XXX Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the XXX script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Sam Jackson, etc.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of XXX. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

XXX Script



He stole the chip, he's inside.



I see him.






Time to work.



NSA Remote Intelligence Facility Mt. Weather,




At      hours, the mission deviated from the

set parameters.



It wasn't part of the plan for our agent to get

shot in the back.



Identity confirmed.



McGrath was uploading some data to us when

he was killed.



Take a look at this. I'm not sure yet exactly

what it is.



-A fragment of a complex molecule. -Gibbons.



We think it's a link to a Soviet bio-weapon...



...called Silent Night.



-James, what the hell is he doing here? -I

called him in.



We've lost three agents already. You could use

the help.



I found out your agents were killed by this

group, Anarchy   .



They're ex-military. They can smell the training

on our agents a mile away.



Sir, I think it's time we tried something new.



These guys aren't ours. Who are they? CIA?



No, civilians. Convicts, mercs, contract killers.



The best and brightest of the bottom of the




-They're the scum of the earth.

-Programmable, expendable, effective.



I think it's our best shot.



Do we want to drop another mouse in the

snake pit?



Or send our own snake and let him crawl in?



Sacramento, California



Come on, Pepe. This is unbelievable.






Well, it's about time. Now, listen....



Were you coming from Tijuana? I don't mean

to be rude.



Keep it out of the sun. I don't want the paint

to fade.



Do you understand English? I pay enough for

you people.



Come on, Janelle. You're gonna love this place.



-Dick, how are you? -This is Janelle.



-Call    . -Who's driving my car?



Senator Hotchkiss! California state Senate!



Listen, somebody just stole my car!



You, in the red Corvette! Pull over




Yeah, yeah. These monkeys are following me

because I took this car.



Obviously the car doesn't belong to me, it's not

my style.



It belongs to Dick, Dick Hotchkiss, a California

state senator.



You remember Dick. He tried to ban rap




...because he feels the lyrics promote violence.



It's music, Dick!



He also wants to pull every video game off

every shelf in the country...



...because he feels that the video games

diminish the intelligence of our youth.



Come on, Dick.



It's the only education we got.



You're a bad man. You know what we do to

bad men.



We punish them.



Dick, you've just entered the Xander zone.



I'm coming in hot with a side of bacon!



Go, go, go!



Pull it! Pull it!






Go get the cameras! Go! Go! Go!



Moral is, don't be a dick, Dick!



You guys got the cameras? All right, let's go,

let's go!



Peace out!






Thank you.



-What's up? -You invited these people?



Of course not.



That's my dog! What's up?



Today was off the hook! You're psycho, bro!



Psycho? That was off the chain, man!



Yo, yo, yo! What's up with that crazy trick that

we've been hearing about?



-My Superman seat-grab barrel roll? -Word.



I'm still working on it.



You're a hard guy to get ahold of.



You know, an athlete like you should really

have his own video game.



Jordan King. I can make it happen.



-I'll hold on to this for later. -You do that.



You know he'll never sell out. That's why he is

who he is.



So you need to relax. Who invited you,




Shut up.



Listen, this is for real. I can get us an advance

on lnternet pre-sales.



So you need to just go to Pago Pago or




Get some girls, do them all. I don't care. Go on




It's Bora Bora, J. I got enough girls here.



Since when did you care so much about




I just need you to lay low till the heat's off,




I run a secret website. I got tapes to make and

I can't do that with you in jail.



-Did you see that? -I don't care. Listen to me.



I'm untouchable.



Let's go! Get out! Move!



Okay, I'll turn down the music.



It was only a Corvette.



Let's go, baby. Your order is getting cold.



-Want coffee? -Can you give me some hash




-Sure. -Make them sloppy. I like them runny.



How did I get here?



Two big guys dropped you off    minutes ago.

Told me to look after you.



You look like you could use some coffee.



You all right?






I said, you got a problem, boy?



No. No problem.



-Nobody make a move! -Nobody move!



Just couldn't let him leave. Keep your

goddamned mouth shut!



-Keep still or you'll stop breathing. -Empty the

goddamn register!



Get back!



Get back. Get back!



-Well done, Mr. Cage. -Who the hell are you?



The name's Gibbons. Augustus Gibbons.



You seem upset. Is there a problem?



-What is this place? -Looks like a diner.



That's clever.



You almost had me going there for a while.



I was a bit groggy before, then I started

noticing things.



Like, you got a stockbroker over here, all

dressed up...



...reading the Financial Times on Sunday when

the market's closed.



Unlikely, but okay, I can go with that.



I could even go with the stick-up man packing

a cop-issue Beretta.



But you want to know where you blew it? With




My aunt was in the restaurant business.



There's no way a career waitress comes to

work in high heels.



She'd have blisters the size of pancakes.



And if she ain't real, then this whole thing ain't




That's how I knew that this bozo wouldn't get

a shot off...



...even if we waited till St. Patrick's Day.



Because there's nothing but blanks in these




Oh, and no offense...



...but their performances were terrible.



That's good. That's very good.



It's your turn, pretty boy.



-What the hell is going on here? -It was a test

that you aced.



-He seems to have a poor attitude. -Excuse




-Should we throw him back? -Hell, no. I love

his attitude.



Let's take this to the next level. Get on the




Take what to the next level?



-Yo! Take what? -I want everybody out in   




I don't play this game.



-Get Mike a doctor or he'll look like me. -I got

a party.



-Shut him up. -And pay for my windows!



Why is it always the assholes who pass the




You guys haven't been to any diners lately,




Diner finalists.



-What, no coffee? -Oh, yeah.



-Here comes the ROTC. -Here we go.



-Where's my peanuts? -Nice.



Can you ask for the stewardess?



-Standing by to deploy drogue. -Roger,

deploying drogue parachute.



-This will hurt. -What the hell?



-Release drogue now. -Roger.



This ain't right!



I live for this shit!



Not bad!



Let's do that again!



Holy shit. This is Colombia.



Cocaine, man. These are coke plants!



No keys.



-What the hell are you doing? -You know what

this shit's worth?



What now? ls this another test?



-Let's go across the river. Let's go! -Yeah,

good idea! Good idea!



You monkeys are too good for me. I failed this




You guys got something to drink?



Nice to see you again, fellas.



Yeah, you too.



Boy, they went all out on this one.



You've got to be kidding.



Okay, funny guys.



I'll show you what we do when you get in our




What? Hog-tie us and force us to listen to your

bad accent?






We cut their Achilles tendon and watch them

flop around like a marionette.



Unless you have something to tell me,

something I need to know?



Okay. You're short.



My friend says you could use a haircut to

update your style. Get off me.



Shut up!



Two seconds ago you told us to talk. Now it's

"Shut up"?



I don't mean to nitpick, but you're the worst at

this torture thing.



You slap me again, I'm going to throw you a




I hope they're paying you extra for this.



You know what, funny guy? Maybe I'll cut off

your nose first.



Funny guy.



What's funny is, this actually smells like real




I hope you like it, because it's the last thing

you're going to smell.



I'm hit! I'm hit! I'm hit!



Virg! Give me a hand.



This is the Colombian army!



Give up, you're surrounded!



Try to walk, T.J. Try to walk.



Virg! Get out here!



To hell with this. Every man for himself.



I'll get us some wheels.



Hang in there.



Good luck.



The guy on the bike, that's the drug lord!



Let's get him!






X! I'm over here! X!



There he is!



We toasted his ass!



I got us a bike.






Look who it is. Frankenstein. Uncuff me so I

can beat the shit out of you.



Relax, X, you just graduated at the head of

your class.



What are you talking about? You almost got us




-We knew the army was moving. -Excuse me?



It was my idea to send you as a decoy. How

do you like that?



-You're pretty fast for an old man. -Get up.



Walk with me.



I believe under the right circumstances, a man

can change.



For instance, last night you exhibited courage,




...and willingness to protect a man you hardly




-So give me a medal. -I'd rather give you a




Look at me. Do I look like a fan of law




This is your lucky day, Xander.



This is your chance to pay your Uncle Sam...



...for all your wonderful freedoms.



The job's not that difficult.



I want you to meet people and find out what

you can about them.



What type of people?



Dangerous, dirty, tattooed, uncivilized. Your

kind of people.



Hold up.



My kind of people would say, "Kiss my ass,




Usually I'd take my gun, press it to your




...and ask you very politely to do what I want.



But you're not afraid of death. That puts us in

a quandary.



-We better call this a day, then. -Not just yet.



You ever watch lions at the zoo?



You can tell which were captured in the wild by

the look in their eyes.



The wild cat.



She remembers running across the plain, the

thrill of the hunt.



Four hundred pounds of killing fury locked in a




But after a while, their eyes glaze over...



...and you can tell their soul has died.



The same thing happens to a man.



Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary is no joke.



They'll take a wild man and throw him in

solitary just for fun.



No more mountains to board, no more oceans

to surf.



Just a  -by-  cell with no window and only a

bucket to shit in.



You can avoid that by doing me this favor.



You don't have shit on me.



I noticed you have three X's tattooed on the

back of your neck.



I think that's rather appropriate since you're

looking at three strikes.



Grand theft, reckless endangerment, and that

bridge stunt of yours...



...makes you a three-time loser.



Maybe you ought to call yourself "Triple X".



But if you do what I want, I'll make all your

transgressions go away...



...and let you get back to that pathetic excuse

of a life.



Or you think maybe I should be like you.



Get all shot up for the old Stars and Stripes.



I bet that flag is a real comfort every time you

look in the mirror.



A small price I paid for putting foot to ass for

my country.



So, what's it going to be, Triple X?



You want to get on a plane...



...or is "Kiss my ass, scarface" your final




Prague, Czech Republic



Yo. What's your name, slick?



My name is Ivan.



-Ivan? What's your name, buddy? -My name is




You're both Ivan?



Take a seat.



Idiots! Where is the American agent?



This is him, Sir.



We better order another bodybag.



Guys, what's up?



I told you to sit down.



I've just been on a plane for    hours. I think

l'll stand.



My name is Milan Sova, Czech secret police.



Here, you are under my jurisdiction.



You take my orders, you do what I say.



If you become any kind of an inconvenience,

I'll shoot you.



That's great. Is this where I'm staying?



Your government is putting pressure on mine.



This is an internal Czech affair that you are

interfering with.



I will warn you once: Don't shit in my lawn.



Get whatever information your government

seeks and get out.



Let's get this straight.



You may not want me here, but I definitely

don't want to be here.



Two, I've never been under anyone's




Three, if you're going to shoot anybody...



...shoot that monkey that sold you the suit.



Now, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.



Be ready in three hours.



Everybody in this club has two things in




-They're rich and they're criminals. -I'll fit in,

except for the rich part.



-Remember, we don't know each other. -I wish

we didn't.



Yeah, can I get a cranberry club soda?



Throw this back there? I'll tip you something.



Put it in the back.



How much? Do I get a ticket?



That's them. Anarchy   .



You see the guy on the couch?



That's Yorgi. He's the leader.



He owns this club and five others like it. All,

how do you say, cash cows.






Guys, I'm American. I'm going to see Yorgi.




Hey, Yorgi! I hear you're the guy--



I heard you're the guy to talk to about cars.



Take yourself outside.



Take myself outside? I'm just--



Okay. I'm not welcome.



Guess you'd rather have cops in your club.



Want to talk?



Hey, you silly boy. Come with me and show me

the cop...



...and don't be mistake.



See that guy there, with the suit made out of




That's a cop.



Is there a problem? I just had a drink, you




I already paid. I'm going to give a big tip, you




So, what is this all about? I've done nothing.



You've done nothing? Who do you work for?



I work in a bank. So what?



You've got to be....



What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it!



What's that, your bus pass?



Czech  - . Czech  - .



Leave my club.



How did you know?



When he was paying for his drinks, he was

flashing his badge to half the bar.



Cops like plague.



No matter how many you pay, there's always

another with his hand out.



I'm from the streets. I know cops, believe me.



I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

My question to you is why?



I figure, no one likes cops crashing their party.



I figure, I do you a solid, we could talk.



I just want to buy cars, man.



Is this guy going to hump my leg?



What's your name?



Xander Cage.



I knew it.



You are amazing on snowboard, motorbike,




-You're awesome. -Thank you, man.



My brother is crazy too, and a great admirer of




He has seen your tapes many times. Now we

can talk business.



This way, please.






Welcome to the Xander zone.



Now, that's funny. That's funny.



Sit down, Mr. Cage.



My friends call me X.



So, X, what exactly are you wanting?



Ferraris, high-end pasta rockets,    to start.



This car, number    will be very difficult to

find in Europe.



That one's for me. I put it in there to get

something out of the deal.



Well, you certainly know your cars.



Yeah. Cars, bikes, boards. You name it.



I like anything fast enough to do something

stupid in.






Ten cars is hardly worth the effort. A lousy  . 

million, U.S.



Now, hold on a second.



The American buyers I represent, to them,   

cars is an appetizer.



-And it's a mil max, sister. -How about a

million four?



I was thinking more like a mil two.



Do you know what a wire transfer is?



Is she for real?



Sweetheart, is there anything you need to do?



Let us big boys have a conversation.



"Conversation", a word with four syllables.



Do you want some ice before your brain




Ice. Yeah, you could chisel some off your

heart, if you could find it.



This would work a lot faster, princess, if I had

an account number.



You have    hours to complete the transfer.



-Don't waste my time. -I wouldn't dream of it.



I might throw in a couple extra bucks and send

you to charm school.



Now that business is finished, we party.



Bitches, come!






Shit, I thought this was a cell phone.



Have a nice rest?



Dial it down. I got to sleep an hour ago.



You were given a specific list of cars. Who told

you to alter it?



The cars sucked. They would've seen through




You guys should switch travel agents.



I got that info you wanted.



Hang on a second.



You guys ready for this?



Names, birthdays, ranks in the Red Army.



Favorite foods? How did you get this?



Kolya, Yorgi's younger brother, happens to be

an action sports fanatic.



So naturally, he's a fan.



But when you kill a bottle of vodka in three

swigs, you'll talk.



-I got something else. -What?



Their personal bank account number. Where

did I put that?



Stolen cars, nightclubs, prostitution, extortion.



What's the big deal? We got criminals like this

in the U.S.



Your job isn't to ask questions.



Well, I did my job, thank you. I'm coming




Not just yet.



You're a victim of your own success. Get closer

to these guys.



-They're cool, but not that cool. -Go deeper.



I'll send a guy with a care package to help you.



-I thought we had a deal. -You change cars, I

change the deal.



Do this for me, you can come home.



If you send someone to save the world, make

sure they like it the way it is.



I have a really firm chest. I bench, like,    .



Like, bench. Weight room. Bye.



-That's him. -Wait. You're Triple X?



-You're the care package? -Agent Toby Lee




Come on.



You have to rate high to get Gibbons to send

this stuff.



I kind of wish I was going with you, mixed up

in the fury of the situation.



Crazy. License to kill, death, destruction,




Got a gun under your pillow. Never know when

some freak villain will pop out.



-How long you been with the agency? -Two




You're shitting me. No way.



That sucks.



Yeah, it sucks, but it beats jail.



It sucks because I spent six years...


            the basement of some windowless, NSA,

gadget freak room, man.



And I got a degree. I got a degree from MIT.



Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude.



And they probably picked you up, what,

pumping iron in San Quentin?



You ever get punched in the face for talking

too much?



Show me the stuff.



This one made my career, the definition of




My multi-purpose, multi-function field revolver.



-Oh, I like this. -Then you'll love these.



These are all attachment darts. See the green




Datura knockout darts.



Guy goes down for    hours, wakes up,

doesn't know who he is...



...and his head's splitting like a cord of




I was shot twice by those.



And the red ones are tranquilizer and

blood-splatter darts.



Looks like a kill shot without the aftereffects.

Like death.



You've got exploding and surveillance darts...



...and your standard .  -caliber bullets, if you

want to get nasty.



A little wet work. You know what I'm talking

about, right?



Knocked over a few  -Elevens, have we?



No, I had my leg in a cast for three months. All

I did was play video games.



That's a really sad story.



Check this out, on to my baby.



Eagle Eyes. Nine enhanced-vision modes.



Every little boy's dream: the penetrator mode.



Check it out.



Oh, my God.



-She's checking you out, man. -I'll hang on to




Now, on to my latest achievement.



I just put the finishing touches on them last




What do you think?



-Bandages? -No, Mr. X, watch and learn.



There's enough primer to blow a hole in a




...vaporize a human, or whatever agents like

you might find a use for.



And check this out.



The detonator. How cool is that?



-You might want to back up for this. -It's a




Just get behind the wall.



You ready?



I've always wanted to say this.



Fire in the hole.



It's loaded.



So, what do you think? Beautiful.



You like the cars?



I love the cars, they're dope.



-You like the money? -I love money, but I do

not have it.



You look like you're doing very well. All these

employees, beautiful cars.



This is no time for being funny.



-You didn't think I wasn't good for it? -It never

crossed my mind.



A cargo ship's waiting for you in Rijeka. Here's

the address.



This place is dope.



This one's mine?



Car number   .



Kolya found it hiding in Berlin. It was very

difficult to find.



No! Please.



Allow me. You were kind enough to give me

the money.



Now, please...





No, allow me.



-You're all right, Yorgi. -Everything's all right

with vodka.



You must come to party tonight. Big party at

one of my clubs.



-Yeah? -Yes.



What's going on, my friend?



You tell me. You got a sniper up there or




He's not with us, he must be with you.



Bullshit! Tell your men to get down...



...or I'll give you another hole to breathe out

of. Are we clear?



All right. lt's not yours.



Let's go and get him together.



Son of a bitch. That same cop from the club.



Filthy cop.



Most people talk a lot. Few are up for the




Welcome to Anarchy   .



Why do you do that to yourself? That cigarette

will kill you one day.



I like smoke better than air. If I could, I'd

smoke in my sleep.



I would still do it after it kills me.



You were talking about Anarchy   .



What is that, some motorcycle gang of yours?



It's what we've been living since      when

we left the army of Mother Russia.



Many of our comrades died in combat, and we

said, "To hell with this shit".



They die for what? Politics?



Whose politics? Not ours!



So we decide from then on to do what we

want, when we want.



It is in their honor we call ourselves Anarchy




You know, there's an old punk song. It says:



-You got it! -"Anarchy Burger" by the Vandals.



I'm with you, but what are you going to do?



You got rules and government everywhere.

Always was, always will be.



Maybe not always.



Make sure he doesn't get lonely.



Don't be shy.



You want to dance?



Hey. Hey!



Hey! I'm really a good dancer.



Make that two.



All right, it's going to be like that?



If you're mad at him, don't take it out on me.



I've been trying to figure out the deal between

you two all night.



You his woman or what?



Yeah, I'm his woman. If you pay me as much,

I'll be your woman too.



-Did you enjoy that? -Yeah.



Good, because it will never happen again.



The original owners just one day decide to

move out.



-This is amazing, man. -Make yourself at




Let me get your coat.



What's up with your boy? He got a coat fetish?



Oh, no.



He's in love with her. Dirty fool.



Time for bed, X. It's getting early. Yelena!



Would you kindly show him his room?



-After you. -No, after you.



-No, after you. -No, I insist.



That's it.



Last chance to tuck me in.



Good morning.



The things I'm going to do for my country.



It's none of my business, but a power drill and

some titanium bits...



...will get you a lot further than that camera.



You're not supposed to be in here.



I was on my way to the bathroom.



What's your excuse?



I don't need an excuse.



Oh, you're good.



But not that good.



I came in here to photograph Yorgi's safe.



I thought it might be worth a lot to somebody.



Come on. You're cold, intelligent and vicious.



It's your eyes that give you away.



They gave you away when I shot that cop.



What are you going to do now?



Now I'm going to take you to lunch.



Oh, and that cop I shot, isn't dead.



I have some information for you.



I can always use information. Who is this? How

did you get this number?



Yes. Important information that you need

about Xander Cage.



-So you don't like foreigners, do you? -No,

you're a pig.



Is your boyfriend a pig too?



You should recognize one of your kind.



Now, tell me about the cop.



What if I told you I'm not who you think I am?



That I could get you out of the mess you're in?



Really? And what mess am I in?



The mess that makes you sneak around the

castle when everyone's asleep.



The cop?



See this? It's called a blood-splatter dart.



The impact's real, but it's harmless. Red paint,







I'm a secret agent.



Are you sure you don't want to embarrass me?



-Come on. -What's so funny about that?



I mean, look at you.



I work for the NSA.



You're funny, you know that?



Yelena, it's Kirill.



Yorgi found out that Cage is an American




Do you understand what I'm telling you? You

are in danger, my love.



The building across the street. The statue.



Bring him outside. I will do the rest.



What was that, your boyfriend?



Let's say you are who you say you are.



-What can you do for me? -What do you want?



I want immunity from prosecution, asylum in

the U.S. and citizenship.



How about a condo on South Beach and a rich




Those I can get for myself.



-What do you want? -I need to know more

about Anarchy   .



You want to know about Anarchy   ?



You've seen the girls, the clubs, the parties.



What you don't see is what goes on during the




There's been a lot of activity in the last year.

People coming in and out.



-Russian scientists. -Well, what are they up to?



They go in the basement and I'm not allowed




Now's a good time for you to get invited.



Yorgi knows you're an agent. Kirill is waiting

with his rifle.



-Where--? -Don't look!



There's a back door.



They'll know you warned me.



If you go out the front, he'll put a bullet in

your eye.



-You still packing? -Always.



Get ready to use it.



-What's your plan? -He's still in love with you.



-He'll wait for a clear shot. -That's your plan?

Thank you. Great.






He's on the way.



Gibbons! My favorite kidnapper. Next time

send a limo.



Oh, you've got to be kidding me.



You already broke me. No need to get cruel

and unusual.



A ticket? Now, that's funny.



-Where am I going to go now? -Home.






Your cover's blown. You're not useful.



That's it? I'm done?



No tricks. We have enough intel to move




-With what? -Sweeper team: quick, clean,




Don't worry about it. It'll all be over soon.



You mean a sweeper team to come in and kill




Not all of them are as bad as you think.



You had to shoot a cop. How "not as bad as I

think" could they be?



Okay, look.



We've got a complication. There's a girl.




There's always a girl.



She wants out and I sent her back in to get

more intel for you.



There's no time to play favorites. The cards

have been dealt.



What do you mean the cards have been dealt?



You don't even know her, man.



Oh, by the way, that bank number you gave




Your friends and Yelena have made some

large cash transfers...


            a group of Russian scientists known to

specialize and traffic...


            biological weapons.



-She had nothing to do with it. -Go home.



-She ain't--! -That's an order.



How's it going?



Life is shit!



Yeah, well what can you do?



Through this door, you are with us to the end.



-Are you sure that's what you want? -I'm sure.



This is Ahab. Think of it as solar-powered




It can circumnavigate the globe to reach its




It need only surface to gather sunshine and to

do its business.



What is it? What's its business?



Dropping off presents to all the good little boys

and girls.



My team will be finished tomorrow.



How about you?



We're finished now.






Bring the rockets.



The detonator is for you.



Yorgi! The binary agents are mixing...


            will kill us all!



Looks like little white mouse.



Bye-bye, little mouse.



My God.



They did their job and now they were liability.



We don't need anyone talking about our




The gas gets sucked through the extractor

fans, passed into water...



...and broken down to become, once again,

completely harmless.



So quiet.



I know now why they call it Silent Night.



Let's get some food.



Find out what's going on!



What the hell was that?



That works.



Fire in the hole.



Sova. What are you doing here, man?



First you set me up in the bar. Then you shoot

me in the back.



My boss does it to me. I did it to you. It's a

vicious circle.



-You think it's funny? -No.



You didn't take it personally, did you?



I did what I had to do to get in. We're on the

same side.



I'm sorry. I switched sides.



You pushed me too far. My government

doesn't pay as well as Yorgi.



My government pays twice as much--



Think you could just walk into the spy




-...and have all the angles figured out? -What

are you going to do, shoot me?



Where? In the head, to be quick?



Or in the chest for an open casket, so I can see

your heart?



Can I think about it?



What are you doing?!



I heard you talking. I could tell where you

were in the room.



What are you doing with the Ivans?



What's going on?



There's something I didn't have the time to tell




I'm an agent as well.



I'm an agent for FSB, Russian Intelligence.



You know, like your ClA.



-I've been undercover for two years. -Two




What was your plan, let them die of old age?



There was no plan.



A year ago, Intelligence gets reorganized, I

stop getting orders.



They forget about me. And I did what I must

to survive. You understand?



What do I understand? I've been an agent for

a week.



But my boss needs to know what we know




-Okay? -Okay.



The submarine's purpose is to deploy a nerve

agent called Silent Night.



It's been missing since the Soviet Union's

collapse in '  .



It can kill millions.



We knew they were up to something. You

found out.



-That's excellent work, Triple X. -There was

never a sweeper team.



If I said don't jump off the Empire State




-You're right. I'd definitely do it. -I inspired




I'm an authority figure, that's what I'm

supposed to do.



Look, my men are on this now.



-It's time for you to come home. -What about




I'm not authorized to give her asylum.



But I promise it'll be done by the time you get




Come home, Xander. That's an order.



How soon can Yorgi launch this thing?



You were told to go home! Your people are




How soon, Yelena?



Soon. But it's not our problem anymore!



If they get ahead of schedule, it's everyone's.



He's got an army, a fortress. You don't stand a




I've risked my life for stupid reasons. This is

the first one that makes sense.



This is not one of your stunts. You'll die in this,

you know that.



If you don't go back in there...



...he'll know something's wrong.



You can't ask me to go back there. You can't.



You want to know something ironic? I

volunteered for this assignment.



I wanted to make a difference.



I fought for it.



Then finish it.



Remember what I told you, after you kissed




-Never again? -I lied.



But when you break it down, I'm a simple




I'd be happy with a beautiful Czech girl--



Hey, geek! Got new orders from Gibbons. Get




-I want all that in here. -Done.



The castle's covered with surveillance cameras.



That's why we cannot get close enough.



Hang on. That's why I need to knock out the

communications tower...


            the base of the mountain.



Is there anyone here who knows how to fly a




I can.



Too much turbulence around these mountains!



Just get me in line with that tower!



I'll do the rest!



Go now!



Viktor! We got company!



Catch him fast. Kill him slow!



Nothing like fresh powder.



Yelena, my sweet dove, did you get confused?



Your assignment was to kill the cop after he

killed X.



Not good for undercover agent from Russian




I knew about you all along...



...and it was my pleasure to twist you and use

you how I saw fit.



And you.



Of all people, I thought you'd understand...



...what I'm trying to accomplish.



Can you imagine?



Imagine a city like Prague vanishing...


            a cloud of poison gas.



Then Hamburg, London, Washington.



Imagine not knowing who did it, or why. And

so they turn on each other.



These guys attack those guys. Those guys

invade these guys.



Soon, whole world implodes.



Imagine governments disappearing.



And in the end...



...imagine facing absolute, beautiful freedom.



But neither of you will be there to see it.



Like Viktor.



Like Kolya.



Cover me!



Get me out of this thing!



He took the hard drive. He's going to launch




Pick one.



Ivan, take out that nest!



You have to turn the safety off.



Hold them off as long as you can.



See you, my friend.



Come on, baby.



Stop! He's got us pinned down.






You got a bazooka!



Stop thinking Prague police and start thinking

PlayStation. Blow shit up!



This is not bazooka. This is heat-seeker rocket.






Set it.



The son of a bitch is smoking.



I told him that cigarette would kill him.



Learn how to shoot, piece of shit!



Quick! Help me pull him out!



It will hit the city in    minutes!



Guys. I need a helicopter.



I need transportation. I need a--



X, there you are. I gave you everything you




This thing will damn near fly now.



You screwed me. Gibbons didn't authorize this.



He'll hang us both out to dry.



-Agent Shavers. -Yeah?



I'm going to give you a field promotion.



Take over, finish the mop-up. You're in charge.



Yes, sir! I'm the man for the job! I won't let

you down!



Wait! Wait! Wait!



Almost forgot the manual. You'll need this.



Hey, X. Go kick some ass.



That thing must be going    mph! How do we

stop it?!



We can't! The controls are on the bubble




-You see it? -Yeah.



The hard drive's in there!



You got the manual. See if Shavers put in

anything we could use.



-He's got very bad handwriting. -Come on!



Flame throwers, mini-bombs, exploding

hubcaps, rocket launchers!



This is a tank. You can't use any of it on Ahab.



Silent Night only breaks down in deep water.



-I'll have to get on it! -What?



I'll have to get on it.



Our surveillance puts Ahab    minutes outside

of Prague.



-We should evacuate the city. -   minutes for

 .  million people?



Call air support. We may need to blow it out of

the water.



-If we hit that thing-- -This city will die.



And the crisis will be contained!



One city's better than   .



Another thing: A blue GTO is traveling parallel

to Ahab.



Shit! Does this road go back to the river?



Come on! Check the GPS!



Yes, it does! Fifteen miles at the town of




There's got to be something here we could




Harpoon gun, parachutes built into seats,

ejectable roof.



It's all useless!



How far are we?



The river is just beyond the next village.



I'm going through! Use the rocket launcher!



-Twenty-two! -Hit it!



That was a flamethrower! Use the rockets!



It's   ! I told you! I told you he had bad




Hit it!



Shavers loaded this thing. We're missing




There are more weapons here on the back.




-Take the wheel! -What? You're crazy!



The brake! The brake!



The gas! The gas!



X, what are you doing?



Five minutes to target.



X, talk to me! What are you doing?



-You said there was an ejectable roof. -Right




Hit it!



Shit! lt's out of range!



-There's a bridge! Cross the bridge! -Okay.



Come on.



Come on!



-Got you! -Yes!



-I wish I had a camera! -What you talking




This is gonna be one hell of a trick.



Three minutes to target.



One minute to target.



Move! Move! Move!



Out of the way!






Ten seconds to target.



Target in sight.



Call the jets off. Tell the jets to stand down!



Welcome to the Xander zone!



Zero contamination level. I understand, sir.

Zero contamination level.



You Yelena?



Mr. Gibbons.



I promised Xander you could go to America.



I'm a man of my word.



It doesn't make much difference now, does it?



He's alive! He's alive! Come here!



Get him out of there, double-time. Go! Move!



-Bora Bora! -What? I can't hear you!



Bora Bora.



You're getting burnt.



Xander, you there?



I know you're there, Xander. I've got you here

on satellite magnification.



Call me. We got a whole new thing to talk




Something very important has come up.



Oh, by the way...


            passed the test. The Gibbons test.



You gotta be kidding me.

Special help by SergeiK