Two Brothers Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Two Brothers script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Guy Pearce movie about two tigers.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Two Brothers. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Two Brothers Script



300 Guineas.



Now Ladies and Gentlemen,

who would start with 300 Guineas -



for this magnificent pair of tusks?



Oh, please! Ladies

and gentlemen, 300 Guineas!



This ivory is exceptional!



As you know, offer for sale

by Mr Aidan McRory himself



It must guaranty

it's museum quality.



Very well Should we say 200Guineas?

Do I hear 200 Guineas?



Isn't that McRory overthere?

At the back.



I just love the way he looks.

The great white hunter.



Introduce me. Go on,

I want to live dangerously.



Not that dangerously.



Besides he's not well manered.

He isn't having a very good morning.



Surely, 150Guineas?



No? No one?



Not sold.



With our next lot number 38   we leave

Africa, and journey to Southeast Asia.



This is a  13 th century sandstone

Buddha from the upper Mihcong region.



I'll start the

bidding at     Guineas.



    Guineas at the back.

Thank you, sir



   !     on my left.



    in front.



    on my right.



   !     on my left.



   !     in front.

    at the back.



   !     Guineas.






    Guineas. Sold to the gentleman

at the back. Congratulations!



We've now come to the next lot.



This is a statue dated back

to late   th Century...



Beautiful statue here.



Big money, but too heavy.



Just take the head.



Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!



Run! Run!



The rifle!



Bring those too.



We've lost it. Let's go back.



What's the bounty for a tiger

in these parts?






I'll see that you get it.



Clear this out.



I'm warning you. You bite me

I'll bite you back.



All right?



Yeah, drink some of this.

You'll like it.



Look, look.



See, it's nice.



Come on. Try a little bit more.



You can't make war on the

entire world. Did you?



Am I going to get that hand back

or I'm going to lose it?



You'd like to keep that hand

forever, don't you think?



You like that?



Yeah, have a little of this.



They are honey drops.



My favorite.



Umm, nice, uh?



My father, the Chief,

in the name of the village



thanks you for

killing the tiger.



Tigers bring death.



They kill all of our buffalos,

our chickens, our people.



We honour you for the

death of our enemy.



After all the help he's given me

I'm glad to be of service.



Will you tell the Chief, next year,

if I return for these statues -



I'll need his assistance again.



I know I can count

on his friendship and discretion.



The Chief says, discretion is

the Oriental's virtue.



Of course. Well to thank

him for all he's done,



please tell your father

I'll give him the hide.



The Chief says he'd rather

have them alive.



No, I meant the big tiger,

the dead one.



The Chief says, the dead

one is also welcome.



He thanks you very much

for both tigers.



No, I don't think

you understand.



Can I help you, Captain?



Sergeant Van Tranh.

Second district.



What do I see here?



Pretty subject

i a safari outfit.



I see sacred statues

stolen from the temples.



Is that what you see?



I see blocks of old stone

found in the jungle.



In that case, in accordance

with section    subsection     -



of the Mineral Resources Act.



I request you

show me your hands.



Follow me.



A tiger attacked him

and he lost his leg.



On your way.



He gives you this charm to thank

you as asign of him gratitude.






It will bring you luck.



Looks like I might need it.



The Administrator thanks you for

reporting the statue thief.



We know our lord by

the gift he brings.



Where have you put him?



In the general holding cell,

Mr Administrator.



Very good. Has he had

anything to eat?



I gave him some porridge

but he wouldn't touch it.



Good, very good.



Of course, you took his

shoelaces away?



Yes. We've done everything you

asked, Mr Administrator.






I don't believe it.



The famous Aidan

McRory in prison.



What a ludicrous day...



Why didn't they tell me

you were here?






Forgive me.

But I am Eugen Normandin.



The Administrator

of this district.



It's absurd. Open.



Aidan McRory in

this terrible place.



My son knows all

of your books.



"The Lion Hunt."

"The Ivory Trader."



My wife

she reads them to him.



Don't tell me you took

his shoelaces, you imbecile.



You must be more

careful in future.



This little escapade

could have cost you...



Three years.



You see.



As for the statues, I'll tell you what,

give me two or three of them -



just for the look of the thing.



I will send them

to some museum back home.



That will calm things down.



As for the rest,

we'll call them... souvenirs.



Listen I don't know

how to thank you.



My boat sails tomorrow. I thought I'd

be stuck here for another two months.






We can not permit Mr McRory

to leave the country yet.



Not until the paper

work is finished.



Oh, I feel terribly.



No need for that.



It's a relief just be out

of that place. I'm grateful.



Really? Really, Really.



That gives me the courage

to make a request.



You see. It seems

almost supernaturally -



that a great hunter like you should be

sent to me just at this moment.



Meet the man-eater.



If you have no objection, I think

we'll call you Kumar.



For your information, I am Zerbino.



World famous animal tamer and director

of the great Zerbino Circus.



Madame Zerbino and still cooking in

the oven, my son.



This fire-eating sword swallower is

the fearsome Saladin.



Where did you find him?



In the toy department?



He's fierce enough.

Don't you worry.



Let me see.



I told you. Some toy, huh?



The sooner you learn it's not tigers

who run the show the better for you.



All right. Close it up.



The village is grateful that

you come back again.



I'm grateful for the opportunity

to see you again.



They think you will rid the

region of the tigers.



To thank you, my father wants to

show you the temples up river -



where there are many statues.



Aren't those very far away?



No. Not too far.

About two week's walk.



Where did you learn

your English?



His Excellency asked the Australian

priests to open a school here.



To teach us languages.



I'm very impressed.

What else do they teach you?



To be aware of white man.



- Well...

- Mr. Administrator.



We have one tiger. Caught in

our trap yesterday morning.



Oh. Is one enough?



That will depend on your guest

with his shooting rifle.



His Excellency's father

was a great hunter.



Indeed, his father has

many qualities.



But a great number of them

appear to be puerility.



I see, you are

admiring my scheme.



Impressive, isn't it?






Soon you want me to break up these

temples and ship them to London.



London will come

here to see them.



The future is tourism, McRory.



And my role is going to

make it happen.



Poor Mr McRory.



If you have to bore the poor man

there's plenty left of the day.



You might have waited until

he had some lunch?



My wife, Matild.



My dear. May I introduce

Aidan McRory -



who so kindly offer to organize

the hunt for His Excellency.



I know who he is, darling.



I take it you don't support

the road then.



I support any thing that will get me

out of this God forsaken hole.



So mind you, make

a success of the hunt.



If His Excellency agrees to let the

new road to cross the land -



it could be our

ticket back to Paris.



I'll do my best.






And if you succeed...

You may choose your own reward.



Champagne! Champagne!



Gather up! Attention!



Champagne, open it in the name of God.

The Choir! Get the choir ready!



Music! Music!



I thought about your father's offer

to see the temples up river.



I'm told the statues are more

beautiful than any I've seen yet.



I wondered as it appears I am

staying on for a while.



You think, perhaps I could persuade

you to act as my guide?



You see I really would need

someone who speaks English.



They are here. Come on.



What is it now, my dear?



I've broken my heal.



Who's the lady from France?



We found her in Paris

dancing at the Moulin Rouge.



Eugen thinks she might win His

Excellence over to our point of view.



But... I doubt it.



Are you all right?



Ah, yes. It's just the swing.



It reminds me of

being at sea.






For God's sake

shut him up!



No. He's so happy.

He's going hunting.






As Your Excellency's

father always said.



One shot one kill.



I am not my father.



Of course,

but you shoot like him.



With you, it's pff bang!

Straight as arrow.



Straight as your road through the

sacred jungle of my ancestors.



Come on. Come on.



The beast can't

travel very far.



She must be dead by now.



We'll send you this kitten.



I'm sure you will.






You know, if we had taken him fishing

he would have fallen overboard.



That sounds like Bitsy.




Where is he?

Where is Bitsy?



And Raoul? Eugen,

where is Raoul?



For God's sake!






Don't be afraid.



Five, four

three, two, one.



Ready or not

here I come.






I see you Sangha.



We had to rid the village of that

blood-thirsty monster.



And our chance came

sooner than expected.



We had just set off -



when suddenly, there was

a movement in the rocks...



With no time to aim, I brought the

gun to my shoulder and fired.



The bullet struck the man-eater

full in the chest and with a thud it fell.



The beast rolled over and

stared at me with it's green eyes -



extending and retracting it's claws

in final throes of death.



We stood there silent before

the magnificent creature,



and then, according to custom,

I cut open the chest -



and gave the warm streaming

heart to my client.



Good night, Raoul.



Good night, Sangha.



Pleasent dreams

my darlings.




Kumar, eat.



He's going to die.



You must eat, Kumar.



This is good meat.



Come on, my boy.



It's no use telling him.

Make him eat.



We spent good money on him.



We'd better find the old Chinaman

who stuff that jackal for us.



At that size

it would sell well.



For a mantelpiece

or a library.



Ladies and gentlemen.



The moment you

have been waiting for!



The great Zerbino Circus is proud

to present it's audience -



with a savage killer!



Out there you lazy old lump.



Time to go to work.






He's an embarrassment

for the show.



We should get rid of him.



But who would buy him?



At his age, he's not

worth a cent!



Not even a Vietnamese butcher

would take him now.



Let's go! Move.



Get ready! For I give you...

Bloody Caesar.



You are a

ferocious beast.



So act like one!



So how are you enjoying

your extended stay?



Very much.



I heard you are keeping

yourself entertained.



Does this mean we can hope you to stay

longer in our beautiful colony?



Since you have plenty to do.



Someone said you were asking

about the river region.



Of course, there's

wonderful temples there.



But I must warn you.



Sergent Van Tranh is getting

very hot under the collar.



That can't be too plesant for him.



I wonder if it would make

it easier for you -



if you have some sort of

feature hat to wear.



Special adviser for hunting...

And the protection of flora.



How does it sound?



Rather long.



What might that involve

do you think?



Nothing much.



You could organize the tiger hunt

whenever I have important visitors.



Very kind of you.



How on earth can I

thank you this time?



I need the skin

of that tigers.



His Excellency is being very difficult

about the road again.



It's because he lost

faith during the hunt.



How do we present him with the skin

when the live tiger's still inside it?



You are the hunter.

Figure it out.



I have an appointment with

His Excellency next Tuesday.



I cannot go empty handed.



Don't be ridiculous.

That's impossible.



Oh, you can do it.



Otherwise, I may not be able

to restrain the Sergeant.



He says you have acquired an

accomplice. Some local girl.



You rang, Madame.



- Sangha!

- Bitsy!






Hey, I know you.



So this is where they

brought you, huh?



Well, it's not so bad.



At least you got company.



Don't you look at me like that.



What was I supposed to

do with you?



I couldn't have left

you out there, could I?



You never learned to hunt.

You would starve to death.



It's a pity to get

eaten right away.



You get a long memory

I know what you want.



Ah, ah, ah!



I wouldn't do that if I were you.



Even at that age, they can

take your finger off.



I've heard you keep the skins of your

animals after they are dead.






You wouldn't happen to have

a tiger hide by any chance?



Tiger skin? I'm afr--



We can get you a tiger skin!



Good. Can I see it?



When do you need it?









Then you can see it tomorrow.

It will cost you      Piasters.



Payable in advance.



I don't want it finished

in gold leaf.



That's the price.

It's up to you.



Do you want the

skin or not?



If you do,      Piasters.

If you don't, get lost.



All right. Spend some of it on

this little one, won't you?



Feed him well.



Happens to be a

friend of mine.



Come on!



What are you crying about?

You've been promoted.



You shouldn't be sad.



You were right not to leave

little tiger in the jungle.



It would have grown up

a man-eater.



I suppose.



You are a hunter.



You protect people

from wild animals.



It is good to care for them,

not to pity them.



It's exactly what

I used to think.



For me, hunting is

a noble occupation.



I think it's also a noble occupation

to share treasures of your countries -



to people who don't know

anything about them.



Wouldn't you agree?



My father agrees.

If you give him money.



Nobody sees the statues here. They're

just left to decay in the jungle.



The jungle is their home.

This is where they live.



It's also where tigers live, but you

don't mind hunting them.



Do you remember the young

man who gave you this?



The one who lost

his leg to a tiger?



He's my brother.



May I please,

Your Excellency?



But your father always prefers to show

the death wound in the photograph.



I am not my father.



So, where is the hole?



Here. Isn't that amazing?



Absolutely amazing. And very

meticulous on their part.



Unfortunately the animal I shot

was hit in the other ear.



So gentlemen, the sacred statues will

no longer need to leave their temples -



and migrate to Paris.



Why? Because Paris...



Would you mind

holding that?



Sangha! Sangha!

Sangha. Bitsy.






I want him out

of the house!



But mom, he's mine!



Get him out of here!



Don't touch him!



Mom, I need him.






Don't touch him!



He was only playing!

I know he was only playing, mom!



Stand back from that monster!






He has a taste for blood now.

We can't keep him.



Raoul, calm down.



Ok, it's over.









I am in charge of the Palace.



It's a gift for His Excellency

in the name of France.



Is he really a savage as

the Administrator said?



You would ask if you had

seen what he did to the dog.



Excellent! It will fit in well

with our collection.



Jump Kumar! You can do it!

Come on! You're a big boy now!



Jump! Come on, big boy. Come on.



You can do it, Kumar! It's easy.

You won't be hurt.



Go right through it. You'll

be all right. You'll see.



Just jump.



One little jump.



Kumar, trust me.



Come on!






I said jump, not beg.

You stupid animal! Come on.



It's time to try

something different.



How dare you!



Back, back.



Come on everybody.



Everyone in here. Now!



Come on! This way! This way!



Get him! Get him!



Now we are going to

teach you some manners.



Now you jump.






That wasn't so hard.

That's how you break a tiger.



Is the tiger really




Why don't you test it if you have

a spare arm or leg?



Here's the key to his cage.



My master is mounting a festival.



It is to be organized exactly as it

was in the time of his late father.



Have you heard of

these ceremonies?



Of course.



What animal would

he be against?



A savage one.



We have the best fighting beast

I've ever known in captivity.



We want an opponent that

is worthy of him.



A special beast

means a special price.






He'd better be worth it.



He is.



Let us know when to

stop feeding him.



Are they real?



Of course. Everything

about my father was real.



If rather overdone for

modern taste.



And will it be just as

it was in your fathers days?






The French wants to show people that

everything is the same as it used to be.



Isn't that wonderful?



That they have such respect

for his traditions.



They only want to show that everything

is the same to hide that it's different.



They patronize me

with their admiration -



so they can corner me after

the ceremony to sign the contract -



for their damn road.



Why are you against this road?

I just don't understand.



What's wrong with it?



Don't worry. I will tell them you did

everything in your power to persude me.



Was he born ferocious?



He was a very shy animal

when he arrived here.



Full of fear. It's always fear that

makes us into killers.



Why did they call him Sangha?



The Administrator's

child named him.



Leave me.



Your Excellency.

He's very dangerous.



Leave me.



Do you remember your father,




Was he a great lord

of the jungle?



Mine was.



Did all the creatures

shrink in his shadow?



That's how was with mine.



Was yours disappointed

in his son?



No. Perhaps yours was not.



So you too think one must

be cruel in this world.



That one must be cruel to

gain respect.



We've got him.



He's promised to sign

at the end of the ceremony.



Once his name is on

the dotted line...



If I faint with the first sight

of blood, don't say I didn't warn you.



If I were you

I would get used to it.



Because if I am appointed

as we hope.



Remember there's a

bullfight every something.



It could happen.

It could be my tiger.



Think about it.

It's possible.



Raoul, stop it.

It won't be your tiger.



You wait here for me.



Bloody hell.

It is you, isn't it?



I am so sorry.



Don't you recognized me?



I'm not the one who's changed.



Looking for another

tiger skin?



That one is not for sale.



No. But it soon will be.



You know His Excellency's

tiger is a wild beast.



Yours on the other hand is a poodle.

He's been trained to sit up and beg.



So he'll be torn to pieces.



How dare you lecture us?

Who do you think you are?



So one tiger will die.



But every penny we earned from it will

be spent on keeping the rest alive.



I asked you to take care of him.

Not send him to the slaughter.



You are the hunter, not us.



You are the one

who get rich by killing.



Give us the key, you imbecile.



I'll buy him from you. I'll match

whatever they paid for him.



You couldn't afford it.



The key.



Come on boys!



Give us the key.



I'm finished here. Let's go.



Sangha. It's him.



It's Sangha, mama!

It's Sangha. It's him!



- How could it be?

- I am sure.



- You know very well he's in the zoo.

- He's in Bangkok.




He's a thousand miles away.



Move, Kumar.

It's time to go to work.



You are a ferocious beast.



So act like one!



God come with you

my brother.



Go on, Kumar.






Get some stones.

Stop them playing.



Get them scared! Get them angry!

Get them fighting!



Come on Kumar!

Fight! Fight!



What's the matter with you?

What do you think you're doing?



The gun! Give me the gun!



The door!

Closing that gate!



Get him away.



Go! Come on! Run, Sangha, Run!



Oh, thank God.



I was not sure

you'd come.



No, I'm told I was

thinking selfishly.



Thank you, mademoiselle.



- Where are they?

- Not far.



My soldiers took a shot

at them near the temples.



But they got away.



We had to tell him that we gave

his tiger to His Excellency.



He didn't take it very well.



I don't suppose you'll

speak to him.



You see that old man over there

leaning on his cane.



That woman with her child?



What if your tiger had torn of one

of their legs off or killed one of them?



Sangha never ate anyone.



No, but he will.

It won't be long.



If he had wanted to,

he would've already done it.



He never learned to hunt.



He's not afraid of people.



When he gets hungry, he will go

for easiest prey he can find.



Like the women in fields

or the children.



You see, all great predators -



who escape from captivity

become man-eaters -



when they return to the wild.



They can't avoid it.

It's instinct.



But they are not like that.

I know they are not.



No, you hope they are not.

That's only because you love Sangha.



And you don't love Kumar?



Of course I do.

More than you know.



So don't kill them!




I'm the one who took

Kumar from the jungle.



I'm also the one who

let you keep Sangha.



So this whole

mess is my fault.



If I don't do it

somebody else will.



But I swear to you, after

this is all over.



I will never touch a rifle again.

That's a promise.



I will leave the tigers and

the statues in peace.



I'll go back to my country.



I'll marry the woman I love.

And I'll stick to writing books.



Then go to write books now.



I can't.



Sangha isn't a killer.

Nor is Kumar.



They'll stay in the jungle.

They'll learn to hunt.



But who will teach them?



Your Excellency.



I am sorry to learn that my

government has decided to abandon -



the templeroad project,



just when I can promise you that

the two animals responsible -



for all the disturbance

are being killed.







Where are you?



Raoul is gone.









Where are you?



Sangha, come out!









It's me, Raoul.



I knew you'll recognize me.



You must never come back

to the villages of men.



Promise me.



You must stay in the jungle.






Forgive me.



Forgive me.



Did you hear that? Another

tiger is answering them.



Now who out here would know

them, do you think?



Whoever it is, could maybe

teach them to hunt?



Let's hope so.



We're taking a big

chance here.



I know. But that's

good, isn't it?



To take a change sometimes?



Yeah. Sometimes it is good.



Today it feels very good indeed.

Special help by SergeiK