Seconds Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Seconds script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie directed by John Frankenheimer and starring Rock Hudson..  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Seconds. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Seconds Script



Attention, please.



- Mr. Hamilton?

- Yes?



Scarsdale is next.



Good day?



- You?

- Very productive.



Got the roses out in back

all trimmed.



Oh, letter this morning from Sally.



Sam's finished internship.



Starts practice next week.



Well, he should specialize.

That's the only thing now.



Maybe he just wants to get

the feel of things.



Our little girl's done all right.



Something wrong?



That phone call last night?



What about it?



I heard you pacing around in the study

afterwards till almost  :  .



Just a crazy prank.

Look, Emily, it was nothing.



Art? It's me again.






Look, I don't know

who you are, but...



- Charlie Evans!

- Stop saying that.



Charlie Evans is dead.

Now I want you to stop this...



or I'll be forced

to call the police.



There are two trophies

on the fireplace...



near the tennis team picture.



Pick up the phone

and walk over to them.



Go ahead.

You know the cord will reach.



- Are you there?

- Yes.



In the picture,

you and I are standing...



with our arms

around each other's shoulder.



We're both wearing

the same kind of wristwatch.



Remember, we gave them to each other

after winning the doubles at Princeton?






Okay. Take

the doubles trophy there...



and turn it over.



One edge of the felt is loose.

Pull it back.



You scratched it there, down in

the locker room after we won the finals.






With your belt buckle.






I had forgotten.



I didn't.



It can't be you.



Okay, now. Listen very carefully.



- Did you get the address today?

- Yes.






You're to use the name Wilson.



You can't be Charlie.

You just don't come back.



I'm alive!



More alive than I've been

in the past    years.



You've got to come tomorrow.



Listen. If you don't show up,

that's it.



Think, for Pete's sake.



What have you got now? What?



I don't know.



Tomorrow. Just past noon.



Remember, use the name Wilson.



L... don't know.



I won't call again, buddy.



Is it that call again?



Stop cross-examining me

every time the phone rings.









I'm sorry.



Excuse me.



You're excused.



Any fever?



No. Just old faithful.



Make an appointment to see

Dr. Hogan tomorrow.



I will.






Promise. Thank you.






in view of the differential...



between your present equity...



Between your present equity

and the amount necessary...



for capitalization...



we cannot extend the loan

you require.



Should your equity...






"Should your equity."



Should your equity increase,

do not hesitate to call on us...



for a personal reappraisal,

et cetera, et cetera.



Standard closing.



Yes, sir.



My name is Wilson.



I was told to...



I was told to come here.



Look, is this the place,

or isn't it?



They aren't here anymore.



I got it wrote down.



Thank you.



Move it! Let's go!



Let's go, you bunch of idiots.

Get that beef cut down.



Damn! Get that truck going and

get the meat the hell out of here!



What are you gonna do,

take all day?



Don't let those hooks fall off!

Let's move it.



Okay, Johnny, get us

another truck up here.



Tighten up with it.



Ah, Mr. Wilson.



Let's go on the truck with it.



Surely this isn't...



No, sir. Come with me.



Let's go, Frank!

Move that truck off!



Come on!

Let's hook it off! Hook off!



Don't just stand there.

Move that beef off the line! Let's go!



What are you, a bunch of jerks?



Come on! Go! Go!



Come on. Cut it down.

Coming in! Coming in!



All right, come on. Move!

Keep moving that beef up.



Cut it down. Let's go.



Would you step in, please, sir?



I'd much prefer to ride in front,

if you don't mind.



I'm sorry, sir. The customers

are asked to ride in the back.



Your hat, sir.

It's only a short ride.



Thank you.



We're here, sir.



Would you take the elevator

to your left, sir?



Ah, Mr. Wilson.

Will you come this way?






There will be a short delay. Perhaps

you'd like some tea and a sandwich.



- Thank you.

- Quite all right.



Make yourself comfortable.



Here we go.



Pardon me.



Could you tell me

the way out of this building?



Excuse me.



I was wondering if you could...



Excuse me.

I'm trying to find...



Excuse me. I'm trying to find

my way out of the building.



I have a gentleman here

who wishes to leave the building.



That would be Mr. Wilson. Would you

have him return to Mr. Ruby's office?



Mr. Ruby is waiting for him there.



They want you at the end

of the corridor again.



Yes. All right.



Thank you.



Ah, there you are, Mr. Wilson.



Come in. Please.



Would you close the door?



Please, sit down.



My name is Ruby.



I've been assigned to go over the

circumstances of your death with you.



- What?

- I know this seems strange to you.



That's why I'm here.

You probably have a lot of questions.



Of course, the subject might appear

indelicate, but most of our clients...



Get this straight.

I am not a client.



Oh, precisely, Mr. Wilson.

You are not a client yet.



Let me start by explaining

the cost factor involved.



To begin with...



the procedure

is a rather complex one.



Seems to be your supper.

The chicken looks delicious.



No, thank you.



As I was saying, the cost runs

in the neighborhood of $     .



I know this seems rather high,

but in addition to...



the rather extensive

cosmetic renovation...



by way of plastic surgery for you...



CPS has to provide a fresh corpse...



that perfectly matches...



your physical dimensions

and medical specifications.






Cadaver Procurement Section.



Sure you don't want this chicken?



Absolutely sure.



Oh, pity.



The next step...



is the carefully

planned obliteration...



of identifiable portions

of the cadaver...



before it is found.



Features, dental structure.




We can't leave anything to chance.



No, I guess not.



Would you mind if...






Thank you.



Now, there is a problem that

the circumstances of your death...



must be simple.



A simple accident, strangely enough,

is costly, Mr. Wilson.



The trick lies in obliterating

just so much and no more, so that...



an identification still can

be made based on...



as I say,

general dimensions...



plus a credible

sequence of events.



Witnesses, et cetera.



The whole thing must be

very carefully staged.



We guarantee a death of this kind.



Excuse me. Delicious!

They have a wonderful way...



of baking cheese on it

so that it gets very crispy.



Now, there are any number of ways

you can be found. Excuse me.



I mean, your body can be found.



The victim of some kind

of machinery, an explosion.



A hunting misadventure.



Oh, but I think these

are somewhat too gross for you.



I had thought perhaps

a hotel room fire.



Would you like me to outline

the circumstances?



No, thank you.



Oh, good. I was hoping

you would agree.



No! I mean, I can't be sure.



Oh, of course.



We can't expect you

to decide all at once.



Think it over. There's so much else

to be done, Mr. Wilson...



but if I may say so...



death selection may be the most

important decision in your life.



Here are the trust instruments.



Mr. Joliffe, Mr. Brown.



My colleagues.



Now, this is your revised will...



drawn in accordance

with the requirements of the trust.



They're all predated, of course,

to save you the trouble.



It's standard procedure.



Effective at the time

of your death...



the trust provides

for very liberal settlements...



on your wife and daughter...



and more than sufficient funds...



for your financial needs

in your new identity...



from sums assigned to us

as your trustees.



Insurance policies...






real estate.



If you'll sign right here.



The staging here is rather

authentic, you'll see.



Of course, the drug made it

easier to manipulate you...



into the proper positions

and attitudes.



Rest easy, Mr. Wilson.



You did not ravage our girl.



Of course, the photography

is not too professional...



but I think it's clear enough.



- So now it's...

- I have a message from Charlie.



He wanted me to tell you

that rebirth is painful.



You were going to say...



"So now it's blackmail,"

eh, Mr. Wilson?



- What would you call it?

- Just kind of insurance.



Isn't it easier to go forward

when you know you can't go back?



But you knew that, didn't you?



The minute you hung up on Charlie

after that first call.



Ah, sure you did.



You're saying...



I can never go back?



Fact is, you really

don't want to go back.



Sakes, boy, you owe yourself

this thing.



Rebirth. Life again.



Begin again,

all new, all different.



The way you always wanted it.



You've got another chance.



Heck, nobody's gonna

miss you, are they?



- My wife.

- What are you to her now?



- We get along.

- What does that mean?



There's my daughter.



We don't see much of her, actually.



She lives out west with her husband.



She writes now and then...



to let us...



What are you to her now?



Excuse an old fool prying, son...



but what does it all mean?



It can't mean anything now,




There's nothing anymore, is there?



Anything at all?



I expect to be president of the bank

before too long.



And I have my boat in the summer.



We have friends.



Anything at all?



Guess I...



never thought much about it before.



I leave Emily pretty much alone

to do what she...



We get along, as I said.



We hardly ever quarrel.



Not that that's any...



measure of our lives.






during the last few years, we...



hardly ever...






l... I don't know

why I'm telling you this.



Because you want to.

Go on.









show much affection.



But as I said...









So this is what happens

to the dreams of youth.



Go on, son.

Let it out.



Nothing to be ashamed of.



Let it out.



Time for a change.



Now, look. They'll both

be well taken care of.



They don't need you,

and you don't need them.



You just can't help

each other anymore.



Now, look, son.

You know what I'm saying is true.



There's nothing anymore.



What you need now is a good rest.



A few things to be worked out

in the morning...



but my boys will clear those up,

and you needn't worry none.



Your boys?



You're the head of it all?



There never was a struggle in the soul

of a good man that wasn't hard.



My papa told me that...



and it's sure enough true.



Believe me, son. I know.



I believe you.



That's fine.



You know, Mr. Wilson, you represent

something of a milestone around here.



When the bandages are removed...



I think you'll be

more than pleased.



In fact, I expect you to be prancing

around here like a stud bull.



Now, it's gonna take a while,

so try to be patient...



until we get you ready

for the world again.



Now, don't do that!



You can't talk because

we've extracted all your teeth...



and given you a complete

vocal cord resection.



Give the tissues time

to pull together.



Now, you got a new set

of permanent teeth.



In a week, you won't know

the difference. Thank you.



That's what hurts

the most right now.



Everything's different.



When the first healing's over, we'll

start conditioning for muscle tone.



Yes, yes. Those too.






Even your signature.



Little thing we did with

the tensor ligaments of the hand.



The orbicularis oris started to sag,

so we tightened them with ligatures.






Then we worked on the mandible

to square up the bone.



Well, I never.



Holy mackerel, I don't know

how you boys do it.



Doc, it's a masterpiece.



Good work.



Easy does it.

You'll be all right, son.



Your scars and hematomas will

disappear in a couple of weeks.



After several months

of physical conditioning...



the process will be complete.



My name is Davalo.

I'm your guidance advisor.



This is about your future career.



I'm afraid I haven't thought

very much about that.



Oh, yes, you have, sir.

Permit me.



I want a ball, a big red one.






I'm afraid we picked this up

a little too early.



Sit down. We recorded

these regressions...



under pentothal

and caffeine sodium benzoate.



At first, there's always

a touch of the infantile...



but later on, we progress

to a more mature...



expressional infrastructure.



Ah, here we are.



What would you like

to do most of all?



Of anything in the whole world?



I'd like to be

a tennis pro, I guess.



Yes. That's what

I'd like best of all.



And suppose you couldn't be?



What else would you choose?



- I guess I'd like to paint stuff.

- Pictures?



Pictures and things.



Well, I think the creative wish

pattern is pretty self-evident.



You mean, l...

I ought to be a painter?






You see, painting allows you

a basic creative outlet...



as well as an environment in which

these sublimations will have free vent.



Now, let's take a look at the program

we've worked out for you.



Certificates of study.






Notices of first six one-man shows.



Your pictures are realistic

in treatment...



but deal with poetic imagery

in choice of subject.



Not that I pretend to be

a critic of painting.



These diplomas...



from reputable universities...



They can't be forged.



I assure you, every item

is bona fide and valid.



How could I even approach

such a professional level?



Simple. You are already established

in a position of some dignity.



Nothing conspicuous. Just a solid,

mildly successful sort of thing.



You will be supplied

with fresh paintings periodically.



In time, you'll

perfect your own style.



Surreal, primitive,

impressionistic, whatever.



It will be a transition

from this present work.



You see, you don't have to

prove anything anymore.



You are accepted.



You will be

in your own new dimension.



You're a bachelor.



Birth certificate.

The only son...



of deceased parents, and so forth.



In short...



you are alone in the world...



absolved of all responsibility...



except to your own interest.



Isn't that marvelous?



Your studio is

in Malibu, California.



Quite luxurious, very private.



You'll make your own adjustment

in your own way...



in your own time.



Oh, you'll be

self-conscious at first.



Don't worry.



It will wear off.

And remember, you've got...



what almost every middle-aged man

in America would like to have:






Real freedom.



Ah, it's been a pleasure.



Pillow, Mr. Wilson?



Yes, thank you.






Hey there, you old rascal!



Slow down. Where's the fire?



Can't wait to get back to them

pretty little models, huh?



Uh-oh, I am late.



If I didn't have to catch a plane,

I'd make you buy me a drink, by God!



See you soon. Got to run.



Welcome home, Mr. Wilson.



My name is John.

I've been assigned to help you.



It's very nice.



I think you'll be

quite comfortable, sir.



Do you like your studio?



- Yes.

- Perhaps you'd like to freshen up...



and have a drink.



Afterward, I'll try to clear up any

point on which you may have curiosity.



The bath is through here.



I'll unpack these for you later.






How long will you be here?



John, sir.

For as long as you need me.



The company is fully aware

that you may have problems at first...



and will spare no effort

to help you solve them.



Thank you.



Yes, sir.



Yes, sir?



I had a curious experience

at the airport.



What was that?



Well, I was accosted by a man

who called me by name.



He seemed to know me,

and I'm certain I've never met him.



I suppose it was a mistake

on his part.



So it would appear, sir.



What kind of people live here?




Some in business. Some write.



No artists, I hope.



I think you are the only one, sir.



If I may suggest, sir...



perhaps you'd like to give a cocktail

party for the immediate neighbors.



Oh, well, l...



I'd better get myself

used to things first.



Later on, maybe.



As you wish, sir.



That's very good, sir.



Thank you.



Wouldn't you enjoy meeting

some of the people here, sir?



I told you I'm not ready yet, John.



I'll do this in my own way

and in my own time.



Of course, sir.






Hey, wait.



I'm sorry about back there.



How about if we try it again?






I'm Nora Marcus.






Tony Wilson.



- Walk?

- Sure.



Ocean, I love you!

You're beautiful!






All that power,

and she's got all the answers.



Got a question!



What did you ask?



Oh, a tough one.



"Who and what is Tony Wilson?"



And what did it say?



It told me to mind my own business.



That was my life.

Two boys, ages ten and twelve.



Successful and indulgent husband.



A beautiful house,

complete with microwave oven...



intercom, station wagon, et cetera.



Ad infinitum.






I made myself a cup of coffee,

dressed and left.



That was four years ago.



You never went back.



I've seen them from

time to time, but...



it's different now.



Maybe because I'm different.



I don't expect you to understand.



I think I do.






An artist?



Why should you understand?



You spent your whole life being.



You don't know anything

about me, really.



Yes, I do.



It's all right there in your face.



What is?



Now you're fishing.



No. Seriously.



This may hurt a little.



I agreed to take my chances.



Madam Marcus will read the leaves.



What kind of a man is he?



There's grace

in the line and color...



but it doesn't emerge pure.



It pushes at the edge of something

still tentative.



Unresolved. As if...



somewhere in the man,

there is still a key...






That's quite an analysis.



Not really.



When you come to think of it,

it sort of fits everybody, doesn't it?



It's very nice here.



The good things always happen

with the rain.



When will I see you again?



I'm going to Santa Barbara tomorrow.

There's a kind of gathering.



Can I come?



It's going to be very wild.



Maybe that's part of

turning the key.



To the god Pan.

To the gods of this place.



Drink! See ye, ye gods.



March down upon this procession

and bless us all!



The Queen of the Wine!







The Queen of the Wine!



Stomp those grapes!



Stomp those grapes!



Stomp those grapes!



Now the season ends,

and the old vines are buried deep.



Now, in dying,

Bacchus gives us his blood...



so we may be born again...



laughing, laughing.



- Come dance with me.

- Nora, I don't know these people.



- I don't think l...

- Don't think me, Tony. Don't.



I came here to feel... to be.



I'm dying, and that's the world...



the whole bloody world!



It's not a question of dancing.

I'm not part of this!



I'm dying, and that's the world!



The whole bloody...






Come back here!

Get out of there!



Wait a minute. Get your hands off me.

Nora, get out of there!



No, please don't!



Stomp those grapes!






Kiss me!



Yes. Yes!



- Thank you, John.

- Oh, Mr. Wilson.



- May I present Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd?

- How do you do?



- This is your host.

- Pleasure.



- Mr. Filter.

- Pleased to meet you.



- How do you do?

- Hello.



You have seen Tony's paintings,

haven't you?






- May I present Mr. Mayberry?

- Nice to meet you.






- Honey, please slow down.

- Never!






Come. I'm taking you

to ze Casbah.



As soon as these people leave,

I'm going to attack you.



Why, Mr. Wilson,

you dirty old man.



I really am.



I want you to know that.



I'm counting on it.



Miss Marcus, you shock me.



- Please, ease up.

- Why?



Because it's not like you.



Oh, I know that.



I'm sorry.



Guess I just needed

the added strength.



Well, that's silly.



They're all wonderful people.

Just give them a chance.



- Okay.

- Give yourself a chance.



- Okay.

- Yes?



I promise. No more.



And I promise to behave myself.



I'm sorry. Forgive me.



I've embarrassed you.



No, you haven't.



I think I love you.



You're beautiful!



- You're an ocean.

- Let's go back.



The sooner we get rid of those people,

the sooner we can be together.



- I'm going to hold you to your promise.

- Oh, God. You're evil.



- Yes!

- God, how evil you are.



Henry Bushbain, my husband.



- Nice to know you.

- How do you do?



- You're staggering.

- Hank, that's a dirty lie.



Watch out for this character.

He's a lawyer.



Harvard, I want you to know.



- Really? That's a coincidence.

- Hold it!



- Thank you.

- Me too. In fact, me too twice.



Hollow leg again?



Will you listen? At home, he

makes me look like a veritable piker.



Henry, you sneaking two-face, you.



- Private joke?

- No. I'm sorry.



Come on, Nora.

Let's ditch these two sots.



Help! Rape!



- Wait a minute. You can't do that.

- There's no way you'll get away.



You're going to stay right here.



That's my woman. Hey!



That's very funny.



What's funny?



Is he really a sneaky two-face?






There's such a religious climate

out here. Don't you agree?



- I love the climate.

- Yes.



I belong to a special kind of group.



Nothing subversive, I hope.



Oh, good heavens, no!

We change sects.



I beg your pardon?



Oh, no, no. Good heavens.

You thought I meant...



"Sects." S-E-C-T-S.



- Oh, sects!

- Yes.



Well, thank God!



We change every month.

Right now, we're in Aztec.



Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl,

virgin sacrifice and all.



I just love your paintings.

How do you ever do it?



Well, you see...



It all began with a big, red ball.



You see...



I paint naked, Mrs. Filter.



- The only way to get at the truth.

- How interesting.



Of course. In this way,

my inner essence is revealed...



and I am presented to the canvas...



in direct relationship

in my primeval state...



without its sociological trappings.



- Watch it!

- Oh, look!



- Take it easy!

- I'm sorry.



- I'm terribly sorry.

- You all right, hon?



- That will never come out.

- I'm terribly sorry.



- Excuse me.

- Look at this mess!



- It's all right, honey.

- May I?



I'm sure it won't stain.

It will all come out.



Hey! You two

heard the one about...



Yes, we have.



Well, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt.



Seems like I'm doing

everything wrong lately.



Now, don't pout. Mama will

make everything better, okay?



Perfect. Say...



I was thinking

about school just before...



and your house at Harvard wasn't,

by any chance, Adams, was it?



- No, not exactly.

- Is anybody hungry?



Yeah, I am.



Say, Hank...



Hey, Hank, here.



Actually, I'm not

a Harvard alumnus either.



That is, I used to be.

I'm not anymore.



- Did you resign or something?

- Take it easy.



That's priceless!



No! I did go to Harvard, you see...



and I was an alumnus...



but that was before I became

a painter, and now I'm not anymore.



Come on!



Realized hopes we're dashing



Into blue obscurity



Resistless, our team sweeps goalward



With the fury of ze blast



We'll fight for the name of Harvard



Till the last white line is






That's absolutely wonderful!



Truth is, I just stopped

being an alumnus. Simple.



- Wilson!

- What?



You and I must play golf sometime.






Antiochus Wilson playing golf?






Arthur Hamilton...



Looks as if our host is in orbit.



Wait a minute, you guys.



- Put him down.

- Wait a minute.



- Turn him around.

- Hey, listen.



I got a nephew right in Harvard

right now!



- You don't have a nephew.

- What?



I don't have a nephew.



Okay, correct.



I don't have a nephew...



but he's there, all right.



He's there, all right.



My daughter...



she's married to a doctor...



and maybe by this time,

I'm a grandfather.



Believe me.



They'll never drag it out of me.



I'll stand right here

on my constitutional rights.



I'm not a grandfather.






Why are you all

staring at me like that?



Why are they staring

at me like that?



They know.



They know what?



They're like you.



What do you mean?






Shut up!



Shut up, damn you!

Just who the hell...



do you think you are?



My God!



Save me. Please!



- Yes?

- It's me, buddy. Now listen to me.



- Charlie?

- Look, Arthur...



- Listen to me!

- Is it really you?



Of course it is. Do you realize

how dangerous it is, what you're doing?



I've got to get out of here. You

don't know what they're doing to me.



Come on, buddy. Calm down.



- I've got to see you.

- That's impossible right now.



- Why?

- It just is!



You've got to get ahold of yourself,

fast. You'll be sorry...



- You know what they did?

- I can't explain, but...



There's this reborn, Nora.



She's not one of them.

She works for the company.



- What?

- That's right.



An employee.



But l...



Oh, no. She was so...



Why, Charlie? Why?



Your adjustment was bound to be

difficult in the first stages.



Don't you see?

The company simply provided...



An employee.



It means a lot to me personally.

I can't explain...



but we're sort of tied together,

you and me.



We're so close.

Don't throw it away.



- How?

- Trust, please!



Promise to stay put

until we can get someone to you.



You've got to have help right now.

Please, will you stay there?






- Yes?

- I'm Mr. Wilson.



Come in, please.

I'll tell Mrs. Hamilton you're here.



I'm so glad you were able to come.



- Thank you. I didn't mean to barge in.

- Not at all.



It was very kind of you.



I must have sounded strange

over the phone, but...



you see, Arthur never mentioned...



I just met your late husband

last year, shortly before...



Yes. Please, sit down.



Mrs. Hamilton, I'm a painter...

an artist, actually.



I admire your husband's watercolors.






Not that he was professional,

but he did have something.



He mentioned some paintings

in a cupboard out in the garage.



That's the reason l...



Well, I was wondering

if I might pick one up as a memento.



I'm sorry, but the garage

has been cleaned out.



You threw them away.



No, not exactly.



You have a lovely place here.



Oh, thank you.



- This was the study, wasn't it?

- Yes, it was...



How did you know?



Your husband talked

a lot about this house...



about his family.



I'm sorry.



I didn't mean to stir up

painful memories.



No, it's not that.

It's just that...



I never knew Arthur

to do that very much.



How do you mean?



- I don't want to bore you.

- No, please.



I'd like to know.



You see, I knew him

only for a short while.



I'd really like to know.



It's not just curiosity.



We shared an interest in art.



The last time I saw him,

I did some sketches.



Now I'd like to do a painting...



but all I have are lines... a face.



Posthumous portraiture?



I'm not joking.



No, of course you're not.

I'm sorry.



You've set me quite a task.



He was a quiet man. The thing I most

remember him for were his silences.



It was...



as if he were always listening

to something inside...



some voice.



He never talked about it,

so I never knew what it was.



He was a good man...



but he lived as if

he were a stranger here.



He never let anything touch him.



He became absorbed in things,

his job mostly.



He worked hard.



He became more detached and...



Always a look around his eyes

as if he were...



trying to say something.



I don't know what.



Protest against what

he'd surrendered his life to?



I never knew what he wanted...



and I don't think he ever knew.



He fought so hard

for what he'd been taught to want...



and when he got it,

he just grew more and more confused.



The silences grew longer.



We never talked about it.



We lived our lives

in a polite...



celibate truce.



Arthur had been dead

a long, long time...



before they found him

in that hotel room.



Well, I guess I can't tell you

much more. Enough?



Yes, it is.



I really should be going.



I hope I've been some help.



Yes, you have.



Very much.



You said that you wanted a memento.



It won't be a painting, I'm afraid,

but it's all I have.



I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.



It doesn't matter.



- I want to go back.

- Of course, sir.



No, I don't mean to California.



To the company.



Start again, all over.



Antiochus Wilson can die,

can't he?



The company.



Is it possible?



I think so, sir.



Begin again.



Quite honestly...



I'm not the least bit sorry...



because there were certain mistakes

made in my case...



Of course, but before we go

into all that, let me ask you...



whether you can recommend

and sponsor a new client.






An acquaintance outside...



whom you feel would benefit

by the company's services.



You were sponsored

yourself, you know.



Oh, yes, of course.



A business associate, perhaps.

Someone down the street.



You don't have to be intimately

acquainted with a man...



to realize he'd be receptive

to the sort of opportunity we offer.



I'm sorry. Right now,

I just can't seem to...



What I mean is,

I'd like to think about it.



That's all we ask.



As you can imagine, our business

is acquired through present clients.



It's a word-of-mouth operation.



You don't suppose we can advertise

in magazines and newspapers.



No, of course not.



I think you'll come up

with something.



Hold it. Thank you.



Hold your arm up, please.



- Excuse me. I don't understand.

- That's it.



- Is all this really necessary?

-    / . Profile.



- Turn sideways.

- Is this necessary for...



Hold it.



That's it. Back view.



- What is this, preliminary for surgery?

- Certainly.



Ayear's gone by. A lot happens

to the human body in a year.



This one is yours, sir.



Hello, Arthur.



- I don't believe I know you.

- It's me, buddy.



You're Charlie?



Guess I am, old buddy.



What are you doing here?



Same as yourself. Waiting.



What's the matter?



Oh, nothing.



It's just that it's hard

to recognize somebody...



and not recognize them

at the same time.



How long have you been here?



A while.



When you phoned me, you were here?



Even the first time?



But you sounded...



like the whole thing

was something tremendous...



this rebirth, everything...



even when you hadn't

made a go of it!



I thought you'd have

a better chance.



Good God! How long does a man

have to wait to get into surgery?



Not long, usually.



I had to stay around and

telephone you, if necessary...



through your first adjustment,

but now...



That's what you meant

about our being tied together.



I couldn't help it.



I had to find out

where I went wrong.



The years I've spent...



trying to get all the things

I was told were important...



that I was supposed to want!






Not people...



or meaning.



Just things.



And California was the same.



They made the same decisions

for me all over again...



and they were

the same things, really.



It's going to be

different from now on.



A new face and a name.



I'll do the rest.



I know it's going to be different.



I suppose you do too.



Good morning, gentlemen.



Mr. Carlson, please.



Charlie. You?



- Art, l...

- Mr. Carlson, please.



I have the feeling you're

going to make it this time.



I'm sorry to disappoint

the rest of you.



Perhaps tomorrow.



You don't seem to understand

our problem.



- I understand it perfectly.

- But you're not cooperating.



I've told you over and over again,

I cannot think of anyone.



- I can't believe that.

- I've been shuffled around long enough.



I think it's time

I had the opportunity...



to start living

some kind of meaningful existence.



If I did sponsor someone, wouldn't

that delay my trip to surgery...



in the event that I were needed

from time to time, to, say, advise him?



No, that's not likely,

not if the selection is a good one.



I'm sorry. I don't seem to be able

to think of a single soul.



- You mean you deliberately won't.

- Have it your way.



Very well.



That will be all.

You can go back to the day room.



Processing, please.



This is Ruby.

On Wilson,    ...



I think we can go

to the next stage now.



Hello, son.



Oh, sir, l...



You know, I sure hoped you'd make it,

find your dream come true.



- What?

- I said I sure hoped you'd make it...



find your dream come true.



I guess...



I guess I never had a dream.



Maybe that's it.

That sure might have been it.



If I did have one...



it certainly wasn't

Antiochus Wilson.



This time...



I've got to be allowed, sir,

to make my own decision.



You know, son...



when I began this business,

I was a young man with an idea.



I wasn't aiming to make a lot

of money, helping others...



helping them to find

a little happiness.



Heck, not just the rich.



I thought eventually...



I got tremendous comfort in

the thought that, in my small way...



I was waging a battle

against human misery...



and I was too.



Except we do have

a high percentage of failures.



I guess that's to be expected...



but it hurts me.



Some reborns make a go of it.



We're always working to find ways

to improve the system.



Yeah, we make mistakes.



The fact is, when our clients

first started coming back here...



I wanted to chuck the whole thing,

but I couldn't.



The organization

was pretty big by then.






board of directors,

on a profit-sharing basis.



All those people.



You've no idea what a financial

responsibility it turned into.



Heck, we make mistakes,

but we admit them...



and go forward.



I won't see it in my lifetime...



but some of the younger execs

like Ruby may.



You can call it

wishful thinking, son...



but life is built on wishing.



You've got to just keep

plugging away at them.



You can't give up...



and you can't let the mistakes

jeopardize the dream.



Well, here's your transportation.



- What?

- Surgery, sir.



- But I've got to talk to you.

- We're on a tight schedule. Please.



Why, I didn't expect so soon.



It's efficiency.

You're lucky we got a match so quick.



Hop aboard, son. Up there.



The doctors are waiting.



That's just so you won't fall off.



But there's things we have

to talk about. I mean, my identity...



We will later.



Just relax, son.

Everything's going to be just fine.



The thing about doing it on my own.



You see, it's so important...




You've got to change.

We have to talk about it.



We will.

I'll look into it personally.



Remember, son. We've got to keep

plugging away at the dream.



The mistakes teach us how.

It wasn't wasted. Remember that.



My name is Dr. Morris, sir.



According to our records, you

were reared in the Protestant faith.



Did you convert to any other

during your adjustment?



Good, good!



That is, good in the sense

that we have a certain definition.



I am not suggesting

that being a Protestant...



is any better

than being a Catholic or Jew.



As a matter of fact, I am qualified

to care for you in those faiths as well.



I was ordained in each...

a rabbi, priest and minister.



I admit it unusual,

maybe a bit advanced.



Wait a minute.

What's happening?



Well, sir, when we have finished,

you'll go on to the next stage.



I don't mean that!



Ultimately, we'll be called

to face the Creator...



and render up our last account.



It happens to all of us.



That's no answer!

What's happening to me now?



Don't shout! Please!



"Blessed shalt thou be coming in...



and blessed shalt

thou be in going out.



And He said,

'Thou canst not see My face...



for no man can see Me and live."'



"I am the Resurrection and the Life.

He that believeth in Me...



though he were dead,

shall yet he live.



And a stranger shalt thou not oppress,

seeing ye yourselves were strangers."



"He that loveth life shall lose it...



and he that hateth his life in this

world shall keep it unto life eternal.



Fear not thou them

which kill the body."



"I am the door.



By Me, if any man enter in,

shall he be saved."



God be with you, sir.



What's his data?



"Wilson, mesomorph, age   

no current diseases.



Requisitioned from

day-room stock May  .



Released for cadaver use last night.

CPS number    .




Death by automobile accident...



caused by cerebral hemorrhage."



All right. Acid etch.



Yes, sir.



- What's the solution strength?

-  % at    cc's.






Five minutes.



You were my best work.



I'm sorry it all

has to end like this.



Set him up.



I think we'll put the hemorrhage

right under the left exoccipital...



in the lingual gyrus.



Put that light over here.






All right.



Relax, old friend.



Cranial drill.

Special help by SergeiK