What's Eating Gilbert Grape Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the What's Eating Gilbert Grape script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape Script








nine, ten, eleven...



twelve, thirteen,

nineteen, seventeen...



- Arnie...

- fifteen, seventeen.

- Arnie, eat some chicken.



I don't...

I don't want any chicken, Gilbert.



You want some corn?



- I want... I want some corn.

- Have some corn.



Yeah, here.



- Good?

- Mm-mmm.



Not good corn.



- Gilbert?

- Hmm?



Are they gonna come soon?



'Cause I gotta go back home,

you know?



- Pretty soon.

- I want them to come.



- You wanna go home?

- No.



I wanna see 'em.






They're gonna come soon, huh?



How many more miles

till they come, Gilbert?



- Three million, buddy.

- Three?

- Yep.






Gilbert! That's them, huh?

Gilbert, look, it's them!



Look! Look over there!



Over there!



Look at them, Gilbert!

They're coming!



Honk your horn!

Honk your horn!



- Arnie, get back here!

- Honk your horn!



- My brother Arnie's about to turn   .

- Arnie!



- My family's planning

a big party for him.

- Arnie, come on!



Watching the campers

is our yearly ritual.



They're doing the right thing

just passing through.



God, Arnie. You're gettin' so big.

Pretty soon...



- I ain't gonna be able

to carry you no more.

- No.



- You know,

you're getting littler, Gilbert.

- Yeah.



You're getting littler.

You're shrinking.



You're shrinking, Gilbert.

You're shrinking.



Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking!






Endora's where we are.



Describing Endora

is like dancing to no music.



It's a town where

nothing much ever happens...



and nothing much ever will.



Lamson's Grocery is where I work.



And miles out of town on the interstate,

there's Foodland...



where everyone else shops.



This is where I live with my family.

My dad built the house...



and it's my job

to keep up the repairs.



Doctors said we'd be lucky

if Arnie lived to be ten.



Well, ten came and went.

Now the doctors are saying...



"Any time now.

Arnie can go at any time."



Some days you want him to live...



some days you don't.



- What is it, buddy?

- I killed him.



- I killed him, Gilbert.

- I know.

- I killed him.



I know, buddy.

I know.



My older sister Amy's

more like a mother.



She used to manage the elementary

school cafeteria over in Motley...



until it burned down last year.



My other sister, Ellen,

just turned   .



She got her braces off,

and for days now she's been

walking around going, "Ooh. Ahh."



Like she can't believe

the feel of teeth.



I got another brother, Larry,

but he got away.



And then there's Mama,

who in her day...



was the prettiest girl

in these parts.



Ever since our dad

was hung out to dry    years ago...



Mama's had her hands full.



You see, with Mama there's

no nice way to break it to you.



She hasn't left the house

in over seven years.



- I'm Gilbert.

- Amy, I need your help.

- What is it?



- Gilbert Grape.

- The garbage.



- "This is the stuff of the circus."

- Sunshine? Where's my sunshine?



I don't know, Mama.



- Just the essentials.

- Okay.



Gilbert, get him down from there.



- Arnie?

- Hurry.

- Let's go.



- Amy, have you seen Arnie?

- No.



- I thought he was with you.

- No. No.



- I wonder where he is.

- Gee, I don't know.



Ellen, have you seen your brother?



- He's in the tree.

- Ellen!



He is not in the tree.

Gilbert already looked in the tree.



Isn't that right, Gilbert?



Yeah, that's right.



Whoa! Arnie.

Don't do that.



Don't do that. You scared me.

Come here.



- Wait, wait. I was up there, Gilbert!

- Yeah, you were up in the tree.



I was right up there.



Can I help you with anything?



- No.

- Thank you, and goodbye.



- Gilbert?

- Sir?



- Is something goin' on at Foodland?

- Well, I wouldn't know, sir.



I don't shop there.

I'd rather die.



I'll tell you, Foodland's

up to something if you ask me.



It's those lobsters, isn't it?



Scads of lobsters all in a tank.



Am I right?



You know,

you shouldn't worry about it.



It's just a phase.

People will come back here, believe me.



- You think?

- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.



The way you say that makes me think

I'm talking to your father.



- Can I have these two, Gilbert?

- No, just one.

- Come on.



- Can I have these two?

- Sure, go ahead.



Say "Thank you."



- Say hello to Mama for me.

- All righty. See you tomorrow.



Gilbert? That was Mrs Carver

needing a delivery.



Could you?



- Hello, Gilbert.

- Hello.



- Boys, go on outside.

- But we don't want to.



- Yeah, we don't want to.

- Go play.






Hey! Hey!



Arnie, get back in the truck.

Keep countin', okay?



Okay. I was counting.



Five, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,

fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...



Hey, kids, let's play!

Come on! Look!



We got the trampoline.

Come on, boys. It's fun!



The, uh...

The ice cream's gonna melt...






You're right.

It is melting.



Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!



- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my!



- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my.

- Oh, my God.



- Come on up here. I wanna show you.

- I don't wanna do it.

- I don't either.



- You don't wanna do it?

- I want a pool.



- You want a pool?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, we want a pool.



Come on. Come on up here.

Up, up, up, up, up, up.



Gilbert was just making a delivery.



Oh. Oh.



Gilbert, come here for a second.



- Here.

- Oh, no, no, no, no. Really, uh...



Oh, no. No, no, here.

I insist. You deserve it.



- Thank you.

- Thank you.



- Bye, Gilbert.

- Bye.






Come by my office.

We need to talk.









Okay, son, it's a little dangerous

up there. Come on down.



- Arnie, get down!

- "Come on, son."

We've had enough fun for one day.



- "Come on down."

- Hey!



Hey! Hey!



Wanna go up there!



- "Son?"

- Yeah?



- "Come on down."

- No!



I'm not coming down!

I'm goin' up there!



Son, come on down.



I'm gonna go up there!



- Arnie? Arnie. Come on down, buddy.

- Look up here.






Okay, son.

Come on down.



I'm gonna go up here!



- "Come on, son."

- I'm goin' higher than before!



- I'm goin' high!

- "It's gonna be getting dark soon."

Come on down.



- Hey.

- Hey, Bob. Yeah, look it.

Here we go again.



Basically, I don't like

to work on carburettors...



and I can tell

without gettin' into it...



that that is a complicated unit.



l... Now, I understand. I can do it

myself, but I need the part.



Look, let me show you.



See, it's this

little guy right here.



See, the needle valve

is worn down.



- And I need a new one. Can we order it?

- Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.



- I can order it.

- I'm goin' up there!

- About how long

do you think that would take?



- Probably a week.

- A week?

- "Don't make us come get you."



l... You don't have to come get me!

I'm goin' up here!






Whoa! I'm not gonna fall!




- Whoa!

- Whoa.






My shoe done fell off.



My shoe done fell off, Gilbert.



I know a boy

whose name is Arnie



He's about to turn   

and have a big party



I know a boy

whose name is Arnie



Come on down, buddy.

Come on.



Match in the gas tank

Boom, boom



Match in the gas tank

Boom, boom



Match in the gas tank

Boom, boom



Match in the gas tank

Boom, boom



Boom, boom, boom, boom



Match in the gas tank

Boom, boom



- Good boy.

- Easy does it, now.

- Come on down, buddy.



- All right!

- Come on down.



Come on!



Here we go. All right.

Thanks a lot, Jerry. Really sorry.




Good boy. Good boy.



I'm gonna take him home.

I promise it won't happen again.



Son, we hear this every time.

Then after a couple of days,

he's right back up there again.



Yeah, but this is the last time.

Right, buddy?



- It's the last time.

- Yeah.



- Come on. Let's go.

- I wanna go back up there again.



Let's go.



- I wanna go up there again.

- Arnie, man, good job.

- Hey.



- Don't touch him.

- Whoa! Nice try!



- Way to go, Arnie.

Could you do it again for me?

- Get out of here.



- Hey, could you help me out later...

- Yeah.

- with the fridge?



- With the what?

- Something wrong with the fridge.



- The electricity?

- I don't know. Maybe.



- All right. I have to get my tools.

- Hi.



I'll see you... I'll just come by later.

Hi. You be careful, all right, Arnie?






Don't disappear like that

again on me, okay?



Okay. I disappeared.



I disappeared on Mom like that.



- Please don't disappear.

- Just let him go.



- Gilbert, will you bring the milk?

- I promise, Mama.



- Good boy.

- Disappear like that.

- Good boy.



The food.



- Are we ready to talk about the party?

- Sure.

- I'm ready.



Ellen's in charge of decorations.

Get this... purple, orange and green.



- Sounds good.

- Theme colours, okay?



- That sounds pretty good.

- I'm doing the food, the cake.






Arnie, I'm making something

very special for you.



- And Mama,

you can supervise everything.

- Mm-hmm.



- Okay with everybody?

- That's disgusting.

- Sounds good.



What about me?



You are the guest of honour.

How about that?



Gilbert, what about me?

My party! It's my party!



- What about me?

- You just show up, buddy.

That's your job.



- All you have to do is show up.

- You don't have to do anything.



All you have to do is turn   .



- You know, that just leaves Gilbert.

- Huh?



You're the only one

without anything to do.



- Got any ideas?

- Sure he does.



- No, I don't. No, I don't.

- Yes, you do.



- I'm almost   

and I've got pages of ideas.

- Ellen...



She designed a whole cake,

and you haven't done anything.



- Stop it, Ellen. Can it.

- Can I be excused?

- He never does anything!



- No!

- Please, can't we just do

something as a family?



- This is no fair, Mom! l...

- Can I please be excused?

- It's my party!



- We're planning this as a family.

- It's my party though!

- Is that too much to ask?



So it's gonna be an exact copy of the

one... the original they built in Boone.



- Really?

- Which is no big deal, Gilbert...



'cause they're all...

all Burger Barns are built identical.



They're prefabricated.

They just ship 'em out.



I mean, it's so efficient.

It's amazing.



In a matter of a couple days...



there can be

a whole new restaurant there.



So I was driving past

the building site today.



- You know, it's goin' up right next to...

right down the road from Foodland.

- Right.



The general manager was there.

So I says...



"Can I fill out an application?"

He said, "You bet you can."



So I did, you know,

and it looks really good. I mean...



I might be wearin' one of them

uniforms, flippin' some burgers...



saltin' some fries.



You never know. It could be the

best thing that ever happened to me.



- Hey! Get...

- What's the matter?



Get out of here! God!



I saw her!

I saw her, I saw her!



- That wasn't nice.

- What? What did I do?



- You know what you did.

- Oh.



That's your mother in there.



- Your mother.

- I know.



I don't get you, man.

I just don't get it.



- Let's go, buddy.

- Okay.



Come on.



Run, now! Run!



- Hey! Bye-bye, Mama.

- Bye, you guys.

- Bye, you guys.



- Move, honey.

- Gilbert, you're shrinking.



Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking!



I'm not tired yet, Gilbert.



Well, you gotta go to sleep, okay?



Okay. Goodbye.



No, it's not goodbye.

It's good night.



- Yeah.

- Goodbye...



is for when you're going away,

and we're not going anywhere, are we?



I know that.



- Jeez, I know that, Gilbert.

- See you tomorrow.



We're not going anywhere!



- Goodbye!

- Arnie.



- You gotta work later?

- Hi, boys.

- Yeah, I do.



- Hi, Arnie.

- Hi there, ladies.

- I gotta come back.



- How's Mama?

- She's fat.



- Come on, man.

She's not all that big, Gilbert.

- What?



Listen, I saw a guy at the state fair

who was a little bit bigger.



A little bit bigger?



- Look, all I'm saying is she's not

the biggest I've ever seen.

- Tucker, she's a whale.



- Well, take her out for walk

once in a while.

- Tucker, she's a whale!



- Take her out for a jog.

- Get her out of the house.

- Tucker, she's a whale!

- Hey, Bobby.



- Hey, Bobby.

- Give her a chance.



- That's all I'm sayin'.

- Hi, guys.

- I know.



- How's business?

- Not good. Hey!



Nobody's dying.



There's a clear ladder.

There's a clear corporate ladder.



- I mean, this is not...

- That's good.



That's a good thing for you to do...

to have that happen.



- If you guys would give it a chance...

- l-l...



I just was saying that

it wasn't something that

I should be doing for myself.



Look, they use canola oil, okay?

You know what canola oil is?

You probably don't.



- No.

- They probably don't even sell it

at Lamson's Grocery.



- No.

- It's cutting edge.



- It creates a crispier french fry and...

- Well, that's...



and a more unique product.



And Burger Barn... Forget Wendy's,

forget Burger King, forget McDonald's.



That's, like, old hat.

Burger Barn's cutting edge.



I mean, l-I could really

stand behind it. There's...



It's an innovative place. You know,

they created the salad bar...



which is now mimicked by every

single fast-food chain in America.



- Yeah.

- They came up with that.



Fifteen different toppings

for each salad,

and two different kinds of lettuce.



And it's, you know,

it's all that you care to eat.



- I mean...

- Yeah.



You either go from clerk to fry cook

to cook to assistant manager...



of you can go from clerk

to cashier captain...



to assistant manager.



And then from assistant manager,

you could go to, uh, manager...



and then regional manager

and then...



Look at the little fellas.



You mean my hoppers.



Let's try this.



For my friend.



There you go, my boy.



What do you say, Arnie?



Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.






This Thursday.



It's our anniversary.












I'll need a delivery later.



Have a nice day.









He's behind the chips.



- Delivery, son.

- Excuse me?



Delivery. She's gonna be

needin' some help.



Yes, sir.



- Is that your bike?

- Yes.



I'll do it, Gilbert.

I'll do it.



- Here. Wait a sec.

- I got it!



- I did it, huh?

- Look there.

- I did it by myself.



Yeah. Look at that.



- I could go at any time.

- Shh. Arnie. No.



Any time.



Excuse me. Where to?



Oh, just keep going straight.



All right.



My mom... My mom wants me

to become... become   .



And I'm having a big...

a big party, huh, Gilbert?



- Yep.

- When is that party coming?

- Six days.



Six days and my party,

and I'm gonna become   .



- I'm    and you're not invited.

- Arnie.



- Don't be rude.

- Oh, it's okay.



He's just being honest.

I don't mind.



- l-I got the groceries!

- All right. Be careful with them.



I got the groceries.

I got 'em, okay?



- Oh.

- Uh-oh, Gilbert.

- No, Arnie.



- Oh, no!

- I'm sorry.



- I'm really sorry.

- It's okay.



- Don't worry about it.

- No, no, I'm really... I'm really sorry.



- This is...

- It's okay.



- I'm sorry.

- Don't be sorry.



Are you sorry? No.



I'm not sorry. He's not sorry.

We're not sorry.



Don't be sorry.



I'm not sorry.



So I think if we're gonna have

people come that early,

we should have some appetizers.



Ooh, yeah, that'd be good. You know

those little Vienna sausage things?



And you put 'em in grape jelly

and ketchup and make a sauce.



- Well, I was thinking...

- I want hot dogs, Mom.

- How about pretzels?



- You know, like those Hawaiian

appetizers that they make with...

- No.



You get pineapple chunks

out of the can and you wrap them...



with little pieces of bacon

and you put a toothpick through 'em.



- How do you cook the bacon?

- In the oven on a pan.



But the bacon's not gonna be crisp if

you bake it in the oven on a sheet.



- Yes, it will.

- And nobody wants greasy...



- I want hot dogs!

- No, you-you soak 'em...

- floppy bacon.



- Mama, I want hot dogs!

- We're gonna have hot dogs, honey.



- Mama...

- I promise, we're gonna have hot dogs.

- What... I want hot dogs.



- The thing about...

- We're gonna have hot dogs.

- every party that I've been to...



- Ellen.

- is that...

- Ellen?

- What?



- Could you not talk

with your mouth full?

- Excuse me?



You're making me sick.

I'm gonna throw up.



- Oh. Okay, Dad.

- Ellen.



- Sure thing, Dad.

- Will you two cut it out?



- Okay, Dad. Sure thing, Dad.

- That's nice.



- Stop it, you guys.

- Don't start.

- Dad's dead, Ellen.



- Gilbert!

- Gilbert!

- I can't believe you said that!



- Shut up!

- Dad's dead!



- Arnie.

- Dad's dead!



- Arnie, shh. Arnie...

- Dad's dead!



- It's okay. Stop it now.

- Oh, God.

- Dad's dead! Dad's dead!



- Arnie, stop it!

- Calm down, Mama. Don't get upset.

- Dad's dead! Dad's dead!



- Make him stop.

- Dad's dead!

- Arnie, shut up!



- Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!

- You're crazy... You're crazy, Arnie!



- Arnie...

- Stop it.

- Arnie...



- Dad's dead!

- Arnie, listen to me!

- Dad's dead! Dad's dead!



- Dad's dead! Dad's dead!

- Just calm down!

- Stop it!



- Stop it! Stop it!

- Dad's dead!

- That's enough!



- Arnie, that's enough!

- Stop it!

- Dad's dead!



Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!



- Arnie, be quiet.

- Right now!

- Dad's dead!



I said, stop it right now!



Amy. Amy.



It should be two-by-tens

or two-by-twelves...



and the space

between 'em here is... should...



They're... Right now, it's at two feet,

and this should be    inches.



I mean, that's just standard.

And this right here...



See this here? Flat flooring?

I mean, flat flooring's like...



Once the wood gets old, you're

just gonna fall right through it.



Yeah, I guess Daddy wasn't

much of a carpenter.



Hey, Gilbert, why did... why did he use

two-by-sixes instead of two-by...



- Tucker!

- What?



- Shh. Keep it down.

- Sorry.



She's coming.

Hey, she's coming.



- You all right? You okay?

- Yeah.



- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Thanks a lot for coming.



- Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow

with the wood.

- Great.



Just... Let's keep it quiet.

Oh, I forgot to tell you.



- What?

- Burger Barn. I'm in.



- I got the call.

- Oh, oh. Good.



It's not too late, you know.

Good night.



- I think she's asleep.

- "Let's say that you wanna"

slice down zucchini squash...



with the electric food dehydrator.

Look at this.



- Wonderful.

- Perfect slices each and every time.



- Is that nice?

- Marvellous.



Of course, if you know someone

that can't chew too well...



- Okay.

- Taking corn off the cob.



Look at this. We'll just turn

the dial down a little bit...



... freezed corn, and sit there

for hours with a knife.



- Literally hours cutting your corn up.

- Unbelievable.



Of course, for un...



- "Right now, you get the..."

- Gilbert, what are you doing?



- Give me that.

- Sorry, Mama.






- Mama?

- Mm-hmm?



I made up that bed for you.



What for?



Well, just in case

you wanted a change.



I'm happy right where I am.



- You sure?

- Yeah.



Here you go.



Here you go, Mama.



Thanks, kids.



- Good night, Mama.

- You're so helpful.



- Another ball!

- I took her delivery,

we talked a little bit.



And that was it.

I dropped her off.



What's she doing here?



She... I don't know.

She's just sort of here.



- I think their car broke down

or something.

- Another ball!



Come on. You... I can see it

in your face that you're...



- Can we just not talk about this now?

Can we just change the subject?

- Why not?



- Do you understand?

- We want a pool.



- Okay. You're tellin' me later.

- I'll tell you everything later.



- Look at those guys out there.

- Gilbert.



They're laughing, they're all happy...



and waving to their friends.



But the next day... and this is

the thing that they don't know...



they could be lying on the slab.



It's kind of, uh, harsh.



But it's kind of fun too.



- Do you ever, um...

- What?



Well, you know.



- Thank you.

- Are you tempted to, like...



wanna fool around with the bodies?



- Oh, Tucker, come on.

- No, I wanted to ask.

I've always wanted to ask.



- That's all right.

- I'm sorry if

it makes you uncomfortable.

- No, no.



- People are very curious about that.

- Because, I mean

if you don't wanna talk about it...



The worst thing that we do is we take

the bodies... the grotesque ones...



the really, really ugly ones...



and we make... make jokes about them,

you know, harmless jokes.



Very harmless jokes,

but we come up with some...



- Come on.

- some very good... good jokes

about them, my father and me.



But-But, you know, they're dead.

And, uh...



- You know, nobody can see that.

Nobody hears anything.

- Hi, boys.



- Hi, Mrs Carver.

- Hello, Mrs Carver.

- Hi.



Those jokes don't hurt anybody.

Nobody knows we even make them.



Gilbert, I'm waiting for your call.



Mr Carver, I haven't seen

your mother in church lately.



- How's she doing?

- Fine. She's fine.



Thanks. Bye.



He wants...

He wants to kill you, right?



Do you prefer a bronze casket?



Hey! Gilbert!



Hey, can somebody give me

a hand down here?



- What?

- Can somebody give me a hand

with the wood?



- Hey, Arnie.

- Huh?



- You wanna go help Tucker?

- Uh-uh.



Arnie, go help Tucker in the basement.



Arnie, why don't you

go into the basement?



- I don't wanna go down there, Gilbert.

- Please?



No way! No way! No way!




- Go down there, Gilbert.

- Is there a problem?



Gilbert? Hey!



Dad's in there!



Dad's in there!



Arnie, shut up!




Shut up! Shut up!



Come on! Arnie.






It's not funny!



Get back here!



Don't worry.

Those are two-by-sixes.



You know, there's six of'em,

so, you know, those could hold anybody.



- l-I forgot.

- What?



I forgot that

that was where your dad...






I'm-I'm sorry.



No, that's okay.

Don't worry about it.



- No, Arnie! No! No climbing!

- I wanna go up there!



Arnie! No, you're not!



Arnie! Not again!



- Arnie!

- I wanna go up there!

- Get down. Get down.



Get down!



You're not going anywhere!

Not too much fun, is it?



I wanna go up there!



No! We're going home!



We're going home.

Come on.



- Stop!

- Ellen, no! Stop it!



- Stop it!

- I told you, don't touch him.



- What am I supposed to do?

- Don't ever touch him again.

- He was climbing again!



I don't care. Just get out of here.

Get out of here!



Let me see, buddy.

Come on. Let me see.



Let me see. Oh, great.

You made him bleed!



What does Gilbert say?



If anybody ever hits you...



or even just lays a finger on you,

what are you gonna do?









You're gonna tell me, and then I'm

gonna take care of it for you, right?



And why will I take care of it?



- Gilbert.

- Hmm?



- Because you're Gilbert.

- Because I'm Gilbert.



Because nobody hurts Arnie,




Okay. You wanna pick out some candy?



- Can I talk to you for a minute?

- What do you want?



We've got to keep

a closer eye on him.



- What?

- We've gotta do better.



Are you listening to me?



- Mine.

- And you.



- Huh?

- You have to stay here.



You stay right on this porch.

You don't go anywhere.



- Don't go anywhere.

- Don't go anywhere.



We're not going anywhere, Gilbert.

We're not going anywhere, you know?



We're not going anywhere.

We're not going anywhere.



We're not going...

We're not going anywhere.



We're not going anywhere!

We're not going anywhere!



Gilbert, we're not going anywhere.



We're not going anywhere!

We're not going anywhere.



Where are you going?






I'm waiting.

Waitin' for that call, Gilbert.






Hi, Gilbert.



- Oh, look. Come here.

- What?



- It's a praying mantis.

- Oh.



You know how they mate? The male

will sneak up on the female...



and she'll bite off his head...



and the rest of his body

will keep on mating.



And then when they're done...



she'll eat him.



She'll eat the rest of him.



Grandma, we have company.

So, do you want to eat?



- Help yourself.

- Oh, thank you. Wow.



Well, we missed the rally

in Des Moines.



If we get on the road by Friday,

we'll be able to make Colorado Springs

in time to catch them.



Have you ever been to Colorado?



No, ma'am.



It must be wonderful.



It must be incredibly

frustrating then...



to be stuck here in this place,

in Endora.



This place

is as good a place as any.



Think so?



She should know.



Becky's been just about

everywhere there is to go.



Places I didn't even know existed.



I'm a worldly kind of girl.



Me, I spent most of my whole life

in the same spot.



Why doesn't matter.



Anyway, she encouraged me

to get out.



Now she can't stay put anywhere.



She's the smartest,

most beautiful girl in the world.



Isn't she?

Isn't she beautiful?



Isn't she beautiful?



I'm sorry. She has this thing

with beauty that...



Oh, yeah, I noticed that.



I'm not into that... that whole

external beauty thing, you know.



- 'Cause it... it doesn't last.

- Right.



You're, you know... Eventually,

your face is gonna get wrinkly...



- you'll get grey hair...

- Sure.

- your boobs might sag.



You know? So what?



It's what you do

that really matters.



- Right?

- Yeah, sure.



So what do you wanna do?



Oh, uh, I don't know. I mean,

there's not so much to do here, really.



You can think of one thing.

Think of one thing that people do here.






Thank you.



It was nice meeting you.



Be nice.



- Hello.

- Hi.

- Hi.



Can I have yours

and I'll give you mine instead?



No, we want the big one!



You know something?

The one on top of it is fine.



- No, we want the big one!

- Yeah, I like it.



- Let's go.

- Come on! Get us the big one!



- Come on, Mom. Please?

- Here you go, guys.

- l...



- We want the big one.

- Yeah, that's fine.



It's changing.

That's what's wild about the sunset.



It'll just change really,

really slowly in front of your eyes.



I love the sky.



It's so limitless.



It is big.

It's very big.



Big doesn't even sum it up right.



That-That word "big" is so small.



You'd have to get

those really giant words...



to describe the sky.



Oh. Um...






I have to go do this thing.

It's kind of a family thing.



Do you want me to give you a ride

back into town, or do you wanna...



No, actually,

I'm just gonna sit here.



I could come back. I mean, I can...

I can come back and...



- Really?

- Yeah. Will you... You'll be here then?



- Yeah.

- All right.

- I'll just sit here.



All right, I'll be...

I'll be back in a little bit.



- Okay.

- Okay.



- Gilbert.

- Hey, buddy. Come on. We gotta go.



Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta go.



- Gilbert, where's the duck?

- Where's the duck?

- I can't see the duck anywhere.



- Find him. Look. Where'd he go?

- Where's the duck?



- It's hiding. Find the duck.

- Arnie, I don't have time for this.



Lift up. Okay, good.



- Ducky.

- Good boy. You know what?



- You're such a big boy.

- Yeah.



- You're such a big boy.

- I'm a big boy.

- Hey, you know what?



I bet you could do this all

by yourself if you really wanted to.



- Could you do this by yourself?

- I'm a big boy.



- Yeah, be a big boy.

- Big boy.



- Okay, take this.

- Take this.

- Wash everything.



- Your towels are there...

- Okay.

- and your robe is there.



- Okay.

- Okay?



- The big boy's gonna wash himself.

- Right. Okay.



- I gotta go.

- Okay.

- Gotta go.



- You missed it.

- What did I miss?



- The sunset.

- Really?



- It was beautiful.

- Oh.



Oh, well.



I'd like to see where you live.



- No, you wouldn't.

- Let's go see where you live.



Come on.



My parents split up

when I was a kid.



I go back and forth between them...



'cause they're always moving.



But it's good.

It's my life.






We don't really move.



I mean, we'd like to, but...



my mom is sort of

attached to the house.



Attached is, I guess,

not the right word.



She's pretty much wedged in.



- What do you mean?

- That's it. That's the house.



It's really amazing.



I mean, how small it looks

from here, considering the...



the girth of what's inside of it.



I don't know.



Did you ever see

a beached whale on television?



- Yeah.

- Yeah.



That's her.

That's my mom.



What about your dad?



Some other day.

Some other day.



I had a nice time tonight.



I know.



- Good night.

- Good night.



Oh, no. Oh, no.



Oh, Arnie. Come on.

I'm sorry, buddy. Come on.



Here, here.

You're okay. You're okay.



You're okay.

You're okay, buddy.



Come on. Get warm.



Oh, God, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, buddy.



I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.



Would somebody please explain?



- Gilbert's in charge of bathing.

- I could have "drownded."



I could have "drownded."



- No more baths.

- But you didn't, honey.



- You could've, but you didn't.

- No more baths, Mama.



It is too much to ask

to see this boy turn   ?



- No.

- It's ready.



Where's your head lately, Gilbert?



Where is your head?




- Sorry, Mama.

- Sorry isn't good enough.



- You gotta do better.

- Gotta do better.



Hey, boss, is that the right price?



That's right.



- It seems like it ought to be more.

- Maybe at Foodland.



We've always had

a reasonable deal on pickles.






Gilbert, got a delivery

for you, son.



It sounds urgent.



Uh, get out.

Go outside and play, right now.



- But...

- Right now. Hurry up.



- Hi, Betty.

- Hi.



Gilbert, could you dial that number

over there for me?



- My hands are all...

- Oh, yeah, sure.



- How have you been?

- Good.



I saw you last night.



Who's the girl?



- It's ringing.

- I got... Sorry. One sec.



This is good. Taste.



That's good. It's, uh, ringing.



One second.



Hello? Ken Carver here,

Carver Insurance.



Hello? Hello?



- Mr Carver?

- "Who is this?"



- Uh, it's Gilbert.

- Gilbert!



- "I'd given up on you, Gilbert."

- Did you?



- "Well, yeah. Can you blame me?"

- No, no.



I mean, how many times do I have

to ask, and still no visit?



- Well, I'm here now.

- Happy anniversary.



Well, we can't discuss this

over the phone. I think it's best...



that we meet man to man,

don't you agree?



- Yes.

- "Today is your lucky day."



I've just had a cancellation.

What about right now? Are you free?



Is that a yes, Gilbert?



- "Huh?"

- Okay.

- "All right."



I'm gonna be waiting

here for you, Gilbert.






Do you want me to be killed?

Do you want him to kill me?



Just playing.

Don't-Don't you wanna play?



This is crazy.

I, uh... I've gotta go.



- You don't have to go.

- Yes, I do.






It's that new girl, isn't it?



No, it's your husband. He wants me

to come to his office right now.



If you walk out that door...



Don't you dare walk out that door.



You look nervous, Gilbert.



I'd be nervous too if I were you.



If I were in your situation,

I'd be downright panicky.



I reviewed your file.



You've got

no major medical insurance.



No catastrophic, no life.






what if something

were to happen to you?



Something unforeseeable?



Something sudden? Random?



An accident, maybe.

What about your family?



Do you ever think about your family?



Now, stop thinking about yourself.

Think about them.



You don't wanna leave 'em




Ken Carver here.



Look, can't this wait?

I'm in the middle...



Oh. Betty, please, calm down.

Calm down.



No, no. l-l...

No, go on.



Go on, go on.



No. No.



No, no. Calm...



I'll... I'm on my way.



Troubles at home.

I'm sure you understand.



Oh, damn.

Betty's got the car.



Gilbert, would you give me a ride?



Oh, my God! Betty!



What the hell's going on here?



Todd? Doug?

Betty, what is going on here?



I don't believe this!



Oh, great!

Oh, God!



Boys, come on.




Let's go show your mom the cookies

that she's baked for us.



This is great.



All right.

Everything's okay.



These aren't burned.



Look, honey, they're fine.

They taste fine.



They're a little burnt on top,

but just fine.



They're wonderful.



Boys, here.

Have some of Mom's cookies.



They're really good. Here.



Come on, boys.

Make your mother happy.



Make your mom happy.

Have some cookies. Please. Please.



- Hey.

- Go on!



- What are you doing?

- I could've had any guy. Any guy!

- You want a real pool?



- What do you think this is?

- But...

- Doug, come over here!



- What?

- I chose you.

- It is a pool, son!



- I chose you.

- I got you a real pool, for God's sake!



Look! There's water in here!



Come here! Come here!

Get over here!



Come here!

Get inside the pool!



Get inside the pool with your brother!

Come here!



- Why did you?

- Get inside the pool!



Yeah. Look.

Real water, boys.



Okay, so I don't...



- Because...

- I give you all I have,

for Christ's sake!



- I knew you'd always be there.

- I've given you everything!

- Because...



- Here's a pool!

- Because I knew you'd never leave.

- A trampoline!



What the hell else more do you want?



What? For God's sake!



Son, get back in the pool.

Get back in the pool!



We're all gonna enjoy it!

It's a lot of fun, isn't it?



I'm doin' the best I can here.

I can't do any better!



I can't give any more!

I've given enough already!



I- I- I guess maybe

I'd better be getting off.



Not yet.



- "Arthur, in all my life..."

- Move, Amy.



I wondered, where is he?



Just this moment, just now.



What is he looking at?

What is he thinking?



I think it's time for Arnie

to take a bath.






Don't you think it's time

for Arnie to take a bath, Gilbert?



Just let him stink.



- I don't wanna take a bath!

- Please.

- No!



You know Mr Carver?



Well, he's dead.



He's dead.



Okay, kids, hurry up.

Let's go.



- Hi.

- Hey.



- What's going on?

- He drowned.



- You're kidding?

- No. In that.



- A kiddie pool. I don't get it.

- Wow.



It's like one foot deep.

Weird, right?



- Oh, yeah.

- He-He "drownded."

- Shh, shh, shh.



Shh, shh, shh. Come on.



All right?

Shh, shh, shh, shh.



He had the cardiac arrest.



His head bent forward,

his knees buckled...



and then he just fell...



face forward into the pool.



When she found him,

he was already dead.



That's what we don't know.

That's what nobody knows.



No, I know it. I would...

I saw the... I saw the... I saw the body.



- I saw the... I prepared it.

I know exactly what...

- You don't know...



I would have seen...

I would have seen what...



if there was any kind of struggle

that had gone on.



- It was murder.

- No.



What do you think?

What do you think?



I, uh, I don't know.

I, um... You know, it's-it's possible.



Bob, we're talking about

thousands and thousands of dollars.



- If she saw...

- She doesn't have to work...

- Even if she did wanna do it...



- She doesn't have to work

for the rest of her life.

- Even if she did...



If-lf you saw somebody laying...



with their head down

in the pool motionless...



or even if they were kind of

limply doing that...



- which he wasn't doing,

but even if that...

- You don't know that!



Well, it-it was an extreme,

uh, "post-cardial" infarction.



- Extreme.

- So nothing's fishy?

- N-No.



Hey, Gilbert, look!

It's that girl!



- Gilbert, it's that girl!

- It's perfectly logical.



Even if it's...

Listen. Wait a minute, Tucker.



We're not talkin' about...

We're not talkin' about

takin' a gun and shootin' somebody.



- We're talkin' about pushin' along

something that's rolling that direction.

- Hi!



- Please, play with me over there.

- Okay.

- Please?



Come on. Let's play over there.

Come on. Please play...



- Hi.

- How are you doin'?

- Fine.



- Will you play over there?

Will you play?

- Okay. Okay, we'll play.



- Settle down.

- We're gonna play!

- Okay, okay.



- Will you give us a ride?

- Yeah, yeah.



So, that's it.



Yeah, I guess so.



The magic part.



The magic part?



The magic part, Gilbert?



- Hey, could we go...

- Grandma, here it is.

- Yeah?



- Oh, thanks.

- Can we go play now?



- What are we gonna play?

- Hi.

- Hi.



Can we play hide-and-go-seek?




- You like that?

- Gilbert?

- Mm-hmm?



- Would you give me some help?

- Yeah, go ahead.



- Hang on one second.

- Okay.



Try it.



- I don't know.

- Yeah, I don't know.



I don't...

It's a mystery.



- Gilbert, listen, thanks anyway.

- No problem.



Come play with me in the water.



You can't find me.

You can't find me anywhere.



Say-Say "Where's Arnie?"

Say that.



No, I want you to come in with me.






Say "Where's Arnie?"



Say "Where's Arnie?"

Say that.



Where's Arnie?



You can't find me.

Say it again. Hi!



Say it again,

and you gotta look for me around.



I wanted you

to swim with me, Arnie.



Don't even try it, 'cause he's...

he's had a scare with water...



and he won't...

he won't come in.



I'm not comin' in the water.



- You wanna come in the water?

- No.



Why not?



Are you scared

to come in the water?



- No, no.

- Are you sure?



- I'm sure.

- He's scared.



Are you scared, Gilbert?



All right, what do you want to see?

Do you want to see...



Do you want to see me get wet

a little, like this?



- Yeah.

- A little splash?



A little more.



Do you wanna see this?



You want this, right?

Huh? You happy?



Tell me what you want

as fast as it comes to you.



- Okay?

- Okay.



Okay, what do you want?



- Faster!

- Okay.



I want a new thing.



House. I want a new house

for the family.



I want a...

I want Mama...



to take aerobics classes.



I want Ellen to grow up.



I want a new brain for Arnie.



I want...



What do you want for you?



Just for you.



I want to be a good person.



I can't... I can't do this.

I can't...



- Okay.

- Where's Arnie?






Excuse me, ma'am,

have you seen my brother?









- Hey!

- Come on.



Hey! Over here!



- Hang on, son.

- Come on, now.



- I did it again!

- Get this unbuckled.



All right, here we go.

There you go.



It's all right, Jerry. I got him.

I got him. It's all right, Jerry.



We're takin' him in.



It's not gonna happen again,

I promise this time.



We've warned you,

we've warned your sister...



that the next time

was gonna be the last time.



- Great. Great.

- Flash the lights!

Play the siren, okay?



- I don't believe this.

- Play the siren for me!



Way to go, Gilbert.



- Jerry, listen. You're gonna... You're

gonna have to take it easy on him.

- We'll take care of him, Gilbert.



- You gotta... Really,

you gotta keep an eye on him.

- All right. All right.



Hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!



Do the siren. Do the siren, okay?

Do the siren, all right?



I know, Sheriff.



I know that, Sheriff.



Okay. Asshole!



They're probably just teaching him

a lesson. They're probably just

proving a point.



Yeah. That's right.



Get my coat.






Get my coat.



Get it!



Let's go.



Well, at least he's in a safe place.

At least someone's watching him.



Ellen, shut up.



You guys wait here.

I'll be right back, okay?



Mama. Mama,

let Gilbert handle this.



- Jerry, come on, please.

- Please, have a seat outside.



- Please, you gotta let him out.

- You need to wait your turn, okay?



- I don't think you guys understand.

It's gonna be...

- Look.



No one's going to do a thing

until you go and sit down outside...












Jerry, I've come for my son.




Sheriff, are you there?



Bonnie, you'll need

to fill out some papers.



No! No!



- Police procedure requires...

- I want my boy, Jerry.



- But Bonnie, you have to calm...

- My son! Give me my son!



Come on. You're goin' home.



Sunshine, you're free!

Oh, baby.



- Don't disappear like that any more.

- Okay.



- Promise me.

- Mom!



You're free, baby. You're free.

Let's go home.









That's why she needs a cane.



Look at her!



Mama, they didn't

flash the lights for me either.



Flash the lights.






Look at me!



I'm hiding!

Say-Say "Where's Arnie?"



- Say like that.

- Arnie, get down.



Gilbert, come find me.



Where's Arnie?






That's my mom in there.



My mama.




come play with me up here.



Come play with me.



God, that was so brave,

what your mother did.



You know that, right?



I'd like to meet her.



No, you wouldn't.



Hey, where do you go next?



I would like to meet your mom.



In sure and certain hope of

the resurrection to eternal life...



we commend to Almighty God

our brother, Kenneth Carver...



and we commit his body

to the ground.



Earth to earth...



ashes to ashes

and dust to dust.



The Lord bless him

and keep him.



The Lord make his face

shine on him...



and be gracious to him.



The Lord look upon him

with favour...



and give him peace.



Lord Jesus, by your death

you took away the sting of death.



Grant to us, your servants,

so to follow in faith...



- for you have led the way...

- Hey! Hey!



- that we may at length

fall asleep peacefully in you...

- Lookit here!



- Lookit here!

- great in your likeness...



- Look where I'm pointing!

- the God of peace who brought again

from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ.



The great shepherd of the sheep,

through the blood of

the everlasting covenant...



- It's a Burger Barn, Gilbert!

- make you perfect in

every good work to do his will...



- Gilbert, it's a Burger Barn!

- working in you that which is

well pleasing in his sight...



- Burger Barn!

- through Jesus Christ, amen.



- Hey.

- Boys, you can have anything you want.



You could get candy if you want.

You can have candy if you want too.



As for me,

something with menthol, please.



You like gum?

Do you like gum?



I like gum.

Here's a good kind.



- Here, take this.

You can have it. Take it.

- Hey.



- You want gum too?

- We're going to St Louis.



I can't stay in that house.



I really am sorry about your...



Here, Mommy will take care of it.

You run on outside.



Everybody thinks I killed him.



Do you?






I miss him...



and I don't.



I miss him, and I don't.



So, Gilbert,

what's to become of you?



Oh, I'll probably just...



You haven't thought about it.



Poor Gilbert... cooped up...



taking care of everybody else,

forgettin' all about you.



- Mommy?

- Mommy is coming in a minute, honey.






Concerning my boys?



I was thinkin' that if my boys

turn out anything like you...






I was thinkin'

how that would be nice...



for my boys to be like you.



He's all yours.



Are you gonna miss her?









Damn it!



So, what do you think?



- Wow.

- Right?

- Wow.




Here, try a milkshake.



Real milk in there.



- You're kidding.

- Real milk.



Bob... Oh, Bob.



- Hey! Congratulations!

This looks great!

- Thanks, Bob.



- Yeah, thanks. Thanks a million.

- What?



What, are you tryin'

to depress everybody?

You're gonna ruin everyone's appetite.



Hey, hey. l... Mike, right?

You wanna come to my party tomorrow?



I'm gonna be    years old.

Wanna come?



You can come too, if you want to.

I don't know you, but you can come.



How nice to see so many of you here

on this great day.



This day marks the beginning

of a new era for Endora...



for the Burger Barn family and,

I hope, for all of you.



We at Burger Barn are committed...



- "to a very special relationship with"

you, one that will last and last.

- Hi.



In a time when so many things

are falling apart...



Endora decides to give

Burger Barn a chance...



a new breath of life.



She fixed it.

The camper's fixed...



and we're gonna

be leaving tomorrow.



Come on!



Hey, you can come to my party

tomorrow, okay? You can come.






- Hey!

- Hi, Arnie.

- So, I'm invited.






- Do you not want me to go?

- No.



I mean, go if you want.



Oh, so this is...

is this how you want it?



I have to go.



Take care, okay?



Goodbye, Arnie.



- Oh, no.

- Come on, let's get that bath.



No. No!



Hey, Arnie?



- Arnie?

- Guys!






You gotta take a bath, Arnie.






Arnie, you gotta do it.

It's your birthday.



- Arnie!

- Oh, no!

- Damn it!



Arnie, no!



Oh, God.



I can't make another one.

I can't.



We have to have a cake, Gilbert.



Attention, Foodland shoppers.

Remember, every day this week...



is a double coupon day.



- Can I help you?

- Uh, yes.



Um, my sister called in

an order for Grape.



Oh, yeah, yeah.

It's all set.



There you go.

That'll be   .  .



- Go away, Arnie.

- Gilbert, what's in there?



- It's a surprise. Leave it alone.

- What's-What's in that box?



Don't touch it.

If you touch it, I'm gonna kill you.



I can't believe you.



Look, I'll enjoy the party

from in here. It'll be fine.



Now, you'll see.

Everything'll be just fine.



What am I

supposed to say to people?



I mean, it's Arnie's   th birthday.

Haven't you been waiting

to do this for a long time?



I mean, wasn't it you that wanted to

have this huge party in the first place?



I didn't want to.



- Damn it!

- I can't believe you!



- Arnie!

- Oh, man.

- Look, he's eating the cake!



- Shit!

- Arnie!

- That's it. Forget it.



- Forget it.

- Nice job, Arnie.

- Arnie!



Now what are we gonna do?



Arnie! Arnie.



Come here. Come here! Come here!



Do you know what that fucking cost?

Do you know what I had to do?



Come on.

No, no, it's time for your bath.



Get your clothes off.

Get 'em off!



- Get in that bath.

- Gilbert, no!

- Get your fucking clothes off.



Come on.



- Gilbert, no!

- Don't move. Don't move!



Gilbert, stop!






What did you do?












What is goin' on?



Don't worry, Mama.

Ellen, let's go.



- We should call his mother.

- No, no, no. It's okay. I know...



I know where he lives.

I can take him.



It's really okay. Yeah.



Arnie, you wanna go for a walk?



You wanna go play, Arnie?



Come on, Arnie.



Come on, Arnie.

You can do it.



Come on, Arnie.

You can do it. Come on.



- "Merrily, merrily." Sing that.

- Okay.



Row, row, row your boat



Gently down the stream



Yea! Yea!

You did it!



Good job, Arnie!

You did it!



So I'll see you

in a little bit, okay?



- Bye!

- Bye, Arnie.



Take care.



You know, I "drownded," huh?

I "drownded" over there.



No, you just got clean.






Hi! How are you?



- No, I'm fine.

- You sure?



- Yeah, I'm fine.

- All right.



- Bye!

- Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.



I hit him.



I hit him so hard, l...



He's gonna be okay.



You don't hurt Arnie.

You just don't.



I gotta go. I gotta go.



I got nowhere to go.



I had to work extra hours

just to feed her.



So it's your fault?



You don't understand. She was

in shock for years. He disappeared.



He didn't say goodbye.

He just...



One day, all of a sudden...



he was gone.



He was just hangin' there.



That's when it all started.



She used to be so pretty.



She was so pretty

and so fun.



So you think it's his fault?






Nobody knew what he felt.

He didn't give anything.



He was just sort of there.



You'd try to play with him,

you know, get him to play around...



or get him to laugh

or get him to smile or get him to...



I don't know... get mad.



But nothin'.



Just like, uh, he was already dead.



I used to know a guy like that.



- Hey.

- Hi.



It's Arnie's birthday.



I need to go home.



- Thank you.

- Thank you.



Give my regards to your mother.



- Hey, Amy, look who's here.

- Where you been?



- You all right?

- Yeah, I'm all right.

- He's alive.






Where's Arnie?



Amy. Please, Amy.



Is he okay?



I think you better

ask him that yourself.



Where is he?



I wonder where he could be.






Have you seen Arnie?



Um, no, I thought he was with you.



- No.

- No?









Arnie? Anybody seen Arnie?



Where's my brother?









Come here.



You scared me, buddy.



You scared Gilbert.

Don't scare Gilbert, okay?



- Don't scare Gilbert, okay?

- Okay.



Come here.



Who's got you?



You better talk to Mama.









What you did was...



He's a helpless boy, Gilbert.



And then disappearing like that?



I hate that.



You know how I hate that.



You walked out,

and I thought...



I can't take another.



But you came back, Gilbert.






Why did you?



I don't know, Mama.



I'm here now.

I'm here now.



Yes, you are.



You came back for the party.



Oh, Gilbert.



I can't imagine

how it's been for you kids.



I know what a burden I am.



Don't say that.



I know it.



And I know that

you're ashamed of me.



No, I'm not.



No, I'm not.



I never, never meant

to be like this.



I never wanted to be a joke.



- You're no joke, Mama.

- I never wanted to be.



You're no joke.



- You're no joke.

- Oh, Gilbert.



Please don't disappear.

Please don't disappear.



- Hurry! Hurry!

- You're really growing up to be

quite a young lady.



- Thanks.

- Hey. Hi.

- Hey.



You know, I don't want to

rain on the day here...



but you have a serious

foundation problem.



You see how this...

the porch is slanted right here?



I mean, this is

a serious problem, Gilbert.

We need to get up underneath here...



First of all, we need to fill this in

so that no more water collects here.



And then we'll probably...




- Hi.

- Hi.



- Hello, Gilbert.

- Nana.



- You ready?

- For what?



I want you to...

I want you to come meet somebody.






- Hey!

- Hi, Arnie.

- Hi.



- Here's your present.

- Arnie, what do you say?



Thank you!






Mama, I want you

to meet somebody.



- No!

- Please?



- Just this once, for me?

- Gilbert, it's okay.



- We can do it later.

- No. This is what I want.



Do it for me, please?



This is different.

Nobody's gonna laugh.



I'm not gonna hurt you

any more, Mama.



I promise.









Okay. Becky?



Mama, this is Becky.



- Hello.

- Hi.



I haven't always been like this.



I haven't always been like this.



- I'm called a miracle.

- You're a miracle?



- I'm a miracle.

- A walking miracle. I can believe that.



I'm just gonna put this up here.



- Uh, bye.

- Goodbye, Arnie.



- Bye.

- You take care.



I had a really nice time.



I know.



- I don't know what to say.

- Say, "Thank you," Gilbert.



Say, "Thank you."



Thank you.



- Goodbye.

- No, it's not goodbye, Arnie.



It's goodnight. Goodnight...

Goodnight to you, but not me.



Hey, they're coming!



Bye! Wait!






Mama, what are you doing?



To work in Danny's office.



I thought you'd be pleased.



Oh, I am pleased.



So close your eyes.



Amy? Amy?



You rest, Mama.



You deserve to rest.



Amy, get me my birthday boy.



- I want my birthday boy.

- Okay.



Here, Mama.

Here's the water.






You're my knight

in shimmering armour.



Did you know that?



I think you mean shining.



No. Shimmering.



You shimmer and you glow.



You rest, okay?

Get some sleep.









Mama! Mama!



Wake up!



You're hiding, huh?



I know that.



Wake up!



Mama, wake up!



Mama, stop it now!



Stop, Mama!



Stop it.



Arnie? Arnie?



What's wrong?



What's wrong? Stop it!









- Arnie!

- Don't... Give me... Stop!






I'm gonna need

some more men, Amy.



Hey, flash the lights.

Flash 'em.



You may need the National Guard

to move her out of there.



I'm sorry about that.



l-It's gonna take a crane

to get her out.



There's gonna be a crowd.



I just know

there's gonna be a crowd.



She's so beautiful.



She's no joke. She's no joke.



I'm not gonna let her be a joke.






We're gonna need your help.



Gilbert, is that them?



No. No, not yet.



- When are they gonna come?

- Pretty soon.



Pretty soon.



My brother Arnie's

about to turn   .






Gilbert, look there!



Amy got a job offer

to manage a bakery in Des Moines.



- Is that them?

- Yeah, that's them.



Ellen can't wait

to switch schools.



Arnie asked if we were gonna

go, too, and I said...



"Well, we can go anywhere

if we want.



- Becky!

- We can go anywhere."



Becky's comin', huh, Gilbert?



Yep. She's comin'.






Come on! Come on, Gilbert.






Hi! Hi.



Hi! Hi!



- I'm fine.

- Hi!

- How are you?


Special help by SergeiK