Wyatt Earp Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Wyatt Earp script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaid movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Wyatt Earp. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Wyatt Earp Script

They just moved out of the O.K. Corral
down by Fly's.

Looks like Ike and Billy Clanton...

the McLaurys, Billy Claiborne.
Maybe more.

Let's go.

Morgan, take care of Mama for me.

Keep your little brother out of trouble.

Warren, I won't be seeing you for a while.

Where you headed, Wyatt?


- I thought you went to Logan.
- I changed my mind.

Where you going, son?

To town. I'm going to enlist, Pa.

I want to fight the Rebs
with James and Virg.

- I'm ready.
- Are you?

You think your ma's ready?
I don't think she is.

Why'd you wait till I left
to take off, Wyatt...

if you think it's the right thing?

Virgil and James should be
coming on home any day soon now.

Until they do, you know your job.

What was that? I didn't hear you.

Eighty acres of corn.

You take on a job, you finish it.

Any man who can't be depended on steady
isn't worth the trouble of having around.

What makes you think
they're coming home soon, Pa?

This war can't last forever.

Besides, it's what I want to happen.

You know I got to whup you a bit.

Come on, Johnny Reb.


Look who got long and tall.

We didn't know you was coming.
Why didn't you send word?

We didn't know ourselves,
so then we thought we'd just come on.

Is James coming, too?

James is right here with me, Wyatt.

Don't shoot me now, you hear?


- James, welcome home.
- Give us a hand here.

Thank you, Lord.

Your mother thinks
there's something wrong with me.

She says there's something in my blood
that won't allow me to stay put.

She may be right.

If she's lucky,
I haven't passed it on to you.

We'll see.

But for this family,
the time has come to move on again.

To the west of here
is a vast expanse of untamed territory...

full of wild Indians and countless dangers.

But beyond that wilderness
lies a land with great promise...

where civilization has flourished
for hundreds of years.

We'll go to California
and see what we can make of that place.

But why, Pa?

There are opportunities for lawyers...

and rich land available
for people who know how to work.

In California, Wyatt will study the law
and perhaps come to work with me.

Maybe Morgan and Warren
will join our firm.

I've already told Pa that I'm not going.
I wanna see what's available to me here.

- I don't want to go, either.
- Martha's in love with Jimmy Jorgenson.

Good for you, Martha. He's a standup boy.

His family knows what it means
to put down roots.

Martha, if you don't want to go,
that's your decision.

James has said he will join us,
which suits me fine.

The closer you keep your family,
the better.

They're the only ones you can rely on.
Remember this, all of you.

Nothing counts so much as blood.

The rest are just strangers.

Nicholas, I think
you've already told them that.

A hundred times.

- You can't hear it enough.
- I heard it a thousand times.

I heard you, Pa. Blood counts the most.

I just want you to get these things
and get back.

Don't talk to anyone
you don't have business with.

- Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him.
- That doesn't comfort me, Tom Chapman.

Both of you use your heads.

- Don't linger.
- Don't worry, Ma. We won't shame you.


See you later. Nice pitchfork.

- I like this town, Wyatt.
- Why don't you give up?

Excuse me.

I am not going in there.
Take a look, though.

Come on! Go ahead!

Stand back!

I'll settle this right now!

How you doing, Wyatt?

I'm okay, Pa.

You know, this land is full of people
doing wicked things to each other.

I ain't afraid. I like it out here.

I like how nothing much has been touched.

I got to tell you something, Wyatt.

I told your brothers
when they went off to fight...

and I suppose the time's come for you.

You know I'm a man
that believes in the law.

After your family, it's about the only thing
you got to believe in.

But there are plenty of men
who don't care about the law.

Men who'll take part in all kinds of
viciousness and don't care who gets hurt.

In fact, the more they get hurt, the better.

When you find yourself in a fight
with such viciousness...

hit first if you can.

And when you do hit, hit to kill.

You'll know. Don't worry.

You'll know when it comes to that.

The Earps always know.

Damn it, Wyatt, move this wagon!
They're catching up!

- This is all we got, Dutch!
- Whip those nags!

Giddap! Come on!

Hold on, Dutch!

- They're on us!
- Shoot the horse.

- What?
- Shoot the lead horse!

You can hit a horse, can't you?

Come on, boys.

That horse never done nothing to me.

You should be riding shotgun.
I've seen you shoot.

'Course, I can't handle a team like you.

Hell, we made it. That's the thing.

You ever shoot a man, Dutch?

Sure. I shot a few.
How do you think I got this job?

How about yourself?


Hope I never do, either.

Good luck.

If it ain't the sore-ass boys
back for another Fourth of July.

Hey, Red!

I hope you brought sugar in this load.
I ain't had no real sugar for a month.

What's happening in this hellhole, Red?

You got any new ladies
up to my standards?

I believe that there is a new one
just right for you, Dutch.

She can stay awake two minutes at a time
and she favors them teeny little wangers.

Look who's talking.

Prize fight Sunday morning, Wyatt.
You gonna referee?

I don't know. Last time,
some of the boys didn't like the decision.

Sore losers. Hell with them. See you later.


Get him, Shanssey!

Keep your guard up, Shanssey.

That's it. Take him down!

Keep your hands off!

One. Two.

- Get up!
- Three.

- You're hurt, Mr. Shanssey.
- No, I'm just getting started.

- It's not worth it.
- Let me fight him.

- Are you sure?
- Aye.



It's over!

God bless you, boy.


You don't know a boxing ring
from a mule's asshole...

and you twice cost me money.

Sorry you didn't like the decision.

Stay out. It's not your fight.

Come on, Wyatt.

- This is the damnedest game I ever saw.
- You can't get a spot now anyway.

So why don't you just come on up with me
for a while?

I don't know if that would be
the right thing to do, Sally.

See, I promised my heart to another.

- Which girl? I'll fight her for you.
- It's no one here.

She's back in Lamar, Missouri,
where my grandparents live.

Missouri? Wyatt, she ain't gonna
help you tonight.

I saw her three times back in '  .

The third time she smiled at me just right.

I guarantee you
she don't know what I know.

I'll bet you're right about that,
unless things have changed in Lamar.

Your boy Dutch is drunk and he's telling
everybody how you're gonna take Ed Ross.


Who's Ed Ross?

He's the guy who decked you
at the fight this morning.

I'd get a hold of Dutch before he starts
some real trouble for you, all right?

- Thanks, Red.
- Sure.

I know Ed Ross. He's bad business.

I'd better find Dutch.

- Gentlemen, that's it for me.
- You don't have to leave yet.

- You done?
- All yours.

How do you play this game, fellas?

Simple, friend. Bet on the number
you think is the winner.

If you're betting for it to lose,
tap her with a penny on top.

All bets on the spread. Comes the turn.

The loser: Jack.

The winner is ace.

- I had a feeling this was a game for me.
- You're a winner, sir.

Can we have a better time than this

At least upstairs
I'd be making some money.

Wyatt Earp!

That's my name.

That don't mean shit to me
or anybody else in this world.

And it never will after this night.

- Ed, this boy isn't worth your trouble.
- Shut up, Sally.

Earp, I hear you was looking for me
to make a fight.

- So I thought I'd be easy to find.
- You heard wrong, mister.

Only thing that's happened between us
is I got popped good.

- I don't want to make a fight.
- Stop talking.


This man wanted to shoot me down...

over nothing!

He lost.

I'm taking his gun.


- Yes?
- Hello, Mrs. Sutherland.

I don't expect you'll remember me...

I know perfectly well who you are,
young man.

Your grandmother told me
you were coming back to Lamar.

Yes, ma'am.
I'm reading the law with Judge Earp.

Are those flowers for me?

- Lf you'd like them, then, yes, they are.
- No, thanks.

Let me see if Urilla is around.

She might take them.

Hello, Wyatt.

Hello, Urilla.

I brought you these.

Thank you.

I was glad to hear
you were coming back to town.

- You were?
- Yes, I was.

What's wrong?

Wrong? Nothing. It's...

What is it, Wyatt?

I wasn't prepared
for how beautiful you are.

Did you learn to talk that way out west?

So you've come to Lamar
to study with your grandfather?


And to marry you.

- Do you think it's as simple as that?
- No.

I know it will take a great effort
to win you.

I know many men have tried.

They failed because
you were meant for me.

But I'll succeed. I'll begin today.

Is that your hat?

When do you expect
to begin your practice, Wyatt?

It may be a while yet, sir.

The judge says he's never seen anybody
make slower progress.

That's 'cause the law is so damn boring.

Erwin, not everyone has the aptitude
to be a blacksmith.

I don't know.

I think I could teach Wyatt here
a thing or two...

- if he was willing to work at it.
- I appreciate that, but I've found a job.

I thought I should make a living
while I continue my studies.

What is it, Wyatt? What's the job?

With the city police.

I'm to be a constable.

I figure a man who's about to
propose marriage better have a livelihood.

When do you expect
this proposal to happen...

so we can all join in the crying?

Daddy, Wyatt's proposed to me every day
since he's been back in town.

...be faithful to him
as long as you both shall live?

I do.

May we have the ring, please?

Place the ring
on the ring finger of her left hand...

and repeat after me:

- Urilla.
- "Urilla."

With this ring, I thee wed.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

By the virtue of the authority vested in me
as a judge of the State of Missouri Court...

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Urilla, if it doesn't work out,
you know where to find me.

Wyatt, you give it your best shot.
You can do it.

Make us proud, Wyatt.

You've never seen such open space, Urilla.

You can ride all day toward
some mountain and never even get close.

There's practically nobody there.

The few people that are...

they just make up
whatever kind of life they want.

What if you don't ever go back?

That's all right. I seen it.

I don't want to be the reason
that you're not happy.

I could be happy anywhere with you.

I don't care what job I have or where I live.

What I care about is being with you.

I thought this was only supposed
to happen in the morning.

Please, Wyatt, let's not talk about it!

Can't you let me be?

You can't go in.

- I want to see my girl.
- Esther, I can't allow it.

Has something gone wrong
with the pregnancy?

This has nothing to do with that.

It's typhoid.

I'm going to have to quarantine the house.

I can't let you go in, Esther.
It wouldn't be fair to the town.

...our blessed Savior, who is himself
the resurrection and the life...

has assured us that this body,
which we now commit to the ground...

dust to dust and ashes to ashes,
shall be raised in a perfect form...

and united to the spirit
which has gone to God.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...

and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Ghost...

What's the matter with you?

What the hell? Come on. Back off.

This ain't no hotel, you stinking bum.

I can't tell you from the horse crap.

Keep walking.

Pardon me, sir.

I wonder if you could spare a fella
the price of a meal.

You're drunk.

- No, sir, not at present.
- You reek of it and worse.

I'm not in the business of helping drunks.

You're correct, mister.

I have done my share of drinking lately,
and I intend to correct my behavior.

And it would be a good...

It would be a good start
if you could lend me the price of a meal.

There's no excuse for drunkenness.

Or for the self-pity
which so often occasions it.

Yes, sir.

If you really want a meal,
come with me, and I'll arrange it.

But I won't give you money.

Thank you, sir. I accept.

I don't know if they'll serve you here.
Maybe they'll give you a meal in the back.


You don't know what you're talking about!

- You want a snort?
- No.

- Bob?
- Coming.

- Here. You can have the hat, too!
- Son of a bitch!

That's a little better.

Leastwise, I can take you in my bed
without you fouling it.

- I'm sure you have your standards.
- Don't think I don't.

- Pretty new at this, ain't you?
- What?

Making a wreck of yourself.

Won't last much longer.

Gonna reform, are you, ace?

Reckon I'll get myself shot dead
pretty soon.

Let's find out what's left of you.

All right.


Horse thief.

- How did you find...
- Shut up! Do you want to die?

That's what they do to horse thieves.
They hang them.

I don't care...

Do you think you're the first man
to lose someone?

That's what life is all about: Loss.

But we don't use it as an excuse
to destroy ourselves.

We go on. All of us.

Even you, Wyatt.

You're getting out of here.

I gave them $    bail.

And I told them
I'd defend you at your trial.

There's not gonna be any trial.

Because if they try you, they'll hang you.

And if they catch you, they'll hang you.

So you get on that horse, Wyatt,
and you ride.

You keep riding
till you get out of Arkansas.

And you don't come back here, ever.


This could be the one.

I got it.

- How about some hot coffee?
- We serve warm whiskey, not hot coffee.

Why don't you find me some coffee?

- Coffee she is.
- Excuse me, mister.

We saw you come in with your wagon,
but we didn't see any skinners with you.

That's 'cause there wasn't any.

- Quit?
- Dead.

That's as good as quit in my book.

My brother and me
are looking for work as skinners.


My luck finally turned
with those big stinking bastards.

Whiskey all around!

- No, thanks.
- Wait a second, mister.

Link Borland's buying, so drink up.

Thanks, but I got some coffee coming.

I don't do well on whiskey.

If you'd pay for my coffee,
I'd be much obliged.


I've been in a real bad mood
for a couple of years...

so why don't you leave me alone?

Drop your gun belt and go away.

- Got any experience?
- A little.

It ain't too hard
shooting a bunch of dumb animals.

Skinning's the ugly part.

Our mother didn't raise no shirkers.

- $   apiece.
- Mister, that's a deal.

My name is Ed Masterson.

- This is my brother...
- Bat.

- What?
- Bat Masterson.


Okay, Bat. Wyatt Earp.

- We got a brother named Jim, too.
- One brother?

That's all you boys got?
One measly brother?

Better than nothing, I guess.

There's nothing counts so much as blood.

Everybody else is just strangers.

I guess we know where we stand
with Wyatt, don't we, Ed?

You boys keep up that good skinning,
you just might get to be family yet.

Of course, before you can be family...

I'd have to know
where you got that name, Bat.

It's just my name.

I already told you    times, Wyatt.
They always called me that.

Shut up, Ed.

I tell you what, Ed.
You tell me his real name...

I'll let you do some shooting tomorrow.

- Bartholomew Masterson.
- Bartholomew?

Why, Bat, that's a beautiful name.

There's no reason to be ashamed
of a $   handle like that.

Maybe I'll just call you that all the time.


Sure you won't change your mind
and take another run at them?

No, I'm gonna visit my brother James
over in Wichita.

Meet his wife.

See if I can't figure out a better way
to make a living...

Than shooting a bunch of dumb animals.

Don't hold much future, that's for sure.

Not with every asshole in the territory
plugging away dawn till dusk.

That's us, ain't it?

Are all bets in?

Next card, loser is six, winner is eight.

- Just in time, sir.
- Thank you.

That's good, Wyatt.

Gentlemen, hold your bets
for the new dealer.


- How's it going?
- I'm getting the hang of it.

I like that game.

I wouldn't mind owning a place,
I'll tell you that.

Last week you wanted to start
a stage line. Or was that the silver mine?

Now we're gonna have our own saloon.

All I know is there's not much future
in working for other people.

Who knows, Wyatt?

With what Bessie makes,
maybe we could get a bit together.

Hi, there.

She's my wife.

You know I don't like counting on women.

Hell, I'd count on Bessie
ahead of any man I know.

What you got against her, anyhow?

- She's a whore, James.
- Yes, she is, Wyatt.

And a hard-working one at that.

What are you doing with her?

Same thing everyone else
is doing with her.

Only difference is she doesn't charge me.

It doesn't bother you?

That she doesn't charge me?
No, I'm rather fond of the arrangement.

On a good day, I can even
get her to cook and clean a little.

- What was that? I didn't hear you.
- Nothing.

Your arrangement doesn't bother you,
I guess it doesn't bother me.

That's a big load off my mind.

I've been losing sleep worrying whether
or not my arrangement bothered you.

I got something for you!

- Where are you, big man?
- Look out!

What in tarnation?

What the hell's going on here?

Rowdy Dubbs is in the Iron Spike,
drunk and mad.

We think he's already shot one man.

Ford here has got to go in and get him.

It's your job, isn't it?

Not anymore.

They don't pay me enough
to commit suicide.

Give me.

I see you out there!

- My leg!
- Shut up.

I don't see anybody else in there,
but maybe you'd better check around.

- Young man, how'd you like a job?
- I got a job over at Pryor's dealing faro.

$   a month.

I don't know. Being a deputy isn't...

I'll make it $   
but don't hold me up for more.

$   ?

What's the Marshal gonna say?

Marshal Meagher's
gonna like you just fine, Deputy.

This could be trouble.

Hold on, Mike. Don't shoot him.

- How are you, Wyatt?
- This is my no-good brother, Morgan.

As opposed
to your no-good brother, James.

- That's right.
- Morgan, meet Marshal Meagher.

- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.

Now take off those guns.

- Do what?
- Take off your guns.

Take them off.

- When did you get to town?
- About an hour ago.

- This boy would make one hell of a deputy.
- Might have an opening some time.

If we do, he can put them back on.

- It's really good to see you, Morgan.
- You, too, Wyatt.

Come on. I wanna show you something.

- Go ahead.
- Come on!

You're not gonna believe this.
Hold on to your hat.

Or maybe just take it off.

You decent, hon?

Here he is.

Lou, this is him.

This is my big brother.

- How do you do, ma'am?
- It's a pleasure to meet you, James.

This is Wyatt, not James.
We'll find James later.

Lou and I met in California
when I was out to see the folks.

Isn't she the sweetest thing
you've ever seen?

I believe she is.


Don't shoot.

If you miss me,
it'd destroy your reputation.

Mister, I ain't in the mood.

Larry Deger from Dodge City.

People tell me you the man I'm looking for.

We used to see       head of cattle
come through in a season.

Hell, this year looks closer to       .

Think about it.

- How much?
- $   a month.

- I'm making more than that here.
- Plus $ .   for every arrest.

I need help and lots of it.

Things are already out of hand.

- So you're looking for more than one?
- Hell, yes.

You know anyone you can trust?

I might know a few.

I'm Wyatt Earp.


Wyatt Earp!

Who the fuck is Wyatt Earp?

It appears to be just some asshole.

He's the asshole who enforces the law.

- There ain't no law in Dodge City.
- That's right.

Not for the Clements crew.

Stand down.

We've got some new laws
since you boys were here.

Tell them, Morgan.

All visitors will check their guns
immediately upon arrival.

That'll be the day.

No discharge of firearms
within the city limits...

except on the Fourth of July
and Christmas Day.

No riding into the stores...

saloons, the dance halls,
or the gambling houses.

And no public intoxication.

Mannen, what's that supposed to mean,
public intoxication?

I think what he means is
we done enough talking.

It means if you do anything
we don't much approve of...

we got a legal right to shoot you down.

You the one that's gonna try it?

Mr. Clements, your men respect you.

I don't wanna do anything
to take away from that.

I'm sure you've earned it.

So you and your boys
are welcome in Dodge City...

as long as you obey the law.

But if you don't wanna cooperate...

I'll open you up right now
with this shotgun so wide...

your whole crew's gonna see
what you had for breakfast.

After that it won't matter much
what happens next, will it?

Give up your guns, boys.

Only ones you need now
are sitting right between your legs.

- The job don't pay a salary to start.
- No salary?

Pays $ .   for every arrest.

Wyatt cleared, what, $     last month?

- Hell, how many is that?
- A lot.

You've got yourself
a bit of a reputation, Wyatt.

It's a tricky thing,
the reputation business, Bat.

I gotta tell you,
not all a man hears is good.

We heard about you
all the way over in Abilene.

What're they saying?

That people in Dodge are complaining
you're too quick to bash a man...

just 'cause you don't like the way he looks.

You just tell me what son of a bitch
is complaining, and I'll go bash him.

Look, there are plenty of people
around here who like Wyatt.

Let's see, there's me, there's Virgil...

there's me...

You might as well get broke in sometime.

Why don't you boys handle this one?

- Evening.
- I understand, let me tell you...


Looks like you boys
have been doing some drinking.

- Yeah? What makes you say that?
- Intuition, I guess.

Anyway, we're glad
you're having a good time...

but you know there is a city ordinance
against wearing firearms in town?

- Says who?
- Says the law, that's who.

Bat, you're being about as sociable
as an ulcerated molar.

These boys, they don't...

Shit, Wyatt!

You talk too much, Ed.

You didn't have to do that.

Well, I'll be a son of a bitch...

That fellow could've gone for his gun
after he saw you buffalo his friend.


He was so drunk he couldn't hit
the ground with his hat in three tries.

I'm just saying I believe
I could've talked those guns off him.

If I were you,
I'd look for another line of work.

Politics, maybe.

Ed's got a different style is all, Wyatt.
People like it.

You could get killed
in this line of work, Ed.

You could get people around you killed.

- We're just getting started.
- I know.

When I hit that fellow, your first instinct
was to pull your weapon and cover me.

This is a harsh land, Ed.

It doesn't suffer fools.

I'm not a fool, Wyatt.

No, you're not.

But you're not a deliberate man, Ed.

I don't sense that about you.

You're too affable.

Don't do that, Wyatt. Please.

- You know how I feel.
- I want to, Mattie.

I could make you happy. I know I could.

You just give me a chance.
I could be a wife to you.

I care for you, but I'm not gonna
tell you things that aren't true.

I don't wanna hurt you, Mattie,
but if seeing me causes you pain...


We have time.

I have to give you time, that's all.
You'll see.

Only, don't leave money
on my dresser, please.

Unless it's 'cause you wanna
take care of me.

Is that how you mean it, Wyatt?

Wyatt, the mayor's asked us
to come and get you.

The mayor? Is something going on?

Some people are concerned about the way
you've been handling things.

What do you think, Ed?

There's been some complaints.

From some in jail, maybe,
not from citizens.

Some of them, too.

I'm just saying this out of friendship,
so you know.

All I know is the mayor wants to see you.
He asked us to find you.

That's what we did.

Donovan went all the way
to a title shot after that bout.

Don't know what shape I'd be in today
if you hadn't stopped that fight.


What are you doing in these parts, Wyatt?

I thought you was
the Deputy Marshal in Dodge.

I was...

till the city fathers
forgot to renew my contract.

Too much of a hard-ass, I guess.

You are. Everybody knows that.

- Who replaced you?
- A fellow named Masterson.

Bat Masterson?

No, his brother Ed.

- What's he like?
- He's affable.

Very affable.

What are you up to?

I'm doing a job for the railroad.

Looking for a fellow,
name of Dave Rudabaugh. Know him?

- Yeah.
- I heard he might be headed this way.

He come through here all right,
but where he went I couldn't tell you.

What'd he do?

He robbed the Santa Fe train three times,
looks like.

There is somebody
who might know something.

If he does, he'll probably tell you.
He hates Rudabaugh.

- His name's Doc Holliday.
- He's a killer, isn't he?

He's killed some.

He owes me a couple of favors
and he's as good as his word.

He's dying of tuberculosis.

He travels with a whore
named Big Nose Kate...

but he's not her pimp.

You take me to him?

I'd like you to meet a friend of mine,
Wyatt Earp.

I've heard that name somewhere.
Don't know where, but it wasn't good.

Mind if we sit down?

I'm looking for Dave Rudabaugh.

There's a reward for information
about him leading to his arrest.

Are you a lawman?

You are not wearing a badge.
Are you ashamed of your profession?

I myself was a dentist.
I was proud to be a dentist.

I did not hide the fact that I was a dentist.

How are your teeth, Wyatt Earp?

They're working all right.

Take good care of them.
They cannot be replaced.

I'm no longer a dentist.
I'm a sporting man. That's my work now.

In Georgia, we were taught
that a man should take pride in his work.

Have you ever been to Georgia?

Beautiful state, Georgia.

Very green. I was forced to leave Georgia.

I fear that I will never see it again.

I'm sorry.

Do you believe in friendship?

So do I.

Do you have many friends?

John here has been a friend to me
when most men were not.

Dave Rudabaugh is an ignorant scoundrel.

I disapprove of his very existence.

I considered ending it myself
on several occasions...

but self-control got the better of me.

Besides, I'm a sporting man...

not a killer.

Tell me about the reward, Wyatt Earp.

You'd be doing me a favor
if you would call me either Wyatt or Earp.

Not both.

All right.


Call me Doc.

Hey, bartender.

Howdy, friend.

You ain't my friend.

True enough, but I am the law here...

and the law says that you can't wear
the gun in town. Hand it over.

What if I don't?

I'll have to take it away from you.
You'll go to jail. You'll miss the party.

You don't want that, now, do you?

Give it to me!

Don't give it back till they leave town.

Thank you.

- I'll sure do that.
- Okay, good. You have a good night.

- That one laying over there.
- I didn't see who it was.

Bat, I'm shot.

Oh, God.

Let's go.

My name is Wyatt Earp.

It all ends now!

Hello, Doc.

I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.
Kate Elder.

- Nice to meet you, Miss Elder.
- Charmed, I'm sure.

You can call me Big Nose Kate.
Everybody else does.

No, it's not that big.

- All kinds of reasons a person gets a name.
- I couldn't agree more, ma'am.

This is my brother Virgil.
Bat Masterson, Doc Holliday.

You're the man that killed
Sgt. King in Sweetwater.

Got you in the leg, I understand.

My congratulations to you, sir.
King was a skunk of the first order.

I wish you'd got him
before he shot poor Molly Brennan.

- She was a sweet girl.
- Yes, she was, ma'am.

- So what brings you to Dodge City, Doc?
- I guess I missed you, Wyatt.

This is where the money is.

Anything else?

Perhaps you've heard.

We had an unfortunate incident
in Fort Griffin...

entirely beyond our control.

It seemed a good time to move on.

I hope we won't have
anything unfortunate happen in Dodge.

Likewise, I'm sure.

I'll be checking my gun
as soon as we find a suitable hotel.

I look forward
to more civilized surroundings.


Maybe he ought to check his knife, too.

I heard he cut that man in Texas
from his belly to his dick.


I don't know what you want, Wyatt.
This setup seems pretty sweet to me.

We're making good money. We might get
a piece of the Alhambra Faro Bank.

Virgil, there's never been a man
that got rich working on a salary.

That much I've learned.

If you wanted to get rich,
you went into the wrong line of work.

That's what I'm saying.

Think it's gonna be any different
in Tombstone?

Can't say, but there's silver there.
And opportunity.

The town's booming.

They're gonna need saloons, stage lines,
hotels, you name it.

Wyatt, did it ever occur to you...

that maybe we're doing the only thing
that we're any good at?

Goodbye, Allie. I'll see you a little later.

- What's this all about?
- I don't know.

- Where you going?
- Allie says they wanna talk to you alone.

Thanks for coming, Wyatt.

You're probably wondering
what this is about.

You're damn right.

We've been talking.
We like it here in Dodge.

We want you to stop talking to
our husbands about going to Tombstone.

All that nonsense about mining claims
and starting your own businesses.

They all listen to you, Wyatt.
They'll do what you say.

I know Morgan will.

We'd like you
to just leave well enough alone.

Just for once,
let the Earps settle down somewhere.

Is that right?

You brought me here to tell me that
without my brothers?

Stop talking and start shooting.

- They're upstairs.
- It's that goddamn Holliday and his whore.

Where is it? Where'd you put it?

Never again, you bastard.

You've raised your hand to me
for the last time!

It's Wyatt! I'm coming in!

Don't shoot me!

Where'd you hide it?

Come on, little dove.

Let's finally get it over with.

Don't think I won't,
you skinny heap of pus.

I won't have you hit me ever again.

Put that gun down, Kate.

I don't want you shooting me by mistake.

Year after year, sleeping in his bed...

breathing the diseased air
he coughs up all night!

No one else would come near him.
This is what I get!

This is his idea of a fair hand!

- You won't be shooting him tonight, Kate.
- Let her do it.

They can hang the bitch.
We'll both be happy.

- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with me?

What have you got?

I am dying of tuberculosis.

Everyone who knows me hates me.

I sleep with the nastiest whore
in Kansas...

and every morning I wake up surprised.

Surprised I have to spend another day
in this piss hole world.

Not everybody that knows you hates you.

What were you fighting about this time?

I don't recall.

But like most times
when Kate and I disagree...

we set to killing each other.

All of you can kiss my rebel dick.

I know sometimes it isn't easy
being my friend...

but I'll be there when you need me.

They say it was the biggest funeral
in Dodge's history.

Of course, the town ain't that old.

People liked Ed.

We've covered some ground, haven't we?

What is it, Wyatt?

I've had it with being a lawman, Bat.

I've had enough of being famous.

I'm sick of Dodge.

What are you two doing?

Can't you wait to get in here?

We're saying goodbye.

I'm leaving Dodge, Doc.

Hallelujah. I'll drink to that.

I'm gonna settle down.

Start some kind of business where nobody
wants to shoot me anymore.

My brothers and I are going.

- You're both welcome to come along.
- Where's that?

Tombstone, Arizona.

It does sound quiet, I'll give you that.

The man we've been waiting for.

- Come on in.
- Here you go.

- Set it right down on that bench, son.
- Okay.

Our savior has arrived.

Yeah. Here you go.

- Thank you, Mr. Earp.
- You're welcome.

Morg, honey. Food's ready.

- Come on, sweetie.
- I'll be right there, little darling.

I'll be right there, little darling.

I'm gonna be sick.

Wyatt, the food's on the table.

Good, Mattie. That way we'll know
where to find it when we're finished.

In mining claims,
we've got the Mountain Maid Mine...

the Mattie Blaylock, and the Grasshopper.

Morg, why haven't you
named a mine after me?

They will, Lou, honey.
They're gonna call the next one the "Idiot."

Damn it. Bessie, you know...

Bessie, shut up and have yourself a drink.

Go ahead, Wyatt.

All right, we're about fifty-fifty
between the mines that are producing...

- and the mines that are...
- Worthless.

That are not producing.

In other words, we ain't seen
a dime's profit from the lot of them.

Not in other words, James.
Those are the words.

Incomes: We got our salaries...

plus James' Sampling Room...

and a half interest
in the Oriental Faro Bank...

and a quarter interest
in one at the Crystal Palace.

From the sound if it, you'd think we'd have
some money by now.

I'm afraid we're about as rich
as lawmen are ever gonna be.

When you get through with all the talk,
that's what we are.

That's good enough for me, sweetheart.
I married you for your looks.

Guess you lost out all around.

We have close to $      cash
between us.

Why don't we just split it up,
and everybody do what they like?

What we've got to decide
is how to invest it.

Don't you ignore me, Wyatt.

If somebody voted you king of this family,
I didn't hear about it.

You dragged us all down here with
a lot of talk about owning businesses...

and getting rich.
Now here you are a year later...

a bunch of lawmen and bartenders,
just like before.

Bessie, some things haven't worked out
like we'd like. That's nobody's fault.

We didn't all come out here
to split up stakes.

We're trying to build something.

Why does it always have to be
the brothers together?

Why can't it just be you and me, James?

They're all afraid to say anything,
but they're thinking the same thing.

We are your wives.

Don't we ever count more
than the damn brothers?

No, Bessie, you don't.

Wives come and go,
that's the plain truth of it. They run off.

They die.

You're a cold man, Wyatt Earp.

God forgive you, you are cold.


I'm sorry if I hurt you today.

That was not my intention.

Let's have children, Wyatt.

You're always talking about family.

Let's have children.

A family of our own.
Our children, yours and mine.

Before I'm too old for it.

Before I dry up inside.

I can feel it, Wyatt.

A part of me is starting to die.

It's not too late.

Children aren't
a part of the bargain, Mattie.

They never were.

...that you, Frank Stillwell,
and you, Pete Spence...

did on the evening of September       ...

rob the Sandy Bob stagecoach
on the road from Tombstone to Bisbee.

- How do you plead?
- Not guilty.

- That's not all I got to say.
- You'll get your chance.

- Spence?
- I didn't do nothing, Judge.

It's all a setup job by those
damn Earps and Marshal White.

Look at me, Judge.
This is the way they treat you...

when you come nice and easy-like
to defend your good name.

- Nice and easy, my ass.
- Quiet, everyone.

Now, there's enough evidence
and eyewitnesses...

to warrant an indictment.

I'll set your bail at $     each.

- Have you the means?
- They got it!

We'll stand that money, Judge.

Get them away from these bastards
before they find themselves lynched.

There ain't an honest cowboy
who can get a fair shake in this town.

First, why don't you show me
an honest cowboy?

That's enough.

The next man that speaks out
will be fined $   contempt of court.

Your Honor, $   wouldn't pay
for half the contempt I got for this court.

Bailiff, collect $   from Curly Bill Brocius.

It didn't take them long
to get back on the road.

The Clantons and the McLaurys
paid their bail. It's the law.

Same for them as it is for you or me.

Then I guess it don't work too well, John.

Ike, what happened?

You're a little late, Johnny.

What is wrong with you, Fred?

Why didn't you send word
when you caught up with them in Bisbee?

- Didn't know where you were, Behan.
- I'm the county sheriff.

Those men were caught in my jurisdiction.
I should've been at that hearing.

They had enough friends there as it was.

We've been all over hell
looking for those two.

Maybe you weren't looking
hard enough, Johnny.

All over hell?

Sounds like your jurisdiction all right.

The outlaw's best friend
would like a word with you.

Hold your bets, gentlemen,
for the new dealer.

All right. Place your bets.

- Just tonight, Wyatt. To peace.
- No exceptions.

- That about sums you up, doesn't it?
- What's on your mind?

You're headed for war with Ike Clanton
and the men he rides with.

And it's all over nothing.

You and Ike want the same things.
You want the same things we all want.

- Really?
- That's right. To prosper.

To have some security for our family.

You did not come to Tombstone
to be a lawman again, Wyatt.

You are an entrepreneur.

You're full of ideas
for making the Earps rich.

Nothing good
can come from you interfering...

with the business of the Clantons
and the McLaurys.

Only blood.

But with a little cooperation,
a little live and let live...

everyone can make out.

- How's that?
- Lots of money, Wyatt...

to be shared with everyone who helped.

I know you.

That's what you've always been after.

I think you've forgotten something.
The Clantons and their friends are rustlers.

What do you care if they're running
Mexican cattle from the border?

They don't tell you
how to run your games.

You didn't let me finish.
They're murderers and thieves.

They rob the stagecoaches
my brothers and I are paid to protect.

One of those bastards shot Bud Philpot,
who never did a thing to anybody.

Your best friend Doc Holliday
is one of the worst killers in this territory.

Some people say he was
in on that robbery that got Bud killed.

- Hell, even Big Nose Kate said it.
- That was your work, Johnny.

You got her drunk and mad to say that.

I'm sick of hearing your lies!

Go back to your friends. Tell them
if they wanna fight with the Earps...

they know where to find us!

- Good morning, Maria.
- Buenos días, señor Wyatt.


- Morning, George.
- Morning, Virgil.

- How are you, George?
- Look at Behan.

He'd lick himself all over if he could,
he's so whipped up.

What's with him?

His woman's coming back
from San Francisco on the Prescott stage.

A Jewish girl.

I never knew him to have one woman.

Guess you haven't seen her yet, Wyatt.

He's been busy while she was gone...

but I reckon he'll stay home tonight.

- Evening, miss.
- Good evening.

Are you taking a walk?

I am. Is that a problem?

Could be in this town.

A young woman walking alone
in the evening...

people could get the wrong impression.

What impression would that be?

I know the red light district
is the other end of town.

I didn't mean to imply that.

It's just that you should have an escort.

I can either be a shut- in or walk alone
on the streets of Tombstone.

I appreciate your concern.

I saw you once before.

Before you came to Tombstone,
in Dodge City.

You were in a show.

I know. I saw you, too.

I saw you, and then you killed a man.

So I said:

"What are you afraid of, darling?

"You're not some Red Injun that thinks
the camera's gonna steal your soul."

And she said, "No, Johnny.

"I'm afraid that someone besides you
might see it."

But I assured her
that would never happen.

- Bob, you seen James around?
- Not lately, I haven't.

Wyatt, you gotta take a look at this.

Danny, I'm sure Marshal Earp
is too upstanding...

righteous, and married...

to be interested in a naked picture
of a young Jewish woman.

- You're a damn fool, Behan.
- Maybe...

but I'm the fool
that climbs into bed with that every night.

What's she doing with you, Johnny?

Just about anything I can think of.

How much detail do you want?

It ain't right.

Shooting a man
when he don't know it's coming.

I'll give him one in the face just for you.

You ain't doing any shooting tonight,
Spence. It's Curly Bill's job.

Where's the commotion, Frank?

Don't worry about that.
Have you got a spot?

- Yeah, I got one.
- We're close.

I don't know if I like that one or not.
It's not quite my style.

- I like that hat.
- The black one?

All right, boys, let 'er rip.

Wait for me at home.

Clanton, move!

All right, boys. That's enough.
Put down the guns.

Drop them.

That'll be enough fun for now, Bill.
Hand it over.

Damn, you can't have a little fun
in this town.

Whether it was just some drunken fun
that got out of control...

a mistake, as you say.

You were just trying
to hand over your firearm...

when it accidentally discharged.

Or whether it was a heinous crime
against this community...

carefully planned
and maliciously premeditated...

we'll have to wait for a jury
of your peers to decide.

But what we know already is this:

You have robbed the people of Tombstone
of a precious resource.

Fred White was a brave lawman,
a loving father and husband...

a loyal friend, and a good man...

which you, William Brocius, are not.

Your bail is set at $     .
Virgil, you're the acting marshal now.

Take him out of my sight.

- Behan's not here.
- I'm not looking for Johnny.

He's horse shit.

We found something to agree on.

Maybe you've heard about
the private photograph...

my former fiancé was showing around?

Or maybe you've seen it.

It seems every man in town has.

You shouldn't be in here.

I've been in worse places than this.

You mean you want me
to go somewhere with you?

I heard a story about you.

About you and a prisoner
named Tommy O'Rourke.

Tommy Behind-the-Deuce, they called him.

Is it true what they say?
How you saved him?

People make up a lot of things.

Sometimes even I don't know
what really happened.

I know this, though:

The stories are always better.

Is Mattie Earp your wife?

We've been together a while.

She uses my name.

I owe her that at the least.

I'm not gonna marry Johnny Behan.

I never thought you would.

- What would you know about it, Mr. Earp?
- Wyatt.

You don't know anything about me.

I knew a lot about you
the minute you got off that stagecoach.

Like what?

That you're a brave young woman.

That you came out to a place like this
on your own...

to a man you knew wasn't right for you...

because you liked the adventure of it all.

I've never been afraid of much.

You're afraid to say my name.

Why would I be afraid of that?

Because you know once you do,
that'll be it.

You've got a lot of confidence, Mr. Earp.

I believe you're trying to seduce me.

What do people call you?


What makes you different from all the men
who've tried what you're trying?

- I guess you know, Josie.
- No, I don't.

Then say it.

All right.
I don't know what you're talking about...


Come on, Brocius, let's go.

Come on.

Get on your horse, Bill,
before they shoot you down in cold blood.

You had your last chance and you let it go.
There ain't gonna be no more talking.

You talk too much for a fighting man, Ike.

I've seen your kind my whole life.

There's never been but one way
to deal with any of you.

Your day's coming. Get ready.

Why not make it today?

I cannot speak for everyone,
but personally...

I am getting sick to my stomach
of all your empty yellow talk.

If you want to make a fight
with these boys...

why not get it over with right now?

You're first on my list, Holliday.

You can spend the rest of your time
waiting to see me.

McLaury, seeing you
would be a nice change.

I understand most of your enemies
got it in the back.

We ain't through.

I think we ought to just kill them all.

You know, Morg...

Wyatt's my friend,
but I believe I'm beginning to love you.

Tell me about Missouri.

I loved a girl.

I loved her more than I'll ever love
anyone else as long as I live.

I married her and we were
going to have a child, but she died.

And our child with her.

I wanted to die, too.

I burned everything we owned.

The pictures...

the baby clothes she'd made...

ribbons from her hair.

I tried to burn out everything
I'd felt back there.

I'm not asking for any more
than you can give me.

I just want to be close to you.

I want to be lying here next to you
when we're   .

I never thought about living that long.

But if I do, you can bet
all I'll be doing is lying here.

Then we better not waste any time.

I think you better come with me.

Doc Goodfellow says she's gonna be okay.

She took a dose of laudanum
with her whiskey.

Looks like she was trying to kill herself.

Lucky we found her in time.
Lucky somebody came around.

Where would she get this?

Probably over in Chinatown.
It's not hard to find in Tombstone.

Go back to your Jew whore.

If I was married to him,
I'd drink a gallon of the stuff.

Allie, shut up.

It's all right, dear.

- Give me a bottle and a glass, Clem.
- What?

Don't make me ask you twice.

Gentlemen, this game is losing its allure.

I'm out.

Don't mind if I do.

If you're gonna break the fast,
the least you can do is invite a friend.

- I'm not in the mood for talking.
- You know how it is with me.

You don't have to do much talking
when I'm around.

You ever wonder why we've been a part
of so many unfortunate incidents...

yet we're still walking around?

I have figured it out.

It's nothing much. Just luck.

And you know why it's nothing much?

Because it doesn't matter much
whether we're here today or not.

I wake up every morning looking
in the face of death. And you know what?

He ain't half bad.

I think the secret
old Mr. Death is holding...

is that it's better for some of us
over on the other side.

I know it can't be any worse for me.

Maybe that's the place for your Mattie.

For some people,
this world ain't ever gonna be right.

Is that supposed to let me off the hook?

There is no hook, my friend.

There's only what we do.

Well, it won't be for long.

After tomorrow, this town's gonna smell
a whole lot better.

- Why don't you slow down on that?
- Don't tell me to slow down.

I've waited long enough as it is.

Those Earps
and their skinny diseased friend...

are gonna find out
what a real fight is all about.

I'm moving on.

If you're smart, you'll go back to the hotel
and get some sleep.

You're gonna need some help
if you're gonna take on the Earps.

I got friends.
They're coming tomorrow. You'll see.

Then this town is gonna thank us
for what we done.

If you're gonna talk like that,
you'd best take it somewheres else.

Good evening.

How you fellows doing?

- Not bad.
- Good to see you.

Shut up! I'm tired of hearing your noise.

I hear you're gonna kill me.

Get out your gun and commence.

I ain't heeled.

You scum- sucking bastard,
if you ain't heeled, go and arm yourself.

I shall meet you in the street.

Who will give
this yellow-bellied prick a gun?

Doc, that's enough.

I ain't gonna fight you tonight.
But your fight's coming soon enough.

My mama always told me never put off
till tomorrow people you can kill today.

- He ain't armed and he's drunk!
- There ain't no law against killing drunks.

If you intend to open your lying mouth
about me or my friends again...

then go heeled and ready to fight!

What are you doing here?

Ike Clanton's been going around
all morning...

saying they're gonna shoot the first Earp
who shows his face.

Just Ike?

Come away with me now.
We'll leave the trouble behind and go.

- Leave? I'm not gonna leave.
- Please, Wyatt.

I don't want to see you shot down in
some street fight I don't even understand.

This is where we live.

My brothers and me,
we've staked it all on this place.

It's nothing. It's a mining camp,
dirty and small-minded.

It's our home...

and I'm not leaving.

Not for the Clantons or the McLaurys,
or anybody.

Not even you.

Then give me a gun.

I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt you.

Go home.

Thinking about you could get me killed.

I love you, Wyatt.

If you leave me, I'll kill myself.

And I'll do it this time. I swear.

I swear before God Almighty
I will kill myself.

It'll be on your head.

Do you hear me?

If you don't break off with that whore,
you will come back and find me dead.

Talk to me,
you cold-hearted son of a bitch.

There are men out there I may have to kill.

I don't have time for this today.

Marshal, they're out there, sir.

You heard?

You know how many?

Wonder if Curly Bill
and them boys come in.

What did you hear?

Ike's been up all night drinking,
trying to screw up the courage to kill us.

Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury,
and Billy Claiborne came in this morning.

- Curly Bill? Indian Charlie?
- I don't know, Morg.

Could be anybody's here.

- Where's Holliday?
- He hasn't been around.

All right, let him sleep.

How do you want to handle this, Wyatt?

I'm gonna have some coffee.

- Why don't you give me one of the cigars?
- Sure.

Is there gonna be a fight?

I think there must be.

Do you want some help?

Thanks, Clem.

They just moved out of the O.K. Corral
down by Fly's.

Looks like Ike and Billy Clanton...

the McLaurys, Billy Claiborne.
Maybe more.

Let's go.

Where the hell are you going?

We're going down the street.

I think I'll join you.

We intend to disarm them
and take them in. You understand?

I understand, but do you think they will?

Put that under your coat.

No use provoking them
till we get a chance to talk.

Hell, I've heard enough talk already.

Now hold on here.

Don't go down there. There'll be trouble.

Just gonna take away their guns.

No. There's no need for that.
I disarmed them.

Then there won't be any trouble, Johnny.

- Let them have it.
- All right.

You sons of bitches have been
looking for a fight. Now you can have it.

Throw up your hands.

I want your guns.

No! Frank, don't shoot!

I didn't want this! No, I ain't armed!
I and Billy!

Billy, no!

Look out. Get out of my way.

Take them down to the house, Jack.

Allie, don't let him move too much.

Wyatt, I'm taking you in.

Easy, Morg.

- Where's Virg and Doc?
- Don't try and talk.

- James, where's the doctor?
- Down yonder.

Wyatt, I'm gonna have to arrest you.

Get him to the house.
I'm not gonna be arrested today, Johnny!

Not by you and not by anybody else.

In the name of God, Wyatt,
there's been enough blood today.

- Are you all right?
- I'm okay, Josie.

- You go home now, you hear?
- I want to stay...

Go home. It might not be over.

Would you see her home?

Ms. Marcus, Wyatt's right.

They murdered them!
Them Earps shot them down in cold blood!

Ike's been in here all morning
threatening to kill them.

It was a fair fight!

Everybody who's not family, get out.

Allie, clear this chair for her.

Don't tell me what to do in my own home.

Men may be coming into town
to kill us all today.

It's not important what you think of me.
We have to cooperate with each other.

So clear the goddamn chair!

What happened to her?

This. A lot of it.

Oh, Lord.

Come on, Mattie.

Everybody by the house, Jack.

It's your fault this happened!

I wanted to get away from here,
but he wouldn't leave you.

You and your precious brothers.
Damn you to hell, Wyatt Earp!

Here we are.

One big happy family.

- Wyatt?
- John.

- What are you doing here with him?
- I'm here as your friend.

We have warrants for you, Doc, Morgan,
and Virgil for the crime of murder.

Your brothers can stay here
until they recover...

but he's here to bring you in.

Behan was afraid if he came down here
with his deputies, there'd be bloodshed.

Johnny's not as dumb as I thought.

Wyatt, the warrants are legal.

I won't let them use the law
to kill me and my family, John.

- I won't allow that.
- What'll it take, Wyatt?

I need to know my family is safe.

You boys are finally treating me
the way I deserve to be treated.

- Let's drop him, Jack.
- You got it.

Easy, now. Ain't no fire.

I don't want to go to no hotel.

We're all going, Mattie.

Where's my medicine?
Did you take my medicine?

I want my medicine.

Allie. Help her.

- Mattie, calm down, dear.
- What?

Tell me, what is it?

- You got somebody on the roof?
- No.

All right, put somebody up there, Sherm.


You son of a bitch.
You've brought your whore.

You think I haven't heard?

You think I haven't heard them
laughing at me behind my back.

Wyatt and his Heeb whore!

I won't stay under the same roof with that.

Don't you talk about me!

Who is she? I'm your wife.

God damn it, that's enough!

- Wyatt, I told you this would happen.
- Both of you!

I'm your wife. I am.

Quiet, everyone.

Quiet, please.

In view of the controversies between
the Earps, Clantons and the McLaurys...

and the quarrel the night before
between Isaac Clanton and John Holliday...

I am of the opinion that the defendant,
Virgil Earp, as chief of police...

subsequently calling upon his brothers
and John Holliday to assist him...

in arresting and disarming
the Clantons and the McLaurys...

committed an injudicious
and censurable act.


Yet when you consider the existence
of a law-defying element in our midst...

and consider the many threats
that have been made against the Earps...

I can attach no criminality
to his unwise act.

Moreover, the evidence taken before me
in this case would not, in my judgment...

warrant a conviction of the defendants
by trial of jury...

of any offense whatever.

I order the defendants to be released.

A blind man could have made that shot.

Now you're gonna
have to show me something.

Look who don't know
if he's coming or going.

You're just in time
to watch me whip Bob's ass...

for, what,   th time?

Wyatt, maybe you can answer a question
that's been dogging me for years.

What's that?

How come Morgan's the only Earp
who's completely full of shit?

The whole family wants to know
the answer to that one.

Get down. Hide yourself. Find a gun.

We sent for the doctor and Lou, Wyatt.

It's gonna be all right, Morg.

Go find James and Virgil Earp.

Marshal Earp, you got to come quick!

It's your brother Morgan.

- What's wrong?
- He's at Hatch's. Hurry.

They got me, Wyatt.

Don't let them get you.

You're not gonna die on me, Morg.
I won't let you.

Set my legs out straight.

They are, Morg.

It won't be long now.

- Where's Lou?
- She's coming.

I heard gunfire. Let's see what's going on.


How is he?

You can see for yourself.

He wants to take my arm.

Don't let him cut it off.

You heard him, Doc.

Either way he's gonna be a cripple,
if he doesn't bleed to death.

At least I'll be a two-armed corpse.

Virg, please.

You never mind.
I still got one good arm to hug you with.

Where's Morgan?


I don't want them taking a shot at you.

I'm so sorry, Wyatt.

I loved that boy...

like he was my own little brother.

What do you want to do?

Kill them all.

- Just hold it right there.
- I was just going in.

Nobody's going in there.

I'm here to see Wyatt Earp.

Who's here to see Wyatt Earp?

It's all right.

I've come to help bring Morgan home
to Ma and Pa in California.

I'm glad you're here, Warren.

- It's time to go now, Mattie.
- Sure, sugar.

Off to California with the Earps.

You're the only brother
that hasn't been shot.

That's not fair.

It's all right.

It was an accident.

If you wanna go on the train
with the others, you'll have to go now.


I don't know when I'll be back here.

Go to hell.

When you do come back, I'll be gone.

If you keep up with that stuff, it'll kill you.

What do you care?

I don't anymore.

John Holliday?

It's from Bob Paul in Tucson.

He says Ike Clanton, Frank Stillwell,
and some of their friends are in Tucson.

They've been watching the trains.

Somebody in Tombstone
told them we were coming.


We'll go as far as Tucson,
get you out of the territory.

You'll stay on the train
and help James and the women...

get Virgil and Morg back to California.

James and them can get Morgan back.

If you're going after the men that did this,
I'm going with you.

All aboard!

James will watch the back door.
You watch that one.

Anybody tries to come on, shoot them.

You murdered my brother.



It's me, Sherm.

Okay, Wyatt...

let's go.

It's all right, Virgil. That's one for Morgan.

Finish it.

- Aren't you supposed to be in by now?
- Yes.

Marshal Earp,
thought you'd better take a look at this.

I haven't shown it to Sheriff Behan yet.

- Your brother was a good man.
- I'm grateful, Albert.

They got a warrant out for us
on Stillwell already.

- I guess everybody in Tucson saw us there.
- Really?

Even with you being so quiet and all?

Better collect our things and go.

See if the two Jacks
will take a ride with us.

You're still a marshal around here,
ain't you?

Sure. But now he's gonna be
a marshal and an outlaw.

The best of both worlds, son.

I missed you.

I want you to go home to your folks
in San Francisco.

When I can, I'll come and get you.

When will that be?

I have some men I have to see.

I don't know where that'll take me.

I'll be expecting you every day.

- I'm broke. You know that.
- It doesn't matter.

There's nothing left to hold you here.


I was gonna say my family.

I'll be your family, Wyatt.

I'll give you children.

We'll make our own place
where no one will find us.

And I won't die on you.

I swear it.

You were right, Josie.

We stayed too long.

You couldn't have been
trying to arrest him.

Not with close to    bullet holes
in his body.

No, I wasn't trying to arrest him.

I don't know what to say to that.

This is my will, John.

I've named you as executor.
Not that there's much left.

This is not a jungle, Wyatt.

- We have laws.
- Yes, we do.

If those men think they can hide
behind those laws...

then they've missed their guess.

Goodbye, John.

I want to see you.

Johnny, you're not careful,
you'll see me once too often.

Looking for Pete Spence.

He no here. Go to Tombstone.

How about the one
they call Indian Charlie?

Something bothering you?

What makes you so sure
Ringo, Spence, and Curly Bill...

are with this pack we're trailing now?

- They're up here all right.
- How do you know?

- That's what Texas Jack's friend told me.
- Maybe he's wrong.

Maybe it's just a bunch of
ordinary rustlers out about their business.

You gonna shoot all of them, too?

You're free to take off whenever you want.

Go to hell.

You can't get what you want, Wyatt.

You can't kill them all.

Look, I'm dead anyway.

So if you want to go out
in a blaze of glory...

I'm with you.

But if you want to live...

What do you want me to do,
forget about it?

Just wait.

Get out of Arizona for a while.

Make them think it's over.

Then we'll come back later.
We'll pick them off one at a time.

You need to go to Colorado.

One of those sanitariums
in the mountains.

I'll go...

if you'll take me.

You've been a good friend to me, Doc.

Shut up.

Johnny Ringo!

Wyatt, let's get out of here!

Show me where our gold is, Wyatt.

Point it out.

Right there.

That doesn't look so tough.

No, I imagine we can pick most of it up
in just a day's excursion out of Nome.

The problem will be
lugging it back to town.

What are we gonna do with all our money?

We'll buy you a new suit.
You could use one.

Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother,
but are you by any chance Wyatt Earp?

My name's Francis O'Rourke.

I believe you saved my uncle's life
one time in Tombstone, Arizona.

That's the story my father told us
many times. Believe me.

- This is my wife, Josie.
- It's an honor, ma'am.

I'm afraid my husband
has saved so many lives.

It's hard for him to keep track of them all.

You'd remember this if the story's true.

My uncle's name was Tommy O'Rourke.

They called him Tommy Behind-the-Deuce.

I thought so.
I guess my father's story is true.

He said my uncle killed a mining man
named Schneider in a card game.

This Schneider fellow was very popular,
and pretty soon a lynch mob had formed.

They were coming down to jail
to take Tommy out and string him up.

Marshal Earp, give me a gun!

For God's sake, let me protect myself!

If I hear one more sound out of you,
I'm gonna help them do it.

It seems your brothers were off...

collecting renegade Indians
in another town.

You were all alone.

They were shouting
that they ought to shoot you...

and take Tommy with them.

Finally, when they quieted down, you said:

Nice mob you got here.

- I said, we want Tommy O'Rourke!
- Yeah!

Get set for disappointment,
'cause you're not gonna get him.

- He killed one of my men.
- He killed a man!

He'll stand trial for that.

You arrogant son of a bitch.
You think you can stop all of us?

You boys can get me.

That won't be any problem
with all the guns you got here.

But I'm taking    or    of you with me.

Starting with you, Dick Gird.
And you, McGee.

Maybe you, too, Harvey.

So if any of you want Tommy...

and you want me...

come up front with these brave men.

We'll all go together.

Anyway, that's what my father told us.

What happened to your Uncle Tommy?

He was shot dead up at Omaha in '  .

Guess he wasn't worth saving.

Anyway, it's an honor, Mr. Earp, sir.


Some people say
it didn't happen that way.

Never mind them, Wyatt.
It happened that way.

Special help by SergeiK