Northfork Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Northfork script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Michael Polish movie starring Nick Nolte, Claire Forlani, James Woods, etc.
.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Northfork. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Northfork Script



Always late



With your kisses



Won't you come to my arms,

sweet darlin'



And stay?



Always late



With your kisses



Why, oh, why do you

want to do me this way?



How long do you think

I can wait



When you know

you're always late



Always late



With your kisses



Why, why, why do you want

to do me this way?



That was Lefty Frizzell's

"Always Late with Your Kisses."



Before that,

we heard Buck Owens.



Get your waders out.



It's seven days before the state

officially drowns Northfork.



It's sunny skies

with the highs being   ...



"T o the loving O'Brien family.



"lt has been brought

to our attention



"that the remains

of a Mrs. Patricia O'Brien



"have yet to be excavated.



Please make arrangements




The hardworking citizens

of Northfork



will be able to have

their much-needed power...



as well as...



the pleasure of the recreation

that this body of water



will provide.



Let me add this:



the good people of Northfork



will be able to have their cake

and eat it, too.



Two, three...



Where are we going to start--

right in here?



Where should we start?



Let's start right in here.



Then the water

shall become a flood



and destroy all flesh...



and the bow

shall be in the cloud,



and I will look upon it,

and I will remember



the everlasting covenant



between God

and every living creature...



of all flesh

that is upon the earth.



And that's what we have here.



Our town is dying.



I have seen the concrete






the headstone

for the town for Northfork.



This dam gate will close...



the water will rise



over the plains,



and cover our businesses...



our homes...



and our well-being.



We have lost Northfork.



We will be losing

our dear son...



but we will gain the hope,



the courage...



to move



to a higher ground.



We're all angels.



It is what we do



with our wings



that separates us.



What are we waiting for?



Well, Mr. and Mrs. Hadfield.



Father, his health

isn't getting any better.



Rose has had to stay

by his bed.



All the doctors

have left Northfork.



You're returning him then?



He's a very ill child.



We cannot make the journey

with him in this condition.



We apologize, Father.



We appreciate your honesty,



and will ask for forgiveness.






Let's be honest, Father.



You gave us a sick child.



I gave you an angel.



You're misunderstanding us.



We love lrwin.



Halo Home is deeply regretful



about the grief



Irwin has brought

to your family.



God bless.



Have a nice journey.



This is wrong.



This is just downright wrong.



When did you get this letter?



I received the final

notice yesterday.



I don't like this damned cake.



This is wrong on every level.






Where did my parents go?



We don't want to go

where they're going.



You rest now.



Father, everybody's leaving.



Oh, I know.



I know.



Oh, let's stay here.






You're the caretaker?






Cookie takes care of the yard.



Maybe you can help me?



Who are you looking for?



A relative.



Hold still.



Marvin, Matt, Eddie, Arnold.



Walter, Willis,



Eddie, Arnold.



Walter, Willis, Eddie, Arnold.



Walter, Willis, Marvin, Matt.



Marvin, Matt, Walter,






Marvin, Matt, Eddie, Arnold.



Anybody voted for him



voted themselves

right out of Northfork.



Have a good journey.



Nice concrete cork.



I have done countless evacs.



And as long as

I've been doing this job,



it is never come down

to    hours before.



That's two days,



and by the time I'm through

with you, it's gonna be   .



So you'd better listen up.



And remember

one very important thing.



Despite the tertiary




we're putting

these people through,



we're giving them new power.



All right.









Please go pay a visit

to the Youngs.



Eddie, Arnold.






I want you to get down

to Hungry Horse Road,



and I want you to nail Jigger,

do you understand?



You betcha.



Now, you can't go into this

treating it like



you're throwing out




poor old homesteaders.



Look at it like you're saving



some poor dumb son of

a bitch from drowning.



Mr. Rudolph.



It says here that,

uh, there has been



some previous attempts

at evacuation.









Stallings. Highway   .



Remember, the one single

most important thing:



it is not our business



to tell anybody else theirs.



You just come in like

you're their guardian angel.



You give them wings



and then you move 'em on up

into higher ground.



Good luck now, gentlemen.



In the early     s,



European settlers

named Northfork



after the river

that embraced their town.



Word traveled

around the world



that angels roamed

these plains like bison.



that angels roamed

these plains like bison.



I find the humor quite parched.



  th century.



A remarkable piece.



Artist used the finest oils.



Organic pigments.






The artist has

a religious vocabulary.



He used the luxuriantly

white wings of the swan.



Fascinating representation

of the angelic messenger.



Lovely bird.



If I do recall correctly,



the Celts employed the majestic

swan as their sacred symbol



and messenger

to the other world.



Their link that existed

between the realm of their gods



and the realm of humans.



Very relatable.



I can only speculate...



that the man with swan wings,

or in this painting,



the wild bird man,



is a creation



of the overtaking

by Christianity.



Bless the imagination.



Walk, walk, walk



Walk, walk, walk



-Just a closer walk with Thee

-It's wrong.



It's just downright wrong.






For Thou art strong






Jesus keep me from all wrong



It's wrong,

and I'm not gonna do it.



And neither should you.



It's death till you part.



She's your mother.



I'll be satisfied as long



-As I walk

-   .



-Let me walk close to Thee




Just a closer walk with Thee



Just a closer walk with Thee



Grant it, Jesus, is my plea



Daily walking close to Thee.



Have you ever smelled death?



I don't recall smelling it.



Death smells like



nothing you've ever

smelled in your life.



What does it smell like?



You know when

you've smelled death.



'Cause when you smell it...



you say to yourself, "Damn.



Something die?"






Does it say anything

about a child?



No. Not specifically.



There was a small child



roaming the garden.



Oh, Flower,



it said nothing about children.






Narrator fluctuates between

the first and third person.



Quite interesting.



I would have to say that

he's above the age of a child.






every town you go scurrying off

looking for offspring.






Would you like a cup of tea?



One lump or two?



My name is Cup of Tea.



To my right,



as you may already know,



is Flower Hercules.



To my left, Cod.



And behind us all,



but in front of you, Happy.



And you are?






Hello, lrwin.



And your surname?



Sir lrwin.



Well, Sir lrwin



of Northfork,



my family and I have traveled



a long way,



and we are having trouble

finding a loved one.



Are you familiar

with the unknown angel?









this is where we can be

of help to each other.



What could we offer you?



When you leave,

just take me with you.









We do not

take children.



Then I can't help you.



Now, Sir lrwin...



you're being unreasonable.



Where we're going,



we can't take you with us.



Then take me a thousand miles.



A thousand miles

in anybody's book is a long way.



How about a hundred miles?



-A thousand.

-   .



-A thousand.

-   .



A thousand.



    and that's it.



A thousand, and that's it.



Do you know how far that is?



A thousand miles

is a far, far, faraway place.






A thousand.



All right.



We'll take you

a thousand miles



if you bring us

the unknown angel.



In the morning?






You the pain livin'

of a heart full of shame



You broke the law...






-Of God and man

-You have two customers.



You stole from me the one whose

ring was on my hand



I'd say that you...



But through that came livin'

with a heart full of shame...



Oh, I tell you,



these sons of bitches

are harder to yank



than a tick on the touch-hole

of a chicken.



I hear ya.






Good morning.



You have six customers...

now seated.



Well, if it ain't

the bottom feeders.



Go ahead, Willis.


















No meat?






























Cup or bowl?






Good work, boss.



Nice work, Walter.



Nice work, Walter.



Thank you, boys.



I'll have a bowl.





















It's only dirt.



Afternoon, boys.



Good afternoon,









Your wife, Patricia...






Irwin's still sick.



I'm sorry, Father.






Well, you got anything



that'll keep his spirits up

and his fever down?



If I was those parents,

I'd be ashamed.



Well, most parents

can't see their child ill.



So they throw him in a lake.



All depends, Henry,

on how you look at it.



Either you're halfway to heaven

or halfway to hell.



Here we go, Father.



It's an antibiotic.



Inject five cc's

of this into his arm.






All right?



Bless you.

Have a safe journey.



Thank you, Father.



All right.



We thank you in advance



and hope you have...

a pleasant journey.






Yeah, son?



You suppose he's got two

of everything in there?



I suppose we'll find out.



Now, I don't care



If I'm not the first...



Damn it.



That you picked...



I know.



Darlin', I'll never ask...



Not one, but two Chevys.



Yesterday's gone...



I know.



...from now on



They heard of me...



This is going

to be difficult.



...about the past






Now I don't care if I'm...



Ever since we started

moving folks out...



we've never done well



with people

that owned Chevrolets.



...I'll be the last.






...this country is being divided

into two types of people--



Chevy people...



...and Ford people, Matt.






Now, I don't care



If I'm not the first love

you've known



Just so I'll be the last



Now, I don't care...



Looks like he got

some kind of hammer.



...that you picked



Darlin' I'll never ask...



No, it looks more like a...



I think

he was holding a shotgun.



I think you're right.



Every town we come to,



you want a child.



Once again, selfish.



How observant.



The noble Englishman.



How I longed to be Earl Grey.



The wit that got us here.



It's a splendid




Unknown architect.



Probably owner-builder.



A true visionary,

I might add.






No, no, he was a carpenter.



We-we-we're searching

for the unknown.



The unknown doesn't just

come knocking on your door.



If it is unknown, how would you

know if it did come knocking?



Well, it won't be

in the shape of a child.



I would have to agree.






Do you ever disagree?



I disagree with

the Englishman's use of starch.



What do the Scriptures say?



"Temperature,     degrees.




Please look after him

when I leave."



What do you suppose we do?



We're going to wing it.



It appears they've...



worn out their welcome.



Good afternoon, Mr. Stalling.



My name is Walter O'Brien.



This here's my son, Willis.



We're with

the evacuation committee.



It's been brought

to the state's attention



that you are seeking

some assistance.



I'm not going anywhere, son.



We're aware of that, sir,



that's why the state has

asked us to come to your aid.



The state understands

your difficulty



with moving on.



The state

will not hurt, destroy,



nor harm you physically

in any way.



It is our civil duty to assist

you in making this transition



as easy and pleasant

as possible.



Your agreement is this--



you will each be assigned

   households to depart.



Having fulfilled

said obligation,



you will then

each receive  .  acres



of prime, lakefront property.



Your lot size

will be increased



by one fifth of an acre

for every additional household



that you assist in evacuating

beyond the initial   .



Have I made myself clear?



I will take your vacant

stares as a yes.



I could live

with an acre and a half.



Okay by me.



May we, sir?






...the prodigal son returns.



Already packed.



A little ahead of yourself.



I've brought

what you're looking for.



You have?






I don't see anything.



We still have a deal?



Yes, yes, yes.



We have a deal.



Yeah, we still have a deal.



Where is it?



Oh, my.






We'd appreciate it



if you both would stop



screwing around.



Well, what do you want to do?



The Youngs are going

to have a moving sale.






Now, all I need is a pair



of sinners like yourselves



to mount up there now.



We appreciate



very much your giving us



this time to discuss

this matter.



A pair of wives?



At least they're not mounted.



You know,



it appears to me

that you folks



are preparing for a flood

in Biblical proportions.



You got that right, son.



A flood is going to wipe

through this place,



cleansing the soil of all sin.






When God tells us

to get a move on,



we're gone at the first holler

of a rooster.



We ain't needing the State

to come in here



and tell us when

to pick up and get going.



That's God's doing.



This is God's land,

and by God,



we ain't movin' until we get

that sign from above.



Yes, sir, uh...



we aren't telling you

to pick up and get going.



No, sir.



Look at us as your

life preservers.



You can use us if you want,



or not at all.



We give you that choice.



We're all in the same boat.



So, sir, if you

don't mind, sir,



I'd like to bend you

and your wives' ear a bit



and tell you

about the signs of God



that we are familiar with.



This could be



that sign.



A what?



He said he was a relative.



To us?






You're the unknown angel?






The one you're looking for.






He is unknown.



The angel part's









How romantic.



There's a novel about you, too.



I started to collect these.



This is the first one I grew.



Now I'm not saying

that this boat



you have built isn't worthy.



From the looks of it,



you've done a mighty fine job.



But for the sake of my job,

let's just say



it doesn't.



Doesn't what?



Your boat doesn't float.



Imagine this, if you will.



One day,



a town on the plains,

let's say Northfork,



was hit by a catastrophic flood,



similar to

the days of Noah,



and you husband

and yourselves



are standing out there on

the roof waiting to be rescued.



A friendly neighbor



comes paddling by in

his little wooden boat,



and he yells, "Hey, there,

Mr. and Mrs. Stalling,



"and... uh, Mrs. Stalling,



jump on in

and I'll take you to dry land."



What do you say?



I don't know.



The water's rising.



You shout back,



"No, thank you,

thy friendly neighbor.



I'm waiting

for a sign from God."



No, thank you.



I'm waiting for a sign from God.



Yes, exactly.



And your friendly neighbor

paddles away.



A few days later



a state rescue team

comes by in a larger boat.



And let's just say



me and Willis are on board.



And we offer you the same deal.



"Jump on in,



"and you, Mrs. Stalling

and... Mrs. Stalling,



will be saved."



And you say...



No, thank you.



We're waiting

for a sign from God.



A few more days pass,



and the water level has risen.



It has risen above the roof.



And unfortunately,



you and Mr. Stalling

have drowned



and now are in heaven

in front of God.



Dear, we died.



What about our belongings?



We died?



Oh, yes, you three have died



because you waited

for a sign from God



and it never came,

and you three died.



But why?



That's the exact question

you would ask God.



You would say, "We waited for

the sign and it never came."



And you and she...



and Mr. Stalling... died.



Now what

do you suppose



God is going

to say to you both?



I don't




Mr. Stalling?



I'm dead, remember?



May l?






I'll tell you

what God will say.



"l sent you two boats...



"Two boats.


            save your lives."



What more of a sign

did you three want?



May l?






You have a lovely



collection of feathers.



Thank you.



And your halo.



Where's that?



They took it off

when I was little.



I didn't need it anymore.



And these must be your wings.



Oh, mighty.



Look at this.



And where did we get this?



These are quite stunning.



The grace of God.



Yes, they are.



We're offering you

a pair of something



that only the man upstairs

is willing to give you.



Where'd you get these boys?



Born and raised



right here in Northfork.



Dear, what

are you thinking?



I'm thinking,

what bird suffered this?



Oh, there's nothing



fowl about these wings.



I understand your initial doubt,



but how many times

have you seen wings



of this size and beauty?



This is what



most of us were shot with.



Tranquillity at its finest.



This could make

an elephant fly.



It stuck in me



right here.



May I look?



Appears to be lengthy

needle of some sort.



Five years, maybe

six years of age.



Used numerous times



for injection.



You were shot with

this rifle?






I was running with my flock



and they shot me.



You were running

with your flock?






Flock of what?



Doves? Geese? Seagulls?






Angel wings, huh?



I'm here to tell you

these wings is worthless.



And to remove all doubt,



we included this certificate

of authenticity.



Signed, sealed and blessed

by your own Father Harlan.



"Found near the glaciers,



these wings, blah, blah, blah."



From what they could tell,



this particular pair were

detached from a juvenile



who probably strayed

from the flock.



"Perhaps no wiser

than four years of age.



"The abbreviated

wingspan reveals to us



"that he weighed

no more than   



to    pounds

before they were removed."



A bit too disturbing for me.






are you looking at this?



Would you say amputated?



Yes. Amputated.






Angel. Huh.



Aren't we all?



I'd say quite the opposite.



Probably a little devil,



and daddy gave him

a good strapping.



There's a back

story for you.



Does this cause any pain?






This would be




as a highly dangerous



procedure without




Some people would just



bite a bullet.



A highly



skilled surgeon

was overly concerned



with muscle stabilization.



There's no evidence of

curvature of the spine.



You're discovering



feathers in this area?






What time of day?






Can you run your fingers



through his hair?



What can you tell us

about your relatives?



My mother and father were

  th generation angels.



My great grandpa



and grandma

had wings the size



of bombers and would

glide the plains



of Northfork.



Come on, you ladies,



can't you just smell

the bird shit?



I mean, I'd like to believe

these wings is authentic,



but the feathers,



they ain't attached

to anything.



You take those moose antlers

back there.



Oh, dear.



Yeah, it's a fine



set of antlers, but it's more

than just a rack of horns



attached to a piece of board.



That wouldn't be enough.



It's an okay place

to hang your hat,



but there ain't no pride in it.



What you need is the whole

head hanging up there.



And these marble eyes just

a-staring on down at you.



Then you know you've got

something really worth having.



We're still not leaving.



I've got a thousand-dollar

check from the state,



or would you rather use that

for your funeral services?






Then you best get the hell

out of here right now.



Use these to fly

the hell out of here.






Eddie. Hey, Eddie.



I think Jigger's asleep.



Let's go.



Jesus Christ.



The scars on his forehead



tell me he did



have a halo.



Most likely metal.



To stabilize his...






Everything all right?



Dankish, beetle-headed




What is wrong with you?






You should be asking yourself

that question.



Fired from a long barrel rifle.



Ten feet away.



Needle meant



to penetrate two

to three inches of skin.



Perhaps the hide

of a herbivore.



Beast of a hallucinogenic.



Would you like a cup of tea?



This isn't tea time.



Given my weight,



calculated dosage...



this could be a lengthy trip.









may l?









Plenty more

where that came from.






Shoot me, shoot Cod.



And then shoot yourself



in the foot.






You saucy, sheep-biting,

flat-mouthed dewberry.



This could be a family...






Santa's everywhere.



I'm happy.



This should back off

some evil spirits.












Two out of three ain't that bad.



Damn it. I say



we hook that thing up

to our bumper



and drag it out ourselves.



What are you talking about,




You know why?

I'll tell you why.



That there was number






I know that, Willis.



I'm marking them down

as departed.



We can't.



The state makes their

final pass-through,



and they find that Mr. Stalling

locked up in that



boat with his






It's our butt.



It's our job

to move them out of Northfork.



It's not our job

to know where they go.




it's our job



to move people,



not change their beliefs.



What more



could we have said?



Without the proper words,



this is just a man, nailed



to two pieces of wood.



Oh, he's cute.






Yes, son.



I don't think they want me.



Oh, no, they do.



They do, son.



They came a long way for you.






can I go with them?



I will still have to speak

with them.






can you tell them I'm an angel?



I will.



I will.



Because I want them

to see my wings.



Do you have wings?



Yeah? Me, too.



But mine got old and fell off.



You get some sleep now.



All right.



Mr. and Mrs. Hope?






I'm Father Harlan.






Thank you



for coming on short notice.



Irwin is



a good boy.



I could go on, but



that would seem

like I'm selling him to you.



And I'm not.






You're not...



Well, given the chance,

I'm sure lrwin



would do a better job

at selling himself...




-than me.



Can we meet him?






you will have to make a decision



before you can meet him.



But, Father, it says right here



that we can spend

the afternoon with him.



Yes, I know. I...



I'm sorry. I apologize.



But lrwin is a fragile boy.



I can't let him

get his hopes up too high



only to have them diminished.



His health can't afford

that kind of a disappointment.



Oh, Father, we can't

make a decision



based upon viewing

him from a window.



I'm sorry.



Why don't you go

wait in the car?



Father, we come here

attempting to adopt a child,



and you turn it

into window shopping.



He's not a puppy.






Well, maybe that's



what you and your wife

should be considering.



I'm sorry



if I have wasted your time.



Have a pleasant journey.



Many townspeople have speculated



that the body of Jimmy Miller,



son of Doris and James Miller,



still lays in the Northfork dam.



One worker has said,



"There is a slight lump

in the interior wall



that will hold back

   million acres of water."



Another worker said,

"Yes, Jimmy is in there.



"They never could retrieve him

from the dam.



He is resting in peace."



Tom Johnson, a fisherman,

put it this way,



"Heck, you can't exactly

troll a hundred feet



of just-poured concrete

fishing for a body."



Marvin. Matt.



Walter. Willis.



Tours of the Northfork dam,

and possibly Jimmy Miller,



will be starting in January.



For more information,



please contact Montana's

Water and Power.



Somebody is laying there.



You feel a heartbeat?






You can figure...



a death of a person is

still considered progress.



Son of a bitch is getting

the biggest headstone



this side of Rushmore.









   residents departed.



Good job.



You sign on that bottom line,



 .  acres will be transferred

into your name.






Well, your log reads

   residents departed.



Is this correct?



Well, sir...



Yes, sir, it is.



Well, you know what?



I'd like to thank

you personally



for your hard work

and dedication



in the evacuation

of Northfork,



and hope to see you boys

out there enjoying the lake.



Wait a minute.

That's it?



We get nothing?



That's correct.



Sir, there...



there is another house



that we did not confirm

their departure.



Well, then, you best

go out there



and get it confirmed, huh?












Boy was a tad pigeon-toed.



What do you think?



For most, Vincent Van Gogh

was a fine artist.



To some, he lacked technique.



Paint straight

from the tube,



very heavy-handed.



How Van Gogh cut off his ear



is what is most intriguing

to folks.



In each piece I've ever

appraised, the story



is always more fascinating

than the actual piece itself.






It's a fantastic yarn

the boy has spun.






the story is more valuable

than the actual piece.



What about his collection

of feathers?






from the stork

that dropped him.



Feathers are inconsistent.



I couldn't find

any connection



in the scriptures.



And that spleeny



ill-nurtured gnat.



Are you positive?



Oh, Flower, please,

be open to inconsistency.



What did the feathers

come in?



A book.



The book



was in a pillowcase.



I presume that the pillow

that the boy



Iays his head on

is stuffed with feathers.



He is not

what we are here for.



La Fleur

was touched by an angel.



Is it snowing?



Can I go?



You're not mine anymore



This is it, son.



Looks pretty vacant.



Indeed it does.



If you don't ever

change your mind



Trick or treat.



Smells like something

died in here.



That is precisely why

we're not going to get mother.



Willis, you smell that?



Yeah, it smells

like something died.



Go upstairs and check

all the rooms.



Then we'll leave.






You're kidding.



You go upstairs

and check everything out.



Willis, go upstairs,



and see if anyone

is up there.



I'm personally not ready

to face death.



This is number   .



Go upstairs, check it out,



and let's get this over with.



I'm checking out

the other side.












Hello there.









Do you see anything?






Come on. Jump.



It's about



five feet, come on.



You can make it.




Come on.



Pop, come on, jump!



You can make it. Come on.



Are you okay?



Would you like a cup of tea?



I would qualify this



in the area

of concussion.



A frothy, clay-brained snapper.



Let's help you get up

onto your feet.






going to feel that

in the morning.



Willis, let's go.



Did you see anyone?






Come on!



Come on!



Get in the car!






What's got you

so spooked?



If you don't ever

change your mind



To take me back again



Grab the book.






Just do it!



Mark them down as evacs.






Do it!



Okay, I will.



Since the day you say

we're through



I'm even more

in love with you



And it's my fault that

you're not mine anymore



And I think we should

go get your mom.



These have the same texture



as the feathers that were

in the boy's book.









No more than four years of age.



Weighed no more than    pounds.



These were attached

to something very young...



I'm going to have

to evaluate the other side.






Oh, Lord...



Let the holy angels come



to lrwin.



And carry him

to your heavenly city.



Free his spirit...



from the prison of his body.









Please, no.



I'm sorry.



I'm a man of faith.



Forgiveness is my job.



But right now,



I can't forgive my faith.









He grew two inches this summer.






Still stacking wood?












You're not even close

to what death smells like.



I'm sorry.



I'm coming to get you.



I'm sorry.



I didn't forget you.



I'm sorry.



I'm sorry.






Come here.






Can you see?






Look closer.



No, I can't see anything.



What am I looking for?



There's a nick in my paint.



There's a nick in my paint!



Don't make it worse.



-Don't make it worse.

-It's only dirt.



I was rubbing it off.



-What color is dirt?




If Marvin weren't blind,

he would see



that it was gray--

the color underneath my paint.



Willis, the speck is brown.






Brown after Marvin's

filthy hands rubbed it.



Well, I can't see

how you'd think



you could keep your car perfect

the way you drive anyway.



It hurts.



The first one... hurts.



You just never know

when it's going to come.



You know,

that's fate for you.



A little rock.



You do not have a say

in the matter.



Now that you've gotten

the first one...



...the rest comes easy.



You spend all your time...



polishing your car,



making everything perfect.



Then this rock...



flies out of nowhere,



and puts all your

hard work to shame.



Nothing you can do about it.



Absolutely nothing.



-Holy cow.

-Oh, my God.



...into the hole... take that...



...soft, so when you get

down in there,



you just thread this rope

through the top handle.






You jump down there and do it.




-No more. No, no, no, no.



This is downright wrong.



Once something's buried,



it should stay buried.



I can't show no more respect.



You know,

when this small town



becomes the biggest lake

this side of the Mississippi,



your mother will be

the catch of the day!



Then throw some rocks on her.



That should keep her down.



Where you going to take her?



What about California?



What's there?



I heard in California



they're serving cheeseburgers

and a soda



in less than two minutes flat.






That's fast food.



I know you've been praying.



Not to worry.



A family will come soon.



You may be an orphan...



but you're still a child of God.



We must go get him, Flower.



If I didn't know your voice,



I would think it

was my subconscious.



Could he be?



He is.



You don't want to believe him,

do you?



You do?



He's just a child.



I can't accept that.






I know.



We can't.



We have to.



You have to.



Don't let



your motherly nature



cost you your manhood.



He prayed for us.



 .  acres

of lakefront property.






Northern Pike?



Might be.



Pike's not a fish.



It's a dog.



Skull full of teeth.



Pick those suckers up

by their eye sockets.



Weapons of massive destruction.



They drop that



pike's milt into this lake.



You can forget

all about the fish



Iiving in peace and harmony.



Pike eat their children.



What they should do

is introduce a nice game fish



Iike the Muskie.



Now, that's a fine species.




-No fish



from Minnesota

should be allowed to swim



past the Missouri.



The fine citizens

of Northfork knew



that Muskie was swimming

through their houses,



we would've never been able

to get 'em to leave.



Canada ought to claim



that bug-heap they

call Minnesota.



Throw in Wisconsin for free.



You have to think

that this must have been



his last day on the job.



You ready?









You're a relative.






the strongest man

ever to wear a skirt.



Are you going to be my mother

or my father?



I'm both.



Considered the perfect soul,



I search for no one,



and no one looks for me.






I need I look

within myself to find.



I am






I am not king nor queen,

yet I am both.



A mother and a father.



You prayed to be this way?



Isn't that

what Father Harlan says?



"Pray and you shall receive?"



Would you like a cup of tea?









There you go, son.



And in that journey of dying,



you see many things.



But all issues I had passed.



Because I was to be a witness.



A helper.



And that's the thing, I think,



is important about death,



is the ability for us



to be witnesses.



Not only for our births

of coming in,



but going out.



And that's what we have here.



We've lost our town. It's gone.



But maybe there's



a birth someplace else.



Maybe there's a blessing



from that experience.



I'm no longer afraid of death,



but it's a lesson

that's taken me



   years to learn.



As you stroll around Northfork,



take your last walk

down the dirt road



that leads to where

your house may have been,



and look at the trees

that you once climbed.



Smile, and remember those trees

for what they will become:



future snags

for fishing tackle.



As you continue your walk,

think to yourself,



"This is the only time

I will ever be able



"to walk

on the bottom of a lake



without having

to hold my breath."



Remember when you leave

to pack all your good memories.



No one else will pack them

for you.



Good night to you all.




Special help by SergeiK