Voila! Finally, the Song Of The South
script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Disney movie. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Song Of The South. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally
tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line. You won't
hurt my feelings. Honest.
Chorus: Song of the South your
music weaves a magic spell...
Chorus: Song of the South,
I see the scenes I know so well...
Chorus: Cottonwoods in blossom, over my
cabin door. Pale moon light on a field of white...
Chorus: You bring them back once more...
Solo: I Seem to hear those gentle
voices calling low. Out of the long, long ago.
Chorus: This heart of mine is in the heart of dixie.
That's where I belong. Singin' a song, a Song of the South
Remus: (Chuckling) Yes suh... dey's udder ways o' learnin'
'bout de behind feet of a mule den gettin' kicked by 'em.
Remus: Sure as I'm named Remus. An' Jes' cause dese
yer tales 'bout critters like Brer Rabbit, an' Brer Fox...
Remus: Dat don' mean dey ain't de
same like kin happen to folks...
Remus: So dem what can't learn from a tale 'bout critters,
jes' ain't got dey ears tuned fer lis'nin.
Remus: Like as not dey too busy goin' along
all mixt up wid dey own troubles, uh...
Remus: Like de time dat Miss Sally an' Mister John
was comin' down to de plantation.
Johnny: Mama?
Sally: Yes Johnny?
Johnny: Why are we going to Grandma's?
Sally: Well -- I told you dear, for a visit.
Johnny: Why don't she come to see us,
like she did last spring?
Sally: Well, Because it -- I thought
you'd enjoy seeing the plantation.
Johnny: Is Grandma mad at us?
Sally: But of course not, Johnny.
What ever gave you that idea?
Johnny: Well, Georgie says everybody's mad
at what Daddy writes in the newspaper.
Johnny: Don't Grandma read the newspaper?
Don't she?
John: She does. And she likes what's in it.
Sally: John, please.
Johnny: Are you mad at each other too?
Sally: Why no, dear. Of course not.
Tempy: Gracious goodness, Johnny... We's almost dar!
Tempy: You ain't never heer'd no
frogs like dem in Atlanta.
John: You know what they're saying?
John: Knee-deep! Knee-deep!
Johnny: Honest?
John: Honest.
Johnny: Knee-deep! Knee-deep!
John: You know, when I was your age,
I used to catch lots of 'em.
John: I remember one time I - ah - hid a whole box of
'em over in your grandma's milk house
John: And they got loose.
Tempy: Yes, an' I 'members what
you got for doin' it too.
John: Well, it was old Uncle Remus' fault, you know.
He told me that story about Brer Frog.
Tempy: De tale 'bout his havin' a tail an' losin' it?
John: That's it. Only...
How can there be a tale...
Tempy and John: When dey ain't no tail.
Johnny: Aunt Tempy?
Tempy: What is it, child?
Johnny: Is Uncle Remus real?
Tempy: Real? Co'se he's real. You jes' wait 'til you hears
him tell a tale 'bout Brer Rabbit.
Tempy: Den you'll know he's real.
Doshy: Welcome home, my daughter.
Doshy: And you too, sir. Oh, it's good to have a man in
the house again. Turn around here, young man.
Doshy: Let me have a look at you. You favor your
grandfather more every time I see you. Toby!
Toby: Yassum, Miss Doshy.
Doshy: This is my grandson Johnny..
And he's the apple of my eye.
Doshy: Now, you take good care
of him and show him our plantation.
Doshy: And if he gets into trouble,
you see that he gets out of it.
Toby: Yassum.
Doshy: I hope you're a noisy boy. I love noisy children.
Doshy: It makes it so much easier to tell where they are
and what they're up to.
Johnny: Aunt Tempy, is that Uncle Remus?
Tempy: Uncle Remus? Lawzy no, honey.
Dat's jes' Ned.
Toby: Come on, I'll show you the big grandpa clock.
Doshy: I've been hearing about the
clatter you've raised in Atlanta.
Doshy: Thumping for cotton mills, railways,
and... heaven knows what.
Ned: Miss Doshy?
Where do you want me to put dishyer trunk?
Doshy: Put it in the.. Oh well, never mind.
Perhaps I'd better show him myself. Come along.
Doshy: Now be careful you don't bump into things.
John: Sally...
John: Well? What are you going to tell her?
Have you changed your mind,
John: or are you still going to stay?
Sally: Oh, I have to stay John.
It wouldn't be fair to mama.
Sally: She has enough responsibility --
I'm not going to saddle her with ours.
John: But it's only for a short time.
She's be only too glad to take care of Johnny.
Toby: When dat big han' gits straight up,
watch out!
Toby: What I tell you!
John: Oh, Miss Doshy, Sally wants Johnny to stay
here for awhile... with you.
Doshy: What will you do?
John: Oh, I'm going back.
And I want Sally to go with me.
Sally: It's no use, John.
I'm not going back.
John: Then... I'll have to go without you.
And I'd better hurry, or I'll miss my train.
Doshy: Miss it! You won't regret it.
Johnny: Daddy? You're going back?
John: Yes, son.
Johnny: Why?
John: I have to.
Johnny: But -- You -- You've never left mama and me before.
John: No, I know. But I've got a job
to do, and you've got one too.
John: Taking care of mother and grandmother.
You'll do that now for me, won't you?
John: Goodbye, son.
John: Goodbye Miss Doshy.
Doshy: Goodbye John.
John: Goodbye Sally.
Sally: Goodbye.
Johnny: Daddy! Don't! Don't go! Please Daddy!
Please! I won't stay here!
Johnny: If you go, I'm going too!
Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
Chorus: Listen now to what I say.
That's how the critters got that way.
Solo: The leopard's pappy got the gout
from eatin' too much speckle trout.
Solo: His mammy dreamed of polka dots.
Chorus: That's how the leopard got his spots.
Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
That's what Uncle Remus said.
Chorus: Speckle trout and polka dots.
Solo: That's how the leopard got his spots
Chorus: More, more, tell us more.
Solo: The camel crossed the desert sands,
Solo: with all them mighty caravans.
His bed was full of sandy lumps,
Solo: That's how the camel got those humps.
Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
that's what Uncle Remus said.
Chorus: Sandy bed was full of lumps...
Solo: That's how the camel got those humps.
Chorus: More, more, tell us more.
Solo: The pig he saw his monkey friend,
Solo: A swinging by his other end.
He tried the same thing on a rail.
Solo: That's how the pig got a curly tail.
Remus: Yes sir, dat's de way wid Brer Rabbit --
sho's I'm named Remus.
Remus: 'Bout de time he git it stuck in his mind
dat dey ain't nobody kin out-do 'im,
Remus: Up somebody'd jump an do him scan'lous.
Remus: What you laughin' 'bout?
sez Brer Fox, sez he.
Remus: An' Brer Rabbit, he couldn't say nothin'.
Well den, sez Brer Fox, sez he...
Remus: I'll settle yo' hash right now.
And wid dat he grab Brer Rabbit
Remus: by de tail and made fo' to dash 'im
agin' de groun'. But jes' den,
Remus: Brer Rabbit's tail snap off real short,
an' he tuck thru the cotton patch
Remus: like de dogs was after 'im.
An' from dat day to dis,
Remus: de only tail dat Brer Rabbit's got to his name
was a lil' ol' ball o' cotton.
Pearl: An' what happen to Brer Fox, Uncle Remus?
Remus: (Chuckles) T'won't do to put too
much cloth for to cut one pair of pants.
Toby: Uncle Remus, you tells the bes' tales in
de whole United States o' Georgia!
Remus: Lawzy child, you should o' heard me
tell 'em when I could tell 'em.
Remus: I boun' you'd a-busted de
buttons off'n yo' what-cher macollums.
Remus: When Miss Sally was yo' age, she useda
sit jes' as you's a settin' right now
Remus: an' laugh 'til she could laugh no mo'.
Chloe: Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus!
Lawzy mursy, have you seen Johnny?
Chloe: Po' Miss Sally -- She been lookin'
high and low for dat child!
Tempy: You sho' he ain't been down here
lis'nin to one 'o yo' tales?
Toby: Co'se he ain't! Wouldn't I a-seed 'im?
Chloe: How come you let dat boy git out o' yo sight?
Didn't Miss Doshy tell you to take care 'o him?
Tempe: Come on Chloe! Us got to find him befo'
Miss Sally go outer her min'.
Remus: Miss Tempy...
You tell Miss Sally de boy's wid me.
Tempy: What do you mean -- he wid you?
Remus: Nem-mine. You jes' tell her what I sez.
Tempy: Come on Toby, git yo'se'f on.
Remus: Well, bless my soul! Ah, dar now,
done gone and got sum'n in yo' eye.
Remus: An' I ain't surprised -- Things
blowin' 'round here de way de does.
Remus: Now -- Hmm -- Peers to me like
you's figgerin' on goin' some place.
Johnny: I am! And nobody's gonna stop me!
Remus: Well now. If dat don't bang my time!
You know, I was jes' figgerin' on doin' sump'n
Remus: like dat myse'f. How'd you like ol'
Uncle Remus to go long wid you?
Remus: Now, le'see now. Whar is we figgerin' on goin?
How kin we be goin' sum place if we dunno whar we's goin?
Johnny: I'm going to Atlanta.
Remus: Hmm, pow'ful long walk to Atlanta.
Is you brung some grub?
Johnny: No.
Remus: Well, now... if we ain't got no grub,
we sho can't get very fur.
Remus: S'pose we stops by my place an' picks up
some cawn-bread? An' mebbe some sweet tatters?
Remus: Tobby sho', honey. Gimme yo' hand.
I need young eyes in de dark.
Remus: Sort o' late in de day to be startin'
on sech a long trip, ain't it?
Johnny: Well, you don't have to go...
Just 'cause you said you would.
Remus: Well, now, I ain't heard nobody say
nuthin' 'bout not goin'. Co'se I'll go.
Johnny: And I'm not comin' back!
Johnny: You're laughing at me.
Remus: At you honey? No suh.
Remus: I'se laughin' 'cause dem's sackly
the words that ol' Brer Rabbit used
Remus: de time dat he lit out from his briar patch!
An' I ain't never comin' back, neither!
Remus: Yes suh, dem was his very words.
Remus: Well, I reckon I better be gettin' my
things together so's we can be leavin'.
Johnny: What did you say about Brer Rabbit?
Remus: Which Brer Rabbit was dat, hon?
Johnny: Why, you said something about Brer Rabbit.
Remus: Who? Me? I mighter said sump'n 'bout 'im
Remus: day befo' yestiddy,
but it done gone clean off my mind.
Johnny: Why, you said there was a tale about
Brer Rabbit not coming back to his briar patch.
Remus: Well, bless my soul, child. I sho' did.
And if I don't tell you about 'im, you're gonna
Remus: pester me 'til I does. So what's de odds?
'Tain't no great tale, no-how.
Johnny: Is that the same Brer Rabbit
that got away from the fox?
Remus: Why, don't you know? Dey ain't but one
Brer Rabbit. Now you jes' set yo'se'f down here
Remus: and lissen, wid bofe ears wide open...
'cause dishyer Brer Rabbit, he's de out-doin'est,
Remus: The mos' bodacious critter in de whole world.
Now dishyer tale didn't happen jes' yestiddy...
Remus: Nor de day befo'. 'Twas along time ago.
An' in dem days, eve'thing was mighty satisfactual.
Remus: De critters, dey was closer to de folks...
an' de folks, dey was closer to de critters...
Remus: An' if you'll 'scuse me for sayin' so...
t'was better all around.
Remus: Honey... It happened on one of them
Zip-a-dee-do-da days.
Remus: Now that's the kind of day when you can't
open your mouth without a song jump right out of it...
Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
my oh my, what a wonderful day.
Remus: Plenty of sunshine, headin'
my way. Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay.
Remus: Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder.
It's de truff, it's actual, everything is satisfactual.
Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
wonderful feeling, wonderful day. Yass suh!
Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
my oh my what a wonderful day.
Moles: Oh, plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay.
Remus: Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder.
It's de truff, it's actual, everything is satisfactual.
Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
wonderful feeling, feeling this way.
Remus: Zum, zum, zum, zum, zum, zum, zum.
zum, zum, zum, zum, zum, zum zum.
Remus: Boom, boom, boom, boom.
bum, bum, bum, boo boo Boo
Remus: Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder.
It's de truff, it's actual...
Remus: Where is that bluebird?
Bluebird: Remus: Mmm, mmm... Everything is satisfactual.
Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
wonderful feeling, wonderful da...
Rabbit: Doggone ol' briar patch! Doggone
ol place like this! Doggone.. Keep on...
Remus: Ahem... Howdy Brer Rabbit.
Rabbit: Wa-wa-wa-who-who-dat callin' my name?
Oh-ah-uh-uh-ah-hello Uncle Remus.
Remus: Peers to me that you's in a powerful
bad mood to go to de party.
Rabbit: B'ah ain't goin' to be no party. Cause I ain't
goin' to be here. I'm goin' leave this 'ol place.
Remus: You mean you's leavin' yo' ol' briar patch?
Rabbit: Dat....I....is!
Remus: The place where you was bawn and raised?
Rabbit: Dat....I....is!
Remus: You mean, leavin' for good?
Rabbit: Dat...I... OWWWW! Now see dar?
Dat ol' briar patch ain't brought me nothin' but trouble.
Rabbit: OWWW! And mo' trouble.
Rabbit: Dis's where my trouble is,
an' dis de place i belongs away from.
Remus: Don't you know you can't run away from trouble?
Rabbit: Heh-heh. Where I'm goin',
there ain't gonna be no trouble.
Remus: Dey ain't no place dat fur.
Rabbit: Well, just the same, I done made
up my mind, an I ain't never comin' back.
Rabbit: Well, so long Uncle Remus.
Remus: Ah sho' hopes you knows what you's doin.
Rabbit: Heh-heh! Don't worry 'bout me,
ah can take care o' myself.
Remus: He left his old troubles behind, all right,
but, he was headin' straight for a whole
Remus: new mess o' bran' new troubles.
Rabbit: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee...
Remus: Fust news he knows... dar he dangled',
'twixt de heavens and de earth...
Remus: Fust he scared he goin' fall,
den he scared he ain't goin' fall...
Remus: He yanked and he pulled and he
heaved and he hauled. But warn't no use.
Remus: He knows somebody caught him
all right, an' he sorta specks he knows who
Remus: dat somebody is. An' sho' nuff,
up on chickapin hill, where he live...
Remus: Who whould hear de ruckus but
ol' Brer Fox, and when dat ol' scamp see
Remus: he done caught Brer Rabbit, he hollar out...
Fox: I got im'! I gots dat ol' Brer Rabbit!
Fox: I sho' is got 'im! Heh heh! I got dat' ol'
rabbit dis time fo' sho'. Heh heh heh!
Remus: And wid dat, he grab up his axe and
make ready for to settle Brer Rabbit's hash, right now.
Remus: Now, Brer Rabbit, bein' little and
without much strength, he's supposed to use his
Remus: head, 'stead o' his foots, and that
sackly what he starting to do, when he hear ole
Remus: Brer Bear come ambling down de road.
Bear: Zip-a-de-do-da, zip-a-de-ay,
Zip-da-da-da-da, wonderful day. Zip-a-da-de-da...
Rabbit: Er...ah, howdy, Brer Bear. How do you do!
Bear: Dah-dah-dah-dah. Who.. ah.. where... uh...
Rabbit: How you come on?
Bear: Wha.. ah.. oh.. ah.. What you doin up dar?
Rabbit: Oh, keepin' de crows outa de cornfield.
I'se makin' a dollar a minute.
Bear: Uh... a dollar a minute?
Rabbit: Deed ah is!
Rabbit: Would you like to make a dollar a minute, Brer Bear?
Bear: Da... yeah, but...
Rabbit: Ya know, you'd make a
mighty fine scarecrow, brother Bear.
Bear: Uh, thanks.
Rabbit: How'd you like to have this job?
Bear: Oh yeah.. ah.. no.. I..I couldn't take your job
Rabbit: Oh no, no, dat's all right.
Rabbit: Bu-bu-bu-bu..I have made
enough money! I gots all I wants.
Rabbit: You need money.. Here, you take my job.
Bear: Oh no, I couldn't do...
Bear: Thank you Brer Rabbit.
Rabbit: That's all right. So long Brer Bear.
Bear: I'll never forget this.
Rabbit: Goodbye.
Bear: Just don't know how to thank you enough.
Rabbit: Goodbye, goodbye. Don't mention it.
Bear: But I shore really mighty.
Rabbit: Your welcome...
Rabbit: Yah, I know, I know, yah. So long
Bear: I just don't know how to thank you.
Bear: But I shore really mighty...
Rabbit: You're welcome. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
Rabbit: Yah, I know, so long. So long Brer Bear.
Fox: I...i...i... Oh no!
Bear: Dollar a minute, zip-a-dee-ay
Fox: What you doin' there? How'd you..
Bear: Howdy Brer Fox.
Fox: Get out of my trap.
Bear: Zip-a-dee.. Hey! Huh! Bu-but...
Bear: Hey, I was making a dollar a minute.
Fox: You was not makin' a dollar a minute.
Fox: You rabbit theif. You was makin' a fool of you'sef.
Bear: I.. was too makin'.. a dollar a minute.
Rabbit: Hit 'im in the mouf' Brer Fox.
Clip 'im in the head, Brother Bear.
Fox: Lookit that rabbit. Look at 'im, standin' there.
See there?
Fox: See, he made a fool out of you. You fool.
Bear: He did?
Fox: Of co'se he did. He jes...
Bear: Well then.. I'm jes gonna knock his head.
Fox: You keep out of this Brer Bear. He's mine.
Bear: ..clean off.
Fox: He's mine, I caught 'im, I want 'im.
Fox: He's mine. I've gotcha Brer Rabbit. He's mine.
Fox: Let go.. I caught him.. He's mine.. Let go now..
He's mine look out dar
Fox: I gotcha Brer Rabbit. Heh. Heh!
Bear: I got 'im Brer Fox. I got him Brer Fox.
Remus: So Brer Rabbit took his foot in his
hand and put out for home.. where he b'long.
Remus: And just like I tol' 'im in the fus'
place, you can't run away from trouble.
Remus: Dey ain't no place dat fur.
Johnny: His foot in his hand Uncle Remus?
Remus: Sho honey. Dat's jes' a way o'
sayin' dat he run as fast as he kin.
Remus: Straight back to his briar patch.
Johnny: Where's Brer Rabbit's briar patch?
Remus: Whar? Well now, lemme see.. Dat I
can't zackly say, 'cause I ain't been keepin close
Remus: track as I uster, but..
Johnny: Do you think we could find it?
Remus: Find it? Co'se we could! But what's the
use o' speculatin' on dat.. when we's goin' away?
Johnny: Do you think we ought to go uncle remus?
Remus: Not go? After I done fixed all dis grub?
Johnny: But you said it was a mighty long walk.
Remus: But we'se goin' together, ain't we?
What's done come over you, honey?
Johnny: Well, Brer Rabbit..
Remus: Well, what's Brer Rabbit got to do wid dis?
Tch Tch..! An' jes when I had a hankerin' for to go.
Johnny: Well.. if you really want to go, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Oh nemmine, honey. Nemmine.
I kin give it up if you kin.
Toby: Unc' Remus. Unc' Remus, I can't find Johnny
no place. An' I'se s'posed to take keer o'him.
Remus: Well, whadda you know 'bout dat?
Toby: I reckon he done for, Unc' Remus.
Toby: He mighter got hisse'f los'.. He mighter
fell in de mill pon'.. He mighter got et up.
Toby: Why, it's him! It sho is! Tain't nobody
else! How you like dat, Unc' Remus! It's Him.
Remus: Mebbe it's jes his ghost.
Toby: Is you? Naw, suh! Dat's him! Dat's him awright! Oh, oh!
Remus: What's the matter, Toby?
Toby: I'se jes' thinkin..
Toby: He's sho' gonna ketch it when he gits home.
Johnny: I guess I better take my foot in
my hand, Uncle Remus, an' git a-goin.
Remus: Hol' on dar! I reckon you better
let ol' Unc' Remus go 'long wid you.
Sally: Tempy.
Tempy: Yessum.
Sally: Tempy, go and find Uncle Remus
and see if Johnny is with him.
Doshy: Never mind, Tempy!
Doshy: Now, maybe I can get some sleep.
Johnny: You think they're waiting for me?
Remus: Dey ain't passin' de time o' day.
Sally: Son! Where have you been?
Remus: Lawzy, Miss Sally, didn't sis
Tempy tell you he was wid me?
Sally: Yes, she told me..
but it's so long past Johnny's bedtime.
Remus: Tooby sho, Miss Sally.
I was tellin' him a tale 'bout Brer Rabbit.
Remus: An' I plum forgot de time.
Sally: Well, I don't mind your telling him stories, Uncle Remus.
Sally: But you know perfectly well,
it's too late for him to be up.
Remus: Yessum. 'Twon't happen again, Miss Sally.
Sally: I'm sure it won't. Well, son, let's
run along upstairs and get ready for bed.
Toby: Miss Doshy, Johnny forget de bundle.
Tempy: Didn't I tell you to run along
home befo' yo' maw takes a stick after you?
Doshy: You and your stories!
Remus: Miss Doshy..
What us gonna do 'bout dat child?
Doshy: I wish I knew. A grandmother
doesn't count for much these days.
Remus: Yassum, it's a pity, too.
What dat child needs is his paw.
Doshy: And that's what his mother needs..
But I'm afraid it's going to take
Doshy: a little while for her to find that out.
Remus: Might cut de time down a piece,
Miss Doshy, if you jes' draps a word.
Doshy: If I want your advice I'll ask for it.
I'm a stubborn old woman Uncle Remus
Remus: Yassum, Miss Doshy,
I knows dat. Well, goodnight.
Doshy: Goodnight.
Remus: You ain't mad wid
me, is you, Miss Doshy?
Doshy: You meddling old rascal!
Of course I'm not mad with you.
Toby: Looka here! I brung you sumpin!
Johnny: Oh, he's beautiful!
Johnny: Mawnin', Brer Frog! How do you do?
Say 'knee-deep', Brer Frog, 'knee-deep', 'knee-deep'.
Toby: He got to be in de water befo' he say dat.
Johnny: Where'd you get him? At the mill pond?
Toby: Yea! How come you know dat?
Johnny: My daddy, he told me. He's caught lots of 'em.
Johnny: Let's go down after
breakfast and get some more.
Toby: Yea, maybe Uncle
Remus'll let us use his frog box.
Johnny: Come on, Brer Frog! Say it.
Sally: Johnny! Are you awake? Good morning, dear.
Toby and Johnny: Mawnin!
Sally: Did you have a nice sleep?
Johnny: Yes'm.
Come on! Take him!
Sally: Here we are now.
Let's hurry up and get dressed.
Johnny: Do I have to wear THAT suit?
Sally: Yes, dear. Daddy's
mother is coming to see us today.
Johnny: And the collar, too?
Sally: Yes, dear, of course. She made it for you herself.
Sally: She'll want to see how nice it looks on you.
Johnny: But Toby and I were goin frog huntin'.
Sally: Well that's all right, darling.
You can go another day.
Sally: Now get dressed
and come on down to breakfast.
Toby: Jes' lookin' at de
mill pon' won't hurt yo' clothes none.
Johnny: It's no fun just to look.
Toby: Sho 'tis! 'Sides, us
gotter take Brer Frog back, ain't we?
Toby: We leave him 'round here, he liable
to get stomped on.. or runned over.. or lost.
Toby: You look mighty sad.
Like yo' miss yo' fambly.
Toby: S'pose you never
saw yo' maw or paw ag'in.
Johnny: Well, I guess just
taking him back ain't frog huntin'!
Toby 'Cose 'tain't! Come on!
Toby: If you take dishyer horse,
we kin git dar a heap quicker. Here!
Johnny: How far is it?
Toby: Jes' a li'l piece. Over dar, 'roun' de bend.
Johnny: Come on! I'll beat you.
Toby: Whoa! Stay away from dar!
Toby: You can't cut 'cross dar!
Johnny: Why not?
Toby: Dat's why!
Toby: Sho is lucky I was wid you.
Johnny: What's that for?
Toby: Test whether de wind blowin' good or
bad. An' if it's blowin' towards de bull, dat ain't good.
Toby: 'Cause den he smell you
comin' an ketch you on his horns sho!
Toby: De best way is to don't cut 'cross dar 'tall.
Johnny: Giddy-ap! Gidday-ap!
Joe: We oughta drown him.
Jake: Sure, he's the runt.
Joe: Yeah.
Ginny: This here's my puppy! You leave 'im 'lone.
Jake: Aw, go on, Ginny. Ha ha ha.
Toby: Them de Faber boys. My maw don't low me to play wid dem.
Toby: Yo' maw don't neither.. If she ketch you.
Joe: You leggo o' him
befo' I knock yo' head clean off.
Jake: Where'd ya git them funny lookin' clothes?
Joe: Yeah.
Jake: Lookit that lace collar.
Look, Joe.
Joe: What's your name li'l girl?
Jake: Lookit the little girlie wearin' a lace collar!
Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Jake and Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Jake and Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Wearin' a lace collar!
Johnny: Can' I hold him?
Ginny: You kin have him.
Johnny: For keeps?
Ginny: If you'll be nice to 'im.
They was gonna drown 'im.
Ginny: His name's Teenchy.
Johnny: Teenchy? Gee, he's beautiful!
Johnny: You can have it if you want.
Johnny: Guess Teenchy wants a boat ride.
Ginny: What's your name?
Johnny: Johnny, what's yours?
Ginny: Ginny.
Johnny: That's a pretty name.
Johnny: Mr Bluebird's on my shoulder.
It's the truth, it's actual. Everything is satisfactual.
Johnny: Zip-a-dee-doo-da,
zip-a-dee-ay, wonderful feeling, wonderful day.
Tempy: You take dat puppy right back
where he come from, jes' like yo' maw tol' you.
Tempy: An' don't you waste no time doin' it, neither.
Johnny: You're my puppy and that's all there is to it.
If I take you back, that Jack Favers'll drown you.
Remus: Ol' Brer Possum, got a trick
how come he get so fat,
Remus: When trouble come
along, he plays like dead,
Remus: Now who wants to live like dat.
Remus: Well I do, I shorly do.
I can't see nothin' wrong, while other folks is worryin'
Remus: I'm sleepin' all day long.
Remus: Well I do, I shorly do, It's funny but it's true,
That's what I abso-positive-i-lutely, wants to do.
Remus: Well, bless my soul. How you come by dat?
Ain't dat one o' dem Favers Dawgs?
Remus: You bin playin' wid dem boys?
Johnny: No, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Then I ax you, whar he come from? You better
turn 'roun' and tote dat dawg right back!
Johnny: But he's mine! Ginny gave him to me!
Remus: What yo' maw gonna say
when you come home wid dat dog?
Remus: She ain't gonna 'low yo to have no mangy,
no 'count puppy like dat!
Johnny: Not in the house, maybe.
But it might be all right if... you kept him.
Remus: Now hold on! You don't 'speck
ol' Unc' Remus to keep dat dawg!
Remus: What I gonna git stuff to feed 'im?
Johnny: But I...
Remus: An' fuddermo', he'd be hollerin' an' squallin'
Remus: all night. An' You got to be lettin' 'im out
an' lettin' im' in.
Remus: I sho ain't got de time to be foolin' wid no dawg.
Co'se, don't 'speck a li'l dawg like dat 'ud
Remus: eat ve'y much. An' it ain't like you
can't git uster all dat hollerin' and squallin'.
Remus: But it's dishyer lettin' in an' lettin' out.
Co'se I got a li'l corner what ain't bein' used.
Remus: Lawzy! Ain't he a ugly li'l critter?
Johnny: He's not ugly!
Remus: He might grow up to be awright.
An' den ag'in he mightn't. Come here you li'l Rascal.
Remus: Look at dat! Daw-gone,
if he don't act like he think I'm gonna take 'im.
Remus: Got a nice li'l tail, too!
Chorus: Trouble, trouble, trouble fly away,
wake up early in the morning, when the ding dong ring,
Chorus: look up, gwan' down to de kitchen room,
It's the same ol' thing, want to get a bite of something',
Chorus: for that hungry look,
look up, get yer' finger in the dumplin'
Chorus: get in trouble wid the cook.
Let the rain pour down. Let the cold win' blow,
Chorus: Gonna stay right here,
in the home I know.
Chorus: Trouble, trouble, trouble fly away,
havin' trouble with de weevil, never did like that,
Chorus: look up, got the cotton full of evil,
like a hypocrite's hat, when the weevil git the cotton,
Chorus: everybody feel low, look out,
there'll be nothin' on de table,
Chorus: when de dinner horn blow,
let the rain pour down.
Remus: Now you Favers boys go on home!
Ain't I done tol' you? Go on away!
Remus: Ain't no if's and and's about it.
Stop pesterin' me 'bout dis yere dawg.
Remus: I ain't gonna give him to you unles'
Johnny tells me. He's yo' dawg, ain't he?
Johnny: Course he is! Ginny gave him to me!
Jake: It wern't hern to give!
Johnny: It was too hers!
Joe: That dog's ourn.
Jake: An' we're gonna take 'im.
Johnny: You're not goint to take him! He's mine.
Remus: If I hears one more
word bout dishyer puppy, I'll...
Remus: I'm goin' straight to Miss Sally.
I'll do it, sho's I'm name Remus!
Jake: We'll git 'im yet! You'll see!
Joe: Yeah!
Ginny: Johnny!
Don't you pay no 'tenshun to them.
Ginny: If they makes trouble, you jes' tell my maw.
'Cause maw says if I give 'im to you, he's yours.
Ginny: 'Member, you jes' tell my maw,
she'll whale the daylights out of 'um.
Remus: Well, honey, you show
got yo' se'f in a peck o' trouble.
Remus: You is wuss'n Brer Rabbit,
when it come to stickin' yo' foot in it.
Johnny: Stickin' my foot in it, Uncle Remus?
Remus: Tooby sho, jes' like Brer Rabbit when he took
an' stuck his foot into sump'n he don't know nothin' bout,
Remus: and ain't had no business mixin' up wid in the
fust place. Ain't you never heard dat tale?
Johnny: Not yet, Uncle Remus!
Remus: Lawzy me, i 'clar to gracious..
Remus: I sho oughter tol' you 'bout dat.
Remus: Well, suh, once 'pon a time...
not yo' time, nor yit my time...
Remus: ...but one time, i was goin' fishin', an' i was just
thinking how the flowers and critters was curious things...
Remus: they can look in your heart and tell when it sings,
if it's whistling a tune or singing a song, they all say...
Remus: ...'howdy' when you come along.
Butterflies: Howdy, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Good mawnin', good mawnin', girls.
Butterfly: Hello, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Oh, good mawnin', Miss Nellie.
Chorus: how do you do, mighty pleasant greetin'...
Chorus: ...how do you do, say it when your
meetin', how do you do, with everyone repeatin'...
Chorus: ...pretty good sure as...
Rabbit: ...your bawn. What goes up, is sure to..
Rabbit: ...come down. A penny lost is a penny found, I'll
howdy you and you howdy back, this for that and tit for tat.
Rabbit: How do you do?
Remus: Fine, how are you? how you come on?
Rabbit: Pretty good, sho' as you're born!
Remus: Stop jumpin', Brer Rabbit, you'll run outta breath.
Remus: Why don't you sit down an' calm yo'se'f?
Rabbit: Well, the grasshopper jumps,
an' so does the flea - i do what i like, an' i --
Rabbit: ...suits me!
Remus: I don't know where you
gonna fetch up at, i sho'ly don't.
Remus: How do you do?
Possum: Fine, how are you?
Rabbit: How you come on?
Possum: Pretty good, sure as you're born.
Remus: The weather's good, the fishin's fine,
now what do you do with all yo' time?
Rabbit: Oh, i zips and i zags, i to's and fro's -
dat's what you axe me an' dat's what you knows.
Rabbit: How do you do.
Frog: Fine, how are you?
Rabbit: How you come on?
Fish: Pretty good, sure as you're born
Frog: Mind out Brer Rabbit, better mend your ways.
you's headin' for trouble one o' these days.
Remus: Warnin' dat rabbit is wastin' yo' breath.
Rabbit: Don't worry 'bout me. I can take care o' myse'f.
Remus: Doggone, dat Brer Rabbit
is sho' a caution...he sho is.
Frog: You mark my words,
that ... oh thanks...
Frog: That young scamp is gonna
put his foot in it one o' these days.
Remus: Co'se I didn't know it at de time,
but Brer Rabbit was a-headin'...
Remus: ...straight for trouble 'cause up
on chickapin hill at de edge of de big woods...
Remus: ...ol' brer fox was pow'ful curious
'bout the where'bouts o' Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Here he come, here he come, here he
come right now. Lem'me see, where was I?
Fox: Oh, yes, yes, yes... the head. Gotta have a head.
Gotta get a head right quick. Need about this much tar.
Fox: Yes, yes, about this much. I 'speck it's just
'bout right for a head. That biggity ol' rabbit
Fox: Won't get away this time, no sir.
We'll catch him sho'... i'll catch him sho'.
Bear: Dat's... dat's... dat's what you said the
last time befo', and de time befo' dat and da...
Bear: look... les' jes' knock his head clean off.
Fox: Oh, no, indeed!
Dey ain't nothin' smart 'bout dat!
Fox: I'm gonna show him who de
smartest is, an' de tar baby do de rest.
Fox: It sho' gonna fool 'im! Yes sir!
Bear: Oh, no, it ... it ... hain't ... it ain't
gon' fool nobody ... it hain't got no eyes!
Fox: Eyes! Oh, yes, indeed. Eyes!
I'm glad i thought of that!
Fox: Lem-Me see now... hmm...
let me see about this. Just 'bout this size.
Fox: Now... ah... uh... lem-me see.
Oh, yes. A nose too...
Fox: ... got to have a nose -- Needs one of
those very very badly. Got to have a nose.
Fox: This is sho' gonna do the trick.
This is lookin' mo' natural all de time.
Bear: It hain't -- It hain't -- It hain't got no hair.
Fox: Oh! Hair!
Fox: Now -- Hee -- Hum -- Arite, come on,
hep' me 'long, hep' me long, come on.
Fox: Us ain't got all day. Come on. Dat rabbit's
coming down de road. Come on.
Fox: Dat rabbit gonna' be along any minute now,
any minute. Everythin' gotta' be just right.
Fox: Yes, indeed, just right. Lem-me see now,
lem-me see -- Maybe you oughtta have a hat.
Fox: Uh huh. Maybe he do need a hat.
Now maybe if he had one ...
Bear: He's got one.
Bear: Huh?
Fox: What's dat?
Fox: Here he come, here he come now.
Hurry, hurry. Gotta get a move on. Come on!
Fox: Look at dat rascal scamperin' down de road.
Fox: I'll fix 'im. I'll kill 'im.
Bear: Wha -- wha -- wha --
Remus: Yes, suh, ol' brer fox, he git de tar baby
fixed up jes' in de nick o' time cuz right then Brer Rabbit
Remus: come dancing down de road, lickety clip,
just as fast as a jay bird. Till by and by he spotted
Remus: that tar baby an he sing out ...
Rabbit: How do you do!
Remus: Brer Rabbit wait for de
tar baby to say 'fine, how are you'...
Remus: ... but de tar baby he don't
say nothin', an' brer fox, he lay low ... so ...
Remus: ...Brer Babbit try it ag'in.
Rabbit: How do you do?
Remus: But de tar baby ain't say nothin' ...
Remus: Den Brer Rabbit scratch one
ear with his off behin' foot an' 'low ...
Remus: ...he goin' find out why
he cain't get no answer.
Remus: Den he say, sezee ...
Rabbit: what's de matter wid you? Ah said
howdy! Is you hard o' hearin'? Ah said howdy!
Remus: But de tar baby, he don't say nothin'...
Remus: ...an' Brer Fox, he lay low.
Fox: I hope it works... I hope it works!
I sho' hope ... it does ... ha ha!
Remus: Brer Rabbit 'low it's up to him to teach
de stuck-up stranger some manners, an' he say ...
Rabbit: look, if you don't say 'howdy' time
I counts three, i's goin' bus' you wide open!
Remus: But de tar baby
he don't say nothin' an'...
Remus: ... Brer Fox, he lay low.
Fox: Be quiet! Be quiet! Shhh!
Remus: So Brer Rabbit, he start countin'...
Rabbit: One...
Remus: ...but de tar baby, he don't say nothin'...
Remus: ...Brer Fox lay low'
an' chuckle in his stomach.
Rabbit: Two ...
Remus: But still de tar baby don't say nothin'...
Brer Fox, he lay low wid de fidgets.
Rabbit: Two anna half.
Rabbit: Three!
Rabbit: Here! Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu...
Rabbit: ...bu-Bu-Bu- Turn me loose.
Fox: I got 'im, I got 'im, I got 'im.
Rabbit: Turn me loose or
I'll poke you ag'in ... lem-me go!
Remus: Brer Rabbit, he push and he pull, he heaved
and he hauled, he kicked and he screamed, and he blubber
Remus: and he bawled, but the more he
thrash aroun', the wus off he gits, til he so stuck up,
Remus: he can scarcely move his eye-balls.
Fox: Oh! How do you do.
Bear: Yeah, how you come on.
Fox: Bet he wishes he'd never been bawn.
Bear: Brer Fox, you an' me ...
Fox: Well, Brer Rabbit...
Fox: you sho' looks like a spo't,
all stuck up in yo' swaller tail coat!
Fox: Don't he look good in this coat?
I ain't never seen nobody look dat good befo'.
Bear: lem-mm say... bu - le - lem...
Fox: Other folks business you minds de bes'
Bear: Don' say no mo', we see de res'.
Fox: We sho' do -- We don' need nobody --
Bear: What i'se gonna say is a...
Fox: He's a pretty smart feller, the folks all say.
Bear: Yah, he knows a lot a tricks...
Fox: But he forgot 'em today.
He forgot everything, didn't he Brer Bear?
Remus: Well, suh, you ain't never see'd nobody
dat had humble come-tumbleness down as fine
Remus: as what brer rabbit had it den...
poor li'l critter -- He learned a pow'ful lesson,
Remus: but he learned it too late -- But it jes' goes to
show you what comes o' mixin' up wid somethin'
Remus: you got no business wid in de fust place...
an' don't you never forget it!
Johnny: How did Brer Rabbit
get away, Uncle Remus?
Remus: Who say he git away?
Toby: Brer Rabbit always gits away.
Remus: Don't you be too sho' ...
ain't i done tol' you that Brer Rabbit, bein'
Remus: li'l an' widout much strength, he's s'posed
to use his head 'stead o' his foots?
Johnny: Did he?
Toby: Sho he did!
Remus: Now, who tellin' dishyer tale?
Toby: You are!
Remus: Den you jes' set an' do de lis'nin.
Well, suh, dar he was, sittin' in de middle o' de road --
Remus: Jes' like you's sittin' in dat chair --
Only he's all mixt up wid dat tar baby ...
Remus: ...an' it sho' look like de end o' de
finish fo' po' li'l Brer Rabbit, cuz ol' Brer Fox ...
Remus: ...was fixin' to barbeque
him fo' dinna, right den an' dar.
Fox: Yes, suh, yes suh, jes' any minute now ...
won't be long now ... dinner goin' be ready any
Fox: minute now ... all we have to do is put
a few more sticks on the fire. Yes ...
Fox: ... get the fire goin' good. Oh, skuze me, you
is gwine stay fo' dinner, ain'cha', Brer Rabbit?
Fox: We ain't gonna take no 'scuses.
Now, we jes' love to have you fo' dinner!
Fox: Wouldn't we jes' love to have him fo'dinner,
Brer Bear? Ain't dat jes' what you been sayin'?
Bear: No, sir.
Bear: wuh-wuh-wuh-what I said was...
Bear: ...I'm gonna knock his head... clean off.
Fox: No indeed, not that.
Not that, no, no, not that.
Fox: No, no, stop! Wait no!
No wait! Let loose. You can't do that.
Bear: Bu...don't do that...look,
I'm gonna... now jes' look....
Fox: No, he's mine.
Fox: I caught 'im an' you keep yo' hans' off!
Bear: But look! I'm gonna knock his head...
Fox: No! No! No! That's too quick.
We're gonna make him suffer.
Fox: ...an' I'm gonna do it the way I wanna do it.
Bear: But... er...
Fox: Oh, I know that - Right in the back o'
my little head I knowed what we gonna do....
Bear: Now look.
I'm gonna knock his head clean off
Rabbit: Go ahead, Brer Rear, ha ha...
go on, knock my head clean off.
Bear: ...bu...hee...now.... see there.
Rabbit: But please don't fling me in dat briar patch.
Fox: Now look here, you keep outta this!
'Tain't none o' yo' business.
Fox: Maybe I'll hang him. Dat's it. I'll hang 'im.
Hang him by the neck til he's dead.
Rabbit: Hang me if you like Brer Fox.
Go ahead, but don't flong me dat briar patch.
Fox: well, i hav' no rope fer t'hang ya...
so i'spects. I 'spects I'll have to skin ya.
Rabbit: Yeah, sho'...dat's...what's dat?
Fox: I said I'm gonna skin ya.
Rabbit: Skin me? Smiles. Oh yeah, heh, heh...
go ahead. Heh heh, yes sir...skin me if ya likes, Brer Fox,
Rabbit: but bu-bu-bu-but there's
one thing I don't wantcha to do.
Fox: Huh? What's dat?
Rabbit: bu-bu-bu-bu-bu....
Rabbit: bu-bu-bu-Brer Fox.... bu-Bu-Bu...
I mean...wa-wa-wa- whatever you do, Brer Fox...
Rabbit: wa-wa-wa-whatever you do, please please
Brer Fox, please don't fling me in dat briar patch.
Fox: Ahhhhh.....briar patch?
Fox: Briar Patch.
Fox: I'm glad I thought of that! Yes, indeed!
I sho' am glad i thought of that!
Rabbit: Butcha ain't gonna
fling me in dar, is ya?
Fox: Who me? Oh no.
Fox: We ain't gonna do dat!
No sir! We wouldn't do dat!
Fox: We wouldn't do dat...would we?
Brer Bear?
Bear: No...hee hee hee...nope!
We jes' gonna knock his head clean off.
Fox: Oh no indeed! Look out! Now wait a
minute! Oh no, please don't! Look out, stop! There!
Rabbit: Owww! I'm done fo'. Moider.
Rabbit: Here I is Brer Fox. I was born
and bred in de briar patch.
Rabbit: Yes sir. Born and bred in the briar patch.
Born and bred in the briar patch.
Remus: So now, it's Brer Fox's turn to feel humble-
come-tumble, but ol' Brer Bear, he don't say nuthin'.
Remus: An Brer Fox he lay low...
heh heh... mighty low... Sho nuf.
Toby: Tell us another one, Unc' Remus.
Johnny: The one you told daddy...
about Brer Frog havin' a tail...
Remus: ...an losin' it?
Johnny: That's it.
Remus: Well den, how kin dey be a tale...
Remus and Johnny: ...when dey ain't no ta....
Remus: ..I could tell ya,
but dat's annudder tale for annudder day.
Remus: Now you better run 'long an' git dat
pup somp'n to chew on sides my shoes.
Johnny: Come on, Toby.
Johnny: How do you do?
Toby: Fine, how are you?
Johnny: How you come on?
Toby: Pretty good, sho as yo're born.
Jake: Jis' kaze ol' Remus take yore side
don't mean we ain't gonna git Teenchy.
Jake: You wait an' see!
Joe: We're gonna tell on you.
Jake: Yeah! Gonna tell Tempy.
Jake: ...or maybe your grandmaw...
or maybe even your maw.
Johnny: Go ahead! I don't care!
You can tell aunt Tempy....
Johnny: ...you can tell grandmaw,
you can even tell my mama.
Johnny: ...but whatever you do...
don't tell your maw.
Jake: Why not?
Johnny: Just don't you tell her,
that's all! If you do, it'll be awful!
Toby: Ain't dat what Brer Rabbit did to Brer Fox?
Johnny: sh-sh! Bein' little...an' without much strength,
we s'posed to use our heads instead of our foots.
Maw Favers: Now i don't
wanta hear no more 'bout it.
Maw Favers: that's Ginny's dawg....an if she
wants to give it away, 'tain't none o' yo' business.
Jake: I'll get even with that Johnny!
He'll find out! Think's he so smart.
Joe: 'Twarn't his fault.
He told us not to tell our maw.
Jake: Yeah! 'Cause that's
jis' what he wanted us to do.
Tempy: Sooner or later, yer gonna be comin' aroun',
I betcha, I betcha that I getcha, you wait and see...
Tempy: Sooner or later your gonna
be hangin' aroun'... I betcha...
Tempy: I betcha if I catch ya' you'll hear from me.
Your gonna knock at my door...you done it befo'...
Tempy: Matter of factly, I don't know exactly when,
but sooner or later you're gonna be hanging aroun',
Tempy: and want my cookin' again.
Your gonna knock on my door, you don' it befo'
Tempy: Matter of factly I 'spected you zackly then,
cuz sooner or later I know you'll be hangingn aroun',
Tempy: and want my cookin' again.
But you ain't gonna get it.
Tempy: Al'ays manage to come callin' on bakin' day,
and totin' in three or four measley
Tempy: little piece of fire wood. Humph!
Some folks does de work, while others jest visits.
Tempy: Sit around whiddlin' and tellin' stories...
like Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit.
Tempy: Stick his nose in dish here
kitchen and we have Brer Rabbit stew.
Remus: Sis Tempy, I said it befo', I says it now
and I says it again' there never was a better cook
Remus: in these here parts nor nowhere else.
Tempy: Humph! Ya ain't pullin' no
wool over my eyes. Here!
Chloe: What you all doin' 'roun' here, anyhow?
Jake: We wants to see Miss Sally.
Joe: Yeah.
Chloe: What you want to see her about.
Jake: 'Bout our dog.
Joe: Yeah.
Remus: Why, 'tain't dey dawg.
It's Johnny's.
Tempy: No 'tain't.
Remus: What's dat?
Tempy: When he brung it here, Miss Sally tol' him
to take it right straight back what he got it.
Remus: Why dat li'l scamp.
Remus: Where you goin'?
Chloe: To git Miss Sally.
Remus: Uh...oh.
Remus: Ain't i done tol' you to stop pesterin'
folks 'bout dat mangy ol' puppy?
Remus: Now go on home. Go on,
befo' i gits fractious!
Jake: We ain't goin' 'til we sees Miss Sally.
Joe: Yeah.
Remus: Miss Sally ain't got no
time to be bothered wid you.
Remus: An' she don't wanter hear no
talk about dat dawg, neither.
Sally: What's this all about?
Jake: Johnny's got our dawg
-- An' we we wants it back!
Sally: Your dog? You don't
mean that little puppy?
Jake: Yassum. Johnny took it down to
ol' Remus's so's you wouldn't know.
Sally: Is that right, uncle remus?
Remus: Well, you see
miss sally, I had..
Sally: I see. Uncle remus'll get your
dog back to you. Now run along, please.
Joe: You gonna whup johnny?
Jake: Ya oughta!
Jake: Johnny said he didn't
care if we told you....
Jake: ...bute not to tell our maw.
Joe: and when we told her,
she giv'd us a whuppin'.
Remus: Lawzy, Miss
Sally, Johnny didn't mean no harm.
Remus: He was jes' trying to be like
Brer Rabbit. I tol' him a tale 'bout de
Remus: tar baby an' he just got a li'l bit too
bodacious, and outreached hisse'f, dat's all.
Sally: Uncle Remus, i'm trying my best to bring up
Johnny to be obedient and truthful. But you and your
Sally: stories are making that very difficult. I think maybe
it would be better if he didn't hear any more for awhile.
Remus: Well, Miss Sally,
de stories ain't done no....
Sally: They only confuse him. Now I know you
mean well, Uncle Remus, but Johnny's too young.
Remus: Miss Sally.....
Sally: I'll have to ask you
not to tell him any more.
Remus: Yassum, Miss Sally......
Sally: But what else could I have done, mama? I
can't just overlook it, he has to learn to mind.
Doshy: That's very true, but without
Uncle Remus and his stories,
Doshy: the child will be utterly desolate.
He needs something to hold on to.
Sally: Well, he has his
mother....and his grandmother.
Doshy: We're not enough, sally. The boy must have
friends. And if it's not Uncle Remus, or the Favers
Doshy: children, then it must be someone else....
someone of his own age. That's just good common sense.
Tempy: What you trackin' through here for anyway?
Ain't I done tol' you 'bout messin' 'roun' my kitchen?
Sally: Johnny!
Johnny: Yes, mama.
Sally: Do you know what next tuesday is?
Johnny: Uh...of course. My birthday.
Sally: That's right, dear.
And what happens then?
Johnny: I get presents.
Sally: And a birthday
party. Would you like that?
Johnny: A party? Sure!
Sally: With lots of nice
little boys and girls.
Johnny: Can i ask Ginny?
Sally: Well, there'll be so
many other children, dear...
Doshy: ...That one more
won't make any difference.
Johnny: Gee! Thanks! Will daddy come?
Sally: Well, dear...uh...I'll
write and ask him.
Johnny: Oh boy.
Johnny: Teenchy! Here Teenchy!
Johnny: Teenchy! Here Teenchy!
Teenchy! Where are you?
Johnny: Uncle Remus? A present
for Teenchy! Where's Teenchy?
Remus: He's gone.
Johnny: Gone? Then we gotta find him. Sump'n
might happen to him... if he runs around loose.
Remus: He ain't runnin' 'roun' loose.
Johnny: Then, where is he?
Remus: He's back at de Favers. Dat's
what he b'longs an' you knows it.
Johnny: But teenchy's
my dog. He's mine.
Johnny: Ginny gave him
to me, and you said...
Remus: Nemmine what I said! Yo' maw
tol' you to take dat dawg back whar he
Remus: come from an' you ain't done it.
She don't like dat, an' I don't blame her.
Johnny: But he wasn't
botherin' anybody.
Remus: She yo' maw an' she
know what's bes' for you!
Johnny: But...but...I...I love him. He...he
loves me. You should'na done it, Uncle Remus.
Johnny: Jake'll drown
him! I know he will.
Remus: Ain't no use o' you carryin'
on. Puppy's gone an' dat's dat.
Johnny: You don't even care! Teenchy's
gone...and you don't care at all.
Remus: Don't make no difference
whether I does or whether I
Remus: don't. I'm jes a wo' out ol'
man what ain't no good to nobody.
Johnny: But uncle remus,
you're...the best friend i have.
Remus: Mebbe so, but i'm dat pestered I
don't know whether i'm end-upperds or
Remus: end-downerds. But I does know dis...
I ain't goin' ter be tellin' you no mo' stories.
Children: Chick-a-ma, chick-a-ma,
craney crow! I went to the well to wash
Childern: my toe! When I got there, the well
was bare! What time is it, old witch!
Ginny: Hurry, maw, hurry!
Maw Favers: I'm doin' the best I can.
Ginny: Please, maw!
The party'll be over.
Maw Favers: If you don't quit bobbin' up
and down I'll never get this collar on.
Ginny: I'm just doin' like you told me.
Maw Favers: Well, don't forgit
what you says when you does it.
Ginny:Pleased to meetcha!
Maw Favers: That's the girl. Now you
looks pretty enough to go anywheres.
Johnny: Ginny! Come on...we're late.
Maw Favers: Ginny! Don't
forgit your manners.
Ginny: Pleased to meetcha!
Joe: Pleased to meetcha!
Johnny: Gee, I thought
you were never comin'.
Ginny: Paw didn't get home with the thread, an'
maw had an awful time finishing my dress. Like it?
Johnny: It's real pretty.
Ginny: It's bran' new. It was maw's
weddin' dress. Are we gonna have cake?
Johnny: Course! They're eatin' it
right now. But there'll be plenty left.
Ginny: What do you do at a
party -- 'Sides have cake?
Johnny: Oh, lots of things.
Play games, an'...get presents.
Ginny: Do i get a present?
Johnny: Sure -- Everybody
does. Course, I get the most.
Jake: I get the most.
Ginny: Go on home.
Jake: Go on home.
Ginny: I'll tell maw.
Jake: I'll tell maw.
Johnny: Don't pay any
attention to them, Ginny.
Joe: Don't pay any
'tenshun to 'em, Ginny!
Ginny: Quit it!
Joe: Pretty strings.
Ginny: You stop it.
Ginny: Now look what you've done!
Ginny: You've spoiled everything!
Jake: Ouch! Don't! Stop!
Jake: Make him leggo! Make him leggo!
Jake: Make him leggo! Joe, get him off!
Johnny: I'll fix you.
Jake: Pull him off, Joe! Get him off!
Johnny: I'll fix you!
Jake: Ouch! Don't! Stop!
Jake: Make him leggo! Make him leggo!
Remus: Aw right, get off him!
Remus: Come on, son! Get off 'im!
Get off 'im! Now you git 'long -- An'
Remus: don't lemme ketch you pesterin'
'roun' dese chillun no mo'! An' ah means it.
Johnny: Ginny!
Johnny: Ginny...
Johnny: Gee, ginny! Please don't cry!
Johnny: We can still go to
the party... if you wanta.
Johnny: I'll clean off your dress.
Ginny: You're just makin' it worse.
Johnny: It wasn't much
of an ol' party anyway.
Johnny: I know what! I'll tell you a story 'bout brer
rabbit! Now let me see -- 'Bout this here brer rabbit...
Johnny: ...he was the most bodacious
critter in the whole world. Anyway...
Johnny: ...de critters was
all havin' a big party...
Johnny: Please, don't ginny! Please.
Remus: Bless my soul! What's dis?
Johnny: Ginny can't go to the party.
Remus: Oh, dat's a shame! It sho' is.
Remus: But don't you cry honey.
Ol' Uncle Remus'll take care of you.
Remus: You better run along and
find Sis Tempy to clean you up
Remus: befo' yo' maw sees you.
Johnny: Uncle Remus, I don't wanta go.
Remus: Co'se you do.
Remus: Miss Sally's gone to a heap
o' trouble wid dis party.
Johnny: I know, but daddy didn't come,
and Ginny's all ldirty. Please, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Move over, honey.
I'se got troubles too.
Remus: Co'se I'se had troubles befo'.
But dey ain't none of us ever had
Remus: troubles like po' li'l Brer Rabbit.
I 'members one time he had mo' troubles
Remus: den all three of us
rolled into one.
Remus: Yas suh, dere he was...
way down in Brer Fox's cave.
Remus: An' it look like his time done
run out, fo' sho.
Remus: Cause Brer Rabbit, he done
used up his whole bag o' tricks.
Fox: You done played your last
trick on me, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: You sho have, yes sir. You've
played your last trick on me.
Fox: Here, hold that knot, you sho look
mighty good in that bow-tie, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Yes sir, you looks mighty
good in that bow-tie.
Fox: Don't he look good in that
bow-tie Brer Bear?
Fox: I ain't never seen nobody
dressed with a bow-tie befo'.
Fox: He's all dressed up for dinna.
Bear: Yea, for dinner.
Fox: Yes sir, he's really dressed
up for dinner. Fo my dinner.
Fox: Cause I'se gonna barbeque
you dis very minute, on dat fire.
Rabbit: Ain't dat terrible.
Fox: Now wait a minute.
Wait jes' a minute, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Maybe I better
'splain something to you.
Fox: I said, I'se gonna roast
you... on dat fire! Now!
Fox: Is dat somethin' to
laugh about?
Rabbit: I can't help laughing, Brer Fox.
I'se just been to my lauging place.
Rabbit: An everytime I starts thinkin'
about my laughing place, I can't help.
Bear: What's a...
Rabbit: Yeah, Brer Bear?
Bear: Wa... what's a
laughing place?
Rabbit: Oh, dat just a secret
place I knows about.
Fox: You keep out of this Brer Bear.
It's another one o' his tricks.
Fox: Dat rabbit just trying...
Bear: Da... where is
this laughing place at?
Rabbit: How can I show you
where it is when I'se all
Rabbit: tied up like this?
Bear: Well, uh... I'll untie you.
Fox: You keep your big paws off.
Bear: But uh... But uh...
Fox: He's mine and
I'm gonna roast him.
Fox: Right now, right over this
fire. I'm gonna...
Bear: I wanna see dat laughing place.
Rabbit: Boy am I in luck.
Rabbit: I think about my laughing
place and yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
Fox: That rabbit's just trying to...
Rabbit: Take that frown, turn it upside down
And you'll find yours, I know, ho ho.
Rabbit: Boy am I in luck.
Bear: I think about my laughing place...
Bear: Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
Rabbit: Everybody's got a laughing place,
Bear: A laughing place to go, ho ho.
Rabbit: Take that frown, turn it upside down
And you'll find yours, I know, ho ho.
Fox: Now look here Brer Bear,
this has gone far enough, I...
Fox: Now look here Brer Bear,
this has gone far enough.
Fox: I ain't goin' one more step.
Bear: But I wanna.
Fox: Not one mo' step.
Bear: But I wanna.
Fox: This is just one o' his tricks.
Fox: That rabbint's just making a
fool out of you, you fool.
Bear: He is?
Fox: Co'se he is.
Fox: There ain't no such thing
as a laughing place.
Bear: Dere ain't?
Fox: Co'se not.
Fox: Come on now, we'll
go and have some...
Rabbit: Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. There it is.
Bear: Huh?
Rabbit: There is the laughing place.
Bear: Where?
Rabbit: Right through there.
Fox: That rabbit's trying to fool...
Bear: Me first.
Bear: Dey ain't nothing' in
here 'cept bees.
Fox: You sho' done made a fool
out of yo'se'f this time.
Fox: Yes suh, you sho made
a fool outa yo'sef.
Fox: I ain't never see'd nobody
look dat silly befo'.
Fox: You know what Brer...
Bear: Now look, you said dis
was a laughin' place...
Bear: An I ain't laughing.
Rabbit: I didn't say it
was you laughin' place.
Rabbit: I said it was my laughin'
place Brer Bear.
Johnny: I wish I had a lughin' place.
Ginny: Me too.
Remus: What makes you think you
ain't? Co'se you got a laughin' place.
Johnny: Really, Uncle Remus?
Ginny: Really?
Remus: Ev'ybody's got one! The
trouble is, mos' folks won't
Remus: take the time to go look for it.
Johnny & Ginny: Where's mine?
Remus: Well now, dat I can't 'zakly
say. 'Cause where 'tis for one,
Remus: Mightn't be where
'tis for another.
Johnny: Come on Ginny!
Let's start lookin.
Sally: Johnny! Johnny!
Where have you been?
Johnny: Well, you...
Sally: Look at your clothes!
Sally: What in the world have you
been doing? The party's all over, dear.
Sally: And you weren't even there
to tell your guests goodbye.
Johnny: Well, you...
Ginny: Uncle Remus told us a story!
Ginny: 'Bout Brer Rabbit. You got
a laughin' place ma'am?
Ginny: Uncle Remus says eve'ybody's
got one. Pleased to meetcha.
Remus: I sho is sorry, Miss Sally.
Sally: No, it's my fault.
Sally: I should have known you
couldn't stop telling your stories.
Sally: I don't like to say this Uncle
Remus, but from now on
Sally: I want you to stay away
from Johnny, you understand?
Sally: Completely away.
Remus: Yassum.
Chorus: Let the rain pour down,
let the cold win' blow
Chrous: Gonna stay right here,
In the home I know.
Chorus: When your achin' with
the misery, when your old and grey,
Chorus: Let you stay to see de chillun,
playin' 'round yo door.
Remus: Oh, I knows... I knows...
I'm jes' a wo' out ol' man what
Remus: don't do nuthin' but tell
stories. But dey ain't never done
Remus: no harm to nobody. An'
if dey don't do no good,
Remus: how come dey las' so long?
Remus: Dishyer's de only home I knows.
Was goin' ter whitewash de walls, too,
Remus: but not now.
Time done run out.
Toby: Unc' Remus! Is Johnny...
Unc' Remus, what you doin'?
Remus: I'se goin' away, to Atlanta
Ginny: You shore I've got a
laughing place?
Johnny: Course! Didn't Uncle
Remus say so?
Ginny: Look!
Johnny: Aww, that's just your house.
Ginny: But paw's home! I'm gonna
tell 'im 'bout Brer Rabbit!
Ginny: He'll laugh like anything.
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus!
Uncle Remus, I've found it!
Johnny: My laughing place!
It's right here...
Johnny: Mama! He's gone!
Uncle Remus is gone.
Johnny: Where'd he go, mama?
Sally: I don't know, son.
Johnny: But why'd he leave? Why?
Sally: I'm afraid mother's to blame.
Toby: Miss Sally! Unc' Remus goin'
away! He's gettin' in de wagon!
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Wait!
Uncle Remus!
Sally: Johnny!
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Come Back.
Johnny: Wait, Uncle Remus!
Sally: Oh Johnny.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He made all the stars
and the moon and the sun.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He number the sparrows
and the birds everyone.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: My Savior!
Chorus: All I want...
All I want... All I want...
Chorus: is more and more
faith in him.
Solo: My Savior!
Chorus: All I want, all I want...
John: Toby, what is it?
Toby: It's Johnny, sir.
He got hurt by dat bull.
Tempy: Mister John!
John: How is he?
Tempy: Well, he's out o' his head,
suh, and' talkin' like his li'l heart's
Tempy: 'bout to break. You see,
Mister John, he was cuttin'
Tempy: through de bull pasture... trying
to stop Uncle Remus from goin' away.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: Angel have mercy
on this little chil'
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He's only been here
such a mighty li'l while.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Sally: Son, daddy's here.
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Come back,
Uncle Remus! Come back!
John: Johnny!
Johnny: Uncle Remus... Please.
Doshy: Uncle Remus!
Remus: De smoke was comin' outta
de chimney, an de light from
Remus: de lamps was ashinin' soft.
Inside de house, de kittle was singin'
Remus: over de fire. On the hearth
de cricket was a jiggin' to de tune.
Remus: Yes suh, things was mighty
satisfactual. 'Cause Brer Rabbit
Remus: done come back to his
laughing place wid de folks
Remus: all 'round him
what b'longs dar.
Johnny: Uncle Remus!
Remus: An' dat night, he was
de happiest Brer Rabbit.
Remus: An' dat was de laughin'est
place in de whole wide worl'.
Johnny: Daddy.
Mama! Daddy's here! Mama!
John: She's right here, sone
Sally: Yes, darling. It's all right.
Johnny: Mama!
Make him stay, please!
John: There now, sone.
I'm not going anywhere.
John: I'm going to stay right here,
where I belong.
Johnny: Honest?
John: Honest. And we'll have
John: more fun than...
than Brer Rabbit hisse'f.
Sally: And we'll have the laughin'est
place in the whole wide world.
John: An' dat's de trufe!
Remus: Miss Doshy, things are lookin'
mighty satisfactual. Mighty satisfactual.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My oh my, what a wonderful day.
Plenty of sunshine, headin' my way.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Johnny: Mr. Bluebird's on my
shoulder. It's the truth, It's actual.
Jonnny: Everything is satisfactual.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My oh my, what a wonderful day.
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way...
Rabbit: Howdy do, how do you do.
Three children: Oh, hello there Brer
Rabbit. Hi there, Brer Rabbit.
Rabbit: Yes sir, this here's one of
them zip-a-dee-do-dah days.
Rabbit: For sho'. Zip, zip, zip, zip,
zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Children: My oh my, what a wonderful
day, plenty of sunshine headin' my way.
Children: Zip-a-dee-do-dah,
Johnny: Mr. Bluebird's on my
Remus: It's de truth. It's actual.
Everything is satisfactual.
Children: Zip-a-dee-do-dah
Children: My oh my, what a
wonderful day.
Children: Plenty of sunshine, headin'
my way, wonderful feeling, wondeful day.
Frog: Zip-a-dee-do-dah
Frog: zip, zip, zip, zip, zip.
Children: Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
My oh my, what a wonderful day.
Children: Plenty of sunshine,
headin' my way.
Chorus: Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder.
Chorus: It's really true, it's actual.
Everything is satisfactual.
Chorus: Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Oh what a wonderful feeling,
Chorus: What a wonderful day.
Singing a song, a Song Of The South.