Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie based on the Daniel Handler book starring Jim Carrey,   Meryl Streep, Liam Aiken, Emily Browning, etc.This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events Script



I'm sorry to inform that this

it is not the film that you will attend.



The film that you are about to see

it is extremely unpleasant.



One want to see a film

on a small and happy elf,



I am sure that there are plenty of places

in the room number 2.






... it likes himself histories of

intelligent orphans



and reasonably attractive,



mysterious fires,



Italian food and secret organizations...



then be. While I proceed

the children's footprints of all Bouduller.



My name is Lemon Sniccked,



and it is my sad one to owe

to document this story.



Violet Bouduller, the oldest, was one of the best inventors of the world with only    years.



Who knew her well,knew that she invented something,

when she had her long picked hair.



In a world of abandoned items

and wasted materials,



Violet knew that there was more some thing.



Something that she could transform

in some thing, for any occasion.



And there was not anybody better

to test their inventions



that his/her brother.



Klaus Bouduller,



the brother of the middle,



he/she adored books.



Or better... the things

that he/she learned through the books.



The parents Bouduller had

an enormous library in his/her mansion.



A room full of thousands of books

on almost all of the subjects,



and nothing pleased more Klaus, that to pass

one afternoon filling the head with his/her content.



Everything that read...



... it was in his/her memory.






the newest,



he/she had different interests.



She liked to bite the things



and he/she had four sharp teeth.



There was very little thing that Sonny

it didn't like to bite.



Sunny testified,

several strange events.



This would probably mean,

look at that mysterious illustration in the thick fog.



Or maybe...



what is making a banker

as Mr. Pow



walking for the middle of the sand,

to meet at the beach.






lament to have to inform

on a terrible accident.



Lament a lot to count, but their parents

they died in a fire that distruiu his/her house.



If you already lost somebody that

it went very dear,



they already know what sits down.



If they still didn't lose,



it is impossible imagine.



Nobody knows the necessary cause

of the fire.



My friends and me, we investigated

the maximum that we were able to



but everything that we discovered was that the fire

the great distance was ballasted,



atravéz of the reflex

and of the convergence of the light.



And in little time

the whole mansion was in fires.



As mysterious as the origin of the fire



other mysteries began to appear

before the children's eyes.



All of the families have their secrets,



doors left half-open.



But like Klaus it ended

of noticing,



the smallest discovery

he/she filled his/her head of questions.



The one that this glasses was doing



hidden in his/her father's general office?



There would be other secrets about the life

of their parents still the if he/she reveals?



Many questions

that could never have answer.



It is was like this



that the children Bouduller became

the orphans Bouduller.



I tried inform them.



This is an excellent opportunity to leave of the movies, room or airplane where

this film is to be exhibited.



It is not very late to see

a film on a happy elfo.



Come with me.



As boss of several services



and executioner of the will

of their parents,



it is my legal obligation to manage

his/her money until they reach majority



and to put them under the care of the

closer relatives.



Therefore I go take them for us to live

with dear Conde Olaf,



he/she lives right here in the city

the only    distance blocks.



I think closer no

he/she wants to say that.



We didn't know

any Conde Olaf.



Yes of course knows.



And it is actor,

he/she is not touching children?



Be considered with luck children,



this type of generosity is rare

in a person with his/her profession.



Here we are, the new house.



It is not charming, children?






They should be Bouduller´s.



Lament a lot what happened in the accident,



but I was very happy in knowing

that you/they came for here.



I am judge Strauss

of the supreme tribunal of the city.



I am Violet, this is my brother Klaus

and my sister Sunny.



Pow, manager of investments.

How is it?






His/her house is so beautiful.



Please feel á will

and come to visit me whenever they want.



- To visit?

- Does he/she want to say that doesn't live with count Olaf?



To live with... with count Olaf?



No, no no no...



He is my neighbor.



- Enter.



We are going there to enter.



Hello, hello, hello.

I am your lover count Olaf.



Well vindos my adorable house.



I wait that if they feel á will

in the heat



of their retreats.



Or as the Greeks

they would say in the old times...



the orphanage and... any more thing.



It was not properly what I wanted to say,

but... you are with an idea.



My wanted...



... Violet.




How does it go?



And this should be Klaus.



Young Klaus.



Your left side is the good side.



And... what is this?



I apologize but I don't speak

the language of the monkeys.






Sunny is our sister.



I should say that you are

with the ugly face,



reason that bad aspect?



Our parents has just died.



Yes, clear.

That terrible.



Let to do me this once again.



Feel the speech again.



Fast before he/she forgets.



Our parents ended of... to die.



I will create these orphans

as if he/she really wanted them.



Although he/she calls him/it a bale,

a sacrifice, is wrong gentleman.



He/she should be embarrassed.



Where is that I sign for the fortune...

do I want to say, for the children?



He/she will only have the official guard after

the audience, Thursday in the morning.



And the one what make with them there?



I apologize.



What wants saying is... does he/she make exercicío?



He/she is with good aspect,

healthy I want me to say.



It is better to return for the bank.



Cannot it be a little more?



A glass of port?



- I suppose that...

- It is for another height then.



- Children remember if they need

of some thing...



I know that my humble house is not

as elegant as the mansion of Bouduller,



but I will receive a great amount

of money soon,



and I think the house will be charming

when it be finished.



Will we give an olhadinha?



This is the living room.



The kitchen.



I know what are to think,

this ranch needs a L.M.P



I hope you/they have taken the vaccines.

Papeira, variola, tetanus... malaria.



This is the room of entertainment.

The roof will be arranged soon.



They are not afraid of the heights yes?

Imagine a monkey with fear of the heights.



- The one what is that there on top?



The tower.



They should never enter there.



In any circumstance.



It is here is where they will sleep.

Good night.



But the sun still didn't put.



I don't know if they already repaired in this,



but the first impressions are

wrong frequêntemente.



For instance Klaus when the

Sunny was born, it didn't like anything her.



But for the height of their six weeks

the two were inseparable.



A sentence that here means to throw and to bite during hours and hours.




in what he/she concerns count Olaf...



- Orffãããooosss...



They were right.



All of the mornings count Olaf ordered the

Bouduller´s make a lot of terrible tasks.



After which it went to yours

toast mysterious.



And for very unhappy that yours

situation seemed,



he/she was about to worsen.



- Orphans,



these are my friends.



- They don't seem rich.



Because they are not at the kitchen

to prepare our dinner?






It is the French word for the meal of the night.



In the part of behind.






Serve dinner in the dining room ace   horas.



We want absolute silence

while we rehearsed our piece.



But we never made dinner.



- They are already   :  .

- Ace   horas.



Paste will be.



We will begin with the casting.



Who will do the most beautiful count

all over the world?



Would you do?



He/she is well.



Paste putenesca, is Italian

for few ingredients, did you know?



Sunny can help.



- Ok, will need a pot

There are no pots.



- And an escoador.

- Also no there is.



And a spoon for the sauce.



This is a small piece that me

I like to call chair eléctrica.



" I think will have to call...

... does he/she have algém aííííí? "



Escoador... that is diamond.



Sunny as it is with the pot?



That is not a pot, it is a potty.



A potty, means that...



We washed him twice.



We will return to the prehistoric times,

when the dinosaurs governed the earth.



What do want?



Dinner is served.






Of the one what is calling me he/she?



It is paste.



Paste putenesca.



Where is the roast beef?



Roast beef?



Cheat, yes.



It is the Swedish term for steak.



He/she didn't tell us that he/she wanted roast beef.



They know, there is a big world outside,



full of orphans that would cross

an ocean willingly only for us to be with me.



But I don't worry about them,



I chose to open my heart to you

adorable children and to the hateful primate.



Everything that I ask is that you/they do

everything that comes me á head,



while I enjoy the enormous fortune

that your parents left me.






It is height of you to learn

to have respect.



His/her monster.



All you saw, the boy slipped.



He/she won't receive a cent

until Violet to do   .



Is it even?



- Who says?

- The law.



- Search.

- We will speak to Sr.Pow right now.



I am very disappointed with you.



Are you well?






- Klaus the one what is making?

- I am leaving.



- To go where?

- Home.



This is our house now.



This is not our house.



Our house is where our parents

they lie down us á night,



where they teach us to ride the bicycle or

where is happy with the  st day of classes.



This is not our house.



How could they make this with us?



They are alone bad people.



No them, the mother and the father.






Violet is also thinking,

how could they make this with us?



Didn't they have none glide for us?



Maybe they had a plan.



He/she doesn't seem.



He/she reminds of when the parents were

á europa?



We thought that you/they had us abandoned,

because not even they wrote.



Then we discovered that you/they had writing one

long letter that there was if lost in the mail.



You remember as we felt guilty

for terms done think badly of them?



It is as now.



It is not anything.






Because they are not in the europa,



they won't return.



You think some day we will turn

to feel home?






It is a word that here means

a small safe place



in a world full of problems.



An oasis in a vast desert,



or an island in a stormy sea.



Bouduller´s enjoyed yours will be

in the shrine that you/they had built together,



but in their hearts they knew that the

world of problems estáva side of out.



A world that sadly say

it can be described in two words...



- Custody accepts.



Thank you meretíssimo.



It was a pleasure to negotiate with itself.






I have been evaluating our situation,



and I noticed



that I have been a little hard,

let us say like this.



- That wants to say in this case...

- Pure cruelty!






But now that we are family,

I can compensate.



I can be a father á sorts things out.



We will stop for having a snack.



He/she glues, it glues, banana.






where is it that it was Olaf?



I will give a turn perfectly innocent

for the field, with my míudos



that I love.

Is that clock right?



What is this?



He/she seems one schedule.



Kiwi and melância.

My favorite one.



He took the keys.



It tries all of the buttons.



Conde Olaf, I am to call because of the

he/she asks that fezsobre the inheritance.



- Sr.Pow thanks to god.

- Who speaks?



Violet Bouduler,

we are in count Olaf's car.



- Hello Violet, but is where the count?

- He is not here at this time...



Is he/she driving the alone car?



No, but the car is in the line of the train

and the train comes oh.



Excuse Violet don't get to hear anything,

I am beside the train.



We will be reached by the train.



I call again when it arrives to the bank.







did he/she already read books on trains?



What do make?



The alternator of the lines.




- It is very far.



No, it should have something that we can

to use for pulling.



- There is nothing in here.

- There is always some thing.



Sunny, bites the head of that elfo.



Fast, it pulls again.



- Violet.

- I know...



- I don't want to hurry.



- Good aim.

- Thank you, it pulls.



Mr. Pow, cannot discuss this

subject how wise men?



I lament count Olaf,



but who leaves a child of the age of the

Sunny to drive a car he/she is not good father.



He tried to kill us.



We won't exaggerate Klaus,

the vehicle not even it was clamped.



He/she gives me one moment the alone ones

with the children?



Good-bye children, it was entertaining.



I will be hit you, it doesn't matter for

where goes and what does, I find them.



They are so dead.



Take them Mr. Pow,

before I lose the composure.



To end with a villain can be more than

a day of tarbalho for three talented orphans.



But Bouduller´s savored his/her victory while if they drove to his/her new




His/her future was not clear,



but they stayed optimists that

the next tutor would be better than the last.



Or at least it would not try

to pass with a train over them.



Does he/she know that scientist type is that he is?



- No, I was to treat of their subjects,

I didn't have time for those conversations.



My Ó Deus.

Look at you.



You should be Violet.

Do you remember me?



I have faith that not.

You were a bébézinha in the height.



And Klaus, we never met each other.

How are you?



That firm squeeze.



And Sunny, small Sunny.

You resemble your dear mother so much.



Thank you very much Sr.Pow,

I treat of this starting from here.



- Maybe I should enter.

- Do favor.



It can help us to pick the worms.



Children remember, if they need of me

they can tie her/it any hour.



Did we already get rid of him, it was not?



There is no a lot of time,

we have to do the suitcases.



To do the suitcases?



Did he/she say to do the suitcases?



Yes, we have to keep the whole equipment,



and the essential as the clothes, ect...

And all the snakes connosco come.



Do they go where?



I didn't mention that we are going to Peru.



- Not.

- We are going to Peru, tomorrow in the morning.



For here for the room of the reptiles.



Well vindos to my humble space.



Do they know some thing about snakes?



- Only what read in the books.



No, I don't know a lot.



Maybe have an or two things here

that you/they are not in the books.



I go for only the matulão in his/her bed

and I will come some of my friends.



- That is the snake of two heads.

- Very well.



- Is it a male or a female?

- I don't make idea, I didn't find educated to ask.



It is here, the toad tibetano of three eyes.

We didn't manage to do him to stop singing.



He/she is now children,

they have to see my last discovery.



I found her/it in Tanzania.



Only of his/her species,

the incredible and human viper.



My assistant Gustave and me maybe

let us be the only people to have seen her.



I apologize,



my ribbon imbeded.



Leave me only to adjust her here.



He/she is already.



Where is it that I went?



Á yes, the attack of the incredible

and human viper.



Don't worry small,

she cannot hurt you.



The incredible and deadly viper

could not he/she hurt?



He/she is a great quitter.



One of the least dangerous ones and more

friendly creatures in the animal kingdom.



I only call her like this to nail a piece

to the charlatans of the zoological society.



Uncle Monty

because it is that we are going to Peru?



Still this morning I questioned me,



as it is that will leave the city

together, then I thought...



Peru. Are there snakes in Peru no there is?



But because it is that will leave the city?



Violet knows that the snakes have

more fear of you of the one what you have of them?



Few people know.



When threatened the snake hides

in an I besiege calm, safe.



A shrine.



Where can be out of danger.



It is for that Peru.



That spyglass, I saw an equal to that...



We have a long time to talk




But at this time the one that I need is of

an inventor, a reader, and a rodent.



Do they know some?



Petunia that is that I already told you

on this?



She thinks that I am a tree.



I think I know that song.



I think our parents

to play for people.



As I did for mine.



Did he/she have children?



Yes, and a woman,

and a house.



Until the fire...



A fire?



I know better than nobody

that why are to pass.



We will be with people that

they understand us, that you/they like us.



People that appreciate only children

that you/they know lêr and to invent and... to bite things.



Uncle Monty, because it is to do

everything this for us?



It is not that what the family does?



It is like this being,



the children Bouduler were

to Peru



and together they had óptimas adventures

with his/her new and wonderful tutor.






These are the words

that I liked to tell you.



I gave everything to say that

the history finishes here,



but my mission is not to count final

happy when they don't happen.



But yes to tell the events of the lives

of the unhappy children Bouduller.



And for a lot that it costs me,



I should admit that their problems

they had just begun.



It is was like this with two musical notes.



I seek him/it

Dr. Montgomery Montgomery.



I am Estefano, I am Italian



and I am here for you help him/it

in his/her research



the best than it can.



As well as to help

and to observe.



Conde Olaf.



Because you say that?



I never met such person as

count Olaf, but...



if he/she had acquaintance have the certainty

that he seemed and it would be very different.



It is Olaf is won't let to enter you.



Maybe they should revalue

your decision.



It is for that that you/they should never run

with one of these small ones.



Wise words Mr. Estefano.



He/she caught me as mentor.



- It is blessed is for it being so fast.

- It was not anything.



My assistant Gustave got sick

and he/she called doesn't do one hour.



He gave everything to be here now.



- Fortunately it was available.



- Good, I am a fan

if it is that I can him to say.



His/her work influênciou deeply

my research in the...



aquarium of Monte Ray bay...



... on the sea serpent.



It is a very vile animal...

I was already bitten   ... setessentas times.



Mainly in the face.



A lot of this it was rebuilt already.



But I think you/they made one

great work



same being my false mustache.



It will be that the little ones can help me

with my suitcases?



My side esquero is limited.



Let us be not simple

with our guest, they go there.



- The one what is he scheming?

- I don't know.



No there is any good moment

for a villain to arrive.



But the timing of the reaparecimento of Olaf,

when the secret of Dr. Montgomery



it could be revealed ace children.



It was more than Klaus could support.



Violet listens, the spyglass of Monty,



I saw the same exactly

in the father's general office.



- Klaus is only a coincidence.

- No Violet, everything happens for a reason.



The children will help us

in the researches in Peru.



Does he/she have some esperiência with children?



The children are strange

and distant for me.



I never went really one.

But I know that you/they are an important part



of the ecosistema.



He will never leave us the alone ones

with Monty.



We have to do to arrive to him

a message.



He/she leaves that for my bill.



It was feeding her her and I neglected myself,

of course that was enough.



I had bait her/it in my mouth

and I offered, it was there one equips...



... a lot of people don't know about that on them

but it is not estraordinário...



... in any way, shortening the history,

the curatives and the surgery reconstrutiva...



... in my understanding, Peru

it is a great place. Beaches, people...



relaxing custody laws.



Relaxing custody laws?



Did I say that?



Stefano, has immense way for

accountant of histories.



Don't they have children?



I was to think if he/she didn't care

of giving milk á Petunia for me.



To give milk... I only can...

Yes clear, I will try.



Call me of Mcdonald,

because I removed milk the whole day.



But in the smallest it is difficult

of locating.



Because it is that it is not with that

and begin the party without me.



I am not sure

my equipment was brought.



I will take a look.



- Him still á is peeps?

- Yes.



Don't look at me,

he/she fakes that he/she is speaking to Klaus.



I received your message,

don't worry, I know.



Do know?



He/she had some very subtle ways.



And he saw always going to the side

of the exotic snakes.



You were right.



Estefano is an impostor.



He/she is a spy of the society herbatológica,

he/she is here to steal the viper.



No uncle Monty...



They already finished.

Me such anxious estáva for removing milk.



He/she is not in the boys' hour

do they go to the bed?



With certainty.

We began in the morning well early.



They go there.

Good night.



If they are restless during the night,

I am soon to the corridor's bottom



and I am the very light sleepy.

In fact I rarely sleep.



You have a free pass for

to walk in the corridor?



Well I thought that not.



Petunia, I will feel your lack.



Are you a beautiful girl, you are not?

A beautiful girl.



It is a curious thing, the death of one

person that is us wanted.



It is as going up the stairways

for your room in the darkness



and to think that there is one more step

of what he/she really has.



Your foot is going for the air

and there is a moment of surprise.



The children's pain was not alone

for his/her uncle,



but for the hope of they have returned

to feel home.



He/she gives hope that thanks to a cruel action

he/she was now to vanish.



I feel partly responsible

for this tragedy.



I should have informed on

the viper´s.



I should know.



I discovered her.



You the something?






Doors of the cage opened, there are no signs

of the snake. A dead man.



Do you know him/it what am to think?



I am to think who woke up me

ace  am for that reason?



It is without a doubt a bite

of snake.



Snake bite, no there is doubt.

Thank you dr.



They don't understand, the incredible viper

he/she could not have matadoe him



because it is one of the least dangerous ones

and friendlier creatures of the animal kingdom.



He/she Cares that you/they don't fill out

the paper work?



I think it would be better.

These children passed a bad mouthful.



Nor I know if it is good idea to alter

the plans the this height.



We went to Peru tomorrow...



It can be the only hypothesis

of they have rest.



Of interviews with witness

that there they had state on that day,



I discovered the following

on the plan of newest Bouduller,



to brave Sunny approached alone

of the human viper with plenty determination.



- He is Conde Olaf

and that doctor is his/her accomplice.



He tried to kill us with a train



And where is that this gentleman will arrange

a train?



- Where is it that will arrange a train?

- Stop with those histories children!.



No there are any similarities with count Olaf.

- Who is that attractive count that you/they speak?



And the tattoo. Count Olaf had

a tattoo of an eye in the ankle.



Everything does for the children.



Completely clean.



He is an actor,

it covered her/it with maquilhagem.



Doctor cares of helping me

to accompany these children to the car?



All testify them

they agreed with a thing,



the sound that you/they heard soon afterwards

it was so shocking, so surprising,



that it still astonishes them until today.




This character was so good.



Be rested, the authorities

they are already á seeks of Mr. Estefano.




to an absent-minded banker,



Bouduller celebrated the fact

of they have exposed count Olaf



while they crossed

the cold surface of the river Lakrimoss.



But Klaus liked to see

besides the surface of the things.



He knew that there was some thing

behind his/her day,



same only tends as tracks, the spyglass,



the knowledge of one more terrible fire



and two words in a paper piece.



- Aunt Josephine?

- I never heard to speak of her.



He/she doesn't find strange that none of the

did our relatives feel well with us?



Aunt Josephin.



Bouduller´s, are you?






Oh my God, enter, enter, it is

ready to a hurricane to arrive.



Oh Violet, looks at you.



No so fast, they can trip in the rug

and if they hurt.



Therefore, fast, but not a lot, ok?!



Oh they excuse, it is so much cold here, in the

Winter is so cold that badly got to tolerate.



Does he/she want that it calls the heater you,

aunt Josephin?



Oh children, it liked them not to open the doors

for the handle here of house.



Push the wood and she open up.






I am afraid that the door is broken

and later don't open.



Bilbo, is not a word.



I see that will have to teach him/her English.



Is the grammar the largest happiness of the life,

don't they find?



Oh yes, without a doubt.



Perfect, hot soup.



Actually it is cold soup.



I never cook hot, I am afraid

that the stove burns.



- Where is your brother?

- In the kitchen.



- The one what are to do?

- Napkins.



Oh he/she leaves the figorífico closely, if it falls

he/she squeezes his/her estomâgo.



Would you like to see some pictures?



Care, the paper cuts.



Was Ike?



It was not beautiful?



Were you aunt?



You were not afraid of lions?



Oh I was very adventurous.



The you Monty, knew the uncle Monty?



No, that is not a good picture of me.



- These our parents were?

- This some was club species?



- Because they had all these glasses of spies?

- I don't like my image in that picture.



Did he die in a bonfire?



No, no, no, dizzy, he was eaten by bugs.



Care with the chandelier.



He falls.



He/she could have died in any part from the lake,

from that tip to other á.



Close to that rock it was where

the bugs attacked him/it.



They have very sharp teeth.



They are blind, but they get to smell food

in a human to kilometers of distance.



I informed, Ike have to wait

one hour to enter in the water.. but



he only waited    minutes.



I ask for excuse children... close.



That area is deprived.



That era the rule of Ike.



Well, aunt, already thought about changing if she moved to another ranch far away from the lake, maybe if youfelt better.



I would never get to sell this house.



There were   types of fears, rational or irrational.

To have fear of real estate was irrational.



Is a bad height?



We have to leave of house.



Be careful with those, some are poisonous.

It is taken care with the other red.



Everything is well, aunt Josephin.



Is the black plague?



The fault was mine, I apologize

for having gone against his/her sister.



They are two beauties,

especially you.



Aunt Josephin.



Allow him to come.

- No, premita that I and Klaus present him/it.



- It is said "Klaus and me."



He/she doesn't import this is it...

- Doesn't it matter?



Is he/she playing with me girl?

Maybe be arguments of a fisherman but



the grammar is the thing

more important for me.



- Is it?

It is as important as a good boat.



You know as transforming a sentence.



I also get to order her/it to the air

and to turn of the contrary.



Of course that

it is entirely with you dear.



Captain Cham, at your disposal.



He is to lie.

He is count Olaf.



That man that you/they informed me?

Where? Who?



- In front of him/her/you.

- Where is it that he is?



- Behind Captain Cham?

- I will teach some things...



Captain Cham is count Olaf.



I won't go by this again.



Klaus because you made that with this

poor man?



I apologize immense.



He/she doesn't have importance.



He is only badly a little

of the insides.



I work with this since I lost

my leg.



Because it is that I didn't wait

one more hour go swim, reason?



My husband was also been hit

for that bug.



At least they let to live me.



Who is that can love a man

only with a leg and with fishhook face.



It is completely alone...



Does he/she want to have dinner at my house this night?

- Not.



I don't know, I am afraid of scratching the ground

with this thing.



I cover the ground of newspapers.



Please, the children will do

a mágnifica Putenesca.



It was the same meal that I took

before they remove my leg.



Children I will take

Captain Cham home,



and you are here to do purchases

for a dinner without putenesca.



- But...

- But, it is not a sentence Klaus.



Aunt Josephin.

- I have...



They still didn't pay that.



The boys today...



Aunt Josephin.



Aunt Josephin, is here?



Ó no.



We arrived very late.



What does say he/she?

- It is a suicide ticket.



Violet, Klaus and Sunny when they read this

my life will already have finished.



My heart is cold as ice,



and I find the unbearable life.



I know that cannot understand...

- It doesn't interest continues.



What will have taken to this desperate action.



Acto is badly written.

- Is a suicide ticket, what does import?



One of his/her happiness was the grammar,

because it is that he/she has so many mistakes?



If it was about to jump of the window

maybe also he/she had some mistakes.



Understand that I am

much happier like this.



As my last will in will,

I leave you under the care of captain Cham.



A kind and honest man.



This it was his/her plan.



He/she forced her to write her this ticket

and later it pushed her/it for the window.



No, it is not a ticket suicída.

It is a message.



This should have other letters here.



Curdled Digs.



- It is going Curdled even Digs

well there to the bottom.



She is not dead,

it is hidden.



Curdled Digs!



- He was to investigate the fires.



Klaus has to go.



It moves away you of the freezer.

- The something?



It cannot be.



Did he/she already end?



Violet is better to get right

your hair.



Do Violet have ideas?



- Feel that extinguisher.

- For something?



Because we needed to move

until that side.



- The something?

- Simply help me.



We have to break that support.

- To break?



But that is what maintain this of foot.

- Exactly.



Is he/she sure that arrested the hair well?

I will count up to  .



He/she waits, he/she waits,

he/she tolerates Sunny, now.



- The one what make now?

- She is alive, we have to go the authorities.



- No, they won't hear,

they never hear.



It is Olaf, he will never stop,

we have that us same to find.



- Children are Captain Cham,

your new guardian,



be where they are

that I go oh to look for you.



Already east some book about navigation?



Klaus had already read    books

about navigation,



and two books about location.



But a thing is to do in theory,

in práctica it is different.



Very a little he/she could have them mixture

for this crossing Curdled Digs even.



But as the storm passed,

and the waters calmed,



Boudullers were not able to

to leave of feeling a certain satisfaction.



A rare moment of happiness,

in their always unhappy lives.



They had gotten, and if

his/her guardian didn't get to save them,



then they would save his/her guardian.



Aunt Josephin.



Aunt Josephin.



Is he/she here?



Children got,

they deciphered the tracks in my ticket.



We are happy that is well.



It was so horrible, count Olaf

it forced me to do that will



and later he/she almost killed to have me to give

all those grammatical mistakes.



Then they did bring foods?

- Foods?



We have just left a storm.



Is it later?



As wait that we get to live

in this grotto they were not brought food.



- To live at the grotto?

- No aunt Josephin, has to return connosco.



You leave us in will

to captain Cham,



you are the only proof that it is lie.



- No, he/she is very dangerous children.

- Very dangerous?



You are our guardian,

it is right to take comta of us.



He/she knows aunt Josephin,

Curdled Digs is á sells.



Soon people will come here to see him/it

and maybe some of those people buys him/it.



Aunt Josephin what the one means this?



- Where did you find that?

- In his/her room.



- Fires.

- Because it was him to investigate her/it fires?



All be-millstones.



The uncle Monty...



Our parents.



They were ours lead.



Children, in the world there are good and bad people.



The ones that begin the fires

and the ones that turn off them.



Who is to do this?

- Is Olaf?



I already said too much,

their parents knew the answer.



And look what happened with them.



Our parents?

What did they say?



We should not have left that grotto.

We can still return behind, I take a risk.



What did our parents say?



We will die.



The something?



They are the beings.



I think it is a good thing

none of us to eat there is some time.



The skull split.



Klaus the one what make?



We are to sink, to sink, to sink.



He/she has a boat there.

We are here.



For more unpleasant

that the beings could be,



there was something still more unpleasant,



that he/she appeared of the thick fog.



Hello, hello, hello.



I felt his/her lack.

I think that percisam of my help.



You are that will need when we arrive

á city, the aunt Josephin will count everything.



Then I will be arrested

and you will live happy forever



with your guardian. The time will pass

to invent things, to read and to gnaw.



The world becomes an I besiege harmonious,

everyone to sing and to dance, as the elfo.



A happy end.

Was it that what á were waits?



Because I find difficult somebody to believe

in a woman died.



He/she won't play in the aunt Josephin and she will count

to everyone that it happened.



No, no, I don't count anything

to anybody, I promise.



Please don't throw me for the water.

It can be with the fortune, and with the children.



Well vindos on board.



I disappear. I Paint the hair

and mute of name.



- Then it is us?

- Silence, the adults are talking.



I suppose that I don't have to kill her.



On the other hand his/her trick in the window

it doesn't turn her/it a very reliable person.






I can be merciful.



What was?



You committed a grammatical mistake.



Thank you for having corrected me.



Ready they were already with the idea.



Everything did that were able to.



- Children, are you?

- Mr. Pow are...



I saved him/it.

I saved the boy.



Conde Olaf the one what is making here?



I know that it should not have come, but when

I heard that they were in danger had to come.



It seems that it was wrong.



He/she is a very capable guardian,

and I put the children to his/her responsibility.



It is of law that doesn't inherit anything

in case some happens thing ace children.



With the relatives' excepção

or you marry.



It is really!



Sr Pow already spoke to him/her about the

our new piece?



Which is his/her idea,

because it is that we entered in the piece?



Here he/she says that if the people are married

they are entitled to our whole money.



But that is only a piece, he is not able to

to inherit the money marrying with me in a piece.



The marriage has to be accomplished

for a priest, he/she says right here.



They are prepared

for our guest?



You are the bride, I am the judge.

Who is the fiancé?



Judge, doesn't understand,

the piece is real.



Which is the word that I seek?



Remember judge has to say everything

as if it was a true marriage.



- Because it is that he/she had to tell me that?

- Take her for the maquilhagem.



That is ridiculous, Violet is    years old only,

she cannot marry legally.



It can if he/she has his/her guardian's permission.

And who is he? ME.



When you say yes and you sign the certificate

you will be legally my wife.



I will never say that yes, never.



He/she leaves her/it alone.



If he/she doesn't say that yes, or

any thing to get mixed up, she falls.



As he/she can make that,

she is a baby.



He/she is    years old, you should already know that not

you can have everything that wants.



You want to be happy, to have a roof and

does one besiege her/it what can call of home?



And the one what I want?!

I want that enormous fortune.



And you will help myself

to get what I want.



My public awaits me.



You are not going ahead with this.



- I have to do that.

- Go there, there is always some alternative.



This time no.



He/she is going Klaus, it goes...



There is always something that she can do.



Do wait, what is that?



I came to marry with my bride.



That it begins the marriage.



Conde Olaf, accepts this woman for his/her wife

in the health and in the disease until that the death separates them?



And you Violet accepts this,

count Olaf as his/her husband?



I accept.



Her no it accepts,

no it accepts.






And for the invested power, this union will be...

- Official.



Sunny where the key is?



Right hand please.



" Lament to inform that

their parents died in a fire."



There are things that simply

they don't happen.






This ends here.



- What is the one? I am busy.

- We have a problem, he/she looks upward.



- It finishes like this this piece.

- It was not a piece, the count will kill Sunny



if I didn't go ahead

with the marriage.



- They have to hear me, he is only

to marry with me to be with the fortune.



That part by chance is true.



Violet and I are actually

a blessed couple



because we were married

in an official cerimónia with a judge.



My God that I went me to do.



I apologize, I didn't know...



We will be like this together.

- Mr. Pow!



His/her evil one.

Arrest him.



- With that motivate?

- For being a montro ganâncioso.



Am I a montro?

You are that it is a monster.



These children tried to tell you

but you didn't hear,



never nobody hears the children.



This paper says that

I have the fortune now.



And not there is anything that can do.



What finds, tell me his/her opinion.



The marriage is not a picnic,

and now he/she is a terrible actor.



We will maintain the calm, if they come

here they will go down at my level.






I am happy for saying that count Olaf

it was condemned by several crimes.



Bouduller were victorious,

they got to unmask the mystery of the fires.



If the justice went so gentile. Count Olaf

it disappeared after a season in the prison.



As the children,

his/her future was uncertain.



What knew when returning for the car

of Mr. Pow,



it is that will go straight ahead.



Children don't worry that the

authorities will take care of count Olav



They never again returned

to see that horrible man



before we left maybe

act time for one more stop



He/she looks at these whole stamps.



Rome, England, some

me nor I know where they are.



Of who it is?



Of the father and of the mother.



It is the letter! The letter that never arrived



Dear children from that we are

I/you had gone have been having a lot of longings,



certain events did

with that it was slower.



One day when they go older space

to know everything on our trips



In heights in that the world can

opinion a little friendly and sinister place.



But they believe when we say that the

much more of good than of bad.



everything that has do is to seek with

force. And the one that the first view can seem



one serializes of bad luck, it can be

I begin him/it of an adventure.



We hoped to arrive soon, but if the

letter to arrive before they know that we loved you.



they fill us with pride know

that it happens what to happen



you three take care some of the

other as always they did.



And remember this my wanted and never

forget wherever are



since they are together you

he/she has your family and they are home.



Their parents



To pass the torch is a right of passage

that can be of many sort things out.



but secalhar the least acquaintance and more

supreendente is the vision of an eyeglass



Dear reader, there are people in the

world no conheçem the poverty



they are comforted with films of

birds to sing and small elfos.



á people that know that there is

always a mystery for solving,



and they worry in researching

and to remove conclusions of the proofs.



But this history is not on such people.



This history is on Bouduller´s,



and they are the type of people that you/they know

that there is always more any thing.



Any thing to invent,

to read or to bite, some thing to do.

Special help by SergeiK