Tuck Everlasting Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Tuck Everlasting script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Alexis Bledel and Jonathan Jackson movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Tuck Everlasting. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Tuck Everlasting Script



For some, time passes slowly. 



An hour can seem an eternity. 



For others, 

there's never enough. 



For the Tucks, it didn't exist. 



Time is like a wheel... 



turning and turning, 

never stopping



and the woods are the center, 

the hub of the wheel. 



It began the first week

of summer



a strange and breathless time, 

when accident, or fate



bring lives together



when people are led

to do things



they've never done before. 



On this summer's day, 

not so very long ago



the wheel set lives in motion

in mysterious ways. 



It set Mae Tuck out

in her wagon



for the village of Treegap



to meet her two sons as she did

once every ten years. 















Oh, I missed you.



What are you doing here?



Oh, I couldn't wait to see you.



I missed you, Jesse.



Oh, wait,

I got something for you.



Oh, look at you.



I got something.



Here, look.



The Eiffel Tower.



Would you look at that.



Got it in Paris, France.



Oh, Mom,

you've never seen anything



- So tall in your life.

- Hello...



Oh, I got something else.

I got something else.



How are you, old friend?



Your favorite... chocolates.



Oh, I've died

and gone to Heaven.



Oh, Jesse.









Give your mother a hug.



Ten years.



You're as cozy as barbed wire.



I have you back.









Yes, Mother?



I need a new name.



One that's not all worn out

from being called so much.



Come inside this instant.



You're getting filthy!



Ow! I can scarcely breathe.



"You must suffer

to be beautiful."



So say the French.



The French are crazy.



For Winnie Foster

one thing was true: 



the heat of summer was not

nearly as stifling



as the formality of her life. 



With every passing day



the feeling grew stronger. 



She was coming closer

to the end of something



and moving towards

the beginning of something new. 



Change was in the air. 



It was only a question of when. 



Wait for me in the car.



I won't be a minute.



In the car, Mrs. Foster.



Throw it home! Throw it home!



Come on, throw it home!



- Go!

- Run to me!






No, no, no, no, no.



Too large for tea cakes.



None of these will do.



I prefer petit fours.



What kind of a funny hat

is that?



Well, look'ee here.



If it's not Miss Moneybags

in her fancy car.



What's the matter?



Don't want

to get your feet dirty?



Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Foster.



Not much call

for such treats out here.



Well, I could just make them up

for you, special.



Winnie Foster?



You've got to be kidding!






Winnie, run!



Run, Winnie, run!



Throw it! Throw it!



Throw it home! Come on!



Slide, Winnie, slide!






Oh, and they had

their arms crossed



and you see, the lines

were perfectly square.



Come here, come here.



I want to teach you. Come on.



Oh, all the way from France.



How about that?



Oh, look. Look-Look at this one.



I want to see, Pop. Let me see.



Look it.



Oh! Aah, he shot me!



Oh, I'm dead!



Oh, oh, my!



- Oh, my!



Oh, you'll have to see this one.



Miles, look at this!



Oh... let's see.



Okay, come here,

I want to show you.



I want to show you.



All right.



Good to have you home, son.



I'm glad to see you.



And the family together.



But don't get used to it.



War's coming, I hear.



I'm joining up.



I'm going to fight the Huns.



Get as far away

from this place as I can.



Oh, you think

that'll solve things, do you?



You haven't had enough killing

for two lifetimes?



Somebody's on to us.



I know it.



There's a man who's been

following us



and we've lost him

several times, but... 



he keeps coming back. 



I think he knows something. 



This man...






- Whoo!



We're being tracked.



Oh, Miles, we lost him.



Don't go spoiling everything.



Yeah, we lost him, Jess...



but he keeps coming back.



It was only a matter of time

before someone found us.



The world is closing in.



Entire forest is almost gone.



All except this little wood.



I saw tire marks down

on the lower wash...



a few weeks ago.



There'll be more.



I don't want anyone going

to town.



Not for anything,

and that's that.






You see any strangers

in the woods getting too close



you know what to do.



No exceptions.



Our time here is almost done.



I can feel it.



You'll never catch one that way.



Do you know

about catching fireflies?



Afraid not, never tried.



I prefer... bigger game.



Though I suspect the strategy



is much the same.






One must never announce

one's presence to the prey.



One must become part

of the scenery...






almost disappear.



And be patient



until the exact, right moment






Take a prisoner.



For you?



No, thank you.



You're quite right.



A girl of your age

should find...



trapping suitors

more interesting



than trapping insects, anyway.



Far easier, I might add.



Have you lived here long?



Forever. Why?



I'm... looking

for some old friends



who live hereabouts.



Thought you might

help me find them.



My father

practically built Treegap.



He knows everyone.



Perhaps he can help you.






I quite like talking to you.






Winifred, who are you talking to

out there?



I don't know.



He hasn't told me his name.



Good evening, madam.



Please forgive my intrusion.



This young lady tells me

you've lived here forever.



I thought you might know

of a certain family



goes by the name of...



I hardly know everyone,

nor do I want to.



And I don't stand outside

discussing such a thing



with... strangers.



Then I beg your pardon.



Good evening, young lady.






This is why I worry

about you, Winifred.



You don't have the sense

not to talk to a man like that.



A proper education gains one

entré into society. 



Your mother and I have given

this a great deal of thought. 



Middlehouse Academy for Girls



in Pensford,

has an excellent reputation.






But that's a terrible place,

everyone says so.



It's like a jail.






Girls emerge from there

as refined young ladies



well-versed in etiquette

and manners,



both of which

you are sorely lacking.



But I don't want to be

one of those girls.



Which is precisely why

you must go.



I cannot let

your unbridled nature



ruin your chances

for a respectable future.



Winifred... I'm sorry...



but we have to do

what's best for you.



I won't do it.



I'm not like those girls.



I won't go!






I won't go!



Winnie Foster was to be sent

    miles away to be educated. 



But what her parents didn't




was she only wanted to step

just outside her fence... 



so she did. 



What in these quiet woods

should be so forbidden? 



Winnie had always sensed

a mystery



waiting for her there. 



It was a place so entirely

different from what she knew



so far away from her tight, 

pruned world. 









How long have you been

standing there?



Not long at all.



I was only walking past,

and I...



Well, you shouldn't...



be in these parts of the woods.



It's best you turn around

and go home.



Well, go on, now, get!



Excuse me,

but I own these woods, and...



I'll go on and get

when I want to.



You own these woods?



Yes, I do.



What's your name?






Winnie... Foster.



A Foster?



Well, I'll be.



Is that a fact?



Well... Winnie Foster,

like I was saying



you need to turn around

and go home.



It just so happens

that I was on my way home



before you made

your rude suggestion



and I would be happy

to continue on my way



if I only knew which way to go.



In other words, you're lost?



I'll point you home.



I'd be much obliged.



But I want a drink first.



Wait... no!









You don't want that water.



Uh, it's poisoned.



I saw you drink some.



Well, now I'm feeling sick.



You don't look ill.



I'm dry as dust.



I said, leave it alone!



Let go of me! My father

will have you arrested!



You're not going to go

and tell him, now, are you?



Hey! Come back!



Don't run away!



Come back!



Where you going so fast, Miss?



Miles, wait!



- No! No!

- You know what Tuck said, Jesse.



- No exceptions.

- Help!



You can't do this.



Stop! Let go!



We can't.






Miss Foster!



Miss Foster!



Miss Foster!



Where are you?!






We're stopping here.



- Not a word out of you, hear me?






- What are you doing?

- No!



Let the poor girl go.



There's no reason

to be frightened, young lady.



I caught her at the spring

with Jesse.



She's a Foster.



Oh, Lord.



It's finally happened.



I want to go home, please.



I want to go home.



There, there, child.

Please don't cry.



We're not bad people.



We'll take you home

just as soon as we can.



I promise.



Miles, go find your father.



He's across the lake.



He'll know what to do with her.



Tell Jesse I'm going to fix

that mouth of his.



I've heard that.



Have you?



It's, it's my little music box.



I found it

in the forest one day.



Just waiting for me, I expect.



I've had it a long, long time.






I put my baby boys

to bed with it every night.



Gave 'em such sweet dreams.



I'm sure my boys

didn't mean you any harm.



Then why did they bring me here

this way?



Why am I here?



You have every right

to be upset.



And I know your family

must be...



worried sick about you.



Where's the child?



She's no child... Angus.



Does she know?



Why do you think

I brought her...?



Yeah, but now she knows

about us, thanks to you.



Shh! Shh!



She's a Foster,

she only knows...



Know what?



Miss Foster,

this is my husband, Angus Tuck.



Angus, meet Miss Foster.



Hello, Miss Foster.



She's the most important event



that's taken place in this house

in    years.



You hungry?



Oh, well, let's, let's all eat.






Jesse, pass your mother

a plate, please?



Mmm, where's the fish?



Oh, they weren't biting

for some reason.



'Cause Pa can't fish?



Don't matter. There's plenty.



I catch fish.



If there's no fish,

there's no fish



if you keep scaring

the fish away.



Mmm, this looks good.



Oh! Isn't this nice?



Everybody sitting down together

and having Miss Foster here.



It's just like having a party.



My father will come looking

for me.



Your father... will cut down

the entire forest



the way things are changing

around here.



Make himself a very rich man.



Oh, now, let's not ruin

a perfectly good meal



with a lot of talk.



My father has plenty of money.



He'll pay.



Anything you want.



We don't want your father's

money, Miss Foster.



Then let me go home.



We will.



We'll let you go home...

just like I promised.






We'll need to be able

to trust her first



before we're sending her

back to her folks.



Trust her? We can't trust her.



Or any normal people.



She'll turn on us in a second.



No, she won't.



You're a fool.



You don't even realize

what you've done here.






It's him.






I expect you to find her, Henry.



That's your job.



I've already wired her

description down the main line.



They'll keep a lookout



and we'll get up a search party

come morning.



My wife is certain that this man

wearing a yellow suit



has something to do

with Winifred's disappearance.



And Miss Foster says so

based on...?



Her instincts.






Well, maybe you better step

in here, Mr. Foster.



Am I whom you're looking for?



I do believe I fit

the description.



My wife said she saw you

talking to my daughter.



Yes, I did.



She's a charming girl,

full of fire.



Perhaps too much.



She's gone, is she?



Looks like she... ran away.



Did she now?



Somehow I'm not surprised.



My daughter did not... run away.



And I'm not interested

in what surprises you, sir.



I want to know

if you know anything



of her whereabouts.



No, Mr. Foster.



I'm sorry to disappoint you,

but I do not.



I am quite coincidentally here

in search of someone myself.



I'm seeking a family



that used to live

in these environs.



I thought the constable could



help me locate them,

but ironically, Mr. Foster



your daughter thought

you could help.



Name of Tuck.



Long lost relatives.



l-I can't help you.



Nor I you.



At least not now.



However, I'd be happy



to search your woods

for you, Mr. Foster.



I'm rather talented

at finding people.



I just might meet with success.



Good evening, Constable.



Find out what happened

to her, Henry.






She's our only child.



Angus made that cradle.



Brought it all the way

from Scotland.



Oh, it's rocked a few Tucks.



There you go.



The breeze off the lake

will keep you cool all night.



The boys sleep up in the loft

when they're home



so you'll have your privacy.



Oh, that corset looks painful.



May I help you off with it?



Oh, honestly, I can't understand



why women torture themselves

this way.



It's no way to live.



Do you have a daughter?



A granddaughter.



And a grandson.



Anna and Beau.



Oh, Miles loved them so.



What happened?



They died.



Their mother, too.



I'm afraid the good parts

of Miles died along with them.



You'll have to forgive

what's left of him.



I'm sorry.



Well, it's... it's the way

things are, Miss Foster.



Can I call you Winnie?



Do you have brothers

and sisters?



No, it's only me.



My mother...






So where do they go?



Oh, they go different places,

do different things.



Miles can do carpentry

and he's good with his hands.



Jesse, now, he seems

to have settled himself.



Of course, then, he's...



he's young yet.






I hope you will be

comfortable here.



It's a good feeling

having another woman here.



Try and get some sleep now.






Have you lost your way, friend?



Not hardly, Reverend.



I'm looking

for a family name... Tuck.



Are you familiar with it?



Tuck. Tuck?



I'm afraid I can't help you.



There are no Tucks

in this cemetery that I know of.



No, I wouldn't think so.






Or in any other.



Tell me, Reverend



you who have attended

so many deathbeds...



what is it people most desire



as they face the end

of their lives?



More time?



Well, I suppose.






They'd give almost anything,

I imagine, for one more year.



Imagine what they'd give

for all eternity.



Sir, I don't quite understand




You will.



Reverend, are you prepared

to die right now, this instant?



If it's God's will.



What if it is my will?



What if you could be eternal?



Right now, this instant?



Without having to face

the uncertainty of death?






You'd like that, wouldn't you?



No muss, no fuss.



Invincible to disease.



Never having to suffer

the stench and rot of old age.



Forever young.



You speak blasphemy, sir.






Good night, Reverend.



Hey, Winnie Foster, you asleep?



Not anymore.












How would you like

to see the Eiffel Tower?









No, now.



While the day is still ours.



Get those dogs over there.



Yes, sir.



Come on, boys, let's go.



Henry, this is

Winifred's nightgown.



Give it to the dog handlers.



Start in the north end.



Let's split up

when we get to the lake.



We'll find her.



I know we will.






Miss Foster!






Winifred Foster!



Miss Foster!






Over here!



I found something!



There it is.



This is the Eiffel Tower?



The one in Paris,

it's pretty tall.



Mine's two feet higher.






Come on.



Have you really seen

the real one in Paris?



Yes, I have.



And climbed      stairs

to the top.



Much easier than this.






You doing all right?



I think so.



You're doing great.






If I went to the Eiffel Tower



I would take

one of those elevators.



Not with me.



You'd take off your shoes



and walk up

every single solitary step.



How old are you?



Do you really want to know?









I'm serious.



So am I.



Let's just call it   .



There's my Paris.



The view from the Eiffel Tower

can't be better than this.



I've seen a lot of views,

and this is one of the best.



Come on.



Winnie Foster was beginning

to lose track of time. 



Had she been there a day, 

a week, a month? 



It seemed to Winnie

that the Tucks lived in a way



the rest of the world

had forgotten. 



They were never in a hurry

and did things the slow way. 



For the first time



Winnie felt free to explore, 

to ask questions, to play. 






I'm going to see the world.



Every speck of it.



Heck, I may even find some

new continents or something.



I mean, I've been

to a lot of places



but the world is huge!



Jesse Tuck,

what-what are you doing?



What does it look like?






Woo! Ah, whoo.



Come on!



I can't!






You're not afraid of a little

cold water, are you?






Are you afraid of me? 






Well, what then?



I can't swim.



You're joshing me.



I wish I were.



So, you're afraid you'll drown,




Swallow too much water,

sink to the bottom and die.



Thank you for putting it

so vividly.



And, yes,

considering I'd sink like a rock



drowning is a fair concern.



Well, I guess I'm just going

to have to enjoy this



all by myself.









Ah, Jesse!



Hey, hey, it's okay.



Come here, come here, come here.



I've got you, I've got you.



I've got you, relax.



Relax against me.



You all right?



I think so.






You did it!



I did it!



Ah, it feels wonderful.



I'm weightless.



That's 'cause we're

carrying you, see?



The water and me.



We're both carrying you.



You like the feeling?



I love it.



Jesse, don't let go!



It's okay, it's okay.



There's no chance of that,

Winnie Foster.



I'm never going to let you go.



You know, I don't like

being laughed at by a cheat.



Now "cheat" is a nasty word,




I much prefer "card sharp."



You are looking for trouble,

aren't you, mister?



Yes, sir, I sure am.



Going outside!



Come on!



Perhaps next time...



Come on!



He can't hurt me!






Thank you.



Thank you very much.



Excuse me, citizen.



You hear that?



Tuck says

it's the most melancholy sound



in all of nature.






Just listen.



They're playing for you.



Whoo! Yeah!



I wish this moment

could last forever.






You want to spend forever

with me, Winnie?



I do.



You know, we could see

the world together.



We could do

everything together.



Have a million moments

like this one that...



never, never stop.



There's a part about us

you don't know...



the part I've sworn

not to tell you.



The secret?



The reason you don't want anyone

to find out about you?



I knew it.



You're... you're bank robbers

or grifters.



You are the first human

I've ever met



I wanted to know the truth.



Jesse Tuck, you're the first

human I've ever met



that I've ever wanted to...






...to do that.



Winnie, listen.



Remember the giant oak tree



at the center of the wood

where we met?



The little spring bubbling up

you saw me drink from?



You remember when I told you

I was     years old?






it's the honest truth.



I'm going to live forever.



I'm never going to change.



The same with Miles

and Tuck and Mae.



Something happened to us.



As far as I know, I'm...

I'm going to be   



until the end of the world.



It's the spring, Winnie.



The water,

something's wrong with it.



It stops you

right where you are.



If you had a drink of it today,

you'd stay just like you are.



Don't you wish he'd told you...



before you kissed him?



Did he tell you



immortality isn't all the

preachers crack it up to be?



Hey, leave her alone, Miles.



Oh, now... you want her

to hear it, Jesse boy.



She's the first person

you want to tell the truth to.



You just don't want me

to have what you lost.



Stop this...



...both of you



and tell me the truth.



I want to know.



We all had a drink...



...except for the cat...

that's important.



The water tasted like... 






Floated over your tongue

like a cloud. 



Tuck carved a "T" in the trunk, 

to mark where we'd been. 



We moved on west, looking

for a place to settle down. 



Put up a house for Mae and Tuck



and a little shed

for Jesse and me.



That was the first time we

figured there was something...






Jesse fell    feet,

landed right on his neck.



He was up on his feet again



before Mae could work up

a good cry.



Didn't hurt him a bit.

No broken bones... nothing.



That's not all.



Not by a long shot.



Things began to happen.



Some brushpoppers mistook



Mae's horse for a deer. 



Thing is,

the bullets didn't kill him.



Barely even left a mark.



Then Tuck got bitten



by a rattlesnake,

and you know what?



He didn't die...



...but the cat did



of old age.



And Miles got married.









Little Anna. 



Tuck figured it early on.



It's the spring.



We all drank from it, 

even the horse. 



Had to be... the source

of our changelessness. 



I begged her to come back...

for me



and find the spring

and drink from it.



The children, too.



It was our only hope

to be together.



She made up her mind



I'd sold my soul

to the Devil... 



... and she left me. 



She took my babies with her. 




pulled away after that.



There was talk of witchcraft... 

black magic. 



I went looking for wars

to fight...



and I saw brave men die

at Vera Cruz...



and then Gettysburg...




in the blink of an eye...



...but not me.



I couldn't die...



...like little Anna.



The influenza took her

before she's   .



And Beau.



He'd be almost    now



if he were still alive.



And my sweet...



...my sweet young bride.



She died in an insane asylum...



...old and alone.



But I'm still here.



I'm still here.



Winnie Foster, you're the only

other person in the world



who knows about us.



We'll have to have a talk.






Come on.



Look around you.



It's teeming life.



It's flowers and trees

and frogs.



It's... it's all part

of the wheel.



It's always changing;

it's always growing



like you, Winnie.



Your life is never the same.



You were once a child.



Now, you are

about to become a woman.



One day, you'll grow up



and you'll do

something important.



You'll have children,

maybe, and then one day



you'll go out...



just like the flame of a candle.



You'll make way for new life.



That's a certainty.



That's the natural way

of things.



And then, there's us.



What we Tucks have,

you can't call it living.



We just... are.



We're like rocks,

stuck at the side of a stream.



Listen to me.



Winnie, you know

a dangerous secret.



If people find out

about the spring



they'll trample

all over each other



to get to that water.



There's one thing I've learned

about people.



Many will do anything,

anything not to die



and they'll do anything

to keep from living their life.



Do you want

to stay stuck as you are



right now, forever?



I've just got

to make you understand.



I don't want to die.

Is that wrong?






No human does...



but i-it's part of the wheel...



the same as being born.



You can't have living

without dying.



Don't be afraid of death,




Be afraid of the unlived life.



Your tea, sir.



She's with them now.



I came directly here,



knowing how tormented

you must be.



We-we just want her back safely.



Course you do.



Dreadful business, kidnapping.



Fortunate I was witness.



I'm perhaps the only person...



who knows where to find her.



Just what is your game, sir?



What is my game?



You detect in me a playful mood?



"Playful" is not

the word I had in mind.



What I have in mind

is a simple, clear-cut trade.



You see,

I very much like your woods



not for their timber, mind you



but for their natural assets.



Wh-What is it you want?



You want your daughter.



I want your woods.



You're involved in this,

aren't you?



If you have touched

my daughter...!



I have my faults, Mr. Foster.



Kidnapping is not amongst them.



These are rough people,

the ones who took her.



No telling what they might do.



Unless we do what you say.



Give the man whatever he wants.



Done and done.



Nice to have things legal

and tidy, don't you agree?



You're an intelligent,

reasonable man, Mr. Foster.



I'm seldom wrong

as a judge of character.



Have your friendly constable

on hand



to make

the appropriate arrests.



Your terrible ordeal is

as good as over.



I'll get there before you.



We have to move quickly.



They were packing to leave.



What kind of horrible people

must these kidnappers be? 




There is evil in the world, 

Mr. Foster. 



There aren't fences high enough

to keep it out. 



Bring your men

directly to my house. 



I'm going with you. 



It isn't fair, Tuck.



No, it isn't...



but when has life

ever been fair?



How am I going to take you home



when I can't make my feet move

from this spot?



If I could die tomorrow,

I'd do it...



just to spend one more night

with you.



Forgive me for interrupting

such a tender moment.



Hello, Winifred.



Everyone's been so worried

about you.



I'm relieved

to find you so well.



You know this man?



I met him once.



Hello, Mr. Tuck.



You have no idea what a pleasure

it is to meet you.



You're the man

who's been following my boys.



Been expecting you.



Yes, and here I am.



Tell me, is it a relief...

to finally be discovered?



Over a century of hiding out

must have taken its toll on you.



Who are you?



And how do you know so much

about us?



I first heard about your family

from my grandmother.



She knew a woman

in a mental facility



who used to...

rant and ramble about a family



who never grew old

and never died.



This woman,

she used to call out a name.



What was it, now?






Crazy old woman.



Kept on talking

about a music box.



It seems the melody had a

calming effect on her children.



I'm sure you know it, Mrs. Tuck?



You have no right...



to come to our home...

and bring us such pain.



There, good mother.



I mean no harm.



Tell us, sir.



What is it you want?



Well, you see, the Fosters

have given me these woods



in exchange

for bringing young Winifred



back home to them.



I have the papers,

all signed and legal.



Gives me the rights

to the forest



and everything in it.



Don't be alarmed.



I'll let you stay here...

on my land



if you prove cooperative.






I want you to take me

to the spring.



I don't know what you mean.



Don't insult me, Mr. Tuck.



It's immediately clear to me



that the water's powers

have been wasted on...



unimaginative people like you.



I intend to make



this fountain of youth,

as the simpletons would call it



available to those

who deserve it...



for a price, of course.



You'll die of old age

before I'll take you.



Is that so?



Then, perhaps Winifred will!















Come now, Winifred.



I'm feeling thirsty.



Show me where the spring is.



Perhaps I'll let you have

a drink.



After all...



...then we can spend...

eternity together.



Winnie, Winnie, come here.



It's okay. It's okay, I gotcha.






There they are!



Winnie Foster!



I see her!



I got her!



Circle around to the right!



Watch the water!






Don't let anyone get away!



Jesse, come on.






Block that trail!



It's my father.



Keep them alive!



Be careful of the girl!




Let's go!






Get on.



Behind the house, men!



He's setting the house on fire!






You're all right.

You're all right.



We found you. You're safe.



You're safe now.



Everything's all right.









The hall clock chimed the hour. 



Outside, the wind was still. 



Everything, it seemed, 

was waiting. 



We just want to understand

what happened.



Winnie... try, please.



They didn't kidnap me.



I was with them

because I wanted to be.



- She doesn't know



what she's saying.



The Tucks were kind to me.



They're my friends.



If they didn't kidnap you,

why on earth



did that woman club that man

over the head with a shotgun?



Because Mae Tuck

was protecting me.



Doesn't matter anyway.



That fella died.

It's a murder charge now.



I didn't much like the man



but that won't stop

that poor woman from hanging.



Miss is an eyewitness.



She'll have to testify.



Oh, my God.



I figured you might want this. 



Doesn't exist,

far as I'm concerned.



I sure am sorry about all this.



Good day.



Thank you, Henry.









Oh, it's you.



I was afraid

I would never see you again.



I need you to help me.



I need you to help us. 



Mae can't go to the gallows.



She won't die.



She can't die.



They're going to find out

our secret.



We have to get them out.



Help me!



Please, help me!



Somebody, help me!



Please, someone help!



Please! Help!



All right.



Help me, please!



All right!






PI... Please!



Help me! You have to stop them!



They're after me!



Miss F... Miss Fo...

Who's after you?



The people who kidnapped me!



They're going

to take me away again!



My parents couldn't stop them!



They're right outside!



You have to stop them, please!






They'll kill me if they find me!



Please, they're going

to kill me, please!



Stay right there!



I'll handle this.









Come out and meet your doom!



Hell is upon you!



Stop right there!



You're under arrest!



Come on, we have to hurry.



The boys are outside.



Stay back, now!



I'll shoot!



My dear, sweet Winnie.



What I wouldn't do to keep you.



I wish you were ours...

for Jesse.



For all of us.



You have to hurry

and get away from here.






Winnie, come with me.



There's nothing for you here.



We can be together forever.



If she comes with us,

they'll hunt us down.



They'll never stop looking.



Tuck is right.



If I go with you



it'll be too dangerous

for all of you.



I can't go without you.



You have to.



Go back to the spring.



Drink from it.



When it's safe...

I'll come back for you.



Will you?



I have to show you

the Eiffel Tower, don't I?



     steps to the top.






until we're together again...



wake up with the dawn.



I will.



We got to go...

before it's too late.



Winnie Foster...



I will love you

till the day I die!



She's going fast



but you can have a couple

of minutes with her.



How are you?



"...and to Almighty God



"we commend the soul

of our sister



"and we commit her body

to the ground.



Earth to earth, ashes to ashes,

dust to dust..."




into eternal life



"through our Lord Jesus Christ;



"at whose coming in glorious

Majesty to judge the World



"the Earth and the Sea

shall give up their Dead;



"and the corruptible bodies

of those who sleep in him



"shall be changed, and made like

unto his own glorious Body;



"according to the mighty working

whereby he is able



to subdue

all things unto himself."






I was just wondering



what it is about these woods

you love so much.



Mother, are you all right?



I'm going to miss her, too.






Every time I look at you,

you're different.



I'm losing you, too.



I'm right here.



Forgive me, Winnie.



I just wanted to keep you

my little girl forever.



Go back to the spring. 



When it's safe, 

I'll come back for you. 




What we Tucks have, 

you can't call it living. 



We just... are. 



We're like rocks stuck

at the side of a stream. 



The first weeks of summer

were long over. 



There was a feeling



that the wheel

was turning again... 



... slowly now, 

but soon to go faster. 



Winnie and her family

left Treegap to see the world. 



She wasn't certain

what herjourney might bring



but this much she knew... 



it would be something

of her own choosing. 



For some, time passes slowly. 



An hour can seem an eternity. 



For others, 

there's never enough. 



For Jesse Tuck, 

it didn't exist. 



Tuck said it to Winnie

the summer she turned   :



Do not fear death, 

but rather the unlived life. 



You don't have to live forever. 



You just have to live. 



And she did. 

Special help by SergeiK