Vatel Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Vatel script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Uma Thurman and Tim Roth movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Vatel. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Vatel Script



April the 10th, 1671.

Monsieurle Prince de Condé...

His Majesty gives me reason to believe that he would graciously accept an...

invitation to vislt you at Chantilly. The visit will last three days.

The king instructs me to say that he wants no fuss.

Merely the simple pleasures of life in the country.

I not her words, if you value His Majesty´s favor,you will set no limlt...

to the extravagance and ingenulty of festivities.

I´ll present my self before hand to approve the arrangements.

Marquis de Lauzun...

in the service of His Majesty Louis the 14th,of France.

My dear Master Steward, Monsieur Vatel.

Good new sand bad news.

His Majesty arrives on Thursday.

I can´t emphasize enough the importance ofhis visit.

A dropped wine glassor an uncomfortable cushion...

would spell disaster to ourentire province.

The good news is that we may go to war with Holland.

On that table.

-Good morning, Monsieur. -Good morning.

The Princess has placed her apartments at the Queen's disposal...

Naturally I should place mine at the disposal of His Majesty.

From the King antechamber we pass through the music room...

and next to the apartments of the Queen.

Her Majesty's bedroom...

Drawing-room, and a further bedroom for Her Majesty's lady-in-waiting.

Lady-in-waiting, Madame de Montausier.

Anne de Montausier.

Her Majesty will be comfortable and convenient.

The King won't be going to her bed, he did his duty two days ago.

Remarkably well informed.

The Queen always goes to confession the following morning.

-When was it? -Monday.

-Monday? -Remarkably well informed.

This room is to serve as the Council Chamber...

and the King's bedroom...

A second bedroom so here. And this of course...

we´ve allocated to the Duchess de La Vallière.

Who I believe is close to His Majesty.


This room is for Marquis de Montespan.

It 's hard to keep up when you live in the country.

And La Valliere?

Anywhere. In the attic.

I prefer Monsieur Le Prince if my rooms were north-facing.

-I don't like the sun coming in. -Your rooms, Lauzun?

I myself will have only one room for those 3 days. As will the Princess.

Every corner and cupboard is spoken for.

And to accommodate the court we had to use every farm house...

from miles around.

My room...

No. I won't have you disturbed, Vatel.

You haven't slept for aweek as it is.

Have that cleaned.

The first day, the glory of the sun...

the bounty of Nature.

Trees, birds, butterflies...

fruits and flowers.

The second day, on the lake. Fireworks.

The sun banishes the night.

The lamps are on their way from Paris now.

For Friday, the fish banquet will be presented in asea of ice.

Neptune's tribute to Helios, the Sun God.

-The King will catch a cold. -No, my Prince...

the braziers will be lit one hour before the banquet.

And the ice will melt.

I have forbid it to melt, my Prince.

Well, our fate is in your hands.

There is always a reason behind a royal visit.

And the reason for this one is William of 0range...

king of Holland, who wants war.

And if he gets it,Louie is going to meet the best general in France...

that many people think is none other...

than the Prince de Condé, even withgout.

Compared to this visit from the king...

war with the Dutch will seem like a picnic.

-Thank you! -How can I help you?

Excuse me, sir, but we will only talk to the top. Nobody else.

I regret it. His Majesty is busy at this moment.

His host, the Prince of Condé, like wise.

Not them... The man in charge.

The master of pleasure and festivities. Vatel.

Vatel! That 's slightly more difficult!

I'll see what I can do. Please, follow.

Good morning!

-How many geese? -6O, Monsieur.

Monsieur Vatel...

-You're trespassing here, Alcalet. -All of us are owned money.

We've come to tell you. From this moment nothing on credit.

Not asingle cabbage leaf or cracked coffee cup, or table napkin. Nothing.

-Until our bills are paid. -Exactly!

We mean to get paid.


We have business to run and families to provide for.

When we will get what we are owned?

What you are owned now is the truth. We cannot honor our debts.

Not for the months or the years gone by.

Much less this festivities.

We cannot pay you asingle ''sou'' nor will we ever.

You have only one chance of getting your money.

By giving me everything I asked for. Instantly.

And of the very best quality. And then more of the same.

This visit is a reconciliation.

If the King is pleased by the festivities...

then the royal coffers will open.

The Prince is bankrupt. It 's up to you.

If we do give you more credit, how do we know we'll get our money back?

The Prince said so.

My master is a man of honor.

On that I stake my life. You will be paid.



Good morning...

Monsieur Vatel.

Are you going down, Madame? I'm going up.

Where is Montausier?

Explain to her the Queen does not wait on the lady-in-waiting.

Forgive me, Madame.

Please. Let me.

Allow me.

I hope your birds will be happy with us.


Here we are.

Put him with the fruits.

Monsieur, the King's brother wants him for his page.

He chose me!

Get him dressed and put him to work.

And what would you have me tell His Highness, the King's brother?

Tell him I don't get my boys from his boudoir...

and he won't get his from my kitchen.

Yes... indeed I will.

I need another two of this. The same size, if possible.

It 's not very wise upsetting the King's brother, you know.

It could make things go bad for us, if he chooses.

I'm asteward, not a pimple.

Monsieur Vatel!

The Princess has been bitten by a monkey!

Master Steward, you filled my garden with savage beasts!

I've been badly bitten. Where were you?

Busy, Your Highness. We had some unwelcome visitor.

-Beggars? -No, no. Creditors!


Dr. Bourdelot!

I've been badly bitten on the arm.

Oh, no!

-What 's your name? -François Vatel, Madame.

Monsieur Vatel.

You were at Vaux-le-Vicomte ten years ago.

Yes, Madame. I was steward to Nicolas Fouquet.

His Majesty's Minister of Finance.

You mean, His Majesty's prisoner for life in the fortress of Pignerol.

-That is so? -Six thousand guests...

to meet the King.

Diamonds and saddle horses given away as prizes in childish games.

That was overdoing it, don't you think?

It showed how much Fouquet had been stealing.

Gourville, why has the King really come here?

It's revenge. The King will never forget that Condé...

fought against him in the civil war.

That was a long time ago. The King was a child.

If there's awar with the Dutch... the King will need Condé.

-Yes, but he is... -Sick of war?

So he is. But he is equally sick of being in debt.

I'm passing red hot stones.



What exactly do you need to borrow so much money for?

The better to serve France, Your Majesty.

Well, Colbert, where are our envoys from Holland?

-Aren't they here yet? -Not yet, Your Majesty.

Peace with the Dutch is good for nothing.

Except tulips.

How many tulips do we have at Versailles?

-Two million, Sir. -My gardener hates flowers!

He would love awar with the Dutch.

Indeed, sir.

But would Your Majesty please recall...

that you have offered your daughter in marriage to William of Orange.

An invasion would not look well in the eve of a betrothal.

My daughter can't even talk yet, Colbert.

4 days ride from Paris, we have a country of republicans, protestants...

and printers of seditious pamphlets.

No King is safe from free-thinkers...

especially if they are as rich as the Dutch.

We have no better soldier than Condé.

And if there is war, we'll need him.

He's expensive.

But if there is peace...

What do I say in the meantime?

Why say anything?

Your Majesty was invited here to enjoy yourself.

Not for business...

Your Highness? Are the musicians ready?

Yes, my Prince. The King didn't utter asingle word to me during Council.

-Kept muttering to Lauzun. -Which one is the King?

You killed my only son. You bastard!

He died working in the machines at Versailles.

So the King could have fountains!

-Take you hands of me! -Have you no control of your people?

His Majesty wants her flogged, and at once.

See to it, Master Steward.

I'm not your master of flogging mad women.

A hundred lashes.

You know what 's at stake. Don't weaken!

Murderer! Assassin!

My son! My son!

Monsieur Vatel!

I'm short of a page at my household in Saint Cloud.

And you have a boy who might do, apparently.

Send him to my apartment and I'll have a look at him.

Come, Lauzun, we have been promised music.

Music is my weakness.

The mad woman has been flogged, Your Majesty.

I ask your pardon.

Mad woman? Don't concern yourself, Prince.

I recall no mad woman.

There's no sign of them.

-How long are they going to be? -You can't hurry a King.

Well, one can't slow down the sunset.

-Madame... -Monsieur Le Marquis?

The King sends you his compliments...

and he begs the favor of taking a cup of chocolate with you...

in your room, at midnight.

With me?

May I offer you my congratulations?

Although, as you can imagine...

this came as a great blow to me.

After tonight I cannot hope for deliverance...

from the pain of my own desires.

May I suggest...

my rooms at ten?

Alas, Monsieur...

ten o'clock I have an even more attractive offer.

Her Majesty has asked me to delouse her Spaniel.


Monsieur Vatel.

He is coming! Thank God!

Go, go!

Table one!

With your King, eat, drink...

and enjoy yourselves!

Your hat! Go, go, go!

The King's gout is bad. Tell Dr. Bourdelot.

Madame de Courbé needs a new napkin. Come on.

Marquis de Effiat wants his dishes without coriander.

Isn't it to your taste, Your Majesty?

Change Montespan for Montausier.

You look pale, Prince. Are you ill?

Your Majesty is gracious to inquire.

Yes, indeed.

I see we share the same taste.


In women.

There is a lady who has been rejecting my advances...

in away which I find quite stimulating.

Her world is about to change. The King has asked for her tonight.

I suggest we mark the event.

I want you to make a masterpiece.

Spun sugar, almond paste, fruit and flowers.

-I'll leave it to you. -I'm not a pâtissier, Marquis.

I will be too busy.

Ask someone else, Marquis.

Fruit and flowers in the color of flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood.

I will send my valet in the morning.

Young Sire, I ask you to behave yourself.

-Don't you know who I am? -I do not have the honor.

I am the Vicomte d'Amboise...

and when I grow up I will be the Duc de LaTremoille.

In that case it 's not too soon to learn to behave like the Duc de LaTremoille.

In truth, the Duc de La Tremoille behaves like a pig.

I thank you, Madame.

The poorest of poor of Chantilly picked those flowers...

just for a few ''sous''...

to make the trees pretty for His Majesty. And did so on credit.

But the poor are happy to be the King's creditors.

-It 's an honor they never dreamed of. -Of course.

Both my parents were so honored, they died of it.

The Prince's birds. Oh, God! I can't believe this!

-Where are my birds? -By order of the Vicomte I let them go!

What Vicomte?

The Vicomte d'Amboise, Doctor, and his sister. They ordered me.

But they are children! They are little children!

-But he is still a Vicomte, doctor! -These were the birds of the Prince.

What am I going to do?

I mean, it is a disaster.

I specifically ordered those thrushes and larks for the Prince's gout!

His gout is giving him agony today. What am I going to do?

Use something else.

Use something else?

Use something else...

The heart torn from the living bird...

is the only treatment for gout. Everyone knows that.

-Why not chickens? -Chickens!

He's a Prince! Chicken's hearts wouldn't even cure a peasant.

Monsieur Vatel!

Are you trying to ruin me?

-Your Highness? -First that mad woman.

Now the Marquis de Lauzun tells me you've been insolent.

-Insolent? -You refused to be of service to him.

I refused to be his pâtissier.

What is the matter with you?

Lauzun has the King's ear. For the next few days do what he asks.



Gourville, have they put you to spy on me?

If they had, you would be in the Bastille by now.

You despise them, don't you?

They don't leave me much alternative.

Tell me, Gourville, who is Anne de Montausier?

-Why? -How many times have l...

bitten my tongue? And now I snap at the only one who is human to me.

Well, she is new at Court. She still got a heart...

or so they say.


Yes, but it better be perfect. Colbert is not in our camp.

He is hostile to our Prince getting influence at court.

Good night, my Queen.

Your Majesty...

Madame de Montausier.

I'm concerned about the fish.

I have sent to Dieppe for an extra cartload...

in case there are storms off Les Havres.

You are my general. The battle plan is yours to decide.

-What else? -Nothing. Unless it rains.

The carving stewards will have to sleep in the stable.

But they are German.

-The lanterns arrive in the morning. -Very good. Well, I leave it to you.

Go to bed, my friend.


You did well.


Can you tell me where Vatel is?

You sent for me, Monsieur Vatel?

Food for cattle.

Now we can feed cattle through the Winter...

instead of having to slaughter them every year.

How many varieties of pears are there?

There are 5OO different kinds of pear.

This is the best one. Its name is?

-Bon Chrétien d'hiver. -And...

-It was known to the Romans. -Good.

When I'm rich, I'd like a garden like yours.

I hope so, Colin. I hope so.

Bravo, Colin. You made a good choice.

The King will be pleased.


don't leave the kitchen without my order. Colin?

They were badly packed...

and the roads were bad.

Monsieur Vatel.

I am the valet of the Marquis de Lauzun.

-My commiseration. -Thank you.


Now a real flower. Give me the blue one.

Harmony and contrast.

All beauty comes from those two things.

You see, Colin? A few objects are beautiful or ugly in themselves.

To know that is the beginning of being an artist.

Here. Huh?

Now I will show you a real masterpiece.

-For your mistress. -Just a moment.

It 's from the Marquis de Lauzun.

Send it back.

She doesn't want it.

Will you keep me with you when you are a Duchess?

Let 's wait and see if I am to be a Duchess...

or just a night 's divertissement to keep Madame de Montespan on her toes.

Or on her knees.


-I'm in love! -With a fish?

Monsieur Le Marquis?

Monsieur Le Marquis?

-What? -She refused it, Monsieur Le Marquis.

That 's rather beautiful.

Send it to...

the Duchess of Longueville.

With the note?

Of course.

There's far too much waste in this country.


There still won't be enough meat. Not with the extra guests.

Monsieur, I'm worried about the meat.

We have scarcely enough.

Monsieur Vatel!

The King's brother, he is playing with the whale.

The monster must not get away!

Kill with my heart!

It is they your hand should strike.

Strike now!

Your men are so careless. They've quite spoiled our pleasure.

My men had orders to wait for me.

The whale was intended for the King's pleasure.

The King! That 's ashame.

We, Bourbons, are unpredictable when deprived of our...


You are astubborn man, Master Steward. Admirable.

Horse racing!

Get that carcass out of the water.

For your mistress.

Must be from the King. There is a note.

It 's all right, Louise.

It 's all right.

It 's sugar.

Madame,you were kind to one who turned a side kindness.

Such gift as I have, Iemploy for your forgiveness.

François Vatel.

Master Steward, do you promise us sport?

Yes, Princess, there will be sport.

-I smell blood. -I promise you blood!

Montausier's stock is rising.

She spent the night in His Majesty's bed.

Does everybody know who sleeps with the King?

Every footman knows. Sometimes you can be quite ridiculous, my dear Vatel.

You find the day more exciting than the night, Madame?

You sent back my gift and my note.

You think the King intends to keep you?

Perhaps not, Lauzun.

But from the King's bed to yours is a long fall.

And I'm not contemplating it in this life.


They are waiting for the sauces!

Pick this up. Someone help him.

Go on.

Monsieur Vatel, the pie! There's really not enough meat.

We are two tables short. They gave us the wrong numbers.

Give me that!

-Bring me some mushrooms. -Edouard! Mushrooms!

Condé has won 4O,OOO pistols from the King.

Colbert must be furious.

By losing a little you might have won more.

By winning a little you might lose everything.

Is the Prince losing its Chateau?

Not if he plays his cards wrong.

Your Majesty.

Madame de Montausier.

Condé's demands are excessive.

-Outrageous! -You mean, he knows his price.

Of course, if there were to be awar...

As yet there is no war. My envoys from Holland...

may well bring terms we can accept. I would prefer that.

It is not rational for two rich countries to make war.

My dear Colbert, our destinies are not ruled by reason.

Lust for power, like any lust, is seated at least according to...

the latest medical knowledge, in the liver.

Although, personally...

it hasn't been my experience.



Madame, please.

Are you ill, Madame?

I just needed to escape from them for a moment.

If you make an infusion of this, it will restore you.

I wanted the wind to stop blowing.

I made it stop.

Oh, I thought it was God.

Then perhaps God provided me.

Is it so important?

It is no small thing to please a King, Madame.

To please a King is easily done...

and of no importance.

But as asteward I have it in my power to...

to save the house of the Prince of Condé.

What power do you have?

To create.

To astonish.

The visit of His Majesty is the supreme test.

If I please him, his benevolence will restore my master to his position...

in the destiny of France.

So the destiny of France is in your hands, Monsieur.

That will be a great surprise to the King's minister Colbert.

I must go back.


What kind of meat is this?

Unicorn. Laurent!

Hurry up!

For God's sake!

There's no news about the lanterns.

More than half the eggs are addle. We can't make the custard.



The sugar will come out like bitten egg whites.

-Don't forget the apricots. -No, Monsieur.

Lanterns, lanterns...


If they ask you what it is, tell them it 's an old recipe from Chantilly.

Don't cut any more melons.

Who is it?

Don't be afraid. Come on.

My mistress...

she asked me to stay until I've seen you read it.

This is so pretty! What astrange idea.

A custom from lndia.

Your kindness to me shows a nobler heart thananyat court.

Where they know only hunter and prey.

Use your powers to protect yourself.

Beware Lauzun. A.

Please, thank your mistress.

I stink from head to toe.

This is good. I don't know it.

It 's made from walnuts.

What did you want?

Monsieur sent me, the King's brother.

It 's not an easy embassy.

Your name is in everybody's lips, you know. This banquet will be decisive.

Your geniuses...

Get to the point.

Monsieur wants you for his friend.

He admires, well... to speak quite frankly, everything about you.

So, what he wants from you is...


-Do I hear you right? -What do you hear?

That monsieur has sent you to ask me to join a long line...

of stable boys and Princes whom he has honored so... intimately.

Yes, your hearing is very good.

Tell Monsieur...

and I quote Descartes whom I once knew...

''There is no soul so weak that it cannot...

acquire an absolute power over the passions.''

Monsieur is not a Cartesian, as far as is known.

He only wants a few moments of your time.

Then I send him a message which reveals more of me...

than he would ever see if I were to submit. Tell him...

that both of us live with a terrible thing.

The desire for the absolute.

The sublime. The perfect.

That 's why he flits from person to person...

and that 's why I give myself to no one.

And the Prince?

How long do you think it will take before this reaches the Prince?

Not long, if you hurry.

My dear Vatel.

We all go round together like a celestial machine.

The Sun King is at the center.

Condé is one of his planets and I am Condé's moon.

Do you think there's a place to stand when we are free?

Naturally I will speak to Condé.

Not to do so would be...



Why have you got Madame de Montausier's birds?

I got them from Madame de Montausier.

-I'm saving them for the banquet. -For the banquet?

No. In case the Prince requires them for his gout.

But why?

The Princess has asked La Montausier to sacrifice her canaries.

She refused.

So, the Princess told Her Majesty...

and she commanded La Montausier to give them to me. Her Majesty.

But canaries...

are so small.

I don't think that their hearts will be enough to ease the Prince's pain.

See, all this rich food is very bad for his gout.

I can't serve him omelet to celebrate the visit of the King of France!

It 's not your fault. I just wish I had some better birds, that 's all.

I have my parrots.

But surely, Vatel, you will not sacrifice...

If the Prince's pain gets too great to bear...

send to me for my parrots.

Tell the Princess the canaries are too small.


Return those birds to Madame de Montausier's room.

Condé is lucky. This banquet would shame a Roman emperor.

Who is this Vatel? Where does he come from?

Nowhere. The slums of Paris.

He was apprentice to Eberhardt 's, I believe.

Eberhardt 's? Fromlle Saint-Louis? My mother swore by Eberhardt 's.

So did your father. Although I don't think he went there for the pastries.

Vatel, I was just telling the Duchess here...

It 's quite true.

No one knows more about the brothels of thelle-Saint Louis...

than the Marquis de Lauzun.

I think he's just insulted you, but it 's hard to tell.

That 's a rare gift. If you punish him for it...

I'll tell everyone your favorite perversion.

Fetch Bourdelot.

From lndia?

How beautiful! lngenious!

I have learned something today. Which is rare.

-You sent for me, Vatel? -I need something.

-Are you in pain? -No.

I'm in the grip of some anxiety.

Anxiety? I've got nothing for anxiety. I'm a doctor!




And now for you! One, two, three. And more, and more!

I am the steward of the fish.

They tell me these carps are called Love-Carps.

Gourville gave me your message.

You understand me like none of my friends understand me.

I hope you find your perfection.

I know I'm looking in the wrong place.

But when I despair...

I shall remember there was a man who looked into my soul.

Sport! I demand! There shall be a race!

-Between Efriat... -Yes!

...and Carl. -In!

Efriat, now!

Master Vatel, the horses are ready.

Come on.

What awonderful spectacle!

Condé, who is responsible for these marvels?

My steward, Your Majesty.

And what is his name?

François Vatel.

Bring me this Vatel.

I would like to congratulate him.

16,OOO pounds of flares and rockets...

gone up in smoke to kill a groom.

Sir, the King wishes to speak with you.

Not now, please.

Does he think all this happens by itself?

I want everything cleaned up by dawn. Understand?

-Is it Friday already? -Yes, nearly.

I must send Demaury to look out for the fish. The roads are bad.

-Demaury, Jean-Marie is dead. -I know.

-You must tell his family. -I sent a messenger to tell them.

Monsieur, the Queen is asking for crystallized fruits.

Well, get on!

Lauzun! Withered away, Lauzun?

The King has called for Vatel.

He's refused to come. Claims he is too busy. Monsieur.


I'll pass his message onto the King.



-What is your business? -King's business.

Envoys from Holland. Let me go! Let me pass!

The black Queen loses, Colbert.

Let me try to help.

Your Majesty, my hand needs all the help it can get.

If Colbert loses, he won't be able to pay our workmen at Versailles.

-Monsieur, are you all right? -How many workers do we have?

3O thousand, Your Majesty.

Well, Monsieur, don't deal him the black Queen.

How many orange trees do we have, Colbert?

-One thousand, Your Majesty. -And one hundred in silver cups.

Versailles is my favorite mistress.

That 's why she costs you so much.

What are you staking, Prince?

Ten ''louie''.

Ten ''louie''?

How many fountains do we have, Colbert?

One and a half thousand, Your Majesty. Forfeit.

For Versailles, if I lose.

For something of yours, if I win.

A glove perhaps, mon frére.

But one glove is no good to anybody. Now...


Well, Prince?

I have nothing do add to the glory of Versailles, Your Majesty.

But that 's not true.

You have something rarer than diamonds.

You have the Master of Pleasures.


Vatel is worthy of a larger stage. And Versailles could use a man of his gifts.

You are asking me to stake my Master Steward on a card game?

Do you have any objections? Look what you might win!

We take the bet.

Are we playing or not?

Very well.

Then we'll play.

Your Majesty, the envoys from Holland are arrived.

Then they come in an interesting moment.

This is true.


it 's between you two.


Black Queen.

Bad luck.

The envoys.

If His Majesty comes out smiling, it will be peace with Holland.

No, if he returns smiling, it will be war.


What do you think, Monsieur?

Certainly one or the other.

Also if he returns frowning.

Your Majesty...


what are your opinions of war?

I have seen too much of destruction, Your Majesty.

William of Orange has declined the offer...

of the daughter of the Duchess of La Valliière.

Gallantly telling us that his family only marries...

the legitimate daughters of kings.

-Not their bastards. -I see.

Furthermore, the ruler of the flat earth has minted coins...

with the image of the sun.

That is impertinent.

He has commissioned an oil painting of one of my flagships sinking.

With your permission...

I will drown him in one of his dikes, Majesty.

You do not have the command yet, Prince.

It is between you and Turenne.

-Turenne. -Oh, I'm sure all will be all right.

After all, you have the King under your roof.

And Vatel to perform his miracles.

The King is pleased with you.

Generals have been chosen for worse reasons.

Tomorrow will be decisive.

No, no. Just leave me this one.

The Prince is grateful and would like to see you.

-Her Majesty? -Asleep, Madame.

They were brought back. Orders of Monsieur Vatel.

Would you like me to undress you, Madame?


Fortune seems to be with us. A war with Holland.

Turenne is scheming to get Colbert 's backing. The King favors me I think.

He will make an announcement at the banquet tomorrow.

-Everything must be perfect. -Everything will be perfect, my Prince.

We've always understood each other.

You are a great man, Vatel. You will end up as aVicomte.

-You have heard. -Heard?

The King wants you at Versailles.

Versailles? I'm a cook, not a courtier.

The King wishes to honor you.


I am sorry. I can't.

I cannot leave my people.

We have a present for you. From the Marquis de Lauzun.

This will teach you not to step above your station.

In the name of the King, let him go.

What do you want, Messieurs?


And plunge!

Excellent. Edouard... calf. Louis. Back.

John! Wrist.

Bravo. Excellent. And now... Open...

Tell Lauzun enough!

His Highness, the King's brother, presents his compliments, Mons. Vatel.

He requests us to escort you to your apartments.

It won't be necessary.

I wanted to thank you.

If the King knew you were here...

The King is busy with Madame de Montespan.

No one has seen me.

So you are coming to Versailles, Monsieur.

Or haven't you heard?

My Prince will never allow it.

One of my people was killed today.

Who was it?

His name was Jean-Marie Benoud.

28 years old, from the village of St. Crose.

His father is a miller there.

His mother died of asweating sickness two years ago.

He had two brothers. One a priest.

He came here as astable boy...

he was senior groom for three years.

Three years.

-You knew him well. -No. Not particularly.

He was one of my people.

He was fortunate in that.

Why did you save my birds, Monsieur?

Because they were too small to do any good, Madame.

And because...


because they were yours.



-Anne! -His Majesty!


He asked for me. He wants me.

It 's the King! I'm a fool.

Yesterday you were a fool. Stay here.

You think I can do that? You have lived among the farmers too long.

Condé gave you away at the card table.

To please the King he gave you away like a hound from his kennels.

The King has retired. Alone.

-We searched high and low. -I was...

I know where you were.

But I would never betray you.

Now I told the King that you were probably consoling a dear friend...

the Duc de Longueville.

The way his wife puts herself about is disgraceful.

Don't you think?

You are a true friend.

Well, you will need a friend now, won't you?

Would you do me the honor of sharing a cup of chocolate...

with me...

even at this late hour?

I think you'll find the King a less democratic man than myself.

And it would be tragic, would it not...

if Vatel were to be sent back to his former master...

a prisoner of Pignerole?

-My lord! ls there any news? -News?

From the money. The money from the King.

Money? Yes, for sure.

The news is very good. The King is well pleased with us.

-My God. Where is Vatel? -I'm looking for him myself.

-Is everything all right? -Oh, yes. Indeed.

-Is that all? -Yes, sir.

Have you seen other fish carts on the road?

No, sir. There are storms all along the coast.

Few boats put to sea at all and they came back empty.


-Come back tomorrow to be paid. -Thank you, Monsieur Vatel.

MydearPrince. Todaythisbanquet willbe mylast.

But It willbe magnificent.

The broth will be made from garlic and leeks.

Demaury, remember to blanch the green vegetables before you sauté them...

or they will collapse while waiting for the King.

The lobsters will be grilled.

They must be cut in half, when they are still alive.

Be sure the knife is big and sharp.

Don't worry.

Everything will be perfect.

Monsieur Vatel, a lady dropped her fan.

Not now, Thibault. Not now.

Monsieur Vatel.

From His Majesty.

It 's your commission for Versailles.

The King commands that you leave for the court tomorrow.

There will be awagon for your personal baggage.

Do you have a horse?

He'll await your answer.

Monsieur! Are you there?


It 's your turn.

Monsieur! Wonderful news! The fish carts! They are arriving.

Poor little things.

Like prisoners.


What is it?


This is for you.

I am sorry.

Madame,you were right.

I was not the master of these festivities...

but their slave.

When you read this...

Is hall have left this world with only one regret.

That I cannot be with you.

In the last three days I have come to understand...

that I treasure freedom above all.

Between Condé and Versailles the pass is narrow...

and I have takenlt.

May you find a better road.

Your home is, I think, in the south.

If so, remember that there is a place...

not faraway, in Vaucluse...

where they plant cherry trees among the vines.

The taste of the cherries...

comes through in the wine.

The fish banquet was a tremendous success...

even though the sauce lacked perhaps that touch of perfection.

But that was over looked...

in the excitement of declaring waron the Dutch...

and of Condé receiving his command.

0f course no one dared to tell the kingthe truth.

And soon the word went round...

Vatel killed him self because of the fish.

Which flattered His Majesty...

and pleased his courtiers.

Anne de Montausierleft Chantilly quietly by a side gate...

and never returned to court. 


Special help by SergeiK