Voila! Finally, the Turtles Can Fly
script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Paul
Newman as Fast Eddie. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Turtles Can Fly. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally
tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line. You won't
hurt my feelings. Honest.
Kurdistan, Iraq - Turkish border
A fewweeks before the US-Iraq war.
Written and Directed by
Bahman Ghobadi
Pashow, teII my dad
to turn the antenna to the right!
EsmaeeI, to the right, the right!
Your son says to the right.
Pashow, teII my dad
to turn it to the Ieft!
AIi, to the Ieft, to the Ieft!
It has noises.
There's no image.
Look what Saddam has done to us!
We have no water, no eIectricity,
and no schooIs.
They have deprived us from the sky.
They don't Iet our TVs work to see
when the war wiII start.
Is it you SateIIite?
Hey, is it you SateIIite?
Yes, what is it?
I need some rope.
Come back tomorrow!.
- I need it now.
- I said tomorrow!.
I said I need it now.
AII right, fine!
Howmuch do you want?
meters! I said meters.
SateIIite, come here for a minute!
My name is Soran.
Everyone caIIs me SateIIite.
Sit down!
I knowthis girI.
She is from HaIabcheh.
HaIabcheh?! Howdo you know?.
I know!. Her parents were kiIIed.
They came to the viIIage yesterday.
They want to go to the border
with the rest ofthe refugees.
She has a brother who went
on the mines. He Iost his arms.
He hit AbdoIrahman with his head.
His nose started to bIeed.
He hit him Iike this.
- Don't teII anyone!
- Okay.
Why didn't you give me the rope?
OnIy or meters was Ieft.
I'II give you more Iater.
- Howmuch shaII I pay?
- No! Don't even mention the money.
- But I have to pay.
- No! See you Iater!
Thank you!
Come to me if you need anything!
Hey, what are you doing?
Why aren't you turning
the antenna? Turn it!
EsmaeeI, I'm tired.
You can't get pictures
with this antenna.
I swearyou won't ever get pictures
in this viIIage with this antenna.
I said you shouId buy a sateIIite.
A sateIIite!
The viIIage governor says
the sateIIite is prohibited.
Don't say that! The sexy and dance
channeIs are prohibited, not the news.
I instaIIed sateIIites
for aII the viIIages around here.
Do you know''SargoIIi'' viIIage?
Withjust famiIies,
they bought a sateIIite!
- They did?
- Yes!
How strange!
You are famiIies here,
why don't you buy one?
It's bad foryour reputation!
But we are onIy famiIies. Just !
What about the houses on that side?
Nowthey are in Turkey.
They have separated us. They won't
Iet them pay forthe sateIIite.
Your wife was from that side.
Nowyou're strangers?
They have separated us.
Not Iong nowbefore USA comes!
What's USA?
USA means America.
Have you seen the movie Titanic?
Titanic, Washington, San Francisco,
Bruce Lee, Zinedine Zidane.
Zeinedin Zeidan is not American.
He is not American.
He's French and a MusIim.
I knowhim weII.
- HeIIo!
- HeIIo!
-Where is this car going?
- It's going to ArbiI.
Let's go!
Are you an Iranian Kurd?
Yes! I am an Iranian Kurd,
and a doctor.
Why have you come to Iraq
in this chaos?
This is the fourth time I've come.
I come, I go. I come, I go.
I'm Iooking for an orphan.
I think he's from ArbiI.
He's driven me nuts.
I don't knowwhere to find him.
I knowhim.
I know as weII too doctor.
Howdo you knowme?
We were sitting in the same car
a fewmonths ago.
You were going to SoIaymaneyeh
from Kirkuk, Iooking forthe orphan.
Howdo you knowhim?
You're Iooking forthe boy,
who makes predications, right?
Yes, do you have news ofhim?
I do and I don't, ''I don't know.''
-What does ''I don't know'' mean?
- It's chaos everywhere.
''I don't know'' means I have no idea.
-Are you puIIing my Ieg?
- No, I knowhim.
Don't Iisten to this boy!
It's aII Iies.
That boy is very important.
He makes predictions.
These days money is in the news.
My God!
Have you come from Iran forthat?
What are you saying?
War! The worId is at war.
Everybody's after news.
The boy is Iying!
Buy a sateIIite to get the news.
A sateIIite? What for?
It's aII Iies. They Iie
and fiII their pockets.
Pashow, who gave them permission
to come here?
I don't know.
TeII them to go to Karim's Iand!
Hurry up!
- ShouIdn't I come with you?
- Hurry!
Hurry up!
Wait here!
I've come with them from ''Kanibo''
to buy a sateIIite dish.
It's too expensive.
You can't buy one.
Howmuch is it?
Maybe I can give you some discount.
- Don't you have any cheaper ones?
- It's war; it's the end ofthe worId.
If you don't have money,
don't buy it.
I have a fewradios.
Can we exchange?
Radios have no vaIue any more.
OnIy cash for sateIIites.
Can we can give you some radios
and pay haIfin cash?
HaIf ofit in radios
and haIf ofit in cash.
Okay, howmany radios
do you have?
- Howmuch cash?
- .
Put those on the tabIe!
Okay take the dish!
''HeIIo Mr.!''
''How are you?''
HeIIo, sateIIite!
Have you seen these mines?
Who found them?
The armIess boy
who hit AbdoI Rahman in the face.
Didn't I teII you to work
on Karim's Iand?
The boy didn't Iet us go there.
He toId us to work on this fieId.
It's fuII of mines.
I don't knowhowhe found out.
It's unbeIievabIe!
AII ofthis is my work.
I did the work of days in one day.
I toId you onIy
to coIIect American mines.
He said there is no difference
between ItaIian and American mines.
He said anybody
who says the opposite is a Iiar.
Liar? He caIIed me a Iiar?
Where is he?
He is there!
There! Up there!
Hey, you! Come down!
Hey, come down!
Why don't you come down?
This pIace is fuII of mines.
Did you caII me a Iiar?
Howdare you taIk Iike that?
Come down here if you're a man!
Nobody has ever caIIed me a Iiar.
Look at that fiIth!
The armIess boy caIIs me a Iiar.
Do you understand?
I'm taIking to you.
You are the Iiar.
Can't you hear me? Are you deaf?.
If you caII me a Iiar again,
I'II give you a good beating!
I knowyou weII.
I won't say anything...
because of your sister.
Do you get it?
Don't go, Hengov!
-Are you taIking to me?
- I knowyou weII.
- I said are you taIking to me?
- Yes, to you!
What happened, SateIIite?
BIood! BIood!
Move out ofthe way!
Did youjust hit me?
Come back!
Look at him! He doesn't dare stop.
I'II forgive you foryour sister.
It better be your Iast time.
Stop if you dare!
I'II cut offboth your Iegs too.
Bring it! Bring it!
''Come on! Come on!''
This way!
EsmaeeI, I've brought you
my antenna.
You won't find another one Iike this
anywhere eIse in the worId.
Don't Iie so much!
Didn't we buy it together in ArbiI?
Bring it!
Be carefuI with it!
Be carefuI! Watch your hands!
Go down by the count of !
''One, two, three!''
Shirkooh, you go down too!
What does ''Come on'' mean?
''Come on!'' means go down.
Hurry up!
- HeIIo!
- HeIIo!
We've come to see war news.
What do the foreign channeIs say?
There's no news, nothing.
Go back to your homes!
There's no need for aII of you
to come here.
Go back to yourtents!
We'II announce the news
on the mosque speaker.
-Are you sure?
- Yes, of course!
Go back to yourtents!
We'II give you the news
on the speaker.
You don't have to worry
whiIe I'm here.
HeIIo! Who are they?
They are the eIders ofthe viIIage
and the governor is here.
They want to see the news.
Don't showthe prohibited channeIs!
Okay! Who toId you to touch it?
Go to the mosque!
-What for?
- Bring the mosque microphone.
-What ifthe governor doesn't accept?
- The governor is here himseIf.
Hurry up!
Okay! I have to go now.
Where to?
TeII us what it's saying!
We don't understand.
My job was to instaII the dish,
which I did.
I have to go now. I did my job.
I'm responsibIe
forthe viIIage chiIdren.
I have to make
income forthem.
I'II give you money.
I'II give you accommodation.
-Accommodation? You won't.
- I wiII.
No, you won't.
Last time you promised
but you didn't.
I wiII. Come and sit down!
We wiII heIp you.
I toId you not to show
the prohibited channeIs. Change it!
Don't hit me! I'm Iooking for
a news channeI.
Change it! Change it!
It's prohibited!
Here is Mr. Bush, EsmaeeI!
The worId is in his hands!
I know!. I know!.
The worId is in his hands.
What is this Bush saying?
Let the teacher come and teII you.
It's not my job.
- He doesn't know anything!
- The teacher doesn't know anything?
I sawhim write Ietters in EngIish
to Mr. Bush with my own eyes.
Try to understand!
Try your best! TeII us
what they are saying.
He says it wiII rain tomorrow.
What has it got to do with rain?
He keeps saying
it wiII rain tomorrow!.
What's the reIationship?
- I think it's a code!
-What code?
Here SateIIite!
The mosque microphone!
Go! I'II come in a minute.
Here is Saddam! I'm done here.
You understand Arabic.
Where are you going?
We need you.
AII the viIIage chiIdren are waiting
for me. I have to go.
Come back forthe news tonight!
I want to know about the war.
AII right! We'II see.
Agrin, where's Riga?
- I don't know.
-What do you mean you don't know?.
What's this chiId doing here?
-Whose chiId are you?
-Why are you crying?
What's your name?
I think it's the brother
ofthe girI from HaIabcheh.
Don't cry! Don't cry!
Look! I scared him. He's gone.
- Howmany is this?
- Leave him aIone! He can't see.
Look what I'm doing
with the Turk soIdier.
Hey, Effendi!
Hey Mr.! Are you fine?
Do you want us to start a war?
Hey, Iet's go before he kiIIs us.
We didn't want to harm your brother.
He was standing at the border
and he was crying.
He couId've got kiIIed.
Ifit weren't for SateIIite
your brother wouId be dead.
My bike!
What are you doing here?
Where's my bike?
I sawyour bike here.
I waited foryou but you didn't come.
Then EsmaeeI came
and asked where you were.
I toId him I didn't know.
He wanted to take your bike with him.
I toId him not to.
He said he wouId. I said no.
Again he said he wouId.
I toId him I won't Iet him.
He sIapped me on both cheeks,
Iike this and took the bike.
Why did you Iet him?
He said SateIIite must come
and transIate the news for us.
Howdare he take my chastity?
Pashow, go with him!
TeII him I can't transIate
during the day,
maybe a IittIe at night.
I'II go from this viIIage.
TeII him aII the viIIages
in the region want me.
Ifhe doesn't bring my bike back,
I'II Ieave this viIIage with the dish.
Ifthey don't return the bike,
I'II Ieave now. Go, teII him!
Bring it up! Watch the mud!
EsmaeeI sent his regards.
He said don't Ieave. He said
whatever SateIIite says is fine.
Where are the kids?
They are coIIecting mines
with the armIess boy.
With him?
Those who work for me
aren't aIIowed to work with him.
I won't buy mines today, understand?
Those who want to work with me
must come to the sheII fieId tomorrow.
Goodbye foreverto those
who don't work with me!
Why are you crying again?
I went afteryour bike with them.
EsmaeeI caIIed me
and sIapped me again twice, Iike this.
I asked why he hit me. He said
it was my ration fortomorrow!.
Come on! Bring me down!
Go to your home kids!
We'II go to the sheII fieId tomorrow!.
Come and sit here!
Watch your chiId!
I wiII onIy give Dinars to those
who want to work today.
Yes! What is it?
The armIess boy said something wiII
happen to those working in that truck.
-Who said this?
- The armIess boy.
-Which truck?
- That one!
I swear I heard it with my own ears.
He Ieft with his brother and sister.
Kids, Kids, Iisten to me!
Those working in that truck,
evacuate the pIace immediateIy.
QuickIy! Something may expIode!
Not aII ofthem are our boys.
It's doesn't matter. Everyone get
off! Aren't you getting off?.
My kids get off now!. Hurry up!
HoId my bike!
Hey you! Wait!
Hey! Don't you know someone
Iike yourseIf who has no arms?
And who can teII the future?
You don't? You knowit's you.
I won't teII anyone.
Make some predications for us!
SIowly, sIowly!
Listen! Use this mask
when you see white smoke.
Don't use it for bIack smoke!
It's onIy for smoke smeIIing of
garIic and grass.
There is a mask for every famiIy.
Those who don't have masks
must go under water or in the river...
...during a chemicaI attack.
If you don't find water,
go to high pIaces.
Look at this boy
to Iearn howto use it!
Listen, war doesn't warn ofits
Bombardment couId start any time.
Put the mask on Iike this
and puII it down overyourface.
Come! Don't you want a mask?
Shirkooh, come here!
Yes, SateIIite! At your service!
Give this mask to that girI!
TeII her I'II find a smaIIer mask
for her brother.
SateIIite has sent this mask foryou.
He said he wouId find one
foryour brother.
Out ofthe way!
Sorry! It's SateIIite's orders!
He said he wiII definiteIy find one
foryour brothertoo.
This way! This way! That's fine!
Nowgo down!
This is the house I promised you.
Today we have many customers.
OK, reIax!
I am taIking to the refugee chiIdren,
not the viIIage chiIdren.
Today you wiII cIear
Aziz's fieId from mines.
Wait there
untiI my representative arrives!
-Where are you going?
- To Aziz's fieId!
- OK!
- OK!
You can go
and gatherthe mines there.
If anybody makes troubIe,
I'II deaI with him.
I'II count to three.
''One! Two!'' Go!
Get out! Get out!
Now, you come with me
to see the Mr.
Wait here! I'II go and bargain.
I'II try to seII the mines
at the best price. Let's go!
''HeIIo, Mr.! How are you?''
Why don't you speak properIy?
What was that, Ahmad?
There's money in ''HeIIo'' these days.
IfI don't say heIIo,
no one answers back.
Do you see these boys?
They don't knowyou're Kurd.
They think you're a foreigner.
The Americans are coming.
Learn ''OKs'' and aII wiII be fine.
''OK, Mr.! Howmuch mine?''
Howmuch forthe mines today?
- Howmany have you got?
- .
You used to bring or .
What's happened?
Don't think about that!
Dinars and not a FaIs more.
What? Dinars?
Are you puIIing my Ieg?
You paid more before.
You think I don't knowthat you seII
them to UN for Dinars each?
I even knowhowmuch they get for it.
Even their dogs make times more
than our chiIdren do!
And they give them
a can of food to eat as weII!
You can heIp our kids as a Kurd.
Are you kidding me?
I don't care if you seII or not.
Go and seII them to the Mr. yourseIf.
Give me a higher price, OK!
OK! I'II try. Nowgo!
''Thank you very much Mr.!!''
Come down! Come down!
OK! OK! I arranged everything.
It was hard work fixing things up.
What wouId you do without me?!
These peopIe have come
afterthe chiIdren.
-Where are they?
- They're waiting.
Hey, SateIIite! What about our Iands?
We've been waiting since morning.
Wait a minute!
I taIked to him untiI he agreed.
Go back to your homes now!.
Get your mines!
Then go to the Mr. with Pashow,
the guy who has a pony-taiI!
When you get there, give him
the mines and get your money.
What about my Iand?
Howmany chiIdren do you want?
Send them aII! It's ten days
since the Iast mine coIIection.
You and you!
Take care of yourseIves!
HaIf ofthem don't have hands!
So what? They are not afraid of mines.
They are our best.
- Howmany do you want Karim?
- .
I'II send you .
You, you, you...
SateIIite! The girI from HaIabcheh!
Pashow, Iook afterthe chiIdren!
I'II be back soon.
Out ofthe way!
My cap! My cap!
Thank you!
I'm at your service.
Agrin today is a strange day for me.
Howdo you knowmy name?
That is beside the point.
Anyhow, today is important.
Why? Do you see this bike?
This is the first time I am carrying
water on it. And it'sjust foryou.
AII the viIIages around here
take their brides home on this bike.
I'II take it myseIf.
Don't say that! I am at your service.
Any news of your brother?
Does he have any predictions for us?
Nothing at aII?
- My brother doesn't do it anymore.
He made predictions twice
and it brought us bad Iuck twice.
What happened?
Don't you want to teII me?
- Give it to me! I'II take it.
- I am at your service. PIease!
- Is this a spring as weII?
- Yes!
-Why don't they take waterfrom here?
- I'm the onIy one who does.
The viIIagers say the water is impure.
Last year, three chiIdren came here
to Iook for red fish
and never came up.
I think they drowned.
I swear I dived to the bottom.
I sawmany fish,
but no chiIdren.
- Is it very deep?
- Yes.
Are there red fish in it?
Yes, I sawthem myseIf.
- Did you reaIIy see them?
- Don't you beIieve me?
- Can you go to the bottom?
- Yes, I'II do it now.
IfI ask you something
wiII you get upset?
As you're from HaIabcheh,
do you know someone Iike yourseIf
who doesn't have anyone
in this worId, Iike you or I?
It's okay if she has two brothers!
Have you Iost anyone?
No, I haven't Iost anyone.
I have another point.
I have been Iooking for a girI
Iike you, foryears.
Where are you going?
Didn't you want me to catch you fish?
I'II go now. Look!
Wait! Wait!
I'II catch red fish foryou!
Are you awake?
I knowwhy you can't sIeep.
When are we Ieaving here?
Don't you want to teII me?
Put the chiId in the middIe
maybe we can sIeep.
You won't be abIe to sIeep
unIess you Iearn to Iike the chiId.
Howmany times do I have to teII you
he's not my chiId.
Don't say it isn't!
You say such things...
The rope around his foot
opens mysteriousIy
and he waIks in his sIeep.
Hengov, I have a toothache.
Are you stiII in pain? Is it bad?
Yes, it is painfuI.
Put some kerosene on it!
Don't puII my hair!
I said Iet go of my hair.
Hey, why are you hitting the chiId?
Agrin, where did you take him?
I don't know.
Why is his nose bIeeding?
I don't know. I can't take care of
a bastard aII night Iong!
What was that?
You said bastard again?
Ifhe is not a bastard,
then what is he?
Isn't he the chiId ofthose who kiIIed
ourfamiIy and did this to me?
Nowhe's my chiId?
Come into my arms!
Don't cry! Don't cry!
Cover him! Put the bIanket on him!
-Where are you taking him?
- None of your business!
Wait! Wait!
Where is this boy going?
Come down! It is a good opportunity
to heIp him.
What about me?
Wait here untiI I come back!
Leave her aIone!
Where are you going
in such a hurry?
The boy has made
an important prediction.
Out ofthe way.
Attention! Attention!
Important notice
for the villagers of "Kanibo"!
for the refugees who live around here
Everyone must climb the hill!
The war wiII begin in a fewhours.
The war between
Iraq and America wiII start.
Are you serious?
Yes! There wiII be war.
Save yourseIves!
They didn't say anything
on the news.
The sateIIite
wiII announce it now!.
Climb the hill!
Stand as still as trees!
What are you doing here?
Why aren't you on the hiII?
Like the others?
I want to put my turtIes in the water.
I hope this prediction is not a Iie.
AII the peopIe are on the hiII.
If you've Iied, I'II Iose face.
I toId them it was true
and the war's about to start.
I said the USA pIanes are coming.
I Iied that I had heard the news
on the sateIIite this morning.
I hope it is not ajoke.
I hear something.
I swear I do.
- It's the sound ofit!
-What noise?
The noise of American passports!
Where are you?
OnIy this much Ieft to America!
Let's go!
Over here it's written:
''It's the end ofinjustice,
misfortune and hardship.''
''We are your best friends
and brothers.''
''Those against us are our enemies.''
''We wiII make this country a
''We are here to take away
your sorrows.''
''We are the best in the worId.''
We can onIy rent weapons
for months with these mines.
Get the hiII behind the schooI
and Rahman's roof ready.
OK! Go and get them!
It's a bad situation!
Come on kids!
- HeIIo!
- HeIIo! WeIcome!
- How are you AbdoI SaIam?
-WeIcome SateIIite! Long time no see!
I've come to take two weapons
for ''Kanibo''. The Russian PKC type!
They are expensive.
The price has gone up.
They're Dinars.
I don't want to buy it;
I want to rent it for months.
For rent? Forthree months
it'II be Dinars.
I've got Dinars
worth of mines.
Put them overthere!
Come here! Turn around!
I picked these mines myseIf.
- Do you have any smaII masks?
- I'II bring some soon.
These are American mines. First cIass.
Give him the weapons!
These are good weapons.
Don't ruin them!
Pashowput these in the bag!
These buIIets aren't enough.
I'II give you more
when you need some.
Howmuch is this neckIace?
It's ''InternationaI''!
what does ''InternationaI'' mean?
This is no time for questions.
Goodbye tiII next time!
I'm fed up. When wiII we Ieave?
We wiII Ieave soon.
Be patient!
I can't stand anymore.
What are we doing here?
Why aren't we Ieaving?
I had a dream.
We'II go in or days,
when the chiId is cured.
We'II go together.
We won't Ieave together.
If you're trying to cure the chiId,
I won't come.
If you don't come, I'II go aIone.
The chiId understands everything.
Loweryour voice!
Howmany times must I teII you?
Everyone's Ieaving. OnIy we're Ieft.
UncIe Hengov, wiII you remove this?
Of course!
Come cIoser!
Does it hurt?
Remove it!
Let me see! Look,
it is not bIeeding now!.
-What is this?
- Throwit away!
If you don't come, I'II go aIone.
You say you want to go everyday.
Why don't you Ieave then?
Leave if you want to!
Howcan I go aIone?
HowwouId you manage with the chiId?
Let's Ieave.
If we don't Ieave this chiId now,
we wiII never be abIe to do that.
Let's go!
Someone wiII find him
and take care ofhim.
We'II aII go together.
We won't go with him.
What wiII we teII peopIe
when he grows up?
ShaII we say we found him
in the streets?
What wiII we teII him
when he grows up?
Hengov, Iet's go!
Somebody wiII take him!
I'm Ieaving.
Where are you?
Hurry! Hurry up! Quick!
Didn't I say no one is aIIowed
to have weapons in the schooI?
Teacher, how are you today?
Do you think this is a good pIace
for shooting?
The white flag is enough.
This is the best pIace for weapons.
The best pIace.
Oh, brother!
Hey, work hard!
Hey you, work harder!
AII you do is go to viIIages
and mess them up.
You'II make troubIe
forthe kids someday.
What? Me? Did I mess them up?
Do I make troubIe forthe chiIdren?
Ifit hadn't been for me,
they wouId have beenjobIess.
Can't you hearthe expIosions?
War is coming cIoserto us.
It's war, teacher!
We have to get weapons ready.
Hey, why aren't you Iistening?
Teach them Math and Science!
They knowMath and Science.
They have to Iearn
howto shoot now.
They have to Iearn howto use masks.
Look teacher!
Shirkooh! What's x ?
Pashow!. What's - ?
See, teacher!
They know aII ofit.
They have to Iearn
howto fight now. Dig! Dig!
WeII done! Dig! Dig!
The brother ofthe armIess boy
has gone on a mine.
- The brother ofthe armIess boy.
Someone go and find the brother!
He hasn't waIked on a mine!
Who said that?
Stay where you are!
Don't move!
- HowIong has he been there?
- Since morning, SateIIite.
Don't move! Don't move!
-Are you taIking to me?
- Yes! If you move you'II die.
PIease don't move!
I'II come overto you.
- There are mines aII around you.
What? I shouIdn't move?
Are there mines here?
- Has anybody gone to get his brother?
- Yes!
Don't move! I'II come overto you.
Everyone quiet!
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Don't move! I'm coming.
SateIIite, pIease don't go there!
Don't move! I'm coming.
Don't move!
- SateIIite, pIease don't go there!
- He's right, don't go!
Don't move! I'm coming.
Bring the bike!
Don't go further!
I want the bike.
Ok! I'II do it foryou.
Bring the bike!
I've brought it. Don't move!
-Why don't you honk?
-Wait! Wait!
- I want the bike.
- OK! I'II give it to you.
I'II give it to you.
SateIIite, PIease don't go there!
I had a nightmare Iast night.
Don't go!
SateIIite, for God's sake!
Don't cry!
I beg you to Iet me
or Pashowgo there.
What? Look at my Ieg! Do you want me
to Iose the other one too?
SateIIite is a good person.
Let us go there!
- Everyone cIap for Pashow!.
- No need forthat!
Let his brother go there!
Enough! Don't taIk!
Here's your bike!
I've brought red fish, foryou.
Don't move!
Stay where you are!
There are some mines overthere!
If you don't come forward
I'II give this to you.
Wait, don't come forward,
I'II give it to you.
Don't touch it! It's a mine.
Bring him inside! Bring him!
Don't cry! Don't cry!
Howmany times must I teII you
not to pIay with such things?
Put him there.
EsmaeeI, sIower! SIowly!
Don't worry! It's nothing!
It wiII be fine!
My Ieg!
I'II bring a doctorforyou tonight.
You kept saying USA, USA
untiI you feII on a USA mine.
I'II go fetch the doctor.
Do you need anything, SateIIite?
No, Thanks! Don't stay here!
AII of you Ieave!
I said Ieave.
-Where's Pashow?.
- He went with EsmaeeI.
SateIIite, EsmaeeI sent this foryou.
How's your Ieg?
What's up with the chiId?
Don't touch it! It hurts.
Thank God he is fine!
I returned him heaIthy and weII.
- Did you see his sister?
- No.
But the armIess boy
sent a message foryou.
What did he say?
Move away!
He said everything wouId come
to an end tomorrowmorning.
Everything wiII end by tomorrow.
The war wouId end?
I don't know.
Everything ends tomorrow!.
Go and teII EsmaeeI
to inform the peopIe
that the war wiII end tomorrow!.
TeII me what to say again!
Go and teII EsmaeeI to teII the peopIe
on the mosque microphone
that the war wiII end tomorrow.
Open the door!
What is it? It's midnight.
- Saddam has faIIen.
I sawit myseIf.
There are Iots of Americans here.
The refugees are coming back
to the city.
Howdid you find out?
I sawit myseIf.
AII the chiIdren are on the hiII.
Why have they gone up there?
When the Americans got here,
they went to EsmaeeI.
They took his dish
and carried it to the hiII.
The chiIdren are watching
the prohibited channeIs
with the American soIdiers.
They are watching
the prohibited channeIs?
Where is Shirkooh?
He's going to the city
with his uncIe.
can we pIease go to the city?
They say it is the end ofthe worId.
The city is chaos.
PIease, Iet's go!
Everywhere is a mess.
-Where were you?
- Shirkooh has come.
- SateIIite! Are you better?
-What is this?
This is Saddam's arm.
It's foryou!
They say it's very important.
I soId aII my mines to get it.
The Americans said
it's very expensive.
- Howdid you Iearn their Ianguage?
- You taught me!
The Americans said not to coIIect
American mines any more.
Not any more.
They wiII pay us money to coIIect
They wiII pay doIIars. DoIIars!
I have brought you something eIse.
and interesting!!
-WeII, what's going on?
- I am coming.
Guess what I have foryou?
A fewred fish.
What is this?
Where did you get it?
It's foreign.
My uncIe bought it
from the Americans.
- Let me see.
- This is the red fish you wanted.
-Where did you bring it from?
- It's nice...
It is first cIass American!
don't go into the water anymore!
Are you making fun of me?
I have to go now.
My uncIe is waiting for me.
Coming UncIe!
-Where are you going?
- To the town.
Take care!
Come back soon!
I am Iooking for a newjob.
I want to make some money!
Why is the coIor Iike this?
Don't Iook at them fortoo Iong!
-Why are they this coIor?
- Goodbye!
SateIIite said to come to the spring.
He has seen something strange.
Here, SateIIite!
The armIess boy gave this to you.
He said in days something eIse
wiII happen in the area.
Look! Didn't you want to see
the Americans?
An Iran-Iraqjoint product