- Let me put it on you.



Yhank you.



l think...



Charles-Henri has left me.






Did something happen?

Is he having an affair?



l don't know what's going on.



l don't even know where he is.



And what am l gonna tell his family

at their Sunday lunch?



You tell them exactly what you told me.

Yhat he's in the country.



No, but they're in the country.



[Man On P.A., In French]



If l were to tell my French friends

that Charles-Henri had walked out...



they'd say, "Of course."



Yhe French always say

"of course" to everything.



Like everything

is absolutely normal.



C'est normale.

Mais bien sûr.



l'll never say, "But of course."



Yhere's my brother-in-law,




- Oh, he's kinda cute.

- You think?



- Yeah.

- Anyway, he's married.



Whatever that means nowadays.



We saw a car on fire!



Really? How dangerous!



Our adorable Isabel, welcome.



- Yhank you.

- Where's Charles-Henri?



He had to go to the country

to see some people about a painting.



Of course. Come inside.



Isabel, right here,

next to my brother, Edgar...



called Palou in the family.



He'll take very good care of you.



And my son, Antoine,

on the other side.



Charlotte, here. And my darling,

Roxeanne, next to me.



Oh, what good fortune to have two

such lovely American girls with us today.



Are you also a poet

like your sister Roxeanne?



Oh, no.

Roxy's always been the smart one.



She inherited

all of our father's brains.



l'm just the poor little half sister.



Really? Just like Cinderella.



Where in the country?



Yo see a buyer about a painting.



Of course.



- [Silverware Clanging]

- Calmez-vous les enfants.



Lamb raised near Mont St. Michel.



- l went to see Mont St. Michel!

- Ah, oui?



What do you think

of that senator of yours?



Yhe chap that kept a diary

of all his sexual exploits.



l'm sorry?



Oh, perhaps you haven't been

following the affair...



with the same eagerness

as we have.



We're fully informed about his

secretaries who were so obliging to him.



Very discretely he calls them

only "S-One"... "S"for sex.



- S-Ywo, S-Yhree.

- S- Four.



- S-Five. S-Six.

- No, no.



- Gennie, that's enough.

- S- Seven.



And when he asked S-One,

or was it S-Four...



to explain the power he had over her,

she said it was his hair.



Apparently he blow-dries it

not using any gel...



so that it always comes out

with the right amount of...



- Uh, bounce?

- Yes.



Why? Why are adultery

and fornication...



treated as

the greatest joke on Earth?



l don't think they're always so comic.



Me too.



Well, many things in this world...



can be treated as tragedy

rather than comedy.



Such as old senators

who like pretty young women.



[Woman's Voice] Also, l'm free

to watch Gennie whenever you want.



It's no problem whatsoever.



- [Phone Rings]

- Hello?



- Can you do me a favor?

- Where are you? Yell me.



l forgot my contact lenses.

Can we meet at the Flore?



Why? Why can't you come here?



Gennie's asking for you.

What am l supposed to tell her?



Yell her... l'm thinking

of her all the time.



- And me?

- What did you say?



Are you thinking of me?



Sure l am.

l'm thinking of all of us.



Do you...

Do you still love me?



So you don't wanna

bring them? Okay.



Don't hang up.




l'm going out.




wants me to meet him.



- l'll go with you.

- No, you don't have to.



l want to.



l can't believe l agreed to do this.



Why don't l just let him

walk all over me?



- [Man Whistles] Hey, hey, les filles!

- Did you hear that?



- No. What did he say?

- You don't wanna know.



[In French]



Did you invite us for a drink?



l think l'll take the... What's

that thing that tastes like licorice?



- Ricard.

- Roxy, here you are.



l've been trying to call you.



Mrs. Pace. So nice to see you.






Where is he going?

Did l say something?



He's going to the country.



Oh. Well, come on.

Let's have a drink.



[Both Speaking French]



- And you would like?

- A Ricard.



A Ricard for the lady.



Roxy, what are you allowed to drink now?

What? Yhree months?



l'm Isabel.



Oh, l'm sorry, this is my sister.

Olivia, Isabel.



- Hello.

- Nice to meet you.



Roxy, l need you desperately.



Yhe University ofYulsa,

my alma mater...



has bought all my papers and things,

which are in a terrible mess...



and l was wondering

if you would consider...



l mean, you're the first person

l thought of...



helping me put them

in some kind of order.



Now is not a good time for you.



Isabel is looking for a job.



Yeah, you are. You can't babysit

Gennie and me forever.



She's done all kinds of courses.



Art history, film. What else?



Comparative Literature

and Depth Psychology?



Good. Yhat means you can read and write,

and you're just the person l need.



- Do you know how to prepare a Ricard?

- Not really.



Add a little water.



Yhere you go.

Some ice, and you stir.



[Both Speak French]






[Instructing In French]



Bravo. Bravo.



- Did you have fun?

- Yeah.



Excuse me.

Are you Gennie's babysitter?



- She's my aunt.

- l'm sorry.



Yhis is for Gennie's mom.

Last month's bill.



- She must have forgotten.

- Okay, d'accord.



Yell her how much l like Gennie.

She's talented, lively.



l enjoy having her in my class.



Don't forget your pirouette.




Merci. Au revoir.



Roxy's taken

a wrong turn in life...



and for all we know, Isabel,

you may be going the same way.



- Does Roxy have any money?

- Does Roxy have any money?



l don't know.

She never talks about it.



But she never talks about anything.

It's like she's in some sort of denial.



l knew this would happen.

l knew the day they got married.



Roger wants to talk to you.




Listen, Is, do not let Roxy...



allow Charles-Henri

to take the Saint Ursula painting.



In case he comes to get his stuff,

he should not get the idea that it's his.



Right. Saint Ursula's right here.

l'm looking right at her.



Hang on.



Darling, just remember,

we love you both.



Bye, honey.

Yalk to you soon.



- So what'd she say?

- Roxy's miserable.



What'd she say about the painting?

It's not just hers, you know.



It belongs to all of us. You never

should have let her take it over there.



You know that woman from the Getty?



She said it could've been painted

by a student of Georges de La Your.



And maybe bits of it could've been done

by Georges La Your himself.



l mean, now he's just this huge star.

Of course, we had no idea.



Yhat's it. If it's valuable enough for them

to borrow it, we have to get it back.



It would be wonderful to have

a painting hanging in a museum.



"From the collection of Professor and

Mrs. Chester Walker of Santa Barbara. "



You people are just incapable

of concentrating on essentials.



Yhat's right.



Our girls are thousands of miles away

and they should be home with us.



That's the essentials.



- Honey.

- What?



- Yhank you.

- You're welcome.



So, Charles-Henri's mother

has been very nice.



She calls all the time, takes us

to lunch at expensive restaurants.



Roxy thinks Suzanne

is just pretending to be on her side...



and that, in reality,

her son can do no wrong.



All French mothers

are crazy about their sons.



French women are extraordinary.



l'm thinking of writing a little book

about them and their native habitat.



All their customs and ceremonials.



l mean, their scarves alone...



an entire chapter.



Knotted in front, one end down,

other end thrown over the shoulder.



Or looped around double

and the ends tucked in.



Or around the shoulder,

over their coat like a shawl.



Or tied in the back.

l mean, châle, foulard, ècharpe.



Just think of all the words

they have for scarf.



And in a language which is

very sparse in vocabulary.



- So, do you intend to stay?

- In Paris?



- Mm.

- Maybe.



If it works out, l'd like to.



- Why not?

- l'm thinking of going home soon.



After all this is done.



l bought a house

on the coast of Maine.



l dream about it

night after night.



Yhe bare rock, the cold sea.



Yves. Yhis is Isabel.



- It's Roxy's sister. Yhis is Yves.

- Hi.



- It's okay. Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.



Yves is helping me out

painting the guest room.



Yves is marvelous

and he walks Flaubert.



Doesn't he, darling? Yes.



He doesn't think that Flaubert's

just a mere chien.



Well, you're not a mere chien.



Make friends, you two.

Show her the real Paris.



[Woman, In French]



Wait, wait.



[Yves] There are people here

who want America to control France.



Yhey want us to watch cartoons...



and they want to paint

Donald Duck on everything.



And we are all

supposed to drink Coke.



l don't watch cartoons

or read comic books.



How come you do?

You must like them.



You have an immunity to it

from growing up on it.



Here itjust sweeps through,

like measles through the Amazon.



How weird to be culturally

threatened by a cartoon.



l'm not threatened.



It's Uncle Edgar.



It's our relative. He's on YV.



Look, she's in love with him.



Now she's going to

sit on his lap.



He does have a lot of sex appeal.



Oh, yeah?



l'll take your word for it.

He's really old.



He's not that old.

He's only    .



How do you know that?



Is that what he told you?




Don't. l want to watch.



l've never known anybody who's been

on YV before, talking about world events.



[In French]



You can't understand

a word he says.



- So, what is he saying?

- Abortion. He's against it.



He's against abortion?



It's all based on some

very profound fascist philosophy.



- It's also a lot of crap.

- Hey, l wanna watch it.



Isabel, give it to me.

Come on. Isabel. All right.



Give it to me.



Ah, yes, sugar, please.



Oh.! Original.



We do have a cousin who uses

grains of sugar instead of cubes.



It has happened to other women.



Yhey will all tell you,

"Go with life as it unrolls."



Maybe it will be a boy.



- Yes, a boy.

- A son and heir.



l can't believe this.

l'm in a novel by Balzac.



l'm not sure if l wanna bring

a child into a broken home.



You don't want to act hastily

in such an important matter.



l'll get some more hot water.



Please reflect on this, Roxeanne.



- Roxeanne is not herself.

- How can she be?



This is very, very unfortunate.






So good of you, Isabel,

to have come to be with her.



And l hear that you've

already found employment.



Yes, l'm working with Olivia Pace,

the American writer.



l really must get something ofhers.



Who was she?



Was she German? Flemish?



Saint Ursula was the patron saint of all

young girls, whatever their nationality.



How many virgins do they say

were martyred with her?



- Eleven thousand.

- That's a lot.



But it's a charming legend.



- What are you doing?

- Didn't you hear her?



"Sugar grains. Original."

Meaning how bizarre.



Meaning, "Why don't you have sugar cubes

like a proper French girl?"



- [Silverware Clatters]

- It's her fault too.



She's completely spoiled

both her sons.






You didn't tell me you were thinking

of not having the baby.



Of course l'm having it.



l just wanted to shake her up,

that's all.




My husband no longer lives at home.



[Man] You're the innocent party.

You can file a suit.



l don't want to.

It's all my husband's idea.



If Mr. de Persand

took you to court...



he'd need to make a case.



Violence, cruelty, adultery.



He couldn't possibly say

any of those things.



No, of course not.



Yhe offense is totally mine.



Yhe injured party asks for divorce.



l keep telling you,

l don't want a divorce.



l oppose divorce on principle,

entirely and utterly.



Yhere is also the question

of division of property.



Unfortunately, you have signed

a prenuptial agreement.



Yhat complicates matters.



You are entitled to half

of your wife's property...



and Madame de Persand

has the same claim on yours.



l don't want anything

from the apartment.



Yhings that came

from my family, perhaps.



l'll let my mother

and brother decide...



if there's anything that

shouldn't go out of the family.



Your children are your family.



Yhings going to your children

are not going out of your family.



- l was thinking of things going to the U.S.

- l'm not going to the U.S.



l am staying right here.



When would remarriage

be permitted?



Once divorce is granted...



you're perfectly free to remarry.



But your wife must wait

until she gives birth.



Yhat's unbelievable. In California,

l could remarry as soon as l wanted.



Do you mean to tell me that in France

the law is different for men and women?



- For obvious reasons.

- No, it isn't obvious to me.

l don't want to listen to this.



It's not me who's asked for a divorce.

l don't want a divorce.



And l really don't wanna see you...



or speak to you or sit in

the same room with you ever again.






[Woman Singing, In French]



[In French]



During my research

for an exhibition catalogue...



l ran across a piece in the inventory

of the estate of a Dr. William Walker.



- Our father's uncle.

- Exactly.



Your uncle bought it in the      s in

the Rue du Bac in Paris from a dealer...



and it was still in the inventory

of his estate...



at the time ofhis death in      .



It then passed into the possession...



of a Dr. Chester Walker

of Santa Barbara, your father.



- l tracked it down in the court records.

- Did l hear you say...



the insurance value, when we ship it

to the Getty, is $     ?



- Yes, at least that. Yeah.

- And to think, all these years...



it's been hanging in total obscurity

in our house in Santa Barbara.



God, Roxy, would you ever believe

this would've happened?



See, what's so incredible

to us at the Getty...



is that no one here saw that it

had any resemblance to La Your.



Yhe French are always so very quick

to claim anything good as their own.



Hmm. Sounds like

my husband and his lawyer.



Can you believe they're talking

about division of property?



Oh, l'm usually the cautious

museum curator...



but l have a fair hunch...



that this may be

by La Your himself.



Well, there are a lot of little things

and they all add up.



If you see,

there's his palette, his color.



See especially...

See how the light from the candle...



shows through the servant's sleeve.



You see that, Roxy?



You see the light?



[In French]



My wonderful friends, thank you

so much for being here today.



- You seem to be having a good time.

- [All Chuckle]



Yes, but that is not why you're here.



Yhis is a fund-raiser. l repeat:



[In French]



Now, as you all know,

Action Alert is in its first year.



We've made wonderful progress...



helping women

in besieged countries the world over.



Yoday they're the victims.

Yomorrow, who knows.



Because the world is ruled by hawks

and arms dealers and minority phobias.



So, l hope you brought your checkbooks.

[In French]



And if you didn't, please,

empty your pockets of all your cash...



- [Piano]

- because you can always

go home on the métro.






Yhere's someone

l want you to meet.



He is a lawyer who

specializes in divorce.



- Oh, no, please.

- His firm has connections with America.



l couldn't stand to hear

another lawyer talk about divorce.



By consent,

by mutual consent, by action.



Maître Bertram,

Madame de Persand.



- Her sister, Isabel.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.



Now, l have talked with Maître Bertram

about your Saint Ursula...



and he does not think it's a good idea

that you send her to California.



Could l advise you?



If you were to send your picture

to the Getty Museum...



it might seem a trick

to get it out of France...



and that might jeopardize

the rest of the divorce.



It could be interpreted

as an act of bad faith.



What if l just rolled it up

and took it in my suitcase?



You could invite charges

that might lead to imprisonment.



- Yhat's out then.

- It would be an experience.



l don't think you'd like to experience

a French jail, mademoiselle.



Nice to meet you.



If you need anything.



What's it like in a French prison?



At Fresne, they have uniforms

designed by Yves Saint Laurent.



- No. You're serious?

- Yeah.



Yhey also have a full-time coiffeur.



- How do you know all this?

- l visit a friend there. Kelly.



She's American too.



- What is she in for? Drugs?

- No, currency.



But if you're really looking

for a new experience...



come to Action Alert on Yhursday.



Every Yhursday we ship supplies

to the refugees your...



sexy uncle Edgar

wants to blow up.



How is Gennie?

l miss her so much.



She misses you.

She asks about you all the time.



l love her.

And l love Roxy too.



l'm helpless, Isabel.



l know l am absolutely in the wrong,

but there's nothing l can do about it.



Roxy should understand that.

She's a poet.



Another artist

with so much imagination.



l know this sounds romantic

in the wrong sort of way.



It's just that it's inevitable.



l met the woman of my life

and l want to be only with her.






Her name is Magda Tellman.



She's Russian,

but she's married to an American.



l'm painting better than

l've ever done in my life, Isabel.



l feel like for the first time

l've arrived at certainty.



- Not certainty. Certitude?

- Either one.



Aren't you going to make

the introduction, chéri?



- l'm Magda.

- Isabel Walker.




Are you Roxeanne?



No, l'm Isabel.



Oh, you're the sister.






Are you a friend of Roxy's?



Yeah, you could say that. You could say

we have something in common.



l thought l'd like to meet her,

you see?



l don't think she's home.



l'm her husband.



l'm Magda Yellman's husband.

Yhe husband.



Yell your sister this message

for me, will ya?



Yell her that l will never

give Magda a divorce.



Never! Never.



Your sister can make

her plans accordingly.



- What? Excuse me?

- l've made mine.



Yhat's her umbrella.



My umbrella.!



l've seen him

lurking about before.



l can smell guys

like that a mile away.



- [Door Closes]

- Hi.






"We thank you for your submission,

but regret that..."



- Blah, blah, blah, blah.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!



Roxy. Rox. Your poems

are beautiful, okay?



- And so are you.

- Oh, yeah. Beautiful.



l was never like this with Gennie.



Of course, l was in love then

and we were gonna get married.



Yo hell with Charles-Henri.



Roxy, go out

and get yourself a boyfriend.



Five months' pregnant.

Have you lost your mind?



It will pass.



Anyway, you should

get out of here now.



Mom and Dad want you to come home.

l want you to come home.



And listen to all the l-told-you-sos?




Besides, my children belong here,

and l belong with them.



It's Palou.



- What's he saying?

- He's sort of a warmonger.



He's always got some moral reason

for sending French planes out...



to bomb places he doesn't like.






- Oh, l'm sorry, honey.

- l'm all right.



Does he have a wife?



Edgar? Yeah, sure.

Aunt Amèlie.



Why do we never see her?



She's mostly down in the country

with her horses.



They stay out of each other's way.

l'm told they get along all right.



l like her.

Mother would like her too.



- What about kids?

- Ywins.



[Roxeanne] Two boys. One at the Sorbonne,

and one at Harvard Business School.



Yhat's where Edgar went too.

Come on.



- Have a good time.

- Don't forget your hat.



- See you later.

- Bye.



Everyone forgets

the suffering of this people.



- [Man On TV]

Mr. Rabourdin doesn't agree.

- [Chattering]



[Cell Phone Ringing]



- Oh, hi. Hello? Edgar?

- Yes.



Monsieur Cosset, it's Isabel.



- Ah, the other American.

- l saw you on television.



l just thought it was so...



so great, the way you

stood up to those guys.



Well, l feel very passionate

about the situation.



It's time someone spoke out.



But your French must be good

if you can follow all that.



Well, l had a little help from Roxy.



Well, then why don't we get together

so you can polish your French even more?



What about Thursday?

Are you taken for lunch?



- No.

- Do you know the Pompidou Center?



 .  . Up on the roof.

Café Georges.



- Bonjour, madame.

- Mr. Cosset. Yeah.



Bonjour. Hi.



[Men Speaking French]



- Yhank you.

- He might be a little jealous.



Say, "Bonjour, Edgar,"

not just "Bonjour."



Bonjour, Edgar.



- Yhat's a beautiful haircut.

- Yhank you.



Is... Is that Notre Dame over there?

Right down there?



- No, this is Sainte-Marie.

- Sainte-Marie.



Notre Dame is there.

Yhey are cleaning it again.



- It's huge.

- One of the specialties is Salade de crabe.



l always order it.

What about you?



l guess l'll have the rôti D'Agn...



- D'Agneau.

- D'Agneau.



- Yhat's roast lamb, isn't it?

- Yes.



Hungry for red meat

at all times.



Yhat is not true.



Only once in a while,

and not raw and dripping with blood...



and butter and cream.



Just a good steak.






- l really like this haircut.

- You do?



What happened to you?

You said you'd be there on Yhursday.



l should've called you.

l had to take Gennie to her ballet class.



- Yves.

- Yeah.



When you meet somebody, do you say,

"Bonjour, Monsieur whatever"?



Or, "Bonjour, monsieur"?

Or just "Bonjour"?



What sort of

a stupid question is that?



Yhere's another meeting

next Yuesday.



- Same time, same place.

- l'll be there. Yuesday.



     Rue des Écoles.



Isabel, action! Are you alert?



Yuesday, remember?

Action Alert. l told you.



Where are you?

Are you lost?






You didn't mind my changing

our rendezvous to Tuesday?



Oh, no, no.

l wasn't doing anything special.






we must decide

if you will become my mistress.



l've long since given up trying

to lure young women to my rooms...



on other pretexts.



l don't have any etchings.



What do you mean

become your mistress?



It means we become lovers...



and spend a certain amount

of time together, like today...



amusing ourselves.



l know you amuse me,

and l think l can amuse you.



And there is the fact

that l desire you.



You're a beautiful young woman.



Well, when do we begin?

Or l begin, l guess l should say.



Whenever you wish.

Very soon, l would wish.



We have to be awfully careful. We can't

tell our families about any of this.



It would not have occurred to me to

mention this to our families, my dear.



On the contrary.



- Why did you do that to your hair?

- What?



Your hair. It makes you look like

someone who reads Marie Claire.



Do you have any idea how much

this cost? A cut and a color?



[Dance. In Spanish]




Is there something you like?



- Um...

- Ah.!



It's silk. Charming, sexy.



Men love it.




We also have it in black,

red and purple.



Which would you prefer?



Um, l don't know. Blue?




And the bra, with support?



With no support?



- Sandrine.

- Bonjour.



- Bonjour.

- Yhis is without armature.



- Do you like that?

- Oh. Je ne sais pas. Both.



- What's your bra size?

- l'm a   .






It's, uh, very small.



- Small.

- You're a French   .



[In French]



[In French]



[Continues In French]



- What do you like best? [In French]

- [In French]



- What size do you like?

- Uh, small.



[Continues In French]



- [Doorbell Rings]

- Why should anyone appraise our property?



You heard what he said

about division of property.



l'm not gonna have people come

trampling all over my home...



- which used to be your home too.

- [Doorbell Rings]



Anyway, what property is there?



Yhere's the bureau, some china,

my grandmother's plates.



And the leather sofa

and your pictures and my Saint Ursula...



which doesn't belong to me.



It belongs to my parents,

who are lending it to the Getty Museum.



- You mean you're sending it to California?

- Yes, of course.



- Why shouldn't I?

- l thought it belonged to us.



- [Doorbell Rings]

- l have to go. Yhere's someone at the door.






l'll get it.



[Buttons Clicking]






[Footsteps Approaching]



- [Knocking]

- Yeah?



It's for you.



l spoke to Charles-Henri.



He says Antoine's sending appraisers

to come look at our property.



Coming here? How awful.



And no one's even

filed any papers yet.



It's like hejust can't wait

to get rid of me.



Just don't let them in, that's all.



That must have been expensive.



It was on sale.



Yhey said it was last year's model.



It's called a Kelly,

after Grace Kelly.



It was the sort of

zillion dollar purse she owned.



You didn't buy that

for yourself, did you?



It was a gift,

and l did someone a favor.



Didn't anyone ever tell you not to

accept expensive gifts from men?



Anyway, you should give it back.



Anyway, he wouldn't take it back.



And anyway, why shouldn't one

accept an expensive gift from

a man if he wants to give it?



Because it puts you in the position

of having to do what he wants.



l'd do it anyway.



It's a present, Rox,

not a payment or a bribe.



Then l suppose you can accept it.



[Door Closes]



Slow down. Slow down.






Yhank you.






Yhe famous "V." Yhis is what

we call mettre en valeur.



It means to highlight.



To show to advantage.



- Very nice. Mm!

- [Giggles]



You don't keep a diary, do you?



Why? Are you afraid

that it might be...



read on television

like the American senator's?



l have no fear

of what you might write.



l only hope your literary style will be

up to the French public's expectations.



You're not, are you?



There is a certain kind of tisane...



made up of a mixture

of, uh, orange...



rosewater and mint.



It's to be drunk

before making love.



What does it do?



It perfumes the juices.



[Isabel Chuckles]



Yhat's something you would never

have found out in Santa Barbara.



Yhere are many things you would never

have found out in Santa Barbara.



How much of the tisane

do you have to drink?



A cup or just a tablespoon?



A whole teapot full

is recommended.












- Come back for the reading.

About a half an hour.

- Okay, l will.



- Yhank you.

- Good.



Oh, a Kelly.



You must have an admirer.



And he must be French

and of a certain age.



[Woman] Such an honor to meet you.

To Anne, please.



- [Olivia] Anne?

- Yhat's not yours. You didn't buy that.



You snatched it

from some rich old lady.



- [Olivia] There you are.

- So, what if l did?



l've read every word

you have ever written.



Oh, my. Yo whom?



- Mary-Louise.

- Yo Mary-Louise.



- Yhank you so much.

- You're welcome.




Do you use a computer?



No, l feel a computer intrudes

between me and the naked experience.



- Yhere you are.

- Thank you.



You're welcome.



l think l've heard you make that remark

before in a different context.



Ah. And you're still

giving Kelly bags.



Do you still have yours?



Oh, l lost it long ago.



Years ago.



- To whom?

- [Man] To my mother, Monica.



- Hey.

- Hi. Aren't you staying for Roxy's reading?



No, l have to be

at the Luxembourg at  :  .



Is a purse of this kind really suitable

to carry around a bookshop?




But it's so perfectly convenient.



It's so beautiful,

why wouldn't l wanna wear it?



- See you later.

- Okay. Bye.




Fine. Thank you very much.



- [Olivia] Do you live in Paris?

- [Woman] Yes.



l'm still committed,

but not to the point that l'd say...




Something like that.



- [Olivia] Are you staying for the reading?

- [Woman] Oh, yes.



[Clears Throat]

Is this where the poetry reading is?



Yes, my sister's reading from a new

anthology of American women poets.



You don't remember me.



l'm Yellman. We met.



Oh, you're Magda's husband.



Yhank you. Are you an admirer

of American poetry?



No, l'm an entertainment lawyer.



- Excuse me.

- You're a very beautiful woman.



Are you married?



- No.

- Are you in love?



Have you ever had a puppy?



- Yes.

- Did you love your puppy?



- Yeah.

- What would you do if someone...



tried to take your puppy

away from you?



You know, l have a lot of things

l have to take care of.



And thank you for your help.

It was great.



What would you do?



- Oh, my God.

- What was he saying to you? Who is he?



He's somehow connected to Roxy

and Charles-Henri in a weird way.



He's weird.



You are smiling too much.

Don't do that.



Yoo much smiling

gets a girl in trouble.



But most of all, let me thank Olivia Pace,

who is here tonight.



Ladies and gentlemen, bienvenue,

welcome. Yhank you for coming tonight.



We are very, very lucky

to have as our reader...



Roxeanne de Persand,

who, as you know...



is a very fine poet

in her own right.



And of course it takes a poet

to dojustice to the work of other poets.



You also probably know, and if you don't,

you can read it in my introduction...



Buy the book!



that for these last decades, our women

poets have really come into their own.



But they have been always with us.



Right from Anne Bradstreet

in the    th century, whose

beautiful poem of marital love...



is one of those that Roxeanne

is going to read today.



l have a question.



l think it's probably better to have

questions after the poetry reading.



- Come on. Let's go outside.

- We are planning to do that.



It's very important that

l speak to her. It's urgent!



l have as much right

to be here as anyone else.



- Come on.

- More of a right.



Yhis one's by Anne Bradstreet...



and it's called...



"Yo My Dear and Loving Husband."



"If ever two were one,

then surely we.



"If ever man were loved by wife...



"then thee.



"If ever wife was happy in a man...



"compare with me...



"ye women if you can.



"Thy love is such...



"l can no way repay.



"Yhe heavens reward the manifold...



- [Mouthing Words]

- "l pray.



"Then while we live,

in love let's so persevere.



"Yhat when we live no more...



we may live ever."






l have something to bring up

that is a little delicate.



My son Antoine

has surprised us all...



by suggesting that it

would be improper...



to send the painting of Saint Ursula

to that Getty Museum in California.



Not until the lawyers

have decided on its ownership.



Its ownership?



Saint Ursula belongs to our family.

We inherited her.



My dear, we shouldn't

even be discussing this.



It's entirely up to the lawyers.



But it is a French painting

after all.



Poor Charles. Oh, my son has

a league of troubles ofhis own.



Roxeanne's lawyer

is very determined.



And the husband of his petite amie

is very unpleasant.



Well, shall we say,

these are the wages of sin.



[Clock Chiming]



She had a Hermès bag.

Red crocodile.



- A Kelly bag?

- It's obvious where it came from.



l know my brother.

Faithful only to Hermès.



If ever he was faithful.

And l know his type.



Permanent smile, little white suit,

fancy undergarments.



- He adores that.

- Your imagination is carrying you away.



At his age!

Doesn't he get tired of this?



Charlotte, honey,

call Amèlie, for once.



No, Mother.

Call Aunt Amèlie yourself.



- She'll think l'm angry.

- Mother? It's me.



We'll both call her,

as representatives of the family.



But we should call Edgar first,

shouldn't we?



Remind him that a member

of our family has acted...



- Badly.

- Yowards a member of her family.



With this divorce on our hands...



- if he gets involved, we all suffer.

- l'll tell him.



[Horns Honking]



[Arguing In French]



[Phone Ringing]



- Oui?

- Edgar?



- Are you alone?

- Yes, l am. Why?



- Is the American there?

- You mean Roxy?



- You must mean the other American.

- Yes, Isabel.



Mother said she's showing off

an expensive Hermès bag.



Uh, a bag you gave her.

You know, with Charles-Henri's divorce...



- What are you getting at?

- It's unseemly. Yhat's what Mother says.



Yell your mother to call me herself.



If you prefer.



- Are you alone?

- Yes. Why?



- Is the American with you?

- l said l'm alone.



Good, then listen to me.



Seducing the daughter-in-law's

sister now.



Why not now?



Your nephew has acted

like a lout with her sister.



- How is that my fault?

- l'm thinking of the family.



Custody, division of property,

alimony payments.



Consider what you're doing.



We'll see you on Sunday, l trust.







Saint Ursula belonged

to our great-uncle...



who left it to our father, and

your family has absolutely no say in it.



Who is Saint Ursula?

Yhe patron saint of schoolgirls.



Yhe painting doesn't mean

a thing to your family...



except to be split   -  

in a divorce.



We're not going to quarrel, you and I,

about Roxeanne's ugly saint.



l've told you a purse of this kind

is not suitable for every occasion.



l'd suggest a small,

black evening bag.



You can talk about everything else.

My evening bag?



Yhen go on YV,

talk about religion...



- morality, sex.

- [Applause]



Why not about money?



Is money an unmentionable subject

with you?






[Man Singing Opera]



No, it's not a La Your.

It's obvious.



"In the manner of'

at the very best.



Of no interest to us.



l may not be a specialist,

but it's not obvious to me.



If the Getty Museum sees the resemblance

to La Your, how can you be so sure?



Why would we supplement

our collection of French paintings...



with family heirlooms

from an American attic?



It's of no interest

to the Louvre... at all.



It's just so tacky.

Charles-Henri taking Roxy's painting.



l would never try to take something

from him that he grew up with.



Oh, sorry. l'm very sorry.



- l didn't mean it.

- l'll get it.



Why are you doing this now?



Couldn't you have at least waited

till her baby's born?



Well, there has to be a valuation

before there can be a division and sale.



You'd think Charles-Henri

would wanna have his kids...



have the furniture and the painting,

not some strangers buying them.



He's just being a terrible shit.



Or he's getting bad advice.



Charles-Henri has left this up to me.



You then are being a terrible shit.



And if it really were a La Your?



Yhat would be a different matter.



But you have a nice commode,

Louis XV-XVI.



- How much is it worth?

- About      .



- More if it's stamped.

- Let's pull it out and check.




Just get rid ofhim, Roxy.




Let him divorce me. l can't stop him.



But l will never divorce him.



l'd think you would

want to be free of him.



And let him marry his slut?




You have a choice.



You can accuse Charles-Henri of adultery

and make him pay what he should.



Why did we have to meet here?



You always liked to come here

and watch Gennie on the carousel.



Of course.



But l didn't realize

it would be so cold.



You know, l've been thinking

about names.



What do you think of Henri-Luc?



Is it a boy?

Did you have one of those tests?



No, l'd never do that.



It's like peeking at your present

before Christmas.



Roxy, you should know this.



Yhe lawyers say that if you don't agree

to a mutual consent, no-fault divorce...



you might not be allowed

to use my name.



- And our children?

- Naturally, they would be de Persand.



l have to have the same name

as my children.



French court usually awards custody

to the French parent.



You can't do this.



You can't destroy your own family.



It is you who are destroying me.



After everything you've said about freedom

of the individual to live and love.



It was only words with you.

Empty words.



Yes, it was.



l didn't realize

that when you really love...



there's no freedom at all.



Except to die.



Come on.

No more dramatics, please.



Just think about what l told you.



- [Bell On DoorJingles]

- Bonjour.



- Bonjour.

- Do you have this in blue?



Is blue denim okay?



l'm Magda's husband. Magda.

You know, the other woman.



She's screwing your husband.



Don't be another dumb American bitch.

You should do something about it.



- Excuse me.

- If you don't, l will.

We could do it together.



- Go away.

- We could do the same thing they're doing.



We could screw each other!



Come on!



Stay away from me!



[YV, Indistinct]






Hey, Rox.












Hey, Rox. Ro...



Roxy. Roxy?







Oh, my God. Roxy.






[Chattering In French]



It's good. It's good.



[Chattering, In French]



- [In French]

- Sorry, we're full. We have to hurry.



[Siren Wailing]



[In French]



l just thought...



l needn't take any more of this.



And what about Gennie?



What about everyone

in Santa Barbara?



Of course they'll blame me,

and they're absolutely right.



God, l should have

looked after you better.



Yhat's what

l'm supposed to be here for.



Not to pursue

some love life of my own.



No. Yhat's what l want

is for you to be happy.



Even if l'm not.



Baby's fine. Did they tell you?



- And he's kicking like hell.

- [Knocking]



So beautiful.




Mmm. Yhank you.



What do you think

of the name Henri-Luc?



- For the baby?

- Mm.



Um, Bertram.



A women's thing.

Something to do with the baby.



No, not a miscarriage.



l'll call you back.



- Hugues.

- Mm-mmm.



- Yhibault?

- l don't want any of those kind of names.



- [Knocking]

- Matthieu.



Maybejust Luc

is better than Henri-Luc.



l'm still thinking about names.



Any ideas?



l don't know how you could

do this to all of us.



- Could you not at least

have thought of the baby?

- l did.



l thought...



do l really wanna

bring him into this world?



Into a broken home?



So now, like everyone else,

you're blaming me.






l blame myself...



for coming up

with the wrong answer.



Oh, look at that color.



l should have brought you some.



l thought of it,

but l was so terribly upset.



It's too bad.



l'm sorry.



l'm not defending Charles-Henri.

He has behaved badly.



Like a lot of husbands.



But leaving a pregnant wife...



is in bad taste.



Yhe bad taste was to marry her.



Those girls are not like us.



We can't teach them savoir-vivre,

good manners.



Yhey find it ridiculous.

Yhey only trust their instinct.



Yheir feelings.

And where does it lead?



- Uncontrolled emotions.

- Desire.



And now my idiotic brother...



is fooling around

with the sister.



She's also capable

of slicing open her veins.



It's not my problem.

It's his wife's.



l have my hands full with

Charles-Henri and his American.



l expect the worst from his Cossack.




you know how to behave.



It's a question of self-control.



How l hate letting oneself go!



At least you don't

end up in the hospital.



- Rog. Roger.

- Hey!



- Oh, wow!

- Hey. Welcome to France.



- Is! You look great!

- Where's your aunt Isabel?



- You look so French.

- Hi, Daddy. l do?



- Oh! Oh! Oh, my God!

- Hi, honey!



Hi, baby.



Look at you!



Oh, my... How is she?

How's Roxy?



- She's fine.

- Yeah?



Just don't talk about it. Please don't

remind her. Just forget it ever happened.



l'm gonna forget that my daughter

tried to kill herself?



- All right.

- Yhat's why l'm asking you.



Is looks like somebody

out of Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down.



l wouldn't know. l never saw

Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down.



My God, you're huge!



- Darling.

- You look great.



- Champagne, please.

- Champagne.



- [Roger] Diet Coke, please.

- [In French]



- [In French]

- Yhat's alcohol. You're pregnant.



l'm not forbidden to drink. French

pediatricians tell you just the opposite.



Is tourtière

some kind of turtle thing?



No, it's a baked dish.

Like a quiche but better.



The tourtière is the actual dish

they bake it in.



What's the legal angle on the painting?

Where do we stand?



In division of marital property,

Roxeanne's ex-husband can claim one half...



and that includes one half

of whatever is her share of the painting.



Yhere'll be five of you

claiming it, after all.



One can make that case in a French court

it's communal and not marital property.



The first thing we have to do is get

an estimate of the value of the painting.



Can you drink the tap water here?



- Yhis isn't Istanbul or Cairo.

- Why is everybody drinking bottled water?



For the same reason they drink it

in California, Roger.



- Yeah?

- Yeah.



Let's get some bottled.

Monsieur, can we get some eau?



- Avec gas? Merci.

- Du l'eau, s'il vous plaît.



Well, we certainly do not want anything

of ours going to Charles-Henri.



You know, it's funny,

but l never trusted him.



Never mind about that.



But come on, when we all first knew him,

he was beautiful. You said so too, Mother.



"Like Orpheus, his stubbled cheek,

a field of gold. "



- You said that?

- Yes, l did.



Could we be serious andjust talk

about the painting for a minute?



Yhe painting belongs to Roxy because she

cared enough about it to take it with her.



She had our blessings, as in everything.

Right, Margeeve?



l don't think we should sell it.



l think we should lend it to museums.

Everyone can see it.



We can still keep it

with our name on a golden plaque.



No way. Can't you guys see... l mean,

the situation has completely changed now.



Why, because it's worth

more money than you thought?



Well, that is a consideration.

l mean, right now, we're a family of five.



But one day, there'll be more of us.

There'll be kids and so on.



No one wants to deprive them

of their inheritance.



Roxy's the only one

who has kids now.



Roger, marry one of those girls

you're forever moving in with.

Yhey all seem terribly nice.



- [All Agreeing]

- It's so not even what

we're here to talk about.



- Come on, Roger. Give it a whirl.

- Please.



Of course Saint Ursula belongs to all of us.

l never thought of her as just mine.



You know that, Roger.



She was always there, hanging above

the sofa, watching all of us.



Yes, with a disapproving face,

inhibiting us from whatever

we wanted to do on the couch.



l suppose that's the way of all saints

in the presence of human frailty.



Let's say we divide the proceeds

of the sale among the five of us.



How do we get around

Roxy's husband?



Even if he claims one half

of Roxy's share...



l'll make sure it comes back

in alimony and child support.



- Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful?

- [Chester] Just kidding.




As it is, l can't get a cent out ofhim.



In all fairness, everything he has

is tied up in family trusts.



And with his paintings, he earns

about as much as l do with my poetry.



l was even thinking

of getting a job.



- What?

- [Scoffs]



We'll have to stake claims

for monthly payments.



- l'll need you to sign papers.

- l'll stop by the office.



No, l'll bring them

to your apartment tonight.



French lawyers are so nice.



Can you imagine an American lawyer

dropping off some papers at night?



No, l can't.



[Speaking French]



[Isabel Ordering In French]



How do you want that cooked?



Could l just get a steak au poivre

and a salade verte?



- Très well. Very well done.

- All right.



Oh, my God!

Yhe tip must be included, yeah?



Well, you leave something, anyway.



No. Yhat's the whole point of having

the tip included, and it's    %.



Just leave    Euros.



Well, maybe in a simple place, but in a place

like this where you pay a fortune for lunch...



Nearly $    l might add.



Goodness. Yhank you, Roger.



- It's all l have.

- Yhe three of you are so gorgeous.



Yhree peas in a pod.



Roxy's all mine.

Margeeve had nothing to do with her.



No, not much.

Just raised her since she was two.



- Yhanks, Rog.

- Yhank you.



Oh. l love that purse. l want to go

to that store tomorrow.



- It's Hermès.

- Not on Chester's salary.



- How did you afford it?

- She got it in a sale.



Do you wanna borrow it?

You can.



Yhere's been some repainting.



Ursula's left hand

has been damaged.



It's quite possible the canvas has been

cut down a bit on the right side.



Also, the handmaiden's face

looks a little weird to me.



Is it a La Tour?



- What estimate?

- No estimate yet.



l think the owners are deciding whether

to sell at Drouot or Christie's in London.



When we thought

it was coming for our show...



we put an insurance value

on it of      .



Yhere must be something wrong if it's

being sold modestly and with no fanfare.



- No problem with the export license?

- Yhe Louvre has passed on it.



l do think Lorraine, around      .




l don't know.



If l may play devil's advocate...



the figures lack the weight,

the monumentality of a La Your.



Has your saint been fasting?



l don't think it would hurt

for you guys to take a look at it.



Let me say straightaway

that l think your picture is superb.



Marvelously beautiful.

Yhank you.



Now, what do you suppose

an oeuf fermier might be?



Just boiled eggs, do we think?



Only in France would they serve

boiled eggs with such panache.



Such effrontery, you might say.

[Orders In French]



- l've explained the legal situation.

- Believe me...



Christie's is used to

much, much worse.



'Course, everything is worse when

the French are involved. Hmm? Hmm?



l think l'm going to go for the liver

with the pommes mousseline.



Why don't you have something

more cuisiné? You don't have

lunch in Paris every day.



You know what they do wonderfully?

The best is the pintade au cerfeuil.



And they do it with chestnuts.

It's excellent.




Hmm, that's a thought.



As to wine, l used to do wines, as a matter

of fact, before l moved to old masters.



You know, they say the real

wine experts are all English.



Yes, well, the French are distinctly

faddish about wines, aren't they?



Yhey overlook

the most amazing vintages.



l suppose we ought really to have

Château La Your. Huh? Appropriate.



Well, to my mind, your picture

is from La Your's best period...



though not the period

he's best known for.



But, in my opinion...

La Your.



Up until now, that hasn't been

the general opinion.



No, but suppose you're a museum...



and wanted very badly

to acquire a Renoir, say...



that some local people

had found in an attic.



Well, you have to think of

the psychology of the situation.



l mean, you're hardly going to tell

the seller he has a Renoir, are you?



Yhe price would go out of sight. You'd

end up paying a great deal more for it.



So, museums,

to preserve their integrity...



often say they can't be sure.



- See?

- And what do you think?



l think your

very fine La Your would...



in a competitive bidding,

achieve a very fine price.



More than one person

will know its value...



and our catalogue

will state the case correctly.



What kind of price range

are we talking?



Perhaps a million pounds.

Million and a half if we're lucky.



Christie's will advise a reserve, which

means it couldn't be sold for any less.



See, Christie's, obviously, has an

opposite point of view to the museums.



Like you, we would want to

sell for the maximum price.



We can be competent of our attribution

and we know the market.



- Thank you.

- Oh, hey, Dad.



- Chester Walker, this is

Mr. Janely from Christie's.

- Professor.



- Mr. Janely.

- Mr. Janely is sure that it's a La Your.



- Really?

- A million, Dad.



A million pounds, not dollars.



- Yhat's a lot of money.

- Yes, to some people l suppose it is.



[TV, In French]



[Chattering, In French]



He was much younger then,

but otherwise he's the same.




You mean, personality-wise?



No, l think l mean character-wise.



l mean, there was always

something about him.



Worldly, knowing, a bit famous...



a bit old, which l suppose

could be sexually magnetic.



Especially to a young person,

it's like fornicating with God.



Where do these

pretty things come from?



Usually we beg in front

of Dior or St. Laurent...



so that rich women on shopping sprees

can expiate their sins.



Why don't you just put that

in the miscellaneous file for now?



l don't think

we need it in Yulsa.



[Isabel On Phone] So, you won't be

coming to Suzanne's lunch on Sunday?



What can l do?

Yhis conference was fixed up long ago.



l have to leave now.



l'm in the middle of packing.



- Don't you wanna meet my parents?

- More to the point...



would they want to meet me?



l'm hardly the desirable young suitor

they might have in mind.



- [Isabel] Don't you wanna see me?

- Naturally.



But if l don't leave now,

l might miss my plane.



We'll meet on my return.



Please make my apologies

to your parents.



- Good-bye, sweetheart.

- Bye.



Do you really think

it's the best idea for you?



One hardly has a choice, Roxeanne.



You know that.



Well, l used to think so, but...



actually l found it's not true.



You know, this morning l wrote

a poem about the phalarope.



You know those water fowl

that bow as they swim along?



Yhe most polite birds in the world.



Very stately.



Bowing as they swim along...



to no one in particular,

just in courtesy...



in gratitude.



You totally lost your mind.



[Roxeanne] They think

of Saint Ursula as part of my dowry.



Dowry? Where do they get "dowry"?

What are we, in the Middle Ages?



No, France.



Don't expect them to talk

about any of this at lunch.



Yhey talk about every taboo thing

under the sun.



But money? Never. Never.



l wish we could stop

talking about it too.




l don't want to eat anything weird.



l want to tell you...



Aunt Amèlie

will be at lunch today.



Uncle Edgar's wife.



She has been summoned.



[Isabel] What am l supposed to do?

Fight for him?



Yo say l love him

and l'll never let him go?



Do you think he's worth it?



But of course you Americans

are known to be fighters.



You might even fight

for something you don't really want.



l don't like Sundays.



[In French]



l'd have spotted her

in a crowd of thousands.




Oh, hello, Margeeve.!



Hello. Hello.






And this is my sister-in-law,

Amèlie Cosset.



- Nice to meet you.

- Pleased to meet you.



Chester. And Roger.

Oh, Roger.



l was forgetting you.

How was the trip?



It's a privilege for us

to be welcomed here...



in your country, in your family,

in your beautiful home.



Oh, the privilege is all ours.



- l'm sorry that my husband

isn't here with us today.

- Not to mention mine.



[Suzanne] My brother Edgar, he's invited

to many international conferences.



- l believe he's in Belgium today.

- Presumably. l no longer ask.



We love both your daughters,

Roxeanne and Isabel.



They're both so practical,

so sensible.



Roxeanne and Isabel?



We think of the French

as practical, rational.



Voltaire and

the Age of the Enlightenment.




But not our girls, l'm afraid.



Not much rationality there.



- l hunt.

- Hunt?



- Do you hunt?

- No. What do you hunt?



- Yhe deer.

- Yhe deer.



- l guess you shoot them.

- Oh, no. Birds are shot.



But the deer we hunt with dogs.

It's very beautiful.



Yhe horses, the dogs,

the hunters in their coats.



Yhe cleric comes

to bless the dogs.



The idea is to run the noble stag

to the ground.



He becomes exhausted

and can no longer run.



- What happens after that?

- Yhen the dogs kill the stag.



We have the expression "another kill."

Yhat's what that refers to.



Do people ever get killed?

Fall off their horses or something?



Well, not usually,

but it can happen sometimes.



Oh, good.

So it evens out the odds a bit.



l suppose the moment's come

to say never would l have imagined...



when l left Santa Barbara with

just a few mementos of my own...



Yhis Beaufort is not right.



- It's off.

- It has a smoky aftertaste.



It's inedible. It's not right.

Don't take it.




Oh, this Beaufort is not right.



[Suzanne Continues In French]



But all is not lost.

The Reblochon is perfect.



Help yourselves.

[In French]



Yhe Beaufort really was disastrous.



Yes, but the Reblochon was excellent.

Do you agree?



Oh, everything was excellent.

You have such a beautiful house.



And you run it so beautifully.

l really could take lessons.



Oh, you are too kind.



Yhere is something a little delicate

l would like to mention...



while the others are not here.



And l really feel we can talk together

quite freely as mothers.




And quite intimately as friends.



Where is it? Tomber.



l got it. Tomber.

"Yo fall. Yo throw, as in wrestling.



To fall to the ground.

To tumble. "



God, four years of French, l can't

remember a thing. Tomber. Tomber.



Yhat's what Suzanne de Persand

called her brother.



It is an older man

taking advantage of a young girl.



And guess who's the young girl.



It's our own flower... Isabel.



Oh, don't give me that

"this is my life"stare.



- It is her life.

- Yhat's ridiculous. l don't believe it.



- Have l met him?

- No, neither have I.

Oh, wait. It gets better.



Yhen his own wife says that we

must save Isabel from being hurt...



by a man who is, and l quote,

"A little unscrupulous...



where young women

are concerned. "



That's your fault. She's got

that daddy complex thing.




l've seen plenty of our students...



falling for their old professors

or someone...



but those girls were all weak

and clinging types.



Everything that Isabel is not.



Does the fact that our families know

spoil it for you?



No. l was thinking of you.



And of your wife.



Inhibiting perhaps,

but not absolutely fatal.



We will ignore what they told

your mother as if they had not told her.



l'll be going to Concepción for a couple

of months to help with the negotiations.



Can't l come with you?






Will you still want me

when you come back?



Isn't it your Emerson who said...



"Every hero becomes a bore at last"?



l have to go and get dressed.



- It's getting late. Will you lock up?

- Mm-hmm.






Hello, Edgar.



Good to see you.



Oh, very nice.



- Do you like that?

- Mm, ça va.



Are we both on the same errand?



Are we both buying gifts?



Could it be for the same person?



Mine is a thank you,

farewell gift...



because she's just finished

helping me with all my papers.



What about yours?



Mine is only a thank you gift.



Didn't you give me a scarf too?



At the end, l mean.



A purse at the beginning,

a scarf at the end.



Your situation

was quite different.



You were not... forgive me...

a vulnerable young person.



Oh, no.



l was older and married

and divorced and two children.



You were worldly, experienced

and already famous.



- [In French]

- [In French]



It wasn't very difficult

for you to forget me.



Yes, l forgot you.



Not the tears l shed for you.



[In French]



May I?



- [In French]

- Yes, it is charming.



Why don't we both give her

the same scarf?



Yhen she can come back and exchange it

and get what she wants.



Good idea. l'll take it.



Me too.



- Good.

- Good.



[Olivia] l never actually married a

Frenchman. All my husbands were American.



Only the lovers, as you know.



Yo me, a lover...



someone l truly love,

would be more important...



than somebody l happened to sign

a marriage certificate with.



Lovers are a pastime

one tends to outgrow.



A hobby...



that finally becomes a bore.



You mean, in the end,

"every hero becomes a bore"?






Someone quoted that to me...



when he was trying to

extricate himself.



It suits you.



## [Singing, Indistinct]



## [Singing Continues]






[Bells Tolling]



We're not just buying tampons and

lipsticks, but all kinds of products...



shampoo, moisturizer,

eye shadow... you name it.



We're planning on buying

three new trucks if all goes well.



And we're thinking of calling ourselves

the Saint Ursula Foundation...



in honor of our patron saint.



What do you think? Wait.



Would we be tax exempt?

l have so many other questions.



What about my question?



My divorce hasn't gone through,

as you well know.



So far, nobody's filed

a single paper yet.



l don't know what the delay is.



Come on. l can hardly

take up with a new husband...



before the old one's disposed of.



[Police Radio Chatter]



- What's going on?

- Someone died.



- Who?

- Yhey won't let us in.



Let me through. l live here!



[Man On Police Radio]

Shooting at Futurama.



A man fired at his Russian wife

and got away.



He is American.

A crime of passion.



Yhere are no crimes

of passion in America.



Yhey all kill for money or drugs.



[Police Radio Chatter]



- What's your perfume?

- "Honteuse." By Charmez.



l like it.



Very subtle.




You'll have your own money now.

You can do whatever you want.



But as far as l'm concerned, my favorite

thing in Paris is this purse you gave me.



Well, it suits you better than me.



Yeah, it's too middle-aged for you.



And too ladylike, l might add.




Stop. S'il vous plaît. Stop.



- l apologize. You must have

done this a thousand times.

- Never.



- Okay, sweetie.

- The boys begged me and then they gave up.



Excuse me.



[Woman On P.A., In French]



[Man On P.A.] The Eiffel Tower,

created at the turn of the century...



[Man On P.A.] The Eiffel Tower,

created at the turn of the century...



by engineer Gustave Eiffel.




Hey, that's my foot.



[Guard, In French]



Who's the guy you let by?



- He said he lost his wife.

- Okay.




What's he doing?



He lost his wife.

He's running after her.



Are you sure

he's not running away?



He's in pretty good shape.



By the way,

how are Celine and the kids?



Yhey're fine.



Then l went to the garbage cans.



- Do you know who it is?

- l won't go back!



Yhere's a man's leg sticking out.



What's going on?



Some guy who lost his wife.



He's pretty high-strung.



By the way,

how are Celine and the kids?



Yhey're fine.



Here he comes.



Something's up.

l'm alerting the guards.



There's a suspicious man on the loose,

looking for his wife.



He's tall, early   s, blond...



with a Burberry-style raincoat.



[Speaking Japanese]






- [Gennie, In French]

- [Screams]



[Woman Yelling In Japanese]



- He has a gun!

- Armed man on the Eiffel Yower.

l repeat, armed man.



What am l looking at?



- Oh, there. Goodness!

- l warned him.



l gave him a chance to stop.

l warned him.



All units.!

Secure the third level.!



The door is blocked.



Calm down. Drop your gun

and unblock the door.



Keep your cool.



Stay calm. Don't hurt them.

We're here to help.



Where's Roxeanne?

Why isn't she here?



l have to explain it to her.

l have to tell her why l did it.



Is she coming?



Should we wait for her?



[Man Continues On P.A. In French]



[Man On P.A.]

Please respect others. We repeat...



l loved Magda.

l loved my Magda.



- Magda's his wife.

- Now look at me.



Look what l've done.



Did you hurt your wife?



She deserved it. So did he.



Yhe caretaker identified the body.



Who is it?



Mr. de Persand. l'm sorry.



Yhat's impossible.



My husband hasn't

lived here in months.



Just sit here for a while.



l'm a little tired.



If you give yourself up, you can ask

to be extradited to America.



Where's Roxy?



Listen, when you get home, all they'll do

is order a psychiatric evaluation.



l need to see a therapist.



Oh, no!



How... How did he die?

Yell me!



Maybe you can tell us.

We need to know.






Let's go to the station. It's quieter.

Mr. Bertram can come along.



- Can't you see she's in labor?

- Help her.



[Siren Wailing]



- [Gunshot]

- Mama!



- He put it down.

- [Tellman]Just get rid of it.



Put it in your bag and throw it over

the side so no one will ever find it.



- Yhrow it over the side.

- You'll hit someone with it!



Hey, Mom, hand me your bag.



Will you please tell Roxy

that l'm sorry?



Why won't people

let me talk to her?



[Chattering In French]



[Isabel Narrating] Tellman

got to see a therapist all right.



He was sentenced to    years in one of

those nice French jails Yves told me about.



And when Edgar came back

from his negotiations...



we had the last of

our fancy private lunches.



So, you'll be staying in Paris then?



l resigned from the commission. l can't

be so far away and leave my sister alone.



- And Roxeanne?

- Yhe baby has been very comforting.



Roxeanne and Gennie

are crazy about him.



Guess what.



Loaf of Bread Press wants to publish

an entire collection of Roxy's poems.



Apoet and a widow.



You're aware that in France

a widow is a hallowed person.



What about a mistress?



She's, uh, tolerated.



And adored.



Isabel, you're young,

you're beautiful, you're wise.



And, as we said before,

l'm much too old for you.



[French] Car is waiting

to take me for a YV interview.



It's live, which is always stressful.



In a heated moment, l may say

something that later l would regret.



Yeah, that is stressful.



The driver could drop you anywhere.

Come on in.



You know, it's true.



You are too old for me.



But we had a pretty good time.



Of course.



And think of everything

we learned from each other.



For example...



how beautiful it is to be young.



[Isabel Narrating]

So, good-bye, Uncle Edgar...



and good-bye, Kelly bag

and Edgar's other gifts.



l'm sure he's still buying Kelly bags

at Hermès for other dumb girls like me...



but l got over him.



So, l took Suzanne's advice

to go with life as it unrolls.



Prends la vie comme il vient.



[Man, In French]



You've arrived.



- [In French]

- [People Bidding]




Next up is lot    .



- [Man] Georges de la Tour.

- La Your.



A lapse of attention

on the part of the Louvre.



Yes. It's come in now.



The saint's hand has been repainted,

as has the servant's face.



The top of the painting was trimmed,

as was the right side.



Do l hear two million?



- [Man] Two million.

- Ywo million. l have a taker.



 .   million.



 .  million.  .  million.



 .  million.  .  million.



 .  million.



Ywo million, five.



 .  million.



- Should we come in at three?

- Three million.



She's come in now.




-  .  million.

- We're in at three-six.



- Yhree-eight.

-  .  million.



We're at four.

Yhat's our ceiling.




We've passed our ceiling. You sure?



 .  million.



At four-five. Are you sure?



It's your last chance.



It's hers. It's hers.



Can't win 'em all.







[Yves, In French]




What about taking my foot?



It means, "Did you have fun?"



Of course. Didn't you?



Who would have ever thought

"taking my foot"...



means "to have fun in bed"?



C'est ridicule.



You'll have to stay

and learn better French.



- C'est ridicule.

- C'est ridicule.



C'est ridicule.



[Isabel Narrating] Roxy said she'd

had enough of marriage for a while.



Yhere's your mother-in-law.



- Roxeanne.

- Suzanne.



But she changed her mind,

and she and Bertram did get together.



- You remember each other.

- Bonjour.



[In French]



[Both, In French]



[Woman Singing In French]


Special help by SergeiK