Marked For Death Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Marked For Death script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Steven Seagal movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Marked For Death. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Marked For Death Script


            (car horn)

            (dog barking)

            Did you talk to anyone? Look at me. Talk to anybody?

            Did you see anybody? Did you talk to anybody, huh?

            Did you make a phone call?

            Who did you talk to?

            You got anything else to say?

            l didn't think so.

            - How long was he out of your sight? - Maybe a couple of minutes.

            Chico, l'm disappointed in you! How could you do that?

            We can't go into that meeting. lf anyone was ever made, we were made.

            You know what l say? We're goin'.

            What are you? Are you crazy? Probably a hundred people saw us chasing him.

            Chico, since when did anybody ever accuse me of being sane?

            - We're goin'. All right? Come on. - Jesus Christ!

            (  ''En La Casa'' by Mellow Man Ace)

            (wolf whistle)

            - You see anything strange? - Just the usual weirdness.

            The deal's goin' down, man.

            - Keep an eye out for me, huh? - Right, Hatcher.

            - Are you sure it's cool? - lt's very cool. Relax.

            - Good. Then let's go. - Bueno.

            And the next time, you're gonna introduce me to Salazar, aren't you?

            Yes, l promise. You got it.

            No traigo dinero. No tengo dinero.

            No tengo dinero. No traigo.

            Bien. Bien, primo.

            Here we are, gentlemen. Right on time.

            You see, l told you. This guy, he's been a good customer.

            - Did you bring the green? - Of course. l got it right here.


            - Then what are you here for? - To do business.

            lf you don't like that, then l'll take off.

            Calmate. Calmate, primo.

            You know somethin'? l do business for a long time.

            You know why? Cos l'm careful. You can never be too careful, right?

            Careful is good with me, amigo. Careful never killed nobody.

            - ls that right? - Stupid.

            Stupid kills. :Me entiendes? OK, gringo. l think we can do business.

            Good. Then let's get it over with.

            Hey. How ya doin'?

            (speaks Mexican slang)

            Hey, Colonel!

            You know, in our country... we love cops.

            And when we do a cop, it's like a tremendous status symbol.

            But an American cop is like a gift from God.

            My little friend is gonna open you up a little bit...

   you can tell us where the rest of the money is, huh?

            - There is no more money. - There's gotta be more money.


            Hatcher, let's get the hell outta here! Come on!

            Cover me!

            - lt's clear! - Let's go!


             Por favor, no mas.


              Time to go, Hatch.

              l knew the only justice l could get...

              ..would be that that l made for myself - not always by law.

              Father... l just killed a woman.

              l've lied, l've slept with informants,...

              ..l've taken drugs, l've falsified evidence.

              l did whatever l had to do to get the bad guys.

              And then l realised somethin'.

              That l had become what l most despise.

              - Do you have a family? - Yes, Father.

              Go to them and leave these things.

              Try to find the gentle self inside you. Allow this person to come back.

              Well, what are you going to retire to, Hatcher?

              You're up to your neck in this life.

              l got Bennett burning up the phone lines every day.

              l got the president going on television - promising results, for Christ's sake.

              This is not the time for you to walk out on me. Not now.

              - You can't! - l've had enough.

              Look, John...

              There was nothing you could have done to save Chico.

              These things happen when you're in deep. You know that. Take a leave.

              With pay.

              Hell, take a month. Take two. You've felt burned out before this.

              l need you, John, OK?

              Pete, nothin' we ever did amounted to shit, and you know it.

              - (knocking) - Who is it?

              Uncle John.

              You're not my uncle. My Uncle John lives far away.

              l am your uncle. And you've grown up to be a big girl.

              You allergic to cats?

              - Nope. - OK. Then you can come in.

              (woman) Tracey, come on back...


              - Johnny! l can't believe it. - How's my little sister?

              - Boys, say hello to your Uncle John. - Who's this?

              - This is Ricky. - Ricky, how ya doin'? You look great.

              - You look good. Everything's all right? - Yeah. Everything's great.

              - Hey, how you doin'? - All right. Welcome home.

              - Where you been? - l've been here waitin' for you.

              (woman) You're home!

              Let me look at you. Oh, you look great.

              You look great. You look like Melissa now.    years younger.

              Thank you. l accept all compliments from handsome men. Everything all right?

              - You sounded strange on the phone. - lt's all right. l'm just a little tired.

              You've come to the right place to rest.

              Head up!

              - Cool! - Make you 'appy?

              We have lots more where dat come from, yuh know.

              Don't worry about it. Be 'appy!

              - Ready? - Break!

              Let's go! Let's go!

              Come up to the play!

              Play it again! One more time! Harris, you're a failure!

              Tackling    yards down the field ain't shit! Pardon my French. Get back in the huddle!

              - Come on! Let's go! - Coach! Coach, put me in!

              Put me in.

              l'll be damned.

              - Trouble. - That's me.

              - l heard you were shot dead in Bangkok. - Well, l was in Bangkok. l was there.

              But l didn't get shot, if that's all right with you.

              Hell, yeah!

              - (player) Coach, we're ready! - Be right back. Show him you can play ball!

              You know, if you like dat, you shoulda try some o' dis ting right here.

              Send you right to heaven. Make cloud nine look sof'.

              - ls that crack? - Dat it is, man. You know, the real deal.

              - The shit you hear about on de news. - lt's funny...

     de man always tell lie about certain tings what make us 'appy.

              But you don't waan' try dis. lt too tough.

              Women, it make dem wan' love all the time, yuh know.

              - l'll try it. - Sure ting, pretty girl.

              Go on. Put it right up to your lips. You ready?

              - (all) Break! - Four laps, then hit the showers!

              You were gone so long you missed my marriage.

              - How was it? - Cambodia was more fun.

              l love giving away my possessions! lt makes me feel spiritual.

              - And probably poor. - And poor.


              lt's all right. Let's go.

              Get in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car.

              Tito Barco, we're glad you come to show some respect.

              Walk up.

              - Check him clean. - Cool.

              Do your best, man.


              You very funny, man.

              Wait 'ere for de man.


              (Tito) You move into my territory. What do you think l'm going to do?

              The streets will be red with blood, and nobody makes money.

              They don't even notice us. We fit in. We look like them.

              But you... you go marching into the suburbs with your rag-head soldiers,...

              ..and we're front-page news.

              The DEA will be crawling down our throats long after you've gone!

              Everybody waan' go heaven,...

              ..but nobody want dead.


              Dis is how it a go.

              You are work for l man now.

              You... a do the sellin'.

              You... a be the mule.

              l supply the crack and the powder.

              - What's the split? -    per cent...


              Give me some time to consider your proposition.

              l will give you an answer very soon.

              l'll wait...

              ..and watch.

              (voice echoes) l an' l see everyting.

              l an' l be everywhere.

              The santero told me that you are the one with the most frightening power,...

              ..that you are the one l must see.

              This man is not only Abakua - the leopard people -

              ..pero tambien es maijumbero.

              Muy malo.

              This man is using the power of the spirits...

     do very evil things.

              Will you... will you help me?

              Aqui es el derecho.

              l hope to see you again.


              Ven, gallito. Tranquilo.

              Te necesito para mi trabajo.

              Ven, gallito.

              (chants spell)


              Acepta la sangre de este gallo que te ofrezco...

              ..y ayudame a deshacerme de este hombre malo.

              Gallo, te mato por tu sangre.

              - Looks good. - Mm-hm.

              Nice to be back. Your team looks great.

              Well, it looks good now. Last year one of my best players OD'd on cocaine.

              l remember when the worst problem to worry about was one of them knockin' up some girl.

              - Not any more. - l think l remember this place.

              Wasn't this the place where all the ugly girls worked?

              (heavy rock music)

              - Hey, Nurse! Got an emergency here! - (barmaid) Call a doctor!

              Listen, give me a beer, and give my man here a double.

              - l don't do doubles on the first date. - Now, that's not what l heard!

              - This is my boy Hatch. - Hi, Hatch.

              - : Tiene miedo? - No.

              Bien. Yo tampoco.

              (mobile phone rings)

              - (man) We're goin'in. - OK.

              (rock music)

              - Some hormones in here. - Oh, yeah.

              Looks like one of the locals is doin' some dealing. Supplementin' his income.

              - Leave it alone, man. Leave it alone. - He's buyin' dope from the Jamaicans...

              - ..and sellin' it to his friends. - l've been all over the world with this.

              - lt ain'tjust the Jamaicans. lt's everybody. - That's the same guy l saw by the school.

              And every time l see somethin' goin' down, l see him. There he is.

              Last month, my   -year-old nephew died...

     a crack house run by these guys. That cut it for me.

              - l'm sorry. - Look, l've had it!

              And now it seems they're movin' in down here.

              - l'm just waitin' to do somethin'. - Let me tell you somethin'.

              There's nothin' you can do about it and there never was, all right?

              But you gotta try to protect your own, or are you so burnt out you can't relate to that?

              No. l can relate to that.

              Excuse me.

              Blood and fire!



              Move out! Move out!

              Come on! Call an ambulance!

              Hey, bwoy! Somebody about dead tonight!

              Raas, what do you...?

              Me no know you, but l promise you you is a dead man walkin'!

              So what else is new?


              Give us some room here! Come on, let's go.

              Let's clear the area. Clear that area.

              You're dead, bwoy! Yuh hear? Dead!

              - Welcome home. - ls that the suspect, Mr Hatcher?

              Yeah, the first guy up there.

              All right. Watch it, people. Stay back behind the line.

              Like Los Angeles, New York, and Washington,...

              ..small-town America now has blood in its streets,...

     a gang shoot-out in Lincoln Heights tonight has left four dead.

              Although less than one per cent of Jamaican immigrants are involved,...

              ..Jamaican gangs, known as posses, are now dominating the American drug trade,...

              ..with more than       members trafficking drugs in    states.

              According to Justice Department officials, they are as disciplined as they are violent.

              Torture and maiming are posse trademarks,...

              ..and posse gunmen are said to prefer shooting their victims in public.

              Sources estimate they have committed      murders in three and a half years.

              Dale Harimoto, WXTV, Chicago.

              - Stay back. Watch it. - Sheriff O'Dwyer.

              - l'm Sheriff O'Dwyer. Who might you be? - Roselli. FBl, OC task force.

              - We're taking over here. - By what authority?

              United States Government Code, Title    Section    .

              Go get their statements. Keep the looky-loos out of the crime scene.

              - You're excused, Sheriff. - Roselli, l won't forget this.

              You and your agents so much as spit on the deck, and l'll personally write the citation.

              Hatcher! Jesus Christ! What the hell are you doin' back here?

              Thought l'd visit my mother, you know? l'm retired now.

              Retired, huh? Well, that's cosy. What the hell went down?

              Gee, l don't know. What does it look like? lt's a shoot-out... Colombians...

              - What do you want me to say? - Probably Tito Barco's clan.

              - What would Tito Barco be doing up this far? - Losing. The turf is spreading out, Hatcher.

              The Jamaican posse's more organised than the others. They got more guns, more balls.

              Jimmy Fingers is giving them everything.

              Jimmy Fingers... ex-casino man out of Atlantic City.

              That's a piece of cake. You pop him, you got it.

              - Why don't you help us out on this one? - Cos l'm out.

              - Come on, Hatcher. lt's in the blood. - lf it's in the blood, l'll get a transfusion.

              Lieutenant, may l see yuh for a moment? The professor has found something interesting.

              - Charles, how ya doin'? - We'll see you around, Hatcher.

              - The sign on de wall is Abakua. - More of this voodoo bullshit?

              Professor, you call the markings on de wall voodoo bullshit?

              Nope. l've seen them in New York, Los Angeles and now here.

              Sal, dis is no bullshit, man. Those markings were put dere by a man named Screwface.

              Know what it means when we say a man's face is screwed?

              - No. - Well, l pray you never have to find that out.

              Who's that?

              lt's John Hatcher. He was an undercover troubleshooter for the DEA.

              - We worked together a couple of years ago. - l know him. Him comin' in wid us?

              No. He thinks he's retired.

              He still looks functional to me.

              (heavy breathing)

              l have a message for you...

              ..from Tito!

              Him say meet him in hell!

              (music from club)

              (Jimmy Cliff)   l work day and night to find my daily needs

                Freedom is suppressed by another one's greed

                Why should certain ones control another one's needs?

                lt's rebellion these kind of actions breed

                l can't get no justice

                Under this system

                l can't get no justice...

              - Dem let you out? - No jail can hold me...

              - ..when Jimmy Fingers is on my side. - Same.

              Jimmy Fingers.

              Give t'anks for bringin' out my bredren. Same?

              Bondsman knew he was gonna skip, so l figured l'd throw him a little extra.

              - Monkey, time for business. - Let's take care o' dis.


                Why should one be judged by the colour of their skin?

                lnstead of the quality...

              (music continues in background)

              No, man. l just think you have to take it one step at a time.

              Nobody. Yuh know what l'm sayin'? Me notjokin', bwoy.

              Yes, man. Yes. Hold on. Hold on.

              Listen up, you see? Our provider, the man of science, a come!

              (all) All right!

              Dreadlocks, Monkey be wid us again. Dat no good?

              (all) Yeah!

              And the magic be everywhere.

              The warriors... Conquerors!

              Respec'. The Almighty has given l an' l his hand.

              His rod of correction l hold.

              - Mamamalosa. - Mamamalosa.

              Let no man here fear for his own life!

              Dem dat wish l an' l to be left in poverty and squalor...

              ..will demselves be damned!

              lf a man commit a crime against you,...

              ..he must be paid back a t'ousand times!

              Who you fear?

              Him... or me?

              Let no man here steer from de path l 'ave prepared!

              Dem de streets out dere belong to you now!

              - Take it. - (all) Yeah!

              Take it!

              Take it!

              - Come. - Yes.

              l still don't believe you. lf you don't see the shit that's happening around us,...

              -'re blind or you don't wanna see. - Maybe l've seen enough.

              - l don't think the world wants to change. - Look, things do change, man.

              lt's like you see this big dam with a leak in it. You plug it with your finger.

              Soon you see more holes. You plug it with your other fingers, your toes, your tongue.

              But the water keeps on gushing out. That's the way it is.

              Pretty soon, you quit or get killed.

              Five days later, they got some shitbird cherry to take your place,...

              ..they give him your shield, and you're forgotten.

              The way l look at it, you come home, mind your own business, watch your own yard.

              And then, if trouble finds you, you go after it and you bite its head off...

              ..before it does the same thing to you.

              Look, Hatch, you haven't been here in a long time,...

              ..and l'm telling you, trouble is tapping us both on the shoulder right now,...

              - ..and you don't want to turn around. - Well, l hope you're wrong.

              - You look a little winded there, big guy. - Gimme a break. l'm on vacation.

              Tracey has something to show you. She's been waiting.

              (tyres screech)

              Get down!


              They hurt my baby!

              Tracey is in serious condition, and she's unstable.

              There's pressure on the brain that we'll have to relieve.

              - Well, what does that mean? - Surgery. l can't give you a prognosis.

              She's fighting for her life, and so are we.


              Doc, you treat this girl like she's the president of the United States.

              - Money isn't a consideration. - We treat all of our patients exactly...

              Let me tell you somethin'. Like the president of the United States, OK?

              Don't touch me, John. Don't touch me.

              This is your fault. Do you understand? This is your fault.

              God damn you! God damn you!

              This is your fault! And my baby...

              My baby...

              - Jimmy, how ya doin'? - Hatch, what the fuck are you doin' here?

              Why don't you guys take a hike? Go find another trick, all right?

              You bailed out a Jamaican, street name Monkey, the other day. l want him.

              This other piece of shit - Screwface - l want him.

              You're a scumbag and a puke. l don't mind that.

              Gimme what l need, l leave here a nice guy. You don't, l fuck you up.

              You fuckin' know better than that, Hatcher.

              Come here. l just wanna talk to you for a minute. Come here.

              The Mob throws you out of Atlantic City. Now you sell guns to the Jamaicans.

              Fuckin' sell anything to anybody, except you. Wouldn't sell you the sweat off my balls!

              - ls that right? - Yeah.

              Watch it!

              - You're a fuckin' dead man, Hatcher! - Yeah?

              l'm fuckin' Jimmy Fingers! l'm a made fuckin' man!

              God made men.

              l wanna know where Screwface is.

              - Screwface? Me don't know no Screwface. - Really?

              Hm. That's strange.

              - Does that remind you? - Just shoot me now, man!

              l got a better idea. We're gonna go for a ride.

              Everybody's gonna see us, and Screwface is gonna find out what good buddies we are.

              Come on.

              - Let's go! Let's go! - All right, man! All right!

              Just easy. l will take you.

              Good. l wanna get there while l'm still young.

              Screwface kill me a t'ousand deaths worse dan you.

              - Yeah? - Find him your fuckin' self!



              One thought he was invincible. The other thought he could fly.

              - So? - They were both wrong.

              l wanna know the second that call comes in, OK?


              Two dead. Dis one was shot in de forehead. De other one was forced out de window.

              Did you find the hookers?

              Do you honestly believe now is the time for findin' them?

              - This job was done by a pro. - ls that right?

              That's right, and l'll bet my money it was John Hatcher. Find me somethin'.

              - Sal, l will find you somethin'. - He thinks he can do things his own way,...

              ..but l'll tell you something - he can't.

              Stay close to home, Charles.

              Do it, man. Do it.

              (door opens)

              Where Nesta?

              (whispers) Jimmy Fingers and Nesta are not too good.

              Nesta dead? Who do it? De white boy Hatcher?

              l want... Hatcher dead!

              l want his family dead!

              And if you cannot kill him,...

              ..l go kill him!

              And then l go kill you.

              - What about protection for my family? - They're assigned.

              - Good. - l should probably have them tailing you.

              - What's that supposed to mean? - Where were you last night?

              With a friend.

              Stay retired.


              Hi. l'm John Hatcher. l saw you the other night.

              - Yes. At the Shamrock. - l kind of need some help.

              Hold on. l'll be right down.

              lt's an African black magic symbol.

              lt was used by the Jamaican drug gang the other night.

              - The FBl said l'd be getting photos today. - l'm not with the FBl, you know.

              Well... the cow's tongue means you've talked or exposed them,...

              ..and have been marked for death. Where did you get these?

              l got these... at my family's house this morning.

              What about this black cross?

              This may seem ridiculous to you, Hatcher, but these people are for real.

              Your family has been marked.

              - Could l use your phone for a minute? - Yeah, sure.

              (phone rings)

              - Hello? - lt's me. ls everything all right?

              Yeah, Johnny. l'm fine. l just got back here from the hospital.

              Mom's there with Tracey. She's better. She's stable.

              - l just had to come home and get some rest. - Go look out the window. ls the guard there?

              Um, waitjust a minute.

              Yeah. The car's there, but, uh, l don't see the guard.

              (dialling tone)



              My God.

              Somebody help me!

              - What do you want?! - l want you.

              What do you want? Just leave me alone. Somebody's coming.

              - You're making a big mistake. - You're lying!

              Stop the blood claat cryin'.

              Everybody must dead!

              No! No, no...

              lt's your turn.

              My father...

              l an' l go take you to a place, you see.

              Far, far away.

              You never been dere before.

              You a go dere now.

              lt's not your body me want, no.

              lt's your dreams.

              No, you bastard!

              l own you now.

              - No! - Now l have power!

              Help me! Help me! Johnny, help me!

              He said... He said he'd be back. He said he'd kill us both.

              Somehow, l don't think he's gonna get the chance.

              l can't wait to nail this fucker.

              This is gonna be fun.

              Serious fun.

              Time to have fun.

              - What's happenin', brother? - lrie, irie.

              - You want some blow? - l want some blow.

              - Put your hands up or l'll blow your head off. - Oh, cool, now. Keep a cool head, man.

              - See dem 'ere? - Right there.


              Watch out!

              (horn blares)



              - Take the right side! Take the right side! - l got it! l got it!


              Say, bwoy! l goin' kill your likkle blood claat!

              You are a blood claat!


              You go, raas!

              - Help me! - Back off, bwoy.

              Me say back off! You didn't hear me say? You want her dead?

              Go ahead, kill her. l don't know her. l don't care about her.

              l got you where l want you. You like a dog wid no teeth.

              You wanna kill her, kill her. l don't mind if you kill her. l don't know her.

              You a bad bwoy. Me a carve you now, bwoy. Me a carve you! Me a carve you!

              Me a carve blood!

              Run, dread! Run!


              Raas, didn't you see it? Blood claat, what run for?

              A one white boy and two bredda enough!

              Let's kick dis little blood claat. Batty-hole, yuh see.

              - l ready a ready. - Get him!

              Hold on. Hold on, now.

              Tear you, Rasta!

              You fuck with my family and you die.


              - Now we're talking serious fun, man. - Abso-fucking-lutely.

              l've never met anyone quite like you, Hatcher.

              Go down to any soup kitchen, you're gonna find a lot of guys just like me.

              - Why a soup kitchen? - l'm just another unemployed guy.

              l don't think there is a lot of guys like you anywhere.

              What's that supposed to mean?

              l've met a guy who is nice, not married, gay, or trying to find himself,...

              ..and he's trying very hard to get himself killed.

              Well, l have some unfinished business, you know,...

              ..and l was hoping that you'd maybe give me some of your advice.

              - What are you planning to do? - l'm gonna take out the posse.

              Then destroy their system.

              When Screwface kills he wants everyone to see he did it, or ordered it.

              That way he's both feared and worshipped.

              You'd have to kill him so the posse thinks you've taken his power.

              That way they will believe your magic is bigger.

              Otherwise they'll never stop until you and your family are dead.

              l want you to meet my sister.

              Goddess of fire.

              This is what you ordered. Do you want anything else? Wires? Surveillance?

              - No. Just firearms this time. - OK. You got it.

              - For you. - Thank you.

              - You still sober? - Five years, man. One day at a time.

              Stay away from that dope.

              Hang on. Hang on.

              Max, meet Charles. Charles, meet Max.

              Man, l been after Screwface for five long years, yuh see?

              l have followed him from Kingston to here. All around.

              - You break my heart. - Your tactic is makin' him tougher to snatch.

              Him jump already, yuh know?

              An' it's only l... who can guide you to what it is yuh seek.

              l don't know if that'd be a wise career move for you.

              Come on! Look close! Who you think me work for? The DEA?

              l'm a Jamaican cop, man, and Screwface is my career!

              Look, man. l don't really care who you work for. You got your reasons and l got mine.

              Screwface has gone back to Jamaica.

              You know, Charles, sometimes...

              ..three's not a crowd.

              The way l look at it, we need each other.

              - Hm. - Know what l mean?

              Let's do it, man.


              How ya doin'? Care package.

              Uncle Sam's contribution?

              Welfare for warfare, yuh know?

              This is my silent partner.

              A whisper in the ear from this girl goes a long way.

              You didn't hear a thing. You heard the slide click a little.

              Massive cool.

              Forward, Jamaica.

              (rap music)

              (Jimmy Cliff)   l work day and night to find my daily needs

                Freedom is suppressed by another one's greed

                Why should certain ones control another one's needs?

                lt's rebellion this kind of action breeds

                l can't get no justice

                Under this system

                l can't get me no justice

                ln this society

              These are the streets dat breed de Screwfaces o' de world.

              This is the first time l ever got the idea it's not all sunshine and bikinis.

              l owe you an apology. Until today l thought all Jamaicans were dope-dealing dreads.

              Don't feel you have to apologise for nothin'. Man, these streets are hard out here.

              And some people make a bad choice, dat's all. They say life is hard.

                l can't get no justice

                Under this system

                l can't get no justice

                ln this society

                l can't get me no justice

                Under this system

              - What, man? - Nothin'.

              What are you doin' all de way up here? Not enough trouble in Kingston, beast-boy?

              Back with country, boy. You do your duty?

              Pay him.

              Dis gal... she hang with Screwface more time.

              Dey always partying together. l usually find her at de Cat Club.

                lf you been a wicked boy, your time has come

                You don't live right, you will have no more fun

                John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                Justice has finally find a way

                Screwface, you know that your time has come

                You don't do right, you're gonna dead tonight

                So now l goin' take you down the road to doom

                And John Crow l goin' nyam out your supper soon

                John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                John Crow, l goin' lead the children astray

                John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                 Justice has finally find a way

                  Are you worried it's just a wolf in sheep's clothing?

                  Tryin' to lead the children astray

                  But don't you know our 'ope it brighten?

                  Take my hands, l will show you the way

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                  John Crow, we don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way


                Road to doom.

                - Sounds like you know this guy pretty well. - Yeah, l know him.

                l partied wid him.

                l don't care him sell the drugs, sir. lt's part o' doin' business.

                But my sister, she lost a shipment and him cut her dead.

                And for dat, somehow, someday, him a go dust off.

                Why don't you just tell me what l gotta know, and l'll go do what l gotta do?

                Screwface have two head and four eyes,...

      ' dat is de secret to his magic.

                Look 'pon dis madman.

                Him dead, and him don't even know it.

                (reggae music)



                Welcome to l island.

                Fuck you.

                You a woman? Me know what you is.

                You is a dog after a bone!

                An' yuh have no teeth.

                You was conceived in darkness.

                An' l goin' deliver you into de light.

                l got him! l got him!

                Get up!

                l know you. You love de killin'.

                But you is an empty shell inside.


                (Hatcher) Fall out.

                Charles. Move out.

                So, bredds... tell me one more time. Did you tell them exactly what l told you to?

                l told 'em exactly what you told me to tell 'em.

                - And what did they say? - Exactly what you said they was goin' to say.

                - ls that right? And what was that? - ''Business is business, man.''

                Ten dollars.

                - lt ain't over yet. - Does this guy ever pay you on time?

                So who's the boss-man?

                - l man. - Thanks for taking this meeting, man.

                l got a message for you. Screwface is dead.

                - You raasclat stupid. - (shouting)

                Hey! Anybody ever see this?

                Screwface is dead! Now, you get the fuck outta town or die!

                Yuh must want me and me bumbo-claat posse shoot you down, bwoy.


                Dead and about to be buried!

                The evil is demolished.

                l give you guys till tomorrow... or you die.

                (guns cocked)

                Don't even think about it.


                - Magic power! - Screwface no dead. Screwface no dead.

                - Judas! - The man is everywhere, man!

                - You all right? - Yeah.

                Here. Just take this.

                l'm sorry, man.

                Don't you let him get away! l got you covered.

                Come on! Come on!


                Yuh blood claat!





                Yuh kill me bredda. Now you goin' wish you was dead.





                l hope they weren't triplets.

                  Evil find a place in darkness

                  Fisherman cryin'in place by the sea

                  Well, l know we're dyin'in Kingston town

                  Me bredren know you come home without leave

                  Every road ever been, every wicked happenin'

                  What your runs told me, l know your body must feel

                  lf you been a wicked boy, your time has come

                  You don't live right, you will have no more fun

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  Screwface, you know that your time has come

                  You don't do right, you're gonna dead tonight

                  So now l goin' take you down the road to doom

                  And John Crow l goin' nyam out your supper soon

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, l goin'lead the children astray

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  Are you worried it's just a wolf in sheep's clothing?

                  Tryin' to lead the children astray

                  But don't you know our 'ope it brighten?

                  Take my hands, l will show you the way

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                  John Crow, we don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  John Crow

                  John Crow

                  John Crow

                  John Crow

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  John Crow, nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' lead the children astray

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  Lead the children astray

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  Justice has finally find a way

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution

                  John Crow

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, we're goin' nyam your supper soon, boy

                  John Crow, l don't need de retribution



Special help by SergeiK