Lord Of The Flies Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Lord Of The Flies script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie based on the William Golding book.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Lord Of The Flies. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Lord Of The Flies Script




If three points are taken

in two sides of a triangle,



and the third side reduced,

or all three sides reduced...



so that the product of the three

alternate segments taken in order--



Hi! Ouch!



Hey, wait for me.



I can't hardly move

with all these creeper things.



Them other kids must have

got scattered in the dark.



We ought to go and find them.



My auntie told me not to run

on account of my asthma.



- Asthma ?

- That's right.



I was the only boy

in our school that had asthma.



And I've been wearing specs

since I was three.



- Where's the plane ?

- The storm must have dragged it out.



There must have been

some kids still in it.



Are there any grown-ups ?



- I don't think so.

- What's your name ?






I don't care what they call me,



as long as they don't call me

what they did at school.



What's that ?



- They used to call me ''Piggy.''

- Piggy!



As long as you don't

tell the others.



Daddy's a commander in the Navy.



One day when he gets leave,

he'll come and rescue us.



- Aren't you coming in ?

- Ooh, it's hot.



No. My auntie wouldn't let me--

account of my asthma.



Sucks to your asthma.



You can't half swim well.



- Hey, look!

- It's a shell.



I've seen one like it before

on someone's back wall.



A conch, he called it. He used

to blow it, and his mum would come.



He blew from down here.



- You've done it!



Hey! Is anyone there ?



Hey! Hey!



- I think we ought explore a bit.



- What's your name ?

- Percival Williams Madison...



the Vicarage, Hartcourt,

St. Anthony, telephone: Hartcourt     .



- And what's your name ?

- George.



- What's your name ?

- Sam and Eric.



Sam and Eric.



Sam and Eric.



Choir, halt!



Where's the man

with the trumpet ?



There's no man

with a trumpet. Only me.



- Isn't there a man here ?

- No.



Then we'll have

to look after ourselves.



We're having a meeting.

Come and join us.



- Is he all right ?



Put him in the shade, quick!



- Let him alone.

- But, Merridew.



He'll be all right.

Simon's always throwing a faint.



Now let's decide

what we're going to do.



That's why Ralph made a meeting--

so as we can decide what to do.



We got most names.



Those two-- they're twins.

Sam and Eric.



- I'm Sam.

- I'm Eric.



I'm Ralph.



- And you ?

- Douglas.



- Yours ?

- Charles.



And what are all your names ?
























- Simon.

- I'm Jack.



- And that boy there. He--

- You're talking too much.



- Shut up, Fatty!

- His name's not Fatty.



- His real name's Piggy.

- Piggy!



We've got to decide

about being rescued.



I think we ought to have

a chief to decide things.



- Someone must take charge.



- I ought to be chief.

- Him with the shell!



- He got us together.

- I'm chief chorister and head boy.



- Let's have a vote.



All right. We'll have a vote.



- Who wants Jack for chief then ?



- Who wants me ?

- Me!



- Me!

- Me!



Me. Me.



I'm chief, then.



Jack's in charge of the choir.

What do you want them to be ?






Choir, take off your togs.



Hey, what are you wearing

those funny clothes for ?



It's our uniform.



Listen, everybody.

If this isn't an island,



we might get rescued




So we've got to decide

if it is.



Three of us will go

on an expedition to find out.



I'll go and Jack.



- And--

- Take me. Please.



You. You all right now ?



- I'll come.

- We don't want you. Three's enough.



I was with him

when he found the conch.



I was with him

before anyone else was.



- You can't come.

- You told them after what I said--



after I said I didn't want--



What are you talking about ?



About being called Piggy.



I said I didn't care

as long as they didn't call me Piggy.



And I said not to tell.



And then you went

and said straight out--



- Better Piggy than Fatty.



And anyway, I'm sorry

if you feel like that.



Go back, Piggy, and take names.

That's your job. So long.



Hey, look!



One, two, three.









We're on an uninhabited island.



We shall have

to look after ourselves.



But it's a good island.

There's lots of fruit, water,



and I'm pretty sure there aren't

any dangerous animals.



So things aren't so bad.



None of us are hurt.



There isn't any danger,



and we can build shelters

and be comfortable.



So if we're sensible--

if we do things properly--



if we don't lose our head--

we'll be all right.



- But where will we sleep ?

- We'll build shelters.



We can have smashing fun.



And another thing.

We can't have everybody talking at once.



We shall have to put our hands up,

then I'll give him the conch.



[Jack ]

I agree with Ralph.



We've got to have rules

and obey them.



After all, we're not savages.

We're English.



-And the English are best at everything.



So we'll have lots of rules,

and when anybody breaks them--



- Piggy, Piggy, Piggy!

- Quiet!



You're not letting Ralph

get to the most important thing.



Who knows we're here ?



Nobody knows we're here.



Perhaps they knew

where we were going to,



perhaps not.



But they don't know where we are now

'cause we never got there.



We might stay here

till we die.



He wants to know what you're going to do

about the snake thing.



Tell us about

the snake thing.



Now he says

it was a beastie.






-A snake thing, ever so big. He saw it.

- When ?



When he was hiding

in the jungle in the dark.



He says when the rain stopped,



it turned into one of them things

like ropes in the trees...



and hung in the branches.



He says,

''Will it come back tonight ?''



But there isn't a beastie.



I tell you,

there isn't a beast.



Ralph's right, of course.



There isn't a snake thing, but

if there was, we'd hunt and kill it.



There's another thing.

If a ship comes near,



they may not notice us.



So we must make smoke on top

of the mountain. We must make a fire.



Come on. Follow me.



- Yes!

- Let's go now!



Just like kids--

like a crowd of kids.



I bet it's gone teatime.



Anybody got any matches ?



My, what a big heap

you've made!



Piggy's specs!

Come on!



Get out of the light!



Roger, hey, Roger.

Come on over here.



My specs!



Ralph, I'll split up my choir--

my hunters, that is.



And we'll be responsible

for keeping the fire going.



We'll make a big blaze now.

It'll last all night.



Come and give us a hand.






Here comes one.



This is a nice one.



Just a minute.

Be careful.









It isn't gonna hit you!






Come on, come on!



Kill! Kill!



No throwing sand!



Ralph, come here! It's a plane!



A plane! A plane!



Can't you hear it ? Ralph, it's going!

Hurry up! Ralph!



I can't see no smoke.

Where is it ?






Piggy's glasses!

If the fire's out, we'll need them!



Stop! Come back!

Come back!



Come back! Come back!



They've let

the bloody fire out!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Hey, Ralph!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!



Bash her in!

Kill the pig! Slit her throat!



Bash her in!

Kill the pig! Slit her throat!



Bash her in! Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in! Kill the pig!



Slit her throat!

Bash her in! Kill the pig!



Slit her throat! Bash her in!

Kill the pig! Slit her throat!



Bash her in!

Kill the pig!



Look. We killed a pig!

We stole up on it!



You let the fire out.



We can light it up again.



You should have been

with us, Ralph.



There was lots of blood!

You should have seen it.



There was a plane.

There was a plane!



They might have seen us.

We might have gone home!



You and your blood, Jack Merridew!



You and your hunting!

We might have gone home!



We needed meat.



You didn't

ought to have let the fire go out!



- My specs!



Here. Here they are.



Just you wait!



That was a dirty trick.



All right, all right.

I'm sorry!



About the fire, I mean.



There. I apologize.



Light the fire, then.









No, Ralph, don't! Please!



I'll bring them back.



Will it swell up his legs ?



- Give me a leg.



- Give it to me.

- Give me a piece, please.



Aren't I havin' none ?



You didn't hunt.



No more did Ralph.

No more did Simon.



Eat, damn you!



- Kill the pig!

- Oink, oink, oink.



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat!






Get down on the beach.

We're calling an assembly.



Things are beginning to break up.



I don't know why.



It all began well.



Then people started forgetting

what really matters.



The most important thing for all

of us is getting rescued.



So now let's discuss who does what,

and when we have decided,



we can start again...



and be careful about things

like the fire.



All right, so the fire went out.



But we're hunters.

We got you meat.



And if there is a beast,



it's my hunters who

will protect you from it.



What's your name?



What's your name? What's your name?



What's your name ?



Quiet! Quiet!



What's your name ?



Percival Williams Madison,

the Vicarage,



Hartcourt, St. Anthony.









- Tele--



What did he say ?



He says there's a beast.



It comes out of the sea.



My daddy said they haven't found

all the animals in the sea.



My daddy says

there are animals--



What do you call them ?



They make ink

and are hundreds of feet long...



and eat whales whole.



A squid can't come out of the water.



Maybe he means

it's some sort of ghost.



Maybe that's

what the beast is, a ghost.



I don't believe

in no ghosts. Ever.



- Who cares what you believe, Fatty ?



Maybe there is a beast.



Hear him. He's got the conch.



What I mean is,



maybe it's only us.






We should have left all this

till daylight.



We're tired.



We'll have a vote--

on ghosts, I mean--



and then go back

to the shelters.



Who thinks there

may be ghosts ?



- I see.

- I didn't vote for no ghosts.



Remember that, all of you.



You shut up, you fat slug!



I got the conch!



Oh, Jack, let him speak.

He's got the conch.



And you shut up. Who are you,

telling people what to do ?



- You can't hunt. You can't sing.

- I'm chief. I was chosen.



Why should choosing make any difference,

telling people what to do ?



- Piggy's got the conch.

- Favor Piggy as you always do.




-Jack! Jack!



- You're breaking the rules!

- Who cares ?



Because the rules are

the only thing we've got.



Bullocks to the rules!

We're strong. We hunt.



If there's a beast,

we'll hunt it down!



What's grown-ups going

to say ? Look at 'em!



I think I ought to

give up being chief.



You can't, Ralph. Not now.



Blow the conch.

You've got to be tough.



Make them do what you want.



If I blow the conch,



and they don't come back,



then we've had it.



Are there ghosts, Piggy ?

Or beasts ?



Of course there aren't.



- Why not ?

- Because things wouldn't make sense.



Houses and streets...

and TV.



They wouldn't work.



But suppose they wouldn't make

sense, not here on this island.



Supposing things

are watching us...



and waiting.



Go on being chief, Ralph.



Who's there ?



Me, Simon.



I wish my auntie were here.



Oh, what's the use ?



Grown-ups know things.



They ain't afraid

of the dark.



They'd meet and have tea

and discuss.



Then things would be

all right.






What's the matter?






- It was furry.

- There was something moving...



behind his head-- wings.



It sort of sat up.



It had eyes, teeth, claws.



We ran as fast as we could,

bashed into things.



The beast followed us.



Then he caught me.



You're not pulling our legs,

are you ?



- We'll hunt it. Who'll come ?

- Me! Me!



But those sticks, they're made of wood.

Don't be so silly.



Frightened ?



Of course I am.

Who wouldn't be ?



Come on. Let's go.



Who'll mind the little ones ?



- Piggy will.

- Right. Keep Piggy out of danger.



Haven't you got any sense ?



How can Piggy help

with only one eye ?



Jack, is there anywhere on this

island where we haven't been ?



There's only--

Of course!



The tail end part,

where the rocks pile up.



I'm chief.

I'll go in alone.



The rest of you

wait here and hide.



Do you think--



I've been all over.

It must be here.



I... don't believe

in the beast.



I suppose not.



Couldn't let you do it

on your own.



What a place for a fort!



The beast isn't here.



-Let's get the others and go to the top.




Now, this story is about

the place where I live,



called Camberley.



Now, Camberley is

quite an old place,



but it hasn't been called

Camberley all the time.



It used to be called




And they used to get mixed up

with the letters...



between Cambridge

or Cambridgetown.



So letters that were to a person

in Cambridgetown...



used to go to a person

in Cambridge.



So they got a bit mixed up.

So they thought they'd change...



the name at the post office,

because it was a post office...



that had all the trouble

of sorting the letters.



And they thought they'd leave

the ''cam'' from Cambridgetown,



and they--



''ber'' is a river,



and there are a lot of rivers

around there.



''Camber.'' And then ''ley,'' because often

the towns near there ended with ''ley.''



Their names ended

with ''ley.''



So they called it

Cam-ber-ley. Camberley.



And that's the true story

of Camberley.



I don't think we should leave

Piggy with the little ones.



Not all night.



We mustn't let anything

happen to Piggy, must we ?



I think someone should go back and tell

them we won't be back till after dark.



I'll go.

I don't mind.






We'll go to the beach.



We can go to the top tomorrow.



If you're frightened, of course.



All right, then.

Who wants to go now ?



You see ?



I'm going to climb the mountain

to look for the beast now.



- Coming ?

- I don't mind.



If you don't mind, of course.



Not at all!



I think it's silly

only two of us go.



If we meet anything

on the other side, two won't be enough.



All right.

Come along, Roger.



If you don't want to go on,

I'll go myself.



Go on, then.

We'll wait here.



Shut up.



I saw a thing on top.



There was a noise too.

Kind of...



Keep close to the ground.



Over there, capping the rock.



First, you know now

we've seen the beast.



We crawled up.

We were only a few feet away.



The beast sat up

and looked at us.



I don't think we could fight a thing

that size. Honestly, you know.



We're talk.

We couldn't fight a tiger.



We'd hide.

Even Jack would hide.



- What about my hunters ?

- Boys armed with sticks ?



All right, then.



He's not a hunter.

He'd never have got us meat.



He's just giving orders,

expects people to obey for nothing.



He's like Piggy.

He says things like Piggy.



He's not a proper chief.

He's a coward.



On top, when Roger and me went on,

he stayed back.



- I went too.

- After.



I went on too, then I went away.

So did you.



Call me a coward then.

All this talk.



- All this talk, talk, talk.

- Right.



I'm not gonna be

part of Ralph's lot.



I'm going off by myself to the rocks

to hunt and have feasts and have fun.



Anyone who wants

can come too.






I said we could do

without a certain person.



Now I think

we've got to decide.



We can do without Jack Merridew.



There's others besides him

on this island.



But now we've really

got a beast--



though I can hardly

believe it--



we'll need to stay close

to the platform.



I've been talking, Ralph.



What ?



We've got no fire

on the mountain,



but what's wrong

with a fire down here ?



That's a good idea. We can build it

right here between the shelters.



I think we ought

to climb the mountain.



What's the use ?



What else is there to do ?



And put some dry leaves on.

Make sure they're dry.



If they're wet,

it won't burn properly.



Come on.



Come on.






Right up the ass.



Sharpen a stick at both ends.



This head is for the beast.



It's a gift.



Can't they see ?

Don't they understand ?



Unless we keep the smoke burning,

we'll die.



What's wrong, Piggy ?



Why are things going

wrong like they are ?



I don't know, Ralph.



Looks like we're going to have

a lot of rain, all right.



What about the fire ?



Hey, come back!



We wouldn't go back to you--










Take 'em some food.













Who'll join my tribe ?



Jack. I'll join your tribe,Jack.



- Who'll join my tribe ?

- I will.



I gave you food, and my hunters

will protect you from the beast.



- Who'll join my tribe ?

- I will,Jack.



I'm chief. And what about the fire ?

I've got the conch!



You haven't got it with you.

You left it behind.



See ? Clever.



Anyway, the conch doesn't count

on this end of the island.



The conch counts here

and all over the island.



Who'll join my tribe ?



- Me, me!

- I will!



- Let's join Jack's tribe!

- Yeah!



Come away.

There's going to be trouble.



Kill the beast!



Kill the beast!

Kill the pig!



Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the beast!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast! Slit his throat!

Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast! Slit his throat!

Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast! Slit his throat!

Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Kill the beast! Slit his throat!

Bash it in!



Kill the beast!

Slit his throat! Bash it in!



Look! The beast!



Kill! Kill!



Kill! Kill! Kill!



Piggy, are you

the only one left ?



There are some little ones.



They don't count.

No big ones ?



Oh, Sam and Eric.

They're collecting wood.



- Nobody else ?

- Not that I know of.






- Piggy.

- Huh ?



That was murder.



You stop it! What good are you

doing talking like that ?



It was dark!

There was that bloody dance!



There was thunder

and lightning and rain!



We were scared!



It wasn't...

what you said.



Oh, Piggy!



It was an accident.



He was batty.



He asked for it.

It was an accident.



Oh, God,

I want to go home.






Ow! Ow!



Take him away!



Tomorrow, I'll hunt again.



Then we'll leave another head

for the beast.



Some of you will stay

and defend the gate.



The beast may try

and come in.



Remember how he crawled ?



He came disguised.



The beast may try and come,



even though we gave him

the head of our kill to eat.



So watch and be careful.



But didn't we--

Didn't we--



No. How could we kill it ?



He told us.

The beast was disguised.



Tomorrow, when we get meat,

we'll have a feast.



- Chief?

- Yes, Bill ?



What'll we use

to light the fire ?



We'll get fire

from the others.



We've got to get

out of this.



What do you mean ?



Get rescued.



I mean it.



If we don't get out of here soon,

we'll be barmy.



- Around the bend.

- Crackers.



Have you written a letter

to your auntie lately ?



I don't know

where she is now,



and I haven't got

an envelope or a stamp,



and there isn't

a pillar box or a postman.



I haven't said

anything very funny.









Don't make a sound.



We're going

to get you, Piggy.



Piggy ?



Where are you, Piggy ?



- We've come to get you.



Ow! Ow! Ow!



Piggy, you've changed!






I just take the conch

to say this.



I can't see

without my glasses,



and I got to get them back.



What are we going to do ?



Hey! Who goes there ?



Stop being silly!

You can see who I am!



I'm calling an assembly!



Boo! Boo!



Don't leave me, Ralph!



You sit down

and wait for me. Here.



What do you want ?



Go away, Ralph!

You keep to your end.



This is my end and my tribe.

You have to leave me alone.



You took Piggy's specs.

You've got to give them back.



Got to ? Who says ?



I say!

That was a dirty trick.



We would have given you fire

if you asked for it.



But you didn't.

You came sneaking up like a thief.



- Say that again!

- Thief! Thief!



Who's a thief?



You are!




Remember what we came for.



The fire. My specs.



Don't you see ? There may be

a ship out there or a plane!



- Grab 'em!




Tie 'em up!



See ?

They do what I want.



You're a beast and a swine

and a bloody, bloody thief!



Boo! Boo!



Go, Jack! Go!



Let me speak!



I've got the conch!



Which is it better to be ?



A pack of panting savages

like you are...



or sensible like Ralph is ?



- Which is better?



To have rules and agree,

or to hunt and kill?



- Piggy!



Sam and Eric!

Hey, Sam and Eric.



It's me, Ralph.



When they find me,

what are they going to do ?



Roger sharpened a stick

at both ends.



They're going to hurt you tomorrow.



We've got to give signals

like this: woo-woo-woo!



Only louder, of course.



You've got to go now, Ralph.



Won't you come with me ?



Three of us would have

a better chance.






Quick, Ralph!



I'll be that thicket.

They won't think to look so close.



- Who's there ?




Eric, it's Roger.



Here. Take this.












Come here!



Got Piggy's specs ?

I'll start a fire.



He must be in here somewhere.



You go around that way.

We'll smoke him out.



Shhh. Something's moved.



Roger, come help.



Got the stick ?



I told you.

He's dangerous.

















Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig!

Slit her throat! Bash her in!



Kill the pig! Slit her throat!

Bash her in!



Kill the pig--


Special help by SergeiK