Voila! Finally, the Rabbit-Proof Fence
script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie based on the
Doris Pilkington novel
. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Rabbit-Proof Fence. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally
tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line. You won't
hurt my feelings. Honest.
(Woman speaks
in Aboriginal language)
That's them.
Molly's the big one.
The little one's
her sister Daisy.
The middle one's
their cousin Gracie.
Well, what about the fathers?
Moved on.
WOMAN: Bring it here.
WOMAN: The next batch.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
There's two applications
for section ex emptions.
Police reports are there.
William Harris is applying
for permission to marry.
She's half-caste also.
And Mary Wilson's applying
for permission to visit
her child at Moore River.
She's quite agitated.
Oh, and Gladys Phillips
has written for permission
to buy some new shoes.
She had a new pair a year ago.
Er, now, this report
from Constable Riggs
about three little half-caste girls
at the Jigalong fence depot -
Molly, Gracie and Daisy.
The youngest is
of particular concern.
She is promised to a full-blood.
I'm authorising their removal.
They're to be taken to
Moore River as soon as possible.
Oh, and Miss Thomas,
if you could check that the rate
for police transportation
is still, I believe,
eight pence per mile.
Yes, Mr Neville.
Thank you.
(Rings chime)
That country over there,
that's Wongi country.
You can't go there.
You get big trouble.
Yeah, I know.
Where your country?
My country?
Down south.
Long way from here.
Our dad works there
on the rabbit fence.
How far does rabbit fence
go to?
The rabbit-proof fence?
It goes all the way
to the sea down that way.
Right to the top of Australia.
Longest fence in the world.
And all the way
to the sea down that way.
miles long.
Keeps the rabbits
on that side of the fence.
Keeps the farmland
on this side of the fence.
That Molly's
getting to be a big girl.
Mr Neville's been writing to me
about those girls, you know.
Come on, it's your turn.
Come and get your rations.
Hurry up.
(Women yell)
Come for the three girls,
This is my kids! MINE!
It's the law, Maude.
(Screams) No!
Got no say in it.
No! Mine!
(AII yell)
Move one inch
and I'll lock your mother up!
Neville's their legal guardian.
MOLL Y: Get away from us! Go!
(Cries) Give me back my Daisy!
You sit up and you stay!
I've got the papers, Maude!
Don't take them! No!
You've got no say in it!
(Screams) No!
Hear this - don't move!
Nothing you can do here,
old girl!
(Speaks Aboriginal language)
Nothing you can do.
(Maude screams) Leave them!
(Women wail)
NEVILLE: As you know,
every Aborigine born in this State
comes under my control.
Notice, if you will,
the half-caste child.
And there are
ever-increasing numbers of them.
Now, what is to happen to them?
Are we to allow the creation
of an unwanted third race?
Should coloureds be encouraged
to go back to the black?
Or should they be advanced
to white status
and be absorbed
in the white population?
Now, time and again,
I'm asked by some white man,
"If I marry
this coloured person,
"will our children be black?"
And as Chief Protector
of Aborigines,
it is my responsibility
to accept or reject those marriages.
Here is the answer.
Three generations.
Half-blood grandmother.
Quadroon daughter.
Octoroon grandson.
Now, as you can see,
in the third generation,
or third cross,
no trace of native origin
is apparent.
The continuing
infiltration of white blood
finally stamps out
the black colour.
The Aboriginal
has simply been bred out.
...we come to...
We come to the Moore River
Native Settlement.
Ladies, most of you are familiar
with our work here -
the training of domestic
servants and farm labourers.
I would like to thank you
for your continuing support.
Hundreds of half-caste children
have been gathered up
and brought here
to be given the benefit
of everything
our culture has to offer.
For if we are to fit and train
such children for the future,
they cannot be left as they are.
And, in spite of himself,
the native must be helped.
(Women hum)
Hello, there.
(AII gasp)
(Whispers) A ghost!
Poor dears.
Such a long way.
You must be exhausted.
Come along - I'll take you
straight to the dormitory.
Quickly. It's alright.
Come on.
Down you hop.
Come along.
Follow me.
Come along.
Follow me, please.
That's the way.
Come along.
There's some beds there.
The bucket's in the corner.
Hurry up.
Back to sleep, the rest of you.
No talking.
(Girl shouts) Get up!
All of youse! Make your beds!
Hurry up!
Irene, Cheryl,
stop running around.
Get them blankets tidy.
What's your name?
Where you from?
(AII giggle)
You'll get used to it.
Tracker girl, get that bucket.
Take it out now!
What are you standing there
dreamin' about?
Hurry up!
Get out to breakfast now!
Come on!
Go, all of you!
Come on.
You coming?
Thank you, children.
Ready for our prayers.
Bow your heads.
Eyes closed.
ALL: Thank you
for the food we eat
Thank you
for the world so sweet
Thank you
for the birds that sing
Thank you, God, for everything.
There will be no talking.
(Speaks Aboriginal language)
We'll have no wangka here!
You talk English!
Now eat!
EAT! Or I'll hold your nose
and force it down you!
Here. Keep still.
We've got to scrub you.
Let me see.
Doesn't that feel better?
Yes, Miss Jessop.
Yes, Miss Jessop.
Thank you, Miss Jessop.
Thank you, Miss Jessop.
That is much better.
Take it.
Put these on.
Come on. Get dressed.
This is your new home.
We don't use that jabber here.
You speak English.
(Children sing) # Way down
upon the Swanee river
# Far, far away
# There's where my heart
is turning ever
# There's where
the old folks stay... #
(Whispers) What are they doing?
Singing Mr Devil's
favourite song.
Singing Mr Devil's
favourite song.
Who's that?
The one on the end,
on the chair.
# ...Ionging
for the old plantation
# And for the old folks
at home. #
Very good. Well done.
The following children
will come forward -
Tommy Grant.
This way, Tommy. Here.
Come on. Stand up straight.
Whoo, hold, boy.
What are they doing now?
They checkin'
for the fair ones.
They gotta take them
to Sister Kate's.
They're more clever than us.
They can go to proper school.
Thank you. No.
Molly Craig.
That you.
Molly Craig!
Go on, get up.
Hurry up, they'll whip you.
Molly, come on, dear.
Get up.
Come on, young lady.
They'll put you in the boob,
hurry up.
Come on.
Just Molly, please.
Where you goin'?
Come back here.
Sit down.
Hurry up.
Come along.
It's alright.
That's the way.
Don't be afraid.
Come along.
Come on,
I'm not going to hurt you.
A bit further.
That's it.
It's Molly, isn't it?
I know it all feels
very strange,
but after a few days
you'll feel quite at home.
(Breathes heavily)
We're here to help,
and encourage you
in this new world.
Duty, service, responsibility.
Those are our watchwords.
Molly, keep still.
It's alright, it's alright.
It's alright.
Over here. Sweep it over here.
To the door.
Come on, this way.
Push it towards me.
Eh, tracker's come back.
Eh, tracker girl.
Your dad's bringin' Olive back.
Catched her.
Thank you, Moodoo.
Stand there, young lady.
Did you really think
you'd get away with it?
Now stop that crying.
See what Miss Doyle has here?
Olive, look at me.
You see this here?
The scissors?
Did she run away home?
She ran away
to see her boyfriend.
(Dog yelps)
Come on.
Let's see if those boys
at New Norcia
find you so attractive now.
(Dog yelps)
(Whips Olive repeatedly)
Argh! Argh!
She broke out through here.
Usual story - off to see
her boyfriend at New Norcia.
The tracker brought her back.
Ah, yes, Moodoo.
Mr Neal tells me that
your probation period is up,
and that you wish to return to
the Kimberleys, is that right?
Of course, your daughter
is here, isn't she?
There would be no question
of her going.
She would have to stay here
and continue her training.
I think for the time being,
it would be best
for all concerned
if you were to remain here,
I'd be prepared to consider
your case in a year or so,
but, er, until then...
Now, about those little ones
from Kalgoorlie.
Those babies -
where their mothers?
They got no mothers.
Nobody here got any mothers.
I got mother.
Come on, they're lining up.
Let's go.
(Sobs and whimpers)
(Whispers) Bad place.
Make me sick.
These people.
Make me sick.
Come on, make your beds!
Nice and tidy!
If you've already done it,
get to the church now.
Hurry up!
Stop dawdling.
Molly, take the bucket out.
Now, the three of you,
go up to the church.
Come on, you kids,
get up there, you're late!
Hurry up!
Now! Now!
Come on, get your things.
We're going!
Where we going?
We're going home, to Mother.
How we gonna get there?
We're not going. Are we, Daisy?
We like it here.
That tracker, he's gonna get us
and put us in that room.
They're not gonna get us.
We'll just keep walking.
The rain'll cover our tracks.
We gotta go now.
Come on. Quick.
Come on.
Come on, Gracie. Now.
Too far, Molly.
Hurry up.
(Children sing)
# He made their tiny wings
# All things bright
and beautiful
# All creatures great
and small... #
Come on, let's go!
Irene Barton.
Ellie Moodoo.
Molly Craig.
Molly Craig?
Molly Craig?
Gracie Fields.
Daisy Kadibil.
Nina, have you seen
the new girls?
Haven't seen 'em all day, miss.
(Men speak
Aboriginal language)
(Puffing) Mr...Mr Neville says
you better come real quick.
(Speaks Aboriginal language)
That's two days ago, Mr Neal.
Yes, I understand, but I require
to be kept fully informed.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Those three girls,
they've run off.
Oh, dear.
Probably the older one.
I wondered when I saw her.
Too much of their mind...
The tracker's onto it.
In the meantime, it must be
kept out of the papers.
No rain, tracker gonna get us.
Tracker's not gonna get us.
Come on.
We gotta keep going.
Come on, Gracie.
Daisy, give me your bag.
Give us your bag, quick.
Give us it!
Hurry up!
In the water, in the water.
We need to cover our tracks.
Shh, shh, shh.
Shh. Shh.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa.
I see...the emu?
No, that's not it.
I see the kangaroo.
Red one.
I don't see nothing.
There's no food here.
I see...
We don't know this place.
How are we going to eat?
Quick, hide. Come on.
Ask them, Molly.
Ask them for something to eat.
Hey, you from
that Moore River place, eh?
We're going home.
Where your country?
Proper long way.
Do you know what you're doing?
That tracker
from Moore River...
...he pretty good.
I heard he get them runaways
all the time.
You've got to be good
to beat him.
He'll take you back
to that place.
You watch out for him, eh?
You think you're so smart.
Where are we?
We're lost.
Jigalong that way.
The tracker followed them
to this riverbank
but lost their tracks
in the water about a week ago.
There's been no sign
of them since.
Three little half-castes.
We're talking
quite a few man hours here.
Who's going to pay for it?
There's very little money
in my departmental budget.
I'm hoping your men can combine
this with their regular duties.
We'll be able to handle
all the notifications,
posting police stations, farms...
We'll provide a description.
But if my men make trips
outside their duties,
it's an impost
on your department, Mr Neville.
If your men are on other jobs,
there is no extra expense.
I see that, Mr Neville.
Every one of your men
has a role as local protector.
My men will do their jobs,
Mr Neville.
Now, a week ago, you said.
Hey, Maude.
Your girls have gone.
What did you say?
They've run away
from Moore River.
They're gone.
Everybody's looking for them.
And what do you think
you might be up to?
Thieving my eggs, eh?
You come out here
where I can see you.
Come on. Stand up.
Out you come.
And get rid of that bread.
It's filthy.
You want something to eat,
you ask for it.
Come on.
I'm not going to bite you.
Are you on your own?
Got anyone with you?
There you are.
Where are you girls
planning on going?
Cat got your tongue, eh?
Now get!
Go on.
And watch out for those boys
further along.
They go out hunting rabbits
along the fence.
That rabbit-proof fence?
Yes, the rabbit-proof fence.
Where that rabbit fence?
Which way now?
That way.
That fence.
Find that rabbit fence,
we go home.
Then we see our mum.
(Reads) "The Chief Protector of
Aborigines, Mr A.O. Neville..."
ALL: The devil!
"...is concerned
about three native girls
"ranging from eight
to fourteen years of age
"who a month ago
"ran away from the Moore River
Native Settlement."
(AII cheer)
"He would be grateful
if any person...who saw them
"would notify him...promptly.
""We have been searching
high and low for the children
""for a month past,'
added Mr Neville.
""And all the trace we found
of them was a dead rabbit."'
It's the fence! It's the fence!
She found it!
Now, the latest sighting
which is four days old is...
The man from the newspaper.
I have nothing more to say!
May I have a look?
Dalwallinu. Yes?
Bunnawarra. Yalgoo.
Dalwallinu, Bunnawarra, Yalgoo.
They're on the fence.
They're following
the rabbit-proof fence.
Just because people use
Neolithic tools, Inspector,
does not mean
they have Neolithic minds.
This makes our task
very much easier.
Look. There's a branch off here
to the west, north of Yalgoo.
Now, you put your man
out here on the fence
and north of this junction.
He can start
to come down it to meet them.
I'll have Moodoo come up
from the south behind them.
We can't miss them.
Where Daisy?
Wait here.
My legs, Molly.
They hurt. I can't walk.
I'll carry you only once,
Come on.
Come on.
Don't think I'm carrying you
all the way.
Camp, Molly.
Damn me.
Where are you girls headed?
Going to Mullewa?
Got family there?
Where Mullewa?
The way you're headed
along the number two fence.
Are there
two rabbit-proof fence?
My oath.
We've got three of them.
We're on the wrong fence.
Where the north fence?
North fence - back that way
where you come from.
You can cut across.
I'll show you.
Number one rabbit fence.
Here's the number two fence.
Now, you're here.
But you want to be here.
Now, if you cut across here...
...you save yourself
mile or so.
It's not hard.
I'm going back.
I don't have the petrol.
Hey, we're hungry.
Are youse that lot
from Moore River?
What -
you girls walk all that way?
I was there.
Too scared to run away, but.
Everyone was always caught,
stuck in that boob.
Youse got the furtherest.
Where you heading?
WOMAN: Mavis!
Stay here.
I'll come back and get you.
Sleep with me.
I'll get you some food.
Just getting the washing,
Mrs Evans!
Shh! What's that?
There's someone coming.
Quick, quick, into bed.
Hide under the blankets.
(AII gasp)
Go away.
Don't worry about that!
Come on, quick. Get up.
Get up! Come on!
Shh, shh, shh.
Don't go, Molly.
Please don't go.
He come back if you go.
Don't go.
He won't say anything.
Hello, Evans.
Mrs Evans.
Quick! Wake up. Wake up.
You got to go.
Let's have a look.
Out that way. Just keep going.
They were running out over
there about an hour or so ago.
We'll pick up their tracks
in the morning.
I'll make a cup of tea.
That's the tracker.
Yeah, that's him.
Hop on.
I do not expect you
to understand
what I am trying to do
for these people.
But I'll not have my plans
The problem of half-castes
is not simply going to go away.
If it is not dealt with now,
it will fester
for years to come.
These children are that problem.
Please explain
exactly what happened.
I don't know how they did it,
but we lost them.
I had Larsen out there.
Moodoo was with him.
They're making right fools of us.
They are indeed, Inspector.
And the cost is more
than to just our pride.
This department's reputation
is beginning to suffer.
My men have better things to do
than chase your charges
all around the country.
...they're coming
into very rough terrain.
Once they're
much past Meekatharra,
I can't risk any of my men.
Yes, we must find them before
they reach real desert country.
So this is what
we're going to do.
You get your man up there.
Moodoo can join him.
Well up the fence - around here.
Far enough up so we know
we cannot possibly miss them.
And I want them to stay there.
They can set up camp and wait.
Well, we'll just have to bear it.
Their lives may be at stake.
Inspector, I understand
the mother of one of the girls
has gone to Wiluna.
The children are headed
into that country.
I want the word spread.
Let's see what that does.
You wouldn't get me out there.
She's pretty clever, that girl.
She wants to go home.
Good thing
you kids ran into me.
A lot of people
worried for you.
The police are up and down
the country looking for youse.
It's in all the papers.
Which one of you is Gracie?
Are you Gracie?
I hear your mummy in Wiluna.
You can catch a train there
from Meeka.
Come on.
Let's go.
Wiluna - is she at Wiluna?
Come on, Gracie.
Don't listen to him.
He's a liar.
Maybe she there, Molly.
Maybe he telling the truth.
Let's go to Meeka,
catch a train to Wiluna.
If they see us,
they'll catch us.
We can't stop now.
We must keep going.
We're nearly there.
But, Molly, Mummy there.
She at Wiluna.
I want Mummy.
Come on.
Come on, Daisy.
Come on, Daisy.
You have to carry me, Molly.
Hop on.
She not coming.
Don't look back.
Don't look back. She'll come.
You got them?
One for you, one for me
and one for both of us.
Come on, Dais.
We've got to go back for Gracie.
(Men laugh)
What are you going to do -
sell the thing?
I've got her!
I want to get the train
to Mummy!
This is one of them.
She thinks her mummy's there.
Oi! Grab her!
You're not going anywhere.
Now, get in that car now.
Thanks, Jacky.
There will be a shilling
for you back at the station.
I'm taking you back
where you belong.
She gone, Molly?
She not coming back?
Needle in a haystack.
Well, that's it.
Pack your stuff.
We're getting out of here.
They're only paying us
for three weeks.
To Constable Riggs,
Police Station, Nullagine.
The two missing half-caste
girls, Molly and Daisy,
are returning to Jigalong
via the rabbit-proof fence,
our efforts to apprehend them
thus far having come to nought.
I therefore expect them
to arrive in Jigalong
in about a month's time.
In your capacity
as local protector,
you are to proceed to Jigalong
to await their arrival
and effect their recapture.
Yours, etc.
No fence.
I want Mother.
The fence will come back.
WOMAN: It's coming through now.
"Riggs arrived Jigalong.
"Awaits your instructions."
Yes, there will be a reply.
Please wait.
(Man reads) "Girl is to be sent
south, via Meekatharra,
"to be accompanied
at all times.
"Awaiting notification."
What's all that about?
Just some women's business.
Been going on all day.
Hey, Molly.
That tracker,
he not going to get us now.
Nah, he's not going to get us.
I'm not going to stay here. I can feel it.
They're up to something.
I'm going to go take a look.
(Women sing)
(Man speaks Aboriginal language)
(Women sing)
(Whistles bird call)
(Puffs, giggles)
I lost one... (Sniffs)
...I lost one.
NEVILLE: To Constable Riggs,
Police Station, Nullagine.
At present, we lack the funds
to pursue
the missing half-caste girls,
Molly and Daisy.
I would ask
to be kept informed
of their whereabouts,
so that at some future date,
they may indeed be...recovered.
We face an uphill battle
with these people...
...especially the bush natives,
who have to be protected
against themselves.
If they would only understand
what we are trying to do
for them.
Yours, etc.
Thank you.