2046 Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the 2046 script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Kar Wai Wong movie with Li Gong, Tony Leung, Ziyi Zhang, etc..  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of 2046. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

2046 Script





In the year 2046 a vast

rail network spans the globe



A mysterious train leaves

for 2046 every once in a while



Every passenger going to

2046 has the same intention



They want to recapture lost




Because nothing ever changes

in 2046    



Nobody really knows if

that's true



Because nobody's ever come back



Except me









If someone wants to leave



...how long will it take?



Some people get away

fairly easily



Others find that it takes

them much longer



I forget how long I've been

on this train



I'm starting to feel very lonely



As I recall

many have gone to     



You're the first to come back



May I ask why you left 2046?



Whenever anyone asked

why I left 2046...



...I gave them some vague answer






...when people had secrets

they didn't want to share



...they'd climb a mountain



They'd find a tree

and carve a hole in it



And whisper the secret into the hole



Then cover it over with mud



That way. nobody else would

ever discover it



I once fell in love with someone



After a while. she wasn't there



I went to     



I thought she might be waiting

for me there



But I couldn't find her



I can't stop wondering if

she loved me or not



But I never found out



Maybe her answer was

like a secret...



that no one else would ever know



All memories are traces of tears



Didn't you promise not to

come back?



I came to see you






I have no prospects here



So I'll see how things are

in Hong Kong



When are you leaving?



The boat sails in two days



Why are you telling me?



I thought we might go together



You know nothing about my past

do you?



If you'd rather not tell me

I don't mind



If you win. I'll join you



She found an indirect way

of rejecting me



As I recall...



...that was the very last time

we saw each other



Right after that

I left Singapore



I got back to Hong Kong

at the end of     



Because of the price raise

of ferry ticket



There was riots in Kowloon



I wasn't sure how long

I'd be staying...



So I took a room in a small

hotel in Wanchai



I wrote columns for the Newspapers



They paid HK$   per thousand words



I t was pretty tough at first



As long as I could make ends meet



...it made no difference what

kind of stuff I wrote



"Diary of the Bazooka Hero"



"The new star at

Club Luk Kwok is Fei Fei!"



"A knockout beauty with

amazing bazookas!"



"A smash hit with tit-lovers!"



Hang on. of course I exaggerate



I can't say her tits are fake

can I?



I soon got used to

this kind of life



I became an expert ladies' man



Lots of one-night-stands



But nothing lasts forever anyway






Is that really true?



Why would I lie to you?



You really know me?



Weren't you in a show in

Singapore in '   ?






You' re Lu I u



I was then



Not any more



What's your name now?



Why should I tell you?



On Christmas Eve     ...



...I ran into a friend from

Singapore in a night club



We'd been rather close



But that night...



...she'd apparent I y forgotten me



Have we really met before?



How could you forget?



You said I looked like

your late boyfriend



You taught me the cha-cha



Go on...



You were always dragging

me to the casino



You'd hit a losing streak



You owed a fortune



My friends and I paid

for your passage to Hong Kong



You talked a lot about

your late boyfriend



A Chinese Filipino from

a rich family



You planned to marry him



But he died young



You said he was the

love of your life



I shouldn't bring

back sad memories...



...at this time of year



But do you remember

that Christmas night...



...we went drinking?



We talked a lot



Was she just pretending

she'd forgotten me?



I took her back to her hotel

She was dead to the world



She'd had too much to drink...



...so I left quickly



On my way out. I noticed a

very familiar number



If I hadn't run into her that night

I wouldn't have seen that number



...and I wouldn't have written '    '



Can I help you?



Is Miss Lulu in?



Lulu? There's no Miss Lulu here



There was a Mimi...



...but she's moved out



But I was here two days ago!



Do you know where she's gone?



No! What do you want with her?



Nothing. really



I have her key



I wanted to return it



You can give it to me






You want to rent the room?



I'm just back from abroad



I don't have my own place yet



If the room's vacant

I could take a look



This is just a small hotel



But our residents are

all decent people



What's your line of work?



I write for newspapers



Great! A fellow artist!



I haven't always done this



I used to be an artist too






I took singing lessons

in Harbin



Back then. I was a tenor



It'll be a pleasure to

have you here



When will you move in?



As soon as possible






     has to be redecorated



     is vacant



Take a look at it



Never mind



I'll come back when it's ready



Why that particular room?



Maybe it's the number



It has some significance for you?



I'm joking



Tell you what...



Take a quick look at     



If it's okay. you can move in



Then switch to     

when it's ready



How about it?



Can I see the room?



Of course! Please...



Once I moved in...



...I found out what had

happened the night before



Lulu was stabbed by a

jealous boyfriend



A drummer from the club



She'd really liked him...



...and compared him with a

bird that could never land



For all these years...



She has been looking

for her legless bird'



Most of her affairs ended badly



But she didn't mind sad endings



No matter what happened...



...at least she was

always the leading lady












Let's go!



Let's go!



I'll go with you!



Good. I'll go with you!






I understand!



You know what I mean?

I know... I understand



I got it!



Can I go?



I can go!






I understand!



Got it!



It didn't take long to

finish redecorating     



But by then I was used to     






I started hearing a strange

voice through the wall



I thought someone had moved in



But it was the daughter of

the hotel owner. Mr. Wang






I'm definitely going!



Okay. let's go!



I had no idea what she was saying



The bell-hop told

me it was Japanese



It seems she had a Japanese boyfriend



Tell the driver "    Granville Road"



Ga... ran... wai....

    Granville Road



Turn from Humphreys Avenue

near to Kimberley Road



Can you say again?



Don't turn down Salisbury

Road Slowly. please...



I'll draw you a map



That's my pen!



I'll repeat it once more



Turn from Humphreys Avenue



Near to Kimberley Road



But don't turn down Salisbury Road






I'll draw you a map



Granville Road



Turn from Humphreys Avenue



Don't turn down Salisbury Road




don't turn down Salisbury Road



His company in Japan had

sent him to Hong Kong



When he got here

he checked into this hotel



The world is full of men!



Why do you have

to choose a Japanese?



Get rid of him!



I will never meet him!



You want my blessing?



Not while I'm alive!



It had been going on for ages



Mr. Wang's family suffered

under the Japanese in the war



So they had to break up



Can you tell me what you feel?



Do you like me?



Or not?



I'm scared to hear your answer



But I have to ask anyway



Leave with me






The man finally went back to Japan



That's when Miss

Wang began talking to herself



Hey. ask your boss to turn it a bit!



Mr. Chow

you'd better ask him yourself



Mr. Chow....



Hasn't he left already?



Why is he back?



I will not see him!



If you won't give him up...



Get out! Go away with him!



I assumed that Mr. Wang

played it so loud...



...because he loved his opera



Actually he didn't want anyone

to overhear the family row



What are you doing?



Come back for me when

you're a little older!



I said. Wait till you grow up!



I like it



Mr. Wang thought about very little



...but his two daughters



The elder one was crazy

about her Japanese man



The younger one was

precocious for her age



She kept coming into

my room for drinks



Then she ran off with some man



Another drummer from a

club band. I heard



After she left. her elder

sister got into trouble too



Hey. have a word with

your boss for me



I'm a bit late with the rent



Anyway. he has my deposit



Mr. Chow. tell him yourself



He's in a foul mood these days



What's eating him?



First. one daughter ran away



Now the other one's in hospital



That's why he's so angry



Why is she in hospital?



He wouldn't say. he was

quite strange...



Steer clear of him!



So. that's it?



Anyhow. give him my invitation



It's my father's birthday banquet



He can deduct his gift

from the rent I owe



Later they imposed a

curfew in Hong Kong



Home-made bombs caused panic



The economy stopped dead



I stopped going out



Some thought I was a

reformed character



Actually. I was writing



A story called     



All about men and women

looking for love...



...risking everything to

get to a place called     



What's that?



Let's go to...






I made it as bizarre and erotic as

possible. without crossing the line



The readers liked it



Some didn't take to the

science-fiction angle



But all '    ' meant to me was...



...the number of a hotel room



I made up the whole thing



But some of my own experiences

found their way into it



People I ran into in the normal

course of things...



...turned up in my stories



I felt more and more at ease

in my fictional world



Around that time. Mr. Wang's

music got louder again



More trouble with his two




But also because of the bad

state of the economy



Allot of the rooms were empty



Then in September

the rioting ended



Life went back to normal



Soon. someone moved into     



Have you nearly finished?



It's too early in the day for that!



Some of us are trying to sleep!






The woman next door is quite a dish!



What are my chances?



You're off your head!



A father-to-be shouldn't have

that on his mind!



Now she's pregnant



My wife won't let me touch her!



Come on



Put in a word for me






How much?



How much have you got?



Only $   ...



Wait for my call



Mr. Chow!



Mr. Chow. a call for you!



Bright and early. huh?



She's not up yet



Why come over?



I told you

It has to be arranged



She's not some streetwalker!



A fellow artist like you



Show her a little respect

will you?



Yes. I'll tell you right away!



Miss Bai. your key



You're back. Miss Bai



Who is it?



Who are you looking for?



Mr. Chow suggested I come by...



You're back. Mr. Chow



Did you win on the dogs?



I lost! I won a little



Looking for me?



I think you know this person?



What are doing in that room?



You said you'd arrange it!

I paid you!



When did I say it was this room?



I said that room

I said this one



Your girl's in that room



How embarrassing!

Please excuse him



I told you. the room on the left!



I said I wanted that one!

Shut up!



Who is it?



Oh. you again!



I just wanted to apologize

for last night



Forget it



Go away



Ping. my editor. was out of line



But he's not really so bad



Just a bit stingy!

Never pays his way!



Always says he's broke

when the check arrives



So I thought I'd play a trick on him



At my expense?

Didn't you go a bit far?



He only fell for it because

you're so beautiful



You're quite a flirt!



Just stating the fact!



A small token of apology...



Please accept it



I don't want it



You're still cross. aren't you?



Please accept it




Come on...




It's just a token...



Don't make fun of me

I mean what I say!



Now. get out!



That's good. let it all out



How can I make you feel better?



Slap me again!



Think I wouldn’t dare?



Come closer!






Don't be so petty!



That's enough



I'm courteous enough not to

slap you again



That doesn't mean you can

take advantage!



This time I'll give you face



If there's ever a next time

I'll be less polite



It won't happen again



My face is still numb



Accept it!






They're just a token of my regard



I chose them myself



See if you like them



If you don't. just throw them away






I'll leave now



Calm down!



It's none of your business

who I dated last night!









Which Dabao?



The fat one or the skinny one?



From Shanghai or from Shandong?



The trouble is

I know so many men named Dabao



How should I know which one you mean?



Yes. I did



What are you going to do about it?






I'll be waiting!



Let me just say...



Get out!



You think I can accept this?



Her or me



You'd better choose!



Now get out!






You're back early!



It's Christmas!



Shouldn’t you behaving

dinner with your boyfriend?



What boyfriend?



Then let's have supper!



Come on...



You have so many girl friends!

You need company?



Go out with them!



They all want to be with me

but I can't choose



The fairest thing is to see

none of them



Come on. no point in staying

cooped up in your room



I'm not in a good mood tonight



I might get drunk...



...and slap you again



That's okay



I'm used to it!



If slapping me would make you happy



take that as my Christmas present!



Come on...



Come with me



Let go!



I didn't expect to spend

Christmas Like this



What were you expecting?



We'd made plans



He was taking me to Singapore



He says it's warm

there at Christmas



So I didn't even

pack winter clothes



What I'm wearing now...



...is for summer!



Have you been to Singapore?



I worked there for several years



What kind of work?



On a newspaper



Is it fun there?



It's okay



Tell me more



I won't be going...



So I'll just have to imagine it



What do you want to know?



How's the climate?



Pretty warm



All year round



Sometimes you can't tell

what season it is



The food stalls are great!



Ping and I ate there after work



We'd eat and drink till dawn



Our land lord was a funny man



Short and fat

and he always wore a skirt...



What the Malays call a 'sarong'



But when you're away from home



...it sometimes gets boring



That was a dull meal!



Another drink somewhere else?



You really Like to drink?



It makes things easy



When I'm drunk. I have no worries!



Won't your girl friends be

missing you tonight?



They're not stuck to me!



They see other men too



We just have fun together



They still need to make a living!



I don't get it



Where does all that fun get you?



If you find the right person...



...why waste time on the others?



If I find the right person!



A man Like me has nothing much



...except free time



That's why I need company



So people are just time-fillers to you?



I wouldn’t say that



Other people can borrow my time too



And this evening?



Are you borrowing me or am

I borrowing you?



No difference!



Maybe I borrowed you earlier...



...and now you're borrowing me






Don't get me wrong



I don't intend to take advantage

of you



If that was what I wanted...



...I had plenty of options



I just want us to be drinking pals



Is that okay?



It's hard



But I'll give it a try






Let's try!



Where to? Let's drink!



Mr. Chow. you seem happy tonight!



I certainly am

my friends are buying me dinner



This way please...



Ping! Is it someone's birthday?



Better than that

Chow has a new girlfriend!



Definitely worth celebrating!



Mr. Chow. what would you

Like to eat tonight?



Something expensive!






Yes. snake would be good



Snake isn't cheap

Can you afford it?



Sure you'll win the bet?



Shut up! Don't mind him



What'll it be

Mr. Chow? Snake!



And a lamb casserole too



And bring Hoi's whiskey



Yes! Good!



Can't Let this go to waste

it's delicious



Where's your girl. Chow?



It's already   a. m.

Is she coming?



She can't be coming



I don't think she's coming



It's all your fault



It's because of you

that this happened



Why blame me?



You brought this on yourself



You said she was gentle and obedient



Now we know the truth!



I said she was sometimes obedient...



...and sometimes gentle



But she's full of surprises

that's part of the fun



So. what next?

Yes. what now?



Whatever you feel Like doing



And then what happened?



Tell me!



How are you going to thank me?






Open up!



Who is it?



Open the door!



It's late



You played a fine joke

on me tonight



I finished work Late



Too Late to get there



So I didn't come



What's this?



That's your fault too



How could I know

you'd stand me up?



I thought I'd win a few hundred



Instead I lost my moustache



This is all your fault



You deserved it



Who pushed you into the bet?



I'll tell you something...



Ping asked me not to show up






I wasn't that fond of

the moustache



You look younger now



Don't you Like it?



You're making fun of me!



You tricked me!



I'll get you for this



How will you make it up to me?



At least give me a kiss



You bit me!



Come and get me!



You're in for it when

I catch you!



Don't touch me there!






What are you doing?



Shaving you Don't!



Who knows where that shaver's been?



It could bring me bad luck



Let's go for Round Two!



Why are you dressed?



I'm going back to my room...



I'm exhausted



This is all I have



Aside from loose change for the bus



Here's $   



Please take it



I don't want it



I wasn't selling



That's not how I meant it



I want to pay for

your torn dress



Please take it



I see...



You're afraid I'll cling to

you. is that it?






I'll take $  



Think of it as a discount rate



If you ever want to come over again



...I'll charge the same



I'm going back to my room



Come here



Not tonight



Why not?



Not in the mood?



Can't take the strain tonight



Anyhow. I'm a bit short of cash



Never mind. you can owe me






I don't Like being in debt



The reception's at  . dinner at  



I don't mind if you can't make it

just send your gift



No more than you do!



You hold banquets all year round!



I've had four birthday invitations

from you this year!



I'll send over some more

invitation cards later



Think of people with money...



Write in their names and send

them invitations!



Okay. that's settled



Mr. Chow. holding another banquet?



You know we have birthdays

indifferent calendars?



Another of mine has come around



No doubt



Here's one for your boss Alright



Tell him that since

we're so close...



He can deduct his gift from

the rent I owe



Make sure he gets it






It's Late. what's so urgent?



Just got back from Macau



Chow asked me to bring

you a present



You two went to Macau?



Yes. we had some days off



So we went to the casino



Oh. it's beautiful



He says he found some money...



...in his pocket



So before losing it all

at the tables...



...he bought you a present



Where is he?



Not back yet

You know what he's Like



Extravagant at

the start of the month



...and broke well before the end



He made several thousand

hosting that party



So now he's really

enjoying himself!



Is he there alone?



Of course not!

There's a gang of them



He likes company



Was he always Like this?



Let's not talk about him

Let’s have a drink



But I should warn you...



I know you Like Chow a lot



Don't waste your time on him



He's not serious!



Guess who?



There's only one possibility!



Let me have a bite first!



What are you doing here?



What am I doing here?



What do you think?



I thought I was pretty wild



But you're much wilder!



Pay up!



I haven't seen you for ages



I've been busy






Tell me the truth



I am!



Who was that woman the other day?



What woman?



Don't pretend



I saw her leaving your room



Who is she?



A friend



A friend?



What was she doing in your room?



Don't be nosy. alright?



Go back to your room



I have work to do



I won't!



I'm sleeping here tonight



An overnight stay is expensive



No problem



Name your price



I'd pay anything to be with you

Every day



Retail is fine



Wholesale is out of the question






I just don't Like it



Could you make an exception for me?






You treat all women Like this?



Except one






My mother



I'm serious



I don't mind you having other women



But I won't be treated

the same as them



I don't care if you love me or not



I'II Love you anyway



Since we got together. I haven't

brought other men back



I hoped you'd think the same way



Will you promise me that?






I see...



Then we're through



I'll never bother you



And I don't ever want you in

my room again



Here. $  



Tonight. I'm paying



Thank you!



If you're ever in the mood

feel free to come over



I'll charge you the same



Having fun?



What do you care?



You were rather loud Last night



I meant to be



You bring back women

why shouldn’t I have men?



I want to see if you really don't mind



I won't go. why don't

you come here instead?



Forget it! Don't come!



After Bai Ling moved out...



...she started dating Dabao



And I saw other women too



If our paths ever crossed

we'd pretend not to see each other



Rather pathetic. I know



But it was better for us

to end it this way



...she pops up in my stories



Your change. please check it



Thank you



Are you going out Later?






Could you post this letter for me?






Then Miss Wang came back



I knew from the familiar sound

coming through the wall



Please take me with you!






What are you doing?



Wasn't I clear?



Don't contact that Japanese man!



Why are you writing to him in secret?



Aren't you ashamed?



Return his Letter!






What are you reading?



A martial-arts novel



You Like them?



If your friend wants to

send you more letters



and you don't want your dad to know



tell him to send them to my room



I'll pass them on to you



She looked happier when she

came back this time



We talked more often



Mr. Chow. another Letter for you






Those Japanese girls get

so carried away!



Let's see each other again



Then. if you still think we

shouldn’t be together...



...tell me so. frankly



That day. six years ago...



...a rainbow appeared in my heart



It's still there



Like a flame burning inside me



But what are your real

feelings for me?



Are they Like a rainbow

after the rain?






...did that rainbow

fade away long ago?



I'm waiting for your answer



Why do you write all that

stuff about sex?



So I won't starve!



Don't you worry about

your reputation?



Maybe I'm not such a nice guy



Why not try writing

something else?



Who'd read it?



How about a martial-arts novel?



People Love them



That's too hard



I tried once

co-writing it with someone



We locked ourselves

away for months



Just got sore heads



Those were good times...



I Like writing too



It's hard to make a

living by writing



I just do it for fun



I'll show you some of my stuff



Please do



Here you are. read this first



Wow. you're prolific!



When you've read it

tell me what you think



Don't forget to give it back!






Have you read my story yet?



I have



What did you think?



I think you should never

write another word



Why not?



You're so good



You could put me out of work



"The Spider Sage thrusts

out his right fist!"



"Two chopsticks take off

Like rockets!"



"They Land with explosive force!"




The mountain splits apart!"



Slow down. I can't keep up



Come on. they're waiting for it



Alright. alright



Caught up?



Go on



Where was I?



"The mountain splits apart"




"The mountain splits apart... "



"... smashing Iron Abacus to the ground!"



Iron Abacus?



Isn't he dead?



Is he?



Then make it Iron Head



Where did Iron

Head come from all of a sudden?



Hey. anything goes in

martial-arts novels!



Why don't you get some rest?



I'll finish it for you






It felt Like having an assistant



When I was I ate with my copy.

I asked her to ghost it for me



She was just a girl...



...but she could write as

raunchily as the best of us



We got a Long very well



That was my happiest summer ever



But it didn't Last...



I encouraged her to face

up to her father



But she didn't dare



She wanted to pay her own way



So I got her job in the

cloakroom at a club






She told her father...



...she was going out with me



Sometimes I found an excuse to

pick her up after work



You're here Late



If you're ready to go

I have a taxi waiting



I can give you a lift back



No thanks



Then I won't wait



Feelings can creep up on

you unawares



I knew that. but did she?



She was always asking...



...if there was anything at

all that never changed



I could see what was on her mind



I promised to write a story for her

based on my observation



Something to show her what her

boyfriend was thinking



As a joke...



.. we thought of calling it '    '



But maybe I was being too oblique



I'd begun to feel that it wasn't

about her boyfriend at all



Rather it was more about me



So I began imagining myself as

a Japanese man...



...on a train for     ...



...falling for an android with

delayed reaction



If someone wants to Leave     

how Long will it take?



No one can say



Some people get away fairly easily



Others find that...



...it takes them much longer



It takes great strength



And it can hurt terribly



I forget how Long I've been

on this train



I start to feel very lonely



It's rather boring at first



But you slowly get used to it



We have a range of cabin attendants



They can satisfy your every need



They will serve you devotedly



Like an intimate friend



But you must never fall in

Love with them



Who'd ever fall for an android?



Who can say?



Events can creep up on you...



...without you even noticing



It happens all the time



Paragraph     in the

Passengers' Guide...



...warns that Area     -    ...



...is especially cold



The train heating won't be

strong enough



Passengers are advised to hug

each other to keep warm



Since I'm the only passenger...



...I hug my android cabin attendant



I wonder if it's her mechanism

or just my imagination...



But I sense some responsive

warmth in her artificial body



Why do you want to Leave     ?



Do you know...



...what people did

in the old days...



...when they had secrets they

didn't want to share?



They'd climb a mountain...



Find a tree...



Carve a hole in it...



Whisper the secret into the hole...



And cover it up with mud



That way...



...nobody else would ever

learn the secret



I'll be your tree!



Tell me. and nobody else

will ever know



I always...



I always...



I always...



Very funny! I always...



I always...



Whenever anyone asked

why I left     ...



I always...



...I gave them some vague answer



I always...



I once fell in Love with someone



I couldn’t stop wondering

whether she loved me or not



I found an android which

Looked just Like her



I thought the android might

give me the answer



   hours Later



I have a secret to tell you



Leave with me



I have a secret to tell you



Leave with me



I kept on asking



But she never answered



I began dreaming up excuses

for her silence



Do you know the Buddhist canon?



'The   Decays of Celestial Beings'?



The   Decays of Celestial Beings



It's all about the gods...



.. and how they go through

this process too



Our cabin attendants are

superbly designed



But there's one problem



When they've served on so

many Long journeys...



...fatigue begins to set in



They might want to laugh...



...but the smile would be slow to come



They might want to cry...



...but the tear wouldn’t

well up till next day!



This one is failing fast



I think you'd better give up



I grew desperate



I felt Like giving up



But I was soon trying again



I have a secret to tell you



Will you Leave with me?



I have a secret to tell you



Will you Leave with me?



Do you know what people

did in the old days...



...when they had secrets?



They'd climb a mountain. find a tree



Carve a hole in it...





















I slowly began to doubt myself



The reason she didn't answer...



...was not simply that her

reactions were delayed



It's simply that she didn't Love me



So at Last I got it



It's entirely beyond my control



The only thing Left for me...



...was to give up






Why are you inviting me to

Christmas dinner?



You know how much I'll lose in

tips by not working?



Wouldn’t it be awful

to be alone tonight?



I need company



That means me?



Your boyfriend hasn't

written in a while



I told him not to



Anyway. It's hopeless



No point waiting for me



Why is it hopeless?

Go and Look for him!



If you don't. it really

will be hopeless



My dad will never give his consent



If you were him...



...what would you be doing tonight?



Why don't you ask him?



Have you got his phone number?



I can't hear you



Can you speak louder?



I'm already shouting!



I felt Like Santa Claus that night



I took her to the newspaper office...



...and Let her make a

Long-distance call to her boyfriend



I was happy...



...to see her so happy



In fact. zone     -    ...



...meant Christmas

Eve and Christmas Day



On the night before Christmas...



...many people need a bit

more warmth than usual



I didn't get that



Maybe that was for the best



   hours Later



I realized...



...the reason the android

didn't answer...



...had nothing to do with

her mechanism wearing out



Nor that she didn't Like him



More likely...



...she already Loved someone else



Soon after that. she went to Japan



I gave her a copy of my story "    "



I hope she read it



    hours Later



     hours Later



Love is all a matter of timing



It's no good meeting

the right person...



...too soon or too Late



If I'd lived in another

time or place...



...my story might have had a

very different ending



I have to tell you...






I'll be away for a couple of days



Please pay my daughter

this month's rent



She's back?



Not Jing wen? I mean pay my

younger girl. Jie wen



So your worries are over!

Going on holiday?



No. I have to go to Japan



But you hate Japanese!



Why go to Japan?



Jing wen is getting married






I wasn't sure whether to go or not



Now I've decided...

I just want her to be happy



When do you Leave?

Can you help me choose a present?



No need for that



She wanted me to ask you something



What is it?



She read your story '    '.

She Likes it a lot



But she finds the ending too sad



She wonders if you can change it?



I'll see what I can do



An hour Later



   hours Later



    hours Later






I also Like the story to

have a happy ending



But I don't know how to write it



Some years back I had a

happy ending in my grasp



But I Let it slip away



Don't turn your back on me!



Has he been here?

What's it to you?



While I was depressed.

I ran into Lulu again



She hadn't changed.

still intensively jealous



You think he's yours?



I thought you knew him well!



That's the way he is!



We've just been amusing ourselves



So control yourself. Missy!



Watching her taught me something



When you don't take

'no' for an answer...



...there is still a chance

you’ll get what you want



   months Later



Hello. is Mr. Chow there?



I know I have no right to ask...



...but they say I need a guarantor



The man who recruits

girls for the nightclub...



...says he knows you



Can you talk to him for me?



No problem



I know the man you mean



I'll see him in a day or two



Why did you choose Singapore?



I don't want to stay here any Longer



I've been thinking

about it for sometime



I want to take a Look at the place



Don't drink too much



You don't Look well



Don't worry. it won't kill me



You know what?



I came by here at Christmas



I thought I might run into you



Why didn't you call me first?



I don't know



I came on impulse



I don't know why



That night I suddenly

missed you so much



We're drinking pals



Of course you'll miss me



You're right



"We're drinking pals"



Let's go






The check



Where are you staying?



In a hotel. a rather small room



But It's not too bad



I'll see you back



No. thanks



I've just moved in. It's a mess



I'll invite you once It's cleaned up



I'll go first



Seeing how much Bai Ling had changed...



...I was suddenly

overcome by a feeling of grief



Indeed. Last Christmas...



...I was not in Hong Kong






Have you seen Miss Su?



Miss Su... not for some time



Any idea where she might be?



Probably back in Phnom Penh



I didn't want to spend

Christmas      in Hong Kong



So I visited Singapore

and went back to the casino



I waited for several days

but Black Spider never turned up



No one knew where she was



Some thought she'd gone

back to Phnom Penh



Others thought she was dead



Ping and I began working in

Singapore in     



When my life Lost most of

its meaning...



...I started gambling every day



Those were hard times for me



And only one person

came to my rescue



A professional gambler



Some said she was a cheat



She always wore black



They called her Black Spider



She kept her black glove on

for     days of the year



Nobody knew why for sure



Had her hand been chopped

off for cheating?



Did the glove cover up a fake hand?



Nobody really knew



Why do you wear that black glove?



It's a habit



You're not from here?



I am from Phnom Penh



What a coincidence!

I was just in Cambodia



The place is in chaos

what were you doing there?



The newspaper sent me



You're a journalist?



Not any more



Why's that?



They made some changes

and I'm now a 'consultant'



On half-pay. with next to nothing to do



So why are you spending

your time in the casino?



I tried to win enough to

pay my way back to Hong Kong



You Lost a lot?



A few thousand



You should never set foot

in a casino in a bad mood



You won't win



I didn't expect to win



I just hoped to get back my stake



If you have any Left...



...I can help you



On one condition



When you've got your money back...



...stop gambling



Why are you helping me?



I take a commission



  % of whatever I win for you



Think it over



What good to her...



...were her tiny

commissions on my winnings?



After that. we went back to

the casino night after night



We'd eat at the stall next

to the railway station



She won back all the money I'd Lost+



Thank you



Don't thank me. It's yours



If you need me again tomorrow...



...I'll be waiting here after dinner



I still don't know your name



It's Su... Su Li zhen



A few years ago I fell in Love

with another man's wife



Her name was also Su Li zhen



It was because of her that

I moved to Singapore



I never dreamed I'd meet

another Su Li zhen



I told her a lot about the

other Su Li zhen



At first. we kept it secret



But gossip soon spread



Later we moved into a hotel



We had Room     



When I think back. the whole

thing was Like a dream



You Loved her deeply?



It's history



Let's change the subject



You. what did you do before?



You want to know about me?



Come on. we'll play high-low



If you win. I'll tell you everything



It struck me that her past...



...was Like the hand she

always kept gloved



A mystery with no solution



Of all the men I've met...



... you've been the best to me



I'm already missing you



Why won't you come with me?



Didn't you...



...promise not to ask?



Hold me



It may be years before we meet again



The night we Last saw each

other for the Last time...



...I told her...



Take care



Maybe one day you’ll escape your past



If you do. Look for me



Now it strikes me...



...that what I told her was

actually meant for myself



In Love. you can't bring

on a substitute



I was looking for what

I'd felt with the other Su Li zhen



I didn't realize that myself



But I'm sure she did



All for me?

You want to get me drunk?



I know you're a good drinker



Let's drink!



As much as we can!



If there's any Left over...



...finish it next time you're here



One small thing I have to ask you



Here's some money. please take it



What for?



I know you borrowed from

a friend for my plane ticket



Pay him back



If there's any Left

pay my rent for me



Where did you get so much money?



An old customer



He's always been fond of me



He treats me well



But he's too old for me

so I never paid him much attention



I ran into him yesterday

while I was shopping



He insisted on buying me dinner



I needed money



So I went



After dinner

I told him I needed money



He said I could have

as much as I wanted



I told him I needed $ .   



At first

I planned to save it for Singapore



But I'm using it now



Don't be silly



You're still young

You have great prospects



I borrowed the money

from my friends



They don't need it back yet



So keep this for yourself



Pay me back Later

there's no rush



Why are you so kind to me?



Perhaps It's fate



Too bad it didn't Last



I wish it could have gone on Longer



Don't be Like this



Let me buy you dinner tonight



Waiter. the check!




No. Let me



You're too kind



You've spent enough time

and money on me already



I don't want to owe you too much



I need to make a phone call



Please settle the check

I'll be outside



Will you come in?



No. thanks



Get some rest



I'll see you to the

airport tomorrow



Please don't



I'll be terribly sad if

you're there



Take good care of yourself



Why can't it be Like

it was before?



Please don't go



Stay with me tonight



Let me borrow you



Do you remember?



You once asked me...



...if there was anything

I wouldn’t lend



I've given it a lot of thought



And now I know...



...there is one thing...



...I'll never I end to anyone



As I recall...



...that was the very Last

time we saw each other



I haven't seen her since that night



Why can't it be Like it was before?



He didn't turn back



It was as if he'd boarded

a very Long train



Heading for a drowsy future...



.. through the unfathomable night



Everyone who goes to     

has the same intention



They want to recapture Lost memories



Because in     ...



...nothing ever changes



But nobody really knows

if that's true or not



Because nobody has ever come back


Special help by SergeiK