Trekkies Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Trekkies script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Star Trek documentary movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Trekkies. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Trekkies Script





We're going to

have a good time.



 Oh, yeah 



 Yeah, yeah, yeah 



 Oh, yeah 



Ignition sequence.



Power transfer is complete.



I didn't watch Star Trek,

the original series,



in the first season

before I was on.



I mean, I took one look

at the styrofoam rocks,



and I said, "Forget it.

I'm not going to watch this."



Tlhingan hol dajatlh'a'?



It means, "Can you

speak Klingon?"



You have to give

the right answer.



Otherwise, there's

dire consequences.



I dance at powwows, and I'm into

the lndian way of life and things,



and I'm also a Trekker.



It's the greatest feeling

in the world,



and I do it about    to   

to    times a year.



To walk out onstage

and to feel that love



that just pours

right out at you,



and it's just fans.



Kirk lmpersonator:

I've been a fan.



I grew up with it,

so I couldn't help but be a fan.



This is the Andorian

ambassador Edvaark,



and I am guard number   

and this is guard number   .



That's right.



You have to understand

that, um...



even now, I still have--



I still have an ongoing process

of trying to grasp all of this,



even now.



The name's Douglas Marcks.



I live in Portland.



I've been a fan of Star Trek

for a number of years.



I mean, I actually started

watching it back in the sixties.



You know, I've been in this

for   years now,



and it's starting

to become normal.









In      I auditioned for a show called

Star Trek: The Next Generation.



Now, I must admit that I went to

this audition with some hesitation.



I mean, after all, it was a rehash

of a cult-status sci-fi series,



and it had a profound effect

on the original cast members' careers.



But since I was unknown,




and unclear as to where

any of this was headed,



I went.



What I didn't know was that

I was becoming part of something



much larger than

just a new TV series.



I was becoming

part of a phenomenon.



My name is John Paladin.



The Klingon name is Kirg.



I'm Harminder Pal

from Glasgow, Scotland.



My name is, um,

is...Who am l?



You're a lieutenant




I'm Lieutenant Commander Horatio,

and, um,



from the starship

Battle Queen.



My name's David Silverman.

I'm from central New Jersey.



- Canton, Ohio.

- San Diego.



- Virginia.

- Melbourne, Australia.



- Biloxi, Mississippi.

- Berlin, Germany.



I have fans that write me

from Germany, from ltaly,



from Australia,

from England.



I've been to conventions

in all those places.



How many conventions

have you been to?



Probably close to    or   .






Yeah. I mean, like I said,



you got to have

something to do.



This is my third convention.



We've been to probably

   or    or more.



I lost count, you know?



I've been doing this




so it's, uh,

I almost hate to admit



this is my    th convention

this weekend.



I have attended, over the course

of about   years,






I'm going to be spending

this day in preparation



to go the Pasadena

Star Trek/ Babylon   convention.



I'm going right now



to pick up my new, tailor-made

Star Trek: First Contact uniform



to wear tomorrow.



Hey, Travis.



Hey, Gabriel. How you doing?

Come on in.



Uh, so Linda dropped it off?



Yes, she did.



This is the uniform

to be featured



in Star Trek: First Contact.



Linda Thuringer, our club's

captain and Garak impersonator,



really outdid herself here, except

I do have a couple of minor quibbles,



Iike the red stripe here.



In the actual movie, it's going to be

about half this thickness,



but she can change that easily.



And the lines running across here are

more prominent in the actual versions,



but then again, she can just

do some topstitching there.



She wanted to take the legs

down a bit. I don't see why.



But overall, fantastic.



This is going to be

your car, Gabriel?



I hope so,



because I'm   .

I'll be    in June.



Another year after that,

I'll be getting my license.



It's the Roddenberry.



I wish it could fly.

I'm ready to go to another planet.



I'll tell you that much.



Gabriel: Obviously,

someone never grew out of the     s.



Y eah. I spent a lot of time

in vans, that's for sure.



We're going to put

a laser beam on the front



so when we're driving

on a foggy day,



we can shoot, like,

a     -foot beam.



My name is Lieutenant Commander

Barbara Adams.



I'm commanding officer

of the U.S.S. Artemis,



which is the Little Rock unit

of the Federation Alliance.



I'm here at the sci-fi

convention in Boston,



where Federation Alliance

has brought some of our things up here.



I've come because a lot of people have

shown a lot of interest in what I did



in going to the trial

in my uniform.



I was selected, summoned for the jury

for the Whitewater trial



in Little Rock, Arkansas.



We've had a lot of curious people

asking about the organization



and also looking into my drawings,

which I do as sort of a hobby.



I studied graphic design,

and I enjoy drawing,



and I also enjoy drawing

the Star Trek people.



One of our charters

in the Federation Alliance

is to perform community service,



and as commanding officer,

I'm the role model for my crew,



and so I felt it was necessary and a

good decision for me to wear my uniform.



For more than a week, everybody's seen

the picture of Barbara Adams...



And each morning, there seemed

to be more and more reporters



because they were waiting to see

if I was going to come in my uniform,



and it got to the point

where there was just a wall

of cameras, tripods, reporters,



and I would literally have

to walk all the way around them

just to get to the door



because they would not move.



It just got ridiculous.



My brother had a picture of her

on our refrigerator for two months



walking out of the courtroom

in Arkansas.



Adams: And one of the newspapers

had reported that every day,



I would walk past the reporters

with a Vulcan-like stoicism.






So, they don't know how close

they actually hit the mark,



because usually, before

all this brewed up,



I would always come

to these conventions



and our appearances

as a Vulcan.



There was a bus driver

that I'd already met.



He kept asking me,

"What are you going to do?

Why do you keep wearing the uniform?



What are you going to do if

the president comes down to testify?"



And I said,

"I'll wear my uniform."



He said, "But it's the president

of the United States!"



"I'll wear my uniform."



We came to a stoplight.

He turned around and he looked at me,



and he said,

"You are a brave woman."



Every day, I wear

my communicator badge,



my rank pips,

and my tricorder.



[Badge Beeps]



To me, as being an officer in

the Federation Alliance    hours a day,



even when I'm not in uniform,

I still want that known



that I'm at heart

a Starfleet officer.



I used to read about her

in the newspaper, and I saw her,

and I got her autograph.



Basically, the philosophy

behind Star Trek



that she is so,

um, promoting...



is the philosophy

behind an honest juror.



That's what you need on a jury

is an open-minded person.



Based on the ideals of Star Trek, yeah,

I think she'd be an asset.



This is what she wants to do.

This is America.



I mean, we should be able to do

what we want to do.



You know, look how we want to

look, say what we want to say.



I think she's a pretty neat lady



to have the guts to, um,

kind of be herself,



even on an important thing

like being a juror.



You can put on a uniform for football

year-round, nobody cares.



Basketball year-round,

nobody cares.



Put on a Star Trek uniform,

people get a case of the giggles.



I don't want my officers to ever

feel ashamed to wear their uniform.





I went to a civic duty.



What we do is community service.

I was performing my civic duty.



I wore my uniform,

just as any other officer

in the military would wear theirs.



I came to meet the stars.



I like to see

a different side of the stars,



the personal side.



DeForest Kelley:

While I was in Florida,



RuthAnn presented me

with this belt buckle



on my    th birthday.






Now...Now then, every time

I see someone,



they say, you know, "You look

so much younger in person."






The first one that I did, um...



I think was around '  .



Um, I got a call

to come to New Y ork.



They had done

one convention first,



and I think it wasn't

really a convention.



They got together

with about    or    or   --



the way I heard the story--

of fans of Star Trek



that just wanted to get together and

talk about the show, which they did.



And they said, "You know,

why don't we put our money together



and rent a hotel ballroom?"



"And talk about

our mutual interest



and show each other

what we have collected so far



in the way of tapes

or paraphernalia or photographs."



If we could get     people

to attend,



we could...we could pay for it."



And I thought,

"They're inviting me to New Y ork?



They said they're

willing to pay expenses



and, you know, fly me there

and put me up in a hotel."



I thought,

"These people are foolish."



And, uh...



there was something like,



I think there were around

     or      people showed up,



and it was absolutely wild then.



They had to call the fire

department into the hotel

to let them in in increments.



Everything came to a dead stop.

It was jam-packed with humanity.



The revolving doors

couldn't revolve.



The escalators refused

to operate anymore.



The elevators stopped working.



And the din out there indicated

it was more than    people.



The woman went onstage

and introduced me,



and I stepped out, and the place

exploded in applause.



Kelley: And then they were

hanging out of the balcony.



It was like a bunch

of overaged Beatles for us, you know,



me being there.



Nimoy: There was hardly

a chance to speak



because every word

created a roar.



Every time somebody opened their mouths

to say hello, it created a roar.



A wall of emotional sound hit you.



And we were all

kind of taken aback



and moved and touched by it



because it was this

tremendous affection,



this tremendous affection.



And now there is

a Star Trek convention--



There are Star Trek conventions

somewhere every weekend

all over the world.






Hi there.



Can I have

a schedule, please?



Ah. Majel.

Definitely got to see Majel.



She's onstage right now.



She's on the stage now?




You're going to love it.



It was Gene's story and Gene's script,

and it was Gene's pilot.



What time is the auction?



The auction is  :  

this afternoon.



Oh, there it is.



OK. This was worn by John Colicos

in which episode?



"Blood Oath."



"Blood Oath."



And this is the Turtle,

as they call it.



Michael Dorn calls it

the Great Turtle.



Turtle head.

There's speed bumps.



Uh, there's, Whoopi Goldberg

says "old lntestine Head."



And, um, the other one I heard

is Rocky Mountains.



That's the latest one.



Here is the opening bid

for this. $   .



[Audience Members Whistle]



$   . We've got a $    bid,



and it's there to a Klingon.



Man: I'll go    .






Klingon:  .



   .    .



Do I hear    ?






    ? $    !



$    .






$    !



Klingon: $    .



What?     ?






    . OK.

$    .



$    .






$    .



Klingon:   .



  . $    .



Going once.



$    . Going twice.



$    ...sold at a bargain!






Qapla', man.






I was bidding

on the headpiece,



and the price started

getting up to the point



where I really wasn't interested

in paying that much.



That Klingon

really wanted it.



He really wanted

that headpiece. Y es.



So, how badly

did you want it?



I wouldn't have

left without it.



It's a little bit of history

that I'll preserve.



I collect the items

when I can get them,



and they're wonderful to have.



They're definitely

one-of-a-kind items.



Man: Everything we touch,

whether it be a little piece of hair



or a nose or something small,

there's a whole cult market out there



where a lot of the pieces sell

for hundreds and thousands of dollars.



What we see in these rooms

literally could run into the millions,



you know, if we opened up

a market on the outside of it.



So we're very guarded.

Everything we keep under lock and key.




John de Lancie



couldn't make it

to this show this weekend



due to professional




We do have an autograph here.



Man: Well, the Q virus

was the most bizarre thing.



John de Lancie, who plays Q, was--

He barely made it to the convention.



He was really sick.

I mean, very ill.



Dizzy, questioning whether

he was going to go onstage,



but he was a real trouper,

and he went up onstage and did his show,



and, you know,

he left his water glass.



And I held up the glass

and I said, "Who would be interested

in purchasing the Q virus?"



And it was kind of a joke, but

the crowd just went absolutely crazy.



They went bonkers for the thing.

So, you know, I went ahead

and auctioned off the glass,



and it went for, I don't know,

   $   or something like this.



And a guy bought it, and he

came up, and I said, "Look"--



It was half-full

still of water--



I said, "Look, you really

don't want to drink this.



He's very sick. I mean,

he's very, very ill."



"Oh, no, no. I want to drink it.

I want to drink it."



And he just downed

the whole glass right there,



And he yelled out, "I've got

the Q virus! I've got the Q virus!"



And he planned to spread it

all over the world.



You know, that was his thing.



I was walking down the street

in New Y ork,



and I caught somebody

coming towards me.



He said, "are you Q?"



And I said, "Y eah."



"Can you bring people back

from the dead?"



And I went,

"Uh...only people I like."



And he goes, "Cool."

And walked on.



There was a fan who,

in      in New York,



came up to Jimmy Doohan,

who I was with,



and pulled out a box

that had a hypodermic in it



and asked Jimmy if he could

get a sample of his blood.



A woman...



stood up in one

of the conventions and said,



"What's it feel like

to be beamed?"



   years later, he was

at a convention in New Y ork,



and the same young man

came up to him with the same box

with the same hypodermic



and said, "Mr. Doohan,

can I get a sample of your blood?"



He was still doing

the same thing    years later.



Man: There's one gentleman



who for about, what,    years?



Second Man: Almost the whole run.



Almost the whole run of since

the beginning of The Next Generation



has been sending something

in the mail every day to Star Trek.



Every day.



The funny thing is, it has

nothing to do with Star Trek.



He sends us travel brochures,



um...and that's all he sends.



And postcards talking about

where he travels.



Or sometimes, he describes--

Well, look at this one.



We've got a Victoria's Secret

catalog that he sent...



Something about a mission,



a fruit trees

and landscaping catalog,



Caribbean, Hawaii,



Canada, Australia.



He also will sometimes send

postcards talking about

what he had for lunch that day



or what he ate or how many

cups of coffee he drank,



and it's always to Star Trek,

but it's never about Star Trek.



And we always wondered

about this guy.



Who is he? Where is he from?

And why is he sending us these things?



And if you-- Over    years, every day,



that's quite a few packages.



Man: OK. Here we go.



Woman: Rolling.



And action, please.



Maybe you didn't read the crew roster,



but my name is Dax, and I'm the new

science officer on this garbage scow,



and you were in my seat.



And cut! Very nice.



LeVar Burton: There was a young man

who was confined to a wheelchair,



and his name was Jordan La Forge.



The young man was given

  months to a year to live,



and, uh, he attributes

the fact that he lived



for many years after his prognosis



to the fact that he watched Star Trek.



Finally, when he did pass away,



Gene just thought that

having somebody in that place,



you know, as Geordi,

would be a perfect example,



a perfect sort of-- A nice thing

to do in memory of him.



Originally, Geordi

was the pilot of the ship,



so he wanted the pilot to be,

you know, the blind man,



and the blind man is the one

that's flying this ship.



I watched the original series



with my mother and brother

when I was a kid,



and I enjoyed it.



At this point, I enjoy

his enthusiasm more.



I enjoy the shows, I enjoy

the conventions, I like dressing up,



I love dressing her up,

but I enjoy his fanaticism.



It's contagious.



Crosby: And what makes you

a fanatic as opposed to a fan?



I think the fact that

I'm so much into it.



I do a lot of collecting.

I relate to so much of it.



I know a lot about it.



It's more than just a casual

"l enjoy the show, I enjoy the concept."



I'm really into it.



This is the Trek room.



This is, you know, my room.



I can design it

the way I want.



I can put what I want in it.



Woman: Although you do notice

it's spilling out



into the other areas

of the house.



Y es.



This is the bathroom,



and we've carried

the Trek theme in here.



We have our Starfleet towel set,



and all of our

Federation blue tile here.



We offset it with these

  hand-painted Trek tiles--



the planets, the Enterprise,

and one of the enemy.



George Takei: We asked whether

we might visit Cape Canaveral,



Nichelle and l, and we peered

in one of the portholes,



and there were astronauts

working in that.



They turned around and looked,

and they recognized our

two faces peering in at them,



and you should have

seen their eyes light up.



And they came scrambling

out of that place,



and the first thing they did was ask us,

"Can we have your autographs, please?"



We went there

to get their autographs,



and they in turn

were asking us for ours.



Buzz Aldrin: Star Trek

came along at a time



when I think the public

was really kind of hungry



for that sort of adventure,



and it went a long ways toward

stimulating a lot of interest

into the space program.



Star Trek is a cultural icon,



and it's part of the lexicon now.



As a psychotherapist, I have

Star Trek stuff in my office,



and I use Star Trek metaphors

that everyone understands,

even if they're not a fan.



For example, when I talk about

people having a defensive reaction,



I talk about the shields going up,

and everyone knows what that means,



even if they're not a fan.



The front part of my office-- that is,

the part that the patients see--



is a pretty straightforward

surgical office.



My own private consulting room

is just filled with Star Trek stuff.



I'm Denis Bourguignon.



This is my son Doug,

my wife Shelley,



and my daughter Kayla.



Crosby: We're here

in Orlando, Florida,



at the dental offices

of Dr. Denis Bourguignon.



- Denis: Good morning.

- Good morning. How are you?



- Pleasure to see you.

Welcome to Star Base Dental.

- Good to see you.



Denis, Voice-Over: We originally decided

that we wanted to go with Star Trek



because we find that Star Trek, the

episodes are always geared with a moral.



They're good-doers, and we wanted

to portray dentistry or dentists



as good-doers.




So, um, this is reception.



Denis: Yes. This is reception.

This is where the patients check in.



This is our holodeck

over here on the left.



This is where I do

most of my work.



This is where you get fillings,

crowns, dentures, things like that.



We were just in a sci-fi store

one day, Shelley and l,



and we kind of looked at

each other, and we said, "Hey."




You thinking what I'm thinking?



And we said,

"Let's try it."



[Transporter Sound Effect]



Two weeks later, we just

closed down the office over the weekend,



and we bought up

everything we could find,



and, boom!

We did a Star Base Dental.



As you can see, our transporter

is up in the ceiling over here.



It transports you away from here

while we're working on you.



These are some

nice pieces over here.



These are my cement handprints

of some of the stars.



You're about

James Doohan's size.



Crosby: No, wait.

There's a finger missing!



A gardening accident.



I never knew that.



This is the first theme office

I worked in.



I really like it.

It's neat.



It's fun to come to work.



Yeah. It's different

to come to work.



You don't know what's

going to be around.



They bring something different

in all the time.



Every morning you come in,

you wonder, "Well, what's

going to be on these walls



that wasn't here before?"



The uniform

I wouldn't do at first.



I told them no.

That wasn't possible for me.



Crosby: And you just--

How long did you hold out?



Uh, about--

Almost a year.



Almost a year before I was--

I was the last one to put it on.



What made you finally turn the corner?



He told me I had to.






She cried a few times.



He told me I had to.



We actually dress up

like this at home,



and we take turns being different

characters, and it helps our, um...



- Relationship. Yeah.

- Yeah, it does.



-Always going out with different people.

-Crosby: Really?



Yeah. I haven't done you yet

because I'm not tall enough,



so he usually puts a wig on.



He has to portray you.



And then I have to

be Data or Quark.



Yeah, Quark.

Sometimes Quark.



Crosby: And how do

the patients respond?



Most of them like it.



I think the Star Trek theme

in the dentist's office is great.



It takes your mind off

where you really are.



It's not like any other

dentist office I've ever been in,



that's for sure.



Denis: Most people,

even if they don't like Star Trek,



Iike the idea of it.



I've only had one person

who didn't like the idea,



but he wasn't happy about his bill

in the first place, so...



Denis: Good afternoon, Preston.

How you doing?



Hey, Denis. How are you?



Good to see you.

Come on back.



Let's go ahead

and get you going here.



Go ahead

and take a look here.



Number two, occlusal lingual.



Number   crown.



Denis, Voice-Over:

Shelley and I started in another office

at about the same time,



and Shelley started

as the front-desk receptionist.



After about a while,

she liked dentistry so much,



she decided she wanted

to maybe assist,



so I brought her back,

and I taught her to assist,



and, uh...we worked

very well together,



so we decided to make it

a bond for life,



and we're together now forever.



I'm dressed as a NASA astronaut



that was actually killed



that they investigated

the death of



in an episode called

"The Royale"



of The Next Generation--



Um, at least, that was

the original idea,



and then I kind of

moved on. Ha ha!



Kind of character-developed it

a little bit.



Instead of it being him,

it's his wife.



Ha ha ha!



So what is your interest

in Star Trek?



Mainly Brent--

Brent Spiner--



Lieutenant Commander Data



on The Next Generation,

as you well know.



Ha ha!

Yes, I know him well.



Now, you guys call yourself...



Spiner femmes.



- Spiner femmes.

- Yes.



Spiner femmes?

I like that.



It's good, isn't it?



Spiner femmes.

I think there's a series in that.



This is my Brent page.



When I find out

that somebody else



has discovered Brent

through my web page,



I feel really good about it.

I feel-- Yeah, it's another fan here.



Let other people outside

of the Star Trek universe



know who he is.

He's not just Data.



This is where I keep--

right down here--



I keep...



all the important




Got the videos,

T-shirts, mugs--



the important stuff.



If there's an earthquake, a fire,

I want this stuff to be intact.



This is my photo album.

These are more convention photos



and more convention photos



and even more convention

photos and...



Ha ha ha! It goes on for days.



These ones--

I always put them in



so they're all facing

the same order.



Once I get through with these,



then it switches to ones

this way.



Saves having to turn the photo album

every two minutes.



Palm Springs convention.

This is actually--



I took over     pictures

at the Palm Springs convention,



and when I got them back,



I took a picture

of all the pictures I took.



A lot of these are enlargements

of convention photos.



I had a calendar made up one year



for a couple of friends

for Christmas presents.



That's my back right there.



I gave him--

It was a Texas stamp they issued,



and they issued a sheet



that told about the background

of Texas and all that.



I ordered it

from the post office



and framed it for him

since he's from Texas.



Spiner: I don't get

much stuff anymore



because I've sort of let it be known

when I've done conventions and stuff



that it wasn't necessary and it wasn't

really a good idea because--



that the people should be spending

their money on me, you know? Ha ha!



I mean, I tried

to express that we do OK



and that they should really,

you know, save their money.



Woman: It's not about the money.

It gives me a good feeling.



I like to do that

for my friends, too.



If I can find

something unusual--



I like to get unusual gifts

for people.



After I'd lived here

about a year



and I found out

where Brent lived,



I realized I could just see--

I can't see his house,



but I can see the hill--



the top of the hill

that he lives at the bottom of



from the balcony,

and so when I'm stressed out,



I come out here sometimes

and just sit out here for a few minutes



to take what I call

a "Brent break"



and just kind of gaze

off in that direction



and daydream

for a little while.



Crosby: What are some

of your favorite things



that you like to do

at conventions?



Ever heard of filking?



No. Tell me what that is.




folk singing.



Uh, could you explain that?



Well, actually

I could give you an example.






Uh, episode of the original series

called "Space Seed,"



which was the launching

for the second movie,



The Wrath Of Khan.



There is a song.

The song is called Vow of Vengeance.



It's Khan's vow.



Let's-- Let's see.



 The summer sunlight 



 The howling at night 



 The blood of friends spilled 



 On the sand 



 I'll meet some quick death 



 She breathes her last breath 



 And dies as I cling to her hand 



 Mere mortals you be 



 The truth you can see 



 You think you have right but-- 




And you-- Wait, wait.



It's been a while

since I've sung it.



 You think-- 









An alliance

with the Borg?




More like an exchange.



If we teach the Borg how

to modify their own nanoprobes,



they'd have a blueprint to create

a weapon to fight the aliens.






When I am asked to go

to a hospital,



it's a specific boy,



and he's not going to be there



the next time I go

to that hospital,



and it means a great deal to him



that I be honest with him



in that hour that we share

together, you know?



That can change your life.



There's a woman

who's almost totally paralyzed,



and she was able

to just kind of



with the help

of an interpreter say,



"For the hour

that you are on"--



meaning Star Trek is on--



"l forget the body

that I am imprisoned in."



I got a fan letter

from a young lady.



It was a suicide note.



So l, uh-- I called her.



I said,

"Hey, this is Jimmy Doohan--



Scotty of Star Trek."



I said, "I'm doing

a convention in lndianapolis.



I want to see you there."



I saw her.

Boy, I'm telling you--blah.



I couldn't believe what I saw.



That was--

She was definitely suicidal.



You know...



somebody had to help her

somehow, you know,



and obviously

she wasn't going



to the right people,

you know.



Anyhow, I said to her--

I said, "I'm doing a convention



two weeks from now in St. Louis,



and two weeks from then

in something," you know,



and then eventually--

she also came to New York.



She was able to afford

to go to these places



and everything else, so, uh...



And then that went on

for   or   years...



maybe    times...



and all I did was talk

positive things to her,



and then all of a sudden--

Pfft! Nothing.



I didn't hear anything,



and I had no idea

what was happening to her



because I really never saved

her address, right?



  years later,

I get a letter...



saying, "l do want

to thank you so much



for what you did for me



because I just got

my master's degree



in electronic engineering."



You know, that's...



to me, the best thing

I've ever done in my life,



and it brings

tears to my eyes



every time I even talk

about the story.



Shatner: Over a period

of several years,



we've raised several

hundred thousand dollars



for these   charities.

This is what Star Trek does.



Star Trek is part entertainment

and part philosophy,



and this part of Star Trek

goes unnoticed



to most of the public.



I have a question.

Have you thought



about actually talking

to schoolteachers?



I'm a schoolteacher--

and talking to schools



and getting them

to talk to the kids about it?



- Can you help us organize that?

- Sure!




I teach kindergarten,



so sometimes it's a little hard

for them to grasp



the concept of racial diversity

and ethnic diversity,



so if you have a show

like Star Trek



that shows a bunch of different aliens



and a bunch

of different-colored people



and different types of people

all getting along,



it works wonderfully

to illustrate that point.



Star Trek has changed the way

that I teach science,



specifically space science.



By giving children

an immediate frame of reference



that they know of,

that they can get excited about,



it just inspires

their imagination.



This is something

we've been excited about



because it's carried on.



Having Kate Mulgrew portray

the captain on the Voyager...



They feel that it's the first time



that they can sit down as a family



and view a woman

in a leadership role



as a family without having to

carry on a conversation



about who's being victimized

or what does she stand for.



She is so obviously a woman

of authority and strength,



but she's not a witch

with a capital "B," you know?



She's-- She's just

a person in authority.



I get a great deal of mail

from women who say



that they watch Voyager

with their daughters



and how good it makes them feel



to be able to point

to the screen and say,



"See? You can be anything."



What do you want to do

when you grow up?



Be an astronaut.



Mae Carol Jemison--



first African-American

woman in space.



She flew on the shuttle--



became a scientist first

and then an astronaut



because she saw

Nichelle Nichols



on the original

Star Trek series



and said, "You know what?

That's for me."



There were two little girls



around   years old,

  years old,



when Star Trek

first came on,



and one of them told me

years later,



"l looked on that television

and I saw you.



I saw this black lady,



and I ran through the house




Come quick! Come quick!



There's a black lady

on television,



and she ain't no maid!"



Ha ha ha!



And she said,

"l knew right then and there



I could be anybody

I wanted to be.



I could be anything

I wanted to be."



And so she decided to be

a superstar.



Ha ha! And her name

is Whoopi Goldberg.



I'm Joyce Mason.



And I'm Evelyn de Biase.



And we host a radio show called

Talk Trek and Beyond.



The way it got started was,



we were on our lunch hour

one time at work,



and we thought

about Trek-- talking Trek.



You know, it's a lot of fun,

something we do a lot of,



so we decided it would be

a great radio show.



How do you do it?

Well, I called up



the directory assistance

on the phone,



and I asked for the telephone number

of a radio station,



and she asked me...



"Which one do you want?"



I didn't know,

so I said, "Pick one."



And she did.



She picked out

this radio station--KAV.



We packed up our things,

went over.



Two weeks later,

we were on the air.



First time.



That was   years ago,

and we're still on!



Ha ha ha! And it's been

a lot of fun.



We didn't have the foggiest idea

what we were doing that first night,




And we still don't. Ha ha!



Man:...a convention on the air.



[Fanfare Playing]



Evening, gentle beings.

How are you all doing tonight?



Welcome to Talk Trek and Beyond.

This is Joyce.



We're delighted

to be with you.



We're going to have

a good time tonight.



We have a very special guest

with us-- Denise Crosby.



Denise Crosby!

Yay! Woo-hoo!



Hey, guys,

are you ready?



I know that our listeners

are just dying to talk to you.



Hey, John in Portland, Oregon,

on line one.



Hey, Portland!



John: Yes, hi, you guys.

Hi, Denise.



Crosby: Hi, John.



One thing I'd like to say--

without "Skin of Evil,"



there could have been

no "Yesterday's Enterprise."



Right, exactly. There's some irony

in that, isn't there?



- Yes.

- I mean, I always felt I had to die



and get off the show

to get the best episode.



I love this-- being able to talk

to you like this



because when the show

originally aired,



my father passed away.



I'm sorry.



And the weird thing about it was,

the friends that were there--



a lot of them are Trek fans

and were around me at the time,



and we sat down

and watched that episode.



The strangest thing

about it was,



by the time it got to the end



and the holographic message

and the whole thing,



it actually helped me

a great deal,



and here I get

to thank you personally,



which I did appreciate it,

and I still do.



John, I'm really touched.



I think so many times

that people don't realize



just how important

a show can be.



It can destroy you, or it can--

as in a case like this--



give you

a tremendous amount of comfort.



Oh, yes, between the ending

and the holographic imaging



and the cloud

and everything,



it was just exactly

what I needed at the time.



John, I don't know how to say

thank you for that tonight--



for sharing that with us.



I thank you for Talk Trek.



You're welcome. Thank you

for being with us, my friend.



There's nothing like

a bunch of Trek people



getting together someplace



and just sitting and talking.



They'll go for    hours

or more, and--



And that's why it's called Talk Trek

rather than Trek Talk--



because it's not just a matter

of talking about Trek,



but rather it's a whole

universe within itself.



Just like people talk

French and talk German,



we talk Trek.



Crosby: So what does your bathtub

look like at the end of the day?



It looks very green.

Ha ha! Trust me on that.



Who is your favorite captain?



Have to be Captain Kirk.



Captain Picard.



I'm kind of a Kirk fan.



I like Kirk because

he was the first captain.



The original,

the prototype



for everything else

that came along afterwards.



Absolutely Kirk.



Captain Jean-Luc Picard.



- Picard.

- Picard.

- Picard.



Now, there's

a very handsome man.



There's a very handsome

man-- Captain Picard.



Who's your favorite captain?






Well, Data's not a captain.



No, I don't like

any captains.



Who's going to beat

Captain Kirk?



Come on! Come on!

He's a stud!



I can only say Janeway.



Janeway's a stud, too,

but-- Ha ha!



- Janeway.

- Janeway.



I'd probably say split

between Janeway and Kirk.






I like Avery Brooks, too,

but that's because he's cute.



Crosby: Who's your

favorite captain?



Ha ha ha! I am.



I couldn't pick

one captain over another.



The emissary!



The emissary

is different.



You must remember

the emissary.



He is most important,



but to place the others

above the emissary



would not be right.



When I got the job,

everybody said,



"Oh, the Trekkers,

the Trekkies."



Well, in fact,

they're very smart.



One has to be smart



to connect science

with the imagination.



That's what's

really interesting to me--



that a show could have fans

that span and bridge



every sort of




Stephen Hawking

and Mel Brooks



and, you know,

Dr. Marvin Minsky--



who's head of the robotics

department at M.I.T.--



or the Mercury astronauts.




these are lawyers.



These are people who just

really, really enjoy the program.



There's this preconceived notion

that they are



a peculiar bunch of people,

you know?



I don't think I've ever

met anyone--



Star Trek fan or not--

who wasn't peculiar.



I mean, we're all peculiar,

aren't we?



The word "fan" actually is

an abbreviated form of "fanatic,"



and there are some people

who fit that category,



who are the people

who really do need to get a life,



but most fans are pretty normal people

who have a hobby,



who have a sense

of the desire to escape,



and they know it's a show,



and nobody really gets lost

in it, but it's just fun.



Woman: We are the largest ship

in the San Diego area.



We do a lot

of community service.



We go and visit

abused children in hospitals,



and we work fairs,

and we're having



a miniature golf tournament

in two weeks, and--



Dressed as Klingons?






You play miniature golf

dressed as Klingons?



Yes, yes. We're going to donate

the money to charity.



My name is Marc Okrand,

and what I've done



is develop the Klingon language

for Star Trek.






Our only greeting translates

quite literally



to "What do you want?"



When they played

Klingon softball,



I never devised words

for "You're out," "You're safe,"



something like that,

so they had to improvise,



and the way they improvised is,



"You're dead," You're alive,"

which works just as well.



I like the way

Klingons believe--



their code of ethics

and honor.



What I've done is turn around

and tattooed the Klingon insignia.



It took me about

   /  hours of work



with a homemade pen

to get it inked in.



This is a Klingon

disrupter pistol.



Two basic settings.



This is the stun--

That's the stun setting.



Never have I heard it

been used in Star Trek.



Not only has Klingon been

spoken just in the movies,



it turns out that people like

to speak the language.



People like to learn

the language.



Man: The Klingon language camp

is something



that we've been having

for the last   years.



It's a summer program

for people to learn



the language and customs

of the culture.



- Tlhingan hol.

- Tlhingan hol.



Tlhingan hol dajatlh'a'?



Tlhingan hol dajatlh'a'?






How do you say




- Hoh!

- Hoh!



- Hoh!

- Hoh!



- Yihoh!

- Yihoh!



- Jihoh!

- Jihoh!



- Pehoh!

- Pehoh!



- Jihoh!

- Jihoh!



- Pehoh!

- Jihoh!



- Mahoh!

- Mahoh!



[Singing In Klingon]



They just came out with the first

full edition in Klingon of Hamlet.



They're working

on translating the Bible.



There's a team of scholars

doing this,



and they've translated

the theme song to Sesame Street,



the theme song

to Gilligan's lsland.



Klingons are really popular.



Klingons are

very popular. Ha ha!



It's an interesting

phenomenon. I mean--



You said that with

a straight face.



Klingons are popular

because they're fun.



Klingons allow us

as non-Klingons



to express a certain aspect

of our personality,



I think, that we're not

allowed to do in public.



Woman: I want to get



the, uh, sour cream

and chives potato.



Would you like cheese

on the Super Star or without?



Without cheese?

This combo?



OK, would you like that

supersized for    cents more?



It's got a large fries

and large drink.



$ .  .



  ! Pick up, please!




Have you ever served

a Klingon before?






- You've served Klingons before?

- Yes.



When I was   years old--

January of     --



I attended

my first convention,



and here is a picture

from it.



Man: One day I was at home,

and I get a phone call,



and Gabriel at the time

was   years old,



and the school calls me up

and says, "Would you please

come and pick up your son?"



I said, "Well, what's the matter?

Is he hurt or what?"



They said,

"No. He happens to be wearing



his Star Trek uniform



and his pointed Spock

ears and full makeup,



and I don't think this is



the right attire for him

to wear at school."



It's a Catholic--

It was a Catholic school, too.



They made me come and pick him up,

which I thought was pretty funny



and it took him years

before he really could comprehend



that he wasn't supposed

to go to school like that,



but that's the way life is

when you're   years old.



Yeah, I was supposed to be wearing

my plaid pants and tie.



- Another interesting thing that--

- [Telephone Rings]



Oh, for God's sakes!

I'll get that. I'll get that.






Peter, this is the worst time

you could have called!



Go away! OK, bye.



Ha ha ha!



Around this entire section here,



we have my collection



of autographed Star Trek

action figures,



and over here

I have the collection



of the   captains.



This Sisko here

might look a bit messy



because I shaved it

with an X-Acto knife



because of his new look

this season



and painted on a goatee

with model paint.



Over here I put up

somewhat of a chart



with my Datas

illustrating the evolution



of the uniforms

in the past few years.



We start out here with Data



in the first/second season

lycra jumpsuit,



which I heard caused

the male actors back problems;



then the third

through seventh season



two-piece uniform,



and then the Generations

jumpsuit version



and now the gray-shouldered

First Contact garbs,



which of course

I am wearing now.



Man: I normally

dress up as Data.



One lady thought that I was Data

and came up to me,



and she had her baby,

and she kept--she was like,



"Will you--Will you

touch my baby?"



I've been asked

to bless people...



One wanted me to sign

the interior of his car--



To marry people...



"Oh, wow! He touched my baby!

He touched my baby!"



Then she runs off

screaming in the halls.



One wanted me to help him

ease his way into death.



It was an odd request.



Maybe we should have told her

I wasn't Data. Ha ha!



 It's a beautiful day 



 Ooh, we'll fly away 



 It's a beautiful day... 



The Mark and Brian

radio program--   .  KLOS.



All right, now, there is a Star Trek

convention in town this weekend.



A lot of Trekkies are here.



They're coming from

all over the world.



In celebration

of that group of people in town,



we-- Mark and Brian-- now give you

the Star Trek theme.



[Playing Star Trek Theme Badly]



[Shrieking Star Trek Theme]



There we go.

I'm a little busy now.



All right, we'll take

a commercial break and return.



Crosby: Do you have

a favorite episode?



The original?



Well, of course,

the original--



The original? OK.



Oh, look here, mister.

See, he shouldn't even be in this.



He doesn't even dig Star Trek.



I like Star Trek!

I like it fine!



No! You're like, "Who are those guys

with the pointy ears?"



Star Trek's

a way of life, man.



It's a good way of life.

It teaches us all.



This background here

that you see was rendered by me.



It is the Nemesis station

from Star Station Nemesis,



the film project that our club

is working on at the moment.



This is the screenplay

in its computer form.



This program is

where it was written



and where all the modifications

were made.



This script is basically

the back story



that they've conceived

for the club.



Then I translated

the outline we wrote



into the    -page




What you're about to see here



are some of the fledgling

opticals I've created.



As you can see, there's

a considerable amount of detail



that went into it.



This is pan-up shot

that I did,



and as you can see,



there's a little flickering

around there



that I'm trying

to get rid of.



One thing that I've been

tinkering around with



is a Romulan armada shot.



I rendered this sequence

in two parts.



This is the logo

for the trailer



for the movie

that we're putting together



to show at not this coming

meeting, but the next one.



Woman: Gabriel and Travis,

our communications officer,



came up with the idea

to start making a movie for our club.



Gabriel designed some new uniforms

specifically for the movie.



[People Talking]



There's yours. Now...






They're still--

still in process.



Now you have to decide



which one you're going

to wear tomorrow.



Yeah. It will be

a tough choice.



Ha ha! Wow.



This costume is the uniform

that I've designed.



It came out of about

   conceptual sketches,



and this is

my favorite of them



from the film project

that I'm working on,



and it should be noted that this is

only a prototypical version,



and, uh...



The collar on the completed

version will be--



come to about here,

but it's--



She kind of cut short

the collar a bit,



and it will have

shoulder pads,



and it will be all wool.



This has some wool components

and some polyester components,



and overall I think

the first version looks nice.



I've got a friend of mine

that does custom tailoring,



so he does

all my uniforms for me.



I have a dress uniform.



I've got just, like,

a couple of the regular T-shirt tops



and things like that,

and this is one of the jumpsuits.



This is normal attire for me.



We don't feel like we look

any different than anyone else anymore,



because we've been

doing it for so long.



In fact, sometimes after work I'll

be leaving and I'll have my uniform on.



People will be staring

at me, and I'm like,



"What are they staring at me for?"

To me, it's just natural.



Man: I go out a lot of times

in the uniform,



and I find it

a pretty positive thing.



Sometimes I'll get people that--

they'll give me a smile,



they'll say something or give me

a Star Trek Vulcan salute.



I've never had a negative

experience, and I enjoy it.



On a couple of occasions,

I've had people ask me



something about, "Well, how long

are you going to do this?"



Or "Why do you do all this?

Don't you have a life for real?"



And this is part

of my life for real.



Hi, Steve.



How you doing?



All right.

How are you today?



- All right.

- Good.



As long as I'm able to do it,

I'm going to do it.



Doesn't hurt anybody,

makes a lot of people feel good,



and I think that's

sort of the point of things.



Gabriel: I'm going inside now

to some of my favorite stores



to search for new

Star Trek memorabilia,



hard-to-get action figures,

and the like.



You know, I spend around

maybe    -    bucks a year



on Star Trek merchandise,

but if I could, I'd spend



a lot more--

about--way over     .



The reality is Star Trek fans



devote more time,

energy, and finance



to their object of affection



than any other group

of people in the world.



I am a die-hard

Star Trek fan,



and I'm going

all over the country



trying to get

everything I can,



before I die, of Star Trek.



This is the Data




the red Playmates doll--



the one that's very rare

and valuable,



and I got it for $  

at a convention,



and now they're going

for $    $    which--



Not that I'll ever sell mine.

It's not for sale!



These dolls and things

all have numbers on their feet,



and they look for

the lowest number.



I'm about to do a valuable trade

for these two figures



from the Huntsville, Alabama,




that go for

about     bucks apiece



because they were limited

to only      



for the equally rare

Thomas Riker figure



because I'm getting

the better end of the deal



because the production number

was a bit lower



and goes

for considerably more



on the secondary market

than this set.



There you go.

These are from Huntsville.



Huntsville-- That's the only place

you can get these, huh?



And some were numbered over      

but that was a mistake.



They used parts

from another figure.



Ah! Interesting.

Thank you.



Those were actually the legs

from "The Cage" Spocks.



How do you know all that?



I'm on the internet.



Ha ha!

I'm keeping those for myself.



Man: My folks used to get really mad

because I'd just talk about it



and talk about it

and talk about it all the time,



Ioving all the wonderful

Star Trek stuff,



and here am I now,    years old,



and I still collect all these things,

and I love it just as much.



The super phaser

target game--



This was pretty hip

for the early seventies.



Star Trek: The Motion Picture--

the pop-up book.



These were the hottest thing

when I was a kid.



Taco Bell was running

this special,



and these are Star Trek

     drinking glasses,



and in      they came out

with Star Trek V,



and they had this special offer

where you could send



for your futuristic

marshmallow dispenser.



So I went ahead,

and I sent for this thing,



and here we go.

It's still intact.



It's, like, mint in a bag.



All this stuff has, like,

overtaken my house in such a big way.



One of my goals is to actually build,

like, a great big shelf



where I could actually

display it.



That would be

kind of neat.



Woman: When we first started

doing the Star Trek cruises,



the fans came because they wanted

to have quality time with the stars.



Each fan has their picture taken

with all of the stars



and Star Trek guest celebrities

around them.



- Crosby: Tell me about the passport.

- It looks like a U.S. passport,



but obviously it says

United Federation of Planets,



and we filled it out.



It's sort of a thing you pick up

at the conventions.



I went to Honduras and Belize,

and they just stamped me in.



In fact, I even have one...






U.S. Immigration.




they stamped me in.



Man: Coming is Jimmy Doohan's--

Scotty's director's chair.



My wife is flying in

with that today, and--



And that will be for sale?



Y es. That's for sale.

Here's the sign. We have the sign,

but we don't have the chair.



- And that's worth what?

- $   .

- Wow.



I don't know

if it's worth that.



We put a price on it.

We hope it's worth that.



I don't know. It's hard to put a price

on something like that, though, really.



It's probably worth

a million dollars.



Whatever you collect, you can

usually find it at conventions.



At a typical convention, you'll find

a plethora of dealer tables



selling a variety

of Star Trek merchandise.



Over here we have some

gorgeous cardboard stand-ups.



I really must pick up

one of these.



A nice collection

of the various novels.



And there is a set of the figures

right there I just traded.



Star Trek ship diagrams

and blueprints,



Star Trek- related




Star Trek- related jewelry,



and Star Trek

uniform adornments,



Star Trek software,



plates, CDs, lithographs,

calendars, phasers,



a good deal of the model kits.



I always love buying

and building the model kits.



I've just been putting

the finishing touches



on Voyager here.



Of course, the Nacelles fold,



as you see on the series.



One little problem here

is this is coming apart there.



I don't think the Voyager is supposed

to have saucer sep capability.



I became a dealer because

when I was younger,



I read a few too many

Conan books,



and I started to get interested

in swords and armor



and learned how to make armor



and got interested

in weaponries.



And then we went to gun shows, and we

used to carry the armor on the table.



Then in about      they came out with

the   th anniversary Star Trek cards,



and I got all excited and went down

and bought a few too many boxes



and broke them all for sets,



and I got my sets, and then

I had all these sets left over.



So we took them to the gun show,

and I put them next to the armor,



and then all of them




And then they started asking me

for one of these and one of those.



And the armor started moving farther

and farther off the edge of the table,



and now it's on the floor,



and these and those have

taken over everything.



I'm working now with a company

that is doing cookie jars.



They're   th anniversary

Star Trek cookie jars.



I've collected     autographs

in about   years--



of the Star Trek characters.



This is going to be

kind of like Christmas,



ripping open

all these packages and stuff.



She just got me

hooked on the cards.



I've just become addicted.



I told you, all you have to do

is buy one pack.



You just buy one pack,

and you're automatically addicted.



I've been in printing

now for    years.



I work in the bindery department.



Woman: A lot of people

do think she's strange,



and they'll say, "What kind

of person is she really?"



And honestly, she's very

well-educated and intelligent.



She takes her job responsibilities

very seriously.



She's a good worker.



But I think a lot of people think

she's not very intelligent,



whereas, really, she is.



Man: Bobby is

a little bit eccentric,



but it's a good quality

kind of eccentricity.



The customers do think it's

a little bit strange sometimes,

but they get a kick out of it.



Everyone's got their quirks,



and we just

work around and with those.



When I first came

into the shop,



I was going around meeting everyone

and getting names,



and I got to Bobby, and they said,

"This is the commander."



Commander, do we have enough

of that   -pound rich gloss

for Tippen's calendar?



Going to be about   . OK.



Y eah.



Thank you.



Man: Commander.



Y es? Which job is that?



Woman: When she first came to work here

and I called her "girlfriend,"



she made some comment that

she didn't really like that,



and I said, "What would you

prefer I call you?"



I said, "My rank is commander.

I'm a lieutenant commander."



She said, "Oh! Commander.

That's what I'll call you."



When I asked her why,



she started telling me all about this

Star Trek that she was into big time,



and she was commander

of some spaceship here locally.



Crosby: Did she explain what

these things were that she was wearing?



Woman: Y es,

but don't ask me what they are.



One's a phaser,

and it beams her up,



and the other's

something else.



I've never gotten any negative

response from it,



and some of our customers, especially

since the trial, I think recognize me,



but they don't usually

say anything.



Has it encouraged you

to watch Star Trek some more?



Actually, yes.

I seldom ever watch Star Trek.



Only because you want

to understand what I'm talking about.



Yeah. Some of it.



And I'm really not a Star Trek fan,

but I get into it



because she's into it.



In my favorite fan letter,

I received--



I opened it up, and there was

a marijuana cigarette



glued to a piece of cardboard



and a photo of a very

delightful-looking young girl.



And she said, "You have

turned me on so many times,



I thought I would return

the favor."



I kept that one.



I've saved some pretty great stuff

the fans have sent me.



These are ink drawings--



Chekov, Captain Picard,



Saavik, Dr. Crusher.



A woman named Jean Kluge,



she drew me in a kind of

Davy Crockett motif.



This is from Blowing Rock,

North Carolina.



Tasha and Sela together again.



This is a kind of



King Arthur- Knights

of the Round Table motif.



Sela, looking tough.



A lot of times,

kids send me things.



Nice lucite box

they sent it to me in.



This is Tasha

done in needlepoint.



It is, I think, my favorite.



This is a very imaginative pose.



At first, I've got to tell you,

I was actually shocked,



and then I kind of really

have grown to appreciate it.



Spiner: What was weird to me

when I saw the first one



was not just how they got

my naked body perfect--



I mean, it was just

a perfect rendition--



but yours was almost specific.

I mean, it--



[Crosby Giggling]



Are you filming?



Star Trek is unique in that

we are the only television show



that has an open-script

submission policy.



We will take scripts

from anyone in the world.



I once had a fan come in dressed

in a Starfleet uniform,



who was calling himself

Ensign Jones,



and all of his stories,

of course, had to do with



Ensign Jones taking control

of the Enterprise,



or Ensign Jones goes

to the Klingon home world,



or, you know, stuff like that--



Ensign Jones

travels through time.



I write in the original

Trek genre,



involving the characters

of Kirk and Spock.



I write slash

that appears on the internet.



You're talking

about the K/S zines.



The Kirk/Spock fetish groups.



The term means one character

with another, like Kirk "slash" Spock.



We thought that either Gene or

the studio would put a stop to it,



but the studio never really

seemed to care



because we're talking

very small circulations.



We're all very normal ladies--

mostly housewives.



Who want to read sexual

stories about Kirk and Spock



but don't want to see them

with other women.



The mailing list I'm on

is completely anonymous.



Why is it important

that your identity not be revealed?



Because of the controversial nature.



We're living in a culture

that isn't as progressive,



so it's important

to avoid censure.



I write The Secret Logs

of Mistress Janeway.



This is a story

about Mistress Janeway



and how she ties up Ensign Kim



and beats Tuvok

with a riding crop.



That was rather interesting.



A fan made this.



He sculpted out of

an X-Men figure, repainted it--



complete with a whip,

cat-o'-nine-tails, handcuffs.



Man: Another fan wrote

a Klingon sex manual.



"There's no such thing

as safe sex in Klingon,



how to tell if your daughter

is seeing a Klingon,



meeting your Klingon,

initiating the mating ritual."



Worf and I went up,

and I pushed him,



he pushed me back.

We started wrestling.



And it's understood that

that is part of the Klingon culture.



The female pushing a man

or slapping a man is considered like,



"Hey, I want to go out with you.

I find you attractive."






I don't have it with me

anymore-- I threw it away--



but they had made from latex

a Klingon condom.



It was ridged.

It had like big ridges and stuff.



There are now thousands

of K/S zines out there.



It's way too late to stop it.



My name is Daryl Frazetti,

this is Bones,



and we've gone to about a dozen

Star Trek conventions together.



I do that with him



mainly because he enters

the costume contests,



and it's something fun

for both of us to do together.



We have a lot of fun doing it

with the people we meet.



He's got his little med kit

right here--his props.



this is the original

Trek scrub top,



and this is the science insignia



and his DeForest Kelley pin

that he always wears for luck.



We're probably bigger

classic Trek fans



than any of the other shows,



and DeForest Kelley happens

to be our favorite actor.



He will sit there

and watch television.



Some cats will sit there

and watch television.



Some of them actually

even respond to the phasers



or some of the ships

going by on the screen, as well.



We're here for this convention,



and we're old friends



who met because of Star Trek,



and we're having

a   -year reunion.



First time we've been together--

the   of us-- in    years.



We're so divergent in personality,

in backgrounds,



in our family styles

and everything,



and yet, we have

this common thread of Star Trek,



which keeps us together.



Remember when-- the first

convention we went to,



we'd forgotten what it was like.



And we were at the convention,

and we were all accepted.



And when we left and we went back home,

we had to act normal again.






I think if there's one thing

in this world



that I will take to my grave

with me forever is the fans.



They are so loving, and they are

so warm, and they are so tender,



and if you go someplace,

like into a convention,



and you don't have

any friends there,



you don't know anybody there,



you really do

because they're all thinking--



somewhere along the line,

they're thinking like you are.



My family thinks

I'm the odd one of the family.



They think I'm totally weird,

but I found this club,



and I found out

I'm not the only one,



so I guess I'm not so weird

after all.



It's really great

to go to a convention,



and it's like a family reunion.



My wife is here,



and she and I met, actually,

in a Star Trek club.



I know a lot of people from around

the state that I would have never met



unless I joined this club.



So it's meeting people.

It's about people.



What we do is we usually

set up a recruiting table



so that we can get new members

to join the organization.



Recruitment happens

every waking moment.



Every time you see one of us



either in uniform

or out on the street,



if our mouth is open and breath

comes forth, we're recruiting.



Woman: We belong to two

international fan clubs--



the United Federation

of Planets lnternational



and the Romulan Star Empire.



I am Linda Thuringer.

I am the captain,



and my Romulan name

is Efa Tilavet,



and I am the commander of the Praetorian

Guard for the Romulan Star Empire.



Steve Menaugh.



I'm the first officer, and my

Romulan name is Menhaltra Laheron,



and I'm the subcommander

of the Praetorian Guard.



I am the security chief

for the Nemesis station,



and I'm also a member

of Romulan Star Empire.



My name is Terry Stenoe.



I'm the chief medical officer

on the Nemesis station.



Woman: I thought at first that

I was a little afraid to come

to my first meeting,



But it was just a lot of fun.



But the thing is about

this group is that it is unique.



I think people are really

educated that are in this group.



They know a lot about science,



they know a lot about

what's going on in the world,



and it's neat

to be with people like that.



I think it's really fun

because you can--



because it's the only place

that I can think of



that you can goof off,



and grownups goof off

the same way



and about the same




Are you a Trekkie?






How do you say "Trekkie"?



Lengwi' is a Trekkie.




Lengwi' jih

means "I'm a Trekkie."



"I'm a traveler" is really

what that means, but close enough.



Are you a Trekkie?



Yeah, I'd say I am.



I am a Trekkie.



Not card-carrying.



I'm not the kind that wears

uniforms all the time.



He is a card-carrying Trekkie.



He has a credit card



that says Star Trek on it.



At times, I'm a Trekkie,

and other times, I'm a Trekker.



Every serious fan

considers themself a Trekker.



Trekkie versus Trekker.



I don't even know

what that is.



It's a generational-type thing.



The Trekkie is the-- either saw

old Star Trek when it first came out



or started in with the reruns

early in the seventies.



The Trekker is primarily someone who

started in with Next Generation or lV.



Trekkers seem to be,

like, snobs.



"I'm not a Trekkie,

I'm a Trekker."



"Trekker" sounds a little pretentious,

but at least it's preferable.



A Trekker is, in fact,

a star-trekker.



They are walking with us, right?



The Trekker is motivated.

The Trekker is in motion.



The Trekkie is a sort of

neutral, benign, harmless viewer



who just wants to watch.



I am a Trekkie.



Actually, we're called Trekkens,

but, yeah, I am a Trekkie.



Are we going to take a trek?



We're not a couple

of Trekkies, right?



Then we're watching the trek.



But the Trekker, then,

is coming with us.



Denis: A Trekker is

somebody who enjoys Star Trek.



They probably have

a small collection at home.



They're really into it,

they go to Star Trek conventions,



and sometimes they'll dress up

and things like that.



A Trekkie, they live their life

according to Star Trek laws.



I myself prefer "Trekker,"



but I'm not quite

as adamant about it



as some of the other

fans out there.



I don't really like

the Trekkie/Trekker labels



because there's so much negative

connotations associated with that.



You say, "I'm a Trekker,"



and then people just start making

all the rude comments, et cetera,



so I'd rather be known

as a Spiner femme.



I usually just refer to myself

as a Star Trek fan



and just forget about this whole

Trekkie/Trekker debacle.



I met William Shatner the first time

on the Tonight Show.



I was fortunate enough to get

the name of the casting director,



and I sent her a package

and found out



that within a couple weeks

after I sent that package



that he was due to be a guest.



They wanted me to come on

and do a quick spot with him,



which we did,

and it was great fun.



he was a perfect

gentleman to me.



My name is James Kirk.



I changed my name because

ever since I was little,



I always wanted to change my name to

something I would enjoy, I would like,



something more befitting

my character.



I've had a lot of ridicule,

but I've had a lot of positive.



A lot of people go, "l wish I had

the guts to do something like that



or change it to something

I would be pleased with."



I go, "You can. You can do

anything you want in life."



I am with the starship Riverside

from Riverside, lowa.



It's a small town that's become

famous because in the movies,



Kirk actually

says he's from lowa.



About approximately

   years ago,



Riverside proclaimed the right

to be the future birthplace



of Captain James T. Kirk,



and so far, it's been a big boon



to the town.



We have our Star Trek fest



the last Saturday of every June.



We get anywhere from     

to maybe      people to town.



We have a parade, a carnival,



a contest.



It's just really a boon

to the town.



[Applause And Cheering]



Jimmy, my boy, Jimmy!



Happy birthday!



Man: We've been having

this party now for years.



It seems like every year,

it gets to be a little bit more fun



and a couple more people come.



You know, it started off small,



and now the younger

people are coming,



and this year, we had a girl

come and everything,



so, you know, I just foresee it

going on and on.



Man: It's just kind of a fun

bonding thing we do out here.



Every year, I whip up my

world-famous Romulan concoction.



I won't reveal the ingredients.



Man: You know, I like the Vulcan.

The Vulcan's a very logical person.



That's why I like Spock,

and he's very logical,



and with the conventions that we go to,

there's a lot of Klingons.



And being a Vulcan, it's kind of nice

to kind of stand out in that way,



and, you know, the Vulcans are obviously

a lot smarter than the Klingons as well.



Man: I drove down

from Calgary today



to take a look

at the starship Enterprise,



The model that we have here

in Vulcan, Alberta.



I'm really impressed with

the beautiful job they've done on it,



and I think it's really great

that here in Canada,



the town of Vulcan has adopted



the Star Trek theme.



Man: We really enjoy

having people



from all over the world to talk with and

share with us their stories of Star Trek



and the things that

they've been involved with.



Woman: I'm visiting Vulcan today

because of the Star Trek convention.




it's a Vulcan community.



My heroes are Spock and Tuvok

and Spock's father.



Man: Some people have fake

or phony Spock ears,



but I have the real thing.



It's been a--as you can imagine,

   years of amazing experiences,



one after another.



I was at a party once many years ago

that Paramount was giving,



a big promotional party

for a number of their movies,



and all of the stars of these various

films were there, and I was invited.



The place was packed with

people, and it was in New Y ork,



and I felt a pair of hands

on my shoulder.



And, um...somebody

whispered into my ear and said,



"l recognize you.



You had your ears fixed."



And it was John Wayne.



Everybody was doing ear jokes

in those days.



I got a kick out of that.

It was fun.



There is a great deal

of my personality



that is Mr. Spock.



I try to function on logic

and intelligence



and not get carried away

with emotion.



I do consider myself,

as I say, half Vulcan.



I did draw the line, though,



at having my ears

surgically altered to points.



It was just too expensive.



But I'll tell you

the real truth.






If I had the money,

I would do it.



I don't march

to the regular drummer.



You would go through the pain

of having your ears surgically altered?



Yeah. I really would.



And it's not so much...



Yeah. I really would.



I like to be different,



and this is a unique way

of being different,



and it's a noninvasive,



nonharmful way

of being different.



And even if I have

pointed ears,



I can still function in the world

in whatever I do.



It just makes me

that much more different,



and I would think

in a positive way.



But I don't think I'll be out,

you know, getting it tomorrow.



I would hope

he couldn't find a doctor



who'd be willing

to do that, personally.



This is Computer.



This is-- Hi, Computer.



This is my dog.



All the stuff that Star Trek

predicted is all coming true.



The talking computers--

I mean, computers are better now



than they were

in the original series.



There are people that are intrigued by

the speculative technology on Star Trek.



You know, my buddies would have

Cheryl Tiegs, Freddie Mercury,



Farrah Fawcett posters

in their bedroom.



I had the blueprints

for the Enterprise.



I started to build this--Nomad.



This is from the episode

"The Changeling,"



where the--it's going to--



The computer robot is going to

sterilize the Enterprise and destroy it.



One of my other projects

is the Romulan cloaking device.



I've started it here,

as you can see.



This is the main

power generator unit.



This is the--the round part here



of the actual cloaking device,



and I think I can modify it just like

they did in "The Enterprise lncident."



I can modify it for use

on a Federation ship.



I mean, I've built

a lot of stuff, you know,



Iike a communicator, phaser.



The best one, the one

that's the coolest,



is the chair that Captain Pike

was in after he was crippled



from radiation burns.



This is Captain Pike's total

life support unit, as you can see.



It encompasses the entire body

except for the head,



and it supports life and takes him

wherever he needs to go.



The beautiful simplicity

of the way it works



is that you can ask him

a yes or no question,



kind of like a binary computer,



and for yes, it's one blink,



and for no, it's two blinks.



So if you ask me any question,

I can just answer with a yes or a...



no, just like that.



It's motorized,

so I drive it around.



I drive it in parades and stuff.



Hi. Is Craig around?



I think he set aside some

stuff for me, some parts--



an H.P.   -volt unit

and some transistors and a relay.



I talked to Craig

about my Nomad project,



and he, um, he said I could

maybe use the  .  ohm resistors



or the    s.



Do you think I could get away

with it with the    s?



For my next project, I'm going

to build a dilithium chamber



after I'm done with Nomad,



and I'm going to build

some antigravs, too, after that.



Maybe an M-  computer.



And I'm going to connect

my house with Jefferies tubes.



I got a lot of projects, like,

down the road to do, to build.



Star Trek, I think, has had

a lot of impact on the future.



I mean, we have

cellular flip phones.



They have nuclear-powered

rocket engines already that will

I'm sure take us to Mars,



and basically, all

science fiction now is true.



Star Trek has always been

a real fun part of my life.



As a matter of fact, it was

one of the big motivators for me

going to the Air Force Academy.



It encouraged me

to go out and study,



and being that Star Trek

took place in space,



it turned my interest towards

things of a space nature,



such as astronomy

and astrophysics.



As a result, I got both my bachelor's

and my master's in astronomy,



and I now work as a data analyst

for the Hubble Space Telescope

Science lnstitute.



I really liked Spock's mind,

his logical mind,



and that pushed me

into a logical field.



Or at least, it helped push me

into a logical field,



which is computer science.



It's unbelievable.




Oh, absolutely.



It has had

such an effect,



just from an educational

angle alone.



Oh, it's--it's affected,

I mean, all of us.



All the actors have

received so much mail.



I get a lot of mail

from parents who tell me,



"We really appreciate

what you did



because you provided a positive

role model for our son."



I very much support the future

that Gene projected



as far as

an elimination of hunger



and elimination of poverty.



I think that Star Trek has

a really, really neat message.



The whole infinite diversity

in infinite combinations



is something that's very

attractive to all of us,



and it's something that I wish

the world would grasp onto



as beautifully as

the Star Trek fans have.



People of all races, religions,

political backgrounds,



sizes, shapes, et cetera,



are all absolutely equal

at a convention,



and nobody is ostracized

because they're different.



I think that attracts

a lot of people



because elsewhere

in their lives,



they don't have

that kind of freedom.



Well, this weekend

was great



because I got to

go to the convention



and pick up some great stuff

at the dealer tables



and meet some of my favorite cast

members from the series



and get their

signature and...



Talking to them,

shaking their hand



is just the most wonderful thing

you can ever imagine.



Well, I also got to meet



a lot of other fans

very similar to myself,



and, uh, they're great,

gorgeous people



who really know how

to place Star Trek



in the proper context

with the rest of their lives,



and that's a unique

gift for fans.



I met a very

wonderfully talented lady



who was a political cartoonist,



an English lady named Sue Coe.



But when she saw Star Trek...



it gave her a vision,



not of a world, necessarily,

that she could live in,



but it gave her a vision that--

it gave her an understanding



that there were people who

were thinking those thoughts,



the people who were

making the show.



The reason most of the people

I know like Star Trek



is it expresses issues that

can't normally be expressed



in today's society without

somebody coming down on you



or looking at you funny

or hauling you off.



My father grew up

in, um, in the Nazi era.



He was in Poland

when it was taken over,



and because he was a German citizen, or

considered German, they were protected.



When they came

to the United States,



he came to realize that the principles

that he grew up with were wrong,



and when we watched Star Trek,

he would tell me,



"The things that they're doing there

is the right thing to think."



The right things, you know, like

treating people like they're equals



and treating people

with respect.



I would love to believe that

everybody can get along in the future.



We struck a note, a chord,

with the youth of this country,



and particularly those who came back

from Vietnam and the hippies.



Plus the fact it came

at a very turbulent time



when the future

of society, the planet,



everything was up for grabs.



Nobody knew where we were going.



For the first time,

people--on television,



people saw themselves...



men and women, as equals.



I think I like the hope

and the chances it gives people.



Especially gay men

and lesbian women,



they're living in a world

and a society that's not accepting.



There's a dream that

one day down the road,



there will be acceptance.



I think Gene Roddenberry,

at that time,



offered a vision of hope

and that we would have a future.



Not only did we not annihilate

ourselves on this planet,



but we are going forth.



What progress!



With a sense of adventure.



Gene said not only

there is going to be a tomorrow,



but it's going to be a better,

kinder, more gentle world tomorrow.



And he liked to talk about

the things that bug us today,

which was back in the sixties,



and put them in some kind

of a disguised form



because of course, the network

would never let us talk about



things that were political

or war or stuff like this.



We couldn't mention

the black/white problem,



so you know what happened--



We painted Frank Gorshin

half-black and half-white



and his adversary was half-white

and half-black.



We set them at each other,

and it looked so ridiculous up on screen



that everybody had to look at it

and say, "Hey, we get this."



I think this is going to be

my basic prediction here,



that Star Trek will become

the blueprint for the   st century.



The philosophy, the ideals,

the prime directive--



they're all going to be a genetic map

for a better future,



a better tomorrow,

for better mankind.



My feeling is that

we've had a great time.



We've had    years.

There have been tribulations and trials



as well as triumphs,



but, you know, the consensus

is of a very positive nature.



I don't want to be

one of those people



who's still talking about it




Well, it is. It's    years

after the fact.



God almighty.

I am one of those people!



Oh, my God! No!



We would do these conventions.

We'd say,



"Well, it will probably last another

couple of years and that'll be it,"



you know.



   years later, we're saying,

"Well, it'll probably last

another couple of years."



   years later, we're saying, "Good God,

it's going to go on forever."



I don't think that

it will ever die.



I don't think that something

like that can ever die.



You've got a phenomenon. After all,

this is our   th century mythology.



That's big.



I don't know.

I hope it lasts forever.



It's a good thing.

It's--It's, um...



As long as it's thoughtful,

it's a good thing.



And remember,

live long and prosper.



Man: Good night,




Good night, all.

God bless.



I want to thank all of you

for my stamp,



And I want you to know

I'm a Trekkie, too.



I love Star Trek,

and all I can say is this...



 Glory, glory, hallelujah 



 Star Trek's truth

is marching on 



 lts truth is marching 



Ladies and gentlemen,

live long and prosper.









Thank you. Hah!



Thank you.



I am a big Star Trek fan



and got beat up most of my life

for being a Star Trek fan,



usually by sports fans,

which I think is ironic, 'cause, um...



someone that's, like,

really into football



will wear the uniform

of the game, a jersey,



and walk around town,

and that's fine.



Yet if I put on my Klingon uniform

and go to Safeway,



I'm a big f--king geek,

you know.



"Excuse me. These yams

have no honor."



I love their motto-- We boldly go

where no man has gone before.



But when they get there,

there's someone waiting for them.



James Kirk as an archaeologist.






You know, there's supposed to be

this prime directive,



you don't tamper with cultures

because you're so advanced.



When you land on their planet, you don't

mess with any of their beliefs.



You just get that one thing

you need and you beam out.



He didn't pay attention

to that at all, man.



He would just burst into their

hallway, "Your bible is a lie!



Everything you believe is wrong.

Run! Freak out!



I'm the bloated God-being

from the sky."



They've always got one minority

that gets beamed down

that don't come back up.



It's like, "OK. Jim, Spock,

Bones, Scotty...



and Rodriguez."



Rodriguez is dead.



When they get down there, Jim goes,

"Rodriguez, check behind that rock.



Regular cast, stand over here...



'cause there's a brain-sucking

plant behind the rock."



We want Rodriguez to say,

"Hey, Jim, you check behind that rock.



I lost two cousins

on this show last season."



Remember the old one with the   brains

in the jars with the gambling problem?



Remember that? "l bet     quatloos

on the newcomer."



"Where are you from?"




"What's the spread

on the UCLA game?



Got a lot of quatloos on that."



One day you'll have Klingon comics.



Worf as a comic.



[Deep Voice]

"Thank you.



It's a pleasure to be here

at the first ice house on Klingon.



Remember when you were in school,



and your teacher would anger you,



forcing you to kill him?"






"My father would be so proud of me,



he'd hold my hands

in the flames of Roqah."



"Scotty! How are the engines?



And don't use a metaphor."



"Aye, sir. The circuit board

is cross-wired



Iike a Christmas tree

on the Fourth of July."



"No, Scotty!



The engines, Scotty.

How are the engines?"



"Aye. They're overheated, sir,

like a supernova in the middle of August



with the windows closed."

"No, Scotty, no metaphors!"



"Can I use a simile, sir?"




"An allegory?"




"Can I tell an anecdote?"

"The Klingons are here!"



Weinhold: Remember Wesley,

the little kid?



   years old,

he's never kissed anyone.



There's a holodeck

on the ship.



Now...if I had a holodeck...



when I was   



I never would have

left the thing.



They'd have to send

Captain Picard looking for me.



"Where's Weinhold?"

"He's in Holodeck One."



The doors open up,

I'm climbing out of a giant --.






"It's time you saw

Counselor Troi."



"This is Counselor Troi!"


Special help by SergeiK